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Everything posted by baja

  1. Yeah, as someone who also struggles with their own mental health, it rubs me the wrong way to see this suddenly being thrown out there as a reason to basically turn tail and flee. You gotta own up to your mistakes, even if its a colossal one like this. I saw the listing/post via ToyHouse myself when I was browsing the site some weeks ago and I worry that it might actually be the same design being tossed around outside of this double-dip sale they pulled. This particular design was the only Poofy design I saw them advertising via the forums. Sincerely hope that this is resolved in your favor.
  2. I'm not sure if the design has also been traded in addition to the double sale you're involved in? They're posting designs they've gotten in trades for sale and they make note of the value of a Poofylion design being the reason for the cost? Its kind of confusing so I sincerely hope they didn't try to dupe THREE people in to taking this design? They're going about this in a really uncomfortable way with their emotional manipulation. Were you able to file a chargeback for this purchase, or were you refunded at all? On top of that, I think, given the situation, it may be worth actually reporting them to TH staff because this is very much a scam and that's a LOT of money to "accidentally" get twice over. You cannot feign ignorance and blame your mental health as the reason for this when there's quite a bit of proof against them.
  3. Even with the conflicting references of the character, Camaro is clearly a COUGAR. There should be no ambiguity about the details when you know what animal to use as a base for the head! Even the example posted above shows that their wheelhouse is not in Big Cats. And this isn't the first time that Lemonbrat has taken it upon themselves to make calls on a commissioner's order without proper communication and discussion with the client. Camaro invested quite a bit and there were missteps but Lemonbrat played with a lot more money than a mere reference commission would warrant, their projection upon the client is not acceptable and if anything was uncalled for. This should have been communicated extensively between the two parties before making headway towards finishing the suit with their deadline. Multiple users have stated that their knowledge as suit makers should have been used to guide Camaro towards a mutual understanding, this clearly wasn't happening. There should be a complete overhaul on Lemonbrat's behalf to better their communication and delegation of the work put in to these suits. A project being passed down through multiple people of varying skill level does not bode well if there's issues that aren't being addressed, and then we end up with the suit that Camaro is expected to receive. If you're marketing yourself as a brand, set a standard and maintain it well, because all we're seeing as a collective community is that the standard is quite low, and it doesn't look like it'll get better. For the money spent on the project, you need to be on your A Game with your A Team, not trying to put out the fire once it's gotten out of control.
  4. baja

    Beware: Fytch

    If your issues stem from their website, they will act and remove the user in question/close their account. This is strictly speaking from ToyHouse's end of things. There was a user who exhibited a lot of questionable behavior via forums I used to admin, and eventually their behavior bled on to ToyHouse and dA. While my team and I had taken care of them on our turf, we couldn't do anything for other sites aside from letting them be aware that a user with a history of theft/scamming was active via their platform. The situation was handled via TH when they were reported en masse for their poor behavior. So they will act, as long as things stem from their end. If you were a victim via dA or another site and nothing happened via TH, then it is clear they can't do anything and won't be getting involved. If your stolen/scammed characters were uploaded to TH and you want them removed, they'll definitely be able to help you out; you just can't report someone as a third party x:
  5. baja

    Beware: Fytch

    I know it was sent as goods, but your message to them clearly says to not send payment as goods/services. If it was to avoid paypal fees, you're going to get yourself and others in trouble since that is STRICTLY against their TOS; its a minor fee which is the cost of essentially keeping the service free to use. The beware is absolutely valid, I am not disputing that at all. But it is an extremely poor business practice to expect to be paid for goods via the gifting option.
  6. baja

    Beware: Fytch

    Wait. Did you tell them to send payment as a gift? Clearly they didn't as there was an ability to file a claim, but uh... Don't do that? While the situation is bad with the theft, it doesn't look right to take payments as gifts when you're clearly selling them intangible goods s:
  7. Shantayz has a history of scamming & defrauding others in other furry communities so it does not surprise me in the slightest that she's taken on this stance. She started off on Furcadia, where she ended up stealing premium items and smaller things of the sort, but I definitely remember her butting heads with artists in the past too. Sadly, all of the records of her past discretions were lost when the forum I moderated for was shut down by our admin without our knowledge. But she is a troublesome individual, and her behavior hasn't changed in nearly a decade it seems. It's unfortunate that she lead you along like this and went for some severe emotional manipulation with you, but I will say in knowing how she has affected others, it is unlikely you will see your finished mod from her. With that said? You shouldn't have proceeded past the sketch phase on this piece without her showing you some form of WIP for the mod. The image is rendered now, but you have the sketch still? So perhaps you could repurpose it as a YCH for someone else to recoup the loss, if you're able to. For future pieces, be they art trades or commissions, be sure to fully watermark the piece, send a low-resolution version of the work to be done and do not finish it until you receive compensation for your work. You may lose out on something, even if you do take precautionary measures, but its easier to salvage a sketch vs a fully rendered piece >:
  8. You keep bringing up 'external issues', citing them as reasons for your aggression, but they are not included within the post. If it pertains to your circumstances with this commission, then they should have been included in your initial posting if you consider these things to be of great importance. You only continue to vaguely allude to them, but you do not provide proof of this conduct against you. The external situation either pertains to this situation or it doesn't, you should decide where you stand there vs continuing to prop something up that comes off very 'he said/she said'. If the things said are ultimately unimportant in the realm of this post, then you should drop them all together and not use them as a justification for yourself, plain & simple. The conclusions drawn are only to this point because of what we as a community can see in this post, with the information provided and your subsequent responses. Putting the onus on the community is kind of ridiculous when the burden of proof is on you as the OP to this caution post x:
  9. There were definitely missteps from the artist's behalf, but this is a situation where the both of you are at fault to some degree. You've acknowledged the issue that came up in the process of attempting to get the piece edited, which is fine. But your subsequent response after it wasn't up to your personal standard was out of line, imo. If they had been outright ghosting you for over a month, I'd say it was cause for alarm, but you hardly waited at all for her to get back to you, and in a way, you forced her into a corner and her reaction was justified to an extent. It's even worse that you pushed for a chargeback for the full amount. Looking at the artist's price range for this sort of work, it absolutely looks like it was a full refund request. Work was rendered, even with the communication falling apart with the unprofessional conduct on both sides, this is unacceptable. This alone would make me wary of ever working with you, or even recommending you to others as a client. It doesn't matter if you've commissioned 1 piece or 1000 pieces in the past, shit happens and you react in the manner *you* perceive is correct in the moment, but ultimately it isn't right. If I were you, I would take a step back and look at the situation objectively to see where you could improve on your manner of communication.
  10. While it has been a while, I see that you used a card to pay for this commission. Have you attempted to go through your card carrier about this purchase to get it reversed?
  11. You need to actually communicate your intentions with your inquiries. It isn't right that they ran off with your money, but just repeatedly spamming 'hi' and other generic greetings doesn't get the point across that you'd like to discuss your work with them. Friend or no, you hired them to provide a service and they failed to keep up on that. You should separate your friendship from business transactions to avoid miscommunications with an artist. It can be friendly conversation, sure, but this isn't the way I would conduct business with a friend. It's even worse because of the second post you made regarding this individual. While your intentions were good, you were taken advantage of by a 'friend' who shouldn't have asked so much of you without giving you what was initially due 😞
  12. The lack of a public queue, and the oversaturation of the private queue is a big hoo-eyyyy... No good. It is a beware well-warranted in regards to their practices, and they should be rightfully avoided. And while you are in the right to be frustrated with the situation as a whole, the artist was at the very least, transparent with you about the quality of the work you were going to get after the confrontation. In accepting the art you have shown in this post, I personally think it is null and void to bring up the quality of the work when the artist was clear they were going to rush your pieces within the timeframe given. It doesn't make them come off any better, but when pressed to produce something after leaving commissioners hanging, this is often the outcome a lot of people see. In this case, the artist flat-out told you what you were going to get. And, really, unless we have a reference of your character to compare the images you got with? I don't think there's much of a point to put the color swatches up as a point of contention with the art pieces you got. One of them is cel-shaded, while the other seems to have full render with ambient lighting, it isn't going to be one-to-one with whatever reference you've given. And not every artist may use the exact palette depending on how they will render the work. This is a rather, well, sour situation, but they were still up front with what you ended up getting.
  13. I sincerely hope, for your sake, that if they finish the commission, that it isn't rushed at all. For three plus years, that better be a quality product coming out of them because anything less is going to reflect poorly on them and their existing queue.
  14. Good on you for standing your ground on this matter! I believe someone else on the cross-post you made via Toyhouse suggested going to the bank about being able to get your refund that way? It might be a bit tough, but if you have a clear record of the money sent to them for your unfulfilled commission, I believe you'd be able to speak to your bank to get the charge reversed? Though that's a bit more legwork, but it's a possibility and not a bad idea to look for any avenue you can to get what you're owed either way.
  15. Here’s the thing about their TOS, and any TOS for that matter; it is not legally enforcable since they’ve not produced the product you paid for. If you had something to show for, and you were asking for a refund immediately, that’d be one thing. Dasker has strung you along for three years and all you keep getting are fake deadlines to placate you. You have been scammed like a number of customers before yourself. You paid for a service which has not been rendered, and likely will never be! If they refuse a refund, that is theft of your money! A TOS is absolutely NOT legally binding ESPECIALLY when it benefits them to take money from others in the way that they have! My percerption of your hang up on this fact makes me believe that you think this is 10000 percent legally binding and you cannot do anything, which is false. If someone runs off with your money and gives you squat for it, that is theft and no TOS in the world is going to cover their ass if you push for a refund for the product/service. Do not be scared to demand your money back, be firm in what you want; and the others bring up an excellent point. If you settle for your suit now, it’ll be rushed and left stained with the funk of this situation you were put through. It isn’t worth it to have that sitting on your mantle when you can reinvest your funds in to something else with a maker who is far more reliable and communicative with their customer base. Do not be afraid, ask for your money back. You have plenty of support for this option!
  16. it looks like Craig and Wolfram are pretty active on social media, so def try and see if Craig could help you out. I think I saw them advertising commissions via tumblr if I'm not mistaken.
  17. Is there a particular reason as to why Craigosaurus's paypal address is being used for payment processing? Do you think you have a shot at contacting them for any form of refund, cuz something about that just seems really odd and messy, to not be using their own account, and if anything, it puts their partner's business in jeopardy if her backlog is THAT ridiculous and she takes on more work.
  18. Oh it can absolutely be nerve wracking to take the initiative on that sorta thing! I've been there myself, but at the end of the day, the artist is running a business (and if they don't treat it as such? definitely look elsewhere for someone who will actually take their work seriously!) and they should have no reason to be nasty if a client is keeping things on the up and up! You paid for a service, and you are within your rights to ask for progress or if there's delays in the process. Some artists may take a negative approach, but if they get nasty when you just ask a question, it will reflect poorly on them and not you. And nine times outta ten, even if the work is nice, it tends to be tainted by the bad experience had by the artist you worked with. You did nothing to warrant their mistreatment, so don't be afraid to stick up for yourself in the future! There's always others out there that will be more than willing to take you up on a future commission <:
  19. It's super shitty on their part that they up and flounced, but I think you need to be more direct in your communication with an artist when it comes to your commissions in the future. Its one thing to just be open-ended and friendly, but as this was a business transaction, you should have lead with wanting to discuss the commission instead of just repeating 'Hey/Hi/Hello!' every time you wanted to speak to them. You can still be friendly, just drop a 'Hey, its been a while since I've heard from you! I was just checking in to see how the progress on my commission was coming along?' or something like that? It can be misconstrued by some people that the vague poking in DMs is just meant to be conversational vs professional. Still does NOT excuse them ghosting you, but its just a small suggestion for any future commissions you get ?
  20. The telegram screenshots are the only indication that the user is still around. Telegram gives an exact date if the user has it set to display as such, or it gives a rough estimation of their last activity. In March they were still using the program, though they were clearly avoiding messages. However, something interesting just popped up when I clicked the Telegram contact link in their twitter profile They have either deleted their account or changed their handle since this post went up. JinxWolf, do you still have your DMs open to confirm my hunch?
  21. In looking up one of their handles in your beware, all of their social media, including twitter, FA and patreon have gone dark since September of 2018. And their FA states that they took nearly 30 of those badge commissions? They definitely sound like they've gotten in over their head, but their patreon states that they were under the weather. I'm banking on the former, and that doesn't excuse that you've been ignored by their only currently active form of communication. By chance have you tried shooting them an email? Just to cover all of your bases to see what's been going on with them? Their email is listed on their twitter profile, so it couldn't hurt to drop a line there as well.
  22. Their organization for commissions of this scale comes off as rather sloppy. Suits are massive investments for both the Maker and the Commissioner, so to have the constant response of 'I forgot' and 'Are you this person?' just raises all sorts of concerns for me. Them claiming to have purchased the materials already, in spite of having to fully remake a suit due to oversights just raises even more questions on their process with these sorts of transactions. I hope you're able to get a refund soon.
  23. Since I'm not too sure how the new site works, and I'm not able to edit my goof out of my beware submission, I'd like to add that my refund has been properly processed and my business with BluHuny has officially concluded.
  24. It's such a loaded question because from a commissioner's point of view, it's really subjective what you'd personally price for the art. What you consider as a fair rate may not be viewed as such for the artist, especially if you're unfamiliar with how they work and how much time is spent on each respective piece. If someone were to respond to me with that, I'd just walk away since I don't want to potentially insult them. If they don't have any frame of reference, even if you go deep in the past with their gallery or journals (if applicable), who knows if they'd actually be professional with a commission should you give them a number and proceed :/a
  25. I agree whole-heartedly. After speaking to my local group regarding this transaction, not-so positive views came out about his attitude as an artist, and as it mirrored my experience, I opted to make a proper post so people aren't lead on by his practices. I find it EXTREMELY odd that there's no presence for his work, not on social media, not on FA, and not even his Patreon (which was omitted as it is inactive and not relevant to my situation), and that he chooses to work soley through these means. Every other page is just... inactive for months. He claimed my slot was sold? But I don't even know how his waitlist works, his Discord server is not big, its inactive and even in the waitlist post on telegram, it's just a post like the queue, it's not a chat group. Also if he was secured with how his queue is, he wouldn't need to replace my slot, someone else would move up and he could chug along with his massive queue. Just a lot about this doesn't sit right with me, and I really hope others can just flat out avoid him.
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