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Everything posted by baja

  1. Outside of Paypal's window, you are left without much recourse outside of contacting your financial institution (Depending on what you used with paypal to pay them) for a possible chance of recovering your money. Note: A 'no-refunds' clause is not legally enforceable, regardless of what terms you agree to when entering a contract with an artist. If they do not provide the service you paid for, you are entitled to a refund if you so choose, but remember to act before your 180 Day window closes. This is a hard lesson learned unfortunately.
  2. Again, please submit a post to us rather than submitting your updates through this other user's beware. Every comment you make here notifies the author of this post, and our entire moderating team. VosurAekira is offering you advice on the presumption that you have a claim to make as a CLIENT who has been scammed for non-delivery of goods. You cannot use Paypal's claims system to force the client to pay you for the other transactions that pertained to your particular circumstances. To avoid any further confusion, again, we are asking you to submit a FRESH BEWARE to bring further visibility to this individual's practices as a nefarious client.
  3. A comment has not been posted for not following our Guidelines, specifically the following: 6. External links will be declined. External bewares: Submissions that are simply "here is my link to my beware on (external site) will be declined. Please post your information to us. If you have had a similar experience with this particular client, we strongly advise you submit a formal Beware to us. Additional entries on an individual's tag help with visibility for our community at large and for anyone else who may have encountered this particular client. Thank you.
  4. While it's listed as a donation, I as a user of the service, had to go in and mark my transactions as "processed" back when I used the service, and iirc I was able to issue a refund if needed. Though to confirm is a bit difficult since I'm long out of that window, unfortunately! So its not exactly the same as the traditional method of receiving a donation through the platform. As guppygoopy here was using the service for commissions, the OP has a strong case to attempt to get their money back. Ko-fi also happens to offer a commissions widget on their platform, but as far as I am aware it is only limited to Paid users of the platform, not so much the rest of the userbase.
  5. Ko-fi transactions aren't explicitly donations through paypal, fees are taken out and it would be possible to dispute a transaction in this case. It can be a bit confusing given the wording and how the platform is used, but as someone who's used the service in a similar manner, it's essentially like any normal service transaction paid through paypal.
  6. A comment was not posted due to being in violation of Rule #2: 2. No excessive personal information. This subforum is for positive experiences with artists. If your experience with a subject was different different, then you may submit a formal beware for our team to review. Do not submit you own beware within the comments of another user's thread or beware, we will not be approving them for public view. Thank you.
  7. My understanding with CashApp and things like it is that refunds happen at the discretion of the recipient? But you also need to have a card or payment method linked to use the service, iirc? While it IS a long shot, have you attempted to go through the institution you used for the payment? (i.e. your bank or card company)
  8. We have confirmed some of the aliases associated with this Bewaree's past business and have amended tags accordingly to reflect this. However, we are issuing a strong disclaimer to exercise caution when looking up the Bewaree: Many of their pages have very explicit NSFW materials associated with them and their business, if you feel the need to look into them, we strongly advise you do so with Safesearch ON or at your own discretion.
  9. While it is admirable that you are attempting to make amends with this client, it is not always a guarantee that a poster will be religiously checking a post they have made. This client of yours no doubt has other means of contact that can be easily seen on their FA profile, we advise that you look into these to resolve your matter with them. Please keep in mind that when you make multiple comments in succession it notifies our entire team for approval.
  10. The Mod Comment was not directed at you, it was directed at other users who have attempted this. Comments that post an Entire Beware are not approved, and therefore are not visible to users such as yourself.
  11. Just a reminder for any future replies, we'd like to reiterate: If you have also had issues with a subject of a beware, please submit your own post. Additional bewares on the same subject help visibility and the community at large by contributing to the tags. Do not attempt to piggyback onto another user's post with a full beware within the comments. Any comments of this nature will not be approved.
  12. Even with a language barrier, the artist was clear about their availability and the work they had to do first before taking on this client. The client was openly abrasive when the work began, which wasn't even a month after they initially reached out to Takaneru. Language barriers can account for mixed signals at times, but there's no need for hostility to this degree. It was just uncalled for.
  13. Bornes has covered it succinctly, but if I have a less than stellar experience with an artist, I make a point to not use the art. A lot of the time I will just let the work sit on my HDD with the name of the individual but I won't give any official posting of the work attention just to put it behind me. If someone asks me who did the work, and I have happened to had it uploaded prior to any sort of fallout or new info, I'm always the sort to give proper credit to the person who did the piece, but you can always say you don't recommend working with them. If its something that bothers you, you can always remove your own uploads from public view for piece of mind. And heck, if you even want to go to this extent, you can ask an artist to leave your name off an upload if they're going to display what they made. Though the latter would vary on an individual circumstances, etc etc. tl;dr, A piece can be beautiful, but carry bad vibes. I send those bad vibes away and look to greener pastures.
  14. I never said that the customer did, this is a general response to prevent the greater audience at large from misinterpreting the policy as you have it presently written.
  15. Take language fluency out of the equation and make it about a general difficulty in communication hindering the process. If you cannot properly communicate with a client, be it due to a language barrier or their refusal to adhere to your terms, then you reserve the right to cancel the commission and refund accordingly. Rewording it can distance yourself from the misinterpretation of it being a race-related matter, of which it is not, but as someone who is ESL, I can see how it might be interpreted that way.
  16. If others have been experiencing these issues with this artist, we strongly suggest that you make your own beware post so it adds to her tag here, as it will highlight awareness on our site. Please abstain from doing a beware write-up in the comments of someone else's post. While many are outside of Paypal's protection period, you may have other avenues, as in speaking with your bank/card issuer to try and force a refund via other means. On the other hand, if there are multiple claims made on her paypal, it may be possible to see a refund. This is rare, and we're only seen this happen if the individual has a large amount of claims filed against them. Many years ago, Pirate-Cashoo (Who has since caught up with their work and turned it around) was the most notable example where we saw retroactive refunds, but it took a lot of people being affected by her to have this outcome.
  17. You have to be direct or just take the loss at this point. Past the point of Paypal's Protection period, you're SOL on being able to get a refund and you are entirely at the whims of this individual.
  18. The SpacePupper account was the one that was in-charge of the Queue channel. So, it was gone after the timeframe noted in the screencap I took. A shame that this is how it turned out for you, it's a frustrating thing to see 😞
  19. Changed Where to https://twitter.com/jorss_ Changed Resolved to Yes
  20. A comment was not posted because it is in violation of Rules 1 & 2 respectfully: Any attempts to update this post with commentary of this nature will be hidden automatically. If you have had a positive experience with another artist that you would like to share with the community, we encourage you to make a post about it in our Positive Reviews subforum. All posts are subject to our rules for participation, so we implore you to keep things civil, concise and to the point.
  21. A lot of artists appreciate any sort of visual reference you can give them. So say you might not be the best artist out there, but if you can rough out a concept with key details you want to see on your character, its a huge help that supplements any reference images you provide (i.e. clothing, body type, etc). I have a penchant for including body scars or markings not immediately visible over clothing, so I'm the sort of person who makes a crude base as to where i want to see these markings, n such. When it comes to character sheets, I personally look over an artist's previous works if they offer that sort of thing. Its not a bad reference point to say you'd want a refsheet in a format they have offered in the past; i.e. Standard front-back, maybe an alternative outfit, it all depends on what you're ultimately looking for.
  22. It's rather uncommon for an artist to ask the client for their age, and often I see that in the TOS there is a reference to this along the lines of: "By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge you are above 18 yrs of age." Or something like that. You're expected to read the TOS before an artist agrees to take on your commission, so you're expected to do your due diligence as a client, even if the artist isn't going around IDing people at the start of the process. So in a way its going off of an honor system, and the presumption that you are an adult who has access to the payment method accepted. Paypal requires all users to be 18 yrs old to maintain an account, as do most of the popular money transfer services if I'm not mistaken. Here's a topic from a bit ago that covered this from the Artists' perspective on the matter, it might bring you some insight on how its handled from the other end.
  23. Please note that we will deny a submission of a beware via a comment if this is what you are intending to. If you have also had issues with this artist, we advise that you submit your own beware to inform others of your circumstances. While we can see that this behavior is a pattern, it is for the best to add to the tag to showcase the experiences each commissioner has had with an individual rather than piling on to someone else's entry. Additionally, having more entries within the individual's tag will highlight them within our system's tag cloud for heightened visibility.
  24. Hey OP? Have you heard any update in this case? I got a notification from the telegram group regarding the inactivity, so if you and anyone else was waiting for a piece from Bluhuny, it's likely that they just up and bailed entirely. Note, this was an automated message sent by telegram and not an update from BluHuny themselves.
  25. baja

    Caution: TeaEel

    I would err with caution at doing this to the artist unprompted, as it be viewed as harassment. The artist is aware of the policy but chooses to push on regardless, that's their prerogative. Not a good one, but it is still theirs. What I believe is lacking here, overall, is understanding and clarification as to the whys of the Paypal TOS and why their personal terms clash with it. OP here gave them the heads up, but we're dealing with a language barrier and tone is easily lost over text, especially if we're dealing with text translators. Personally, I think it would benefit them if someone were to note the risks of them doing their business this way, but that's more up to someone who is entering in business with them. Not passerbys from this post.
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