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About Me

  1. I began the commission process with p0pr0ck on August 23, 2022, for a 3/4 suit including head, paws, tail, feet, legs, and additional armsleeves for $1600. I paid in two consecutive installments of $800 through Paypal on August 24 and August 25 2022. Naively, I did not ask to pay goods and services, and paid through friends and family as requested by the maker (this was my mistake). The maker had a public trello linked in their bio, so I was aware she had a few projects ahead of me, and knew it would be some time before my suit was started so I waited a few months before reaching out. However, per the screenshots provided, I had to borderline beg for communication, deadlines, and updates. I'd send multiple messages over the course of weeks that would go unanswered for long periods of time. I was hopeful when p0pr0ck began to send frequent updates around mid-late April 2023, as she was working on the head of the suit. Once the tail, head, and paws were finished, we mutually agreed p0pr0ck should send the mini partial out, however it took nearly a month after completion for her to send out the suit and for me to recieve it. With the absolute battle that communication was, and some of the messages p0pr0ck had been sending me about her personal life, I opted to settle for the mini partial and get a partial refund for the parts I did not recieve (feet, legs, arms). She had since updated her pricing ladder, however, so I had to manually calculate the cost between a mini partial vs a 3/4 suit in her old prices vs her new ones to find what the refund cost should be. I calculated it should be about $673. This number was agreed on by p0pr0ck. It then took another few months to hear back from her on my question about ETAs on the refund. The first $100 of the refund was recieved on September 6, 2023, with a message from p0pr0ck detailing she had sent it. The second installment came in September 20th, 2023, but this time with NO alert message from p0pr0ck. There was them more periods of radio silence before the 3rd installment was sent on April 3rd, 2024, again with no messages sent from p0pr0ck indicating she had sent it. Finally, around August of this year, p0pr0ck posted to her story for commissioners to message her on telegram, citing DM troubles with Instagram. I recieved one reply from her on August 9th, 2024, and have heard nothing back since. Given that the refund was agreed to on June 17, 2023, I have now been trying to get my partial refund for a total of 15 months, nearly 16 months, at the time of writing this beware.
  2. Fursuit Maker and I agreed on a commission for one fursuit head. I paid them 450$ on the date of Feb. 24 2023 via paypal. Maker specifically requested payment using the "friends and family" option, making it impossible to get a refund through paypal... they said it would be done “March-April”, or about 2 months. Payment was made in full. Maker promised to make a head mock-up day of payment, which never happened. Maker promised the following deadlines: DEADLINE 1: Completion March-April 2023, said on Feb 25 2023. (see above) DEADLINE 2: Said they would begin in May 2023 (1 month after the first deadline.), said on Mar. 23 2023. DEADLINE 3: September 2023 (7 months after first deadline), said on Aug. 10th 2023. DEADLINE 4: would be done around Oct-November (9 months after first deadline), said on Oct. 4 2023. DEADLINE 5: Said they would try to finish by the end of the year, December (10 months after the first deadline). Said this on Nov 13 2023. All dates were missed. A 3D base was never designed, nor printed, thus Fur was never cut, etc. Maker saved only 3 reference images of the character despite me sending multiple, which implies they never intended to start work, as the updated photos had key design notes. As stated earlier, The maker made no concept images or 3d base designs, despite agreeing to do so on the date of payment. Maker told me they printed the headbase of my suit on Jan. 12 2024 (11 months after the first deadline..) but never sent an image. Maker tried to resolve the issue by promising to begin work and add paws + tail to my order, but I declined the tail so it wouldn't take as long. Maker never began the paws. I would understand if they had to halt work upon beginning my suit, I would be patient, and I have been; However they made no attempts or plans to work on my suit until Mar. 15 2024 when I had suggested I was being scammed, because I genuinely had no reason to believe I'd ever get my suit. They claimed to have printed out a base for my suit but I never saw it. Maker offered to send a free fursuit base for the wait time; I declined, and just requested my money back. Maker agreed to a refund on April 1 2024, with a deadline refund date of July 1 to pay (their own words.) No money has been received. they have ignored my messages and I suspect I have been blocked by them on Telegram. (My last message came from a complete lapse in judgement due to a build-up of frustration. I should not be so accusatory or speak in such a rude way.) I understand that their work is good quality, but their business practices are absolutely unacceptable. If they cannot even BEGIN my suit after more than a YEAR, they should not be taking new commissions. They have been working on other suits, but have never touched mine. I understand some clients are more important than others and I would not be complaining if I had waited less than a year for only a head. TL;DR Commissioned Navy for a fursuit head. Maker promised and missed 5 deadlines over the span of a year and a few months. Navy told me they printed my base, but I was never shown said base. They offered to add paws to my order for my wait, which I agreed. After a year without any work, I confronted them and requested a refund. Navy promised to refund my 450$ by July 10 2024, and then never responded to me again. ___________________________
  3. Full-body plantigrade fursuit commission commissioned on May 30th 2022 which until today (June 21st 2024) has not been delivered. First contact was on Reddit as a comment to my post where I was looking to gather information on how expensive a fursuit of my fursona would be, see reddit post below /u/Kiromu_uwu responded with prices: I've decided to contact them via DMs on reddit. Previous work was shown on Discord. (Note: Their TikTok account has been suspended for reasons unknown) We discussed further details, then agreed to sign a simple contract. It entails a 50% down payment. First payment occurred on May 30th 2022, second payment on October 4th 2022. Fursuit updates were regular, on average once every month, enough to keep me satisfied. Progress was well communicated through Discord, even setbacks. This was kept up until early 2024, where communication ceased, right after personal issues were mentioned and at the same time affirmed that they have recovered from said issues on April 7th. March 10th is the last time I got any proper fursuit progress updates. April 7th was the last time they sent any message. I kept requesting updates, having grown anxious from their mention of medical issues, attempting contact via E-Mail even. Unfortunately, I have not received any response for several months now, even though I saw their status on Discord being online playing video games. Unfortunately, due to PayPal not accepting disputes/ claims for transactions older than 180 days, and my bank not considering chargebacks for transactions older than 13 months, I am unable to recover my funds. I left a final message on Discord, no longer believing any resolution can be reached.
  4. I started interacting with this artist because I fell in love with a pre-made design that she was wanting to develop into a suit (she has now changed the description of the post as just a character she owns, but was once a ref sheet for sale to make a suit from. The comments on the submission show that it was once for sale, but don't give any real detail on the original description). I started messaging about it asking to purchase. We spoke through notes on furaffinity.net, getting the details of the commission down. I was told there were 14 commissions ahead of me, but once my commission was started it would be completed within 2-3 weeks, and she explained my payment plan to me. $200 per month after the 35% non-refundable deposit. I ended up changing my mind and asked to have the commission done of my own character, to which she agreed. I was sent an invoice for $5600 through PayPal. She confirmed receipt of my 35% deposit Nov 3rd, 2019. Reference for the new character: I paid $200 monthly, sometimes a little more if I could afford it, and was able to pay off the last of it in one lump sum on May 15th, 2020. Once I was able to pay off the entirety of the suit, I kept up with her on Twitter, where she was clearly more active at the time. I just figured it would be easier to contact and also I really don't like the format of FA notes. Things were okay, for a while. She responded within a reasonable amount of time. She did explain things had slowed down due to the pandemic, which I completely understood. But after that is when everything started going downhill. I know it takes a while to make these things so I only messaged every now and again when I remembered the commission, or if I got on Twitter and saw she updated on someone else's suit. But then an ENTIRE YEAR passed with no updates at all. And I had some things come up and thought it would be better to just get a refund since I had already waited two years with no results. She responded within a few days and apologized for not sending me any updates because she wanted to dump it all at once. I thanked her for her response, and said that if it's already been started then I won't cancel. I heard nothing after this until Feb 2023, when I asked for another update. This time she sent a picture of a carved head, which wasn't in the style I was expecting from her previous works, so I asked for an adjustment and she agreed. I ask for an update at the end of the year and get no response. I wait until Feb 2024 and she ended up leaving me on read. I message again in March 2024 telling her that I'm pretty much fed up and I'm going to look into legal action. I messaged her on Twitter and on her website, furitup.com. This is the email conversation. She begs me to give her another chance even though this all should have been completed within one month of her starting the handpaws. I explain my frustration and tell her the requirements for me continuing this commission. She gave herself about 19 days to fully finish a head and digitigrade body suit. I have not sent a dtd (as I was never given an address to begin with) and ask for an address so I can have one made and sent asap. I never got aresponse. April comes and I've still heard nothing. So I send another message through Twitter. Nothing. May comes and I've had enough. I tell her to stop production on anything and send it to me, finished or not, and she can send me the rest of my money. Today is May 20th 2024 and I have not received anything on FA, Twitter, or email. I will be emailing her again and repeat what I said in Twitter dms. This is my first commission experience and I want to know if any of what happened is normal or to be expected.
  5. On Feb 26th, 2019 I submitted an application to OFA (Onefurall) for a full suit of my character. I got a response a few days later (Feb 28th, 2019) stating the ETA (24+ months or 2 years) and approval for the slot. I paid the deposit and was placed in the queue As time went on, I reached out about changing my character, questions about the queue, and making more payments towards the suit. I gave another payment of $500 in this timeframe as well. After some scattered back and forth over the months, I started getting curious about the inability to get a solid answer about the queue or the fact that there is no public queue in the first place. Email response from OFA was starting to take much more time as well. The response I was given did not address the queue length or an updated timeframe for my project. There was still time before my position in the queue. However, my concern and curiosity were sparked even harder by finding old beware posts on this maker. At this time, the correspondence manager on telegram was stepping down and being replaced by a new one. I was also given a new second ETA (Dec 2022) since my first one was past due. I reached out to the new manager, Cowenn, and communication continued in telegram. In April, my friend (Who had also commissioned OFA) transferred full ownership of her slot to me. I had high hopes for OFA and took ownership of the slot and her part of the payment ($1702.50). After a few months of slow response from OFA, my friend's slot was rolled onto mine for one character. The official email I made for this change. The rollover of the slot was confirmed by Onefurall ($1702.50 added to my $2225) from my friend giving her partially paid slot to me. At this point in time, the total spent for the project is $3,927.50 and the first ETA for the suit (March of 2021) had been passed by 19 months. The second ETA for Dec 2022 was coming up soon. The communication was lacking at best and I was not being given updated information about the project or where it sat. After attempting to reach out in December I am finally able to get a response. I submitted my measurements and waited, thinking that my project must be ready to start by now. Months pass with no response, so I have to reach out via email to the studio to get contact. (Some information is covered to protect sensitive personal information) Communication stops again. The response does not have a timeframe or any solid assurance that the suit is ready to start. At this point I am disappointed and my trust in the company has dropped to near zero. The bewares I had read in the past all reflected the same behavior from this company and I no longer wish to do business with OFA. I contacted them for a full refund for the two slots that I have full ownership over. I have sent two more emails (see below) stating my intentions and I had hoped to quietly part ways with them. To the day of writing this beware (6/15/2023) OFA has not been in contact about the refund, and I feel like making this beware is well warranted. I will keep this updated as time goes on. I would like OFA to make this right by giving me a full refund ($3927.50, the total of both slots rolled into one that I have ownership of) or the full refund minus the cost of the furs purchased for the project plus shipping and sending the purchased furs to me.
  6. PLEASE NOTE: In any screen cap dated after April 4th 2019 I had moved and there is now a 5 hour time zone difference between she and I. (this means that it may seem like I am messaging very early, but for her it is 5 hours ahead of my time stamp.) I was directed to Tamsin (Tammy) via a friend from whom I was purchasing a fursuit head. I had wanted to commission matching hands/tail/arm sleeves in time for Confuzzled. Tammy and I discussed prices and materials and I agreed to pay once I got paid. (The total was 130 GBP which is about $160 USD). I paid promptly upon getting my pay check: After I sent the payment there was apparently a hold up in paypal where they wouldn't release the money to her until I marked the item as shipped with no tracking needed. I was concerned but did as she asked since I had no reason not to trust her. She specifically stated that she needed the money released so she could order the materials quicker. I had some issues come up and ended up not being able to go to CFZ (Confuzzled). Due to this I expressed that I did not need them finished by the con deadline. I was still under the impression that she had already ordered the materials because that was why she needed me to promptly release the funds into her account. After the con passed I didn't hear from her, so contacted her in order to set up a deadline. She expressed that it was a bit hard to do the deadline I suggested because of work/school. I tried to compromise and just prioritize the most important parts first. By June 14th I was starting to feel a bit ignored, as I would see them online and they would check my messages and not respond. The friend who had originally sent me to them (Cas as mentioned in screen shots) mentioned that there were some issues between the two of them at CFZ, and I became afraid that she wasn't communicating with me because of my friendship with Cas, as I had been told that she was answering other messages. I admit that my behavior was a bit pushy in these screen shots, but I have been burnt several times by fursuit builders and was feeling anxious. We agree here on a Halloween deadline and I express that I will make a new ref with the updates I had previously discussed. I make sure to mention that I absolutely must see some sort of work started in July, since they said they would probably start mid July, due to my paypal protection window. I am still fine with the Halloween completion deadline, but just need to see some sort of progress, or materials to show the project is in the works. They express they are stressed due to personal issues. Concerned that this commission is adding onto their stress, I offer to just take a refund in parts if they are no longer interested or have the motivation/time to work on the parts. At this point she starts to seem a bit aggressive, so I inquire as to her having purchased the materials in case we need to work out her shipping them to me and subtracting the cost of shipping/materials from a refund. I was told by our mutual friend that she didn't actually buy the materials, and so I requested pictures from her in order to just prove that she had bought the items needed, as that was the whole reason she asked me to release the funds, so that she could more swiftly buy the materials. At this point she makes excuses one after another on why she can't provide pictures. I give her a deadline on when I must see materials. I agree to a Wednesday deadline to see the materials that week and reiterate that she said she needed the funds to order materials promptly. At this point SHE offers the refund and expresses when her paydays are. I feel this was done because she had never bought the materials and knew she couldn't provide proof in the time frame requested. At this point I feel I am being scammed and lied to, so I agree to the refund and offer her the option of half and half payments on the 27th of each month. I leave her alone for the rest of the month until the 27th where I then message her and remind her of my email. I see her active all day and get no answer while our mutual friend confirms that she's been answering their messages. They finally respond and claim they were working and then go silent again. I get a bit snippy and let them know that I will just file a dispute if I don't get the half payment on the promised day. She finally makes time to attempt to pay me and then gets upset about paypal fees based on currency differences. I try to remedy this by adding GBP to my paypal options, but it still charges a fee, which I tell her I will cover. She sends the first half of the refund, I confirm I got it and then leave her alone until July 25th, where I just send a reminder of the email for the refund. After contacting on the 25th of July 2019, Tamsin expresses that she needs a bit of an extension on the payment time because she is at a con. I thank her for letting me know and leave her alone until the day that SHE set as the new payment day for the final half of the refund. I decided to send an invoice for the remainder to see if that would keep her from having to pay a fee on her end. She claims she can't pay and cancels the invoice. I express that I am not really wanting to wait longer, as I already extended the deadline to Monday (which was the day SHE asked for). I give in and ask her to give me a definite deadline on when she can pay. She ignores me and I wait till the next day (July 30th ) to message her again asking for a definite deadline again. She says she couldn't pay because she had bills. I express that I am unwilling to wait another month because I feel at this point she is jerking me around. (Our mutual has expressed that she' had been spending money on frivolous things, so I felt I was being jerked around and scammed.) She makes a snippy comment about "not relying on her as a source of income" and it really rubbed me the wrong way. I got extremely upset and rather argumentative, as I felt that her statement was in direct contrast to her own behavior, (taking my money and spending it at an event while not even purchasing my materials). Our conversation deteriorated quickly. She continues to claim she bought fur but cannot provide any proof (pictures, receipts, tracking on shipments, etc), and completely twists the situation to paint herself in a better light. (Claiming I wanted a refund because I was broke, when she was the one who chose a refund over just providing proof of the materials that she swears she has bought.) At this point I feel that I am being jerked around and that she has no intention of paying me at all, so I decide to take things to Paypal and open a dispute. I know due to me changing email addresses between payment to refund, that it will dispute for the full amount paid. My intention was to simply send her back the half she had refunded previously once Paypal handled the transaction if she was unwilling to work something out. She proceeds to completely go ballistic once the claim puts a hold on her account. She claims she was going to pay me aft 8 because she was waiting on our mutual friend to pay her for something. This is information that she NEVER once brought up until I filed a claim. She in fact explicitly stated that she didn't know when she'd be able to pay. I initially refuse to cancel the claim because I don't trust her at this point and know that she is a liar. I attempt to make arrangements for the mutual friend to just pay me directly but he can't, as he is doing a bank transfer to her instead of paypal. They claim they will send the money as soon as I cancel the claim and their account comes out of the negative. I make the mistake of trusting them because I am not out to hurt someone, just want what is owed me. Big mistake. I cancel the claim and she ghosts me completely. I send a couple of reminders and get nothing. Cas (the mutual) confirms later in the week that they already paid her, and I still am getting nothing from her, either messages or money. I decide to try to be nice and just leave her alone except to send a reminder on the 16th asking if I will get pair, then left her alone for the rest of August until the 27th and message her again to see if I can get this finished. As of now she has read the messages and still refuses to respond. She has been active on her Instagram (selling adopts primarily), but has failed to answer or send the money. In summary, she is a liar, a scammer, and a thief and I hope that no one else ever has to deal with her or falls for her lies. The below screen caps show her publicly available information / social media accounts so that hopefully others can avoid her.
  7. In April 2022 I met Kittbites at a party at my college. She said she was open to doing my commission after she took care of some things. I commissioned her because she said she would be able to finish my suit in time for Megaplex 2022, in early August. I took a little while to think about it, and then confirmed that I wanted to buy from her on May 15th. Three days later the invoice was paid. The total price was a fursuit head for $800, handpaws for $200 and a tail for $200. (I should first mention that this post is going to be very long. Kitt strung me along for almost an entire year while holding onto over a thousand dollars, and after finding out she has an extensive history of scamming, I just managed to get under half of that back, as well as a barely finished product, under the threat of legal action.) At first things were fine. But within a couple of weeks Kitt's responses began to become more and more sparse. This would set the precedent for the rest of our interactions, and it only got worse from there. It should be noted that Kitt was up front about some personal issues that she was going through at the time, which I have tried as best I can to leave out of this post. The problem is that over time it became clear she was using these problems as an excuse to not work on my commission. I know this because I was later able to find other examples of her work that were completed around this time. I will do my best to leave these issues out of this post regardless. I was a little upset that she left for two whole weeks at this point, but she eventually got back to me with correspondence. The suit was progressing along pretty well at this point, and Kitt was still responding in a semi-timely manner. Unfortunately, it wasn't long before the fur was lost by Fedex. I'm fully aware this isn't Kitt's fault, and I'm including this to give her the benefit of the doubt that she could have gotten my suit finished by August. (Also I hate Fedex) Eventually August rolled around. It became clear Kitt probably wouldn't have the entire suit finished in time. I remained hopeful. On August 1st Kitt gave me this update. "I have most of the fur sewn." This implies that she barely did any work on the suit from this point onwards. Shortly after this Kitt had some stuff happen in her personal life, and wasn't able to finish ANY of the suit on time. A few days later, Kitt completely dissapeared. August 8th was the last I'd heard from her, and I didn't hear from her again until September 12th. Due to the rules of this website I am not allowed to disclose where she went, but suffice it to say that she left the internet for the time. She gave me no warning that this could or might happen, and when she came back she gave a half-hearted apology. At this point I was beginning to get suspicious of her, but I had no recourse in the event that she take my money and run, so I was forced to smile and feign forgiveness. Unfortunately she immediately left again for another two weeks. The upper texts of the first image here are from September 15th. Then another week. Kitt then showed some more progress with the suit, including a fully furred head, but she got sick immediately after. However, she promised she would be able to have the suit delivered by November. I won't provide the screenshot of this mainly because it almost exclusively consists of cities and events Kitt and I are local to. However, I can show that she ghosted me again throughout the month of November: Kitt then promised she would have the suit done by Christmas. After leaving for another 2 weeks, some more "stuff" happened. At this point I was fully convinced that she was making things up, and was about ready to confront her about her making me wait almost seven months at this point. It was 4 days before Christmas and she sent me a picture of the "finished" head. I honestly really didn't like it but at this point I just wanted to get it over with so I said it looked fine. I had a separate friend who edited fursuits and I was planning on just having them finish any changes I didn't like. Kitt then decided to cancel half the order, deciding to refund me less than the original $200 I paid for both the handpaws and tail. Christmas came and went without any kind of correspondence, and I finally put my foot down. On January 7th I brought up the prospect of legal action. Kitt did not address this in any way. Through some investigation I also discovered that she had a commission manager this entire time that she neglected to tell me about. I messaged them and they immediately got her to send the unfinished fursuit head. This was about the best outcome I could have hoped for and at this point I wanted this all to be over with so I didn't contest it. This was also the last straw, and I gave her a final deadline of March 15th, 2023 to BOTH send me the suit and give me a refund of 500 dollars that I could use to pay my other friend, who would finish the suit. Kitt's manager responded much quickly, and was able to almost immediately get Kitt to send me what she had finished. The package arrived a few days later. Here was Kitt's finished product: This all but confirmed my suspicions that Kitt had barely even been working on my fursuit since August-November, and only found time to work on it with repeated pestering. Even at the time that I told her to stop and send me an unfinished version instead, she had over a month to continue from being "almost done." In any case, I now had her legal name and number on the shipping box, and was fully intending to report her in for what technically constituted as a felony. Kitt stopped texting me for almost an entire month before the deadline, but on March 13th, she finally got me my refund. I genuinely wasn't expecting her to. In conclusion, Kitt almost stole $1,200 from me, led me on for almost an entire year by taking advantage of my sympathy, and in the end somehow did the bare minimum in delivering an UNFINISHED product. It took the threat of police action to get her to do anything. Please for the love of god do not commission her. She has a history of this and I only happened to be lucky enough to be local to her and able to contact local authorities. In addition, she has dropped her commission manager and there is now no way of contacting her in a way that will get a reliable response back. Good night.
  8. The original conversation have been deleted (not by me) from Telegram after a lost of account from the vendor (said by him in the chat convo - p1). I've found him on Twitter after many months, where the conversation continue. The order was a pair of hand paws. From 14 April 2020. Original Transaction Date from Paypal history I have WIP and pictures showned of the progress. (in attachment, convo - p2, p3, p4) But as time moved on, I propossed an alternative for the maker to just sent everything done or not, if he were unable to complete. He accepted. Since then, I made along multiple months several reminder about the shipping. The last message were not responded nor seen.
  9. On 11/19/2020 I purchased an artistic liberty fursuit head from BeastworksStudiosLLC(aka Beastworksfx) for 400 USD. Time passed by. In May 2021, I noticed they had closed their etsy shop. I emailed them, concerned and for an update. I did not get a reply. I emailed them again in the beginning of June 2021. I got no response. About a week later in June, they posted on their instagram that they were closing their business and liquidating the shop. They were going to give refunds and send out uncompleted orders. He instructed his clients to email him in an instagram post. (I do not have the post screenshot, but I did manage to save one where he mentioned he saw my email in the comment section.) I emailed him, as instructed. I heard back from him a week or so later. He offered to set up a repayment plan with me. He said he could refund me in installments, if I was interested. I emailed back and accepted his offer, but there was no further contact. (Personal Info is Censored) In November 2021, I attempted to email him. His email address cannot be found. His instagram currently named, BW2021closed, is not active and posts deleted. Beastworksfx website has also been deleted. They have cut off all means of contact.
  10. The artist messaged me on Twitter after I made a post looking for paws and a tail to commission. I explained to the artist it was going to be a complicated build but they didn't seem concerned. We talked about details and agreed to a price. They said they could get started right away. I asked for a TOS and photos of previous work. They sent a TOS vis Google docs and pictures of other suits. They asked I send payment via PayPal friends and family (i didnt know the difference and thought i was helping as it reduced fees). As I am new to this I didn't know the signs of what to look for so I sent over payment. The next day I decided I also wanted feet paws. So we discussed that as well. So I sent over a second payment for them. I am now in the hole $1020. They do not have a website, a trello, or any other legitimate business profile, they are using a stolen profile picture and the pictures of the suits they have sent were bogus and not their creations. They have changed their Twitter handle from HD suitz to rldhh. They have since stopped communicating. BEWARE.
  11. I met Finley at AnthroCon while they were running a booth in the Dealer's Den. There were suiters attending the con in suits that Finley had made, and the tails they had on display were of good quality. We talked for a while about pricing a fullsuit, how long delivery dates were, how deep the queue was. At that point, I decided to commission a Full Digitigrade suit from them for $1600. Communication was great until December, at which basically all communication ceased. The only reason that Finley responded here was because I had 2 emails: I am open to marking this Beware as "resolved" if and when the refund has been processed on PayPal. New information as of 7/1/2019. I was promised a refund (partial in June, the rest in July). Finley has not been in contact since those promises were made. I've attached the email conversation below, and you can see comments for more info. At this point I'm forced to raise this to Beware status from it's current Caution status.
  12. I am writing today to talk about a fursuit commission I got from Unluckydinobear, who goes by ABearFromSpace now, back in January 2018. Since the transaction is so many years old, I do not have the paypal payment sent screenshots, however, I can show the Telegram chat messages to show that I indeed paid $800 for the commission, and he still has not completed the work, but he's been avoiding making the suit and compiling excuses to this day. I was looking to get a fursuit commission, so I asked any friends to see if they knew any good makers or ideas to find one. A friend of mine, recently got a partial piece done from ABearFromSpace, so he told me his contact and I messaged him to see if he had any openings. I ended up messaging him, and by luck, he said he had room for one more in the queue. I felt extremely lucky, and knowing fursuits take time to create, I would have expected at most this taking a year or two, as long as I was getting updates I was fine with this. After sending character refs and other information, he gave me a quote of about $750. I was a little surprised since my friend got his suit from him for $400, but since he was one of his first commissions I understood the raise of price. With an additional $50 for taxes and shipping, I ended up paying $800 for the partial fursuit. Here I sent a partial payment for the fursuit, and ABearFromSpace tried to make conversation with me the next day which looks like he wanted to get me to pay the rest as soon as possible. After 10 days, he asked me again for the rest of the payment. While I was able to pay the rest of the suit by the end of the month, it was understandable here how he just wanted to make sure the rest of the payment was going through soon. He also offered to make a chat for his commissioners, to my knowledge I don't think he ever did, or at least he never included me. At the beginning of February, I was able to rest the payment, a total of $800. After 2 months and discussions of character information, I was updated with a photo of some base heads Bear would be working on, and I was going to give him measurements to follow up with. Another 2 months went by, and I popped in to see if there were any updates. He was in the process of moving and going to a con, so I told him it was understandable and thanks for updating me. This was about half a year since I paid for my suit and thought maybe I wouldn't have to wait TOO much longer. Some time passed, and we barely talked in August about fursuit adjustments for my character, then in October I asked to see if there was anymore updates, and asked if my suit could be done before Further Confusion (FurCon) 2019 which was held on January 17, 2019. Here he said he thinks he was able to get it done, I held hope but part of me was ready to accept if I couldn't get it by then. November rolls out and I talked with Bear to make sure that the suit would be done before FC, seems like he was confident in getting it done. At the end of December, he drew up another WIP, and we discussed some suit adjustments. Bear told me that he'll do his best to get my suit done by then, and if it's not all done he'd send what was completed. It seemed too good to be true since the con was less than a month away, but I was prepared to see what he'd have done. Come January, he didn't have any part of the suit ready, and apologized saying he had the flu. Him getting it all done asap and rushed seemed to good to be true, so it was understandable he wasn't done, and I told him no rush hoping I'd get some progress soon at least. Bear said after he plans to finish no later than February and will have WIP pictures soon. At the beginning of February, he sent me a very early build, but it was an exciting WIP nonetheless. It seemed like this was the start of great progress, even though it has been over a year since I first commissioned him, but this would be the only WIP photo I'd ever see. While he promised to get my suit done at the end of February, nothing happened. I asked again in March if there was any progress, where he said he was depressed and going through something. Then in April I messaged him if he had any idea of when it would be complete, which he gave me a May-June window. In May he was completely silent, and in June he said he was busy and would have my suit done before the upcoming FurCon 2020 (which would start on January 16, 2020). Here again he said what progress he made and what he had to do, and that he should definitely get the suit done before FC 2020. Come October, I wanted to see if there were any updates, since FC was slowly coming around the corner. He asked when I'd like my suit done before again, then never messaged me until the beginning of next year. Instead of giving me a personal explanation for not getting the suit done again, he just drops this link and quickly scurries out which was the beginning point of me realizing that I wasn't the only one who was waiting for a commission to be done from him. This was the start of me losing my empathy and patience with this guy as things progressively got worse over the next two years. After a bit over a week he responds seeming reluctant to get the suit done "soon". In March I sent him for character tweaks, which was late on my part admittedly, but afterwards in April-June he was completely silent. At the end of July I asked him for another update which resulted in nothing again, and afterwards he did not respond until the beginning of 2021. He finally responds at the beginning of January of 2021, after not messaging me since July 2020. He talks about how he's depressed again, and how he lost his Grandpa. As someone who has lost their grandparents as well, I've been in his position of being in a rut and losing motivation to get things done, however, given his list of excuses given out so many times, I can only feel so much empathy/sympathy from him and let him take LONGER and LONGER to get my suit done. At this point I told him if I could just get a refund if he had too much on his plate at the moment. He said he was willing to do my suit still and how it's "a cutie" which doesn't sound very professional at this point since he's been avoiding me and not getting work done. I told him if he could get it done by June then I'd be okay with it, otherwise I wanted to talk with him about getting a refund. No updates pass by as usual and in March he gives me more excuses and "plans" to get it done in the Summer. Here I tell him I'll be okay with it if the suit can be done by the end of the year. I start to show frustration with Bear as well and tell him I'd like a refund if he doesn't get the work done before the promised time. He ends up ghosting/not communicating with me as usual, so I tell him I'll contest PayPal if he doesn't get my work done. I've seen most people immediately try and contest payments and try to get their money back, but I wanted to talk with him about it instead of doing that. September rolls out and still nothing to show. Here he gives more lists of reasons why he hasn't started and promises to get WIPs soon. I start to get more frustrated with him for his lack of effort and care communicating back with me. I leave two messages to him about how he still hasn't gotten my work done, then he read the messages and never responded, leaving me to tell him again I would contest PayPal. He says at the end to give him this month to try and make progress, if nothing happens he'll start the refunding process. I tell him about how he needs to get his responsibilities in order. I sympathize with him with all the things he's been through but I try and tell him it's no excuse to leave me in the dust when I try and support him ordering a fursuit paying with my hard-earned money. We talk about how if nothing is done for November, then I'd want a refund. He never got the suit done, and says he will work on getting the refund process started by the end of this year or beginning of next. No updates still, we are now in the year 2022, over FOUR years since I first commissioned and sent the payment over to Bear. No updates for another two months until I continually ask him, if I don't message him he'll legit forget about me and continue ignoring getting the fursuit done. I plea with him here, asking if he'll actually get it done, because I've waited so long for basically nothing. Only a few quick sketches and an early base from a few years ago. I just wanted my refund at this point, I didn't even want a fursuit anymore. I felt like enough was enough. He wasn't responding to me, treating me respectfully, or getting any work done. I had come across the Artist's Beware site a few months ago and even noticed someone posted about Bear here (under his old username Unluckydinobear). I figured if he won't give me my money back for a fursuit he promised to get done several times over the past couple of years, this was my best bet to post. My friend, who originally got his suit from Bear, told me it was only partially completed and how Bear still needed to make adjustments, and also left him in the dust. I wrote all of this here today not to "callout" or want any threats toward Bear, but I hope that if people end up showing interest in commissioning this man, please be aware of what you are getting yourself into. It has been 4+ years since I first commissioned Bear for a fursuit, and I still have gotten nothing. As of June 11, 2022, he still has not messaged me back, and looking at his Twitter account it seems like he's too distracted with other affairs to even care
  13. I first met Cyberwolfdragon on Discord, in the USF server. There is a #looking-for-corner channel where people can post if they wanted to do an art trade, had an art request, were offering free art, etc. When looking through the channel, I found Cyberwolfdragon's latest message asking to do an art trade, and it was marked as open. I then DMed them asking if they wanted to do a trade. After this they didn't message me for around two months, until they sent this: (This was a different character than their initial art trade request, but that was fine) I finished my side of the trade in around 10 days. This was the last time Cyber messaged me on Discord I proceeded to remind them every so often of the trade they owed me.. with no response. I will note here that I did use an artwork as a reference for the pose of my side of the trade. I don't have it saved so I can't show it, but Cyber didn't mention this at any point as a reason for declining the trade or something. Cyber posted several messages in USF after the last message they sent me: one for open comms, and three offering a suit they had for sale. This is the only server I have in common with them. (a day after their last message to me) Several days after their last message, but before I reached out about it. After I messaged them twice with no response. After another new message from me, and their last message in USF. After almost a year of this, I searched up their username and found some of their other accounts, including their YouTube. Their email was linked in the contact section, so I attempted to reach out via that. They responded in a bit over an hour. (the blacked out line under my email is a send certificate that has contact info of theirs) I recopied the image from my original Discord DM with it. I opened it in a new window to preserve the quality. At this point, they began to ghost me again. I attempted to reach out to them through other social medias. Their Twitter DMs are off, so I have sent a message to what is presumably their DeviantArt account since it has the same username, though the 5 arts and fursuit images I don't remember seeing on other platforms. At this point my art has gotten a fair bit better, and I do draw original poses now or base them off of pictures of myself, but I just want my side of the art trade back, it's been a year.
  14. original: https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/655276.html EDIT 2/19: I got this note and I replied today: http://i48.tinypic.com/b8pb43.png (Fixed Link to hide my Address) I'm just really sick of excuses that may or may not be true and want my stuff sent. WHO: PuddingCup88 WHERE: PuddingCup88.deviantart.com WHAT: A Trade for a Fursuit Head and Tail (From Me) For A Keyblade prop, Tail, Feet Base, and some fur. (From Her) WHEN October 14th, 2012 - Maybe January when I started having trouble. PROOF: http://oi50.tinypic.com/2it2791.jpg http://oi47.tinypic.com/24pky75.jpg http://oi49.tinypic.com/2zqalcm.jpg http://oi47.tinypic.com/1pckmx.jpg EXPLAIN: So, I saw her work in a group, and really loved her feetpaws, so I sent over a note asking about them. That's what her first comment replies to. We struck up a kind of friendship during this. This was my first trade, and I was new to the business world. I really loved a keyblade she had made as well, which became one of the items in the trade. All went well, easy contact and exchanging necessary information. I do believe -- this should have been a red flag for me -- My biggest mistake was to agree to send it in time for Halloween. I sent out the package, and I asked about her sending the keyblade. I should've taken "My Mom Sent it" as another red flag at that point. I'm thinking I missed some Notes here (Went through all my notes) or the messages were through skype, as she had failed to tell me that Pakko arrived, and I only knew because of shipping. I had posted an advice post around now about this, as the keyblade was taking longer to arrive than it should have. Luckily it arrived around a week after that. Contact seemed to have died after she got Pakko. She decided to sell him after Halloween ( http://oi48.tinypic.com/13z5u15.jpg ) which I wouldn't really have minded much if it was not for the fact I had only ONE of the items she needed to send me. So, I proceeded to send her a note in November or December for updates. Come January and still nothing, despite her stating she's going to send everything out. By now I had gotten more experience dealing in business, and simply was quite angered at this, and wanted to get it over with and get my stuff. Now it's February. I've completed 1 complete head, 1 almost complete head, and 2 head bases in this time, so I have gained more experience in buying and selling and simply do not comprehend how she is not done and shipping things to me. I'm just really annoyed, and decided it's finally time to make a Beware on her.
  15. original: https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/655973.html WHO: Sweetnightmare - Operator of Business Scixzor - Husband and Business partner. He handles customer service tickets when silver is "overwhelmed" WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sweetnightmare WHAT: A partial fursuit originally to be finished on Dec 25th as the deadline. (Later extended, as will explain.) WHEN: Aug 2012 - Feb 2013 Proof/Explain: - http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/4344146/ - FurAffinity Admins asked to take down the journal, here is a screenshot of it. http://imgur.com/EowoH5R I commissioned sweetnightmare in Aug of 2012 to create a fursuit of my fursona Inukaza. I paid up front, later upgrading to a full suit. When I first commissioned her, I made a request to be updated by photo every month. At first, she was willing, and sent updates. October was the last update I received. Afterwords, every half-month I would ask for a photo update, to which she would respond that they did not have a camera to take the update with. Contrary to that fact, they were still able to upload pictures with a camera that they acquired, yet still were able to come up with a excuse to not give progress photos. Oh wait. That's because they were hiding the fact that there was no process. Well, to make this factual, reasonable process. Today, Feb 15th, 2013, 5 months, 20 days from the day I ordered the product, I received a box full of supplies. To clarify, I asked her to send me the supplies, because it was getting absurd about how long I was waiting. The due date for this project was in December. What did I receive? What does almost 6 months of progress look like? 1. A few yards of black and brown fur. Not enough for full suit, maybe not even enough brown to create the rest of the partial. Once I check with the amazing person who might be finishing this suit for me, I'll update this. ( http://i.imgur.com/6JzTZRY.png ) 2. Foam Base ( http://imgur.com/a/Elifk ) <--- Actual photo. 2.A. Here is a progress photo she sent from Oct. 2012. Please compare. ( http://i.imgur.com/vNIAGZv.jpg) 3. White and Black sculpey, for teeth and mouth. 4. Slippers. (I can't tell where she got them from, decent.) 5. Foam for eyes, mouth, ears. 6. Cut-outs for paws. Not sewn in. 7. Some thread. (Here's her actual list of what she said she was sending me. She sent what she said she would. http://i.imgur.com/BYI5sNo.png). What's not included? 1. Polyfill, she said there was no room in the box to put it. I beg to differ, I personally could have fit it in there. However, I won't argue it, as it could be said to have been done to not crush the head base. 2. Foam for foot paws. At this point, it would have been nice to still offer a refund for those supplies or buy a bigger box, I was paying for shipping either way. 3. Completed fursuit. Seriously. (By this I mean it in a sarcastic way, I know I asked for the materials, however, I was led to be aware up until she told me what was in the package that the tail, footpaws, and more of the handpaws were done. So, recap. I got a foam base, and supplies to make a fursuit. Meaning, tail wasn't even started to be worked on. Handpaws only partially done, and head....well, you can see with the photos from above. You might be asking, why did I deal with this? She apparently has had tons of issues thought out the past few years. I want to, and I actually do, believe her. Of course, shit happens, sometimes you have to deal with what's thrown at you. Bad anxiety, home issues, relationship issues. (She her journals on her page to confirm and read up on the nature of it and make your own opinions). I felt bad, and I went along with it. However, throughout my contacts with her, I was constantly led to believe that this project would be done sooner. Here's some documentation. 10/03/2012: I asked what I can expect to be done by the next monthly update. ( http://i.imgur.com/SsuCNb9.png ) 10/23/2012: I asked how many commissions are ahead of mine, to get a gauge on how many she has. Just a FYI, at this point she has started selling her services every other week. She still is selling fursuits at this point. ( http://i.imgur.com/JNQxy7h.png ) 10/29/2012: I was discussing upgrading to a full suit. I asked for a photo update for the month of November now, she said her cam was being derpy. ( http://i.imgur.com/J5xCdVT.png ) 11/05/2012: I asked her about a time frame to expect the photos. She mistakenly confused it for asking when the suit was done, and clarified her deadline. As well as promising to get my photo update. ( http://imgur.com/a/8qU6N ) 11/29/2012: I am getting really ticked at this point. I tell her that even though I'm her friend, it's stupid that this is becoming impossible to get updates. Her husband comes over on her skype to explain the situation. I made her aware that if she can not deliver updates, do not promise them. ( http://imgur.com/a/PhiZo ) This same day, she says she needs more time on the suit. ( http://imgur.com/QlqCQ3N ). 12/13/2012: Asked for a photo update. Never came. ( http://i.imgur.com/1E5IKad.png ). 12/26/2012: I asked for a update. No response. ( http://i.imgur.com/7LVnZha.png ). 1/02/2013: She offered a refund at this point when I confronted her about the updates, but with no sight of when I'd get it. At this point, I've heard stories from past commissioners who have stated that when they asked for a refund they didn't receive it til half a year later. I opted to keep on going with it. ( http://imgur.com/1CZcSfR ) This is where the lies start kicking in. She lied about the progress the suit was in. She states the tail and feet are done. Neither of which were started in reality. And the hand paws were further progressed than what they were in reality. ( http://i.imgur.com/6vahOk4.png ). 1/03/2013: Apparently there is now four suits in front of me. Remember back in Oct. 2012 when there were only three that were almost done? ( http://i.imgur.com/GphSFXV.png ). Late Jan/ Early Feb: She moved to a new house, as you can see by reading her new journals. Obviously and understandably, suit making was not the first thing on her mind. At this point I'm getting tired of asking for updates. 2/02/2013: I asked for another update. She said there were more suits in front of mine. Others were rushed orders. No shit, really, mine is a rush order by now. It's 2 months overdue at this point. ( http://i.imgur.com/VLESINJ.png ) She requested me to send all updates to her husband, scixzor scixzor. All updates, notes, requests that I sent to him were read, and ignored. By ignored, I mean he did not send a response, including those that deliberately requested him to reply. ( http://i.imgur.com/68oVAog.png ) 2/05/2013: I asked her to just send me supplies for unfinished suit so I could finish it myself. I am still under the impression that everything is pretty much done. She still says that it would be done and shipped by the end of Feb, the absolute final due date. ( http://i.imgur.com/K33TUGA.png ) 2/06/2013: She sends a message saying she wants to send me the unfinished suit. ( http://i.imgur.com/JfsoxgJ.png ) I asked her to write a detailed invoice telling what she has done, and what needs to be done. Mostly for the reason of making this journal. It was a way for her to defend herself and for things to be factual to back up my claims. She didn't send it, saying she forgot. ( http://imgur.com/QcoJAL6 ) 2/08/2013: Items sent via UPS. I paid shipping. ( http://i.imgur.com/6Hw6ekt.png ). 2/15/2013: I received items, here is a video of me opening it and going though it. Please excuse the bad lighting, out lights our out in that area of our apartment. Also, NSFW language. This was the first time I saw those items. I was pissed. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMP5FpmFoKA ) OVERALL: I feel I was scammed. She's not a reliable fursuit maker. I HIGHLY DO NOT recommend commissioning her. If you have already done so, make your own choice. If you want to take this to heart, I would make the choice to cancel your order. If you want more proof, send me a note with your questions and I'll be happy to provide you with more information. Additional Information: I canceled the commissioned after a financial hardship on 1/21/13, I asked to have it reinstated on 1/27/13. ( http://imgur.com/a/E3jbu ) She was completely fine with it, not giving me any reason to believe this was a issue. The original deadline was Dec 25th. Second deadline was Feb 1st. Third Deadline was March 1st. Each time extended because I asked if she needed more time, thinking she was almost done. ( http://imgur.com/a/1ANhI ) I said I wanted to take the stress off her and take the items. I still thought that the Tail, hand paws, and foot paws were completely done, and the head was ready to foam until after this happen when she clarified what would she be sending me.( http://i.imgur.com/baidQSA.png ) Aftermath of the journal: I received several messages asking for me to take down my review, I refused. She wanted to fix this by letting me return the materials I asked for and finishing it faster. However, the entire reason I asked for the materials, legitimately, was to send them to another suit maker to use them. There is no way this can be fixed, as this is a complaint about customer service and not the fact that I expected a completed suit when I asked for the materials. There was a strong smell of smoke on the suit, I didn't think much of it. However, it turns out the person I sent the materials to finish my suit is actually allergic, so take that to heed.
  16. original: https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/657806.html Alright, so, last summer somewhere around June/July of 2012, I started a fursuit trade with the user "KazeTorashi", also known as "LigercraftSuits" on FurAffinity. Things had been going well. She was always very polite and wonderful to talk to and quick to reply to any questions I had. The tail had been completed on July 23rd and can be seen here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8483241/ The initial deadline was to be September 19, on which day the suit should have been completed, already shipped, and in my posession as a birthday gift for myself. On September 5th, the paws to my suit and a picture of the foam base were posted. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8799803/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8800015/ This Sept. 19th deadline was missed, but I didn't mind too much seeing as she had other things on her plate that people had paid for that she had to to first and there was enough done on my fursuit for me to rest easy. There were a few more "deadlines" floating around after that, but they were all missed as well. I sat tight for the next update, and sure enough on January 4th of this year the pictures of my full partial had been posted. Hooray! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/9615896/ I don't remember the exact date but not too long after that was posted up I got into a Skype conversation where we discussed shipping prices. It was decided that I would pay for shipping on the Thera partial and she would pay for shipping on my end of this trade, a black husky partial. She gave me a quote of 13$ and a few days after the Skype chat on January 17th I sent her 16$ to make sure it would cover any and all fees or extra charges. I wanted to be sure she had everything she needed of course! Screencap of the payment: http://i.imgur.com/EtZI1Nz.png On January 22nd I got my stuff together and mailed out my end of the trade. Receipt: http://i.imgur.com/aVxBWQR.jpg According to the tracking number and Canada Post website the suit arrived at the address I was given on January 28th. http://i.imgur.com/KuFmoZl.png On February 11th I asked for an update on their end of the trade via note on FA, which can be seen here: http://i.imgur.com/pnkdLRk.png That note, along with the one where I told her my end had been shipped, still haven't been read. Now I don't want to seem impatient here, but I'm starting to get a little frustrated. I have had NO contact with KazeTorashi since our Skype chat ~2 months ago and since then I've sent her a note, page shouts, an e-mail, another note to one of her roomates, and got a friend of mine with her cell number to send her a text. Still no replies at all to any of these attempts. http://imgur.com/a/cKKuK Now, I'm an EXTREMELY patient person when it comes to things like this, and I don't like pestering people, and I certainly don't want to bother or annoy the suit maker as she's always been the sweetest girl ever to deal with and I wish her the best in life and her fursuit endeavors, but I'm also not very pleased with how she's been handling this situation. The most important thing when you're running a business if to make yourself available to the people you're working with so that at least they know whether or not there's an issue. I've simply been stranded in the dust here with no idea as to what's going on with my suit and now I'm feeling like I have lost 52$ AND my black husky fursuit AND my Thera partial all at once. I'm really hoping for the best and for her to pull through on this, and it hasn't been TOO long since I last saw her around(she posted a journal on the 29th of January saying things would be shipped on her next day off work), but since she owes me my suit and some shipping money(which I don't mind letting go of if I get my fursuit!) and hasn't been in contact at all, it makes me worry that something might be wrong. At the same time I'm trying to be patient and remain calm about all this, but it's coming up on one whole month since the last time she's been active *anywhere* online and it's very worrisome behaviour. Hopefully I hear something from her soon, because her work is amazing and so is she, and I'd really hate to see something happen to her as she's a brilliant artist in many ways and deserves the best out of this fandom in my opinion.
  17. original: https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/648340.html First of all, I must say that I do not have a lot of pictures to prove our conversations, Due to Hinauchi deleting me from her skype, making me unable to get the conversations back. First proof. Here is the WORK IN PROGRESS she has posted on furaffinity of my fursuit. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6443683/ Do note it was posted (as of this time) A year ago. (September 5th, 2011) About 5 months after I had purchased my suit. Proof link of A recent message we had on facebook as of November 24, 2012 1. http://imgur.com/6MxxI 2. http://imgur.com/Jjsli and 3. http://imgur.com/tfMSN The proof that she no longer is on my skype contacts http://imgur.com/6WQ8h Recent proof she is now raising a ton money to see her "bby" for her leisure http://imgur.com/SJKk5 ++ My comment that got marked as spam, ( It was me informing to the public that she is raising money for yet another thing, even though she still has not shipped what i ordered) http://imgur.com/bPjOU Then, her proceeding to tell someone that "I should have noted her" Even though she never contacts me http://imgur.com/vTc27 Explination. I made my fursuit purchase from Hinauchi In early April 2011. I did not order the fursuit to be here on a specific date, although i had figured it wouldn't take too long, considering i've seen her make fursuits often, she even set up a fusuit website of her own here http://speckledbluenose.weebly.com/ so I assumed she was somewhat proffessional about it. I payed around $445 for a fursuit head, tail, and paws of my old character Rayne via paypal. Basically, I have asked her about how she was doing on it since the purchase via skype, but i no longer can reach the conversations due to her unadding me. I do remember her taking forever to even show me pictures of my commission, giving me dates on when the fursuit should ship to me, and then my fursuit of course never getting to me. Apparently, as she has told me, her mother stole my shipping money. Which is of course theft, and is illegal. I asked for her mothers number, and she refused to give it to me. She has made countless excuses since 2011 such as; Her mother wont take her to the store for supplies Her mother stole the money Her camera was broken She was busy She was going through a hard time She was at her dads She was moving It has been almost 2 years now since i have purchased it, and all she does is give me excuses and sad stories and explanations on why she couldn't ship it to me. Then informing me that it should get to me soon, when it never does. I don't understand why she can finish other people's commissions, such as drawings, and never have any time to go to a post office to ship a package. She claims that it is "buried under a mountain of shit in her closet" and she plans to "dig it out and get it shipped" Which she has been saying for months of course. I posted a comment on the journal talking about raising money to see her lover to inform people that she isn't responsible enough to get purchases to people. She is lazy, irresponsible, and immature. I did not wish to post something like this, although it has bothered me for far too long and people should have a right to know, considering she opens auctions, commissions, and other things where she must send commissions out. It's a very confusing position to be in.
  18. original: https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/650169.html WHO: Fenrir's Child/Mordrude's Monsters WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fenrirschild/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mordrudesmonsters http://fenrirschild.deviantart.com/ http://www.mordrudesmonsters.com/ WHAT: Full fursuit commission WHEN: First payment May 20, 2011, paid in full July 31, 2011. Fursuit head stolen early December 2012, refund received January 23, 2013. PROOF: Paypal payments: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y93/SirFratley/Paypalscreen-1.jpg (Fen's real name blurred, all non-relevant transactions crossed out) Initial Contact: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y93/SirFratley/InitialContact.png Fen's old TOS: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y93/SirFratley/FensTOS.png FA notes, kindly provided by Synwolf, showing proof of Fen's accusations that I stole the head: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/811/fenrisnotes1.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/547/fenrisnotes2.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/259/fenrisnotes3.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/829/fenrisnotes4.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/fenrisnotes5.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/255/fenrisnotes6.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/812/fenrisnotes7.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/fenrisnotes8.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/163/fenrisnotes9.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/90/fenrisnotes10.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/822/fenrisnotes11.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/839/fenrisnotes12.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/705/fenrisnotes13.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/836/fenrisnotes14.jpg/ EXPLAIN: I commissioned Fenrir's Child/Mordrude's Monsters for a full fursuit in 2011, with the original soft completion date of Rainfurrest 2011. We knew it was an ambitious target, so it wasn't disappointing when it wasn't done yet. Shortly after Rainfurrest 2011, there was some personal drama between myself and my ex best friend, which Fenrir's Child had inadvertently became involved with in other ways. Unknown to me at the time, this caused her to lose motivation to work on my fursuit. Several deadlines were set and missed. The first deadline after the drama was for January 2012, where I would pick up the fursuit for the When Furballs Strike 8 bowling meet in Kenmore, WA. When my wife and I went, the fursuit was not yet completed. The head was finished on the outside, but unwearable due to incomplete interior work. Because of the delays, Fen had offered free upgrades to make up for the extended wait. I gladly accepted. Unfortunately, upgrades aren't any good unless you actually get the fursuit. The next date was set for another When Furballs Strike meet in late May 2012. Again, the fursuit was not complete, with several months going by with absolutely no work done. The next completion date was set for Halloween 2012. Needless to say, it wasn't finished either. In November Fen had opened up for more commissions, and one of my closest friends had posted on her journal asking about my fursuit: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y93/SirFratley/Journalcomment.png Shortly after, Fen had finally come forward with why she had not been working on my fursuit this whole time, and offered a partial refund, which I politely declined because of financial troubles on her end: http://pastebin.com/k2PACa6X We decided to push for December completion. In early December, it was discovered that my head was missing, believed stolen. We discussed various options, including her remaking a head if I don't dock her in reviews or I pay $300, I get the remainder of the suit plus a partial refund, or, least desireable, a full refund. However, she backed out of any agreements and said she will be refunding me, without any say in the matter, in 45 days from the date of the police report for the claimed theft. Here is the full chatlog from that conversation: http://pastebin.com/q1UbWVix On the day the refund was due, she paid at 10 PM, without answering my emails or IMs asking what's going on, since it was getting late in the day and I still hadn't received my refund. Thankfully I did eventually find the refund in my paypal account, and our transaction is closed. Throughout this entire ordeal, I have been as patient as humanly possible, when all my friends were saying I should be making a fuss and have posted her on A_B a long time ago. Before the head was stolen, even Fen agrees I've been extremely patient: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y93/SirFratley/FensaysImpatient.png This entire commission has been nothing but constant waiting and repeated disappointment. There were many times I had felt absolutely trapped. I wanted to speak up and say she was taking too long, but if I did, I feared she would rush and push out a sub-par product, or give up and refund me without even trying to finish it. When she backed out of our agreement to let me have the rest of the fursuit minus the head, the gloves came off. While Fen's quality of work is extremely good, she simply lacks professionalism, basic business ethics, and the ability to complete large projects on time, allowing personal drama to interfere with her commissions. For small items such as tails, she would be a great builder to consider, but for anything more, I say Buyer Beware. Edit: Updated the proof to include initial email and Fen's old TOS. Also fixed a typo that had been driving me nuts. Edit 2: Added the FA notes between Synwolf and Fen, kindly provided by Synwolf.
  19. original: https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/647764.html WHO: dreamsandnightmares Dreamsandnightmares (FA). WHERE: www.furaffinity.net/user/dreamsandnightmares WHAT: Rave Fluffles (Feetpaws with leg warmers, giving the illusion of digigrade legs) http://i50.tinypic.com/2psrura.png First contact WHEN: Around beginning of july. As seen above. List of emails sent: http://i48.tinypic.com/vhyp0w.png http://i45.tinypic.com/2m5m3kp.png http://i45.tinypic.com/2dui6ja.png PROOF: http://i46.tinypic.com/2z750dx.png Payments and partial refund (Before the product arrived in it's horrid state) EXPLAIN: I just received my rave fluffies from dreamsandnightmares which should look like this :http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7514152/ but pure black and with paws. I mean they kinda look like that, but looks like they were just thrown together This is the image they sent me http://www.iaza.com/work/121231C/iaza18601984269100.jpg In this picture they do not look too bad, so I thought they were alright, so I agreed to finally have them shipped to me. Upon getting them I noticed the following: The soles of the shoes are already falling apart, so is the foam inside of the arch. They are extremely itchy due to all of the lose fur that is collected on them (which I understand happens, but minor clean up could of solved this.) Glue is very visible on them, as well is a gap where the fur wasn't glued to the shoe. I was very excited to receive them after 5 months, but am very displeased with the condition they are in for how long they have had them (more than double the time given to me). They look as if they were just carelessly put together. They did give me a pair of foam with fur on them (ears) and a pewter wolf necklace along with a partial refund before shipment due to how long it took to have them and the continuous missed deadlines. I Sent them an email explaining my displeasment about the said items and what I have found wrong so far. I have only gotten this morning (20 mins ago, as of Jan 4th) and I am already in tears, and not good ones. :(( http://www.iaza.com/work/121231C/iaza18601984269100.jpg <--- Images of said product These are the sheet shots of some of the most important converstations, if you need more just ask. Agreement to buy: http://i49.tinypic.com/a464n5.png Time line of when they'd be done: http://i45.tinypic.com/1zvsed.png Terms of how I wanted them to look : http://i49.tinypic.com/dzut1u.png Missed Deadline: http://i45.tinypic.com/n20nbm.png Bad communication and missed deadline2: http://i46.tinypic.com/xaxbsy.png Shipment: http://i48.tinypic.com/261yzpx.png Displeasement: http://i47.tinypic.com/14jxpb5.png Issues I found with the items: http://i48.tinypic.com/zjggnb.png Excuses: http://i50.tinypic.com/kccxlg.png Excuses 2 and bad treatment: http://i48.tinypic.com/2e1afd3.png Back peddling and not sure what to do: http://i45.tinypic.com/11vnw94.jpg Proof of payment: http://i46.tinypic.com/2z750dx.jpg and http://i50.tinypic.com/175ybr.png
  20. I contacted Deermoonstudios on Etsy for a fursuit head for $750 (which totalled $804 with taxes). This was paid in full immediately, followed by them stating they had just ordered fur colors needed for the suit after my approval. All on the same day. I waited a little over a month before asking them about progress, to which they said the fur had just arrived and they were waiting on more pieces to arrive in the mail. In Sep I asked for another update, no response, I asked again on the 20th and got told a day later that the head was ready for taping and sorry for the delay. On Nov 2nd 2021 I asked again for a picture, since I never got one. No response, I sent another message on the 14th asking if they saw the previous message, no response. In Dec, I got a little upset and messages them again asking for a picture, still no response. After this I looked for their Twitter, to see if they were busy with life or something. I learned they were pretty active on Twitter and I created an account to message them. Still no response, but they did post a tweet about how they have a hard time responding to messages and complaining that people need to stop guilt tripping them. I'm unsure if this was directed at me, but I took note of it and messaged them on etsy one last time to apologize if I had ever made them uncomfortable, and that I would no longer message them. I've given up and am assuming I'll never get the product I paid for. They had finished one (provable here) fursuit head in the meantime, fairly quickly. As of right now (Jan 6 2022), I still have gotten no response from them. They do not accept refunds on their products. They were polite in messages but have seemingly ghosted me.
  21. I originally contacted Furfancy for a fursuit as of Sept 14, 2019. They provided me the link to their website and we continued with conversation from screenshot1.jpg: We had discussed the details and around December I made the initial payment for my partial fursuit for $2000 and the start date to begin working on the suit around the end of 2020. After December, I started making payments via Paypal. Thankfully, I requested a written contract on Jan 2, 2020. The contract was created and signed. (Not provided since it contains personal information of both client and seller) Aside from the occassional late response, things went fairly smoothly as I continued making payments. It wasn't until September that I started seeing some big red flags. I'll also note that in the contract provided, there was a 1-4 day window for communication which I thought was fairly reasonable. Going forward on this beware, it was mostly the lack of communication that resulted in me wishing to end this contract. On September 18, 2020, I sent the following message on telegram: At this point, the lack of communication was already becoming an issue. This was something that I tried to contact her on so that we could continue working around this but kept getting worse as things went on. Throughout this process, other commissioners were having the same experience as me and were backing out. On top of the fact that she was so far behind deadline and also the lack of communication, I was (and still am) worried that she has no intention of really completing my fursuit. Despite no work being done on the suit and breaking her own terms on her contract, she never offered me a full refund, and when I requested one eventually, she said that she could not provide a full refund. My initial $400 payment was non-refundable. If any work was done on the project or parts were already purchased, I may have understood. However, at this point, we are already a year after the initial request to commission a fursuit. There was no work completed and still 20 people in the queue before me which meant I would need to wait approximately another two years before she could even start working on my fursuit. At this time, I had also joined her group chat which I will not provide screenshots of since Victoria largely provides updates via voice messages. Every update that was provided has been about personal problems and why she needs to extend her deadlines for all of her clients. These were the only updates that were provided for approximately a year. I can sympethize with these problems. However, I paid $2000 for a commission. This means that I'm working with a company to provide me with a product. I understand that roadblocks occur, but at no point of the process did Victoria hold any accountability or responsibililty. This screenshot is from September 22, 2020. Please keep that in mind while you look at the next screenshot from October 2, 2020. This last screenshot I found out that she had apparently purchased my furs apparently months ago and didn't bother to inform me. "If a charge back is made, I'm going to assume you no longer want the slot. If you are backing out 35% is non refundable." If the communication up to this point was a red flag, then threatening me for 35% of what I paid so that I can guarantee I don't get screwed through this process should be just straight up illegal. At this point, I managed to call her. Only after a full year, did she share her trello board with me. I contacted her asking her to update her contract for a deadline and a full refund if she did not complete the fursuit by August 1, 2021. After signing the new contract, we stopped communicating for a while. Then we pick back up in February. At this point, this brings us up to where we are currently in the discussion and I'm mentally checked out of this whole process. I just want my full refund so I can move on with my life. I was really looking forward to commissioning my first fursuit and now I'm not sure if I want one anymore. Victoria has completely ruined the idea of fursuiting for me at this point.
  22. I contacted AroccoSuits to purchase a commission 2/7/2019. I sent payment ($550) on 2/13/2019. As of today, 4/4/2022, I have not received any evidence of work being done on the product I purchased and none of my emails are being answered. Andrew would keep giving me an estimated date of when work would be done, but the date would pass with no further contact. He would also keep moving my place in his queue. Andrew has emailed me about his health issues as a reason for slow work, but this does not excuse the lack of communication and hoarding of my money in my opinion. PayPal can do nothing of any claims I make since it has been so long since the transaction was made.
  23. I am currently awaiting a refund on a fursuit comission that was taken on in 2019. It was paid in installments before it was started. I paid one (1) upgrade fee for the markings and then one (1) rush fee with an optional tip to get my suit finished faster. After a large amount of time passing due to the pandemic and problems on the makers end, after multiple requests for updates, I have requested a refund on the 5th of January 2021. Only then was I shown evidence that my fursuit had been started. After a few requests my most recent message from them was on the 12th of May 2021 and despite seeing my messages they have not yet responded. I am extreamly hopeful I will get my money refunded as they seem honest with their intent but this has gone on for over 2 years and I can no longer afford to wait. Pictured is the conversation begining where the commision was accepted, discussion of the upgrade fee, discussion of rush fee, when the suit should be started, requesting a refund,the most recent messages sent by me and pictures of Paypal invoices sent and paid.
  24. Before I begin, let me reinstate that I wish no ill will or harm towards DaskerLizard or their business. I am simply posting my experience about my time with Dasker so that others my avoid the negative experience that I have had. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I contacted Dasker/BlueFoxFursuits the morning of June 16th, 2016 via email asking if it was okay for me to order being 17 (turning 18 within the next few weeks) and what their payment plans looked like. I was responded to 4 days later with both my questions answered. Given the okay to order, I then submitted a application via their google docs quote form. I was responded to almost immediately with the approximate due date and how much my suit (which was/will be a partial) would cost. I responded back within a few minutes saying I would like to go ahead and reserve my spot within their queue. After a few hiccups, (me paying in the wrong currency), I finally had paid off my deposit and had a reserved slot for May 2017. I paid £190 ( $287.16 ). A few emails from me about what furs they will use for my suit were exchanged so I could order a bodysuit to match with no problems. I have since received my bodysuit from another maker. The real problems started when it finally reached the due date for my commission. I was struggling for with money due to unforeseen car problems, so I emailed them on the 15th of May, 2017 and asked for an update on when I would be up so I could prepare on when I needed to pay/how much to put aside. They replied telling me they had to "do a lot of shifting around in my queue due to confuzzled suits overrunning" and how they had injured their back moving fur supply boxes and that they will be "starting up the queue again towards the end of june when I'm back from confuzzled, and also back from visiting family for a late birthday meetup". I was both upset and relieved on how I would have time to save up further and put aside my money problems, but also a little sad considering they had taken more con crunch commissions and put them ahead of other preexisting commissions. The next time I contacted Dasker was 5 months (October 9th, 2017) past the given completion date of end of June 2017. I simply stated how I had not received an email from the regarding my commission and how the queue was looking/when I would be up. I was then informed unknowingly that I had been once more pushed back to February of 2018. At this point I was rather upset, so I did not reply. I emailed them ONCE MORE on July 21st, 2018 (another 5 months after the due date they had given me had past), asking what the wait time is looking like since my slot had been missed once more. They responded a week later on July 28th, 2018 saying they had moved and had eurofurence deadlines to focus on. Again, putting convention crunch commissions ahead of regular commissions. I was told that I would have my commission and "all older orders out by jan-feb next year". Again, moved another year back. I did not reply. After waiting so long, I then took it upon myself to contact Dasker one more time on January 8th, 2019. They replied saying that it "should be february". Seeing as it was the beginning of the month, I was VERY excited to finally get around to getting my suit. That is until as of late. On February 17th, I contacted Dasker after finding out that they had once more opened for more commissions. This has had me extremely worried that my commission from 2016 would be pushed back once more to make room for other, newer orders. I asked them if there was a problem with my character and asked that if they did not like the character given, that they would tell me and refund me my deposit instead of pushing me back over and over. They then confessed to me that I am not the only person who has been waiting since 2016 for their suit and that I should have my suit by March. I was upset by this information considering how I am 1) not the only one going through such an experience and 2) my slot had once again been pushed back. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To reiterate, I am a very patient person. I from the above evidence, it is obvious I have only emailed one to two times a year asking for updates, often waiting months after the date I was told to contact them. To put it into perspective, I ordered when I was 17 years of age, I am now not too far off from turning 21. I have given Dasker the benefit of the doubt one too many times, and I can say that I am very unhappy and disappointed with my experience so far. I only paid the deposit needed to reserve my spot, but I have had the rest of the money needed within my Paypal for up to 2 years now. They do not email/contact commissioners when they come upon hard times, leaving one to basically chase them to get a vague answer on when your commission will be started. Dasker seems like a nice person, they not once seemed rude and often replied in a very professional manner. However, it seems their queue is VERY disorganized and unprofessional. At the moment of writing this, I still do not know what spot I am in their queue and do not recommend working with DaskerLizard/BlueFoxFursuits. I will update further when/if I receive what I have paid for or if anything else unfolds. If you see any inconsistencies within my writing, please let me know and I will fix them!
  25. I paid 40% upfront for a commission May 18th of 2021. The commission was originally agreed upon to be completed before MFF in November. Maker ran into some issues with creating so we pushed the date back to December. December comes along, still no head and very little progress. SCC informs me they are unable to work within my time frame and offers a partial refund + to send what they did have back to me. This sounded like a best case scenario so I accepted the offer. Here we are, 2 months later, in January, and still no base. I did receive the partial refund. However, now SCC is reaching back out to demand more money than we originally agreed upon for the head claiming they miscalculated costs. This is not at the fault of the customer. They took on a commission you could not handle. Could not maintain a professional timeframe. Could not keep up their end of the refund agreement. And now want more money from me. I have been friendly, understanding, and respectful this entire time. The time frame to submit a paypal dispute is LONG gone so I am just out $100 and the City Mutt Fursuits base I paid for covered in the quote. Please see screenshots for confirmation of everything here, I have captured every word. Do not do business here! This maker will string you along. TLDR: Maker took on commission they couldn't handle, did not hold up their end of the partial refund agreement, and returns to my DMs to request more money after stringing me along for 8 months.
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