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Everything posted by baja

  1. Take language fluency out of the equation and make it about a general difficulty in communication hindering the process. If you cannot properly communicate with a client, be it due to a language barrier or their refusal to adhere to your terms, then you reserve the right to cancel the commission and refund accordingly. Rewording it can distance yourself from the misinterpretation of it being a race-related matter, of which it is not, but as someone who is ESL, I can see how it might be interpreted that way.
  2. If others have been experiencing these issues with this artist, we strongly suggest that you make your own beware post so it adds to her tag here, as it will highlight awareness on our site. Please abstain from doing a beware write-up in the comments of someone else's post. While many are outside of Paypal's protection period, you may have other avenues, as in speaking with your bank/card issuer to try and force a refund via other means. On the other hand, if there are multiple claims made on her paypal, it may be possible to see a refund. This is rare, and we're only seen this happen if the individual has a large amount of claims filed against them. Many years ago, Pirate-Cashoo (Who has since caught up with their work and turned it around) was the most notable example where we saw retroactive refunds, but it took a lot of people being affected by her to have this outcome.
  3. You have to be direct or just take the loss at this point. Past the point of Paypal's Protection period, you're SOL on being able to get a refund and you are entirely at the whims of this individual.
  4. The SpacePupper account was the one that was in-charge of the Queue channel. So, it was gone after the timeframe noted in the screencap I took. A shame that this is how it turned out for you, it's a frustrating thing to see 😞
  5. Changed Where to https://twitter.com/jorss_ Changed Resolved to Yes
  6. A comment was not posted because it is in violation of Rules 1 & 2 respectfully: Any attempts to update this post with commentary of this nature will be hidden automatically. If you have had a positive experience with another artist that you would like to share with the community, we encourage you to make a post about it in our Positive Reviews subforum. All posts are subject to our rules for participation, so we implore you to keep things civil, concise and to the point.
  7. A lot of artists appreciate any sort of visual reference you can give them. So say you might not be the best artist out there, but if you can rough out a concept with key details you want to see on your character, its a huge help that supplements any reference images you provide (i.e. clothing, body type, etc). I have a penchant for including body scars or markings not immediately visible over clothing, so I'm the sort of person who makes a crude base as to where i want to see these markings, n such. When it comes to character sheets, I personally look over an artist's previous works if they offer that sort of thing. Its not a bad reference point to say you'd want a refsheet in a format they have offered in the past; i.e. Standard front-back, maybe an alternative outfit, it all depends on what you're ultimately looking for.
  8. It's rather uncommon for an artist to ask the client for their age, and often I see that in the TOS there is a reference to this along the lines of: "By agreeing to these terms, you acknowledge you are above 18 yrs of age." Or something like that. You're expected to read the TOS before an artist agrees to take on your commission, so you're expected to do your due diligence as a client, even if the artist isn't going around IDing people at the start of the process. So in a way its going off of an honor system, and the presumption that you are an adult who has access to the payment method accepted. Paypal requires all users to be 18 yrs old to maintain an account, as do most of the popular money transfer services if I'm not mistaken. Here's a topic from a bit ago that covered this from the Artists' perspective on the matter, it might bring you some insight on how its handled from the other end.
  9. Please note that we will deny a submission of a beware via a comment if this is what you are intending to. If you have also had issues with this artist, we advise that you submit your own beware to inform others of your circumstances. While we can see that this behavior is a pattern, it is for the best to add to the tag to showcase the experiences each commissioner has had with an individual rather than piling on to someone else's entry. Additionally, having more entries within the individual's tag will highlight them within our system's tag cloud for heightened visibility.
  10. Hey OP? Have you heard any update in this case? I got a notification from the telegram group regarding the inactivity, so if you and anyone else was waiting for a piece from Bluhuny, it's likely that they just up and bailed entirely. Note, this was an automated message sent by telegram and not an update from BluHuny themselves.
  11. baja

    Caution: TeaEel

    I would err with caution at doing this to the artist unprompted, as it be viewed as harassment. The artist is aware of the policy but chooses to push on regardless, that's their prerogative. Not a good one, but it is still theirs. What I believe is lacking here, overall, is understanding and clarification as to the whys of the Paypal TOS and why their personal terms clash with it. OP here gave them the heads up, but we're dealing with a language barrier and tone is easily lost over text, especially if we're dealing with text translators. Personally, I think it would benefit them if someone were to note the risks of them doing their business this way, but that's more up to someone who is entering in business with them. Not passerbys from this post.
  12. It looks like a lot of their social media has gone dormant, but their Patreon seems to be presently active as they've posted within the past two weeks. Have you tried shooting them an e-mail? It looks like there's one listed on their contact form.
  13. I'm going to touch on this bit right here, since Cel covered the majority of your concerns succinctly. If you, as a customer, have done nothing wrong in your circumstances, then this fear is massively irrational, and you gotta suck it up and push through. We have rather extensive guidelines for posting an alert on this site to avoid the rigamoroll of misinformation, miscommunication and mob mentality that one would see on greater social media (i.e. twitter, toyhouse, etc) if going the route of the "callout post". To retaliate against someone who is only interested in bringing to light some unsavory business practices when the customer has done nothing to warrant that attitude will only serve to reflect negatively on the individual who retaliates in that matter. I'll level with you, my first official beware here (before migrating to the present website) was regarding an IMMENSELY popular artist who had a huge following! This person even publicly trashed me, all because I wanted some edits to my final product-- a service they extended to me of their own accord. My situation was a "resolved" as it was going to get, and it was a learning experience for me as a commissioner, and it highlighted some less than stellar things about the artist. Was it absolutely terrifying to speak up? Yes. Do I regret ever speaking up? Hell no! Even if my situation was one in a million, or a weird one-off, shady business practices deserve to be seen by the general public. There can be no accountability if you do not take a step forward to add yourself to the ranks. Do this as you see fit with additional communication, an ultimatum or a public message, but you leave yourself at a complete and total standstill if you're worried more about strangers' commentary over getting what you're owed.
  14. When the description is vague, essentially its a roll of the dice on your situation here. What you've described implies that other materials, that do not pertain to the original listing, were in the mix to be used, which logically leads me to believe you got something more towards the "could get more" end of the spectrum vs the original scraps. You're in the right of it to be direct about what you want to see, along with visual aids to be precise about what you'd like to be would be enough to cover you. If you can place the products side by side with what you requested vs what you got and its wholly off? Then its on the creator for not following through with your form. Say like, you wanted to see a purple dragon and got a yellow gecko, that's eyebrow-worthy to further discuss within the realms of a beware post. Just give a good heaping helping of visual representation when making another request of this sort.
  15. On and off for the past year or so they always mention a backlog of commissions, and they've posted a good chunk of high-end adoptables for sale. Many of them at the cost, if not higher than your commission slot here. So it shouldn't be impossible to refund you if with how frequently these design sales popped up. I was watching them for so long and it just looked like a repeating pattern of 'life happening' so they couldn't work, but continued to do one-offs or open more slots despite journal after journal speaking about people who've been on the backburner with commissions and getting their work refunded. Latiro's mention of the journal prompted me to look at it and the language does come off real scummy and manipulative, imo. I've interpreted it as blaming a fed-up commissioner for her own shortcomings and lack of communication as the artist to her clients. And like OP mentioned, there's so many shouts with people wanting to know whats up with their pending commissions or refunds, but Mothux is essentially blaming them for the closure of her storefronts for quick cash. Framed in emojis and flowery words really doesn't mask the lack of accountability here. Their work is really lovely to look at, but if they don't turn themselves around, it's going to bury them further in the hole.
  16. I've supported artists via similar tiers in the past, and for the most part, they make a courtesy post before the next cycle to inform them of your subject for your sketch for the very reasons outlined by the artist you've noted above. I'm of the same mindset of Bornes that if you don't use it, you lose it and tbh? It is not a dealbreaker/beware-worthy that an artist did not deliver on a promised reward because it was on *me* to provide them a character reference for the art reward. Some months I'd plumb forget that I was part of that tier and I would just request sporadically, I was just keen on supporting the artist's works and not my own personal satisfaction, if that makes sense? If you're concerned about getting your rewards on time, it should be on you, the patron, to abide by the guidelines set by the artist you've backed. If its too much to keep track of, then opt out for a tier that does not offer a personalized reward, or just let it go. Ultimately, this is up to the mods on whether or not its beware-worthy, but this is something I'd take as a lesson learned and move on.
  17. If you join & scroll up in this channel, there's invite links to the "VIP" discord server as well. You didn't need to do anything special to join it, it was meant to be some sort of priority slot list if you hung around. But the discord itself was not active, also worth a shot to see if you can catch BluHuny via discord to reach them wherever possible.
  18. I previously had issues with BluHuny myself last year. The commissions channel has not seen an update from them since last September, but they did not delete the account where I initially had contact with them for my transaction, the fuzzy timestamp implies that the account may not be active at the moment, but its worth a shot to maybe contact them there? But with their track record at this point, who even knows, really.
  19. Both names & number tags can easily be changed via discord, which can make it difficult to block people or report them for getting around your blocks. Just as a general heads up for anyone asking for a discord tag, there's an ID that cannot be changed, and its accessible via Advanced Tools/Developer mode, and you'll be able to get a more definitive acct link in the event the individual might have access to Discord Nitro to change their #0000 associated /w their username 😆
  20. Ah I was mostly curious to clarify that they'd be able to recoup the funds without having to bother waiting for Minami to suddenly turn over a new leaf. And while the piece does retain the look/feel of a generic moe girl, the basis used was the OP's sona, which leaves an awful taste in my mouth overall. If the piece received additional edits to remove all traces of the OP's personal character, I don't see it as an issue... but with how they treated their client makes me believe this was done in bad faith. But at the end of the day it's up to the OP on how they view this, I just figured that they should be aware of this overall.
  21. My apologies mods for double posting, I was attempting to edit my previous comment. In looking at the artist's twitter page, it looks like they've sold the OP's fursona to another individual? Screencap for posterity. It seems like they finished the image in spite of the break down in communication. But it does not appear to be posted on their twitter for viewing.
  22. Hey OP, with the transfer of funds in question, how did you send them to Minami? I'm not seeing that in your post, only mentioned. For the most part, with most of the services I've seen used, I believe you're well within your window to dispute the charge to get refunded for this situation in full. With Paypal, you're definitely in the clear as their window is 180 days.
  23. You can't let yourself get caught up in the anxiety and the what ifs, without putting your foot forward, you can't make a step towards any sort of resolution. It's as easy as 'Hey I'm ___, I commissioned you ___. I would like a refund as I am no longer interested in the artwork.' If they pussyfoot around the issue, post a beware and chalk things up as a loss.
  24. Is this artist established in their craft? Did they have any TOS or agreement that you could gather at the time you commissioned them? Just on the barebones information you provided, the best way to go about this situation is to send it back and ask for a refund? Or eat the loss. In both cases, I'd think it's at least worth a caution, if not a beware regarding their work.
  25. You're getting EXTREMELY close to the end of your six month window, Varek. I wouldn't let this go past that at all with the amount of money you paid for the badge, go through paypal for your refund, or you're without options afterwards 😞
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