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Everything posted by James

  1. I'll just go ahead and address them as bullet points: That's not necessarily wrong, but you're still within your right to cancel as per Paypal. There's nothing wrong with this on the surface. It really comes down to how they're applying this rush fee. Like if everyone is in indefinite limbo until you pay the rush fee, then it's unethical. If the rush fee is paid, and the artist works on your piece on what would otherwise be off hours to get it done sooner then that's fine. Red flag. All artists should have public queues. Nothing wrong with this. Distribution rights are held by the artist, and many folks ask the high res remain private. For the refunds section: That's a no, and unenforceable as per Paypal. That's also a no, and unenforceable as per Paypal. No, the art isn't "yours". You do not own any of the copyrights, nor are they transferred by default in a commission. However in the terms of this fandom is generally understood that if the client cancels they get a partial refund and get to "keep" the art for personal use. Maybe this part of their ToS is worded weird, but I would interpret this as you aren't allowed to take it to another artist for completion, aka it's not "yours" in a copyright sense. That's their prerogative, and there's nothing inherently wrong with carrying a blacklist. I personally blacklist individuals I see being rude to other artists. (If they're rude to someone else, they'll likely be rude to me too.) However, the lack of a definite break down of how partial refunds are dished out is also a red flag. Your question is something only a moderator can answer when we are looking at your post in queue with all of the proof. If nothing has been done so far simply file the claim (not dispute) and move on before you lose your money.
  2. The most recent comment was hidden simply because it's not particularly good advice legally. This situation is more of a civil matter than a criminal one, but Alex has privileges to see hidden comments so it's his decision to follow through.
  3. I can insert this information into the body of your post if you'd like.
  4. I believe it's ok to use the Friends and Family option in this instance. Normally Paypal will take action against an account that abuses the option to avoid fees, but the artist isn't asking you to do so. Personally I've sent tips in this manner. It's too bad that Paypal doesn't have the option to let you tip on an invoice after the fact.
  5. Howdy. The artist has attempted to post to this beware, but their comments were reserved for rule violations. (Rule 5) They have also been banned for legal threats against the OP and us. OP- spamming the link to this beware on the artist's pages is not condoned by us. In addition, it is against the ToS of many sites. While we understand that you want to spread the word about your experience, it isn't a good thing to harass others or get banned for harassment on other sites.
  6. The system that runs our images can be quite magical sometimes. Anyhow, thank you it's fixed.
  7. The screencap featuring the artist's email has been censored. Please be sure to review what we ask to be censored in the Submission Guidelines!
  8. Changed NSFW to Yes
  9. Archiving has been completed thanks to @Alex Wright finding a nice work around to get the bewares on the site.  The archive is currently hidden until tagging and deletion of items that wouldn't meet today's standards are completed.

    The current archives will also have to be moved (by hand) to the old archives.

    1. Kei


      Good work, guys!!

  10. I purchased an icon from Dewdlepies on 01.30.19, and received the finished item the next day. He was swift, showed me progress reports throughout the day, and delivered an amazing icon. I can't recommend him enough to get work done.
  11. I commissioned OgnevkaFenella (https://ognevkafenella.artstation.com/) on 04.21.19 for a portrait commission and a full color two character commission. She was pleasant and prompt to work with, and I received my finished commissions today, 04.29.19. Her work is absolutely lovely, and her turn around time is lightning fast. I highly recommend her.
  12. For your first question: Were the triangle fur pieces clearly visible on the given references? If no, then you are within your rights to charge for an edit. If yes, then the error should be fixed without charge as it is artist error. The edit price is fair, especially if you do not work in a manner that lends itself to easy editing. (Every little thing I do is on a separate layer for ease of edits. It can be very resource intensive on some computers.) As for other folks editing your work you are within your rights to decline edits, and even file a DMCA against unauthorized edits. The latter is a burn the bridge scenario. Personally, I do not allow edits unless the edits themselves are clearly identified. If they do a poor job, then that's your name that is associated with it. Edit: After a bit of digging (sorry!) it appears that Pokemon does have two triangle spikes as part of their default design. If you're unfamiliar with later gen Pokemon, then it's understandable that it may have come off as a stylistic choice. If it were me I would fix it free of charge given it's part of the default design.
  13. Holy moly. This one is intense. Firstly, never send payment as Friends and Family. Artists who insist clients only send via F&F can have Paypal restrict or even close their account if they're caught abusing it. The fees are business operating fees and should never be shifted to the customer. Second, almost every commission artist has been in a situation where they realized they undercharged. You bite the bullet and remember it for next time. Thank you for this.
  14. I'm honestly surprised it took this long for her to earn a beware given that when I ordered my commission in 2014 she was also having issues with keeping her queue in check. While she has made excellent strides in dealing with it in the past, it doesn't seem to ever significantly get better. Unfortunately, I've unwatched her since she adopted a "no refunds" policy and defended it despite it being highly unethical.
  15. We will stick this as an update to your post!
  16. Artists Beware Moderator Code of Conduct The Duties of a Moderator All moderators listed on the Staff Page fall into one or more of these categories. Below are the ranks for moderators and what their duties are: Queue Mods - Review incoming bewares for adherence to the Submission Guidelines. Queue mods may opt out of being Comment Mods. Comment Mods - Watch the comments and forums for inappropriate activity. Review incoming comments on bewares. Comment mods always double as Queue Mods. Administrators - Work both comments and the queue. Handle back end and technical work on the website. Are responsible for direction of all other moderator categories. Official owners of Artists Beware. Special Moderator Categories The following moderators are special ranks and do not field general user questions: Forum Mods - Assigned to a specific forum, or may be a general forum mod. They do not have access to the queue, nor have the ability to moderate comments on bewares. Web Admin - For technical issues only. You may contact an Administrator to forward any problems to the Web Admin, or you may contact @Alex Wright. Please note our web admin also moderates comments when necessary. Other Staff Categories Helper - Paid individuals hired to help Artists Beware temporarily. These individuals are not moderators. If you see a Helper working, they cannot help you with site issues. Once their tasks are complete, they will be reverted back to their original status. Artists Beware opens for Helpers on our Twitter account at a rate of $16.50 USD/hr. We hire in 3 hour shifts. Code of Conduct Artists Beware has volunteer staff. Due to the nature of the community we ask that all moderators adhere to the following Code of Conduct. 1. Moderators are to remain professional and polite even when users are not. We will not tolerate name-calling, cursing, or repeated snarking. 2. What happens in the queue and direct user communication stays private. Always. We are privy to medical, personal, and private social information sometimes. Leaking of this information to the public will result in an immediate dismissal. 3. Moderators are to be in good business standing with the community. Moderators are not exempt from bewares. We understand that life happens, and a singular beware is not an automatic dismissal. Yet, if poor business behavior becomes a consistent issue we will ask the moderator step down. 4. Moderators should be able to handle disagreements with fellow moderators gracefully. Sometimes a beware will not be cut and dry, and will need extensive discussion. Mods who are out-voted must handle themselves with grace. 5. Moderators are expected to be unbiased when moderating the queue. There will be a time when the bewaree in queue is a friend or someone close. A beware will never be rejected on the basis that the bewaree is a friend, family member, or partner. If a moderator finds they can't be unbiased, they may sit out discussion on the beware without penalty. Moderators may speak their personal opinions on bewares granted they follow Item 1. 6. A moderator's outside behavior should foster trust in the community. Artists Beware submissions can have sensitive information. Our users put a lot of trust into team members. Moderators who hold racist, transphobic, and/ or homophobic views are not a good fit for the team and will be let go.
  17. Positive reviews no longer require a mod to make a thread. The Rules for Commenting have been updated to clarify that comments also have to be constructive. Trainee Mod role has been added. General Reviews Forum has been deleted as the purpose of the forum was unclear. Do users want a place where they can curate general, neither entirely good nor entirely bad reviews on artists and clients?
  18. Howdy! This is not a question the community at large is equipped to answer. This is something best left to members of the Queue Mod team only when your beware is submitted with all of the supporting information we require. If it feels like a valid case, we will approve your post. If not we will send you a rejection notice. If you have further questions feel free to contact one (1) Moderator from our Staff page.
  19. Moderators can see your registered email address. You are Eylon. Don't even attempt to pull that stunt here. Any further attempts from you to keep up this charade will simply not be approved.
  20. I want to note preemptively that while Kuro is welcome to participate in our comments, if he attempts to post any doxxing or any threads in relation to Kiwi Farms he will be automatically banned. That trash is not welcome here.
  21. The "client" / bewaree (cautionee?) in this instance is so ridiculously incorrect that it hurts. No, they don't just get to toss out a magical "client ToS" and override your copyright. Copyright is granted unto you upon creation, and unless you signed a contract stipulating what rights the client has then it all automatically defaults to you. Filing a lawsuit has to be done in your county with your legal details, which they likely don't have. On top of that, while they could file suit for just about anything this one would be thrown out because there was no signed contract. If they attempt to upload the sketch anywhere file a DMCA notice. If they attempt to get the sketch finished by someone else or violate your Moral Right to it in any manner, please update us and we will upgrade this to a full beware. This is ridiculous.
  22. Positive reviews for dinoPharaoh!
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