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Everything posted by Eden

  1. After much discussion with our staff we've ultimately decided to accept this as a Caution post. However, given that the artist has left this is only being approved as a "paper trail" of sorts in case they resurface. If anyone reading has a new incident to report: submit a new post. If anyone is coming to report on a new username, please contact a mod. Be sure to include concrete proof they are the same person. Proof is: Same email. Same art in current and old galleries. Same irl name. Proof is not: Similar style. "Types the same". Hearsay.
  2. Eden

    Beware: Hi-Ku

    Changed Resolved to Yes
  3. Bewares are reserved for posts where you are actively owed money. Since you got your money back, albeit via PayPal, it was automatically dropped to Caution.
  4. Thank you! We had already discovered that alt while investigating the Toyhouse claims. The tags have been updated as of yesterday. 🙂
  5. A comment was not posted because it contained inaccurate information. In checking the ToyHouse ownership logs for the characters in question, it's obvious that these are the owners Beau sold the characters to. They are not alts or aliases for Beau.
  6. We've got this approved, but as a heads up: you should file a dispute and escalate to a claim while you can.
  7. Changed Resolved to Yes
  8. Changed Resolved to Yes
  9. Tags have been updated. The comment concerning it was not approved, as we've already stated once that we will not be allowing unrelated drama. We are a business community.
  10. Changed Resolved to Yes
  11. I apparently forgot to set a reminder for this, so a WHOLE YEAR LATER, this is free.
  12. It always confuses me when people request deletion despite the fact that they have to scroll past "posts are not deleted" before they can even read the content. At any rate, I'll be closing comments since this is resolved. OP, if anything develops please contact Xai or me and we can reopen.
  13. This post has been marked as resolved. As a sign of good will, I have removed the beware tag despite the Artist's behavior warranting it stay post resolution. We are happy to hear you got your art.
  14. Changed Resolved to Yes
  15. It is. It doesn't matter if an individual posts it publicly or tell clients privately that they owe the fee. Paypal will act on any proof provided to them. Usually the first step is the user has the F&F option disabled. If it's bad enough, then the account gets frozen and any funds inside of it are notoriously difficult to recover. https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full#accepting-payments
  16. Artist Link: https://twitter.com/fraankieck I purchased a pair of icons on Feb 5th, 2021. Frankie had wips and then the final images delivered on Feb 6, 2021. An adorable style and lightning fast turnaround! I highly suggest this artist.
  17. Your post has been edited to remove the screencaps. Advice posts are to remain anonymous, meaning you may not include any identifying information.
  18. A comment was not posted for violating rule 1 of the participation guidelines: comments are to remain constructive, on topic, and should not contain needless hostility.
  19. Changed Where to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/nikainfinity/ https://ko-fi.com/nikainfinity/ https://www.artstation.com/nikainfinity https://vk.com/infinity.arts https://twitter.com/nikainfinity?s=09
  20. Changed Where to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/nikainfinity/ https://ko-fi.com/nikainfinity/ https://www.artstation.com/nikainfinity https://vk.com/infinity.arts
  21. That's fine, but please keep in mind that we are not a drama site. In order to maintain our integrity, we try and keep comments on topic and will issue polite reminders to do so. Any further comments on how she runs her gallery will have to remain unapproved. If people see an issue with it, then it's best to take it up with FA.
  22. Let's keep things focused on the beware at hand and less on how she runs her gallery.
  23. Do you happen to have any updates after the 13th? Has she said anything since then?
  24. If you've had your own experience leaving comments is fine, but adding to an artist's tag via your own post is better in the long run!
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