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Everything posted by Eden

  1. Eden

    Beware: kinodraws

    Post editing is turned off for everyone but moderators. If you have any updates, feel free to leave them in the comments. 🙂
  2. I've approved this, but let's avoid hurling accusations of fabrication that can't be proven or disproven at the moment as it isn't helpful. @pisqcurio can you provide a screencap of the email with the heading visible?
  3. We asked for the doc link to be removed, but I don't recall any of your individual images being asked to be removed. If there's anything you'd like me to toss in beyond the other two, just let me know where they go and I'll put them in! (In PM please 🙂 )
  4. Because folks were really confused about the [image 1] stuff, I went ahead and just dropped the images where they should go.
  5. Hyperion has requested a final statement be added to this. I've screenshoted it and have copy pasted the text in.
  6. Given the fact that both the bewaree and this random account with IP addresses in extremely close proximity to each other joined and commented at the same time on a post that's three months old, we are approving this comment with a big *: Styx, once again, you are welcome to share your side of what happened here calmly and professionally. Your initial comment was hidden because it was neither calm nor professional and laced with legal language that you do not appear to understand. (Posts are neither slander nor libel if they are true. There is no such thing as "public" use. The word you're looking for is "commercial".) If this is an attempt at a gotcha; it isn't.
  7. A comment was not posted because it violates Rule 1 of the Rules of Participation and Commenting. While we welcome bewarees to come and share their side, you are still required to follow our guidelines for participation.
  8. Since when is someone having poor file management the client's problem? Yes, they should overpaint it. And fix the lineart while they're at it, because it's not near the same quality as the examples. Your markings weren't even done neatly on the tail when the complex markings on the leopard look lovely. I'm just baffled by this. "Pick what parts are important" The ref sheet has it right there. I'm literally half blind and visually impaired and see what's wrong. Every once in a while we get a submission that just leaves me completely thrown for a loop, and this is one of them.
  9. Updated this to be resolved. The case closed in my favor. The artist never responded.
  10. unimpressed dad face for everyone

    unimpressed dad face for 1000 years


  11. ST3LLARPUNK opened for sketch commissions August 5, 2021. I contacted the artist, but they didn't respond initially so I figured the sale was closed. One month later they replied back saying they didn't see my DM. That's fair, I didn't comment on the sales post so things happen. We went through the exchange of details and payment was sent. On September 16, 2021 I noticed the payment I sent was unclaimed. I messaged the artist about it, but didn't receive a response. In fact, I just never received a response from the artist again despite them being active on Twitter and accepting new commissions. Edit: 12.24.21 The case closed in my favor. The artist never responded to it.
  12. A comment was not approved as it does not meet our standards: Please note that while we are a beware site, we do not believe in penalizing artists for who they choose or choose not to do business with as per Item 1 of the Submission Guidelines.
  13. Changed Resolved to Yes
  14. https://twitter.com/SarahcatFursuit/status/1467655938828083203
  15. Your account name has been reverted and your comment to go to the offsite website has been hidden.  You are not permitted to try and move people off site to unverified websites. 

    We have permitted you to post both of your comments that you have posted on your beware, so the petulant accusations of bias will not be tolerated.  If you had an update all you had to do was notify a staff member.  The thread was locked for everyone; not just you.

    Despite your behavior, you will not be given an official warning.  Your name change and status update privileges have been revoked, however.  This is simply a polite reminder to mind our rules and behave.  If you continue, then official action will continue.

  16. It sounds like you got a bad rep, which unfortunately happens. Especially if you get assigned an international rep, which aren't always as versed in the ToS. Which line did you call, but more importantly which country are you using? The US agreement for instance spells out clearly no fees may be charged. https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full#accepting-payments
  17. So a few things: - She links directly to her ToS to Paypal, where she's advertising she's charging Paypal fees. I hope she knows if Paypal sees that they may close her Paypal account as that's very much against their ToS and way higher than the actual fees Paypal charges to the seller. Also, all it takes is one disgruntled client to report that Paypal fees are being charged to lose one's account. - No refunds ever clauses are unethical and we at Artists Beware do not honor them. If your wait time is so long that you have to force people to wait until nearly the end of Paypal's protection time, then you both need to up your prices and stop taking on so many commissions. Commission money is not yours until you've delivered the finished product to the client. This is why we tell people to not touch "no refunds ever" artists with a 10 ft pole, because it usually comes hand in hand with other bad business practices. Anyhow, as we advised privately, the best course of action is to call Paypal. They usually will resolve these types of issues immediately over the phone in your favor. Doubly so now if you bring up this seller is violating their ToS and making clients wait beyond the end of protection to get their item.
  18. For a lot of customer service reps online they have quotas to meet which means they may cut corners. It's not paypal specific, unfortunately. With calling them the customer service agents are under less pressure to keep a high volume up, thus you're likely to get better results.
  19. As a note: When we approved this, the shouts were already on the client's page. To our users: Please don't participate as well. Spamming people's shouts only make them shut down and doesn't get resolution for the OP. To OP: You can use more than one email for the same Paypal account. Also, please call. Never use their automated system. You can still call and potentially have them reopen or pay you back out of pocket.
  20. Eden

    Beware: Kittbites

    We've gone ahead and approved this as the oldest owed item hits our 3 month minimum.
  21. Comments are closed because this maker has issued legal threats against artists beware.
  22. A comment was not posted as we do not allow pseudo bewares to be made in the comments. If individuals would like to talk about their case, then they must review the submission guides and submit an official post. Additionally, we do not permit name calling or hostile language. We ask that all submissions and comments be written somewhat professionally. This isn't a drama site.
  23. Paypal is 180 days, and most banks are along the same vein (but not all).
  24. Unresolved cases are always bewares, and there are no time limits for them. Cautions are for when you already got your refund.
  25. Changed Resolved to Yes
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