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About Me

  1. I apologize in advance for this mess of screenshots and censoring, but I have been having trouble getting in touch with this artist again after he went silent on me for over a year for a commission I paid quite a good amount for. These next images are of us coming to an agreement of what we want, not including the excessive details I went into for the idea as I don't find it all too necessary here. After contacting on that New Year's Eve, he had finally sent a WIP sketch (attached below) and sent another on February. Then, after February 15 of 2021, he went silent with only the second and last WIP he sent me. Ever since then, I had tried messaging and emailing him but to no avail. I still have yet to hear back from him and I have even seen others also have the same issue from him, where he stopped replying completely, yet he also takes some other commissions on the side. Also, something to note is that I have my phone set to Spanish, but I will help include context in the words here. Buzón - Inbox Enviado - Sent Para: - To: Pagada - Paid All months should be similar to the English names besides Enero, which is January Date formats are all MM/DD/YYYY except for the times it's DD/Month/YYYY in some emails and screenshots where the month is clearly in the middle. In addition, I have shared my own IRL name plenty of times, so I had no need to censor mine, only my PayPal email which is a deadname and the artist's last name (and address/phone too, of course).
  2. I am going to start at the beginning. I had a lengthy discussions with Esferao about pricing for a animation commission, which includes storyboard, primary animation and finishing touches, of which we agreed upon dividing up into 3 rounds of payment given my financial state for a full commission of the entire animation project. Commission arrangements For the storyboard, we settled on further dividing that up into 7 monthly payments for additional ease of budget management and if necessary, postponed the work if i couldn’t pay one month. I personally made sure to pay the agreed monthly amount on time when possible and Esferao finished each months work in a timely manner, but we agreed on postponing payment during November and December because of Christmas. Proof of payment for storyboard artwork: June 2020: July 2020: August 2020: September 2020: October 2020 (This is when the issue with communication blackout and no storyboard frame artwork delivered within the usual timeframe began) : January 2021: February 2021: The delays of receiving the artwork i paid for began in October 2020 when i paid for that month. From then on, Esferao suddenly didn’t finish the work in the same rate as before and left all of their means of contact inactive, despite my multiple attempts at getting a update. Attempts at getting updates, with minor responses leading nowhere: However, since then, Esferao has once again went without providing any updates and appears to have cut off all of their online activity on all sites they are present. Even despite my attempts to get a response once more from has proven difficult given the current status of their online activity and i am genuinely getting tired of them disappearing like that. At this point, i had settled upon giving Esferao a deadline until May 31st 2022 to finish the work if they come back online and if not, try to get a full refund for the last payment i provided, regardless of how far they are with finishing the final piece of storyboard work and possibly cut ties with them working on the animation project with me. That is unless they return and finish the work i paid for. However, due to Esferao temporarily returning to their FA account between April 20th and April 24th 2022, only to seemingly disable their account on their own accord, followed by their Twitter account being set to private some time between April 27th and 28th. As such, i decided to revise and tighten the deadline offered to April 30th, as it was clear Esferao deliberately were ignoring my attempts at getting any update. Proof of Esferao´s Furaffinity disabled and Twitter set to private: And as of May 1st, since Esferao did not respond in the revised timeframe i offered, i have informed them of the complete termination of the commission, as well as made it clear i would take this issue to Artist Beware and demanded a refund for the 4 months ( which i discovered by reviewing Paypal transactions and dates of received storyboard artwork, concluding i am owed 4 months of what i paid for instead of 3 months ), i never got the remaining fully paid storyboard artwork for, regardless of whatever progress there has been made on the remaining storyboard. In the end, i feel like its not very likely i will be able to get the money refunded for the part of the storyboard commission that were left unfinished, so i can pretty much only warn others about Esferaosamael.
  3. So around last year September 1st 2021, I commissioned JayNator1 on picarto, I got my first commission seeing they were more then happy to at the time I commissioned another! That was almost a year ago, since then i tried contacting them, they always gave a new story, which I do understand things don't always go the way we want! But going radio silent and deleting comments was not a good sign. Spite that I gave them room to deal with their life issues. I get it some people need a break, but this has been almost a year of "hey sorry I'm sick" I want to believe they didn't intend to scam me, but this is not reasonable . So now i see them on twitter, and they saw my message two days ago with no reply. I'm assuming the worse. As why I was commenting on their page? They didn't respond for months to the note.
  4. May 27, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/769814.html Who: Porter Corgi aka Little~Bit Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thecorgi/ What: a tradition bust badge When: I commissioned the badge in 2012, was supposed to be done right away (within the week) as it was advertised as an "emergency commission" (couldn't get screen caps of the journal she posted as she deletes them often) then I got excuse after excuse, "I'm so busy" "computer/tablet broken" "I work all day, then train horses and give lessons all day. I'm trying to get your badge to you", I was then sent this link to this unpleasant digital badge, the quality was bad, it looked messy, pixel-y, rushed and not her art style at all, I reminded her I asked for traditional, she apologized and said she'd fix it no problem. The excuses continued. I then had to leave FA for a while because my account was hacked, I looked for her often, and tried to contact her multiple times, for a while she was gone doing stuff in armed forces, and then she was "done with FA forever" as seen on her old account http://www.furaffinity.net/user/little~bit/ I finally joined FA again this year 2014, over 2 years later. Since I joined I've been contacting her, 3 months ago I noted her about the long overdue badge, with the warning I was thinking about posting on artists beware, she apologized a lot and said she'd get it to me asap. It's been 3 months since she's said this. Proof: I don't have screenshots from my old account but these are the conversations we've had since I re joined http://s1352.photobucket.com/user/mlpblah_/media/162C47C0-FCA0-4362-B493-F4B4BCA0D1CD_zps489xrvjh.png.html?sort=3&o=4 http://s1352.photobucket.com/user/mlpblah_/media/469ED320-CB6D-4224-B845-63869D0D2E50_zps7nxziwvl.png.html?sort=3&o=1 http://s1352.photobucket.com/user/mlpblah_/media/D6095F5B-86A1-4E31-B0C9-3DB138AC42A0_zpsn3jcovau.png.html?sort=3&o=2 http://s1352.photobucket.com/user/mlpblah_/media/F35A5704-3FDB-4B3E-97E4-76B24698748C_zpsu6llokgr.png.html?sort=3&o=3 http://s1352.photobucket.com/user/mlpblah_/media/F4C79565-D2A9-4C69-9AD9-B76550D2B744_zpspqvonhli.png.html?sort=3&o=0 Explain: I've been trying to get this badge from her for over 2 years now, I'm so upset because I used to look up to her, I loved her art so much now I just want my badge so I never have to talk to her again. Apparently I'm rude for asking for my overdue art because she's doing charitable things. But I paid her to do this, you need to take your job as an artist seriously. Since I've been complaining she's posted this journal http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/5708600/ (sounds like I'm not the only one she's ripped off" saying "I have so much way overdue art I'm never doing commissions again unless I really want to" I hope she doesn't because I don't want someone else going through what I did from someone I used to think was so cool, and used to look up to. I'm very upset about this and I wish she'd see that. I don't think I'm ever going to get this badge, I'm going to talk to her about getting my money back. She's rarely on FA and always takes a few days to respond to me. I can't get screenshots of our notes in 2012 as my account was hacked and the password was changed.
  5. May 22, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/768650.html WHO: Sickboy, Pales, horrorprince.deviantart.com, http://whorrorprince.tumblr.com/ WHERE: deviantart.com, virtualpetlist.com, and furry-paws.com WHAT: All digital art. The absolute best I can do for screenshot proof is provide the forum post where I discovered him on virtualpetlist.com (see: http://www.virtualpetlist.com/threads/sim-artist-looking-for-work-again.15631/) and on another forum that is now defunct. I recognized him because he went by his alternative name Pales on the defunct forum and I addressed him as Pales which prompted him to message me. I do have those messages but they're text based since they were backed up from the forum software. I never thought I'd have to use them as evidence. Eventually we switched to IM and screenshots will reflect that. WHEN: I’m copy and pasting what I wrote on another forum as I’ve tried to reword this several times and it’s just too hard for me emotionally. So I hope this suffices. Sorry if it’s too long.. I paid in advance for items in June with a deadline of July. Sickboy didn't meet the deadlines, however, he did give excuses which I was empathetic of. We extended deadlines several times. I often had to ask him for progress. Here is a conversation we exchanged over IM where I asked him about my items and how he addressed my questions. Although that conversation is dated October, I did ask him two to three times before October, once in July and a separate time in September. The week of September is the time he delivered 7 items and said he would complete the rest that week. I trusted he would, and again paid in advance that week for more items. He has not completed any items since September or that payment. I again asked him in January to which I received similar responses to the first conversation. Nearly a week later, I discovered that Sickboy had been anonymously mentioning my commission to others, complaining about how I had asked him about my commission, which urged me to cease working with Sickboy altogether. Sickboy explained recently that his tablet broke, that he was depressed over the passing of a friend's cat, etc. I am understanding, but I had been waiting for my commission for almost more than six months before these events transpired. Sickboy has told me an item takes him twenty to thirty minutes to complete. We originally agreed that he would complete the art, but circumstances changed, I requested that I be refunded, to which he agreed. This correspondence was through DeviantART. He told me he would refund me sometime in the future and when he had the money he'd message me through VPL. I was okay with this. I asked him how he was, just a general "how are you" and he blocked me from DeviantART. There is absolutely no reason why I was blocked, which leads me to believe I won't be receiving my money back, nor will I be hearing from Sickboy again. PROOF: Agreement: the first one: http://i.imgur.com/wm4eA49.png (6/27) & the second: http://i.imgur.com/Do0MtgY.png (9/8) Proof of payment: http://i.imgur.com/iFHOzfs.png & http://i.imgur.com/6NMJOaI.png Proof of him agreeing to finish the overdue art on 9/8: http://i.imgur.com/4k3hUdo.png (he did not finish them that night) Evidence of him cursing at me: http://pastebin.com/qpc2EEv4 Due to him accusing me of editing this pastebin, I am posting a screenshot of how it appears in my logs: http://i.imgur.com/7NK29Jv.png - I am sorry that it's formatted in a block of text. My logs apparently bugged out and I don't want to edit it to prove the point that they weren't touched. EXPLAIN: I’ve done everything I could to ask for my money back. Despite his promises to do so (as seen in his responses on my forum thread) he is now lying to others saying he doesn’t owe me any money http://comments.deviantart.com/1/449033043/3447744659 I’ve tried everything. I don’t know what else to do. I was scammed out of a lot of money. So much money that I’m not comfortable even saying it. That is why I’ve blacked it out. It’s embarrassing. Another thing I’d like to advise to potential buyers is that this person has a Terms of Service that isn’t very airtight and very contradictory. This has led me to the realization that the art he did do I will need to replace. So on top of the money I was scammed out of, I will also need to replace all the art he actually did to. I came to this realization based on his terms: http://sickboyart.co.nf/tos.php I did not have these terms laid out in front of me when I was commissioning the seller. I don’t feel comfortable that I’m required to credit him to use the art he did for me because it may lead to others commissioning him and rendering a similar experience. http://i.imgur.com/sRPGvEc.png To me, his terms are also very confusing and legally unfriendly. All efforts to sign over his work to me have went ignored. Edit: Please read: The problem with the Artist's TOS is NOT solely the credit but instead the legal loopholes and problems that may be faced with the rights of the work and refund policy. I was advised to get the work replaced because of the confusing terms. I do not have a problem with crediting artists so long my order is completed. The reason why the TOS is being mentioned is so that people are aware of all his terms before ordering. I was not I have personally made the decision to get the art he did do replaced because I disagree with these terms. Again I provide them here so potential consumers are aware. These terms didn't exist when I made my order.
  6. Back in 2021 I bought two colored sketches from Miiyori, totalling 85$ Things went a bit wonky from the start, but me being distracted by real life aided in me realizing she didn't get back to me on my payment going through for a while. Got no response there and Miiyori sort of dipped from everywhere for some time. Eventually there was a blip on her twitch. So I used her publically available discord handle to reach out to her. So I did. That's how I at least got half of what I had paid for. Turned out right away was another very rough estimate. By then I had waived my ability to chargeback via paypal due to waiting too long. I'd practically all but given up on ever hearing anything from her again until she just dropped new journals on FA two months ago. Another DM later (discord was no longer responsive) I got this. Well, it's been two additional months now and on the advice of a friend I'm just dropping this here.
  7. May 20th, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/767746.html WHO: HulaHula11 WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/hulahula11/ WHAT: Digital full colored image with background - $100 WHEN: Payment was sent April 29th, but the majority of the issues were from last night to today, May 19/20th PROOF: Payment Proof: http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/2848/2848_original.jpg Emails (I just posted all for total information! Issue starts in last two links) http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/4336/4336_900.jpg http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/4543/4543_900.jpg http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/4846/4846_900.jpg http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/4897/4897_900.jpg http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/5149/5149_900.jpg http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/5583/5583_900.jpg http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/5739/5739_900.jpg http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/5915/5915_900.jpg http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/6193/6193_900.jpg Their rant journal: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/5773489/ If deleted, screencaps: http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/3227/3227_original.jpg http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/3387/3387_original.jpg Before finished commission (NSFW): http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/3595/3595_900.png After image (NSFW) : http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/kayliimae/54117801/3920/3920_900.png EXPLAIN: As how most of my commissions start, I sent them a form requesting they read my TOS along with asking for general information for the commission. After that I sent them a sketch, and they asked for revisions. So I sent another. They were still unhappy with it, so I sent them some thumbnails with 3 new poses at no extra charge thinking they didn't like the original pose. One of these poses was approved so I did a touch up. They were happy with both the sketch and inks, so I finished the image and that's when the trouble started. I sent them the finished files and they sent back 3 emails stating that the eyes were not colored (they were, but with a spotlight effect that made the eyes brighter, I didn't fight that) and that the nose should be black, not pink, even though in 2 of the 3 refs they sent, the character had a pink nose. They never specified they preferred black to pink so I went with the color shown in the majority of the refs. As this detail wasn't specified beforehand, I asked for a fee, because my TOS states that if the coloring is wrong and it's not my mistake, I ask for an edit fee. It was a small change but it's part of my TOS. Personally I should add, I asked for a fee at this point because I had already done multiple revisions of this sketch as the commissioner wasn't happy with it, I didn't think it was unfair to ask for a little extra for more of my time. TOS: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NvMkcR6HH9rpAa-nGTAX9WM_6M5IcmaX2-ttm-PrpJA/edit They replied back snappily in the last email and before I could respond to them, they posted a journal on FA calling me a "thief" and a "cunt". I am putting this on Artists Beware because I felt like I went out of my way to appease this commissioner with extra work for free but they did not specify preferred refs and got snappy when I used the color that was used in 2 of the 3 refs. And then they got angry and publicly insulted me when I asked for a fee as per my TOS that they should have read at the beginning of the commission process. I saw this and decided I didn't want any money from them, so I did the edits, sent the revised files, and told them to no longer commission me for future work. This beware is about their issues with communication and their treatment towards me.
  8. May 21, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/768071.html WHO: Raikhan / deli-cat WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6003987/ http://raikhan.sofurry.com/ https://inkbunny.net/Raikhan http://deli-cat.tumblr.com/ WHEN: July 2012 - April 2014 PROOF AND EXPLAIN: Throughout the passed two years, I asked for updates and got either completely ignored for months at a time or received multiple "excuses" such as files got corrupted, or my mother has cancer. I stated multiple times that if the artist was unable to perform the duties to draw my commission I would be happy to just find someone else to do it and just get a refund. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7oxd1cfcocf53v8/excuse1.PNG https://www.dropbox.com/s/achlq8wuhsbqjod/excuse2.PNG https://www.dropbox.com/s/rov32ghc3rmvtn0/excuse3.PNG https://www.dropbox.com/s/62szgoanvjtfrp7/excuse4.PNG 7/1/2012 I query about price of the commission of 2 characters split payments agreement for progression on the commission for every payment https://www.dropbox.com/s/22gqwr147t04i2z/progression%20per%20payment.PNG 7/3/2012 Added additional character and renegotioated price. I organized the commission information in one large note with all the details needed for the art. https://www.dropbox.com/s/n228mpjp6ll4bs9/Commission%20Details.PNG 7/5/2012 Sent $50 payment https://www.dropbox.com/s/onn6hp93kqf3tfa/paypal%20transactions.PNG (this screenshot shows both my payments to her and the refund from her.) 8/9/2012 I am told that the sketch and color blocking is completed and asked if i want to see a WIP which I reply yes https://www.dropbox.com/s/ws91t9u4amgbf8u/sketch%20done.PNG 9/27/2012 I finally receive the WIP I was told was complete on 8/9/2012 I also sent another $50 payment https://www.dropbox.com/s/onn6hp93kqf3tfa/paypal%20transactions.PNG (same link as above, has all the transaction with the artist) https://www.dropbox.com/s/ucua4nluxjy9oa7/sketch.PNG https://www.dropbox.com/s/6lwj317ju5udo8u/sketch.jpg 5/11/2013 "color scheme" update https://www.dropbox.com/s/xy8aaexfi1p8z5v/matsi%20wip.jpg 5/11/2013 Last Contact until April 2nd 2014 when I posted into her shoutbox(she deleted these so I don't have screenshots of them) Here are 3 of the notes I sent to here one every few months asking for updates (since it took nearly 3 months just to get the sketches and because the poor communication I really wanted updated WiP before I sent the final payment because at this point I was already feeling like it was not going to ever be completed and I didn't want to lose even more money on it...) https://www.dropbox.com/s/zoj0h6sglel8gnh/ignored%20note1.PNG https://www.dropbox.com/s/93td92s9i13gpec/ignored%20note2.PNG https://www.dropbox.com/s/yq3jwg5b41en0vs/ignored%20note2%20still%20unread.PNG (you can see in this one that she STILL hasn't even read this note...) https://www.dropbox.com/s/pacvqiexnpcfr8m/ignored%20note3.PNG 4/2/2014 I get a response; stating that I never paid the full amount(I hadn't sent the 3/3 payment because I had no contact and received no updated WIP of the art, which should have been fully colored but not yet shaded... Also that I "never told her that the character had 3 heads and 4 arms" Artist stated she would be sending me a refund sometime within the next month minus time spent on the art, which she claimed was 2 hours(which certainly isnt 2/3 of the ~10 hrs I was charged total for the commission, going by the artists commission prices. Screenshot of her 4 shouts on my page: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lf2hsw8wv90tfhh/FA%20shouts.PNG The refund conversation went as follows... sadly I do not have screenshots of what I posted onto her page because she deleted them every time she replied: Her saying "You never paid the full amount and didn't mention that your char has 3 heads and 4 arms 😕 But I am done here, give me your paypal, I'll send you a refund." Me saying something about how I DID in fact say the character had 3 heads and 4 arms, and you can see that in the screenshots above where she even says something about how she wants to make sure the arms are positioned well.... and I also mentioned that I didn't make the final payment because she was ignoring me and not sending me a WiP where the picture was progressed enough to receive the 3rd payment. Her Saying The last WIP I provided was the main char almost done, atmosphere in, starting on bg. So much for WIP's not happening... Me asking When I will get the refund her saying "Mid of April minus the hours spent on it." Me asking hour many hours that was Her saying "2" 4/23/2014 I receive a "refund" from the artist of 50.56EUR, which is neither the currency the artist lists for what she charges for commission nor what I paid in, the transaction was also sent as a "payment for goods/services". this costed me several dollars in Paypal fees for being "a purchase" AND to convert the currency into USD, so instead of receiving a $70 refund from the $100 I paid, I wind up with $65. (I feel like this was very inappropriate, and that if you accept and list your prices in USD, the refunds should be in USD as well! And to send it in such a way that it charges me fees as if she was buying something from me instead of refunding my payments is nonsense.) https://www.dropbox.com/s/zrpdmno6yrrq5yt/currency.PNG I am happy that I at least got some of my money back, for over a year I thought I would just have no art and no refund...but I feel entitled to the remaining amount refunded and I feel scammed. I am posting this, not expecting to get anything more for me, but to warn others so that they do not have to experience the same thing I did from this artist!
  9. May 20, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/767370.html WHO: Kit_tric WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kittric/ WHAT: Digital art, specifically character designs. WHEN: This week. PROOF: Better off putting it below. EXPLAIN: I put up a bunch of character designs I only used once to try and make a little extra cash. Kit_tric leaves a message that, as far as I can see, can be read as nothing other than a request to buy one of the designs: https://i.imgur.com/0q84nDu.png I PM him with my Paypal address, and not until over 24 hours later do I get this: https://i.imgur.com/lMiBRIm.png Which kind of seems like being flaky to me, but I guess I just wanted this here unless you get any 'offers' from this person on adoptables. I don't know them and haven't spoken to them before this, so it's not as if it's a friendly leg pull.
  10. May 18, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/766898.html WHO: FurryFapChap/CheeryLuna WHERE: http://furryfapchap.deviantart.com/ WHAT: A 6-page NSFW comic. WHEN: First contact April 9th, Commission canceled May 18th. PROOF: PP transactions showing original date of invoice, More detailed view of the request, showing date when I sent a reminder. EXPLAIN: Read from the bottom to the top in each image. http://i.imgur.com/iVAJzOS.png http://i.imgur.com/BUp2DpF.png http://i.imgur.com/D6BQPGE.png http://i.imgur.com/afllhGj.png http://i.imgur.com/qk6u8EW.png Shows the dates of his notes to me. I was contacted to make a short comic. I agreed to it and gave pricing. I figured I would be able to get a little bit more money if I could sell the slots for the two "random girl" characters since their identities didn't matter to FCC. I gave FCC a discount to do this and would sell of the slots for pretty cheap, but I would still be making an extra $40 so it would work out for everyone. Since I didn't know how long it would take to sell the slots, I said that he didn't have to pay until that happened. It took about 12 days to sell them both, but I did and those people paid right away. I sent an invoice on the 19th to FCC. I let him know, sent the roughed pages and several days later sent a reminder through PayPal. I've learned my lesson in the past about doing comic work before being paid, so I wasn't going to continue work until he paid. A few days later the request had still not been paid, so I sent a DA note reminding him. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that if for whatever reason he didn't get the request to send it to me directly. To which he responded that that is what he had already done (for some reason ignoring the request sent to his email address?) and got a receipt (which I wasn't shown). At this point, I am sure I was being strung along, but gave it a couple of days anyway. Three days later and still nothing. Since it is all on his end at the moment, I said it was up to him to contact PayPal and see what happened. If he paid with his card, then where did the money get sent? PayPal should know about this kind of error. He said he'd call them and straighten it out, but it has since been 12 days and I am tired of waiting. Not to mention that the other two people sent their payments in on the 18th and 19th of April and I don't want them to wait forever. I don't like having projects hanging over my head. I decided to send FCC a note canceling his slot and also canceled the unpaid invoice.
  11. May 11, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/766518.html WHO: Chocho WHERE: Furaffinity WHAT: Full body / Full color / Background piece ($100) paid for & charged back. WHEN: May 3rd to Present * EDIT: May 17th PROOF: http://puu.sh/8IzSP.png http://puu.sh/8IzUj.png http://puu.sh/8IA56.png http://puu.sh/8IAcl.png EXPLAIN: I was contacted by Chocho on May 2nd using my Google Docs form to request a commission. I responded on May 3rd with a request to invoice. They said they currently didn't have access to a desktop, so I sent them my e-mail to send the information to. It is worth noting that the last name of the client and the last name on the account were the same, so I accepted the payment without worrying too much. ***I understand now that this should have been a red flag and I will now enforce/refund any money given to me outside of invoices, no exceptions.*** I had been a bit later than anticipating to respond to them with a sketched piece on May 9th. The next day, they issued me a chargeback and I did not realize until this morning (May 11th). My Terms of Service outlines that I only issue half-refunds after the sketch is completed, unless the client contacts me with more information. Instead, they simply charged the money back and I was out $112 (as I xfer my funds to Canadian Dollars.) So I spent $12 CAD to give someone a sketch! I refunded the transaction in full, noted my policies in the refund details, and sent them on their way. I know paypal has iffy policies on art-transactions and do not have the patience to argue with them about $50. I was going to wait a period of time before I sent this beware to get a response, but due to the nature of the transaction, I figured I should submit this as soon as possible. My best guess is that the client may have dishonestly used a family paypal or credit card to issue the funds and the family member issued a chargeback after not recognizing the charge. I do not anticipate being refunded $50, nor do I expect to be contacted again, so this is a general beware that I do not expect to be 'resolved'. I have updated my Terms of Service and my own personal policies to reflect that I am an invoice-only artist to avoid any future issues such as these. I know this is ultimately my own fault. Thank you for reading. --------- Edit May 17th 2014: Here is my e-mail correspondence with Chocho to try and resolve the issue: http://puu.sh/8Pttt.png The latest note being sent to me May 12th. These journals went up on their page in the past few days (language): http://puu.sh/8PtmI http://puu.sh/8PtmX The short version is that they bank card was stolen and money was spent on it. I'm not sure why they linked their college courses as a reason for not having money (if it was stolen).
  12. May 14, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/766364.html I have this marked as adult because some of the stuff on her commission spreadsheet is for adult commissions. WHO: Skink/Paint. She no longer goes by Paint, but her other two bewares are under that name. I think this beware should be added under that name for her, as well as Skink since it is what she now goes by. WHERE: I commissioned her over FA on Paint, but she is active here- https://www.weasyl.com/~skink WHAT: I commissioned her January 19th 2013 for $110 worth of pay what you want commissions, to be divided into two images. A few months later, I commissioned her again for $30 colored sketch. (exact date not known because I paid for it over some sort of funding website and can't seem to find it on my paypal although I remember paying and I am down on her commission spreadsheet for this commission. See the spreadsheet later). WHEN: I made the first payment to her on January 19th 2013. She was fine in keeping contact with me whenever I sent her a note. The last reply I've heard from her in note form was on January 21st 2014. After that date she has not replied to any of my messages regarding the commissions. I wouldn't be so concerned, however she opened commissions March 29th and did finish a handful of these new commissions, posting them to Weasyl while I continued to receive no reply to my messages. PROOF: The initial commission agreement for the $110 commission took place over stream so I don't have a screenshot of my asking and her saying yes, however here is a screenshot of my paypal payment of $110 to her as well as screenshots of my name and commissions on her queue. As stated before, the colored sketch was commissioned over a funding website that I cannot remember, but that commission is on her queue as well. The payment- http://oi62.tinypic.com/ixfkus.jpg The queue- http://oi57.tinypic.com/15z5a46.jpg my commissions are near the top and bottom. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak6G1XPK44mudFNHWW83ODhYTmNsVkpNLWN5aE5RTmc#gid=0 this is the actual link to the google docs of the commission spreadsheet. EXPLAIN: I like Skink's style, enjoy how she draws my characters, so in the past I commissioned her as much as I possibly could. Until this incident she has been quick to deliver the artwork, so I didn't hesitate to pay her the $110 for these particular commissions, assuming that I'd get the work done pretty quickly, as it had been done before. It took her a little longer than usual, but it didn't bother me. She kept her watchers updated with journals about rough going-ons at her job, things that would normally delay commissions. Understandable. I sent her the occasional message for updates, but mostly just kept up with her journals, which stated what was going on with her life. It wasn't really until in January, the ~1 year anniversary of my paying her the initial $110, that I began messaging her more frequently about the commissions. The first note I sent was amiable, just asking what's up, and she replied with reasons why there had been further delay. The reasons were a little personal so I'm not posting the screenshots, but this series of notes wasn't an issue for me because she did reply and let me know that she would be telling me when my commissions were up for being worked on. I'm happy. My next note was a little over a week later. http://oi57.tinypic.com/dfeici.jpg It proposes a deadline and asks if she can get back to me if that date doesn't work for her. I receive no reply. She opens up for new commissions March 29th https://www.weasyl.com/journal/45742/daily-color-sketch-commissions-plush-and-charms Her old queue shows no signs of being worked on. April 1st I send another note. http://oi58.tinypic.com/2z68t4y.jpg Just reminding her. Still no reply. The same day I send her a note about a commissioner she was having trouble with that I had had troubles with in the past as well, and she answers it promptly. Granted I didn't send it to her for any reason than to talk to her about that commissioner, but I still am surprised that she answers the note right away. This is very frustrating for me to hear /nothing/ back from an artist about the commissions I paid for, who I can see is still being active at this point, from her Weasyl and Tumblr. On Tumblr I send her a message asking her to check her Weasyl notes. I send another note April 7th which is basically a repeat of my April 1st note. Finally, I sent this note April 30th http://oi62.tinypic.com/b4jjgk.jpg I guess in my Tumblr message or some other means I asked for simply a refund, because that's what I say. I don't have a record of that first message asking for a refund though. Honestly by the point of April 30th though even if I hadn't asked for one before, I wanted a refund. Since then I have attempted to contact her over AIM to no avail. When I try to send her a message over AIM it tells me that she doesn't receive offline messages and when I do manage to get a message to go through(?) (it appears as if she's invisible, but I don't get the 'no offline messages' message) there is still no reply. I want my money back, but I am getting no replies at all from her. If nothing else I can write up this artist beware to add to the others on the site which seem to be about this same situation. I wasn't worried about her giving reasons to delay the commissions because everyone runs into bad situations where they can't do commissions as fast as they'd like... but the fact that she opened up commissions for a brief time in March with the promise of using them as warm ups for her main queue, finished some of the commissions without even an update on the main queue, coupled with the other artist bewares compelled me to finally write this up. Skink is talented, but if this is repeat behavior from her then beware this artist.
  13. May 16, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/766036.html EDIT: The money has been refunded, now I'm just waiting on Paypal to approve the refund, but this has been resolved. WHO: Isabella-Price of FA, also has an account Costumes-by-Belle WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/isabellaprice/ WHAT: A Balaclava foam base head for a fursuit. WHEN: Payment was sent on April 5th, with an estimated time of "one to two weeks" As of writing this it is May 16th and I have yet to see a picture. Every time I would ask about the progress the ETA would be moved back, and obviously that deadline would pass every time. PROOF:Here is an image with all of the emails, including dates, as well as the proof of payment http://sta.sh/023ordupo2v5 EXPLAIN: So in late March I inquired about getting a foam head base from Isabella here, and after a week, payment was arranged with an estimated time of completion at one to two weeks. I did say that I wasn't in a huge rush, but I certainly didn't think it would take any more than a month. Well weeks went by with little contact, and only when I myself initiated. After a few weeks I switched from the FA forums to FA itself to speak with her, and she consistently gave me new completely meaningless deadlines. I made it clear that I was running out of time and specifically said at one point that if it could not be completed within the week that I would need a refund. Of course it was NOT completed in that week even though she said it would be. It should be noted that after I looked at her journals I noticed she had a very long queue of both digital art and head bases (and I wasn't even listed in them, I might add). Clearly, she had overbooked herself and should have known very well that it would be impossible to finish my base in one to two weeks. The fact that she omitted this truth to me I find to be a bit insidious. I will not reveal their identity but I did seek out another client to ask if they were having similar issues. It turns out they've been waiting for their base since November! At this point I have opened a paypal dispute to get my money back. I have not gotten any responses from the artist in a few days now but the best thing to make me content would be to just have a quick refund and be on my way. Though the quality of her bases looks to be well above average, don't commission her if you want your base done anytime this year. It seems very clear to me that this artist is quick to take on too much work (and all the money that comes with it) but is very slow to show anything for it.
  14. May 5, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/763782.html It was rejected first cause it was too early, but since she blocked me after trying to solve it, I think it's fair to post it now. WHO: Skippy-Adopts WHERE: Skippy-Adopts on DeviantART not sure about other accounts. WHAT: An adoptable I bought, then was taken back forcefully without notifying me at all. WHEN: May 11th 2013 PROOF: On May 11th-12th I saw a cute adoptable (screenshots in case of deleted.) on DeviantArt and decided to autobuy it. The paid for transaction for points was too far back in my transactions however it still shows it in her donation pool on her page. EXPLAIN: On May 12th I autobought an adoptable from Skippy-Adopts as stated above. Today I posted I'm re-homing my characters because they no longer get the love they used to get. So I wanted them to have better attention and posted a journal that they're for sale/trade for other stuff. I've had this character since a while so it comes with a bunch of art but even so after a while it didn't get the attention it used to get anymore. So couple days ago I got notified that Skippy re-sold the design I bought from her without my permission or notifying me at all. (screenshot because she removed it) So basically it was stolen from me as well as all the art, did a few tiny changes to the design and that's it. I left a comment on it that it was harsh and just unfair to claim it back, because I care for characters and getting their deserved love. But this is just rude and I felt betrayed. I notified the person who bought that re-sold design that they will have to deal with a twin one. They said they're fine with that, I told them I'm not sure if I ever find a new owner for her if the new owner would be alright with that. I didn't mind on my part but the art would not be related to it. I commented that it wasn't fair on the re-sold submission, days later Philo commented she wanted her points back when I told her the situation whereby I commented again "the only way to solve it was to refund her the points and delete the re-sold adoptable." Apparently she went for the way so I couldn't reply to her by blocking me after removing. Now that I'm re-posting this as of today, she deleted the image and has blocked me so I couldn't contact back at all. I wish she handled this maturely and apologized for stealing back the character, but instead she took the attitude way out to block me. Please beware of this person if you adopt(ed) something, who knows who will be next with getting their character stolen back without knowing, just because you want to give it a better home.
  15. May 12, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/765943.html WHO: Verilotte WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/verilotte/ WHAT: Sold a character that wasn't theirs to TWO different people. Sold it to me for $200. WHEN: May.11.2014 EXPLAIN: 1. http://s26.postimg.cc/55ajvn86x/image.png They posted that they were selling this character. The REAL owner of this character put this character up for sale at the start of May and then decided to keep him. However, often people change their minds and sell in private. Which is what I thought happened. http://s26.postimg.cc/56khp2a0p/image.png The REAL owner (I have hidden their name since they have done nothing wrong, see later) has this posted up on their adoptable account. So following the trail it seemed legit that they were sold to verilotte. http://s26.postimg.cc/m0poundx5/image.png Someone had even mailed the REAL owner's main account asking if they had actually sold the dreamy to Verilotte. So I concluded from what I could get that verilotte did in fact own that character. I offered $200 to buy him and they accepted. http://s26.postimg.cc/yqtx7qlvd/image.png They asked me to send payment which I did do. http://s26.postimg.cc/d30djjw3d/image.png Two hours later the REAL owner post this journal about being hacked: http://s26.postimg.cc/mrif0fgah/image.png I found out through this journal that an hour after I bought this character for $200 someone else bought the SAME character for $250. I'm sure they will be making their own post about this issue, but I was SHOCKED it was sold twice. Will link once she does. I went to mail the REAL owner to see what was up: http://s26.postimg.cc/as6wt4apl/image.png I believe that her accounts where actually hacked. I am just in shock how far people will go to steal and sell adoptables. I did my best to check up on how legit they were to be selling the character but I found myself scammed in the end. +There have been many reports to fA staff about this, I have reported it as well +I have made a claim on paypal. The buyer has until May 21st to reply. Will update after that. If paypal doesn't side will me I WILL be going to my bank since half of it was paid out of my bank account. Edit;// May.17.2014 The other victim of this told me that she had LOST her paypal claim because Verilotte had "more evidence" than her. I looked at my claim and it says that paypal is reviewing the claim. I called paypal up right away and they told me that I had to file a claim with my bank as well (because half was paid out of my bank). I drove down to my bank and filed a claim with them as well. Pretty much both my bank and paypal are now looking into the issue. We both also have been trying to contact the fA staff with more information about the hacking with NO REPLY. We both tried to post shouts about it on dragoneer's wall as well. This might be the missing information I need to win my claim. Because Verilotte had "more evidence" than the other victim and I have no idea what they have, so the information from fA would be really handy. Edit:// May.20.2014 So paypal limited my account and closed the claim because I made a claim with my bank, which paypal told me to do. I am really unsure what is going on with my claim at the moment but I am going to call both paypal and my bank in the morning. When I go to look at the transaction tho this pops up: http://s26.postimg.cc/gf39qld89/image.png So it looks like I WILL be getting my money back, I hope. Edit:// May.20.2014 I was able to get my paypal account unlocked, and my money back. I am unsure if the admins want to make this as "resolved" because I did have to get through my bank and paypal to get my refund. I would still suggest everyone to stay away from Verilotte as I have not heard from them at all about the issue. They apparently responded to the claim, however paypal did side with me. Edit:// June.26.2015 Replaced broken images. Edit:// April.30.2018 Replaced broken images (Postimage switched their website from .com to .cc) Final Verdict: I was refunded my $200 by filing claims with paypal and my bank. Both my bank and paypal sided with me about this issue
  16. Disclaimer: White boxes with black outlines have been edited in to protect irl information of artist and commissioner, as well as information deemed not relevant to the Beware. With regards to the transaction, the NSFW piece discussed was indeed completed and fulfilled. This Beware will be with regards to the three character piece. Outline: - Original agreement + Proof I have chosen to provide only this snippet from the Discord conversation and nothing after, as anything past this point is unrelated to the commission in question. - Proof of payment Note: as a commissioner, I understand that including "NSFW" in Paypal notes is not warranted for either party. The invoice shown below was created by the artist and they included that information. - Any relevant correspondence. The NSFW piece that was completed is as shown below with a Spoiler for NSFW content: Upon completion of this piece, there was only one correspondence with regards to updating the concept of the piece per request of the artist, but there was never any proof of work having been completed. Sometime after that, the artist contacted me with the following: One thing I will mention is that when I tried to respond to them, I had been blacklisted on FA as shown: Their TOS on their Carrd at sizdizzle.carrd.co/#tos, there is no mention of them having a right to cancel a commission not started and keeping the funds. Sometime later, I went to Telegram and discovered our previous chat history there had been deleted, and they sent the following, to which I responded and currently awaiting a response: In summary, nowhere in their TOS does it state they will keep funds on work that is not completed. All I'm looking for now is a refund of the work that has not been completed, that's it. If they need time to pay it back in installments, I'm fine with that.
  17. The artist messaged me on Twitter after I made a post looking for paws and a tail to commission. I explained to the artist it was going to be a complicated build but they didn't seem concerned. We talked about details and agreed to a price. They said they could get started right away. I asked for a TOS and photos of previous work. They sent a TOS vis Google docs and pictures of other suits. They asked I send payment via PayPal friends and family (i didnt know the difference and thought i was helping as it reduced fees). As I am new to this I didn't know the signs of what to look for so I sent over payment. The next day I decided I also wanted feet paws. So we discussed that as well. So I sent over a second payment for them. I am now in the hole $1020. They do not have a website, a trello, or any other legitimate business profile, they are using a stolen profile picture and the pictures of the suits they have sent were bogus and not their creations. They have changed their Twitter handle from HD suitz to rldhh. They have since stopped communicating. BEWARE.
  18. In April 2021, KidRhinoBoy opened for commissions. A friend of mine and I decided we would get a commission from him. I messaged him on Twitter (seen below) about availability and pricing. We exchanged a few messages regarding prices and what exactly my friend and I would get. We chose to get a single, colored picture from him. Each of us paid $80 to KidRhinoBoy. (I do not have a receipt for my friend but I do have mine). Initially it was going to be a three person picture, but the third person dropped out due to financial reasons. Figures 1-14 PayPal Receipt on my end shown in Figure 15 In late October 2021 I messaged KidRhinoBoy again, discussing a change to the drawing. I thought this would be alright since he hadn't started the drawing yet. Figures 16-17 It should be noted that at this point, KidRhinoBoy had opened and accepted a new round of comissions in late December 2021 / early January 2022. At this point I was starting to think that perhaps my commission had been forgotten about, hence my message about two weeks after he closed. Around this time I also told a friend what was going on. This friend had KidRhinoBoy's Telegram information and relayed what I had said to him. KidRhinoBoy then reached out to me on January 14th. He told me at this time that the sketch would be started some time in the next week or two (Last two weeks of January 2022) Figures 18-20 I would also occasionally reach out to him about his art, not looking for any updates, but just because I thought what he was putting out looked good. In April he messaged me again asking about my commission. He said he would sketch it soon. (It was not made clear to me what soon meant in this case, however) Figures 21-22 In June I reached out again asking to see if there was any update from his end. This time he said he would get me a sketch the next day. Three days after he asks me about the idea again. (To be clear, I did not delete or make invisible any of my messages in Telegram, so I was a little confused why he was asking again) Figure 23 I sent him a reply a little over 4 hours later, but at the time of writing it does not appear that he has read my messages. Figures 24-25 In hindsight it probably wasn't a great idea to change the art idea when I did. I know he also runs his own restaurant/cafe and suits a lot where he lives, so he's certainly busy. I understand that no one can do all things all at once. I'm not sure what to think about the various times I was promised a sketch, perhaps he's tried and wasn't happy with the results, but I genuinely don't know. Figures 26-27 Fig 1: Fig 2: Fig 3: Fig 4: Fig 5: Fig 6: Fig 7: (Blanked out to hide artist's name) Fig 8: Fig 9: Fig 10: Fig 11: Fig 12: Fig 13: Fig 14: Fig 15: Fig 16: Fig 17: Fig 18: Fig 19: Fig 20: Fig 21: Fig 22: Fig 23: I sent him a reply a little over 4 hours later, but at the time of writing it does not appear that he has read my messages. Fig 24 and 25: Fig 26: Fig 27:
  19. In April I was asked to create artwork of two marvel characters dancing at prom, for $40, originally it was going to be $45 dollars but because I had known them from a previous server for months I trusted him enough to give him a discount. I hadn't done many commissions so because I wasn't very busy I finished it in about 4 days. This guy had pinged the second server we were on together every day asking how their day was and what they were doing, because it had few people in it, it was okay. Knowing he answered and dmed me frequently made me trust him to answer back in our dms. He was on Discord almost everyday so it was unlikely for him to not answer. When I told him I finished the commission he said that he was used to artists taking months to finish so he didn't have the money ready. I understood, and waited 4 more days while continuing to edit and revise the commission. Two more weeks pass, and he still cannot pay for the commission. I still understood that bills needed to be paid and continued to wait. After nearly a month and a half after I finished the commission, I still hadn't been paid. I asked him for a security deposit and he said he's been broke for the past two weeks. I was starting to get really frustrated. If he couldn't pay for the commission, I told him he could always back out and I'd delete the artwork. You need to understand that we had been talking for a while and even though I did not know him in real life, I trusted him to eventually pay it. He kept making excuses and saying he's broke until the next paycheck. It had been many, many weeks at that point where he must've been paid from a paycheck. Still, I kept trying to take the professional route and waited more. It's July 19th, almost 3 months since we last had contact. He has ghosted me entirely, I've pinged him in other servers, asked his friends if there was a family emergency and still no reply. I needed the money because of my chronic illness, I'm in pain every single day and he knew that, yet consisted to ghost me. This is my last resort. I hope nobody ever has to go through this with this guy ever again. I can't even say this is the worst experience I've had this month, because of how many times I've been in the hospital. Beware jdmarsh. P.S. Going through these messages to get screenshots make this even worse because I'm now seeing that he did say he was going to pay half at the start and pay the rest upon completion and then PLAYED DUMB AFTER I ASKED HIM TO FOLLOW THROUGH. Also the flag behind my avatar used to be the lesbian flag then currently is the queer flag.
  20. May 5, 2014 https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/763782.html It was rejected first cause it was too early, but since she blocked me after trying to solve it, I think it's fair to post it now. WHO: Skippy-Adopts http://skippy-adopts.deviantart.com/ WHERE: Skippy-Adopts on DeviantART not sure about other accounts. WHAT: An adoptable I bought, then was taken back forcefully without notifying me at all. WHEN: May 11th 2013 PROOF: On May 11th-12th I saw a cute adoptable (screenshots in case of deleted.) on DeviantArt and decided to autobuy it. The paid for transaction for points was too far back in my transactions however it still shows it in her donation pool on her page. EXPLAIN: On May 12th I autobought an adoptable from Skippy-Adopts as stated above. Today I posted I'm re-homing my characters because they no longer get the love they used to get. So I wanted them to have better attention and posted a journal that they're for sale/trade for other stuff. I've had this character since a while so it comes with a bunch of art but even so after a while it didn't get the attention it used to get anymore. So couple days ago I got notified that Skippy re-sold the design I bought from her without my permission or notifying me at all. (screenshot because she removed it) So basically it was stolen from me as well as all the art, did a few tiny changes to the design and that's it. I left a comment on it that it was harsh and just unfair to claim it back, because I care for characters and getting their deserved love. But this is just rude and I felt betrayed. I notified the person who bought that re-sold design that they will have to deal with a twin one. They said they're fine with that, I told them I'm not sure if I ever find a new owner for her if the new owner would be alright with that. I didn't mind on my part but the art would not be related to it. I commented that it wasn't fair on the re-sold submission, days later Philo commented she wanted her points back when I told her the situation whereby I commented again "the only way to solve it was to refund her the points and delete the re-sold adoptable." Apparently she went for the way so I couldn't reply to her by blocking me after removing. Now that I'm re-posting this as of today, she deleted the image and has blocked me so I couldn't contact back at all. I wish she handled this maturely and apologized for stealing back the character, but instead she took the attitude way out to block me. Please beware of this person if you adopt(ed) something, who knows who will be next with getting their character stolen back without knowing, just because you want to give it a better home.
  21. Undelivered commissions x3 from between February and April 2020. See imagery for proof. - Conversations between Feb and April 2020 is us arranging the commissions and their themes. Don’t mind the NSFW text, it was all NSFW art. The screencap of Dev confirming his PayPal name (as well as the .me link) is simply to verify the PayP screengrab later on. - April onwards, Dev never directly made contact with me (until the next dash below). Every month or so I’d message to see how he was doing, and nothing was being done. However, others commissions were being prioritised over mine, so he was not inactive. - 02/10/21, Dev wished to refund the total for the various commissions. Below is that conversation. - Contact after this has been spotty, and no money or drawings have been done since. His Twitter is also radio silent (in terms of art) since January 2022. Feels like he took the money and ran. All conversations between us remain on my Discord. If further information is required, message me.
  22. Original commission was supposed to be a $150 character creation and ref sheet. Because I’m nice (read; a sucker) I agreed to drop the price to $100 for them. They agreed to this and paid. They told me to take my time and not rush I followed up with a fullbody sketch 8 days later, and received no response. I then received a PayPal chargeback for the full amount on May 15th. this is their Duff the Bunny ref sheet to connect their account since they changed their Twitter handle and locked their account entirely after they pushed the chargeback. super annoying cause if they had just asked I would have refunded them like $85 of the $100 (because I had provided a sketch already) but they went ahead and did a chargeback and because I tried to dispute it (again, like an idiot) I was then out $115 instead of the $100. Because apparently PayPal doesn’t care to vet any of their chargebacks at all. I provided full proof to them too. anyway, just don’t do business with that guy or his rabbit character. Full reference to avoid him in the future.
  23. - The agreement was for 13 twitch emotes at the cost of $15 for each emote. Was a total of $195 but I rounded up to $200 (Proof in attached files) - Proof of payment is in attached files below - Here is the entire archive of the conversation between myself and the artist. I originally contacted them via twitter and after getting no responses for several months I resorted to messaging them on discord where I got a few responses. I blurred my name and the art due to not wanting to be recognized and harassed. I fear a public backlash due to their large following. I tipped an additional $5 for rushing the two emotes requested, and received no reply afterwards.
  24. Hello, With a good amount of disappointment I am writing up my experience with rapgod/Mirthfulmaws/miraclekind/culledcrows. I commissioned Mirth for 6 character stills for my youtube channel in December 2021, and received them in about a month. I was very impressed and loved the art so I commissioned them again on February 4th, 2022. I ordered 5 more, with a total of $75. Since then, I have received one of the stills, and that was sent to me on March 2nd, 2022. I have not received an update since then. I messaged a check in every 1-2 months, and received a response that I would get an update soon. They gave me their commission specific discord account and I messaged them on May 25th. I never received a response there or on their main account since April 22nd, 2022. It extra sucks because I've been putting off videos until this set was complete 😕 Also, their trello hasn’t been updated since May 3rd, 2022. And they have been taking new commissions and ychs on furaffinity. I will try and file a chargeback, but I unfortunately sent it with paypal’s friends & family because it wasn’t the first time commissioning this artist. I have contacted the staff team on the Furry Nexus Discord server and they are handling it on their side as far as I'm aware. I figured I'd make this post, Mirth's list is medium length and I don't want others to go through this.
  25. Back on October 13th, Fen made a post for a YCH I was interested in, and messaged them to buy the spot on the same day. Here's proof that the payment was made on Paypal And proof that the original piece was claimed - as well as its $65 price I even gave them information that would've helped them draw the character as best as they could. I hadn't heard anything after that point, not even confirmation as to whether they had received anything (money or the images themselves). Fen also had a "commission updates" twitter account, FennecFiles, so I messaged that account at the beginning of December hoping to receive answers. I made special note toward the end that I was open to amending the scope of the commission, such as simplifying the character or narrowing how much of the scene to draw, since I know artists can have a lot on their plates. Unfortunately, still no message from either account. Now, December was a hectic month for them. They had a medical emergency with one their pet cats they had to take care of, but they were also dealing with taking care of their own art as well as art related to their partner's Twitch streams. (Mainly stream assets, such as themed backgrounds or vtuber rigs, such as when they were playing South Park [SP] and Paper Mario [PM]) Granted, their partner could've held back from asking for stream assets - which would explain why Fen was trying to recoup sunk time by offering rigs in a SP/PM style since the basics were done - but this shows Fen was at least aware they had paid commissions still to finish, but either had other priorities or more important commissions to take care of first. I sent another message to SuperNinfendo in January, but this time it was because I'd commissioned a headshot from another artist and felt that it would've been a simplification [as in based off of this image instead of combining bits of A and B], but sent a followup message a week later since I wasn't sure if my tone came off rude. Unfortunately, I still did not receive any direct messages. Despite this, while it could very well be just venting in general, the timing of this tweet felt like it was vaguely pointed at my request since it was just a few days after my later reply of those two. I was not mad at the lack of them posting art at all - I know they'd posted art and other things, and do not always join their partner's streams - it's that I haven't been communicated to about my [I assume impending] commission, but they'd posted art that had been both taken AND finished after claiming my spot. Here's a separate YCH that was posted in December: And while it may not have taken a month to complete, a post from a month later clearly shows that they are able to finish in a timely manner (bottom left): At the end of January, there was finally a "response" from FennecFiles, though in the form of an apology post explaining their delay Having a person help with your blog is not a problem, but I would've called out the person previously in charge if they were responsible for dismantling the queue, though I don't know how close that person was/is to Fen (nor if the claim was real, admittedly.) Since they mentioned at the end that FennecFiles could be messaged with "further questions or concerns", I messaged them a little over a week later since I didn't want to be lost in the shuffle of the first days of potential inquiries. I received no response from them either - whether from CorpseKiit or Fen - and as is shown from my prior FF message, the reference/commission reminder message was not even replied to in the meantime. Since CorpseKiit was also someone to message (I'm in a mutual Discord server with them and Fen), so I messaged Chuck [Corpsekiit's nickname] directly. (At the beginning of April, since they had their own life struggles through March. I received no direct messaging from them on the matter, and no followups on any of the other blogs Fen runs as to if it was the right spot to message, yet one of Fen's tweets from a few days afterwards makes me believe they were at least made aware of my message to Chuck. Again, it could be just general venting, but my issue was not with their pace of posting art in and of itself. It's that being left in the dark for months on end as to WHEN it could/would be worked on is an entirely different feeling from if I was told "I won't be able to work on this until next October", at least in the latter case, I'd have a timeline as to when to expect the piece. I was reminded of the issue from a mutual in another server who brought up their plights, so that's part of why I am writing this. I figured I'd message one last time - albeit recently - directly to Fen on Discord. I know it's a simple message, and while I hope to hear back at some point, I have my doubts as to whether any remedies would happen - the art itself or otherwise. Even nearly two weeks out, still no reply on Discord either. While I understand that life may be handing them difficult cards, and they may be handling them well enough all considered, it shouldn't excuse them effectively ghosting me for so long. I gave them so much room to amend the YCH and request, but to have legitimate questions ignored so long has left a sour taste in my mind. It should go without saying that I would not recommend SuperNinfendo if you are looking for commissions.
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