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About Me

  1. Original Agreement + Proof: I was contacted by Mechogama through my FA notes on Oct. 11, 2021 with an offer to draw two individual pieces of my horse sona for a total price of $300, fully colored with background. After a cursory investigation there was an art trail showing that despite the out-of-the-blue solicitation the artist did have a track record of delivering and agreed to the proposition and we exchanged Discord contacts. Fig 1.0: Initial message over Furaffinity Fig. 2.0: Initial Discord message to establish continuity of account “HACKED” being Cleam/Mechogama the name had been CLEAM as of initial conversation but latter events lead to a name change and new account. After establishing that we were who we said we were we got down to brass tax. My quote for the work would be: 2 Pieces @ $150 ea. - Fully Colored - Background Included - Multi-Character with central focus on my horse Fig. 2.1: Reiteration of agreement, addition of update schedule and providing an EOD sketch. Fig. 2.2: Transactional Proof Things proceed apace in payment but the end of day sketch and the 2 day update schedule do not come. Fig. 3.0: Sudden request for more money under false pretenses A request for $50 instead arrives in confusing format with me initially mistaking it as an attempt to be upcharged. No work has been completed thus far and I let the artist know my qualms with the sudden request. It has been about a week and a half since our initial conversation and I approach Mechogama about our agreement. Fig 4.0: CLEAM as shown in cap is original avatar and name of account as can be seen in Fig. 2.1. I am told that I will receive an update when he returns home. While I do not receive said sketch at the end of the day, I do receive initial sketches 4 days afterward. Fig. 4.1: Initial sketches arrive By this point I believe the artist is just pre-occupied and am willing to acquiesce to the slight delays. I do not hear from Mechogama again until Nov. 11 2021. Fig. 4.2: Mechogama let’s me know that he is still aware of my commission. Fig. 4.3: Mechogama contacts me again about alleged technical issues with his computer and a timeline for repair + compensation for the trouble. We would discuss some specifics of the commission again on 12/04/2021 and I would hear from him one last time on 12/25/2021 before radio silence on that account. Fig. 4.4: Offer for more pictures, details on an after-pic, no agreement on paying for after-images but semi-regular communication seemed apparent. Fig 4.5: Last message received from the original CLEAM account before allegations of being hacked would appear nearly a month later in Mechogama’s first Discord chat: “The Dirty Paw”. Fig. 5.0: Mechogama alerts his server that his account has been hacked. It has been one month since I have heard from him. The details of the hack are slightly suspicious but seems to be standard Discord phishing. The account in question was never deleted but the alleged hacker had since deleted their's. Fig. 5.1: Supporting evidence of the hack, names have been removed aside from mine for the server-wide alert. Server effectively dies. By this point I had not been aware of the hack as I had been busy with my courses, however after another month I would contact Mechogama through FA after having seen no attempt to get back in touch with commissioners or announcement from any other source of information. I had discovered that this alleged hack occurred while trying to get a hold of Mechogama about my commission. Fig. 5.2: I messaged Mechogama on FA and he promptly responded to me. This is the first time I’ve spoken with him since Dec. 25, 2021. I join the Discord to find it hosting some people but far less lively than before, there is evidence of some activity and posts. This allows me access to Mechogama’s new iteration of CLEAM to continue trying to find a resolution to this commission issue. Fig. 5.3: My attempt over the last half a month to get information and this apparent ‘update’ on my commission. I had messaged CLEAM at various hours to get his attention, and it is obvious that he had been avoiding responding. At this point I had decided that this commission was never going to see the light of day and that I wanted a refund. Due to Mechogama refusing to answer my DM directly, even while online in “League of Legends” as his account status showed, I posted an @CLEAM into his new Discord: “Furry4Ever” to get his attention, the contents including the information on his avoidance of me. He promptly deleted the message in the public Discord and finally responded to me in DM. Fig. 5.4: After my notice in his Discord server, Cleam/Mechogama finally deigns it appropriate to respond to me and promptly removes me from his Discord group. Finally, after months of silence, I am granted my audience and he agrees to refund me. As of the time of this Artist Beware I am awaiting confirmation from Paypal that my refund has been processed, however I am not convinced that it will not be forced into claim status. Mechogama immediately went back to play League of Legends after the outburst at the end and no update on my refund through Paypal has been shown nor has he responded to my question regarding if he has even seen the refund request. Fig. 5.5: Outlandish response to request for refund, I inform Mechogama that the refund request has been sent and receive no indication from him that he has even so much as looked at it. Mechogama has been an unreliable and unprofessional artist at best, and outright attempting to con a client at worse. Reasonable attempts to rectify a situation and patience shown considering circumstance were disregarded and the attitude towards myself as a client and commissioner was dismissive. If you are expecting regular communique, timely updates, or for the original agreements of your commission terms to be met you should look elsewhere.
  2. On the psa I made about her on toyhouse, someone had pointed out that it seemed evident that she did not read my note at all. That it was most likely just opened to make it seem like she actually read it. They think this is the case because she doesn't state anywhere about the tracking or shipping I requested, along with how she still believes I'm going to pay more for shipping. - "if there are no problems with that extra cost I can calculate it to be able to make the shipment" <- the last line of the first paragraph You can clearly see that in the note I sent her on November 12th it explicitly stated that I'm fine with paying extra for INSURANCE and TRACKING, but not willing to pay extra for shipping. I did shoot her a message again last night about how I have 0 control over anything at this point, not realizing that she never talked about the insurance or tracking. And as of today, 12/31/2021 I have gotten a response and I had also sent out a reply back to her asking about the note and expressing that I'm not paying extra for shipping, only insurance and tracking.
  3. I decided to try and send a message to her the other night,(12/19/2021), saying that I had been trying to get a hold of her since November and to please read my notes before responding to me. My notes have been read finally and I received a message back from her. She's saying that she had been waiting for me to respond to her note from August 26th, but at that time there really wasn't anything I could even say just because I have no control over when the package gets sent out. She never got the notifications on the note I sent her in November up until I decided to text her on her Twitter. So I'm assuming she probably gets deviantart notifications about notes in her inbox? I'm not sure why she didn't check to see if there was any communication on Deviantart even without getting any notifications if she had the whole email thing set up for notes. She's also saying that the postal service isn't allowing her to send my package now, showing me that it's wrapped up and I guess ready to go. I have yet to respond because I'm still trying to figure out the words to use so I don't sound like a dick. And honestly, I don't know how to respond, if the postal service isn't letting her ship my package then what else could I even say to her.
  4. Communication occurred on Discord after we contacted each other on an art commissions server. We agreed on a set of 12 emotes of the client's original characters. I had completed 11 of them and this specific transaction is concerning the very last emote I had owed. Our transaction was initially paid for by April 20, 2021 and completed by May 1, 2021, while the last emote was paid for by June 28, 2021. It is worth noting that this client was also a friend of mine at the time, so keep this in mind when looking at our screenshots. My work ethic after the first set of commissions is not acceptable, I am willing to owe up to having not provided wips or relevant business communication regarding the final emote until recently. I want to be transparent that I am not a fully innocent in this situation, however the client's behavior due to this incident is the reason I am reporting for accountability. Prior to/included in the original transaction were 11 emotes paid for by April 20, 2021 which were finished by May 1, 2021. Along with this, I was paid for commercial rights for the emotes to be used for their server. After this set of commissions we had agreed upon a final commission, which was the 12th emote. We agreed upon this by June 28, 2021; and it was paid for on the same day. In the middle of that existing commission by May 30, 2021 I was also commissioned to draw a profile picture. This was completed while having the emote commission in the background. Said client had messaged me on December 14, 2021 attempting to confront me about claims of other people that I have asked them for money and have not compensated them. Our interaction ended in the following screenshots. I cannot provide proof for claims of others that Tyrian contacted them as the ones who I have testimonies from consented against their names and screenshots being used. After this confrontation I refunded the client his money for the emote in full. The refunded money was then sent back to me with the following comment "It's not about the money, keep it." We had one final discussion before I blocked the client for my own safety and began writing this post. I also received this message on Twitter today at 2 AM, December 21, 2021. Having sent the screenshots of our conversation to a friend, said friend messaged this client on December 19, 2021 without respecting my wishes for them to not contact the client. I do not condone this behavior, but it is what transpired. In light of the event I upgraded my PayPal account to protect my privacy and also hid my public waitlist for the sake of me and my clients. I am unsure on what to do with the 30 USD which was sent back to me, as I am worried that this money will be sent back to me a second time. I overall advise fellow artists to not receive commissions from this individual. ----- This is the start of the problem transaction ---- Post-Confrontation Address: Block-Evading via Twitter: [Mod Note: Former client continues to use TNR's artwork via discord, and is erroneously claiming theft via their profile]
  5. baja

    Beware: kinodraws

    Even with your clarifications here, it does not paint Kino in a positive light as an outside party reading this situation. You have good intentions, but Ruchu exhausted all their options and Kino dropped the ball with them time and time again. The timing of your involvement does not make this look like a change for the better, and I've been in your shoes with wanting to help a friend who's gotten in over their head. We hinder more than we're helping because the artist isn't making these statements themselves. It just comes off like they're skirting responsibility with you stepping in and laying out the information on their behalf. It may not be what you've intended here, but it's definitely how this appears.
  6. Alright so an update on the situation: I called Paypal today and asked them about the claim I submitted and asked the lady on the line if the artist was violating Paypal's TOS (i.e charging paypal fees). She said it wasn't as they were being charged with the fees anyways, and while she agreed it was morally wrong and scummy of them to do, she couldn't do anything as the artist by Paypal terms wasn't doing anything violating on Paypal's platform. She told me just wait out the dispute for a response and couldn't do anything yet. So yeah unfortunately I couldn't get my claim resolved over the phone unfortunately 😕
  7. When I made an attempted to file a charge back yesterday during the later hours, the case wasn't even approved. It got instantly denied by a paypal bot since my transaction was over the, I believe 90 day, charge back date. There wasn't a paypal representative to look at the item received claim I put in last night. Even through it has been over the 90 day requirement, I never received the item. So I should be eligible for the buyer protection.
  8. Hi yes this is me, excuse the slightly different spelling on my name since it was the one way I managed to register here (can provide proof if needed). I was sent the link by the poster themselves (thank you btw) and I came here not just to explain a few things but because I’d like to take responsibility for what happened, Im not gonna come here and and talk about how all of this is bc of how hard the pandemic and 2020 has been on me, I’m aware everyone’s struggling in a way or another, but between grieving, physical/mental health issues, and a few other issues that I’m not comfortable going into detail on, it definitely had a big impact on how things turned out, considering how the pandemic is also why borders closed down for a fairly long time, I appreciate the OP being as patient and understanding as they were, I can’t explain why I shut down the way I did, because I never have been one to have poor communication with customers, regardless of how forgetful I can be sometimes, it could’ve been stress or pressure of all the things I was/am dealing with but it wasn’t okay and it was wrong that I didn’t do more to make sure they were updated and that the package was sent out sooner. I fully acknowledge that mistake on my end, and I sincerely apologize that in a way I allowed for it to get to that point, it was never intentional but it happened and I hold myself accountable for it. I see a comment mentioning art delays and I’d like to take the chance to apologize for that as well, I took more than I could handle because at the time I assumed I’d be able to do everything as I usually did but I was wrong and I’m sorry that it was the people who I owed art to that had to suffer because of my lapse in judgement. As of now (from September 14th to be exact) I have been working on having everything shipped out, tracking provided to those who ask for it (I’m not in the US so its harder to get tracking for everyone after the prices were raised), I no longer do commissions or trades and I am fully focused on clearing this mess I have caused, by shipping what was done and backed up, working on the owed art and also offering refunds, which are sent if accepted, as of today (09/22/2021) I shipped this customer’s order and gave them a full refund for the amount paid, and tomorrow I will be once again dropping off more backed up orders. I apologize once again for the mess I have caused and I vow to never repeat this mistake, I will be personally contacting all those affected for a direct apology and offer compensation for the delay, thank you to those reading this and thank you for the wake up call, it was very much needed, have a wonderful day/night. - Hawk Proof of shipment/refund for this customer’s order here: [Image Removed to abide by A_B standards for PII]
  9. Being pedantic about terminology doesn't help your desire to not be seen in a negative light by third parties. Regardless of whether or not the police have been involved doesn't change that Sarah is out both product and chargeback fees. It's ethically theft. Your post dances around whether or not you actually attempted to contact Sarah to send it back. The onus was on you as much as it was on her, especially since she was claiming to be blocked by your parties via Telegram. Edit: And after seeing your list of demands, I can say as an artist in this fandom, not an administrator/ owner for this site that this is horrible behavior on your behalf. Now as the owner of this site: We do not remove posts. The ability to remove posts isn't even on for users. You will receive a RESOLVED tag which is listed prominently in green. The beware tag will remain, and only Sarah can decide if she wants it gone or not. If I find out her suit was being held hostage until the beware tag is removed, then I will fight tooth and nail to keep it and to keep this site updated about your demands. For now this post is being locked since you two are working something out. I will await to hear from Sarah only concerning issuing a Resolved tag. If for whatever reason the suit is delivered and Sarah hasn't updated us/ the post in 2 weeks, please contact either Xai or I with proof and we will issue the tag by default.
  10. original agreement to the commission, as well as payment confirmation from them: A little more than a month had past and i simply asked for a possible update: About 2 weeks, maybe a bit less, later i had asked how much progress was made and if he'd been willing to use a different character than originally stated. he agreed and i sent a NSFW reference. (the character is the only thing blotted out here): And here, from September till February i had heard nothing until he posted an "apology" and stated that he'd have a sketch (meaning he lied about the rough sketch originally) that night. a month later i had asked for a refund. he said he would send the refund on Saturday march 13th. today marks the 20th of march: As a repeat. the ONLY thing blotted out is a NSFW character ref i had sent that he agreed to go with. nothing else is blotted out.
  11. Please do not harass this person if you come across them! I am writing this beware as my interactions with them make me worry they will continue to life to artist (and possibly scam them out off money as will be seen later), and continue to steal art and characters. I was contacted by BitchDrift (will call her BD for short) regarding a client of hers commissioning art from her using a character and art stolen from me. My character and art in question: FlowerMimikyu's edit: After informing me about this I was invited into a group chat with BD, FlowerMimikyu, and one of BD's friends who had notified BD the character was stolen. Below is what happened as I confronted FlowerMimikyu. I go by (the very professional username) "King Rastakhan Simp" in these screenshots. I thought that would be it and I'd just have to move on from the situations, but some time later the same night FlowerMimikyu sent me a friend request, which I accepted. This is what happened next: Seeing as we were going nowhere with this I blocked them. At this point I had already made several friends aware of the situation, as well some public posts on my deviantart and twitter, but it was this final chat, as well as what BD showed me afterwards, that pushed me to write this beware. Permission from BD to use her proof:
  12. My apologies in advance for posting this as a caution, first time post and I'm not sure if my situation exactly qualifies as defining it a "Beware", so I went with the lesser of the two, just to be safe. On or around late February 15th/ Early February 16th, 2020, The Artist @K1NGL3ON put up a public tweet offering up sketch commissions to those who wanted them in the replies. I threw my hat into the ring because the artist genuinely does good work, and I wanted something of one of my OCs. I was then contacted by the Artist via DMs, where we began to converse regarding the details of my commission. It was at this point that the Artist then requested payment and sent an invoice to my paypal address. Total Paid was $30 ($20 for the sketch commission, and an additional $10 Tip). Following payment, some light banter about the large response the Artist had received in the thread offering the sketch commissions. Following this point was the first absence of communication. About a month had passed since initial payment, so I reached out requesting an update. I was given a response back that personal things came up and that they need some time to recover. I responded back that it's okay and they go ahead and take the time that they need to recover. I reach back out again a bit over a month later, in May 2020, checking in, seeing how they were and if there were any updates on my commission. I received a small message of "working on comms" in response. At the time of writing this post, this was the last time I had received any communication back from the Artist. I then proceeded to reach out in somewhat frequent intervals, from around 2 weeks in May, to 1 month/month and a half gaps, with my latest message to them on October 30th, 2020. No response. At this point I'm well past the deadline to file a dispute on my commission with PayPal, so that is on me. I wanted to share this to bring awareness about the situation that I'm experiencing. At the end of the day, I'm someone who can afford the loss on the commission I am referencing here. For me, $30 is a negligible chunk of change that I can afford to lose. My main purpose for writing this is moreso on the principle of the situation. I get that life happens, and things come up that throw us for a loop. Hell, for a time, I was an artist doing my own thing before I got a full-time career, so at least to some degree, Yeah, I get how things can be sometimes. At the same time though, I'm at least expecting some minimum level of effort. At this point, I've waited for months and even over a year and some change for some commissions, be it something still actively worked on, or me still being in a queue (post payment) or whatever. For those situations, it was, and still is, fine for me. In my mind, it's both understandable and justifiable BECAUSE, at the very least, the Artist communicated their current status properly via some method so that I was at least in the loop. I, at least, had a basic understanding of how things were going on their end. Like, if you just communicate, then cool. I legitimately do not care about how long it takes, so long as I at least have an idea of where things are at. When the communication stops, that's when the frustration and the worry and confusion starts. I hope that this post helps some people in the future, because things like this shouldn't happen.
  13. Dec. 19th, 2012 at 7:47 PM ritz_bitz25 WHO: I am an artist that goes by Ritz_Bitz on FA. I was commissioned by Touya_Vulpes on FA. WHERE: During my livestream art session. WHAT: I was livestreaming $10 shaded headshots done traditionally. People could have them laminated and mailed for $1 more. He was the first to order and got his art that night. 2 days later, on December 5th, I recieved an email that the funds were on hold and I needed to take action in the resolution center. I responded saying "He got his art that night, its intangible goods but he has the file already so I cannot offer a refund". Today, the 19th, I got an email saying the payment was reversed and given back to him. Turns out I'm not covered as a seller of goods unless the item is shipped, so he was able to make a claim he never recieved it and I lost my case because I couldn't ship this intangible good. WHEN: Livestream took place on December 3rd and he recieved his art the same night. PROOF: EXPLAIN: When the hold was placed, I was confused but figured something wasnt verified with his account or such. I didn't contact him at this point, I answered the case in the resolution center and waited. Today I got an email that the payment was reversed, and I saw that the $10 had been sent back to him from my account. Upset and irritated, I noted him about it and he said "Oh I've been having issues with paypal for the past couple weeks. I don't know what it is." I told him he needed to resend the money or I was gonna delete the art and go through paypal for a resolution. He acted slightly irritated, saying "*sigh* fine just delete the art". I already completed the work, so obviously I wanted to be paid for it. I called paypal and spoke with their customer service. It turns out he filed the claim that he never got what he paid for, and I had no defense with it being 'intangible goods' that I did not ship. This is why I lost the case. I DID get my money back, however I am extremely displeased with the way the commissioner acted, trying to get his money AND have the art. He has been blacklisted now and I have changed my commission policy to having all the work I do shipped out so I can protect myself. EDIT: this commissioner is now suspended from FA for doing this to a countless number of artists within the same 2 week span. he is APPARENTLY working with paypal as of dec 30 but stopped replying to all comments/emails after that, so who knows. It's official though: I'm no the only one this same thing has happened to.
  14. Nov. 30th, 2012 at 7:44 PM WHO: She goes by Vanyabear http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vanyabear/ Dymitry http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dymitri and her old name was Shwee http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shwee WHERE: I commissioned her on fa through her vanyabear account http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vanyabear/ WHAT: I bought two badges off of her when she was having a sale, they were traditional badges laminated with clip. She started deleting all of her submissions after I bought them though so no screencap. WHEN: I paid for the badges August 29th 2012. PROOF: Paypal payment http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/vanyapaypal.jpg EXPLAIN: I contacted vanya on one of her submissions during a sale for badges she was having and paid for the badges August 29th later that night. She posted on my page pictures to the badges the next day. Aug 30th. http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/vanyascreenshot.png Shortly after she posted them to my page she deleted them from her gallery. The pictures were of two finished, laminated badges of my characters though. Two and a half weeks went by and I sent her a simple and friendly shout asking if she had shipped the badges. She replied with this http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/vanyascreenshot2.png Sept 19th The journal she is talking about she deleted less than two days later. The end of the month came and went, and a month after the last shout I sent her another asking again if she had sent the badges yet. She replied on October 18th http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/vanyascreenshot3.png saying that she would have them out the NEXT DAY. I didn't get the badges in the mail so I asked her again this time I was getting impatient because I wanted the badges for a convention on November 3rd. October 26th http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/vanyascreenshot3.png She told me to read the journal she posted, which said that she just had a minor surgery and was in the hospital for a couple days. Now I understand that she wasn't feeling well but at this point I had already waited 2 months for these badges and she had no excuse for the previous delays. At this point she had explained in her surgery journal that she was too broke+busy+sick to do anything. She then posted this journal begging money and commissions for a dildo from bad dragon Oct 30th http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/vanyadildo.png I felt I had to ask her again when my badges would be shipped. She was already taking on new commissions but she didn't have the time to ship out one envelope. I then threatened to post her here on Artists Beware. She said she was shipping the badges with a refund as soon as she could make it to the post office. Another month had come and gone and I never received anything from Vanya. Then on Nov 27th she posts this http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/vanyagoodbye.png She took the time to go through and delete all of her submissions, journals, shouts and favorites and all out abandoned her account. On the Journal two other people beside myself commented asking "what about our refunds?" So I started talking to other people who had commissioned her. She left every single one of us without a way to contact her and never refunded anyone. The next day Nov 28th the account that she had "given" to her "friend" posted a shout http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/dymitripost.png I won't lie, I don't believe for an instant that she gave away her character and her brand new fursuit to anyone. I sent her "friend" a note asking if there was anyways to contact her. http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/dymitriexplain.png They tell me that Vanya is without internet and that is why she is no longer online. Yet I still see her posting updates on facebook http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/vanyafbshot.png There are also no posts at all about her having a surgery on facebook and it's pretty obvious that she is still the owner of her Demitri character. All I can say is stay as far away from this person as possible. She owes money to so many people and I am surprised she has never been posted on here before. I never received my badges or any sort of refund or even an apology. UPDATE: She did send me a refund for the badges on the 11th of December but today(Dec 14th)she sent me an email calling me a stalker http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/vanyaemail_zpsadc17d72.png even though all these screen caps were all directed at me or were posted publicly. I had hope for her when I saw that she posted her suit up for sale to pay back all the money she owes, but then a friend linked me this http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k305/Wahaneta/vanyafurbuylie_zps6f5e147a.png Apparently she plans on spending all the money for refunds on a new $800 suit when she is only selling hers for $700. Needless to say after the whole experience with her I hope to never hear from her again and I wish the best for the other people she owes money to.
  15. Nov. 19th, 2012 at 5:49 PM Artist in Question: Pirate-CashoozombiepirateURL where they base their business out of: http://pirate-cashoo.deviantart.com http://www.furaffinity.net/user/pirate-cashoo http://pirate-cashoo.tumblr.com (They request commissions here, too) http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/zombiepirate (WARNING –NSFW adult site) http://pirate-cashoo.sofurry.com Time Period: ORIGINAL REQUEST/INQUIRY MADE via email: MAY 10 2012 PAYMENT MADE 50%: $75.00 May 11, 2012 (PAYPAL) PAYMENT MADE REMAINING 50%: $75.00 May 26, 2012 (PAYPAL)FIRST DRAFT: MAY 26 (It was approved by me)2nd DRAFT: New sketch sent to me (She wasn’t happy with the original) September 15, 2012.3rd DRAFT: Another new sketch OCTOBER 3, 2012LINEART: OCTOBER 17, 2012NEW ETA for FINISHED PRODUCT: 7 days (or so) from Oct 17, 2012.INQUIRIES: about progress/status: Nov 8, 15, 18th (2012).... no repliesNEW REPLY From PC: Nov 19, (2012) (after post to AB, unrelated)UPDATE: From PC: Nov. 22.: Apologies for not keeping deadlines UPDATE: From PC: Nov 22.: Colored draft *YAY!!!* Finally. I think this may almost be resolved.UPDATE: NEW REPLY From PC: Dec 2.: She has given me the deadline of Dec 21st and offered a free sketch in compensation for the trouble.UPDATE: PC posted a public apology on DA and FA admitting her poor practices: http://pirate-cashoo.deviantart.com/journal/An-open-letter-to-all-of-my-customers-341302281 'm not sure if this changes anything, though unless she changes the way things are going. I sent her an email with lots of advice and tips on how she could better her freelance strategies but it seems others are doing this, too. I got a reply that was similar to her journal - I don't believe she really wants any advice or help even though people are trying to help. Stubbornness isn't going to fix this problem.UPDATE: DEC 2: New Promised deadline of Dec 21 offered and aggreed to by Cashoo. I sent her a reminder on the 19th about this, too.UPDATE: DEC 22: Just received my FINISHED PIECE! FINALLY! YAY! It is BEAUTIFUL and she put a lot of work into it. So I am happy I got it at least. I will mark this resolved. Item(s) Ordered: 2-PERSON Full-body COLORED SKETCH WITH LINEART. PRICE QUOTED/GIVEN: $150.00 (Basically, I asked for something similar to this: http://fav.me/d4tbnqj) 2 characters, no wings or anything crazy. JUST HUMANS with no detailed background.Proof of Purchase: PAYPAL:Explanation of Situation: Note: I am not accusing PC of being a scam-artist, but some serious business standards need to be reinstated and adhered to by this artist as clients like myself are getting very upset about her current practices. This needs to be addressed.I did my research before even making my purchase with her and thought it was a safe bet. The issue here is communication/miscommunication/missed deadline/turnarounds and ridiculously slow response times, etc.Many times over I had almost suspected she had taken my money and run, but then weeks later, I'd get a response apologizing for another ridiculously long wait of weeks or even months between letters.I'm still waiting on my finished piece long past the original deadline of June 15th, 2012 though.Here's how this has gone:I had been watching Pirate-Cashoo on Deviant art for some time when I noticed she FINALLY opened up her commissions. HERE IS THE DA JOURNAL I RESPONDED TO: http://fav.me/d4zcncw She states here: “These will be done within the month/by June 15th. Or if you have a particular deadline, let me know! Depending on the complexity, one commission can take up to 3 days total to finish. I'm really trying to push myself as an artist with these.” I got a reply back that day (May 11th) with the estimate ($150) and where to send the paypal money. She said I could pay half now and the other half after I got the sketch, which is what I did. The sketch came May 26th and following it, I paid her the rest (SAME DAY): $75.00. I am listing below how things went after that. I have documented them here though often her replies were so huge that I truncated some of them in the screenshots. She has also been taking MORE commissions every few weeks/months since I ordered mine. First ETA: MAY 11 “You'll receive a preliminary sketch within the next 7 days or so to look over before I hop into it.” SKETCH RECEIVED: MAY 26. (2 weeks) No reply after I approved the sketch.NEXT MESSAGE SENT: Jun 12 No reply. I wrote again JUL 25:PROOF: “I am writing you because it's been over 2 months since I've heard anything from you and I wanted to know if you could just give me an update on my commission. I don't mean to bother you, but I sent you the payment in FULL already 2 months ago back when you showed me the sketch, and I haven't heard a thing since. (If you need the paypal Invoice #'s just ask) I am not upset about the time frame, I just feel that as a paying client, I should at least be kept in the loop about what I paid for.” REPLY: JULY 25 “Ohh my goodness, I'm so sorry! I was in the middle of the lineart, but I was thinking about partially redoing the sketch, because it's got some serious anatomical issues, and I've improved my anatomy since then.” and a big story about all sorts of “troubles....” she’s having. SECOND ETA: “I should be getting to yours within the next week or so. I hope you understand.” (AS OF JULY 25) NEW INQUIRY: SEPT 3: PROOF: “I was wondering, Have you been able to make any additional progress on my piece yet? Last time I heard from you was July 25th - so, it's been over a month and I've not heard anything still.... You had mentioned getting to it in a week or so, but I've not gotten any updates since then.” REPLY FROM CASHOO: SEPT 8 Apologies, etc etc.... and “I'll be spending the next 2-3 days finishing up all sketches that haven't been done yet, which will include yours. I've redone yours a couple times and tossed them, but I think I've decided on what I'd really like this time!” “...But I'll be finishing your commission within the next two weeks FOR SURE” SEPT 13: FROM CASHOO “Well, I just spent the last ten minutes bawling my eyes out. I just...I just shut my computer down for the night, and apparently I didn't save. I...I don't know why my program didn't ask to save before I closed it. I seriously cannot believe it. It was so good, too... great pose and composition and everything. I.... seriously, seriously can't believe it. Oh my goodness...” Accidents happen, I get that, too. SEPT 15 I get a new sketch. NOTE: only a sketch. No more replies after I approved the sketch. NEW INQUIRY: OCT 2Proof:"Hello again Umm, didn't want to bother you, but any progress on my piece? Were you able to adjust the sketch? I know you mentioned the piece would be done within 2 weeks "for sure" but this was over 2 weeks ago... I didn't want to have to bug you, but I keep seeing new sketches on your tumblr... so... I'm sort of wondering where the heck mine went.” REPLY from CASHOO:OCT 3I GET MY NEW SKETCH. *yay*. I APPROVE. OCT 17: I GET THE FINAL LINEART AND A REPLY.PROOF:REPLY FROM CASHOO: “I have one commission in which its deadline is the 20th, and it's got a full background and everything, so I unfortunately have to work on that today. BUT, I'll definitely finish yours within the next 7 days or so...the hardest/longest parts are over, and the coloring is simply smooth sailing from here~” No reply. INQUIRY 1: NOVEMBER 8 “ I know you're busy but it's been a few weeks since you wrote me and you'd mentioned a while back... 7 days... but it's been 3 weeks now again. Any progress by chance? I noticed you opened more commissions for xmas, but please be sure to get mine done before you do those since I've been waiting since April/May and it doesn't seem fair that I would have to wait until after xmas.”No reply. INQUIRY 2: NOVEMBER 15th “Hey there, I haven't gotten a reply, so I'm writing again... apparently my messages are getting lost in your mounds of email I know you're busy but it's been a few weeks since you wrote me and you'd mentioned a while back... 7 days (or so)... OK, I get it - 1 week, 2 week, 3 weeks.... but it's been 4 weeks again and not so much as a reply or an (I'll be late again note) or ANYTHING....&rdquo etc. INQUIRY 3: NOVEMBER: 19th PARTIAL LETTER: “If you can't finish it for whatever reason or aren't inspired, or just don't want to - than by all means please tell me that or give me a partial refund or something. Otherwise, I just really want some honesty, that's all. I am a paying "customer" nonetheless and I have the right to know where my product is regardless of the circumstances and I seriously don't think that it is NOT reasonable for any client to INQUIRE about their product they purchased 7+ months after payment, and 4 WEEKS after an estimated delivery time. I saw on your FA even that you said in ref to that other person waiting months : "And, like some other freelance artists out there, a long wait time (about 4+ months, I consider) is guaranteed more effort and detail put into the final product. And if it's been an abnormally long wait time (7-8 months and beyond), there's a 50% discount on whatever next commission the customer gets, even free if the customer is thoroughly displeased." I'm sorry to be so concerned but we're going on 8 months almost here... You said it yourself: abnormally long wait time. And then, you gave me another eta over a month ago and no reply since. I mean, I think you can understand why I am still very concerned here... I can still wait if you just asked me to, but I don't appreciate being given deadlines that aren't kept or that I am not even told about changing, etc.”NEW REPLY AS OF NOV 19th:This was AFTER my post to AB. Unsure if it was provoked by this or not...(note: I truncated this a little because there were a bunch more personal family "issues" in there). I didn't think needed to be posted here. Also, she states that she doesn't know why so many people are getting upset with her about turnaround times. It's not just the turnaround times - it's also the money and the fact that we get deadlines that aren't kept, no replies, etc etc.NEW REPLY: NOV 22.It's very long, so I will summarize. I just got a new and lengthy letter from PC and although it seems to be thoughtful and kind, I am still empty-handed here. I am a little relieved that she has finally apologized for being terrible at keeping deadlines and "estimates" for turnaround times, but the message contained no further details or wips about my commission either, nor did it mention anything else about when I might get it. I appreciate some of her honesty, here. She is very upset about the whole AB drama, but I have tried to assure her that, despite her suspicions , we are not trying to "ruin her business". (this is what she has told me she is suspecting of AB). She's trying to sound nice about this whole thing and so am I, but niceness doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere and I still don't have any additional wips.IMPORTANT UPDATE: NOV 23. I sent PC a letter with some advice and bullet points on how I think she could improve her commission process (because it’s not nice to just say someone’s doing something wrong and not tell them how to fix it). I have finally gotten a colored draft and an honest explaination of how she works and how she runs business - basically deadlines are only kept if the client demands a deadline and all other pieces are worked on when she gets to them. Understood, but I thought I had been given several deadline/etas, but I guess not. So I am starting to believe that alot of these issues are from miscommunication and not keeping estimated turnarounds, etc. I am finally relieved to know that she's still working on my piece and that I haven't been forgotten. She also told me a lot of things about her work ethics and schedules that opened my eyes to why these are all taking forever (much of it is still not good business practice, but at least I have an explaination now). Much of this is also just miscommunication. I feel a LOT BETTER now knowing all of this, and I wish she’d tell all of her clients the same thing.... Partial letter: “A lot of the problems you've addressed that I've run into are due to sudden changes within this year from my previous years in this line of work. For example, in all of my years of doing this business, I've never had problems or concerns with 4-6+ months of waiting with little contact and no WIPs. Only earlier this year did I start regularly sending WIPs to clients, because I thought it would be a fun idea to do so. Before then, though, the client would pay for the commission, wait a few months, and then receive a message with the completed commission. And it worked out wonderfully, without fail...until these last few months. And it's weird, I'm not sure what exactly has made the change, but ohhh well~But...obviously, if I want to continue with this commission business, I have to adapt to my environment in order to be successful with it.Also, I always try to make sure to mention either publicly or to each inquiring customer that they don't have to pay all upfront (most I have are half upfront, and half after completion), and that they can choose a reasonable deadline if they so desire. Those who give me definitive deadlines get their commissions done on time. Otherwise, I assume they don't mind, and I try to mention that beforehand. I have forgotten on occasion, but for the most part I mention deadlines for sure.Oh! And setbacks can indeed set me back 4-6 months, as I illustrated in my last note to you...I hope that made sense! A commission of your type typically takes about 7 days to complete alone. With a queue of only 15 commissions of the same type already ahead of it in line is about a 4 month wait minimum until the commission is even started. I had about 20, and some of them had three characters and some had detailed backgrounds, which adds a few days to those commissions (typically). The thing that's really killed me is that I've been forced to take more commissions, because my consistent slew of bills can't be met entirely with my commissions, which take too long to complete to keep up with the bills. It's this self-defeating death cycle, and I've dug myself into this hole as a result...Sadly though, I wasn't aware of how inaccurate my estimated turnaround time was when I took your commission until I started improving my skill and putting more detail into my overall work...and shot myself in the foot in the long run.”
  16. AngelWolf on FA http://www.furaffinity.net/user/angelwolf/ An un-formal art trade: Badge for Badge. Most of the communication, sadly, was done through FA shouts which are easily deleted and are no longer able to cap. The trade was initiated some time before I completed my half back in July 2010. After close to 3 years now, Ive given up on ever receiving this badge. I honestly dont recall when it was began. But I do remember her asking me via shout if we could do a badge trade. If I could guess it would have been shortly before AnthroCon 2010 so June 2010 until today. See below all in proof screen grabs, All of the screen grabs: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wintersnowolf/sets/72157631774762737/ My half of the trade: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4201234/ I completed my trade by mid July, in a timely manner which can be seen here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4201234/ I left it to her to see whenever she felt fit to complete her half. Several notes (as well as shouts asking for an update) were exchanged. The only notes on hand I have are here: Nov 3, 2011: http://flic.kr/p/djThR7 Her reply on Nov 13, 2011: http://flic.kr/p/djThME My reply back asking a few things Nov 13, 2011: http://flic.kr/p/djThNY No reply to that note. She then posts her art: http://flic.kr/p/djTh8p I even typed up a nice comment, super happy to have finally seen it! I get no reply... Nov 18, 2011, I give her my address and ask for her address so I can send out my half after seeing hers: http://flic.kr/p/djTiRF No reply to that note... Several months go by and here and there I do kindly remind her of our trade, via shouts, and asking when can I send my half to her. I remember one reply said something along the lines of "Since you live overseas, its going to be very expensive to ship, I dont have that money right now to do that :(" Okay, so you cant cover a $5 overseas shipping charge. No big. Ill wait. I ship things overseas all the time. In fact, I ship things on a weekly basis Then, it really got old; she's taking more trades, and more commissions. All the while my other shouts asking when I can send my half to her go un-replied. Finally sick of it, I tell her to just give me an address so I can at least do the right thing and give her my half. Testy, I write up a pretty annoyed reply, but after broken promises for additional arts, and a -watch later (from much earlier I noticed, not due to this last note) I have come to being sick of having her name sit on my waiting list for a trade. I had full intensions of shipping her half out, and not even caring if I ever received mine. I get this reply to my note last night: http://flic.kr/p/djThLE Okay, so I do not bother you for over a year to finally do our trade, then once its finally done you take another year before I even bother asking you again to mail it out and you accuse me of harassing you; I didnt know waiting 2+ years for a trade was harassing : So, Im sick of it, and decide to leave the note unanswered, block her, remove her from my watch list and Im going to just throw the badge away. Its not worth waiting to send out old, out-of-date art any more. And just to show I still do, yes in fact, have the badge to this day! I placed it in an over-sized envelope, with a blank piece of paper & cardboard backing since the day I posted it to FA (and finished it), in preparation for shipping. Here is a photo I took today of that badge: http://flic.kr/p/djUdiW Biggest worry; I see she is trading with more people, and taking commissions for more art: Buyer and Artists Beware. This girl is nothing short of someone that clearly holds no responsibility for her actions and has no intentions of fulfilling a trade, much less a paid commission. And if you want anything more than a low quality scan forget about it. The original has no chance of making it to you ever it seems. If you dont have a place to mail things to in the first place, dont take a trade and waste peoples time. EDIT: Angel has reached out to me to give an address: To keep it fair, since she cannot receive my half then I do not want hers. This is merely a beware to any one else to see the lack of communication and the year+ time it took to even trade. Had I known she never wanted to physically receive my half I would have never spent the extra time to cut, laminate and prepare it for shipping so it could serve its purpose as a badge to wear. As someone below stated we are both equal in the fact that neither of us have physically received our shares. I dont wish her to spend money on shipping it out.
  17. Psy's dad died last night. Perhaps the timing here is not appropriate. https://www.furaffinity.net/journals/psy101/
  18. I commissioned iRoxyKun for a $40 chibi image on 7/20/2020, following a trade (iRoxyKun had offered art for a character on my Toyhouse, and had completed the trade quickly). After discussing the commission details and providing references, I paid iRoxyKun $40 that day. At this time, they stated that their current turnaround time was 2-4 weeks. (Image 1) On 8/19/2020, I noted iRoxyKun on Toyhouse, as I had not received any communications or updates since payment. They responded within two minutes, stating that they had not been feeling well, and had not begun work on my commission. On 9/4/2020, over five weeks from my purchase, I began to look at their other accounts to see if they were alright. I found that they had decided to discontinue doing any commission work and were going to finish their current queue. Seeing as my piece had not been started, I contacted them to offer opening a refund, as I thought this would relieve them of more work. A few hours later, iRoxyKun responded, refusing a refund due to a lack of funds. (Image 2) I gave iRoxyKun an ultimatum: deliver a response, plan, or sketch within two weeks, or I would begin the chargeback process with PayPal. Though iRoxyKun read my note on Toyhouse, they did not offer a response. Wanting to find information on what was going on, I went to their art Twitter. Here I found that on 8/9/2020, they were offering commissions for FFXIV items. On 8/20/2020. they opened for three $25 sketches. During the duration of 7/20/2020 to 9/11/2020, I had not received any work, or any indication that my piece would be finished. On 9/11/2020, I sent a final notice: if iRoxyKun did not communicate with me by the afternoon of 9/12/2020, I would issue a charge back. I had initially offered a two week deadline, but iRoxyKun had never responded to my asking for a plan of action or progress on the piece. The night of 9/11/2020, they issued my money back, along with the attached note. (Images 3 and 4). I have received the amount I paid back in full, however I would advise against working with this artist, due to a lack of professional communication, lack of respect for deadlines, and their actions in taking on more and more work on top of their current queue. (Please note that due to the newest-at-top message format of Toyhouse, these images read bottom to top, except for Image 4)
  19. I have gotten a portion of this commission, but not all or even half of it. On August 21st, 2019, I stumbled across an advertisement for cheap experimental commissions. I was new to the community, and seeing some cheap art in a cute style did catch my interest as i didn't have much money at the time. I reached out on the same day to inquire about commissions.. Here is the advert- it is still up, actually. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32748027/ I will include a screenshot as well. I comment on the post saying I would note them, and then I note them and I asked how many slots I could take, because I would get multiple slots if so. (I wanted to get my partner some too.) The artist replied back the next day. I reply back the same day and I grab 10 slots. The note is really long and filled with links for references so I figured I would only show the beginning with the amount of slots. Also, i include the end of the note where i confirm the price. I planned on tipping them at least double the commission prices after receiving the products since they were doing so much work. They reply the same night. I figured since I noted the same day the original submission was posted, i would be one of the first people since the advert did not have a lot of views, so i thought maybe 2-6 weeks somewhere i could expect at least one of the pieces. I have included a screenshot of my payment via paypal. I paid on the same night that they sent their paypal, August 22nd. I sent them a note just after I paid. They sent me a note back. I sent them a note after just thanking them again a few minutes after that note. The next little while they posted some of the experimental artwork that they had done, and it all looked nice so I looked forward to mine. On September 3rd, I was adding all the commissions I was owed onto a personal Trello and I realized i never got an estimate from them for tunaround time. I estimated i would start getting pieces at 2-6 weeks after payment, and they said it may take a while but they also go through them fast, so I figured it would be best to get an estimate for clarity's sake. So, I sent them the note. I didn't hear back from them until the 11th of September (8 days later). I thought about poking them again during the wait time but decided against it in case something serious came up. Note that their queue was never made public. They thanked me for my patience, and I sent back a note simply saying "No worries!" in reply. I left them alone for the next 4 and a half (nearly 5) months, since I know school can be stressful during the fall months, and the holidays occured. After the holidays, I allowed them some time before I reached out on January 22nd, 2020 to ask if there were any updates on my commissions. 2 weeks/14 days later, on February 5th, 2020, I receive a note back from them. The day of the week was Wednesday. The same day i reply, The artist reads my note but does not reply. The week comes and goes, which turns into two weeks, a month, and then 5 months. I didn't think too much about it with the virus being big, but I also wished i had some progress shown on the commissions that I purchased. I join Artfight 2020, and I notice that they have a profile, and that they are actively posting. This is the only site I had really seen them be active on in a while, and of course, when you have commissions that are nearly a year old and you see someone doing free art for others when they haven't been communicating with you, it can be kind of disheartening. I wrote out a long note and I sent it on their FA on July 5th, but they never read it. (not even to this day.) So on the same day, I decide to copy the message (this is why the text looks weird in the email) and send it to their email in hopes that i would get a reply. They reply a couple days later. I send a reply. They reply back. I send a reply back. That concluded our conversation at the time. I waited throughout July for my pieces or any communication, but none came. I even game them nearly two weeks into August just as a courtesy, but then i sent an email on August 13th. I never get a reply. I wait until the end of the month, and the date passes of my year of waiting for the commissions. I still do not have a reply. I send another email on September 2nd. Overall, I have nothing awful to say about this artist! They are nice, but they have issues with communication and following through on dates. I do like the pieces that I got, but I just wish i had all of them after over a year of waiting. I would still be willing to wait if they reached out to me at all and I didn't have to be the one to always reach out.
  20. Hello everyone! I'm happy to say with my heart light that the conflict is resolved. Raven did cancel the chargeback and this didn't cost me anything. She also agreed to place a resized copyright back for the time being, as the species of the character is going to be changed. I'm glad to accept the apologies and want to apologise for my hotheaded actions in return. I learned a lot from this situation. As well as I'd like to publically confirm that I did offer Raven and her mate my help with changing the reference (and working on the new species looks if need be). I would also like to thank everyone who supported me through this conflict. Every each one of you is the best.
  21. Echoing others, in the future please refrain from talking in RP-speak with artists that you plan on commissioning or do commission. It comes across as uncomfortable and makes the situation more light when you're doing a business transaction, not roleplaying. Personally that would have been a red flag for me right there. Like others have suggested, send a message without RP-speak asking for an update. If you don't hear back from them in a few days I recommend filing a PayPal claim if the window is still open for one. The artist has ghosted you for two months, I can't imagine they plan on completing the work now.
  22. I'm sorry to hear about this. It's incredibly unprofessional on their part to not ask if they arent sure how to draw something. It was never an issue until 8 months later, like you said. That's rough. They never said anything about it, they even said it was going well when you asked for an update. If nobody had ever requested that, you would think they would ask. And yeahhhhh, the "oversized clit" comment isnt great either. And I feel you on the turnaround time part. I had a similar experience and commissioned them expecting it to be done fairly quickly as the ad said their would be a 2 week turnaround. It ended up taking nearly a year, and whenever I would ask, I always was just told "you'll be in the next batch", "it'll be done next week", or "it's almost done" for months on end, over and over. Just empty promise after empty promise. Then at one point they asked if they still owed me anything after I left their telegram group (unrelated issue) and asked me to send my ref and details again. This was in November of 2019, I had already commissioned and been strung along about completion dates for around half a year at that point. Then they put out the journal saying that everything would be done by the new year. And of course, it didnt, I even waited until march 1st just put of common courtousy to ask for my refund because of the virus and stuff. They said I would get it on thursday, march 5th. Thursday came and gone. Then I reached out asking about it, and was told it would be on the next thursday, so the 12th. Nothing. Messaged on the 14th asking about it and they said their mate was having issues getting paid because of the virus, which I understand. They said they would refund on wednesday (the 18th). I give them more time because of the virus, and reach out march 28th. They said I would get it the next day which didnt happen. So I reached out the day after (30th) asking for an update. They reply on the 31st and say they'll send it that night. Got nothing. I ask on April 2st, they say tonight. Got nothing. I asked on April 2nd, they say tonight. Got nothing. It was the same thing as when I was waiting for the art, just getting strung along day after day. April 3rd they say they are waiting on someone to pay them so they can refund me. At this point two of my friends had asked for refunds after I did and gotten them before mine so I was getting annoyed. I ask for an estimate on when I can get my refund on April 6th. We have a long talk and I say my issues. They say they're scared they can't pay rent, but they're also taking in lots of commissions and my refund was only $20 and both my friends got refunds that were much higher amount than mine. I leave for over a month and May 13th I ask for an update. They say this week I will get it. Week ends and I dont have it. I simply re-send my PayPal address. The next say I ask yet again and they actually refund me over two months from my initial refund date, and almost 1 year from when I commissioned. I was going to write an Artist Beware had they not refunded me. It's frustrating and I'm sorry it seems there are quite a few people with experiences similar.
  23. Jul. 30th, 2012 at 2:37 PM ivorytigress Who: ChimeraRae on FA/DA Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ChimeraRae/ http://chimerarae.deviantart.com/ What: 73$ Swoobat Plushie. When: May 5th 2012 to now. Proof: Details below. Details: I had contacted ChimeraRae via email after seeing an auction of her's on Furbuy. She very quickly replied back, giving me the timeframe of a week to make. (I honestly didn't think it would take a week, but it made me happy she was excited and happy to take on the project.) She gave me the quote of 60$ + 13$ for shipping, which I paid immediately. I poked her a few days later, asking how things were going. She let me know that she was ordering the fur for the mane online, which I told her I was okay with. On 5/17, she sent me an email saying everything was done, except for the mane, and the eyes. She said she would send me a WIP ASAP. I was really quite excited about the whole thing. I heard nothing, so on May 26th, I sent her an email asking about an update. She responded the same day, explaining how things had gotten hectic in her life. She also said she was still waiting on the fur, but everything was done. I said okay. Later that day, I got a WIP picture. I was so excited to see it. On the 29th, she sent me an email saying she was back in town Thursday, and she hoped the blue fur was there so she could mail him. She also mentioned me getting a final picture so I could make changes if I needed to. May 30th, I contacted her, and I ended up asking her about holding the plush since I was moving June 9th. She said okay. June 10th, she sent me an email asking for my new address. June 12th, I sent her the new address. On the 15th, I contacted her, asking if she shipped the plush. She said she saw my email, and would send it out the next day. On the 22nd, she said she had given the Swoobat to her brother to ship, and he hadn't, and she would ship it out the next day, or Monday. She also mentioned a partial refund, along with a tracking number for when she sent it out. I went ahead and let her know the partial refund wasn't needed, I was just excited to see my plush. On July 2nd, I emailed again, asking if the plush had been shipped. She replied on the 4th, and said it had been shipped out Tuesday, and would get to me late that week, or early next week. I was so excited at that point, so I waited for my plush to arrive in the mail. July 16th. I email her again, because I was worried. She responded the same day, mentioned how it was weird that it wasn't there, and she would email me again in a bit with the address she had on the Fed-Ex Receipt. Later that day, I email asking if she had found the address, and I mentioned how I had noticed I only recieved a single WIP picture. I asked for a picture of the completed plush. She replied, and said she couldn't find the email with my address, and asked me to resend it. She also said she would send me a picture when she found them, because she wanted an example so she could make more, but she doubted she would "just because plushies have become so time-consuming." She then sent another email saying "Btw, WORST case- If I go to FedEx, they can't track her, she got sent to the wrong address, etc. etc., I WILL give you a full refund. Hopefully it doesn't come to that and this is just disorganization on my part, but hopefully that's a bit more peace of mind for you. XD" On the 19th on July, I sent an email asking for proof that she even sent the plush, or a refund, since I had only seen one WIP of the Swoobat. Her reply included an apology, mentioning how sloppy it looked, what she'll do to get organized, etc. and she said if she would get back to me that night or at latest the next day with results, completely ignoring what I had said. (Proof of being sent or refund.) Late the next day (20th) I sent a email just asking for a refund. I get an email back, with more WIPs of the Swoobat (which I didn't ask for) and she mentioned she wasn't able to get a ride from her mother, and would try her brother. If she couldn't get a ride that night or the next day, she would send a refund regardless of where the plush ended up. Extremely irritated and upset at that point, I replied, asking for a refund, and how the entire situation seemed suspicious to me. All I got back for a reponse is "Alright, I understand. I'll transfer first thing after I get paid." Waited several days, then emailed again on the 26th on July, asking when she planned on paying me back. Got a response of she got paid Friday, and would be at the bank by latest Saturday morning. Last I heard, she sent me an email on the 28th asking if my paypal was the same was my email. Which I immediatly responded to her question. The next day (29th) I sent another email asking for my refund. With no reply. Screenshots: First Contact: http://oi45.tinypic.com/9027n6.jpg Payment: http://oi46.tinypic.com/4uxgle.jpg http://oi48.tinypic.com/98v8m1.jpg First Update: http://oi49.tinypic.com/20uwfh0.jpg Second Update: http://oi49.tinypic.com/1fzl6r.jpg Third Update: http://oi45.tinypic.com/25yvrjd.jpg W.I.P picture: http://oi48.tinypic.com/2nh1clg.jpg Back in Town/heads up: http://oi49.tinypic.com/24qjpmx.jpg Asking the plush to be held: http://oi45.tinypic.com/2v26p78.jpg Proof I sent my address: http://oi49.tinypic.com/1znadsx.jpg Saying it would be shipped: http://oi47.tinypic.com/25u1rts.jpg Given the package to her brother: http://oi48.tinypic.com/40rqq.jpg Saying it was shipped: http://oi46.tinypic.com/25576mw.jpg Getting worried: http://oi48.tinypic.com/2qk6mip.jpg Getting worse: http://oi48.tinypic.com/9qfzp3.jpg Worst Case: http://oi49.tinypic.com/29e135h.jpg Ignored email: http://oi48.tinypic.com/2e5lfsj.jpg Second time ignored: http://oi49.tinypic.com/nboxn9.jpg Refund and suspicions: http://oi48.tinypic.com/29xslcm.jpg Asking when she planned on refunding: http://oi47.tinypic.com/2uic36o.jpg Last email recieved: http://oi48.tinypic.com/2lt57qr.jpg I'm sorry if I included too much information, I'm just extremely upset about this entire situation.
  24. Jul. 7th, 2012 at 6:47 AM aperturefox I haven't posted here before, so I apologize for any mistakes. About two months ago (I believe on May 4th), I commissioned someone at an anime con for two tails, one of my fursona, and one of my fiance's. I paid upfront VIA cash- 90$. I only have the one email she sent of the night for proof of this whole thing. Ever since that email she sent, I had not heard from her since, even though after I tried to contact her at times. I do not know what's going on, if she lost internet or something. Quite frankly, I know nothing. The rest is under the cut. EDIT: (4/14/13): Sent her another email, plus I contacted her VIA Etsy, where her recent upload was around March of this year. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/266/alik.png/ EDIT: I sent her another email a few days ago, and this is what I got: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/Baka_Koori_Kitsune/akijs.png Was about a week ago, but I have not heard back yet. EDIT: I was going to email her today, but my hotmail wouldn't work. Finally I got this on my phone, and now hotmail works! It must have known. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/Baka_Koori_Kitsune/Capture-2.png WHO: Aliks Cosplay http://www.alikscosplay.com/ http://www.etsy.com/shop/AliksCosplay WHERE: BAMCon- '12. First anime con in Pittsfield, MA. Took place probably around 2-6 PM on May 4th. I paid up front, 90.00$ WHAT: I ordered two tails to be made for my fiance and myself of our fursona. She said because of the markings, it would come to 90$ all together, ship included. When we were talking to her, she asked for my email which I promptly gave to her, which she emailed me from her phone asking me for the reference sheets for the tails. WHEN: We started transactions on the 4th. As stated I paid her 90.00$ up front in cash. I don't have a receipt, just the emails. The first email was sent to me asking about our references, stated here. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/Baka_Koori_Kitsune/screen1.png After that, I sent her the email containing the two references. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/Baka_Koori_Kitsune/screen2.png After I sent her that, she said that she had received it on her phone. I forgot she said that honestly (I have a crappy memory), and sent her an email about 13 days later. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/Baka_Koori_Kitsune/screen3.png So I waited. Then, I sent her another email a couple weeks later. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/Baka_Koori_Kitsune/Screen4.png Then, I sent her this today. Now, I tried to not be rude, to be truthful I'm just really awkward at typing these emails, because I feel I sound 'pushy' when I really don't mean to be. I realize now I probably could have worded this better, and if she does read it, she probably is pretty mad. I'm sorry, I really tried to be professional about it. http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e235/Baka_Koori_Kitsune/Screen5.png This was sent today PROOF: Other than the emails I really don't have one. She didn't give me a receipt to my phone, or anything. EXPLAIN: I tried to e-mail her within a couple weeks so she didn't feel like she was being hounded. I have no idea if she's getting them, if something happened, or what. She never did ask for my address to ship, but that might have slipped her mind. I have her etsy/website, but I don't think they have been updated in a while. I don't hate her, I'm not spiteful towards her, I just really want either my money back, or my tails.
  25. Jul. 6th, 2012 at 9:22 PM intervivos_2 WHO: TheSassyJessy/CelestetheHedgehog/Palette Swap http://askpalette-swap.tumblr.com/ http://celestethehedgehog.deviantart.com/ http://thesassyjessy.deviantart.com/ WHERE: deviantart and is also on tumblr WHAT: 5 traditional sketches, then later on changed last sketch to a 3 full pics of a pony character to make up for the wait WHEN: July 12th 2011 is when I contacted her, she acccepted, payment was sent on the 15th of the same month. PROOF: Original DA notes confirming the commissions(s) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18591885/cellydanote1.png Paypal statement: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18591885/cellypaypal.png journals saying she was going to leave her account once commissions were done; other journal saying she was going to stay and remind her of who commissioned her http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18591885/cellyjournals.png skype chat after finding her new account recently http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18591885/cellyskype1.png http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18591885/cellyskype2.png two notes I tried sending her for updates, both read, but no replies http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18591885/cellynote1.png http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18591885/cellynote2.png I can also get MSN chat logs, though there isnt too much info in them. the only thing is I asked her via MSN for one more sketch which she confirmed. And this is pretty much what any attempt to contact her looks like https://dl.dropbox.com/u/18591885/celly%20skype.png EXPLAIN: I commissioned her around a year ago now, her username on deviantart was CelestetheHedgehog. She was doing a sale on sketches so I thought I'd get a few, if I recall she was having money issues. I contacted her a little bit after her sale, on July 11th by note, and she accepted. I sent her payment a few days later, and she got to work. Not too long after, I got the first sketch from her, and was very pleased with it. She said she'd work on the next ones soon, so I waited. I didn't use MSN much, which was one of the only ways to contact her, but I tried to sign on every once in awhile to see if she had anything new. I never managed to get online at the same time she did, so I dropped her a DA note to see if she would see it and reply. It took her awhile, but she got back to me, saying she had 2 more sketches, and would give them to me that night when she scanned them. I got online and poked her, and she gave me 2 sketches, I was pleased with them. I trusted she was going to finish the others at this point, so I gave her some time. I tried to pop on MSN now and then, to see if she had anything for me. I never saw her online again after that. I had just figured she wasn't around when I was, so I tried to shoot her a DA note. No reply. Eventually, she made a journal saying that anyone who commissioned her should note her to remind her of what they had gotten so she could finish it ASAP. Alright. I noted her again. No reply. Pretty sure she at least read it. I was kinda upset at this point, still popped on MSN now and then to see if she was there, nothing. I eventually found out she had moved accounts, and didn't even tell me, as well as I assume anyone else who commissioned her. Turns out she had become a pony artist, and had her own ask blog on Tumblr, AskPalette-Swap. I was pretty upset, it's probably one of the worst things a commissioner can do is change accounts and not tell people who paid you. Doing that just seems like you're fleeing. After I found out who she was, saw she had been posting quite a bit to her ask blog, I noticed her name pop up on Skype, in which I promptly IMed her, asking about things. She took awhile to reply, but she finally did, and apologised. She said she had the rough sketches, and that she would even draw some pictures, full color, of my pony to make up for the wait. I was pleased to hear this. She said she was sick, but would show me the pics later in the night after she woke up from a nap. Later that night, I got no message. I waited for a week or so, I figure I'd give her time to heal from being sick. But I heard nothing from her, at all. But I noticed one thing, she kept posting to her ask blog just fine. Drawing or streaming every day. I was incredibly upset at this point. I tried so hard to get to her, I even consider her a friend, I know her from a long time ago. And she just treats me like this. It doesn't seem like she cared at all about getting things done, which is weird. She had worked so fast before. I ended up sending her a few messages on skype again, one asking for an update. Sent it at around 5 PM, no reply. Noticed at around 1 AM she posted a picture to her pony blog. IMed her again. No reply, so I sent her a message letting her know how I feel. Took her forever to reply, but she did, saying she was sorry and would work on the pics soon. I eventually got 2 of the last promised pics, but I'm still waiting on one, which apaprently just needs some color. I keep waiting, trying to contact her on skype, and on tumblr, no replies, ever. I'm pretty sure she's ignoring me, since I see her change her skype icon quite a bit. To add to the frustration, she opened up MORE commissions on her pony blog, and even finishes them before mine. She even draws things for 4chan. It's frustrating, this honestly has to be the most frustrating commissioner I have ever had to deal with. I try my hardest to keep in contact, and be polite, but I just can't deal with this anymore. Is it really that hard to just finish the work? She said she just had to color it. And refuses to stay in contact with me or reply to me. So I'm posting this here. It's just upset me so much, especially since she used to be so good at delivering art. I tried to be nice since she's a friend, but I don't want to be treated like this. u_u I wouldn't have been so bothered if I just got an update. I've waited pretty long for commissions but it doesn't bug me as much as long as the person stays in contact so I know they don't just run off. I'll probably get the last pic eventually, but I feel this attitude towards commissioners is uncalled for.
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