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  1. Apr. 9th, 2012 at 2:58 AM prguitarman April 10 Edit: A day after I initially sent in this post for mod approval, Aluminem actually contacted me with an inked copy of the commission. I asked for some changes, and was sent them fairly quickly. The commission is still not complete, but progress is happening! I'd say this has been PENDINGfor now since I finally got a reply and progress on the art. April 11 Edit: Setting this back to pending, after a few comments suggested I shouldn't jump the gun on saying it's resolved when it isn't. April 17 Edit: Alum is currently taking more new commissions and says those will be done by early next week: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3373137/ http://i.imgur.com/Rt3AW.png May 19 Edit: Alum has kind of disappeared off the face of the earth again. WHO : AluminemSiren WHERE: FA WHAT: $25 commission "portrait" WHEN: December 12 PROOF: (Paypal Receipt)(Aluminem confirms payment) Hello there everybody. This is actually my first post here and I hope it's worth even being mentioned. For the [past four months](screenshot), I've been trying to get in contact with AluminemSiren about a simple $20 Character Portrait I'd like to get from them. I paid them on the day I contacted them and Aluminem said they'd get me a sketch the next day, but that didn't happen. Time passed, and I actually forgot about it until a month or two later. I tracked them down on FA again and inquired about it, and then a general post appeared shortly after stating they were simply[procrastinating on the art for everybody.](screenshot) I left comments there asking for the [status two months ago, then one month ago.](screenshot), and about [20 days ago from the time of this post](screenshot) , all of which have been unanswered. Someone else actually replied to my month-ago status saying they were also wanting to know the status of their commission as well, but they have since hidden the comment. Meanwhile, Aluminem has been actively talking to other people in their journals and shout pages. During this time, Aluminem has taken [several] [new] [commissions] [while] [leaving] [o][t][h]er people like me on the [waiting list](screenshot of a few of the journals, but not all) (screenshot of waiting list). For example, Razorblitz asked for a commission [three months ago] and it's listed as "COMPLETE!!"(screenshot). kougatalbain is also above me on the waiting list even though I paid before them, as are a few others. I am not sure if that list is in 'to do' order but I've been placed at the very bottom. Aluminemsiren won't give me the time of day and I'd really like to know if I'll ever see this commission from them. I very well know that life happens and [new jobs] really do take the energy out of you sometimes, but I feel there could have been time in this 3-4 month long gap to at least write me a reply. Judging by their [20+ commission list] and the amount of time I've been waiting it may be a very long time until I even see a sketch. (It won't let me add tags for this post on both [Livejournal and Semagic], sorry about that)
  2. Apr. 4th, 2012 at 6:30 PM wesfox WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/CHIMERASYNX WHAT: $160 digital commission WHEN: Jan 15th 2010 till now (April 2012) Details: I commissioned Chimerasynx on Jan 15th 2010, with the knowledge that it going to be a wait of up to a year. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/1.png http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/2.png In late 2010 they stated that they would start posting some of the commissions taken around the time I purchased mine around Thanksgiving/Christmas, of which none ended up being posted. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/a.png When asked they stated that they were delayed, but that mine wasn't among the bunch that would have been posted. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/3.png More waiting. At the 15 month mark, around April 16th I pinged them for an update again http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/b.png To which they replied that something "catastrophic" had happened, putting their art on hold. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/4.png I let them off the hook and continued to wait. In August 2011 I pinged them again, this time getting a different reason why there was nothing yet to show for me, and apparently anyone else. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/c.png http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/5.png On October 29th 2011 I PM'd them asking for an update, and stating that I'd either accept a refund, but would be fine waiting for the artwork but would need some sort of in-progress shot to prove that it was being worked on. More waiting, and eventually they responded with: http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/6.png The end of the year and their promised deadline of Dec 31st 2011 came and went, and I PM’d them again. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/d.png No response, so I PM’d them yet again. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/e.png A month later they finally got back to me about the missed deadlines and promised me something the next day or Monday of the next week. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/7.png More time passed, the promised material never arrived. Finally they told me that it would be one or two more days. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/8.png Nothing obviously was sent to me the next day or the next week, or at any point after that and now here I am. They haven't read my subsequent notes on FA, however they have read notes by others and refunded at least one other person who posted a public shout to them (Chimerasynx then deleted that shout, but the person thus refunded PM'd me to let me know what had happened with their attempt to get their money back). However Chimerasynx so far hasn’t read or replied to any of my notes asking for a refund from the same time period as that, so I'm frustrated beyond belief at this point. I then posted a public shout on their page, hoping to get them to respond. So far nothing. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/9.png I really don't care about the artwork at this point, but after being strung along for multiple years with no evidence that they've even touched the piece (despite claims to the contrary), I just want a refund and then consider the issue dropped. If anyone has additional contact info for them, which hopefully they read more often than FA notes, that would be appreciated. I really hate to have to assume the worst here, especially given their level of talent, and pending them getting back to me, I'll have to start looking at various options regarding fraud filings with my bank. The lack of response, the missed deadlines, failed promises and changing excuses need an explanation, and I need a refund. Edit: see the update posted lower in this thread, this issue may resolved / nearly resolved in a good way. :)
  3. I commissioned this artist to make a character sheet for my OC for $100. I paid upfront. Though he was iffy about the proposed due date, he said he'd do his best and I was willing to allow wiggle room. I contacted him a month later (May 23rd) to ask about progress. He said he'd get back to me, but didn't until June 27th, saying I "Slipped" his "mind". I poke him again on July 20th, and he claims that he's been sick all month. I send one "hello" message on August 8th and another on August 17th. No response. During this entire time, CozyCollie has been tweeting about accepting more commissions and doing YCH's. The screenshots I provide are of our DM's and some posts he's made regarding taking more commissions after I paid him for mine.
  4. YCH post by artist here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/30480041/ After taking 5 slots, only completed and posted two of them, and has not responded to my comment left on the original post back in March and does not look at/respond to notes sent about it. Queue still lists this commission. Last posted finished slot from this YCH was posted in March.
  5. Mar. 25th, 2012 at 1:23 AM thaily WHO&WHERE: Xinnova2 on Furaffinity. WHAT: Digital character sheet. WHEN: Started December 22, officially terminated via full refund March 23. PROOF: - Complete exchange of notes in a text file. There's 11 pages, I'll write summary below. Also the links are borked because A. cut&paste from FA and B. I removed the sketches from my server because Xinnova need not access them anymore. - [NSFW, feral bits] Thumbnail of sketched character sheet. To provide proof that I did draw the commission and go to this point of near-completion. Forgive the size and watermark, I do not wish to provide this person with further images for his perusal. - Screenshot of full refund. SUMMARY: Customer doesn't know what he wants, or at the very least does not communicate this to the artist. Despite claiming that he is a writer and that this character sheet will "define me spiritually" he does not write a conclusive description of what he wants, hemming and hawing over what he wants and then becoming increasingly abusive when the artist indicates her boundaries in accordance with the TOS they agreed to. Upon a full refund the customer posts a harassing journal and he and his friends make libelous statements and insults, suggesting customer sue the artist and wishing physical harm on the artist. Upon completing another character sheet commission, Xinnova contacted me about getting a similar commission from me. I showed him my TOS which he said, and I quote "That's actually very reasonable" and "I will try not to make too many changes, if I do though I will pay the fee". We agreed on $100 for the sheet, half paid up front with a deadline of 6 months. The transaction started out pleasantly, though early on I realized I had to drag a description of the character I was supposed to draw out of this guy. I thought that he was just a little enthusiastic and disorganized and that I could work with him; I've worked with customers before who sort of knew what they wanted and helped them along to come to a satisfactory end result. No biggie. I thought. I told him to take a day to make a list of things he wanted instead of sending lots of separate notes, and when he sent notes asking me to add things after I had started (and shown him) sketches I didn't make a fuss and did. The trouble started when I showed him the third sketch; the first was a side view, he asked for changes (rounded the muzzle/added bandana/number of teats/placement of teats/size of paws/shape of tail-mouth) which I applied. Upon being shown the second sketch he approved the changes, asking if I could curve the horns back a bit more, which I did. He specifically complimented me on the revised tail-mouth; initially described as being shaped like a rose-bud that opens into a worm-like maw with teeth. I drew the closed tail mouth as a rose bud, with a bulb below the bud and the little green outer leaves. I told him I was checking off the side-view as approved and listed the remaining work, thinking we had a decent jump off point for the character design. He told me he was looking forward to the results. He asks if he can still add a necklace. I added the necklace in the fourth sketch. Upon being presented with the third sketch, he tells me the previously changed and approved muzzle "doesn't feel right at all". He also asks me to change the previously changed and approved closed tail-mouth design. I apply both of these changes. He asks me to match the size of the paws in the turn-around, which are already matched in size; I put the sketches side to side to ensure that they were, before I presented him with the sketch. So, I can't change it because the paws are already matched up. He asks me to change the teats/pouch, I apply this change. He tells me the cock has a knot; the cock is not shown, just the sheath. He did not ask for a cock, so I just drew the sheath. He says he has a sheath, which is great, because I drew a sheath. Again, can't change that. He tells me he wants the anus included from the view from below, except you wouldn't be able to see the anus from that angle, especially with the vagina mound in the way. So I can't change that because quite frankly, it would make it look like I don't know the proper placement of the anus, which he seems to believe. He "helpfully" tells me the anus "is located in the common area of the tail base". He tells me to mind the shape of the serpent heads, which is fine. It was a messy sketch but I'm quite familiar with ancient Egyptian art, that's not a problem. Current count of changes is 11 changes applied spread over 3 opportunities for Xinnova to provide feedback. On the 3 items I couldn't change I explained why I could not. I send him the fourth sketch, which includes close-ups of the genitalia, including a close-up of the anus in it's proper place. At this point, his unclear waffling on the muzzle and tail is some cause for concern for me and I tell him that this is his last batch of free revisions. I tell him to take his time in deciding what he wants to see changed and that if he wants more changes, he'll have to pay extra for the additional labor, as stated in my TOS which he agreed to. I had a feeling that otherwise, I was going to go back and forth on the muzzle and tail for a long time, if not on other parts as well if he suddenly disapproved of his previously approved changes. Keep in mind that he has currently paid $6,25 per element of the character sheet. As a professional, I can only spend so much time on a $6,25 sketch. He sends a short note, telling me he has 6 months? I set a 6 month deadline for my work, and we're already 3 months into it. But I didn't tell him he only had a day, just to take a day to think about it, since his other replies asking for changes were sent fairly quickly and then promptly disapproved of again next time 'round, I thought maybe he thought I was trying to rush things and that he didn't have time to think about it. I tell him he can take his time and give him some hints on how to put together clear reference material. I figured that, even if he could not find good images or couldn't "redline" the sketch, that he could write out something more detailed, as he lists himself as being a writer. This is where the transaction sours, in retrospect, pretty much beyond repair. I try and remain civil despite the fact he calls my experience and professionalism into question, tells me I should have done the research(?), that he only asked for a few small changes, that I refused to change things (but when prompted, doesn't tell me what I refused), that I'm not giving him opinions or options etc. I give him a play-by-play response telling him that he needs to tell me what he wants or else I can't draw it. I restate that I want him to take his time and tell me exactly what he wants so that I can change it and hopefully bring the transaction to a satisfactory conclusion. He goes on about how this commission is unique and he can't just describe it despite the fact that he is A. a writer, or says he is and B. he claims this character sheet will "define me spiritually". Despite the fact he is not an artist he tells me sketching is the easiest part of a commission and something about experience, which he doesn't have as an artist, so I don't even know where he was going with that; at this point I'm just confused and uncertain where this hostility is coming from. Stress and illness can only account for so much, I've never had a customer get angry before when I ask them what they want. But he feels like I'm cutting his head off by asking him what he wants so I can draw it for him. I initially read the note but don't reply, assuming that with time he'd send me the info I needed and we could get this business sorted. I try to go on with my day and do unrelated art, but I'm distracted and irritable and I realize that I was just waiting for the other passive aggressive shoe to drop. I wanted to bring the commission to a good conclusion, despite the brouhaha, but realized that in order to do so, I'd have to let him bully me into, essentially, work for peanuts. Well, smaller peanuts. Or the burnt, shriveled and stale bits of peanuts left in the bottom of the bag of peanuts. And that I would hate myself for it. So I terminated the transaction, as stated I am able to do in the TOS he agreed to. I even gave him a full refund. Then I told him that he could make no claim to the sketches, could not use them for anything and that I desired no further contact. I saw that he had read the note and he did not reply. I thought that would be the end of it and I was quite happy to leave it at that. That said, I still had a half-finished character sheet, which I own fully and was out about $50 of labor. Trying to recoup some of my losses I changed the design around to no longer resemble Xinnova's design (which according to him, I had failed to approximate anyway) and put it up as a pre-sketched character sheet/adoptable. AFTER I had removed all mention of Xinnova from my account, which was just in my commission list in my journals anyway. I did in no way refer, link or name him anywhere. To which [possibly NSFW, tame but feral bits]he promptly outed himself as the uncooperative and abusive customer in the very first comment. Notice his friends also joining in. I blocked them all. He then posts a harassing journal linking directly to my submission, breaking the Terms of Service of FurAffinity. When a moderator deletes his post and gives him a warning, he complains about how he was just defending his good name which would have never been jeopardized if he had dropped the matter when he was refunded. You'll notice the blatant discrepancies between his communication with me and what he tells his friends: That I was insulting and attacking him, that he only asked for 4-5 small changes and that I didn't do half, that I have "butchered" his name publicly, that he wasn't initially prepared to pay extra for additional labor in case he needed numerous changes and so forth. Interestingly, there's apparently 3-4 of his friends who filed Trouble Tickets about me/my pre-sketched commission, despite they were never even peripherally involved with this transaction. Harassment, name-calling, insults and the like ensue, all based on what little skewed information they had. Which brings us to this post. In conclusion: Do not work with this person. He doesn't know what he wants and gets angry when you don't either and refuse to do endless revisions until he makes up his mind, which might be never; he wants other people to define him spiritually, which is just never going to happen. It's not worth it and neither is the resulting abuse and libel he uses to whip his friends into an ignorant frenzy. Friends, whom I should add, who would also probably be best avoided if these statements are indicative of their true nature. I'll probably get more abuse and harassment for this post, but I honestly think it's worth it if I can save at least one other artist from this frustration and aggravation; You are better than this, do not work with him.
  6. Mar. 23rd, 2012 at 6:26 PM ryuusin WHO: insomniacovrlrd Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/insomniacovrlrd/ what: digital art When: april 2010 - present Proof: full conversation from me first commissioning him http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/9035/note2b.png image showing the notes from the start from 2 years ago http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/6991/note3.png Note sent a year later with no reply http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/2808/note4.png recent notes sent to him still yellow meaning hes not looked at them http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/7752/note5.png Paypal confirmation of payment to him 2 years ago http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/3567/paypalub.png Explain: started 2 years ago, i commissioned a picture from him and payed the same day consisting of a 2 character image at $50. he took many commissions so i know it would take a while. months went by and he put out few actual commissions from others. 1 year has gone by and no update and even still few commissions were coming out but many of his own works and projects. 1 1/2 year he makes a journal about if he has forgotten any commissions to leave a comment. i have and he replayed that he would start on it. that was the last i heard from him. 2 year that journal gets deleted and he starts opening more slots. i try to contact him but he never reply and doesn't even open my shouts or FA notes. they are still yellow on my screen. present, tried contacting him through various means through messengers. still no reply on any of them. i may be very patent, but this is ridiculous and rude.
  7. Mar. 20th, 2012 at 5:15 PM freeziclepop WHO: shootitout WHERE: deviantArt WHAT: Digital art trade. WHEN: October, 2011 PROOF: http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n161/weirdsonic/One.png EXPLAIN: In October me and shootitout had decided on doing an art trade, it was discussed, the characters to be drawn discussed. We chatted throughout this time. I finished my side of the trade, they were very happy to receive. Entire conversation on the piece can be seen here: http://freezicle.deviantart.com/gallery/33755790#/d4dir83 They even used the image they received on Neopets. (With my permission) After a month had past without me hearing on their side of the trade, I decided I'd remind them about it--maybe they had forgotten! They didn't forget, they clearly stated this. They promised it would be finished soon. Over the six month period, I've been nothing but friendly, reminding them on their uncompleted trade. Mind you, I've only reminded them about four times. Maybe they misinterpreted sarcasm, and got angry with me, I'm not sure. They seem to be very easy to ignite. All-in-all, I'm sick of waiting, I don't want their half anymore. Just be warned, and don't do trades with this person. They were incredibly rude and defensive, their friends even joining in to pitifully try and support them.
  8. Mar. 2nd, 2012 at 11:43 PM poizenkat WHO: Falvie WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/falvie WHAT: Valentines day single character commission for my partner, Thornbeast WHEN: February 11th, it was agreed to be finished the day before valentines day. Was instead finished March 1st. PROOF: http://i.imgur.com/NiY8O.png EXPLAIN: She posted a journal about couples commissions. I asked in note about a private commission with a single character to be done the same day as the valentines day commissions, as it was a gift for my partner for valentines day. She accepted and we both agreed to payment at completion. I decided to ask her to say it was from my second account, which is linked to my partner's commissions account http://i.imgur.com/bJy4V.png then she had told me that she would finish it the next day instead. The day came and passed with no acknowledgement from Falvie, so i proceeded to ask her about it a bit later http://i.imgur.com/cPex3.png That was fine, she seemed really sweet for a while. I was a bit frustrated, but it was okay with me.... Then comes her posting a journal for a stream. She said that she will finish some owed commissions and be TAKING ON MORE on the stream http://i.imgur.com/pK918.jpg . Ended up with her seeming to not really finish many if any of the outstanding commissions and to just be taking more and more money from others. I asked her if she would be finishing my commission as she had said she would, and while complaining about it being late and saying how tired she was... she ended up sketching it. I had asked at this point for her to instead do the Spring form of this character instead of the winter form; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6921917/ she agreed and said she would do that in the coloring stages. The next day she streamed and said that she will only finish outstanding commissions if they get ANOTHER slot IN STREAM. http://i.imgur.com/nKMLO.png so I had to chase her for a slot, and I was quite lucky to get one too since she's usually hard to catch a slot from. Sadly my laptop has been having issues so I couldnt cap everything, but whenever I would ask for a correction she would say she would do it and NOT do it or she would complain. My partner sent the payment for me, as I was having paypal issues. I can get a screencap when she is around if anyone would like. I asked her to fix the colors on the character and make them more gray, she complained and said that she would do it later and that it should be close enough now anyhow (its supposed to be a very dulled down character in general). I also asked her to make the gradients less smooth and kind of spiked out like in the reference. She agreed, but never fixed it. Edit: These markings were quite clear on the reference I had given her in the note at the beginning of the commission. The things were what she had missed, and not a change that I had neglected to tell her. These things were not mentioned until she had been coloring them, as they were color related and I could not have anticipated her skipping over them. As well as that, the change from winter to spring form (adding the vines and flowers) were made at the beginning of the commission around the time she had begun the sketching stage if not before /Edit I then asked her if it was possible to make the eyes a bit more orange and she complained and refused to do that as well. I also asked her to fix the face markings and she replied with this; http://i.imgur.com/7MYN3.png since I was getting fed up and did not want to deal with her anymore, I decided to play along. I found this extremely rude, however. She also rushed when fixing it and it shows in the piece. http://i.imgur.com/lk7c3.png She ended up forgetting the vines and flowers on the character. This she decided to make up for with a quick sketch instead of fixing it (I would have rather she fixed it, however.) http://i.imgur.com/Lddw1.png either way, I do appreciate the gesture and was happy that she made up for the mistake. As she was drawing the sketch, someone had asked her about their commission. Falvie was EXTREMELY rude to her. I can provide screenshots if they are wanted, but this is for that commissioner to post and not me. Hopefully her entry will be accepted soon, because I was horrified at Falvie's behavior. She had basically said that she knew she was unprofessional and did not care that she would lose customers for it. She did not seem to care at all about the people whom paid her or will be paying her to do her job and called the user a scammer for being disappointed for waiting so long. This was as she was streaming for me, so it was extremely uncomfortable to be caught in the argument. (Edit: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/574006.html ) Finally everything was done and the image was posted. I was happy with the picture (other than the rushed fixing of the face markings), and actually still find it beautifully done regardless of the problems i have had with her. I had thought that I was done with her at that point. Someone called the character male in the picture and I corrected them happily. No problem, it happens all the time right? Someone else then said that falvie makes "the weirdest shit look awesome" so I replied saying something similar to "Well, I think Thorn is always awesome 8P" And then... when I looked to see the picture again I realized that Falvie had hidden all comments I left (even me complimenting the artwork) and said to the second person i mentioned, "Nevermind them. I have to make things look awesome, otherwise it wouldnt be fun!" or something similar to that. I asked her why she had hidden my comments, as they were not hostile or anything (maybe one could be taken as such, but the others?) and she deleted the submission. In my confusion I asked her why she deleted it on her page and had said that if I had done anything to anger her then perhaps it would be okay for her to repost it at least for my partner's sake? a few minutes later my partner went on Falvie's page to see this; http://i.imgur.com/yNLc1.png with the link to this; http://i.imgur.com/b62gN.png I was confused and insulted that she would do such a thing, but I had hoped it was a coincidence. I commented again after she had stopped spamming her page, because I had just wanted an answer to my question. She then proceeded to spam her page AGAIN as seen here; http://i.imgur.com/7m7cu.png and then she posted a journal soon after. I dont know if this is a coincidence, but it was RIGHT after, so it is possible it has to do with me. If it does not, then I apologize for assuming; http://i.imgur.com/Ouba7.png (Edit: yes, this does have nothing to do with me. My apologies.) Here are some other relevant journals I have screencapped; http://i.imgur.com/Zkf9k.png Edit: for clarification's sake, she OFFERED the commissions to be done the day before valentines day. This is evidenced in one of the journals in the link directly above. I was told to note her, as this was supposed to be a private commission. As well as that, Thornbeast's reference sheet very clearly showed the cheek markings as linked above where it was mentioned. Edit: She posted a public apology...saying that I hurt her and could have dealt with this privately. If this were possible then she would have replied to my question and not blocked me (as I see I am blocked now.) I cannot accept such an insincere apology as this. Instead of apologizing, she had "called me out" on "hurting" her instead of apologizing. Not only were both my accounts blocked, by my partner was blocked as well. Edit: As I am blocked by Falvie, I would like to apologize to her here. Though you have made some terrible decisions (in my personal opinion) you do not deserve the harassment you are getting. I sincerely apologize for the troubles and harassment this has caused. I would also like to apologize for being a demanding customer. Saying no would have been okay with me. It may have annoyed me a bit, but being a traditional artist I understand how hard it is to correct some things. I did not mean for this to happen, as all I was doing was leaving a "negative review" of sorts. I had no idea that this would blow up into the mess it is. I am very sorry. All in all, this artist has a lot of potential as a commission artist. She has lots of talent and can finish art in good time when she actually gets to doing it. Problem is, she has a terrible attitude and I wouldnt recommend commissioning her outside of quick IN STREAM commissions or for any complicated characters that will have things that may need correcting. I am happy with the art she had given me, but not the missed deadlines and general unprofessional attitude as well as complete disregard for paying customers. I apologize if anything is confusing or horribly misworded.
  9. Commission was asked for through DM's on twitter. Invoice was paid on the 29th of July Commission was completed 30th of July and delivered/received. Dispute was made August 15th User seems to have changed their twitter handle in that time. ( Previously @ FoxyAnya_ | Currently Aika_productions ) I have included the form reference link opened as a screenshot and a screenshot of the character ref provided via DM to prove it is the same commissioner by reference given despite the name change. I contacted them via DM and learned that they were on the used paypal account with their guardian. (I also speculate this is why the invoice e-mail is different from the dispute e-mail on paypal) The guardian has filed the dispute. After further discussion with the client it appears they asked for the commission. Paid for it, and now the guardian is disputing. I requested to be put in contact with the guardian to try to resolve this. Client dodged this request. I inquired if they had text proof of the guardian granting permission for them to get the commission through the account. They said yes, they had texted it. When I asked for a screenshot for my paypal case they stated they could not find it and stopped responding. Paypal dispute is still pending. I have provided all information I could to paypal at this point, however, as this client claims to not be in charge of the paypal account they utilize I felt this warranted a warning.
  10. In October 2017, I commissioned REYKAT for a fullbody sketch of one of my original characters for $25 USD. Their TOS states that waiting times ‘can depend, so think twice whether you are ready to wait or not’. I saw that although they seemed to have a big queue of commissions and continued to accept more, they were frequently posting commissions and so I assumed they were on top of their workload. They have no public waiting list or commission queue, so I had no way of knowing this for sure, but I decided to take the risk. My commission was accepted and I was told I'd be noted when the art was done. (I’ve blocked out their PayPal address in the corresponding screenshot). By mid-February 2018, I hadn’t received any updates on my commission. I wrote a note asking about the status of the art and received a reply soon after saying that it would be done (no specified time). However by June 2018, I still had not received my commission, and had not received any word at all from the artist. They had been posting personal art, as well as commissions that I believe came from commissioners after me (judging by the date of their inquiry comments on REYKAT’s commission journal). I noted REYKAT inquiring about this, and their reply linked me to a screenshot of their TOS stating that waiting times would ‘depend’. They also reassured me that the file would be sent to me when finished and it had not been forgotten. Honestly, after that I kind of forgot about the commission for several months, but it was never delivered, and nor did I receive any communication from REYKAT. During this time, they continued to post personal art and others’ commissions. In June 2019, I decided to try to follow up on the commission again. This time my message went unread and unanswered. A month later, I sent a second note, which has also gone unread and unanswered for the past week. As of now, I have received neither art nor refund, and the PayPal dispute window is well past.
  11. After many good experiences commissioning artists on many different occasions, this was the first one I've ever had a problem with. I'm hoping this is the only time I'll have to write a Beware. On October 21st, 2018, I placed a winning bid on a YCH by Avtor_D for $35 (body horror NSFW) https://sta.sh/01u61dkoe5v6 and promptly paid. On October 26th, 2018, I decided to also place a bid on a second YCH by Avtor_D for $30 https://sta.sh/01xrf025zghp, again paying promptly. At the time, it looked like they were regularly submitting finished work to their gallery, so I didn't think It would take that long to hear back. There was no public Trello to consult for work they currently owed, either, but I didn't consider that much of a problem in the long run at the time. I gave the benefit of the doubt and decided to wait awhile. A few weeks go by with no word back and it seems alright at first. But then I see that they keep taking on more and more work after mine here: https://sta.sh/0sw3xji5zf l started to get a little wearier, as I didn't see anything being completed and there was still no public Trello to consult, as seen here https://sta.sh/01pnpvbif23b I let it fall to the wayside for awhile because of other commissions I had coming in. Fast forward a bit later where I realize the window for asking for refunds through Paypal would be closing. Again, I still have some time, so I'm not too pushy when I decide to inquire about my comms https://sta.sh/01cgh69b61na They reply to me, accusing me of harassing them on their shout page (I didn't, but since they purged their shouts before that, I do not have proof) and reassure me everything's going ok https://sta.sh/0sunyo64df2 I'm a little annoyed, but decide to let it slide until another month goes by. At this point, I'm a bit tired of dealing with this and decide to give them a mostly polite ultimatum to at least show me wips by March 15th, 2019 https://sta.sh/018v2q4cish1 They show me the sketches, and all seems fine, so I let them proceed with some lingering wariness. But otherwise I'm just happy to see wips where I was seeing nothing before. (Body horror NSFW for the first link) https://sta.sh/01ekjuiurp7z https://sta.sh/0mlpunz2l23 From there, things unfortunately fell to the wayside. I kind of checked out of the situation and would only be reminded on occasion if I saw activity from them on FA or Twitter. For awhile, there wasn't much, and things happened in my life that were demanding my attention, so I didn't have much energy to exert on resolving the issue. I probably should have, which is 100% on me. Recently, though, I see they have finally released a link to their public Trello and released some news on the situation, including explaining their taking on of more YCH's recently without finishing previous ones. My comms are still in the sketch stage, and I've kind of lost hope at this point even if I were to contact them further. Since the refund window has closed and I do have sketches, and it is very stressful to talk to this person for me, I am more concerned with them keeping up this kind of business with other commissioners than my own stuff.
  12. March 29th 2019, I was approached by Fytch via Discord PM to purchase a character for $15 USD. They expressed interest in a Character I was selling and paid within minutes of me accepting their offer. After 5 months of having the character... July 22nd 2019, I woke up to find a dispute against the money they had paid. I was already wary as others had spoken of they had chargebacks against them as well and waited for my turn. As of right now, no contact was made between us about the dispute even though in their discord group I had asked if they were filing a chargeback against me. They responded to a friend that they intended to pay everyone back but I have not received any word on this matter. Character Link (NSFW): https://toyhou.se/3668260.-15-usd A ticket has been issued to ToyHouse in hopes to retrieve the character. Update: Fytch has issued a second chargeback. Update 08.09.19 I received an email containing the following as attached. As well the fee applied to my account. After speaking with paypal I will be unable to retrieve the funds lost due to the credit card company. Fytch made a journal with an "update" http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9229414/ The amount they have listed is wrong and have left a comment. As I am only charging for the fees that went on my account since the adopt has been returned to me via ToyHouse Admins.
  13. Woke up to a charge back on Paypal this morning. I sold an adopt I previously bought to Fytch back in March, I have the conversation where you can see she clearly agreed on the payment and agreed that she saved/received all the art of the character. I have already sent all of this to Paypal, I have also spoken with Paypal to which they told me they are aware of Fytch doing a lot of charge-backs recently. They stated that unfortunately Fytch went through her bank/credit card and that they would have to send my proof to them and wait for a decision. Until then, I just want other to be aware that this is happening a LOT and I hope that it stops.
  14. On the 19.03.2019 a person nicknamed Fytch contacted me in order to commission a custom base from me, which they would later use to sell YCH art with. On the 20.03.2019, they asked me for my PayPal link in order to pay me. I haven't received the payment at that point but I continued to work on the drawing nerveless. On the 21.03.2019, I finally received the payment and was able to send the base in a psd file to Fytch. They also paid me 25$ instead of 15$ for my hard work. And all was fine until today (17.07.2019). I logged to my PayPal, just to learn that the payment from Fytch got refunded because of an "unauthorized transaction". My account got sustained until the whole situation gets cleared out. At the moment when I'm typing this, my account is still at loss for 23,27 USD. Please, let me know if you find someone using the base seen below to earn profits with it. THEY DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO IT! Thank you.
  15. This has been my first bad experience in the world of commissions and I hope this will be the last beware I will have to share here. Everything began on 17th April 2018; I had started taking commissions some months before, so I was reeeeally naive about it and my English skills were terrible as well, so I apologize for the horrible grammar in my messages. At that time I didn't have any Terms of Service yet, but I had already started working with FyreDraygg (we are two artists working together. I keep public relations) I was in a Telegram Network made up of several channels where artists can show their price sheets and find clients; buyers can send requests in order to find the right artist for their needs. I saw this user requesting a couple of dragon designs (that's my field of specialty), so I contacted them. We started chatting and they seemed quite interested, so I asked them all the information I required to give them an initial quote to see if it was fine for them. They accepted and explicitly stated they were fine with the price; they sent me a lot of references and details about how they wanted the two pictures. Important for later: they asked us to complete this work very quickly. I told them that payment must be fulfilled after seeing the sketch. Initially I made a sketch, but wasn't very convinced about how it turned out: when I work with the kind of buyers I call "yes-men", meaning people who accept everything you show them without ever having any critique or preference to share, I try to use my personal taste to improve the quality of the work to a level I find at least acceptable. Thus, after talking to FyreDraygg, we made a second design and showed it to them. They (unsurprisingly) liked it and everything was still fine. After that, I pointed out that payment was then due. It was a very big order for me at the time and my queue was full, so I decided to proceed with lineart and coloring even if payment hadn't been received yet. (That was my fault, I know, and I've learned to avoid doing this, but this is besides the point of my beware) Then we asked for an email address to send the invoice to, they provided it and sent the invoice. After some days we kindly pushed them for payment, especially since they had asked us to be quick at the beginning and we wanted to complete this order asap. As I explained in a previous post, I believe that when a commission is placed, the buyer is responsible for setting the required funds aside so as to be always ready for payment, especially after confirming they can afford it. I was very annoyed, but kept this to myself. Eventually, no payment was received and we had to canceled the commission. I wasn't as professional as I'm trying to be now and I didn't have a lot of patience, I know, but this was already the umpteenth person who thought it's ok to be paying late for a commission they themselves rushed, because apparently it's fine to push the artist for work but heaven forbid having to pay on time. After all of this went down, this person sent another request on the market channel I first found them in, asking for another kind of work. Thus, I sent these screenshots to the admins of the channel and the user vanished from Telegram, deleting their account; so I don't have any information besides the old username and the Telegram id (I use Plus Messenger and ids are public) Username: @What_even_0 id: 429774297 
  16. On July 24th 2018, I messaged Leone on Furry Amino asking if he had anymore slots left since he's an artist that I've commissioned several times before with no issue. So, I assumed that there would be no problems this time either and that all should go well, and I decided on a $57 half-body commission. An invoice was sent to me the next day (25th) and paid in full. I followed up with another message on August 10th asking if the commission could be changed to a different character if he hadn't started on it yet, which was OK'd and I provided a reference for the new character I wanted it to be of. Some messages are left out due to irrelevancy, since we were on friendly terms and would chit-chat about things unrelated to my commission in-between things. A character name is also censored due to them (the character) no longer belonging to or being associated with me. This is where the gaps in communication began. I didn't hear from him again until a month later (September 18th) but was aware of IRL issues that he had been experiencing at the time, so I didn't mind being patient and waiting as long as he needed. After September 18th, I didn't hear from him again until October 2nd and apologized in case a username change on my end had caused any confusion. He stated having more issues, so I didn't want to cause him any additional stress and was content to continue waiting. After October, I didn't hear from him again until November 9 and was made aware of a post that pertained to his IRL happenings and why the delays were happening. So, again, I was content to wait as long as needed and didn't hear from him again until January of this year when I was the one to reach out and message him on the 4th & 7th. I was becoming less active on Amino at this current time, so our conversation switched over to Twitter DMs after this point. I was told that my commission had been completed and that the file had simply been misplaced, although I never received or saw any WIPs of it prior to this whereas I had been sent WIPs every other time I've commissioned him. I tried to remain as understanding as possible and politely asked for a refund. After speaking with him on January 7th & 8th, I then heard from him on the 15th and was given a partial refund since he stated being unable to deliver the finished commission to me due to problems with his computer. Was also told that he was having issues with misplacing completed commissions in general. I was happy to receive an update and partial refund of my commission, but then another large gap ensued where there was no further communication from him until March. After March, I didn't hear from him until three months later (this past) June when I was the one to message him asking for another update. I mentioned that I wouldn't mind commissioning him again sometime regardless of the issues concerning this particular transaction, since I do love his work and had always had pleasant experiences working with him prior to this. Details were discussed, and I decided that I would be fine with a newer character of mine being drawn rather than receiving the remainder of my refund. I was updated on June 19th and told that he would be beginning work on it and also saw that he had simultaneously posted an opening for more slots on Amino. I was more hopeful that my commission would be completed this time considering that I did receive a sketch, but this hasn't been the case seeing as he's completed everyone else's commissions for the batch he just took mid-June excluding mine, which is something that I've been waiting on for almost a year now. I've received no further updates since July 8th and am somewhat frustrated with this and feel guilty about pressing for more updates, because I'm a very quiet and anxious person. I still have yet to receive the finished commission or any updated WIPs beyond the sketch.
  17. I opened this YCH auction for a 2 slot scene. Unfortunately I canceled the original post, this is the second one I have created after this happened. Nothing was changed, it's just to give an idea. [NSFW] Link to the auction This person commented on the previous one stating they wanted to auto-buy both slots. I directly sent them a private message via FurAffinity to receive the characters' references and information to send the payment. The buyer then replied giving me links to their characters' references and their email to send the invoice via Paypal (I'm censoring their email): Then I just gave them some information and sent the invoice: As stated in the auction rules, payment must be fulfilled 48h after the winner's last bid. Then, no payment has been received. This was one of my first auctions, so I decided to wait. The buyer didn't send me any note (as you can see I'm always quoting the same message), any payment delay communication, any withdrawal from the auction, anything. After a week I decided to send them a reminder: All the notes I sent (first and last are from different users) All the notes I received (first and last are from different users) Lastly, proof of no-payment: Needless to say, this person was directly thrown in our blacklist. As additional proof, I sold and completed this YCH to other buyers. [NSFW] Final result link Please be aware of this person when you consider working for them. Link to their FurAffinity page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/luskfoxx
  18. Our entire conversation starting at the point where I confronted them regarding the charge backs here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kytjdKIUkqUK82fOgdv-Rz-1h1-ZOUMn/view?usp=sharing Geckorobot1 received their artworks: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/30840303/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31188488/ Starting at 06/14/2019 The first piece totaling $180 and the second $220, with the breakdowns sent via invoice on paypal, my TOS is listed here : https://www.charmrage.com/terms-of-service, since I want everyone to have all the information at hand. I began by asking them what had happened though already another artist had contacted me since this chargeback happened along with several to 7 artists that I know of in total. They began by telling me that they paypal glitched out and opened all of these cases, and that the account was then deleted. I asked for them to reach out to paypal, and have the disputes removed, at this time I had paypal funds and I had not been in financial danger so I wanted to find a resolution. They offered to send a new payment, which i declined since you are 1. not supposed to take money for services through friends and family 2. would not remove the cases against me on my business account which would affect my credibility with paypal, they also offer a contract which I also reject. I asked if they would call, but eventually called my self and the disputes were removed by paypal, and they stated that the bank denied their clients claims and ruled in my favor. At this time I believed it was over, the situation made me feel uneasy, but the claims were removed. This all happened over the course of the weekend. 06/19/2019 On this day I was notified that one of the cases was re-opened and that, I lost the other one due to lack of shipping. I immediately contacted paypal and they informed me that the bank had re-opened the cases at the clients request. At this point I wrote my quick AB on twitter since this person was still getting art and there were too many things pointing to a potential scam. They reached out to me again offering to pay, and I ask them to reach out to their bank and have the cases removed. This also brings up the fact that it was not a paypal glitch or account cancellation that had triggered any of this like I was told, it was a dispute filed through the bank. I told them to reach out tho their bank and they find reasons why they are not able to opting to e-mail them. They continue to ask me several time to take care of it like I did before, which I already mentioned to them was not possible. It seems at this point all of their payment methods are failing and no change occurs. They offer to use square, which the same thing can happen on in the same way. 06/21/2019 They continue to try to pay me in methods I refuse since they are not legitimate, I cannot trust this person so I don't want to receive payment in a method they can repeat this. These other methods would then not be attached to the services done so then their disputes would become valid. 07/02/2019 By this time I have lost both my cases with paypal, their bank sided with them. Their bank won't re-open the cases for them and state they opened the cases. 07/04/2019 I offer them the ability to pay me back through Zelle which is another payment service, but would not be attached to my business account and is not possible to chargeback on. They offer to use Western Union but at this point I refuse to spend more time going to a location to pick up[ money when the payment service I mentioned can be done via a phone, involving no parties to go anywhere just sent the money.I ask, since I was left under the impression that I was going to receive payment, turns out that they still need to pay other artists. 07/14/2019 They offer to mail the cash even though I have explained that I will only use Zelle, which to me is again not safe of legitimate. They then proceed to become upset over the post AB on my twitter. They at this point have still not paid me, and I don't feel any progressive change occurring only arguing, I included the rest of the chat so as to not hide anything.
  19. In November 2018, I contacted Cakepawss on Etsy about commissioning a large custom plush. They quickly responded and service was great, however after I paid and received the initial sketch, they never contacted me further. Roughly every two months I politely requested an update, and only received replies when I voiced feeling I might be scammed. They have not sent me any proof they even have the materials to make the plush I ordered, much less any intention of completing it. By July of 2019 I filed a complaint with Etsy and informed the artist, who quickly responded they would send proof soon. They did not send proof, and since then Etsy has refunded my purchase. Several months prior (sometime around March I believe?) their Etsy shop was shut down. They still continued to claim they were working on my order, however. Attached are some screencaps of their responses on Etsy, and the post they made on Twitter immediately after I contacted them. They did claim they had a lot going on in their life, which is why I was willing to work with them as long as I was. However they refused to even acknowledge any questions regarding when they would actually send proof, much less the complete work.
  20. I commissioned Poyu September 15th, 2016 for a NSFW YCH of my OC, Elizabeth. I paid $250 (AB price) instead of the highest bid of $80. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/21088105/ Poyu provided a Lightshot screen capture link as proof of receiving the money. In addition, she provided this link in a note towards me confirming the payment had gone through. On September 29th, 2016, Poyu had messaged me how she would be working on this YCH, among other commissions, that week and provided a Trello link for me to check for updates. https://trello.com/b/knQJ6GEr/belle-poyu-art Allegedly the lineart was complete, but there was no proof of that; no WIP provided in both the Trello or message to me. That was the last I ever had contact with Poyu. I attempted to contact her several times through Twitter DMs and stream whispers since that day. All of my attempts to contact her were ignored. As it turned out, she had quietly abandoned the furry community, a commission that had not been finished, and closed commissions indefinitely. Given how she completely disappeared I gave up at the time and did not know of Artists Beware. However, she made a sudden return to FurAffinity and very clearly forgotten about the commission. I addressed it to her: I gave her a full week for the refund, and she still has not replied whatsoever. It has been a full 7 days since then with nothing but radio silence. Had Poyu at the very least acknowledge the situation she is in and explained any issues she may have in her life that would otherwise prevent her from refunding me, I just might have been more lenient, but this is same exact behavior she had several years ago. While this artist has seemingly closed commissions indefinitely, that does not leave out the possibility of her reopening for whatever reasons she may have. In any case, this person is not to be trusted.
  21. I've never made a beware before, so bare with me. 5/4//2019 I commissioned this user for a sketch page via Discord. Here is the screenshot of me commissioning her. 1.) https://gyazo.com/06441cec45ba67f0f6044514191211b6 5/13/2019 I asked for an update, and got this. Seemed to be going well. 2.) https://gyazo.com/5911dcfe3d61a128d4baccbcadab75ea 5/28/2019 I asked for another update, this was said. 3.) https://gyazo.com/df9273acf11c889ee6d7cf4584df2d23 Last Tuesday, reached out to her, and still no reply. 4.) https://gyazo.com/ff1d37724e7c9e770962c1ef6651c860 I go to check her DeviantArt page, and I find this.. An empty DA: https://gyazo.com/f670d3d94e9d98be2cb7934655b30711 I urge anyone wanting to commission this user to proceed with heavy caution. Fortunately, I was able to get my refund back from her after messaging her through toyhou.se and threatening to put a beware on her. Soon after, she went into "quiet mode" on her toyhou.se where we could contact her, and said left this message: "Going on hiatus for a while. Guest mode and quiet mode are on, dont contact me."
  22. I have here some pics of our agreement regarding the following art piece I did for the trade (warning NSFW). This Trade started around June 4th, 2019. She has not sent me any form of WIPs for a mod on SecondLife that she owes me. She has said that she would finish it multiple times. So I felt like i was owed either my mod or the money for my hard work and time. She asked me for WIPs and I sent them to her. I have been patient, understanding, and have been as professional as I could. Then when i confronted her one last time, she showed her true colors to me in a very unprofessional and childish way. She has been disrespectful and has demeaned my work out of anger.
  23. So I commissioned Alzeaker a few weeks ago before this happened. His customer service was great, and had a quick turn around. I got two cheap ($10 each) sketches for my characters which turned out great. I found out he would be opening again, so the next time he opened (15/03/2019) I grabbed a slot as a gift for my partner. I paid as usual and let him know. Sent over all the commission details, pose, character reference. Everything going well. Proof of payment: After about 10 days I get a sketch. Sketch: I asked if he could relax the brow and in fix the hands a bit, he said he would. That was 3 months ago. Since then I've tried contacting him 3 times on FA via notes, And twice on his page via a shout. I've also tried contacting him over telegram , Facebook and Twitter, neither of the texts have been viewed. I don't really expect this commission to be completed due to him removing all details from his FA and replacing it with this: In addition to this there is a post Facebook with someone calling Alzeaker out for lack of completed work (Can easily be found by typing Alzeaker into facebook) On top of all this he has been active and posting art on his Facebook, You can find his Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/alzeaker/?ref=br_rs as well as his other account here: https://www.facebook.com/caffeinedblackwolf However, this is personal art. Not commission art which he appears to have a back log of. At this point I don't think my commission will be finished seen as his customer service is limited, and just want to warn people by posting this to show his lack of professionalism (As I am aware there is another post regarding his lack of commission completion on Artist beware).
  24. I contacted Shiro and asked about commissioning a refsheet for one of my characters, we discussed and agreed to payment, he stated that the commish would take about 2 weeks, I'm usually pretty lax with this kind of stuff but i did ask him if there was something after 3 weeks or so. no replies at all for about 2 months. He then returned and explained something about the government and military service. understandable so i didn't look further into it and even commished him a few more time, sketches and the like. bad move. what soon followed was him completely ghosting me despite still being quite active, i gave the benefit of the doubt perhaps he didn't check the messages so i commented on a post telling him to check his messages, he saw it but didn't reply, he was replying to other people, and even saw others were dealing with this as well. While checking other twitter post he even stated that he was clear of coms, despite me having nothing from him. Then the kicker, another person form the Thai furry community talked to me and informed me he is in a way their problem child, he was banned from any events in Thailand for his behavior and its common for him to pull this kind of stuff and keep people waiting a year or more. so in other words a ghosting artist who doesnt fulfill their end of the bargain and is very rude and unprofessional, I've filed a dispute with paypal and am currently waiting on that. but this is more of a warning for others, if you see this artist Avoid him and save yourself the annoyance of trying to deal with him.
  25. November 13, 2016 was the time I reached out to her when I saw her via Lemma Soft Forums and discussed about a commission I wanted done. She was a little slow in regards to replying to my messages but I understood considering how she seemed to be a popular pick for commissions based on her website via deviant art. Nonetheless, she replied, gave her the benefit of the doubt, and paid her the amount of $150usd on November 30, 2016 upon agreement on the details I gave her and how much it'll cost me overall. Two other reasons why I thought she's not a fraud are: 1.) She immediately sent me 4 sketch options based on our discussion 2.) I read no negative feedback about her through Lemma Soft and Deviant Art at the time I commissioned her I started becoming concerned when I noticed that I had to keep asking her about updates regarding my commission. Contacted her through her Deviant and Email and the last message she sent me is through email, January 20, 2017, telling me that she'll be sending me the second wip within that day but it never came. She didn't blocked me or anything and becoming a little more worried, I went to check on her deviant art again and saw that while she had thousands and thousands of lined up commissioned list, she barely responded to people who were starting to demand regarding their orders. I also noticed that she placed my order as almost done when she hasn't even updated me regarding my commission ever since that 1st sketch she sent which was on December 2016. ItaSlipy made several excuses, I say this now as an excuse as it has become ridiculously long, such as she's been sick, she's dealing with her wedding, she's sick again, her hands are giving her problems, etc etc. When the list of complaints were starting to pile up, ItaSlipy deliberately deleted her entire journal, slate clean, and "started all over again" as if nothing had happened. This lead me to believe that she's pretty much stolen people's money not only from Deviant, but from other websites as well where she offers her services. Surprisingly, she's still active in Lemma Soft and Deviant Art and I honestly cannot believe that she had the nerve to still accept commissions and now including Patreon. I've attached the screen shots that I managed to snag. The payment, the emails I sent to her, and the supposedly "status" of my commission that she never even updated me about. I understand that this is like 2 years ago, but I would like for people to become aware of this artist. For those who has already commissioned her and wasn't fooled by her, you're very lucky. I just hope there are no more victims of her scheme. I've posted this on my Deviant Page and someone messaged me, redirecting me to this site.
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