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Everything posted by cknsausage

  1. I agree with you there, but I see this excuse over and over again on AB and frankly, if you can't handle the heat you should not be offering commissions. It stops being a hobby then, and starts becoming a business transaction. I guess I just have zero patience for these types pulling out the 'mental state' cards over and over as an excuse to dip out on owed art.
  2. "Waaaahhh, I can't discuss the job you paid me to do right now cos of my fragile glass mEnTAL sTaTe" Nek minit: Is this real life? What am I witnessing here? But wait - there's more!(?) Oh boy, you'd be forgiven for thinking this person hasn't even GOT a 'mental state' left to salvage by how far off the handle they flew (over a completely reasonable request).
  3. I may be reading this wrong, but it looks like you expressed approval at multiple WIP stages, without bringing up the minky pattern sooner. That's on you - I would also be p*ssed, as the artist, if you tried pulling the 'it's not how I wanted it' later after (seemingly) approving the earlier wips. The first time you even mention it is once one paw is fully completed. HOWEVER. They were also in the wrong, definitely, by not clearing that pattern with you first. When the fabric arrived is when it should have been sent back (if they really did order plain / flat), or confirmed with the commissioner that the change would be okay. Anyway, I've read that you can flatten the dimples out of dimpled minkey with an iron on low and a bit of cotton between them. Take due care though, as too high heat will melt minky. But it will flatten the dimples if you're careful.
  4. 1-6 months? On a refund?? That tells me they are owing a lot of other clients.. otherwise why would it take so long? Poor money management.
  5. Just so you know as well some of their art is still indexed by google, so that may give you a point of reference when determining whether they're gonna rebrand.
  6. Yeah.. that could not be more obvious, or how else can you explain repeatedly failing to miss the artist clarifying what they meant? This guy's completely over the top ridiculous, sorry you had to deal with them.
  7. Er.. I think a lot of the fault is yours. You either paid for a YCH-style slot or provided that ref of the anthro dog as a pose ref, but either way didn't clarify that you would like your character to be feral? That's on you. Plenty of people have feral or anthro-only ref sheets for any reason, cost or age of the ref being a couple - but if you provide a pose of an (for example) anthro character, you need to specify that you want yours in the same pose but feral. Communication goes a long, LONG way with commission conversations. The artist is 100% in the right that you need to clarify what form you want it in, especially if it's not the same as the character-pose's form. I'm not forgiving the artist of their lack of timely communication, as that's all on them - I understand life gets in the way, but that's not an excuse to not keep your clients in the loop, and that's a clear point against them in this case. But.. when they said they would send you the sketches, fully re-drawn, they didn't send just one but THREE (well-drawn) sketches for you to pick from. The artist is the one who is out of pocket here, not you - you got money AND the art (whether you accept it or not, it still took them time to draw all those sketches, time they have now lost as they refunded). And now you want an apology? Actually, you come off as a nightmare client here. Demanding, unclear in your 'prompts' and quick on the offensive when a bit of explanation on exactly what it is that you want, would probably do the job just fine. You didn't even accept responsibility that maybe the fact that the pose-ref was drawn in anthro, but you wanted your character feral, could potentially be misconstrued in any way (with no further clarification on your part other than an assumption the artist would magically know your character is ONLY feral). You're justified in your complaint of long waiting times for communication, but unjustified in your reaction towards the artist in many ways.
  8. Not gonna lie, I would have lost my s**t after the third time of them asking this. I can't believe the restraint and patience you showed in dealing with them - they are definitely a client to avoid. And what's with all the guilt tripping? None of that is anyone's problem but theirs. You don't go into a shop and unload all your baggage on the cashier, it's a business transaction.
  9. I feel like I was having an aneurysm just reading that. Like, their responses are what I imagine to be the verbalization of an epileptic fit. Big 'Brahh Brahh, I'd just like to say I really adore your artstyle / I'mma have to request or art trade you A/4' energy.
  10. I also think just randomly bringing up 'somebody called me a liar' out of the blue is a red flag too.
  11. Whew. We went through every variation of: 'Hey, I have your art... BUT " They've gone through every excuse in the book. 'Laptop died', 'we moved', 'I'm on new meds', 'my moods'. Funny how it's always an excuse given AFTER the commissioner contacts them, never them contacting the commissioner first. That's another red flag (IMO) - especially if they are actively posting.
  12. While I think it's strange and a bit off that they did two versions when your character is clearly female, I feel like you're being pretty precious about it. You got the art you paid for (M/F version), if I read correctly - you can just post / enjoy that. Personally I would have requested they not post the M/M one but you went straight in with the 'you will not post this version'. And then you came back with 'Send me the M/M version' (no please or thank you?). Weird that you want the version of art that you complained about. You're the one that comes off as rude in this post, not them.
  13. cknsausage

    Space Meme

    Where did you find this maker? I can't find anything about them online except one empty FA profile (which says they are 17??) I hope you get your money and DTD back - but the price, the lack of previous customers who can vouch for the maker's previous suits and lack of an online presence or any kind of portfolio is a GIANT red flag. I also think it's quite suspicious that they claimed to have made two other suits (or 1.5, if you consider the personal one was only partially finished) and couldn't produce proof of that? I've never heard of a 'private' fursuit commission - I suppose they might exist but it's shady as that the only previous commission they'd done was a 'private' one 😕
  14. Big yikes @ Ssnaree - what an ego, whew! Pretty sure that's character theft, or I would be inclined to view it as such.
  15. I could feel my blood pressure rising just reading this, holy shit. That is SO frustrating - I can't imagine how annoying that must have been for you to actually deal with 😞
  16. Very unusual that paypal sided with the artist, usually they never do. Did they provide proof you were provided with the service?
  17. Wow this is completely unprofessional behaviour on her part, and just excuses after excuses.. yeah nobody's ever pulled that before. And hinting at 'oh send it via friends and family cos I pReFeR tHaT'. Gross. One thing that stuck out to me is you gave her 3 different shoe sizes? Lol.
  18. Let's count the flags.. 1. 'Wahh my PTSD' (hm.. foreshadowing?) 3. 'Wahhh I'm having a tantrum and attributing it to a manic episode' 4. 'It's hard for me to manage the necessary tasks to run my business' 5. 'Birthday present for my nephew is more important than the money you paid me for a service I never completed' 6. Guilt trip : 'let me just refund you with my first-born / soul' 7. 'Omg gaslighting me' 8. <Lots of insults by the artist and mocking the client>. Always a good method to dealing with clients /s Soz but if you have the money to buy presents for people then you've definitely got money to refund. I hate it when artists do that - it basically screams 'you're a low priority right' to their customers. Also, your personal mental health is NEVER a reason to treat customers like this. Every artist I know (myself included) has mental health problems in some capacity. Except, we don't use that as an excuse to steal someone else's hard earned money. That's especially disgusting. If you need to step back from art for health reasons, refund work not started, and be upfront with clients. Don't dick them around and DEFINITELY don't hide behind 'mental health' as an excuse for poor behaviour.
  19. Really rubs me wrong how Lobo is going on and on about 'charity stream'. That's not relevant at all and just twists the narrative to make them look better while the commissioner(s) are left in the lurch. Why does it matter at all if it's a charity sketch? That should be firmly behind paid work from 2+ yrs ago.
  20. ITT: People defending awful work. Also, I thought this part of Lemonbrat's defense was pretty funny: Sorry, what? If this is what Lemonbrat considers an average sample of their suits, then I dread to think what they would consider a 'botched' suit. Because this is a budget suit AT BEST. Not worth 3.6k. The head looks nothing like a feline base and as 'professionals' Lemonbrat should have known that fur would not magically make the head into a feline's. This one spins me out a bit because it's so obvious.
  21. iNtEnDeD tO pAy eVeRyOnE bAcK doesn't really hold much weight when you file chargebacks on purpose to see who can't be bothered chasing you up 🤔
  22. Oh man I thought it sounded familiar and yep.. they are already pre-blocked haha. I think I saw another beware post about them. I'm pretty sure Paypal cannot 'glitch' and open several (?!?) disputes conveniently against several different artists at once. I can't believe he would think anyone would buy that bullsh*t.
  23. Just do what everyone else does and build it into your pricing scheme. Paypal also bans people from paying for NSFW stuff but that's stops exactly 0 people lol.
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