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  1. cowboyote has stated that they are a different person from AstralBaphomet, and just took over the old AstralBaphomet twitter after they left twitter. After taking a close look at the art on each user's FA and talking to Julius, I believe him. I would like to have this beware be stated as "resolved" because Julius did apologize to me, and has made it clear that he has been working to make amends with a few of AstralBaphomet's previous customers.
  2. Thanks for understanding Devildove. I just feel a strong need to help people I like and I went further than common sense should have dictated. The artist did eventually reply and agreed to pay me back but they don't have a timeline. They're responding and made a commitment which is always a good first step and makes me feel a lot better.
  3. Replying to all of this to say that the artist and I talked about all of the issues. I raised the concern of the quality of the artwork along with the full body vs knee issue. What happened was that they did not see it as necessary to make the piece more polished because my character "did not have as much detail" as other characters they had drawn for commissions. I get where the knee reference may have implied that the piece should be knee instead of full body, however, when I raised this point, the artist gave me the excuse that their "default" is a knee and that an upgrade to a full body was free. I was not made aware of this and was pretty upset because I had scoured their entire website and saw no mention of this. As of Monday, this was all resolved. The artist finished my piece to the standard of the examples on their website and offered a partial refund. I'm not sure where to put the rest of the conversation for you all to read so I attached it in this comment!
  4. Oh April 24th of this year, i had commissioned Jazz-o for a 3 way collab commission with two other people. I was given a deadline of 2 weeks. I will admit fault on my part for failing to follow up after 2 weeks but i will admit i had completely forgotten about the commission at the time. When i did remember, it had been 4-5 months since the commission had been ordered. When i did remember, i had contacted Jazz-o on Discord to request an update on the commission's progress. I was informed that things were on hold due to a recent death in the family and was told it would get completed. Nothing was said to imply the art was being worked on. Not long after, i had a change of heart and decided i no longer wanted the artwork. Under the impression that the work still hadn't been started, i contacted Jazz-o to request a full refund, to which she agreed. She informed me she didn't have the money to refund me that day, but said she'd be able to get the money back to me in 1-2 months. I agreed to wait. 2 months pass and i receive a note from Jazz-o on deviantART claiming the artwork was now almost completely finished and that she could only offer me a $10 refund for what hadn't been done yet. I find out that the sketch had actually been finished at the time i requested the refund and simply wasn't informed of it. I had to remind her that i stated i did not want the art anymore. I did receive the artwork instead of the agreed upon refund, but i did not want it and made that clear twice before receiving it. I'm posting this because there are several other cases of unfulfilled obligations on Jazz-o's end and i'd like to warn anyone who may or may not have considered commissioning her about the possible outcome of doing so.
  5. So back in 2018 at FWA I commissioned Kenner for two badges, one for myself and the other for my SO. I was told that we could pick them up Monday before they left but unfortunately we had to leave Sunday night. I provided them with an address where they could send the badges once they were finished but we never received them. A year of waiting later I get back in contact with Kenner and ask for updates, I get told that they're being worked on or sent to me and nothing happens for months. I'm told I would receive scans, nothing. After those months of waiting I gave them an ultimatum, show me that something has been done or I'll be requesting a refund and sharing the chat logs that I've kept to as many places as possible. Doing that got me pictures of the badges actually finished, so now all they had to do was mail them to me and I provided my addresses where they could send me the badges (I moved so I made sure to give them the updated address). Now I'm about to move again, I gave them a day to have the badges to me by and told them again that if I didn't get the badges, I'd be sharing the evidence that I have of them not following through on their commission. Now that time has come and I am following through.
  6. James

    Beware: Jazz-o

    Aannnd then they take the most unprofessional route ever by forcing a piece on you that you already made clear that you didn't want. The audacity. So from a 10 11 year freelancer, I have some advice for Jazz-o: When you take someone's money you're a business. When your client states they don't want the work anymore you stop and give them their refund. Even if it's in partial payments, you give them their refund. How you handle the collab payout is between you and the artists, but since you dropped the ball, you deliver the funds. You are responsible for providing WIPs. It is not the client's job to ask you to do yours. I see the queue isn't clear and yet more commissions are being piled on. Stop. Adding more work when you've got a backlog is a great way to invite 100% justified chargebacks. Up your prices and take on less work. Jesus, $50 for a full body with a background? No wonder they're backlogged.
  7. sadly no. i never heared of them again. even when i wrote them on twitter. now they even made a new account
  8. The thread was pretty long, with about five pages containing other artists' information. Managed to dig out and censor the posts. Looks like he's made a habit of sending something to get PayPal to side in his favor. Let me get the tags updated.
  9. Yes, and with the artist's skill this should have been possible. Sorry but... spreading fingers out isn't that hard... You can critique and artist's anatomy on a commission, of course you can. After all the body part this is about (the fingers.. just the fingers), hasn't been portrayed in any "bad" way before this. So yeah, you can critique it if it seems to be less good than in the examples before. "Can the fingers [...] be spread out a bit more/made to look more wiggly?" was the commissioners request. They couldn't have been more clear and this is not impossible nor inappropriate or wrong. The pose is literally called "grabby hands" and looks more like incoming for a weird hug. I've commissioned a sketch page from an artist before and they were used to drawing planti feet. I asked them to fix the legs and make them digi. They did. They were, in fact, happy for the chance in learning more about digileg anatomy. If something in the picture looks weird to the paying commissioner, it has to be fixed. If it's a too short leg or fingers.
  10. Back in February of 2019, Kenket posted on DeviantArt that they were taking money to "sponsor" Pokemon stickers. What this means was, she posted a grid of different Pokemon stickers, and a person would choose to send money to her to "unlock" one of the Pokemon. A paying sponsor would, in return, receive stickers in the mail, from a choice of either one of each unlocked sticker, or five copies of the Pokemon you sponsored. I paid the original sponsor price to unlock the Jolteon sticker (I paid $25; though it was later increased to $40 for future sponsors) and opted for getting one of each sponsored sticker. I contacted her via email about sponsoring, and she responded within five minutes, and gave me her Paypal email address to send the $25 to. After sending her the money and letting her know, I never heard anything else from her afterwards. Furthermore, once the deadline for the deal hit (I believe it was 24 hours?), she removed the original post from her DeviantArt, and I have not been able to find it on other accounts either. I waited a few months, as I was unsure of how long it may take for the stickers to be made and mailed out (no estimated arrival was ever given). During these months I never heard from Kenket, nor did she ever post anything on DeviantArt about the stickers. In July, as I still had not received the stickers in the mail, I decided to contact her again through email. I informed her that I still had not received the stickers, and asked if she had sent them yet, and if not, if she had an estimated time of when they would be shipped out. She responded the next day, saying she had received two packages returned to her in the mail, and asked for my mailing address again to check if one of the packages that returned was mine. I gave her my address again in response (the same address I had given her originally, of course). She never responded again after that, therefore I still was left not knowing the whereabouts of my stickers. About three months went by without me hearing anything from her again (though keep in mind she has been fairly active on her art accounts). So now, in October, on the 17th, I have emailed her once again, again saying I still have not received any stickers, and attempting to ask her if one of the returned packages she mentioned before was mine or not. And/or if it may have gotten lost in transit, how I would go about possibly tracking it down. It has been a few days now since I emailed her, with still no response, despite her being active on Twitter during these days. I don't really appreciate the lack of communication here when I am just attempting to problem solve what may have happened to my order. Leads me to say that I have never received a product I paid for, and nearly non-existent customer service from the seller.
  11. Disclaimer: there are errors on both sides and I will openly admit mine first and foremost. I delayed to ship the item out due to mandatory overtime and not having the opportunity to ship. Our area isn't good for having a postal pick up so me dropping off was the option at the time. I made sure to respond to Taks email inquiries about it to keep open communication. The other error was the possibility of the suit having a mildew odor. We had taken care of a mildew issue a few months prior in our basement (costumes are stored upstairs) and no one else spoke up about any smells so I didn't feel the need to state it in my auction as I normally would about any possible odors. I take 100% responsibility on that if it does have any odor. I wanted to provide options first as well as offering to send supplies to help make things work if they wished. Had I known beforehand it held a mildew smell I would have either listed it with a warning or not listed it at all. Included are the emails that were sent between us, the auction listing, and screenshots from Telegram. Most shots from Telegram were of other people demanding Tak keep the costume so I won't be including that as that's not relevant. INFORMATION WALK THROUGH: It started off as an auction sale that went smoothly. Tak asked to make payments and completed them at the end of June. Between going out to Idaho for my father's surgery in July (I let them know I would be gone) and mandatory overtime, I wasn't able to ship until the end of August, keeping tabs with Tak as they emailed me. They received the costume at the start of September and noted the strong smell of mildew a week later in an email and asked what could be done. I walked them through a baking soda and vinegar process I had used in the past with great success. I didn't hear from them till almost a month later on October 15th. They mentioned throwing out several of the pieces and purchasing an expensive cleaner that failed to remove the smell, asking if a refund was possible at that time. I got back with them Oct 20th asking what pieces remained to gauge the proper refund and offered to help them resell it if they wanted to. No response came till November 1st asking for a 2/3 refund plus cash to cover the chemicals they purchased as well as a list of things they had thrown away such as the arm extensions, chest padding, and tail core. The feet were also 'damaged' while washing. During this time I found telegram chats from the buyer in a Furry Business group making it very clear they had no intentions of returning the suit while others encouraged to do a full charge back and throw the costume out entirely. Most of the chat was others demanding they keep the costume/throw it away while pushing for a full refund. I've only included the screenshot where they are openly stating not wanting to send it back. Due to dodging my requests for it, I have no other reason not to believe that is their intention. I emailed her around November 3rd stating I would refund more than their asking price if they returned the item in question, I would provide the funds extra for the shipping. I figured I could use it as a "what if this gets fried in the dryer" tutorial before recording the leg pattern and dismantling the costume myself. I also offered to send one final cleaner I had here if they wished to try it. Their response was opening 6 PayPal claims in attempts to get their full payment back without responding to me or mailing back the costume. PayPal doesn't cover multiple payments on a single item so after providing the initial invoice as proof of it being one item, the cases were closed. I'm still willing to refund her a little over 2/3 of the auction with the return of the costume to me as it is. Since some of the pieces are either damaged or gone, I cannot refund in full. Had they returned the costume in place of the refund, I wouldn't feel the need for this posting. Since they ignored my return request and tried to do a charge back on the entire amount paid, I do feel people should know of this. They claim in a few of their messages that I said no returns were allowed in my auction. I have included the auction description section involving this to show otherwise. I have sent them 3 emails, one before they posted to PayPal and 2 after reminding them that I would give a refund around what remains of the costume and that offer still stands if the costume is returned. I don't believe they are a bad client as they generally did respond quickly and paid on a reasonable payment plan. That said, not returning the item and trying to force a full charge back is not in good taste so this is more of a cautionary rather than a beware.
  12. Alright this is a bit lengthy but I'll TRY to keep it short since this transaction started way back in May of this year. I ordered a plush commission on a discount price of $55 from Ghostly_howl on May 19 2019. She immediately accepts my commission and tells me a time frame of which this will be done. Great! I'm fine waiting five months for this to get completed. It's an anxiety plushie for my significant other, of his dog that passed away last year. I SPECIFICALLY tell them not to ghost me...and well, the pictures tell the rest of the story pretty well. Eventually I find her second account and contact her there, to which she EVENTUALLY gets back to me. She provides me with a "business email" Which I emailed, and NEVER got a reply. The ONE TIME she's ever consistant about talking to me, is the DAY I submitted my paypal dispute against her. I thought we had finally come to an understanding, as we had a VERY lengthy chat. But well, guess I can't be surprised that she just continues to ignore direct dm's for days on end. It's even more frustrating knowing we came to a conclusion, she finished my plush, and then HAS YET to send me tracking info after PROMISING SHE WOULD SHIP IT ON THE DAY SHE MADE THE LABEL. I'm just so tired and done. I am NOT the only person she has ghosted. I was in contact with another user who just said screw it, and got her money back. I saw another user waiting for over A YEAR for their commission. This person takes on WAY TOO MANY COMMISSIONS and then leaves everyone in the dark and upset for not getting back to them in a timely manner. This is NOT how you treat customers, let alone run a business.
  13. Then to address this it is on the Artist to provide examples and say that the 2 person, or all the YCHs would be flat or shaded before people come to buy them. It is unprofessional to not do so and can lead to situations like this. I disagree. I'm not implying the post shouldn't be here but I can see how it can be seen that way. With the mistakes the artist made, granted, the references provided were not usual ref-sheets, I still feel the artist had left out too many details themselves and thus makes the post come off that way, at least to me. There's no issue with the Beware being here. But either way, my apologies, I won't make comments like that again.
  14. While the fault of what happened is on both the Artist and the Commissioner, I would say more-so the artist. The Artist only ever provided a finished piece the Commissioner mistook for a work-in-progress, where no W.I.P had been provided, just a finished product with missing details (Mostly the character on the right. Their Tail was white, the mouths on the tail look borderline unfinished and rushed, and the character is missing its ear piercings and collar.) Even when the piece was corrected the only thing that seems to of changed was giving the goo-girl character more goop and changing the tail of the other character to purple, then had the audacity to say the commissioner would need to pay "Editing Fees" if they wanted anything else changed...while the artist themselves had still missed some details. This comes off as scummy on part of the artist, not to mention making this artist-beware seem petty and even vindictive. As for the nudity the Commissioner expected the YCH shows none of the example characters in clothing, nor are examples provided to show otherwise. The Commissioner should of asked before hand for examples when none were provided however, they should of been told exactly what they were getting before spending money. I do not think it is their fault the artist seemingly rushed through their work and expected them to be happy with whatever they got. If I went to get something made, provided examples, and got a rush job with no showings of a work-in-progress, I would be asking any service for a refund.
  15. I think this is a weird situation because there is no statement on WHAT quality they are supposed to get, and theres no samples. I could see that the client thought they might be getting shaded, and was upset they got flats. They may not have seen your price sheet. But also, the YCH price doesnt always equate the style price. I do agree they are not entitled to a full refund at all. If I had made this mistake I would have offered a partial refund. If I fulled refunded I would tell them they CAN NOT use the artwork at all. It's not paid for.
  16. Quality looks about the same to me, it's always hard to compare existing animals in a semi realistic style to made up creatures. I'm pretty sure I would have messed this up aswell, many of the areas the artist got wrong don't look entirely clear to me. The horns kinda read as brown dots (maybe markings) in the hair so unless the artist went to hunt for more reference pictures in your gallery that could be an issue. I would suggest to be specific with the areas artists typically get wrong and/or mention the species somewhere on the page to avoid future headache.
  17. I do have some questions regarding your end of the transaction here... Are you requesting a full refund for this commission, or just a partial one at a loss? Looking at the references, it is very plain to see what was missed, but it does read as your character to me when I compare the references. With that said, why did you provide two different references of your character? Looking at the refs, the colors and proportions of key elements you make note of are rather different between both refs. Its difficult to discern the proper color palette to be followed, the shape of the ears and how much space their chest fluff is supposed to cover. Depending on which ref the artist chose to follow, it is easy to see where things may have been misunderstood from their end. They absolutely should have provided you with a WIP before completing the work, but I feel like this is where you made a misstep in the commission process. I would also take note that English is not this artist's first language, which makes it all the more important to be clear on certain aspects of your character's design that you deem absolutely essential to their portrayal. I speak from experience from my first posted beware, where I completely fudged it up on my end by doing just that; conflicting refs & not being clear whatsoever on key deets. Not a happy situation on that one either. I personally let it go as a loss to myself, and I would recommend the same in all honesty. I don't think you're entitled to a full refund, as the services were fully rendered from the Artist's end.
  18. Unfortunately, I feel the sketch was acceptable, but the finished product wasn't. It could have been the colours of my characters face, or the size of the eye/mouth that made it look so much different to me, but since she wasn't even willing to hear me out, we'll never know.
  19. Did you contact Square directly about your issues with Vani? https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/5060-refund-overview Right here it says you have a full year to be issued a refund for a purchase not made via mobile. You're not without your resources!
  20. I've been aware of this potential issue for a while, and outside of deflections and excuses, London has made no known effort to address this. OP is far from the only person affected by this.
  21. Wait that's their art manager then no wonder they were so defensive over the beware and made those rude comments. No wonder this beware is well earned if they do that to customer then their reputation is going to be damaging.
  22. Oh gosh it's a little worrisome that it seems like Zuazhes was made one of their art managers. I really hope that they don't act as agressive as they did with you on here.
  23. Not sure if it was stated, but if the artists is insisting on a partial refund they absolutely need to provide the sketch to OP, as the partial refund is PAYING FOR said sketch. The fact that they are trying to resell OP's 'sketch' is another bad mark against the artist. (Although I agree, it just looks like a random base they made up to fill the lie)
  24. I'm glad to see that this was fully refunded but it's clear to me that the artist still does not fully grasp what went wrong. If they're still reading I'm going to lay things down: 1. Do not promise your client a time frame you cannot achieve. Delays in your time frames should be the exception, not the rule. In addition to that, if you're giving other clients a week's turn around but have other overdue clients that have been around for months for the same amount of work, sit yourself down and focus on how to address that. They will notice, and you should notice too. 2. Apologize to your clients for the delays and acknowledge the delays. You've only apologized for certain behaviors which while good, you still never really acknowledged in any capacity 'I'm overdue and I apologize for that'. Acknowledging the delay sympathetically and neutrally goes a long way in client/artist relationships and creates an environment that says you respect their patronage. They chose to part their hard earned money to you, don't make them feel like they made a mistake. 3. Don't over-explain. You may feel the impulse to over-explain your situation with the assumption that it'll make people understand better but more often than not it has the opposite effect. It can make the client feel responsible for what's going on in your life which they shouldn't. Humbly admitting a failing and being honest but brief about the issue, is all you need to do. (example, simply stating you're sick vs stating you're sick while proceeding to explain every bit of problem in your life that came from being sick, the client doesn't need to know the details.) 4. Not having the money to pay back a client is not their fault. You cannot decide to not pay them back just because you don't have the money right then, you cannot yell at them for not having money when you want to pay them back. You have to make yourself a plan to pay them back and then follow through with it. And this is less a criticism and moreso advice: You don't have to respond immediately after the client does. If you're going to bed, they can wait till morning for you to reply. (but try to make sure it's not exceeded 72 hours since they contacted you) And please up your prices, you're worth more than what you charge and you'll find your queue much more manageable if you price yourself better. You can turn around from this, but it's on you to make these changes, and no, that does not mean you have to fix everything overnight, you just have to set yourself on the path to improvement. Running a business is a learning experience, mistakes happen but only you can fix them.
  25. You having a good experience doesn't negate OP's bad experience. While we will be happy to let individuals come and speak about their positive experiences in this thread, bear in mind that when you tell someone they lack "mature communication skills" when the artist made a show of saying "GUESS I NEED TO WASH MY CLOTHES IN THE SINK" it doesn't make the artist look any better.
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