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About Me

  1. Hello! Hytyle/Rayd/Aprilycan here. I just wanted to take a (rather embarrassing) trip down memory lane and once again atone for one of my biggest mistakes on the internet. As I've been heavily considering moving on from the fandom for unrelated reasons, I thought about this week of my life and thought I would write this post as a means for closure before I turn the page on this chapter of my past. First and foremost, I take full responsibility for what happened. I was very young and stubborn back when I did what I did (16/17?) and was frankly ignorant to commissioning etiquette at the time. I made a lot of childish and disparaging comments on the original thread and behaved in a way that was reflective of my age and stupidity in response to any criticism or demand for accountability I faced, showing how incredibly entitled I was, which I'm now aware was very tasteless and only dug a far deeper, much more embarrassing hole for myself. I also admit that, at the time, I only ever paid the artist to save myself from any further criticism or shame, rather than any actual repentance. I did what I did because I was an irresponsible teen who committed all of his allowance money on a single art piece, and instead of expressing to the artist that I was unhappy with the art and paying him for his time, I blocked him and thought nothing of it, not wanting to lose my allowance money for something I didn't like, again showing my immaturity and inexperience, having been morally stunted and misguided at that time in my life. I could make the excuse that I was peer pressured into doing so by a friend, but even if that did excuse me (it doesn't), I made the conscious choice to double down on my wrong doing and even try to paint the artist in a bad light to save my own skin, again something I'm incredibly embarrassed to relive and deeply regret doing. At the end of the day, every decision made was my own and nobody was to blame but myself. I'm very happy to say that I have grown a lot since the series of mistakes I have made, and have not had any further problems with any other artist throughout the 5 years that have passed since. I have gone from somebody who was unwilling to pay an artist for the bare minimum, to somebody who thanks artists endlessly for their work, somebody who tips ontop of payment when able, and somebody who appreciates and values art and money a lot more appropriately. Not only have I grown through my commissioning ventures, but also my behavior as well! Through maturing and therapy, I have become a lot more introspective, accountable, morally thoughtful and understanding! (Apparently I had unchecked BPD! Which may partially explain how I acted out on the original thread hahah). I have made more friendships and healthy artist/commissioner relationships than I can count and I couldn't be more grateful! With everything said, I would like to officially, genuinely apologize to drowninginbooks, the artist in question, and I hope you are living life to the fullest, wherever you may be. I also apologize to the numerous spectators that had to witness my childish and snarky behavior. There was a time this beware haunted me for awhile because of how embarrassing I behaved and slowly coming to terms with the mistake I made, but really, for all I know, it could have been the catalyst for the stark contrast in how I behave today, and I am really thankful that I was held accountable for what I did before at worst I really hurt somebody, or at least I never changed. Thank you all for hearing me out, and I wish you all a happy holiday!
  2. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/985732.html WHO: Corganda/Cori/Lei WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corganda/ (also has http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lei http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corisketches and http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corcomics ) WHAT: Digital artwork WHEN: Initial date May 9th, 2015 02:11 PM, possibly before that. Is currently close to three years in waiting for longest owed pieces. EXPLAIN: Started with hosting YCH involving own character and drawn by artist. Artist provided initial cover image and sketch of updated cover image. Since then, have commissioned multiple pieces but have had minimal to no work done on them. Has reached over two years and no actual old owed pieces have been worked on. Artist has continued taking commissions for rent/bills/etc. and has made next to no effort in actually finishing owed work to artists. Have several specific regular customers that often pay up and get priority before other work is done. Artist does not allow any customer to view their Trello schedule ever, has not given any proper personal notification about delays (constantly posts “sympathy” journals on Fur Affinity) and has partner/manager respond to enquiries in rude and sometimes disrespectful means. Has REPEATEDLY stated they are not doing any comic-style commissions until queue is caught up to date, but has constantly done comic pages and is currently selling comic-style commissions. Manager/partner Nikki is the worst part of this. Her attitude towards customers has been atrocious. Has accused me of threatening them, not understanding their situation when I have made it abundantly clear that I have been tolerant and understanding. Accused me of doing “things” the past month when all I have done is contacted them about updates, owed work lists and even just any promise on having things sorted. PROOF: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16500320/ - initial YCH comic piece with starting date of concern. NSFW WARNING https://i.imgur.com/B2xNiV5.png - Payment for YCH. (Since my character was the main one my cost was higher than the slots) https://i.imgur.com/IcG8H3l.png - email proof about artist “halting” on comic commissions. https://i.imgur.com/kSMKGwK.png - email sent requesting fix to my owed commissions and their “detailed” response (follow up email I sent given the fact they gave no care to respond properly like an artist or manager should - https://i.imgur.com/LhbxWPD.png ) https://i.imgur.com/V9Oi4hh.png - email received after above. Often has accused me of not “caring” or being “understanding” when I have expressed multiple times in various platforms (Discord/Skype/Telegram) about having concerns for their living conditions. Will also point out they’re assuming I’m threatening them in any sort of way, when all I’ve been asking is updates and actual discussion to rectify the issue. https://i.imgur.com/eHXQi9n.png - email sent asking for list of owed commissions. Apparently it takes time to find information and send it in an email. https://i.imgur.com/UtCKRIl.png - discord request about work on owed YCH comic piece. Was never informed of any part – schedule placement or stream date. Have never been able to determine placement on their work schedule because it is disabled to public viewing. https://i.imgur.com/4UnmBH6.png - Most recent email response. All I have done is try and get any sort of update on the progress which has never even happened, accused of “dumping” them because I have been getting artwork from other artists like a normal customer and not being in streams. Sadly am unable to provide any further evidence. Email logs do not provide as much, unable to gather information from Skype due to the conversation being wiped through updates and Discord information does not go back far enough. SUMMATION: This artist was a very trusted person to me. The fact they have constantly sunk themselves into a continuously expanding hole of financial issues and RL issues has put their work on the biggest of declines – and yet they still keep taking commissions. AVOID THIS ARTIST PLEASE. Spare yourself from what I and so many others are currently dealing with. RECENT UPDATES 1st March 2018 · Feb. 28th, 2018 at 1:16 PM Initial time and date of the Artist Beware post being uploaded. I am making a mention of this because of the following that has transcribed since: https://i.imgur.com/OkOXfNo.png - Corganda’s Manager emailing me with an “apology” half an hour after the Artist Beware went live. https://i.imgur.com/nd5Buwz.png - Roughly eleven hours later a follow-up email was sent to me. Manager has continued “apologizing” and wanting to discuss correcting things. At this point I am fully aware they have seen the Artist Beware, and are now trying to bait me into taking it down. https://i.imgur.com/ofCaQsj.png?1 - Note on FurAffinity from Manager again (using the artist’s account I might add), with a word-for-word copy of the above email with an additional bit of text. Very pathetic they resorted to this. https://i.imgur.com/KisRRfR.png - Roughly three hours later the manager sends ANOTHER email. This was sent while I was sleeping, and conveniently I knew I had to check my emails and I expected another one to be sent by them. At this point I’d like to also share the following: https://i.imgur.com/l0P93bC.png?1 - Journal the artist made after deleting a giant long-winded “apology” about the delays, changes to the account, and that they will be emailing waiting customers to discuss the backlog. And finally, what I also woke up to seeing (time being roughly 8am): https://i.imgur.com/zQbwAcD.png - The artist streaming as of right now. PLEASE NOTE – the pink fursona in the Stream thumbnail is mine. The artwork in question they are drawing is the actual YCH comic. This is entirely a ruse to bait me into interacting with them and taking down this post. https://i.imgur.com/GjVOBsP.png - Proof in-stream that they are deliberately working on my owed items as means of baiting me. NSFW WARNING JUST IN CASE. https://i.imgur.com/M2aRl0Q.png - They have sent me a note on fA with a link to the WIP of the initial comic. (Most recent addition to update, WIP upload has since been deleted.) I am fully aware they have been alerted to this, given the rapid nature of their emails. I have updated this because this sudden burst of communication is leaning heavily towards harassment. Any further updates I receive will be added onto this entry. UPDATE: 2nd March 2018 https://i.imgur.com/Jcdlqv8.png — I have begun to contact and inform the four winners of changes that are upcoming, regarding this issue. From the WIP that was posted and then taken down, only one of the winners seemed to have more visual representation in the comic, whereas the others were drawn as simply floating genitals and a small chibi emotive headshot. Everything about the WIP has shown that the original idea was in fact disregarded, and this was designed as a means to not only "complete" the overdue commission, but to do so in a manner that violated the original agreement set in stone and went against what was the original concept. After conferring with a trusted friend over this matter, I have sent a final email to the artist. https://i.imgur.com/Q9eIcz1.png UPDATE: 4th March 2018 While I stipulated previously I would consider the matter closed, and would post a final update when the full refund was received, unfortunately that has not been the case just yet. https://i.imgur.com/jjhjhcf.png This is the response to my previous email. Immediately, this has thrown red flags in my face, and honestly a slap of disrespect yet again. Going by the format of the email, I can only assume the manager has sent this reply. It happens to be set out in previous email formats by her. Firstly, the fact they had the audacity to create an incorrect WIP in the first place, upload it, and THEN take it down because it was "to be done in the original terms" is pathetic. If they had any intention of actually sticking to the original terms, they wouldn't have MADE an incorrect WIP, let alone publicly upload it. I have replied with the initial payment due, and this will soon be closed on the matter. There will be a final update when the refund has been completed. Tired of ads? Upgrade to account with Professional p
  3. So this was my first step into doing commission stories. After I put out a notice on both Deviantart and Furaffinity announcing that I am doing story commissions, with the prices being .003 cents per word, or $30 per every 1,000 word. This gent messaged me on Deviantart, commisisoned me to do a fatfur story involving Sonic and Tails (as adults of course, after making him clarify). Of course, as you can surmise from the exchanges provided below, this was my first time, and doing it in the middle of a university semester, so it too much longer than I would have liked. I have a 30 day deadline, but I had to delay the delivery by about three weeks due to me not managing my classes and commission duties well. Needless to say, I delivered the product to him after some back and forth on what he wanted in the story, and he was happy with the product, but he told me he couldn't pay me until the 8th of April. Not seeing the red flags, I accepted that. When the day came, I asked him if he had the money ready. No response. I sent him another message the next day, telling him I need the money and that he promised to pay me $90 on the day in question. Again, no response. Today, I tried to message him again, but I found out he blocked me on Deviantart, so I can't even message him anymore. So now I am posting this beware bulletin to warn other folks about this guy.
  4. I am writing today to talk about a fursuit commission I got from Unluckydinobear, who goes by ABearFromSpace now, back in January 2018. Since the transaction is so many years old, I do not have the paypal payment sent screenshots, however, I can show the Telegram chat messages to show that I indeed paid $800 for the commission, and he still has not completed the work, but he's been avoiding making the suit and compiling excuses to this day. I was looking to get a fursuit commission, so I asked any friends to see if they knew any good makers or ideas to find one. A friend of mine, recently got a partial piece done from ABearFromSpace, so he told me his contact and I messaged him to see if he had any openings. I ended up messaging him, and by luck, he said he had room for one more in the queue. I felt extremely lucky, and knowing fursuits take time to create, I would have expected at most this taking a year or two, as long as I was getting updates I was fine with this. After sending character refs and other information, he gave me a quote of about $750. I was a little surprised since my friend got his suit from him for $400, but since he was one of his first commissions I understood the raise of price. With an additional $50 for taxes and shipping, I ended up paying $800 for the partial fursuit. Here I sent a partial payment for the fursuit, and ABearFromSpace tried to make conversation with me the next day which looks like he wanted to get me to pay the rest as soon as possible. After 10 days, he asked me again for the rest of the payment. While I was able to pay the rest of the suit by the end of the month, it was understandable here how he just wanted to make sure the rest of the payment was going through soon. He also offered to make a chat for his commissioners, to my knowledge I don't think he ever did, or at least he never included me. At the beginning of February, I was able to rest the payment, a total of $800. After 2 months and discussions of character information, I was updated with a photo of some base heads Bear would be working on, and I was going to give him measurements to follow up with. Another 2 months went by, and I popped in to see if there were any updates. He was in the process of moving and going to a con, so I told him it was understandable and thanks for updating me. This was about half a year since I paid for my suit and thought maybe I wouldn't have to wait TOO much longer. Some time passed, and we barely talked in August about fursuit adjustments for my character, then in October I asked to see if there was anymore updates, and asked if my suit could be done before Further Confusion (FurCon) 2019 which was held on January 17, 2019. Here he said he thinks he was able to get it done, I held hope but part of me was ready to accept if I couldn't get it by then. November rolls out and I talked with Bear to make sure that the suit would be done before FC, seems like he was confident in getting it done. At the end of December, he drew up another WIP, and we discussed some suit adjustments. Bear told me that he'll do his best to get my suit done by then, and if it's not all done he'd send what was completed. It seemed too good to be true since the con was less than a month away, but I was prepared to see what he'd have done. Come January, he didn't have any part of the suit ready, and apologized saying he had the flu. Him getting it all done asap and rushed seemed to good to be true, so it was understandable he wasn't done, and I told him no rush hoping I'd get some progress soon at least. Bear said after he plans to finish no later than February and will have WIP pictures soon. At the beginning of February, he sent me a very early build, but it was an exciting WIP nonetheless. It seemed like this was the start of great progress, even though it has been over a year since I first commissioned him, but this would be the only WIP photo I'd ever see. While he promised to get my suit done at the end of February, nothing happened. I asked again in March if there was any progress, where he said he was depressed and going through something. Then in April I messaged him if he had any idea of when it would be complete, which he gave me a May-June window. In May he was completely silent, and in June he said he was busy and would have my suit done before the upcoming FurCon 2020 (which would start on January 16, 2020). Here again he said what progress he made and what he had to do, and that he should definitely get the suit done before FC 2020. Come October, I wanted to see if there were any updates, since FC was slowly coming around the corner. He asked when I'd like my suit done before again, then never messaged me until the beginning of next year. Instead of giving me a personal explanation for not getting the suit done again, he just drops this link and quickly scurries out which was the beginning point of me realizing that I wasn't the only one who was waiting for a commission to be done from him. This was the start of me losing my empathy and patience with this guy as things progressively got worse over the next two years. After a bit over a week he responds seeming reluctant to get the suit done "soon". In March I sent him for character tweaks, which was late on my part admittedly, but afterwards in April-June he was completely silent. At the end of July I asked him for another update which resulted in nothing again, and afterwards he did not respond until the beginning of 2021. He finally responds at the beginning of January of 2021, after not messaging me since July 2020. He talks about how he's depressed again, and how he lost his Grandpa. As someone who has lost their grandparents as well, I've been in his position of being in a rut and losing motivation to get things done, however, given his list of excuses given out so many times, I can only feel so much empathy/sympathy from him and let him take LONGER and LONGER to get my suit done. At this point I told him if I could just get a refund if he had too much on his plate at the moment. He said he was willing to do my suit still and how it's "a cutie" which doesn't sound very professional at this point since he's been avoiding me and not getting work done. I told him if he could get it done by June then I'd be okay with it, otherwise I wanted to talk with him about getting a refund. No updates pass by as usual and in March he gives me more excuses and "plans" to get it done in the Summer. Here I tell him I'll be okay with it if the suit can be done by the end of the year. I start to show frustration with Bear as well and tell him I'd like a refund if he doesn't get the work done before the promised time. He ends up ghosting/not communicating with me as usual, so I tell him I'll contest PayPal if he doesn't get my work done. I've seen most people immediately try and contest payments and try to get their money back, but I wanted to talk with him about it instead of doing that. September rolls out and still nothing to show. Here he gives more lists of reasons why he hasn't started and promises to get WIPs soon. I start to get more frustrated with him for his lack of effort and care communicating back with me. I leave two messages to him about how he still hasn't gotten my work done, then he read the messages and never responded, leaving me to tell him again I would contest PayPal. He says at the end to give him this month to try and make progress, if nothing happens he'll start the refunding process. I tell him about how he needs to get his responsibilities in order. I sympathize with him with all the things he's been through but I try and tell him it's no excuse to leave me in the dust when I try and support him ordering a fursuit paying with my hard-earned money. We talk about how if nothing is done for November, then I'd want a refund. He never got the suit done, and says he will work on getting the refund process started by the end of this year or beginning of next. No updates still, we are now in the year 2022, over FOUR years since I first commissioned and sent the payment over to Bear. No updates for another two months until I continually ask him, if I don't message him he'll legit forget about me and continue ignoring getting the fursuit done. I plea with him here, asking if he'll actually get it done, because I've waited so long for basically nothing. Only a few quick sketches and an early base from a few years ago. I just wanted my refund at this point, I didn't even want a fursuit anymore. I felt like enough was enough. He wasn't responding to me, treating me respectfully, or getting any work done. I had come across the Artist's Beware site a few months ago and even noticed someone posted about Bear here (under his old username Unluckydinobear). I figured if he won't give me my money back for a fursuit he promised to get done several times over the past couple of years, this was my best bet to post. My friend, who originally got his suit from Bear, told me it was only partially completed and how Bear still needed to make adjustments, and also left him in the dust. I wrote all of this here today not to "callout" or want any threats toward Bear, but I hope that if people end up showing interest in commissioning this man, please be aware of what you are getting yourself into. It has been 4+ years since I first commissioned Bear for a fursuit, and I still have gotten nothing. As of June 11, 2022, he still has not messaged me back, and looking at his Twitter account it seems like he's too distracted with other affairs to even care
  5. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/923623.html All information is below. DO NOT HARASS THIS USER! This violates community rules and I don't condone ill will directed at them. You will be reported to a moderator if you're caught doing this. WHO: brideake/orangekissess/greycakechii WHERE: http://www.brideake.tumblr.com (Main Tumblr), http://www.orangekissess.tumblr.com (NSFW Tumblr), http://www.furaffinity.net/user/greycakechii (NSFW FA), https://www.patreon.com/orangekissess (NSFW Patreon) WHAT: Sketch Commission ($21 USD) [PayPal Receipt] PROOF & EXPLAIN: I've been a follower and admirer of brideake/orangekissess for awhile now, so I pounced on the chance to commission them when they opened in February 2016. I'll confess that my idolization of them has made this entire situation much, much more difficult because I didn't want to upset them, but I feel that this situation more than warrants a beware by now. Posts about commission openings were posted on both of their Tumblrs with a contact email address, where I contacted them and received a same-day response. Once I received their prices and options, I responded with what I wanted. There was a slight issue here because my Gmail account was currently failing to send and receive messages properly, so I had to resend the email. After I resent, I received a response quickly, the commission details were confirmed, and I paid. This was the last time I ever heard from them about the commission. [Email Transcripts: 1, 2, 3] brideake has no public queue, so there was no way for me to know how many commissions they accepted or where I stood on their to-do list. So, I waited patiently for awhile, under the assumption that they were busy and mine would be done in due time. However, the first red flags came when I noticed that brideake was taking requests nearly weekly, often in streams. Still, I said nothing, until I attended one of their streams and saw them accepting new commissions. (All I have from this is this screenshot of a link to the stream. I have no screenshots from the stream itself. [link]) When I saw this, I thought it was time to request an update, believing my commission might have been forgotten or overlooked. Mistakes happen, after all. On April 29th, I sent them an email, requesting an update, but never received a response. [link] No responses or updates come. Sometime later, an anonymous user sends brideake this ask, wanting to know if it's alright for commissioners to request updates on their commissions. Please note that this wasn't me, which means at least one other customer wanted updates, but I took it as a chance to request an update again. [link] (Sometime before this, I also sent them an ask, but I don't have record of it because Tumblr doesn't save outbox messages at all. I believe it was sent around the same time as, or even the same day of, the first email, because I was afraid the email would be eaten. This screenshot shows Tumblr's new instant messaging system, which is much, much more reliable than both emails and asks.) On July 26th, I requested an update via email once more, after the above instant message was also ignored. [link] Again, there has been no response to this email. I can believe that the first email and the ask were eaten, but it's extremely unlikely that both of them and the two latest messages have all magically vanished, so I know I'm being actively ignored, unfortunately. This appeared on their NSFW Tumblr sometime after I sent the email, which I believe might be a passive response to my message. Supposedly, brideake has two commissions remaining, but, without a public to-do list, it's hard to tell if I'm even included in that number anymore. I was offline for several days and missed the deadline to dispute this through PayPal, so I have no choice but to wait patiently, it seems. I love brideake's art and I would much rather have the completed commission than a refund, even now, but I find their work ethic and customer service inexcusable. While this post was in the moderation queue, brideake also had time to create a Patreon account, as linked above, rather than complete preexisting commissions. This was very upsetting for me because it shows how little of a priority I am as a customer. I feel it is relevant to mention because additional commissions are being rewarded to patrons, as seen here. This is not to mention the many, many pieces of personal artwork, fanart, and free requests that brideake has had time to complete since I commissioned them. Overall, a very poor experience. EDIT [09/02/16]: brideake is opening for more commissions and accepting more free requests on Tumblr. I don't know how relevant this is, but it's discouraging to again have a commission I paid for half a year ago put on the back burner for new commissions or free art. EDIT [09/10/16]: On September 7th, brideake emailed me and I responded within the hour. The emails are heavily censored because brideake included details that were explicitly personal and I feel are highly inappropriate to advertise here, so I have blocked them out accordingly with only the comments that I feel are relevant to this beware uncensored. Personal comments I made in my response are also censored. The most important thing here is, brideake offered me a refund. I agreed to either accept the refund (and provided my PayPal address) or continue with the commission if the money wasn't available. I haven't received a response since and, seeing as it's been three days, I thought it was worth adding here. [Emails] EDIT [09/17/16]: This situation has hit the ceiling because it has, as I feared, come to Tumblr, where I actively tried to remain silent on the matter because I didn't want to be at odds with someone with over six thousand protective followers. As I'm writing this, I'm very upset. brideake sent me an email, reassuring me that I would be refunded as soon as they had the money, to which I replied that there was no rush. [link] This email came rather out of the blue, so I checked out their blog to see if something was amiss and, as suspected, an anon violated the rules of this community and sent brideake this lovely message. Whoever sent this was completely out of line, and I don't condone the sending of hate mail or negativity to anyone, no matter how wrongly you feel they've behaved. [link] brideake responds publicly with details that were previously shared with me in an email (seen above). This is where I feel the most wronged of all, because it's as if I was supposed to know what was happening in the artist's personal life. I had no idea. brideake was a complete stranger to me before this situation unfolded. Although brideake opted to share the details publicly, where anyone can freely see them, I have censored them in this screenshot because I still believe it's inappropriate to share details like this here when it's none of my business. What bothers me the most about this is the comment of, "Sorry I have to post this information publicly..." because there was no need to out oneself like this, or even answer this ask. Until this, I hadn't even seen mention of this beware on Tumblr, so I doubt brideake's followers even knew about it and, if they did, didn't care. brideake's followers don't even read the beware, but proceed to defend them in reblogs, calling me all manner of names. Here are two in particular that have really gotten to me. [link] [link] So, now, I'm an "entitled jerk" who doesn't understand that artists are real people and went on a "witch hunt" for someone when I tried repeatedly to contact them with zero response. Writing bewares is a last resort for me, and this situation is ending exactly how I feared it would. Edited one more time on the same date as above to add that I sent brideake an email, apologizing for the anon sending them hate mail. I found this to be absurdly unacceptable on the anon's behalf and felt like I should apologize for causing it. [link] EDIT [09/17/16]: This should be the last edit to this beware. I have received an ungodly amount of hate mail over this beware, so allow me to reiterate that harassing people who are posted here violates the community's rules and will cause needless problems for both parties. It isn't pretty, it's caused an enormous mess, and it could have been so easily avoided if my emails were simply answered over the past few months, but this situation is now resolved. I have received a refund in full and, while it's disappointing to not receive the commission after all this time, I'll take it. [Proof of Refund] EDIT [09/25/16]: It's been a week. I'm editing this a final time to correct a few grammar errors and add closing thoughts. Sorry again to the mods for the number of edits here! Because of the anon ask brideake received and their public response to it, people who I assume to be their fans and followers came here, saw the beware, and connected it to my dA account (linked on my profile) and my Tumblr blog (via my icon). The resulting anon hate would last for four days, when it finally ceased. I was away from my computer for much of the first day, but, when I returned, I had 68 inbox messages on Tumblr, only six of which were things I would normally have. I don't know how many others came in total, because I didn't read them, simply deleted them as soon as I saw them. I estimate it to be between seventy and eighty messages total. (I have no screenshots of this, but I believe it wouldn't prove anything, because it's as easy to send yourself anon hate on Tumblr as it is for others to do so.) I don't know why brideake responded to the ask publicly; it drew attention to this beware, caused trouble for us both, and ultimately solved nothing. I'm relieved the messages have stopped now. It was hard to consider this truly "resolved" while this was still happening. The other things I wanted to add, as closing thoughts, were that, on September 17th, brideake tried to convince me to delete this beware in our final email conversation. I found it noteworthy because their concerns were with their reputation than with me as a customer. [link] Finally, brideake tweeted this on September 18th, after I was refunded, and has had it as their pinned tweet all week. I don't hate them. I don't think customers ever hate an artist over commission issues. [link] In conclusion, I can't recommend this artist at all. The fact remains that their customer service was exceptionally poor. All the unnecessary drama that ensued on Tumblr could have been prevented altogether if brideake had simply answered my emails months ago.
  6. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/983469.html who: Tobeabird/Cynical Sergal/Wayward Fox/Otter Nonsense Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tobeabird/ and https://www.furaffinity.net/user/otter.nonsense What: Feline Foam Cut headbase mounted on a balaclava ($120) and One Fullbody commission ($30) When: I commissioned the base on Sept. 12, 2015 and the art on July 25, 2017 Explain: I initially commissioned Tobeabird when they needed help and opened for fursuit foam base commissions. The journal is long since gone, but we agreed to one of their foam feline head bases, cut and mounted on a balaclava. This was $120 and was paid immediately (they were wayward Fox creations/Cynical Sergal at this point) (1). The transaction was completed on Sept. 12, 2015 I was told multiple times (2)(3) that my base was going to be shipped on within the week of the message. The first time (screenshot 2) I was told I’d have a tracking number, and then wasn’t contacted again about it. The second time (that I could find searching through years of FA notes anyway) I was told that they had contracted a fever and wasn’t able to ship it (4). They even forgot what I was owed, this happened multiple times (5). I eventually stopped pressing them, a mistake on my part, but I believed I was helping a friend and this friend constantly posted journals about how they were financially in a bind or losing their home or in need of medication. I didn’t want to add to their troubles with bothering them over my product. I was too nice and it backfired. FWA 2016 (March 31-April 3, 2016) came around and I roomed with them. They had a bunch of foam bases, including the feline ones, casted for their dealers den table for the convention that year. I asked if one of the bases was for my commission, and they told me that they hadn’t cut any of them and that none of them were for me. This irritated me because these people had paid long after I did, but were going to receive their product first. They couldn’t have cut one before casting the rest considering I was a paying commissioner who had yet to receive a product promised to be to him within the week? There was one point where I asked them if they would rather just refund me instead of casting the base since it seemed like they couldn’t get to the post to ship and they had a bunch of other problems they were posting about. They agreed, but then this was later rescinded due to their financial troubles and me asking if it’d be easier for them to just go ahead and cast it. They agreed. There was plans to attend Megaplex 2017 together that ended up falling through. They had planned on getting me the base (as per their claims) but as we both ended up not being able to attend, that didn’t happen. (6) On July 24, Tobeabird was having a bit of financial issues and was hoping to be commissioned so I took them up on that offer. I asked for a fullbody anthro work of my character Riot and gave them a ref sheet (7). I then paid after a day as I was having some issues with my paypal and they received full payment on July 25, 2017 (8)(9). On October 27, 2017 I asked about an update for my art commission and was told there was an update on FA. There was another delay in getting art posted on a journal (10). November 11, 2017 I get a message on Telegram from Tobeabird asking if I’d like a refund for the art and the base. I agreed and was told I would be put on the refund list (11)(12)(13) (the last one is cut that way because the conversation was asking about personal issues) January 15, I wrote a series of tweets on my vent account stating that I felt taken advantage of and felt that I was no longer going to commission friends due to being treated poorly by a couple who didn’t handle the transaction properly. Tobeabird contacted me on Telegram to ask if the messages were about them. I told them that they fit into the messages but I was talking about a couple people. They proceeded to get bent about the fact I said they’d taken advantage of me and then guilt tripped me for even speaking about it. They kept saying that they’d hoped I’d be a patient friend, and at that point, I was pretty much done with the whole thing. I told them I’d be expecting a reasonable amount of time with the refund. Eventually the argument got to a point where I was irritated with them acting like I was the bad guy for being upset and ending the conversations because they couldn’t handle that. I was then told that Telegram was for friendly chat and to stop contacting them there and only through email. I agreed to this and when I posted another tweet, they found it necessary to then contact me arguing more about the fact I believe they took advantage. I told them to leave it to email and they claimed they didn't’ have it. I told them to wait for my message but then ended up getting them emailing me anyway and then attempting to contact me on twitter as well backing up the email. They have sent me $30 ( 2/7/18) and claim it’s for the base (when they could just clear off the art). They are treating this whole thing as two separate occurrences. The base from otter nonsense, and the art from them. But as they are the owner of the otter nonsense account and since their business practices aren’t different between the two entities, I am treating this as ONE refund from ONE person rather than a person and their business. I’m still receiving the money from Tobeabird in both instances so I’m not sure what the deal is with that. (14) Update: 2/8/18 They have sent another couple refunds totalling $60 (15) for a total of $90 refunded (16) meaning the art commission has been taken care of and the base is halfway refunded at this point. Update 2: 2/8/18 Final amount ($60) has been sent. This matter is resolved. (17) Proof: 1. Fursuit Head Base Payment - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PAyeUxV7OKno9lrGn5PsowR3zvSbxT2j 2. First Shipping Schedule missed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v1rOEfW-f9x8O6-CR5fBo1EIrgOgyjcP 3. Second shipping schedule missed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1g1yy39RIiC3KTmgF7KzWRQi9c2FleU37 4. Why second shipping was missed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ce5ftTikpFl2HKHOAd4z87-KKnCNublU 5. Forgot what I ordered- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K27Bb0dpYW5_ejHCgxqfsR7b5DeIPFQr 6. Asking about base, told will give at Megaplex - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UDt0KXfm4I99nLkIdFOLa1Fv47V_AaHk 7. Art price confirmation- https://drive.google.com/open?id=15p67cZd9rUGdopdiW9iNs4PPtaj3WG8J 8. Art commission confirmation - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xvY1A-yAlifupm0zBJiXHsJxTcY1KcWA 9. Paypal transaction for Art - https://drive.google.com/open?id=106GTmQl201cFcy3qwos9_gAMHSJRXzZa 10. Asking about the status of my art commission - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zq0DSUComUq837BX8YH8UTdg1dHglab6 11. Tobeabird offering refunds - https://drive.google.com/open?id=13gKxL3y00vJhBJkYCzCD27t7B9cW-LlB 12. Tobeabird offering refunds (cont.) - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_BO4O92yiFxm1y-1oAjgL_kWX4X3vCf3 13. Tobeabird offering refunds (cont) - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QddXT8Kj_5D79MH-qjMsCneyxY5ra9jR 14. 1st Refund recieved ($30) - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HZUFjLXJ8OoDddJ28tfPrxrfwYufUDG7 15. 2nd Refund Recieved ($60) - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yugLwOi3pXOANflx6nAj7w6msvd20uL2 16. Proof of $90 sent - https://drive.google.com/open?id=19epo7KtVff2L1RYhWHwQqitGETSaQTpO 17. Rest of the refund sent- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Yyoslh2eR7gRfeqHoMtMCkbtrFS-yooE </lj-cut>
  7. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/874852.html WHO: Artist: "Jaggy" /furaffinity/deviantart/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jaggy/ http://ieatd0gs.deviantart.com/ WHERE/WHAT: Badge trade, through notes on FA/spoke in person a few times. WHEN: Discussed doing a trade at Califur in 2013. Despite getting my half done for them within a month, I have been fed excuses and given nothing despite waiting for two years, along with being ignored the last time I tried to contact them. PROOF: Screencaps of notes will be hosted in the explanation, though I only have one note remaining from them (but most of their correspondence is still in the quotes on my replies thankfully.) I was lucky that FA's outbox notes were kept so long-term as compared to my often cleared inbox. While this means a lot is missing, I think there's enough to clearly support what's gone on here. EXPLAIN: Califur 2013 Jaggy and I spoke, with them telling me they loved my artwork and really wanting a badge, but were short on funds. Trades came up and I agreed that I'd like to do a trade after seeing their work because they had a style I felt would suit my character well. I asked them to contact me after the con to set up details and give each other references. June 2013 I got the initial note from Jaggy asking if I still wanted to trade, and we exchanged references and the like. Here's what I have from the correspondence setting up the trade. First Second Third And I was obviously noted back with their details as I completed their badge shortly after as I stated. July 2013 I contacted Jaggy about the badge being done. I received a response stating the sketch was drafted and I'd for sure get it by the next furmeet (the only note that slipped through my inbox cleaning, thankfully.) Here is a posting of my half of the trade for them, it is the green character at bottom-center. I delivered the badge to them at the furmeet as stated, when I was told again in person it was sketched and would be ready at the next meet for sure. At the end of July 2013 I had something come up, so I informed Jaggy they'd have an extra month to work on their half since I couldn't make it to the next meet. When I saw Jaggy at the furmeet in September 2013, I was given more excuses as to why it wasn't done, told it was sketched out still, and given another "next time" guarantee. I ended up moving out of state for a while and when we spoke at my last meet I attended before that, Jaggy told me they'd be fine shipping it to me because I was so patient. I remained patient, seeing I was on their profile in their commission/trades list. In November 2013, I contacted Jaggy inquiring if they could have the badge completed by my next convention so I could wear it there. They had replied telling me what was up and I replied back being very understanding of things. I was never once shown any of these sketches, however, and starting to doubt any existed. At Further Confusion 2014 in January, Jaggy and their partner came to my table to see me. Again, with no badge. I was fed a sob story about how difficult their lives had been lately and that they were in debt and they had no time to get art done whatsoever. My friend popped into the conversation proposing that I could use the badge as an example for my table until the end of the con to make things fair, to which Jaggy agreed. When Jaggy came back to pick up the badge, it had gone missing. I told Jaggy I had a hi-res scan if we couldn't find it and I could easily print them out a new one with no problem, but kept looking around. I assumed it fell off or someone took it, but still made an effort to find it with no results. A couple weeks after the con, in February 2014, I finally got time to ask Jaggy if they had managed to locate the badge as I hadn't heard back. I do not have their response, but I was told that they hadn't found it through anyone and not to worry about printing a new badge for them until they finished their half because it would only be fair. I started to assume that I was just ripped off after that despite constantly being listed on their profile as an in-progress trade having been sketched out. I found the badge in my air-travel cases for my supplies after my last out-of-state convention, but remained quiet, still seeing that my trade was listed and "sketched" and hoping that it would be done soon. At the two year mark, in June 2015, I decided to check in. I was now just listed as an owed trade, and had noticed Jaggy had been doing plenty of art, inclusive of personal work, and wondered why they hadn't done their half for me yet despite all this time. I sent them a note informing them I had found the original badge in my supplies, asking if they were going to do their half. I received no response despite the note being read for weeks. This was the final red flag for me. Finally, I noted Jaggy months being ignored, now in October 2015, well over two years since setting up and completing my half of the trade and receiving nothing, never being updated, and eventually ignored when it's past the point of excuses. I've decided I'm just done with this. I don't think they intended on doing their half of the work and were dishonest with me about their progress and intentions. I do not recommend trading with this person, and would even exercise caution in commissioning them based on their work ethic. UPDATE: About a day after I sent my note and wrote this posting, on October 5th, 2015I received a response from Jaggy (to my surprise, considering I had been ignored previously.) This note called me rude and was an obvious attempt to guilt trip me with another sob story, accusing me that I was essentially being mean and causing them trouble because I didn't care and keep up with what they'd been through, and some more excuses as to why the work had not been done. As someone who has been through more than plenty myself, I responded quite offended and upset about the ploy, explaining to them why I was offended, and ended up blocking them (of which I notified them) because I absolutely can not handle the stress that getting aggressive guilt-tripping notes puts me through. While they'd insisted on completing the trade someday, despite claiming not caring about it anymore, I told them I absolutely did not want them drawing my character at this point. It took me a lot of willpower to not be baited back in, but I refused to fall for it again. I would rather not share these screencaps of these two notes as I find them of rather personal nature based on the information shared about our experiences, but if absolutely needed, I will share them at a moderator's request. After I'd sent my reply, I had a second note waiting in my inbox already that they must have sent while I'd been writing mine. I did not reply to this as my response I'd written covered how I felt and stated that I was done with things. I currently have Jaggy blocked as I simply cannot handle being sent notes like that just because I finally put my foot down, and they have finally removed me from their queue. I assume this will go no further.
  8. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/1001259.html Final Edit 7/10: I've received my refund and I can only hope that TEIL continues to make changes in her business for the better and get her workload fixed. Through a few back and forth notes I've given her a few cautionary tips on how to not overwork herself (based on personal anecdata) while still getting what she needs done. She sounds genuinely sorry for letting her queue get so massive and untamed and I think honestly needs someone with good organization skills to be her art manager so this doesn't happen again. I'm hoping her roommates will fill this position. I also noticed a handful of old commissions on the queue are either getting done or are at the very least being updated. Important edit 7/5: Please if you're reading this, do NOT associate TEIL's old partner nor their collab work with her to this beware, or any future one. PebblesRaven has no involvement in any of this anymore and has even replied to the beware explaining her side of the story and how she no longer has access to the work. If you have a collab piece owed, it's all 100% on TEIL to finish. Who: TEIL/Teileafuu/Teileaf (possibly among others?). Used to be a solo account, became a collab account with Teileaf's partner, then solo again, before I think being a joint account with somebody new? I've lost track. Where: FA (NSFW) Twitch (Nsfw? It's used for streaming) Picarto (edited in link on 6/30 because she's using this again instead of twitch, as well as the fact she's taken the twitch link off of her profile. Leaving the twitch link for reference. What: $80 YCH (nsfw, right-side) When: October 29th, 2017 - ongoing Proof: https://imgur.com/a/xdjvBHi (NSFW). This is posted in order of the explanation and can be read alongside for clarification. Explain: I had recently followed TEIL for their work, already impressed with their coloring, poses and scenery (where applicable). I eventually found a YCH from them that interested me enough that I wanted to get of my OC. Details were exchanged, and I was put on the queue. The queue had an expected two month turnaround, which was super understandable because despite how fast they seemed to work from the daily output of art, there was a fair amount of people on the list. During this time they also had outfit chibis that were same day, in stream commissions. I got one of those as well, of the same OC, and got the art the next day (as it was late and I was one of the last on the list. Still super prompt!) Happy with the result, I couldn't wait to see a WIP of the YCH. A little while later, at the very start of November, I noticed there was a slight mixup with mine and another person's spot on TEIL's trello, so I sent them a note about it (I was apologizing for the nudging because I had pointed things about my character out in the outfit chibi stream and I felt bad for coming off as pushy). About two months later I sent a note, asking if there was any progress to my commission. I should point out that, despite the journals having since been deleted, TEIL and her partner had some medical/personal issues and had let people know by means of a journal. The timing of my note was really abysmal because I had pressed send, then noticed that maybe a few minutes ago there was a new journal about a family issue. Of course I apologized for the bad timing and didn't mean to add stress to it, I had just wanted an update. Another month, another note, this time with concern because I noticed YCHs being done out of order. I saw the note read, but not replied to, so I bumped it and got a response. Two months later (no WIP given), there was a Refund list put out. This was something that TEIL and her partner had been talking about, and I had been under the impression that, with no WIP or conversation from TEIL, I'd be on that refund list. I wasn't, but the person who had bought the other YCH in the submission was. Curious, I asked about it. I sort of bungled up my words and confused TEIL, so I clarified what I meant. They replied with a WIP of my character, but...except for the general features, the design was incredibly off. Even after I pointed the mistakes out, they had told me I never mentioned key details when I did and this frustrated me. Needless to say I was not entirely impressed with the lack of reading comprehension, and coupled with the trello mixup I felt like I wasn't being listened to. I should have asked to been put on the refund list at this point, but I was given a revised WIP with (mostly) correct features after and left it alone. When the Paypal's 180 claim was coming up I had decided to send another note, asking about an update. A few weeks earlier, TEIL mentioned the threat of eviction and had been doing emergency commissions to make up the rent they needed. I had specifically waited until things died down to ask them, so as not to create another new year's note incident, but it was implied my asking was stressful. They did promise another WIP would be offered "soon." A month later I ask for a refund. I never mention this to them but between the last note to them and the note asking for a refund, I had lost my job. Outside of the paypal window officially, I wouldn't be able to file a claim and had to rely on faith that they would deliver, especially because things seemed to have turned around for TEIL money-wise and they were earning a lot of clients, both repeat and new, from their in-stream same-day commissions. This is just clarification for where I say previously I would rather wait for the art, then ask for a refund later. After a while, TEIL's journals are all deleted, including the one with the link to the google doc of refunds. I ask about it, and they tell me they didn't see my name on the refund list, but they've added me. This doesn't prove to reassure me about the status of my refund or if I'll ever see it. I didn't respond to it, and even mulled over whether or not I should post this beware, but I'm overall frustrated with everything that's happened so far. I still love TEIL's art but I can't say the same about their work ethic. I don't have record of the advice they were given because of the many journal deletions, but I recall someone suggesting they try to make their debt up through selling bases and adopts, so they aren't constantly adding to their commission queue. The advice, as far as I'm aware, was received positively, but has yet to be (consistently) implemented in favor of same-day/next-day YCHs, illustrations and Chibis. update 7/3: https://i.imgur.com/BIrqjy2.png a message from "The Admins" (not FA's admins, but some of TEIL's friends who are going to handle communication between her and her clients). o...kay. I don't have much faith in this, and it sounds INCREDIBLY sketchy, but if it gets me my refund then great! An art manager sounds like something she needs.
  9. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/943223.html WHO: MintyMudi (twitter), MudiCommissions (twitter), Mixeddisaster (FA, relatively inactive) WHERE: Twitter DMs, @MintyMudi WHAT: An adopt purchase, turned into a traditional badge trade. WHEN: August 9, 2016 – Present Day PROOF: Here's an Imgur album, but I will link appropriate images accordingly: http://imgur.com/a/JN1yv EXPLAIN: On August 9th, 2016, I posted several characters for sale, and MintyMudi expressed interest in one of them. I was asking $20, and they offered $15 and a small doodle, which I accepted. They sent me the $15 promptly. http://i.imgur.com/q7shtqO.png http://i.imgur.com/QAwRZvM.png ETA: Minty has come to me with an apology and acknowledged their behavior following my previous communication with them. This shows a willingness to improve and admit fault, and I'm pleased that they did so. http://imgur.com/nzOJQvu September rolls around, and I remembered that they owed me a doodle, so on the 3rd I inquired about the status of that. They told me they’d been busy working, and they’d get to it that week. They offered to do a traditional badge, and having liked the style of the badges they were doing, that interested me. However I didn’t feel like it would be a fair exchange for just $5 worth so I offered to do a badge for them as well and we could turn it into a full blown badge trade. They agreed, and we chatted briefly about characters (I omitted this from the screenshots, it’s irrelevant info), and I completed my half very shortly afterwards. Usually, I send off my badges right away, but having experienced a trade gone awry earlier that summer, I decided to hold on to it until they had completed their half. http://i.imgur.com/35KjtAF.png September 19th arrives, and they ask me the name of my character. I told them, and they replied that they would do it on their day off the next day (would have been Sept 21). I missed the reply until the next day, the 22nd, and told them that there was no rush. I assumed they had been busy since they didn’t have it done by then. http://i.imgur.com/YK6yGi0.png October 26th rolls around, and they came to me asking if they could make the badge Christmas themed, to provide examples for MFF badges. I’m not really one for holiday themed things, so I declined and said I’d prefer a neutral theme. They then asked if they could put a snowflake background on it, so I told them again that I did not want that kind of theme. This kind of rubbed me the wrong way, so if my replies look a little short then that’s why. They finished the badge that day, and showed me pictures of it. http://i.imgur.com/YK6yGi0.png http://i.imgur.com/NFUgzSL.png It slipped my mind for a little while, but mid-November I realized that they hadn’t asked me for my shipping address. I realized that the timing would be pretty poor due to Thanksgiving, then MFF (which I knew they were attending based on their previous inquiries), and then Christmas, so I waited until after all that passed to ask about it. I asked if they needed my shipping address, on January 13th. They told me that they were in the process of moving, but they would try to send it out beforehand. After giving them my address, I told them I would ship mine out after I received their half of the trade. http://i.imgur.com/ndgzQxP.png So, February 1st rolls around and I ask them again, if they’d had the chance to mail it. At this point I was getting pretty frustrated, because it doesn’t take much to put a stamp on an envelope and put it in the mailbox. http://i.imgur.com/zUnctqw.png A week passes, and on Feb 8th they messaged me to let me know that they would be mailing my badge out the next week. I was pleased that they had taken the initiative to update me, as it usually was me asking for progress. http://i.imgur.com/eiGOmHr.png After the next week passes, I ask on Feb 14th if they had the chance to ship the badge out or not. I let them know at this time that I am frustrated with the transaction, and give them the option of just cancelling the trade since I had refrained from sending out my half until I got theirs. They told me that they had shipped it out that morning, which immediately sent up a red flag. It was awfully convenient that they had put it in the mailbox the day that I asked about it. I decided to give them the benefit of a doubt, though privately I was planning on checking out what the timestamp on the envelope said when it arrived. I didn’t intend on doing anything about it, just mostly to confirm my suspicions. http://i.imgur.com/eiGOmHr.png http://i.imgur.com/2TIbX01.png Today, 2ish days later, Feb 17th in my time zone but not quite 3 whole days later, they DM’d me again letting me know that the mailman apparently hadn’t picked up the mail. For 2 days. Now obviously I don’t have any proof of them being dishonest, but I had a bad feeling about it in the first place, so this was just the final straw. I told them that it felt suspicious, and I was very frustrated. At this point I tell them that I’ll be writing up a beware, and that I don’t wish to speak to them unless it’s confirmation of shipping the badge. http://i.imgur.com/2TIbX01.png http://i.imgur.com/lMk2rCP.png As the screenshots show, they then proceed to tell me that I’ve been rude and hurtful, along with some comments that are very guilt trip-y. Included in my screenshots are some subtweets about the whole situation. http://i.imgur.com/lMk2rCP.png http://i.imgur.com/yv3dZkP.png They don’t admit to anything and either situation is equally as likely imo, but regardless of whether they put the badge in their mailbox or not, it’s still been since August of last year. So I feel like this beware is justified. I get that “real life” happens, but it takes so little time to send an envelope in the mail that it quickly becomes an invalid excuse. I would probably have been more patient if it had been something that required boxing up or packaging, but this is such a simple thing that I just ran out of patience. As soon as I receive my badge, I will be shipping out theirs. But at this point I’m not sure when that will be. So that being said, be careful when dealing with MintyMudi. They are unreliable, unprofessional, and I do not recommend it. As soon as I have received the badge, I will update this post and ship out my half. UPDATE: I have received the badge on the mail. regardless of the reasoning behind it not being shipped when they said they would ship it, I consider the transaction resolved. However, there are issues with cutting of the lamination that is fairly sloppy that I pointed out to them. ( http://imgur.com/lgiVQCT, http://imgur.com/WACmX6f, http://imgur.com/suBW6gz, http://imgur.com/zzHp25K, http://imgur.com/OKXFwlW )If this were a commission, I would request it be redone and fixed, but since it's just a trade I don't want to bother with it. They also have yet to own up to their behavior and outbursts, and I don't think they will. So resolved, yes. But still be wary of working with this individual. I would not recommend it until they improve their attitude and work ethic. Update: Minty has come to me with an apology and acknowledged their behavior following my previous communication with them. This shows a willingness to improve and admit fault, and I'm pleased that they did so. http://imgur.com/nzOJQvu
  10. PupJaxces/Marbleshark/Marblemephit messaged me on the 8th of February 2023 saying they like my character and offered a discounted full body commission for $45 (I even tipped them later). I accepted and paid, then patiently waited like I normally do with commissions. After several months of going back and forth and empty promises, them making up stories to get more money from me, and me trying to accommodate them not wanting to do nsfw commissions anymore, I found out from this site that I wasn't the first person they've scammed this way. That's when I realized they never intended on completing my commission and I asked for a refund, which they denied over and over again because they claimed it had already been started (I have yet to receive a single wip.) At this point I completely gave up and decided to go through with the chargeback process, but since it was way past PayPals chargeback cutoff they were unwilling to help me, so I gave up for a while. Since then I've gotten my banks help, and they were kind enough to put the funds back into my account since a chargeback would take even longer. TLDR: they have scammed me and several others on this site, do not commission them. I've included all our correspondence in this beware, including the artist acknowledging the payment, be warned it is nsfw in nature.
  11. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/974901.html Where: Furaffinity.net/user/sharpe19 What: Premade head, to be upgraded with a matching tail. When: September 2016 Explain: Sharpe was taking offers on this premade suit nicknamed at the time Alchemy https://imgur.com/fdz80W1. Sharpe did make it known that a new hood (neck/ears) would be made for the winner which I thought was too cool to pass up. I sent them an email private offer of 1800 with the request of a payment plan on 9/19/2016 https://imgur.com/6n2vueu.This was the highest bid at that time, and the payment plan was welcomed! I also inquired about a design (this is prior to being the “chosen” buyer) which Sharpe seemed intrigued by. She asked if a deposit of 800 would be doable https://imgur.com/BCS4ls6 and that my offer is very interesting to her. At this time, I also asked if at this or a future time she would be willing to make me a tail and maybe hands/feet as well for extra funds of course. She agreed to a tail and to possibly add crystals as well! By this time, I was notified that I WAS the buyer (I’m not sure where that message is... I literally don’t have an email or a FA note so weird) and asked for her Paypal to send the first part of my deposit https://imgur.com/ryQN3in. By now I had made my first deposit payment of 600 and was going to get the remainder the following day. I was waiting on Paypal to clear funds of a sale of mine to finish my deposit to Sharpe https://imgur.com/DyhGIzK and was able to put the remaining 200 down on September 30th Some time passed (about a month) and I had sent another 750 to Sharpe while awaiting my first check from my new job https://imgur.com/HlCaOS3. NOW all was going extremely smoothly Sharpe was very quick to respond and lovely to work with. I had 0 issues with communication. I’m going to switch from email to FA notes as I was assuming photos would be uploaded to FA instead of sent via EMAIL (what my previous makers have done in the past). I let a few months go past, I was off FA for a small break, but decided to send a poke her way to see where we were at with the commission https://imgur.com/Qy5NYzz. Now this is about 6 months after the payments were made. I know sometimes life gets busy and I am VERY flexible when people are up front to me with what’s going on… but this response was honestly a little awkward for me https://imgur.com/opSPYdv it appeared she literally had no idea who I was. NOW that being said our primary form of communication was through email, and I’m not sure how others work but for me I document peoples Emails/FA/DA/FB whatever methods of communication I can just so I can keep in touch. But I brushed it off as just simple confusion as to who I was! It happens. https://imgur.com/r0J7p5B this is just me clearing up which commission I was and getting a few verbal updates. Sounds like the Hood didn’t turn out as well and needed to be redone-reworked before progressing. Sure no problem! Quality over speed in my opinion! https://imgur.com/DaoaH0p first talk of getting some updates. They never came but that’s ok life gets busy I suppose. Now were onto June of 2017 where I again asked if we had any updates https://imgur.com/1SGuIdv to which I was responded with a note that seemed promising and that work was almost complete (unless I’m reading into it wrong, to me it sounded like all it needed was airbrushing) https://imgur.com/JYUUm4S. This got me quite excited so I decided to let her work and try back later if she didn’t get back to me first. Well now were pushing the “Almost a year” mark and I am honestly starting to get antsy as I had conventions I was planning to wear this to and really didn’t expect it to take a full year to complete a hood replacement and a tail. https://imgur.com/mix1MqY I was a little confused by the response as I thought we were almost done with things and apparently it was just a first test run? Of the fur? https://imgur.com/1BtiaAr and at this point I had given up mentally that this project would get done. Sharpe was spending (I follow her on twitter) most of her time working on personal costumes/cosplays/projects and I felt like I was completely tossed on the backburner. This is when I asked a SECOND time (because she either ignored or didn’t read) for an estimated time of completion https://imgur.com/CisL4Jc.She said it would be Most likely August, but for sure before Halloween. Finally, a date set I can stop pestering her! https://imgur.com/Z5F4JO9 Well were officially at/past the one-year mark, august came and went and so I inquired one more time to be sure were on track for Halloween https://imgur.com/tyrNaxi to which they assured me we are https://imgur.com/HH4PmBV.To me, and please let me know if I’m wrong, I was under the assumption my suit would be IN HAND by Halloween when I asked if we were on track… Is that wrong of me to assume? Completed Payments https://imgur.com/AnCPEK6 So the original plan was 1800 but I did not complete my final payment of 250 dollars. I was holding on to it until the product had either photo proof, or completion proof or SOMETHING because I have been burned MORE than a handful of times. Well Halloween is tomorrow. I have 0 progress photos, proof of work, I literally have only her word. She messaged me asking for my address, however when I did ask for photos I was met with a really odd response of “Depending on how late you’re awake” https://imgur.com/wXg9Yilwhat?? What difference does it matter how late it is... why is it SO hard for Sharpe to provide me ANY proof of work?? At this point I just hope I can get my refund as I have ZERO desire for this character anymore. I’m not sure if it’s just my expectations or what but a year of waiting with no progress updates proof or anything really left a sour taste in my mouth. I’m a very patient person but I really feel like my commission was not taken seriously or professionally in the form of timelines/completion. It just seems like my commission didn’t/doesn’t matter and that I was only a quick paycheck for someone to use. As of 10/29/2017 I was relayed it would be shipping out "this weekend" (the weekend before halloween) however it was not, and I still have 0 photographic proof of ANY work. Sharpe is a really nice gal, super communicative and will respond very quickly. I just think her time management is lacking. Personal and new projects took priority over my paid commission. I just hope I can get my refund promptly. Beware is only warranted for lack of time management and prioritizing issues. She makes great work, and she’s very communicative. I missed out on every event I wanted to wear this piece to and actually ordered a new costume in the meantime as backup for Halloween as I had a feeling it again, wouldn’t be completed on time. I hope Sharpe steps up her game on her time management and prioritizing pieces. Update 11/8/2017: At this time Sharpe and I have agreed on a full refund, she will be selling the suit (this is the current listing link https://www.thedealersden.com/listing/alchemy/129915) and the profits will be coming to me. Im glad we could come to an agreement. I will update as soon as refund payments are made. Update: 11/16/2017: I have received the first payment of 450 dollars, with an agreement on a payment plan that will total just over 1300 dollars in a matter of 5 weeks. I am currently at work, and unable to get a screenshot but I will update this post promptly.
  12. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/831564.html Who: Rachverity Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rachverity/ https://trello.com/b/kDddOtiK/commissions-list What: Digital Art Commissions. Purchased many commissions (23 in total - $915.30 USD) that nearly all were very behind in set deadlines. When inquiring/complaining about missed deadlines, artist chose to no longer work with me and prompted for a refund and block. When: Problems started August 2014. Escalated from there. End result (refund) has yet to be started or finished. Proof: (Note: All pieces were paid for, but not all were given details for. I purchased the slot/commission to be done at a later date. This was mostly due to wanting to give away a full commission as gifts and to lessen the over head work load of Rachverity. I will do my best to show what was purchased, what had details, what never got done, and what was finished.) 1) One 2-character soft shade with background dance piece: Completed without incident. https://www.dropbox.com/s/b8pc7oeroaswd1e/pp1.jpg?dl=0 2) First art bundle : https://www.dropbox.com/s/2xtkofx6p0jtkc0/First bundle purchase.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/rm7uijheut3b9sz/pp2.jpg?dl=0 2a) Comic - incomplete (details given). Extra pages paid for: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2l5lgu7m1srkxui/pp4.jpg?dl=0 2b) two 2-chracter soft shade with background - never started (no details given) 2c) Character sheet - incomplete (details given) 3d) six icons - 1 completed, 2 incomplete (details given), 3 never started (no details given) 3) 1 3-character cell shade with background. Details sent for a 2 character piece. incomplete. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6u44tf0a82bviga/pp3.jpg?dl=0 4) Second Art Bundle - https://www.dropbox.com/s/uu567x7pseqeaaw/art bundle 2.jpg?dl=0. https://www.dropbox.com/s/e069sow9scmqxtq/pp5.jpg?dl=0 4a) five (up to) 6-character soft shaded with background. Never started (no details given) 5) Third Art Bundle - https://www.dropbox.com/s/ttn935xexz1d730/bundle 3.jpg?dl=0. Sister package to prior art bundle that did not sell. This one offered a guaranteed Halloween themed 2 character soft shade that will be done by Halloween. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t9c410ljxnm11jv/pp6.jpg?dl=0 5a) One 2-character soft shade with background for Halloween. Details Given. Deadline missed by nearly 30 days. Requested for it to be changed to a Christmas piece. Request accepted. Completed. 5b) Five (up to) 6-character soft shaded with background. 5b1) extra characters paid for to be added for guaranteed New years eve party. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9qzbbb2kyexgxog/pp7.jpg?dl=0 5b2) 6 character raffle winner. incomplete (details given) 5b3) 5 character Raffle winner. Incomplete (details given) 5b4) three (up to) 6-character soft shaded with background never started (no details given) 6) Tip/expedite payment. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3shp0ca6hbrje19/ppex.jpg?dl=0 (look at note in payment) 18th October 2014 Rachverity said publicly that she still needed more money shortly after selling the two prior bundles. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6ys81z4bh0unywn/help.jpg?dl=0 24th October 2014 Rachverity said publicly that she was still giving low cost art and (maybe) was going to start raising prices. https://www.dropbox.com/s/nntjqv9fiw8lnq9/help2.jpg?dl=0 I personally felt a bit bad for getting so much art for such a low cost so I talked to her privately and offered to help without buying more art. This had no issues until into 2015 when I brought up that she missed another deadline even after I paid her this extra money. With the wording (seen later in AB post), I considered it a expedite payment as Rachverity considered it a tip. Thus the discrepancy whether it was a tip or expedite payment. Ultimately this discrepancy is now moot due to the forced unpaid refund. Explain: Back in August of 2014, Rachverity put out a journal offering a large art bundle due to need of funds. I had commissioned her once before and had an amazing experience (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12486045/). I decided to talk to Rachverity about it since a large thing I wanted was the comic. But I wanted a longer story comic done. She told me that I could purchase additional pages at the discounted rate. With this, I purchased the initial bundle and paid for it immediately. The said artwork was to be done before December 2014. Although the comic, due to it being longer from extra pages purchased, would be started but may not be finished by the end of 2014. Rachverity, still in need of money for a few of the next months, put out more art bundles and open commissions. Seeing her in need, I helped out more. Purchasing two $200 art bundles and a few other things. I also gave an extra $100 to have my pieces expedited ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/3shp0ca6hbrje19/ppex.jpg?dl=0). Rachverity and I conflicted later after some missed deadlines that this extra money was a tip. I also purchased extra character slots for a New Year's Eve piece to be done by the first of the year. Signs of first problem: I gave a few commission details to Rachverity, but no set dates. In early October, I gave details for a free (for purchasing the bundles) "guaranteed" 2 character Halloween piece. This was accepted by Rachverity to be done by Halloween. She told me after the deadline was missed that she was slightly behind. I understood and gave more time. After Thanksgiving, I decided to cancel the piece and request a Christmas piece in replacement to have a due date of Christmas. The New Years Eve piece was set in stone in November to be done by the first of the year. She accepted and I paid for extra characters to be added to the piece. On the 2nd of January 2015 I requested to have the expedited payment be refunded. I was told no because it was a "tip" and thus hers to keep. I understand the confusion, even though I was quite upset, and I did not fight it much more (https://www.dropbox.com/s/vrl1imvaz3wxf0z/expedite.jpg?dl=0). Later on the 2nd of January 2015, myself and few others had a skype group conversation with Rachverity. This was an intervention of sorts as the last waning minutes of our friendships. I can not provide this private conversation, but after this Rachverity got very angry with us (myself and other friends trying to help). This is where I learned that she had roughly 200 paid for open commissions. By the end, she would not budge on any subjects and, incidentally, some nasty words were exchanged. A few days after this, Rachverity blocked skype contact with me. I understood this and tried to only deal with her over my own art matters from there on out. On Jan 7th 2015 I asked for a WIP of this overdue piece. (https://www.dropbox.com/s/gh41oha3c99s7u0/wipparty1.jpg?dl=0) I received a response shortly after: (https://www.dropbox.com/s/leaglrkhzxx0cld/wipparty2.jpg?dl=0) I found out that she was missing some of the details of the commission and that there was another large(r) commission due for new years as well that was also missed deadline wise. I waited 15 days and on an 22nd 2015, I requested another WIP. Rachverity seemed to be set on an accusation I had made during the group conversation 20 days earlier about how she 'did not care about her commissioners and/or watchers.' The notes were not back and forth, but rather I came back to several notes sent to be without a response. All the links of this conversation are put in time stamp order. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9xc5gi6p1s15t3u/AACg-zMQtlSBe1N1NqKf-hIha?dl=0 Some notes about the conversation above: -A fellow friend and commissioner that has 6 open commissions with Rachverity offered a proposal due to their thinking that Rachverity will ultimately not finish the commissions. This proposal was to have 3 of their commissions done by the end of March 2015 and forfeit the other three, no refunds to be paid out. (Yes, I have permission to reveal this information and themselves, but I am still going to hold and block out their name for integrity purposes) - The 10 pages of comic to be done by the beginning of the year was due to Rachverity wanting to change her comic style to that of "Wolfy-Nail". Where there would be 1-3 panels to a page. Since I bought the comic for 6-9 panels per page, the number of pages increased so that agreed upon story could still be told. I was paid to 14 pages, and more would cost me at the time of discovery that more pages were needed. If less where needed, some alternate images would be done like a cover image or such. The option for the older style comics with more panels per page was still available and preferred. I originally had counted that I paid Rachverity $848.41. This was a mistake as seen above with all of my paypal receipts. I also did not want to include the first commission ($30) since that one was done. I wanted the amount in full returned since the only two pieces done so far was a free incentive piece for one of her bundles that she did not sell (The Halloween piece that was never done and had to be changed to a Christmas piece due to a 30 day missed deadline) and an icon that was done nearly 2.5 months after the raffle was finished (http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6175294/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/15484943/) Rachverity denied this request for a full refund and instead said she was going to refund me $800. I was a little upset, but understood and accepted this amount. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l6jq2cjswjadbrn/AAAW5HAjM-fjwExUuEhN0w9ga?dl=0 I asked about a time for the refund to take place and Rachverity would not talk to me, only her manager would through Rachverity's account. https://www.dropbox.com/s/m0sjhbqt9da057l/refund 2.jpg?dl=0 On March 2nd 2015, before any artist beware post was put up about Rachverity, I offered the artist the ability to take back the commissions in full or partial: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3znizi8vnrmjap7/Offer1.jpg?dl=0 Rachverity responded angrily about asking for the refund and, again, was told that I would be blocked for asking about it on grounds of harassment: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sxblkotz2xh33jn/offer2.jpg?dl=0 I tried to leave out most of the argumentative parts between us on a personal level and tried to keep it to just the business facts. Still to this day, I do not have an approximate time of when refund will be paid. I no longer recommend this artist. Thank you for your time.
  13. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/927928.html EDIT: Added title! WHO: https://twitter.com/gorehund / http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gorehund WHERE: Commission started over Twitter initially, then contact migrated to Telegram. WHAT: A traditional badge to be finished by AC, two stickers, then a digital icon as compensation for trouble WHEN: Started May 20, 2016, ended September 22, 2016 PROOF: I will link proof throughout the explanation, but here is the entire imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/PiTG5 EXPLAIN: On May 20, 2016, gorehund opened on Twitter for badge commissions for AC pickup or mail. I really enjoyed their art style and wanted to commission them, so I responded to their tweet. They told me I got the slot and asked me to DM my ref and provided their PayPal email. I sent them my ref and desired expression. I also told them that I was interested in AC pickup and they responded that they would have it ready for me. Proof of payment I left the artist alone for a while. On June 19, they posted a photo of badge sketches on Twitter. I was thrilled to see that they had been working on it! Fast forward to Anthrocon (June 30-July 3). They posted on Twitter that they would be in the Artist's Alley Saturday and Sunday, so I stopped in on Sat, July 2. I asked about picking up my badge and they told me that they didn't have it done yet but they did show me their sketchbook with the badge sketches. They hadn't progressed any further than the previous photo but they said they could finish and ship it to me after the con. On August 3, I sent them a Twitter DM asking about my badge because I had heard nothing since AC. I got no response for several days, so I tweeted them publicly on Aug 8, letting them know I had sent them a message. They responded to me after that tweet with their Telegram username which is where the rest of our communication took place. I sent them a message on Telegram and they responded quickly. They said they planned to finish it and have it shipped the following week. I sent another message on the following Tuesday, asking if my badge was still on track to be finished. They answered with "Yep!" and I left it at that. True to their word, the badge was finished on Aug. 19 and posted to Twitter. I was so excited to see the finished product and messaged them on telegram, expressing my happiness with the badge and asking when it would be shipped. They said they would get it out on Monday, Aug. 22. I asked if I may buy some of their high-yeena design stickers and have them sent with my badge. They asked me if I could buy the stickers through their Storenvy for inventory purposes and I didn't have a problem with that. I purchased the stickers through Storenvy on Aug. 19 and added a note to ship them with my badge. On Aug 25, I got an automated email from Storenvy, stating that my stickers had been shipped. On Aug 27, I messaged gorehund because I hadn't heard a word about my badge even though the stickers were shipped. I made sure to mention that I put a note in my sticker order to ship them with my badge. They said they didn't see the note but said they'd ship my badge the following Monday (Aug 29). I asked if I could get tracking because at this point they had told me twice already that they would ship my badge and they hadnt, but they were able to ship my stickers promptly. They said that they could get tracking for the badge. On Aug 30, I received the stickers in the mail and asked gorehund if they had gotten the chance to ship my badge like they said they would on monday. They answered and told me that they were out running errands right then, and would be shipping it. I received the badge on September 8 and let them know. Out of curiosity, I looked at the postmark on the envelope and it states that the badge was shipped on Sept 6. So I was outright lied to by gorehund regarding shipping. I also noticed that there was no tracking number. I started to notice a few imperfections on the badge and the longer I looked, the more things I saw: Food crumb under lamination Stray crumbs and lint laminated to the back Piece of lint in the "A" and an orange stain on the white cheek A curly hair laminated to the back I messaged gorehund and brought this up to them. The orange stain wasn't in the photo of the unlaminated badge, so something happened between finishing the badge and the lamination that resulted in all of the imperfections. I asked if it would be possible to peel the lamination off and somehow clean the badge but they told me that they tried it with an old badge laying around and that the lamination sticks to the paper. They expressed remorse and offered to make another badge for me, but I declined that offer because it seemed unfair. I asked if I may be compensated with something small like a digital icon because I figured it wouldn't take much time. They said an icon would be fine and they could possibly finish it that night, if not the next day. They reached out to me 2 days later on Sept 10, saying that they contracted a cold but said they would try to finish it that night. I hadn't heard anything from them so 6 days later, I sent a message asking for an update around noon. They read my message but did not respond, so about 6 hours later, I poked them again, asking for any sort of response. They told me they would have it done the following night (Sept 17). I didn't hear anything from them, so I asked for another update on Sept 18. They said they were working on it right then. Later that week (Sept 22), I asked for yet another update at about 6AM. I wasn't expecting a fast response to that since it was so early, but they did not respond to me until about 10:30 at night. They sent a sketch with no words, no apology for the wait, no explanation whatsoever. I thanked them, and they responded with the finished icon about half an hour later. Again, no apology or explanation or anything. Considering how polite they had been with me before, I was surprised to have an icon figuratively thrown at me wordlessly. This transaction is complete and I have received everything I've paid for but after being lied to, told my badge would be shipped multiple times, and being told that the icon would be finished on multiple occasions but wasn't, I cannot recommend this artist to anybody. Their art style is wonderful but the customer service leaves a lot to be desired and I do not want anybody else to have to deal with this kind of service.
  14. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/902185.html WHO: Commissioner https://twitter.com/ShadowTheFox2 / http://www.twitter.com/ADshadowfox “Shadow” WHERE: Google Docs form & Messages exchanged via email & twitter DMs WHAT: Digital ¾ soft shaded badge, single sided printed, laminated & shipped 1st class usps, plus a rush fee to be bumped to the front of my queue WHEN: November 2015 PROOF: Story and Screen caps provided in chronological order after the break. It is a unique case of eCheck failure via paypal even though the invoice was clearly marked in paypal as Paid... Yet it wasn't when I cross referenced it with my active balance. 11/4/2015 - Shadow submitted a commission via my google docs form here http://fox.ci/z8HybCy https://www.dropbox.com/s/onevhf1lbbeqqpf/1.png?dl=0 - I Emailed him back his forms details https://www.dropbox.com/s/9m3nbli32xrhe9f/2.png?dl=0 - I sent an initial invoice https://www.dropbox.com/s/owut0bpvhbsy1x1/3.png?dl=0 - He asks on twitter DMs to put his as priority https://www.dropbox.com/s/01o5z0zccdr9a8g/4.png?dl=0 So I up the cost in the invoice to include my rush fee https://www.dropbox.com/s/utlz4h30csfr6f0/5.png?dl=0 - And he says he paid it, and I inform him I got an echeck https://www.dropbox.com/s/oj7nxc0cs53d1jr/6.png?dl=0 *This is the First Red flag I should have listened to when he says “Most payments go through but they get canceled later on” - E check email from paypal https://www.dropbox.com/s/3oq1ui70ps9jjbz/7.png?dl=0 11/6/2015 - I received a notice in payment delay via paypal via the echeck https://www.dropbox.com/s/n7yrrghzy0lw7ga/8.png?dl=0 - I inform him of this notice in DMs https://www.dropbox.com/s/0bhh3emigw4a53s/9.png?dl=0 About here is where in the middle of screen capping the conversations in twitter DMs today (3/25/2016) and writing up this beware he suddenly removed his name and profile image once I inform him today on 3/25 that I will be writing this beware. He is now a black circle as a profile image with only “.” As a name. Removing the Shadow @RMFC name he once had. 11/16/2015 – 11/18/2015 - I ask him to tell me what the payment reflects as on his end as I never received a payment canceled or confirmed from paypal. He tells me via twitter it showed as paid on his side so I began the work. https://www.dropbox.com/s/u3u5a0b5016ml5k/10.png?dl=0 - I checked the invoice link and trusted the paypal invoice stating it was paid when it was in fact not. ** https://www.dropbox.com/s/su3mzv1mif2xnhk/Invoice shown as paid.png?dl=0 **This is an issue and I explain later why* - I show him many wips via DMs and I completed the work and shipped it to him https://www.dropbox.com/s/ni90k2hze8g0osg/11.png?dl=0 - He confirms that the invoice shows as Paid on paypal but when he speaks to his bank they had actually canceled the payment due to no funds. We both agree we are both at fault on this issue https://www.dropbox.com/s/g7que2i1p1pq2h6/12.png?dl=0 However he does promise me he is no con man and will sort funds out soon. - This is next confirmed later by me physically checking my "Activity with Balance" in paypals detailed transaction log: I had actually never received funds. And Paypal never emailed me a second time stating it was ultimately never sent by his bank after the 1st email of “Delay in eCheck payment” on 11/6 https://www.dropbox.com/s/751a981pkbcjl43/Transaction not actually paid for.png?dl=0 I Should have verified this from the start when he said it was paid for but I trusted the invoice even though it was incorrect. From now on I have always confirmed payment was received by checking the detailed log with the active balance for reassurance. 11/25/2015 The customer received the badge. He also tells me he is trying to sell things on ebay https://www.dropbox.com/s/gddbc9ku58o0mv1/13.png?dl=0 11/30/2015 Now his “sister” DMs me randomly telling me a sob story about how Shadow feels so bad but is trying to get funds together. I acknowledge her and tell the customer not to be stressed. He tells me he is having a rough time and I do empathize https://www.dropbox.com/s/8e4avq8p4df9b8k/14.png?dl=0 12/6/2015 He used my art that he didn’t pay for and filled out a Fursuit form to a maker: https://www.dropbox.com/s/orxjlq29ge0asmm/12 6 Suit quote.png?dl=0 12/7/2015 He is still using the unpaid image as a profile image. I remind him not to until he has paid for it. Also commenting on peoples posts how he would pay $100 for things but when confronted says “It was a joke” https://www.dropbox.com/s/pice1tnq7yhrck9/15.png?dl=0 And https://www.dropbox.com/s/lg0dl9uo4i2lfmi/6MWZGRu_.jpg?dl=0 12/12-12/18/2015 On the 12th I ask for an update and he says he wants to mail the badge back. I explain that will not work. I do not hear back from him until the 14th when I confront him for using the art again as an icon after I told him a week ago not to. Says he will have the funds by that coming Tuesday. That day comes and goes and I don’t hear anything. This is when I warn him I will file an Artists Beware https://www.dropbox.com/s/d3u72vfp7g48s8q/16.png?dl=0 1/31/2016 I ask for updates in DMs and I am emailed back, more false promises and stories. He has a signature that he is actually in Job Corps https://www.dropbox.com/s/fbtdq2ha7glsx7y/17.png?dl=0 Further proving he has some kind of job er go income. 2/6 He says he will file his W-2 and pay me. I do not reply to him. See previous screen shot. 3/25 I catch him using the art, again (this time I took a screen shot before confronting him via DMs) He tells me his foster mom demanded all his return. I give him one last ultimatum May 1st to pay me or have an Artists Beware written up. I then see all the things I then list below ranging from 3/1-3/21 from him using the art over and over again and change my mind to submit the beware on Monday. The very last thing he says is to “Just put it up.” https://www.dropbox.com/s/n7jtwfzupuoztje/18.png?dl=0 Browsing through his timeline and notice he is using the art again and again that is still unpaid for: 3/1 Role playing again using the art I told him months ago to cease using it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8jxbawfbav95l6q/23.png?dl=0 3/21 Using the art again https://www.dropbox.com/s/9ewreoinsshpfg4/21.png?dl=0 3/21 Also using the art attempting to get more art https://www.dropbox.com/s/age5ozi129cx6la/19.png?dl=0 Still continues to use the art in other places online besides twitter as well https://www.dropbox.com/s/pmgdoes5lv3hx7k/Steam screenshot.png?dl=0 Im done with the excuses. I will see to it that this was a unique case due to the fact that the paypal invoice was marked as paid even when it clearly, once I checked my account with balance history, was not. I have NEVER had an issue with Paypal invoices being marked as paid before and this case was very unusual. I even contacted Paypal them seves over the phone to express my concern over this issue being very unclear as a seller. From the start I felt very rushed by the customer, played and now used. I do not recommend anyone ever working with him again. He has had 5 months and still continues to use the unpaid for art that I completed. EXPLAIN: Tl;Dr: I’ve been strung along since November 2015 for a rushed badge that when we both thought it was paid, I come to find out it was not. Customer confirms it was paid and then says, after speaking with his bank, that it was not. I confirm this only after viewing the details transaction log in my paypal, and contacting paypal over the phone myself, to reveal and confirm that the invoice stating it was paid, come to find out it was actually not. Was given excuse after excuse and the client still continued to use the unpaid art, even going as far as using it as a reference to try and get free art from other artists. I’ve let this slide long enough. He hasn’t paid me and I don’t foresee him ever paying me. I held off on writing an AB for this long as the $41.25 for the badge was clearly not worth this headache plus the time dealing with him over and over again trying to be paid for work I already did and now having to write out this beware. It is a unique case in the fact that the Invoice clearly states it was PAID, but proper precautions were not taken by checking my detailed log to verify this. Since then, I have never accecpted echecks due to paypals faulty system in marking invoices as paid even after banks decline a transaction. Do not waste your time with this individuals business proposals. I will update this AB entry should he ever decide to pay me for my time.
  15. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/941240.html [Editor's note, this creator is now operating under names in the linked tweet: WHO: @DalmyDoDat / @SpotmyTots / @FursaceClub > on Twitter WHERE: Email / Twitter / http://www.dalmydodatcreations.com/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/DalmyDoDatCreations WHAT: Fursuit underwear as a gift for a friend of mine WHEN: Purchased on 03/26/2015 PROOF: All screenshots are located here: http://imgur.com/a/PVbWC EXPLAIN: This happened almost 2 years ago, so some of my memories are a bit fuzzy but I will do my best to recount everything that happened. The most recent issues were recent. This is my first time posting an artists beware. About two years ago Dalmy posted around about this fursuit underwear they had designed made for fursuits. The photos were great, and it seemed to be really going well. I wanted to purchase it for a friend of mine as a gift. So I went and emailed to ask a question about the underwear and they replied very promptly. Everything was set and I recieved and paid for my invoice. 1 It totaled $30 which was very fair. 2 And about 2 months later I recieved an email to charge an additional $10 for shipping costs which I paid soon afterwards. 3 4 After everything was all paid I eagerly awaited the delivery to my friend. But soon, again almost two months later, there was a new email that arrived that said there would be shipping delays due to a convention & illness. 5 Of course, that doesn't bother me, as I understand real life happens. In the email it was stated that orders would get filled after the convention so I didn't mind the extra wait. Soon time passed and it's been another 2 months since the shipping delays email and I find out my friend moved and needed it to be sent to another location. So I emailed Dalmy to try and get it updated and never recieved a response. 6 Then again, 2 months after that I tried once more to see if it was all set, but I again, never recieved a response or confirmation. At this point it's been 8 months since the initial order. I DM'ed their personal twitter to ask what was happening with the order. I got a reply, and was being told they were being worked on. 12 About a month later another new email arrives talking about how people were getting frustrated with their orders not arriving and filing disputes. 7 One thing that struck me right away was that apparently their Paypal is now frozen because of the disputes that got filed. There was also promise of them getting out to the new year. At this point, I was satisfied and assumed that the deadline would get reached this time and everything would work out well. It was at this point, on the same day, I emailed Dalmy on the email that sent the previous message and again let them know that my friend had a new shipping address and I wanted to make sure it got noted/updated. 8 I recieved no reply. On April, in 2016, there was a single twitter post on the Fursace's twitter detailing that there will be promises of a video detailing refunds. 9 Nothing ever got made. After waiting a few more months I started to ask for a refund, due to the lack of results. My friend had not recieved anything, and emails and communication had ceased entirely. At this point it was October 2016, it has been 1 year and 7 months since ordering. 10 But then I started to get mail returns on one of the email addresses. 11 I did not get any response. I continued to ask on their personal twitter what the status of the refund video was, and eventually started to not get any replies at all. 12 Their twitter continued to be active. And I decided to DM their buisness twitter to see if I could get any results. 16 I did not get a response at this point. I sent another email (and a few of the addresses got rejected and mail returned again). At this point I was very frustrated, and it had almost been 2 years at that point. So I mentioned about going to post on Artists_Beware. 13 I did not recieve a response. I ended up publically tweeting at them to see if I could get them to check their DMs, because I saw them active on twitter again and that worked. 17 And I got a reply on their buisness twitter and they told me that they will post information about refunds after ANE. So I thought it would be fine, and waited again. 16 And soon afterwards, after a week or so of again no posts or emails I tweeted at them a few more times to see if there were any updates. 14 15 There has been no further correspondence from Dalmy. I did try at one point to file a dispute on Paypal, but because their paypal was closed from all the other disputes and also it had been about a year and a half since purchase, they rejected my claim. At this point I just want my full $40 refund and to move on. EDITED 5/20/18: Dalmy has changed the name of Fursace to be "Mäul./Maul". The refund video. I was linked the video and applied right away on 05/11/18 (which was confirmed by email on 05/18/18 by Maul/Dalmy/Fursace to get a refund (I had done it previously on 02/22/17). The twitter conversation for the refund: X. The email confirmations for the refund being sent: X. And the refund being recieved: X. The link to apply for refunds for previous Fursace customers was listed on the website. I would like this marked as resolved. The new company name should be added in the tags, maybe, so people seeking refunds can locate them if possible. There are people still seeking refunds.
  16. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/1017283.html WHO: Edalie https://www.deviantart.com/edalie-chan (she used to have a twitter, but it's been deleted) WHERE: Discord PMs WHAT: Digital art commission WHEN: Commission was paid for on April 11th. EXPLAIN: In April, I came into contact with Edalie. She had been posting her art in a discord server I frequent at a steady pace. After noting her quality and ability to draw different styles, I asked her for a commission. A character design sheet, with three total drawings, all shaded, and 6 total facial expressions. She charged me $290 USD for the transaction. It was pricey, but I could afford it at the time. On May 21st, I received lineart for the first pose. Simple enough. It was colored the next day. We would go about a week's worth of silence, before more contact on June 6th. She promised that she would get me a sketch of the second pose by the next day. It did not come by the next day. In fact, it wouldn't arrive for two whole months, during which contact was very scarce and was almost always initiated by me engaging in small talk every now and then. In early August, I finally received the sketches promised. And then more silence. On August 23rd, I was told that she would be streaming this commission on her Twitch channel, and she asked me if she was okay to begin working on lineart. To the best of my knowledge, this stream did not happen. I tuned in briefly and she was not working on my commission at all. However, she has past broadcasts turned off, so I have no real way of verifying this. I have reason to believe she did not work on my commission at all, however, because the next update I received from her would just be a revised sketch and not the lineart I was promised. A full month passed, and on September 24th, I messaged her again, this time with a pretty passive aggressive message. She responded and apologized, stating that she had accepted other commissions, and had given them priority. Her reasoning for this was because I didn't ask for a deadline. She asked for a chance to make it up by working on the commission all day. At the time, I accepted it. However, I sought counsel from friends, some of whom are also artists, and they understood my concerns. Mainly that I felt like it was unfair for my commission to just not be worked on even though I paid for a spot in the queue. Following our exchange, she finally got the lineart to me (mind you, this was supposed to be completed in August). I began to ask her for revisions, but instead I decided that it was best we called it off. I felt like it would be enabling that kind of behavior if I let her continue to work on the commission with no accountability, as she had already shown me that she was likely not going to give my commission priority if other commissions came in, despite the fact that it had been five months since I paid for it. After asking for a refund, she became very combative, initially saying that 2 months is the average turnaround for a commission based on what other artists have told her. She also tried to insinuate that because I was patient, that I was okay with being pushed back constantly due to her prioritizing other commissions paid for after mine. I told her I felt that the art I was going to be given in only hours would not match the quality I would expect for a $290 payment, and also due to how long it took for us to get to that point. She seemed to think that my issue was with the quality of the art and the price, not with how long it took for me to get lineart for the sketch. After a little bit more of back and forth (screenshots of the full discord conversation from the time of payment to the end will be provided) she agreed to calculate the refund price. I reasoned that the refund would be around $170 to $190 due to the fact that only one out of 3 poses had been colored, lineart for the other two poses had been finished that day, and nothing had been shaded. Her refund amount was $80. She tried to justify it saying that her prices at the time were $70 for lineart ($100 now, apparently). I agreed without thinking about it at the time, but upon further review of our logs, there was no such price specified at all. She also mentions a discount on cell shaded fullbodies. That was also not in our agreement. We go back and forth a little more, and our logs end with her telling me that after our conversation, she will be instating a no refunds policy and that it's based on her own kindness not to enforce that on me. I have since attempted to go through PayPal for a chargeback, and am currently trying to get half of the agreed amount back, as I do not feel like she should keep $210 for less than half of the work. Following this situation, she has since blocked me on Discord, and banned me from her server. The mod message states the following (a friend joined the server and sent the screenshot, which will be provided below): "Hi @everyone! This post is a warning of a recent commissioner. When doing business with someone, it's never wise to be fickle and change things unless the other party agrees. It can cause confusion, and a hassle for both sides. When you give money to someone for a service, you are forming a business relationship. A successful business is all about the satisfaction of both ends, and the responsibility of the commissioner matters just as much as the Artist's. Feelings must be mutual so the Artist can happily receive their payment, while the commissioner can happily receive their product. The safety of the Artist is just as important as well, so the commissioners that disrespect, and mistreat the Artist will result in being Blacklisted. The commissioner that will be Blacklisted is @yung nero, and will now be banned from the server. With research and from recent events, he's had a history of disrespecting creators for his own satisfaction and unrealistic views upon forming a business. So please, be cautious if he makes contact with you." This post makes me feel like 1) she told her mods false information about me to slander me ("With research and from recent events, he's had a history of disrespecting creators for his own satisfaction and unrealistic views upon forming a business" despite the fact that said research and history doesn't exist) and 2) it feels like an attempt to sweep everything under the rug. This could prove problematic in the future, as if there are any artists that accept commissions in her server, that could potentially prevent me from trying to commission other artists in the future. PROOF: Imgur gallery containing the full Discord conversation top to bottom: https://imgur.com/gallery/VRydPgT direct link to the screenshot of the mod message: https://i.imgur.com/lRCYhjN.png direct link to what was finished of the commission: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/433424408808259585/494201477372444702/unknown.png EDIT: PayPal denied the chargeback request. She got away with murder, ggs.
  17. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/1014686.html WHO: FarisBatwan (FBsuits) - http://www.furaffinity.net/user/farisbatwan - https://twitter.com/fbsuits and the facebook which is under "FuzzyBatSuits" https://www.facebook.com/fuzzybatsuits/ WHERE: Conversations were spread out between Facebook and Texts. WHAT: body suit commission, feet, handpaws, head trade, a pre-made black body suit, and Lastly a body suit that she was fixing for me made by headsandtailsstudios named "Zaroo". WHEN: Febuary 22, 2018 [As of October 29, 2018; we're working it out a resolution] November 17, No progress has been seen/started since resolution was discussed. EXPLAIN: The initial transaction was 550$ for a Body suit of one of my characters and a pair of black feetpaws, she said that she would throw in a pair of handpaws in for free with the commission. Transaction 2/22/2018: https://imgur.com/a/oJhGtyB full payment as she requested here; https://imgur.com/a/ANWt6HB While the commission was taking place I was in the process of looking for a black body for my character Kieraa (We did a head trade so she was making my Kieraa head) when she learned I was looking for a black body suit she told me about one she had for 400$ it was a planti-grade black body https://imgur.com/a/mDiAzAs I questioned her about why we couldn't swap my ZER0 commission body out with this one and she told me that since she had already gotten the materials and pattern out that she wasn't going to (also needed the extra money; https://imgur.com/a/uuypkVd) so I went ahead and paid 400$ + 22$ she requested extra for(Payments for it: https://imgur.com/XJFkBBY Apologies they were sent in weird amounts I had to dig through and balance funds at the time) Upon further discussion I wanted fur to be added to the back of the body so it had a moehawk/mane look to it so when I brought that to her attention she wanted an additional 22$ to pay for the fur cost to add that look onto it (essentially making this now a commission even though it was a premade) https://imgur.com/wr60I4s So I paid her the 22$ on May 14 which can be seen in the payment plan started for the body picture. May 31st I get this message https://imgur.com/plykAWG "So I ran into a huge problem" So I was curious what was going on ... But wasn't getting any responses back so I messaged her on my phone asking what the problem was and getting worried because there was no responses. I find out later; https://imgur.com/oDqGNkt / https://imgur.com/VnrQNLb That the body was a 'premade' only because it was someones DTD who messed up and then later was demanding their body back. But I had already paid for extra work to be done on this body that she did say she did and all of that stuff (never got pictures of the extension fur on the back though still) She said it would be handled, but I'm still not sure if it was handled correctly. Fast forward a little bit and my partner ends up getting angry at her for not producing any WIPS and making a lot of excuses - He wanted me to open a paypal case and put his foot down on it because we sent the money "Friends and Family" and if there was a chance we could get it back then we should try https://imgur.com/5FnF1X8 so she responds back to me https://imgur.com/4QdVRCz and https://imgur.com/MWCi0Ne Holding me responsible for the case being opened and I told her it wasn't about the money so much as it was about the WIPS for the two of us because they were flat out promised https://imgur.com/cNCEkgo Case was 'mutually decided' to be closed because of the Terms of Service she has set in place so I couldn't have a case open and she provided me with pictures of an abandoned project along with SOME of my commission (seen here: https://imgur.com/K3fvK1t / https://imgur.com/jTTu6Ay only I couldn't see my commission part very well because everything was so jumbled and bunched together but there is; The black body suit which I couldn't see very well, Zaroo's suit she was fixing up and some side projects which were a black and red body with a bio-hazard symbol in the middle along with a tail she didn't want to throw away because it was a canceled commission she had prior so was giving to me and a pair of handpaws that weren't part of that exact commission) With the case closed it takes me a little bit to get something from her for a while but eventually I got tracking information; https://imgur.com/aw9QzRy by it's history it took a while to update, the number was made on September 1st https://imgur.com/Ds2L3DH but the item was not picked up until September 7th, which is shown there. It looks like an odd route the package was going but I decided not to question it, I live in Florida so the route looked odd to me. When I finally looked at 'estimated' delivery date and lined things up, the package was headed and delivered to North Dakota; https://imgur.com/lqwUcWD I asked her about it; (Here's where shes saying it's the right tracking number and going to me; https://imgur.com/lAQqbQm / https://imgur.com/wjb6Bbk and here https://imgur.com/pSgeo2J) in that package was suppose to be half of my commission + a bodysuit she decided to fix for me almost a year ago (https://imgur.com/f3Tt6SR where she was asking for the measurements to fix him, you can see it in the pictures I received when the case was opened) she said it must of been a post office mix-up and it was out of her hands. She didn't give me a postal case number or anything like that so I had to call in and ask all the questions and when they got back to me they said the package was suppose to go to North Dakota and not Florida, so where my stuff is now? "Edit: I found out what happened with my tracking, In the comments someone claimed the tracking number and gave me proof https://www.dropbox.com/sh/smkpciia50xrorh/AAAaPASAnzU6ylwx_81o9Y5Va?dl=0 that the tracking + package went to them. I honestly don't know where my stuff is, but she had told me so many times she would be 'done' with my stuff but never had any pictures to back up the rest of my commission being done. There's more I'd like to add to this so when I get the rest of the screenshots in order where I've asked countless times for WIPS and haven't gotten responses I'll upload the link to the album to the beware. Update: We are working on payment plans for refunding. Will update when refunds are being sent.
  18. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/865680.html WHO: Boxjelly1 (goes by real name also but for sake of having this posted, omitting) WHERE: http://boxjelly1.deviantart.com/ WHAT: Two full color, 2 character pieces with background. WHEN: March/April 2015 PROOF: Artist did not do correct characters, agreed to refund me, and ceased communications/has not yet refunded me. EXPLAIN: This is my first really bad experience commissioning someone, and first AB post, and most of the details will be here. I have worked with this artist in the past and their works are absolutely amazing. In the prior works I've gotten from them, they met or exceeded what I was looking to get. However, for whatever reason this time, the artist drew not what I wanted, decided to complete the piece after they had specifically asked if I wanted to see a sketch before they colored, and admits they didn't draw what I wanted, but due to their time and effort spent, were still entitled to something. This post is more about principal than a refund because I've nearly exhausted every avenue to get my money back, and I will not silently stand by while someone does this. In March 2015, artist had they were open for commissions on their page. I sent them a PM through DA's notes a while prior, and they messaged me saying they were open. I respond back stating I wanted my character Patches and Steele (from Balto) in some rather cute, mushy gushy poses. I've worked with the artist prior over the years and she has drawn the characters before. Artist states she has 2 commissions ahead of me and will let me know once she's ready to take on mine. In April, artist lets me know she's ready to start. Details are given, artist agrees, and artist asks if I want to see work in progress before she colors. I state I want to see work before she colors, and specify image formats preferred (as this artist has done prior for me), and she agrees. Between last message sent and this one (about a month and a half), artist has many delays for whatever reason. I had sent messages asking what her status was since I had already paid her, and finally on May 29 2015 she's ready to start. ------This is where things go downhill------- I still haven't received any updates so message the artist on June 3rd, and artist replies on June 4th with links to sketches and that she'll start coloring them right away even though this is not what was agreed on. Upon seeing sketches, I see that she has drawn my character Patches with Scar, and I tell her this. (I do like Scar and this artist has drawn them in the past, but I was not looking for that with these commissions). She states I didn't specify Steele, and asks to keep with what's she's done so she doesn't have to redraw. I state that I don't want that and want them how I described. Artist replies back that she completed coloring 1 of the pieces, is sorry that she did the incorrect character and admit to doing so, and offers a partial refund stating that even though it was her fault, she still is entitled to funds for her work done. (This completely blew my mind) It is worth noting that the piece she completed is so obviously hastily completed that I laughed at how horrible it was. Artist used a picture off the Internet for the background, and the coloring is rushed and absolutely horrid. Compared to her other works she's completed of the same type, it's clear that she spent no time at all trying to complete this. With the above in mind, I message the artist back, stating my absolute disappointment with their work, and ask them what would have happened had I not stopped them from completing both pieces, again, only supposed to have been done once sketches were approved? Seller states they will give me a refund, and this is the last time I ever hear from them. I ask 2 times where my refund is, artist reads DA notes, ignores/never responds. I send an ultimatum to artist; it is read and ignored (see above to see that note was read on DA). Dispute is opened with Paypal and ultimately denied due to being "digital goods" which aren't covered prior to 7/1/2015. It's worth noting when their new TOS went into effect on 7/1/2015, they would have been covered. They note I can attempt to get funds outside of Paypal, such as filing a police report. In the Paypal dispute comments, the seller is adamant they are still entitled to funds, and mention commission TOS that do not exist on their page (at least to where I can find them). TOS were also never mentioned in our communications. So with that being said, I've walked away from this feeling like I've been stolen from, and lied to. The artist has done nothing to communicate back to me or refund me, yet ultimately insists that because she did work (even though by her own account was wrong), she deserves to keep my money. And the sad thing of the matter is she's an amazing artist and this was probably some sort of fluke, but being a repeat customer of hers, I feel like I'm somehow been made the bad guy in her mind. Am I crazy? Did I do something wrong here? 😕
  19. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/982269.html WHO: Naomy/Naomi WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/naomy/ WHAT: 1 Digital drawing, full-body, NSFW WHEN: June 15th, 2016 EXPLAIN: I’ve commissioned Naomy in the past (5 times) and I never had any problems with her before. She has a nice style, has very accessible prices and worked fast. So, when she opened new slots on June 2016, I happily asked her for a commission slot. I contacted her via FA notes, I sent the info for the drawing, made the payment via paypal and after that I just had to wait…and that’s where the problems started. Since that day she has appeared and disappeared in very erratic and long periods of time: could be weeks or even months (as far as I know). When she appears, it has been only to apologize and/or justify her lack of work claiming personal problems (problems which she never has detailed in any level), to take new commissions (even she already has pending commissions to do first) or upload some of the finished drawings (which they could be old or new commissions, she's very random in this). She’s almost impossible to reach (only through FA notes but good luck if she checks them) since she doesn’t provide any contact information like a Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, etc. (She only provides skype info but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work). I’ve waited for more than a year by now, more of what’s reasonable time and I know there’s people who is in the same situation (or worse) with this artist. I’m tired to keep waiting while watching how this artist keeps luring more and people to her “trap”. So, I’m making this AB not just for me but for anyone else who's having the same kind of problems with this artist. Next, I’ll detail her activity in FA (mostly journals) with their corresponding dates. Be sure to check the proof pics for more details: July 27th – 28th 2016. She made 2 journals in which she apologized for the delay with the commissions (it seems she was moving to other place and had trouble with getting access to the internet because of that) and then, she took the chance to take more commissions slots since she said needed money to pay some debts. Although I could understand her situation, the fact that she took extra workload gave me a bad feeling…but I let it pass and keep waiting. That was the last sign of activity in her FA page for the rest of 2016 and part of 2017. Mach 27th 2017 – April 3rd 2017. After 8-9 Months of silence without knowing what happened, a couple of new journals appeared. In the first one someone, identifying himself as “Naomi’s friend” (and acting in representation of her), said in the journal that Naomy couldn’t be online for the time being because of “personal and delicate reasons”. He then proposed, as a way to organize things I think, that everyone who was still waiting for their commissions to send a new note with all the related info about them (refs, idea descriptions, etc.) to see who is still pending, who wants a refund or make any changes to his/her commission idea. That way he could later transmit all that info to Naomy so she could continue working on them. In the second journal, this same person appeared again asking for some patience while he was checking all the notes form the last journal. No sign of my commission so far. April 2nd 2017. I sent a new note to Naomy’s FA account with the all the info regarding my commission (including screenshots of the old note, paypal payment, etc.) as requested by Naomi’s friend in the last journal. Note remains unread until this day. June 9th 2017. Naomy came back in a new journal but without giving any real clue of why her disappearance other than saying she’s “good and better” now, there were things that she couldn’t handle the last couple of months and asking for a little understanding. Then, she opens a few commission slots to help her cover some of the refunds (even when she acknowledges she has pending commissions to do). No sign of my commission so far. July 11th 2017. Once again, she opens a few commission slots to help her cover some of the refunds (even when she acknowledges she has pending commissions to do AGAIN). No sign of my commission so far. October 4th 2017. Naomy says that she’s having problems recently to submit some of the finished commissions but still, she’ll try to upload some. No sign of my commission so far. October 18th 2017. She addresses the situation of the pending commissions with just 4 points in which she basically says she’s working in the commissions and everyone will get theirs eventually and asks for patience (whether is a pending commission or a refund) and respect. After that, she promotes a YCH and opens for MORE COMMISSION SLOTS! SERIOUSLY? Also, no sign of my commission so far. October 31th 2017. Opens for new commissions slots. No sign of my commission so far. November 17th 2017. I sent her a new note (just like the one I sent on April 2017) in which I express my discomfort about the long time I’ve been waiting regarding my commission and detailing some changes about my original idea for the drawing. Note remains unread until this day and no sign of my commission so far. November 26th 2017. I get a shout message in my FA from Naomy (assuming it was related to my last note) were she just sends me a link with a screenshot of the journal in which she wrote regarding the pending commissions as a response (I deleted that message unfortunately). I replied back in her FA expressing my disappointment and frustration about the “robotic answer” she gave me. She replies back trying to justify herself and saying that my commission is almost ready and I should wait some more time. I later thanks the more “proper” answer she gave me now and, taking her word, I decided to keep waiting. Maybe I’ll have it before Christmas? I hope so! December 15th 2017. Last journal of 2017. She informs everyone that 2018 will be her last year on FA because of personal problems. She doesn’t specify how long it will be before she leaves FA, just saying “I will be a few months more here”. She doesn’t clarify what would happen with the pending commissions and refunds left. After this journal to this date, she hasn’t shown any sigh of activity: no new uploads, no journals, no messages, no notes. And guess what? NO SIGN OF MY COMMISSION SO FAR! PROOF: June 15th 2016 — Naomy's journal opening commissions and comunication between her and me: https://imgur.com/Y9RFtdy https://imgur.com/zlaFSnd https://imgur.com/wPGyqub July 27th – 28th 2016 — Journal apologizing for delay and taking more commissions berofe disappearing https://imgur.com/3lo2c3v Mach 27th 2017 – April 3rd 2017 — Journals made by "Naomi's friend" https://imgur.com/eicOM0g April 2nd 2017 — Note sent to "Naomi's friend" as requested in last journal https://imgur.com/d1XmP8l June 9th 2017 - Naomy comes back https://imgur.com/weVIf57 July 11th 2017 & October 4th 2017 — Naomy takes more commissions and argues problems with uploading pics https://imgur.com/x1kfiJz October 18th 2017 — Naomy addresses the situation about pending commissions https://imgur.com/mm6sO8k October 31th 2017 — Journal taking more commissions https://imgur.com/snAAJYD November 17th 2017 — I sent a new note expressing my discomfort for the long wait https://imgur.com/l8N96d3 November 26th 2017 — Some of the replies she gave me after I protested because of a message she gave me before https://imgur.com/x1pBqYK December 15th 2017 — Last journal of Naomy before disappearing again until this date
  20. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/879578.html WHO: Chuuchichu http://chuuchichu.deviantart.com/ https://www.pinterest.com/chuuchichu/ http://chuuland.tumblr.com/ http://chuuland.weebly.com/ http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/shadomu/28269981/ http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/bunnybutler/30781909/ Where: http://chuuchichu.deviantart.com/ What: May 2014 - Custom character design When: May 2014 Proof: http://imgur.com/a/PbFzw (Contains all the ones listed in this post along with a few extras) Explain: In May 2014, Chuuchichu held an auction where she would design for the winner a custom character from her Nemu species. I won this auction at $220 ($227 overall with fees) on my side account, Celebibonbon (http://chuuchichu.deviantart.com/art/NEMU-Custom-Auction-CLOSED-451902408). My main is Vespisia. Details were exchanged via notes (http://imgur.com/oSNfXGm) (http://imgur.com/e8lgNzr) and payment was made (http://imgur.com/s7QG3ky). We gave each other our Skypes for easier access (http://imgur.com/VvBAogE), and work was begun (http://imgur.com/diHadyl) (http://imgur.com/zpj7ZFN) (http://imgur.com/6QA0QfA). Progress was pretty good; I attended a livestream (I believe it was a Join.Me in the first week of June 2014 or so) and watched get work done on my character and it was nearing completion in just that one session, just needed a few more touches and shading done and some cleaning up to become fully completed. Chuuchichu sent me another note a bit later, inquiring about possibly scheduling a new livestream time to finish up the custom. Unfortunately, I dropped the ball during this part of the exchange, as I took several months to reply, during which time Chuuchichu sent me two notes that were follow-ups inquiring where I was (http://imgur.com/gtze9js) (http://imgur.com/UxXfd76). This part was certainly my fault. I would eventually reply to her in November 2014 (http://imgur.com/35EZWM6), and as can be seen in the screenshot (http://imgur.com/cQ9r61J), the note was read, but never replied to. Months would pass with no response, she had been fairly active before the advent of the custom auction, and afterwards, would be decently active, but I would realize in 2015 she stopped becoming active on DA and her many other sites around spring 2015 it seems. In any case, on Deviantart, I sent her a note in June 2015, asking for an update (http://imgur.com/sQmBgwN). It was not read. I sent her another note on August 2015, that note was also unread (http://imgur.com/BDn6G1N). I recently sent her a note in October (http://imgur.com/4AWfNmr), and that was also unread(http://imgur.com/qSixMt3). I also left a comment on her profile in July 2015 (http://imgur.com/hTogVwO), asking for an update, which was also not replied to. At one point, an old friend of hers contacted me, asking if I might know where Chuuchichu was, because as mentioned previously, she had gone inactive. I replied I did not know, and she expressed sympathies concerning the pending custom, agreeing that it was not a fair deal to me. I also sent Chuuchichu a message on Skype in June 2015 (http://imgur.com/qTdjtfV), which was never replied to. Other attempts included sending an email directly in July 2015 (http://imgur.com/PxRBqwR), and even asking one of her old friends (http://imgur.com/1kvBMOE) and a group she belonged to if they knew where she might have went, but no one had any idea. I began to think perhaps she had a medical emergency or something highly serious and time-consuming at the very least. But last night (11/5/15), I found her Pinterest (https://www.pinterest.com/chuuchichu/), and it turned out she was active. It seems to be her indeed, and she pinned things just a day or two ago. At this point in time, I am looking into filing a chargeback as multiple attempts to contact her on various platforms have all consistently failed, and she is clearly active. To summarize, 1. $227 commission for a custom character paid and started in May 2014. 2. Last discussion and update was June 2014 2.A. Part of this was definitely my fault as between June and November, she sent a few more notes, but I did not reply due to stressors from 'real life.' 3. Note sent from me to her in November 2014, was read and not replied to. 4. More notes sent in 2015 (three total), they are unread as of the moment, along with an email, a skype message, a profile comment on DA, and inquiring friends and groups if they knew where she is. 5. Found her on 11/5/15 clearly being active on Pinterest. 6. Looking into filing a chargeback now since multiple attempts at contact have failed. [Edit 10/11/15: I did not send the payment via gifts, I sent it through services, but yes, I did pay the fee for her. v_v Sorry for the confusion of my wording! Also, I've contacted Paypal and my bank on the 6th of this month or so, and both said it was too late now to file chargebacks. Instead, they advised me to take this to the police and the BBB, so here's hoping. I will be calling Paypal back though to let them know about how she had originally asked to send the payment + fees via the gift option.] Thank you for your time, everyone. EDIT/Adding more: On March 3 of 2016, Chuuchichu logged onto Skype and I was able to reach out and talk to her. She apologized and quickly issued me a full refund and was very respectful and mature in her handling of the situation and knowledge of receiving a beware. I consider the situation resolved now and believe Chuuchichu acted admirably and sincerely in her resolution.
  21. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/906872.html WHO: Eulerami WHERE: Eulerami.tumblr.com / the-sword-saint.tumblr.com WHAT: Digital art (apologies for some lack of screenshots, an unreliable method of messaging was used (tumblr fan mail) and some chunks on my end are missing) I requested a painting of one of my original Thief fancharacters (a series she was familiar with, which led to our mutual following), in an appropriate forested setting. ** A misunderstanding occurred and she drew a completely different character in a completely different setting than I had requested, and I had not caught the error the first time it came up (I did not make the connection that the image she sent me was part of the commission because it was so radically different than the reference image and setting). WHEN: Contact was initiated in Early May (the original tumblr post appears to be gone) discussing emergency commissions. I messaged them and sent them the upfront payment of $25 on May 21, 2015. Because I used an unreliable messaging system, they never received my reference images and began to draw the wrong character. I mistakenly did not recognize the problem until 26 days later on June 16, 2015. At this point, I corrected the issue and emailed them with the appropriate references. An additional 27 days passed with no mention about the progress of the commission, and around July 13, 2015 is when I began to grow very concerned about the state of the commission. A general statement was made July 27, 2015 stating she was no longer working on commissions. I heard no word back about my commission until she opened up commissions again May 5, 2016 and initiated contact. PROOF: 1 - Original correspondance of the agreement to the commission 2 - Eulerami asking me what I'd like to have completed and agreeing to the transaction 15 - Proof of payment ** Note: reference image of character was sent, however the assumption is that Eulerami never got my message 4 - Aknowledging payment, describing setting for commission and Eulerami stating she would begin work 5 - After messaging them about the length of time it was taking, I got an update from them 6 - Eulerami sent me a link to their progress (June 16th), but I noticed she had the wrong character and messaged them back about the issue 7 - I clearly indicated earlier what type of setting I would like (docks or woods) which were disregarded, and though I assume my reference images never went through, Eulerami also never made any clarification on the matter. However I take responsibility for not catching the issue earlier. 8 - Issue resolved; character being corrected to the right one 9 - July 23, messaged them again about how it was taking a long time and was assured it would be completed shortly 10 - July 27, Eulerami made a general post indicating that she was dropping all requests to work on her project; I received no message on this personally 11 - May 5 the following year, Eulerami opened up commissions again 12 - I messaged them reminding them of my commission and they stated they did not have my payment, despite clearly remembering having worked on it (with the whole misunderstanding) 13 - Emailed them proof of payment and told that it will be completed soon EXPLAIN: Eulerami opened up emergency commissions, and I sent her $25 in payment with the understanding that I would also get a commission. At first it was very good, communications were excellent and we were exchanging information via tumblr. I sent in my reference images, and waited for the commission. From my understanding the message never went through despite me sending it, and Eulerami never received the reference image, and instead assumed I meant a different OC than the reference I tried to send. So when a WIP came into my inbox, I wasn't aware that it was meant to be the commission until much later since the character and setting were completely different than what I had originally requested. I apologized profusely for the misunderstanding, and this time sent the reference images through email to ensure they made it through this time. After that, I stopped hearing word about the commission entirely, except when I was the one initiating contact. Again, after this brief exchange, there was a lot of silence and no word at all about what was going on and when I might be getting it other than "soon". Naturally, I was content to be patient since she was working on multiple projects, and I understand what it's like to have a lot of things to do. On July 27, 2015 (67 days after I commissioned them), Eulerami posted a message: http://eulerami.tumblr.com/post/125203723681/tiny-announcement This message was a general post, and not once did Eulerami communicate directly with me that she would be working on my commission or pausing it. After this point, I had dead silence from them about everything regarding the commission. On May 5, 2016, Eulerami posted a new message opening up commissions: http://the-sword-saint.tumblr.com/post/143919832550 I messaged them again about the status of my commission and she said she didn't remember receiving any payment for the commission, so i had to send them screenshot to remind her that she had the payment As of May 19, 2016, I have still not heard any word back on my commission or any progress yet. UPDATE (6/27/2016): Eulerami has stated she will not be finishing my commission and that she will refund me. I have yet to receive my refund. UPDATE (6/29/2016): I received a refund and the sketch of my commission (to note, Eulerami had stated she'd redone the sketch with the CORRECT character and lined it/that it was ready to color, but it was the same character as before/still incorrect), and would like to mark this as resolved. I also want to apologize, as I had messed up typing her other tumblr username and edited it from the-saint-sword to the-sword-saint to amend my error. I will update with screenshots ASAP. Our last correspondence before I received my refund. (Sorry about the additional update, I'm done now. Thanks guys!
  22. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/855169.html WHO: mixideer, mixipony, miss-mixi, mixisweets WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mixideer WHAT: Art trade: wing-it piece of my character for a custom furset of their character made on IMVU WHEN: initial conversation: March 29th, Finished my half April 13th PROOF: Album of images, some contain NSFW: http://imgur.com/a/TiJmI individual images will be linked in the story below EXPLAIN: Mixi approached me at the end of March asking about a custom furset made on IMVU. I proposed a trade over my normal currency of IMVU credits since I had already been watching her and liked her art. She said she could totally do that and requested I add her on skype. (http://i.imgur.com/UXN2FCS.png) On skype we confirmed an art trade (http://i.imgur.com/CfSy82F.png) I told her which character I would like drawn and gave her the first WIP (http://i.imgur.com/csLWyQb.png) I always give many WIPs as I work because I want to make sure everything is perfect. I had a slight delay in working because I had another commission that was paid in full, whereas I had not gotten the art for this one. I message her letting her know why I had been delayed and gave her more WIPs (http://i.imgur.com/uloGY9j.png) She says it's amazing and I gift it to her account (http://i.imgur.com/rKcoN5Q.png) Proof that I sent the skin over (http://i.imgur.com/8MB4HEZ.png) I can provide proof for each individual piece of the set but I am not sure that's necessary. Note: the price is high because I change the price from 0 personal profit to a high number after gifting it. This helps me keep track of what I have delivered and prevents anyone from accidentally buying it when I unhide it in the shop to be visible as an example of my work. Ten days after I have given her the furset I notice that I am not on her to-do list and message her on skype asking if I will be added to it. She says she is sorry for not having me there and adds me to it. May comes and goes and on June 11th I message her asking if she has worked on the art she owes me. She apologizes and said she is behind on work (http://i.imgur.com/TcXTXgc.png) Since me asking for an update she has posted a few gift art pieces and even did a freebie stream. She has also been posting a lot of YCHs. She has also posted journals for more commissions. I am a little anxious and message her again on the 23rd, expressing that it has been two months and would like an estimate on when the piece will at least be started (http://i.imgur.com/SKMQWfO.png) She was online when I messaged her but I did not get a response. I went to bed and woke up and still did not have a response. The morning after I messaged asking for information on our trade she was streaming. In the stream it was clear that she was on skype. As she checked messages when streaming (http://i.imgur.com/AHlRFWx.png) I decided to follow up my message since I knew she was online and on skype (http://i.imgur.com/ti9Dh1n.png) I understand not wanting to talk business during a stream and waited patiently for the stream to be over, figuring she would message me once people were no longer watching. The stream finished with her saying she was going to bed and I did not get any message back from her. Not even a simple "hey, I am sorry, I will have to message you tomorrow since it's late" After my messages had still not been responded to she makes a journal claiming to be on holiday and to have been gone over the weekend (http://i.imgur.com/hJA79Fs.png). This does not explain why my art has not been finished as I messaged her before the weekend she claims to have been gone during and she has been working on art both before and after this journal was posted. Her to-do list says "(I REPEAT, I DO NOT DRAW THESE IN ORDER, I DRAW THEM IN ORDER TO HOW I'M FEELING) Up to a few weeks wait or a few days of ordering, finished at least within the month." but it has been over two months since I completed my half and even longer since the trade was decided on. I am upset because I just wanted something, anything, drawn of my character. It was a wing-it piece so she could have easily used one of the YCH poses for it. She said she was behind on work but was actively taking and completing commissions and YCHs. I had to request to be added to her to-do list and now I have been actually ignored. Uploading products to IMVU is not free. I had to pay to submit those products and then pay to gift them to her. I have spent actual currency on this. This is not something I can get back. The only thing I can do is edit the products I have sent her with textures that are solid black with "Payment not recieved" in white across it. This will make the products useless to her but will still not get me my money back Update 1 - July 1st: Mixi has messaged me after seeing this beware (http://i.imgur.com/nwP355B.png) And I have responded (http://i.imgur.com/W2FEqzS.png) I also told her an amount and my paypal but the screencap cuts out and I figured it would be best to leave out since I would have to censor the information regardless. Update 2 - July 5th: I have not heard from Mixi after giving her the information she asked for in order to give me payment for the set. So I sent her a message asking for a response, (http://i.imgur.com/R1seooI.png) she has been online and has posted a new journal on FA in which she has removed me from her To-Do list, but still has not responded to me. Update 3 - July 8th: Still waiting on a response from Mixi despite her being active on FA, I message her again (http://i.imgur.com/Ja7rxvz.png) I am starting to question if she will ever get back to me. Update 4 - July 13th: I do not message people this often when waiting on art, but now this has become me waiting on payment for an already delivered good and I have not gotten a response from her in nearly two weeks while she has still been posting on FA. I send her another message (http://i.imgur.com/UQf8p4t.png) Update 5 - July 14th: After having been contacted by a concerned 3rd party, Mixi has sent me my payment. (http://i.imgur.com/ev3GZ4y.png) She has not actually said anything to me at all since the message she sent to me on the 1st. I have received my payment and so this can be tagged as resolved.
  23. WHO: Naomy. WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/naomy/ WHAT: Three iron artist slots for the month of september WHEN: August 20th up until the current date. PROOF: Down below. EXPLAIN: On August 20th I noticed Naomy had opened for iron artist slots for the month of September. She sells them for a reasonable price so they sell like hotcakes so I jumped on the opportunity and ordered 3 slots. Journal for proof: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6041794/ Screencap in case deleted: http://i.imgur.com/bVhK71y.png My comment claiming the slots http://i.imgur.com/InbW1Jo.png Note proving I ordered and paid: http://i.imgur.com/BOYcTmw.png I was slot number 7, 8 and 9 so I expected to get them within the first week or two of September and when I didn't I thought maybe she would upload all of them at once at the end of September so I did not worry. September 25th She posted a journal saying she would be finishing all of the remaining slots this weekend and they would be posted soon and that if anyone wanted changes she would not be able to do them because she has most of them finished already. Journal: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6143034/ Screencap in case deleted: http://i.imgur.com/9r28jlu.png October 8th She wasn't heard from again until today stating once again that she would be submitting all of the pics but to be patient because there was over 100 to submit and that she would be opening again after everything was submitted. A lot of people in the comments told her that wasn't a good idea because furaffinity has in their TOS "1.11 - Do not flood. Flooding is when you upload more than 10 submissions or 5 journals in a 24 hour period. " Journal: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6179922/ Screencap in case deleted: http://i.imgur.com/TyZws5F.png October 10th She posted that because of the said upload limit that she would only upload 10 to 20 per day so she doesn't flood furaffinity and get in trouble and if she skips your slot not to worry because she's not doing them in slot order. Journal: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6185333/ Screencap in case deleted: http://i.imgur.com/TyZws5F.png Did not hear from her besides the occasional pic posting. ( She posted about 9 per week instead of 10-20 per day ) so on October 28th I posted a comment on her journal asking her if everything was okay because she didn't upload things like she said she would. November 2nd She posted a journal stating that she has been busy with studies and work and that she would start posting a few before she went to bed and submit some more when she woke up. On this journal many of us suggested since she had stated that they where all done that she could just upload them all to a stash or dropbox so we could get our art without abusing the upload limit. She replied saying that she didn't think it was right to the commissioners to have to dig through all of those files and we all assured her that we would rather have to dig through for a couple of minutes instead of waiting days for our art. Others have also stated that they have been waiting on their slots from OTHER Iron artist months. So it wasn't only just september's slots being prolonged. She later posting ANOTHER journal saying that she would upload 10 images and then try the dropbox option in the morning. Journal 1: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6237749/ Journal 2: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6237921/ Screencaps in case deleted. http://i.imgur.com/ir8lmoi.png http://i.imgur.com/VVzqywc.png Journal 1 comments: http://i.imgur.com/xhnlJXR.png http://i.imgur.com/2TVf1Cg.png November 7th No one had heard from her and I was becomming irritated and said I honestly didn't believe that she had the work done because she was delaying giving us a dropbox link. This was bad on my part to be honest but I wasn't the only irritated one. November 10th She uploaded a few pieces of art before uploading a personal vent piece along with a journal stating "Hello, I wanted to inform you that in a few hours i submit more pics, and tell them sorry, but I got to be around here I'm not very good spirits I do not want to fail you, because you are the only ones I have not failed to me this year, I promise to finish it all in a week sorry" Journal: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6256675/ Screencap in case deleted: http://i.imgur.com/U8CBQK8.png It's November 30th and she hasn't been online since. Other impatient commissioners have been writing shouts some stating they've been waiting 4-5 months. Shouts screencap: http://i.imgur.com/eCiKEIj.png I would not ever recommend commissioning this woman, she seems to not be ready to take commissions in this amount at a time or even at all for that matter. Update. January 3rd. She has come back posting a journal claiming she had lost internet and will be posting the owed art soon just to give her a few days. I wouldn't count this as resolved until she posts said artwork. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6391970/ Update. January 6th. Since October a lot of people had been requesting to change their commissions to single pieces or change the second or third character in their pieces because they had been waiting so long and either the commissioner and their s.o or friends where no longer together and Naomy had stated that she would do all changes requested. ( Journals have since then been deleted, most of the journals I had screenshotted above to be exact. ) I had a simular delema and had noted her with request to change my commissions to three singular pieces instead of three-two character pieces as well as long with a partial refund for the extra characters I never got a response. January 25th. Finally some progress. She posts some of the owed commissions that had been waiting in a dropbox I check eagerly to see that she had posted two out of three of my pieces and to my dismay I see that she didn't do the changes I requested. January 27th-30th. ( I do not have these notes screenshotted but I can screenshot if requested ) I note her AGAIN about the changes. She at first noted me saying she would do the changes but followed an hour later with a note saying "Excuse me, but there was understood your message. if that's the case I'd rather give a full refund. 3 images doing more for you is something i cant do three pics. to be absent although it was my mistake I can not predict such change, sorry, but I'll just give a refund" I saying "Allright. My paypal is "soandso"" and she responds with "ok if you do not mind I pay next week, when you open new slots thanks" I got upset that she was going to be taking more slots even though she hadn't uploaded all the pending ones yet (There are many people she hasn't even drawn yet and has been asking for refsheets again despite her saying she has had all of the pending slots finished) and I replied "Look, I've waited 5 months for my art, art that was suppose to be done by september. I asked for changes before it was even completed and you ignore the changes and tell me you will not do them. I've waited long enough. I would prefer you send me my refund today." She responded saying "I have no money today, sorry" I responded with "Okay. I'll wait till you take more slots but if I don't get it in a week I'm going to get it back through paypal/ my credit card company." and she responded once again with a simple "Oka" She has almost deleted every journal/shout/comment pertaining to the wait for the commissions she owes, people asking refunds, ect since she has returned and from a few people that have already commented on this AB she is even getting hostile over people wanting refunds. I know her artwork is cheap but with her business actions it is certainly not worth the wait IF you even get your art at all. I will not mark as resolved until I get the refund that has been promised. Update Febuary 7th It had been a week since the last message I recieved from her so I noted her saying. "It's been a week Naomy." she responds with "yeah. also not opening slots for the moment" this upset me beyond belief I noted her back saying that it's been a week and that she said she would give me a refund, to either give it or I would get it back from the credit card company which would put her account in bad standing. She read my note but didn't reply, I wrote a shout on her page saying "Still waiting on my refund." which she responds back with "yea is true and I'm not working for now" she doesn't seemed concerned about my refund at all. Still not resolved. March 4th. She has finally refunded me so I would like to mark this as resolved.
  24. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/780624.html WHO: Gablethechimera WHERE: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/gablethechimera/ WHAT: 2 out of 3 commissions that where suppose to be done in stream. WHEN: April 18th until now. PROOF: Proof is below. ( WARNING: Some images and/or descriptions are nsfw ) EXPLAIN: Some of the conversations are missing because it was over her livestream but I hope I have enough proof. April 18th: I was browsing furaffinity looking for pwyw streams and I saw Gable, I noticed her account was new but she had really good art so I thought I would hop in stream and see if I could get a commission. She was doing "sketches" that where 10 per character. I asked her if I could get a slot and she said yes. I ended up paying 20 for a two character slot. As I was watching I realized I would want another slot from her which she agreed to so I paid 30 for a Three character slot as well. ( She sent me the paypal in stream. ) Proof that there was a stream https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/5683605/ http://i.imgur.com/409GOKR.png http://i.imgur.com/m1hwrg9.png http://i.imgur.com/xbuZluy.png She had finished the sketch she was already working on but since she takes a bit to draw she said she would continue the stream the next day. April 19th: The next day as I was watching her draw I had another idea ( and since she hadn't worked on any of my commissions at all yet) I noted her asking if I could change the idea for the drawings into 3 commissions. 1 single character and 2 couple characters. She agreed because she hadn't worked on my commissions yet. http://i.imgur.com/6QVxcqO.png http://i.imgur.com/xbE7BTH.png She did a person in front of me then did 1 of the commissions I paid for. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13258105/ (NSFW) April 22nd I didn't hear from her until then she posted a journal saying that she had to put her 15 year old cat down and that her being online would be very scarce. I know what it's like to loose a pet so I didn't reply. http://i.imgur.com/komFPgv.png April 25th. She came back posting a journal about how she has a new kitten and was talking about how happy she was. She didn't mention anything about a stream so I commented saying how happy I was for her and asked if she would be streaming any time soon she replied saying that she would but the kitten was scared of noises so she may not be playing music. http://i.imgur.com/dDmVCy6.png She posted another journal saying that she was indeed going to be streaming and would be working on my other two commissions but because she hadn't drawn for 5 days from depression that her "Hand went wonky" and she would be doing a warmup before she worked on my commissions. http://i.imgur.com/gK7DmVM.png While I was waiting for her warmup to be done my friend and I got into an arguement that was suppose to be in one of the pictures and my other friend wanted to be in it instead so I once again ( for the last time ) asked if I could change the idea. She replied with it's okay -she hadn't started on this one either- and told me she was about finished with her warmup. http://i.imgur.com/MazooxJ.png http://i.imgur.com/u7payJ9.png This I do not have screencap proof of but it's relevant to the story. She had started on my image after posting her warmup https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13307174/ ( Nsfw, she had wrote that her warmup had taken longer than expected because instead of a scribble like planned she got into it and it turned into full fledged shaded "sketch" which takes about 2 hours or more ) She had got to the sketching phase and was lining of my second commission when she had to brb because "the kitten was doing something" and she had to check on it. People behind me and I waited about 1-2 hours in stream before she came back and said "I had to flip a matress and now I'm really tired from doing it. I'll continue this later D8" April 26th she posts that the kitten has fleas https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/5706395/ and that she would be streaming that night. Neither me or any of the other commissioners hear from her again after that ( She didn't stream that night ) May 8th. She post a journal saying that her internet had went out and that it's back to normal. The kitten no longer had fleas and at the bottom she wrote that she would be finishing my sketches THEN finishing the commissions that had already been paid for before she started taking these sketches. ( Should have set off red alarms but I was so happy that she was back I didn't think about it. ) I replied that I was glad she was back and that I truthfully worried that she ran out on us I also asked about the next stream and she replied saturday. http://i.imgur.com/7pOowyA.png http://i.imgur.com/ojuYhop.png May 9th. She proceeded to upload two pieces of personal art. One of her fursona another a drawn version of the kitten mentioned above. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13413137/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13421706/ May 10th. She did not stream like she said she would but she did upload what I'm assuming was either an over due commission ( Giving her the benifit of the doubt ) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13428583/ ( Nsfw and warning gore ) May 16th. I hadn't heard any word from her so I decided to note her. I asked when she was planning on streaming. She read it but didn't reply until three days later. http://i.imgur.com/9xJ13ti.png May 19th. She had replied stating she had, had family problems and that she would "Steam tonight or tomorrow" or I should let her know a day that is good for me. http://i.imgur.com/hEYIQDb.png I replied saying that if she couldn't stream today or tomarrow to send me a note when she could and that I'm on furaffinity daily so I would probably see it. http://i.imgur.com/9gCFlV8.png She replied saying she was sorry again for the wait and another excuse saying that another reason she hasn't been hopping on is that her parents didn't know she was furry and that she had to do it secretly. http://i.imgur.com/kR1r3JV.png I haven't heard from her since. May 31st I sent her a note asking if she could by any chance get the commissions done by june 13th because they where suppose to be done orignally within a week, then time was extended to a month. http://i.imgur.com/xGIhaVL.png June 8th I did not get a response from her ( Note was unread ) so I sent another titled "I would like to request a refund" and told her I meant no offense but since she seems so busy that I would like my 30 ( out of 50 ) dollars back for the commissions that wheren't done and gave her my new paypal. http://i.imgur.com/Ul9cBaV.png June 18th Still no response both notes unread I left a shout on her page ( in case her notes where disabled and for other people she may owe money to to see they're not the only one. ) Saying that I would be reporting her here if I don't get a response at the end of the month. http://i.imgur.com/hACJ6hn.png ( Also shows a kinda annoyed "._." message I left June 1st. ) Proof notes are unread. http://i.imgur.com/VLEgcbn.png Sofurry I had also left a shout on her page on sofurry asking where she was in case she left furaffinity but I don't have the exact date it just says "Posted 2 months ago" http://i.imgur.com/tZ3knu0.png I honestly just want the refund for the art she did not do. I feel sorry for the people that had already paid before me as well as the ones behind me. Current Mood:annoyed
  25. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/976743.html WHO: Meesabeast (Aliases: Meesasbeasts, GhettoImmortal, and Bangarang360) WHERE: Commissioned at BLFC 2017 Telegram communications: @Bangarang360 FurAffinity: GhettoImmortal WHAT: Traditional Art ATC WHEN: BLFC 2017 (June 3/4, 2017) up until current (November 15th, 2017) EXPLAIN: I commissioned Meesa at BLFC for an inked ATC. Paid in cash. It was like $15 or something of that sort. In person, she had told me she would have it done at con, which was part of why I had commissioned her (I have issues with the post so it’s easier that way.) She was very polite and had me send her my references on Telegram. The next day (June 4th) I came to her table sometime and she told me she hadn’t been able to work on it yet. I told her I understood since I’ve been a dealer many times before and got that things can pile up and you’re busy speaking with people all day. She said she would try to have it done by the end of the day. I told her I could be in den after hours and such on telegram, attempting to be accommodating for her. I stopped by a final time at the end of the day and she had no progress. She told me she would have it done within in a couple weeks after the con and ship it out right after. Note: Everything past this point is recorded and posted in the proof section, I am merely giving my side on things in summary here now. You may skip this and go to the proof section to read everything yourself there. June 10th. She asked me for my address. I assumed that meant she was getting to it soon and it’d be sent out soon as well. (Proof here.) Over a month passed, so I checked in on things. (July 25th) She replied days later, suddenly with the finished product, then offering to color it for free. I know sometimes artists will offer extra work to make up for things when they know they messed up on service somehow and I wanted her to have that chance to either a) feel like she was making things right, or b) enjoy the art more if that was the only actual reason. I was very clear I have worries about the post and needed communication to make sure that I didn’t miss the piece in the mail. She said she’d let me know, and even promised it would have tracking. (Proof here.) I contact her again. It’s now September 9th. No response. (Proof here.) September 17th she suddenly produces the colored image and explains her laptop issues and that she’d have things sorted next week. I complimented the artwork, thanked her, had small chitchat. She asked for my address again so she could send it after scanning it. (Proof here.) Another month passes. I’ve heard nothing. The post had just damaged an expensive item so I was extremely worried at this point. I contacted her with my concerns offering to pay tracking and all that stuff. I had forgotten she had promised this to me. This was on October 20th. I received no response. (Proof here.) In my worries, I had to go find her other contacts as I had only been given her telegram. I rarely check FA, but find her FA via a shout on my page with the link to the scanned upload. Went to find her other information. Saw on her twitters she had been making fursuits while ignoring me, which was very disheartening. My anxiety levels peaked, so I had to breathe and wait on things. After being ignored for over a month now, I’d resolved to put my foot down about things. This was on November 10th. (Proof here.) I was extremely firm now, because I knew this was unacceptable behavior and something had to be said. November 11th. She happens to suddenly be able to reply in a timely manner, mere hours after my message, and is just rude and unprofessional. I responded, calling her out on her poor behavior and business ethics. (Proof here.) On November 15th, she sends me an image of a standard envelope that the artwork is in. She states that it’s out of her hands, throws a “have a nice life” and states if I respond she likely won’t even read it. There is no tracking, as she promised originally, and as I requested multiple times. She makes it clear she has no concern if it gets to me unscathed, or at all. (Proof here.) I responded back to notify her I would be setting up a warning about her due to her final nasty message, informing her I was blocking her, and was no longer concerned about the art. I honestly doubt I’ll see it. (Proof here.) I set up a small Twitter beware post, because I did not feel a full A_B posting was worth it at the time. Sure, she was unpleasant and rude, but not enough to push me into this ordeal. I’ve had to write A_B posts before and it’s stressing. I don’t like it. Most people never say anything, but I know these are important and it’s important to call people out on their poor ethics. Then I changed my mind when I was alerted to some tweets she made about the situation, which you can read below. (I was shown these by people who went to pre-block her to avoid business with her.) Cause uhm. Wow. Wow is all I can say. Tweet 1 / Tweet2 / Tweet 3 The fact she went off the rails so badly is super not-okay as a businessperson, especially when you’re criticized for giving poor service. I have been told she’s still been on about me, so I don’t see any hope in resolutions due to her aggressive and childish behavior. PROOF: All telegram correspondence between June 3rd and November 15th are in these two images: https://imgur.com/PWXSFDK https://imgur.com/3YE6lKM My Twitter beware post: https://twitter.com/TeskyArt/status/930775105642274816 Her responses on Twitter to the situation: https://imgur.com/yRLlbkd https://imgur.com/xtM91IM https://imgur.com/tLVG75k
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