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  1. What a shady thing to do. I don't really know where to start. So, bear with me please. It's appalling for me still that artists just go ahead and spend money immediately and then have nothing to refund. Especially when they themselves cancel commissions. I get emergencies, but that is not the commissioner's problem. At all. It is also not the commissioner's problem if the artist offers 20 pieces of art for a too low price. But what really ticks me off is this artist blatently lying to paypal's face. With a fake tracking number. I would be ashamed of myself. Not finishing stuff and stealing money basically. I really have no sympathy for this artist. At all. Sorry. And I am sorry that you had to deal with this, op.
  2. Call paypal and present your evidence. Show them what the 'artist' showed you as examples and what you discussed. This must be the first case I saw where paypal sided with such a case. Very strange. Maybe they showed them something else? If they still won't help you, then go directly to your credit card and call fraud. They will help you as far as I know. And I would actually want to see that link. It's important for people to know who this is. at least provide a screen with blacked out info or sth.
  3. I am appalled by the behaviour. No excuse for me to ever call out someone like that and actually faking situations. Calling you rude while smiling at you while you chatted. Very odd. I didn't find you rude or anything. I might agree with not just editing other people's work (without consent, but you asked...), but for something like a drop shadow? I would allow that if it would be run with me in the end to look if it's still good. Same with the full res art. I don't know why they wouldn't give that out. I have to say that I also never saw sticker without either a white outline or a dropshadow, but I wouldn't call it rushed. Just... not completely finished for me. But I have to say, good that you got a refund, just keep an eye on that.
  4. Oh dear. First I would agree with what you already said, op, you should have clarified what style(in this case flatcoloured) those commissions would be, but yeah, you addressed this yourself. As for the client, I feel they are very picky and unprofessional themselves. I will not go into whether they planned on doing this or not. The fact that you fixed the mistakes and they still hold it over your head seems odd to me though. The only thing that would still need to be added is the collar of the one character. For me this doesn't warrant a full refund at all. And the threat was incredibly distasteful as well.
  5. sorry. It's something I take from my native language, since the noun in there is masculine. Didn't mean to misgender
  6. This is what I also noticed. If I'd see especially that on the right and got what op got, then I would also ask why. I also noticed that the artist apparently didn't have all the colours for this character. I cannot understand how you wouldn't send a wip, especially for a traditional piece that you can't edit that easily (or at all.) And I can't stress this enough: If you have trouble with a character, or questions or are unsure about details, since there obviously was confusion, the character looks different, ask. Nothing though excuses the lack on contact and them ignoring you. I think this could have been handled with a few minor edits maybe, like adding horns, changing eye colour a bit, etc. Unfortunate.
  7. Also have no idea about that. I am a constant customer of them for over 10 years now, with a business account and never had a monthly fee? Paypal also states this for my google search: " No monthly fees, setup fees, or contracts. Just pay a standard transaction fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per US transaction. " which is what I am used to.
  8. (Ignoring the friends and family part here, since it was already brought up) While I agree that you should have brought it up at the sketch stage, and understand that the artist might not want to change things on the finished piece, I agree with armaina here. It's such a small edit, I don't know why they reacted that way, especially since mistakes can happen between sketch and finished picture, especially with no wips. I didn't find you pushy or lecturing at all by the way, and I am sorry that you got that reaction, op.
  9. This. I always make sure to keep the money of commissions in my paypal/never spend it before the commissioner got his product. But unfortunately this is nothing new from them. But yes, here's hoping that op at least gets his money back somehow.
  10. Were these charms already produced? Or do they make them after the order? Because if it is the first, then there is no reason to not ship them right away. No matter what though. Spending money before rendering a service is theft. It is not your money before the product isn't delivered. If it hadn't been spent, then there wouldn't have been a problem. Your financial hardship is not the commissioner's problem. Ever.
  11. Lack of mature communication skills? People sending their spouses and exes to belittle and insult commissioners are lacking mature communication skills. The commissioner was clear in what they wanted the entire time and was patient. You anecdotal evidence does not disprove their behaviour which is documented here in the slightest and only gives me an even worse opinion on the artist here.
  12. So... wait. First they don't put you on the queue, a queue you had never seen before. Then they simply ignore your commission in favour for new ones because they need money. They they belittle and insult you when you want a refund after months of waiting. And then they dash out a ..sketch of something that isn't your character. Also. Did they say they want to use the sketch as a ych? This would no be okay if they didn't refund you completely. You paid for the sketch, it is yours. In general I cannot understand how artists spend the money for a transaction before it is completed and then blame the commissioner if they want their money back. You, as an artist, are entirely at fault for managing your money. If you cannot live from your art, then you have to have a stable job outside of it to support your lifestyle. If it does, be professional and 'work'. Art ist not a hobby anymore once you take money. And that money is only yours after you completed the transaction. Anything else is theft. Really, beware well warrented. I am sorry this happened to you op.
  13. Happened to me as well. Second visit, gone.
  14. This is disgusting behaviour. I am appalled. I am so sorry this happens to you and that FA does something against this individual. It does look a lot like... 'revenge'. Thank you for making the beware.
  15. This is so unprofessional. Everything about it. Artists owe their commissioners updates, not the other way around. You took money for a job. And if you are, after years apparently, approached by one of your commissioners, you are handling it like this? The tone, the blatant dismissal... I am appalled by both, artist and manager. A backlog is never the commissioner's fault. It is your own, for whatever reasons. No one makes you take on more than you can chew. I am sorry this happened to you, OP.
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