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About Me

  1. Edit 12.18.19: Mastercard has sided in the artist's favor due to a 120 day filing limit. <<To moderater, i might need help explaining things, or explination of what might be wrong with my claim, I or you can delete this, if needed >>> In July 16, 2019.I had posted via polycount, a job/commission. Trying to get help for a personal project with animating and help with refining a 3D model. When I was contacted Mr.Davis sent me several youtube videos and a website of their previous work. After reviewing it, I had decided to choose Mr.Davis for the project in question. Many things during our back-and-forth email had let me know we were both in understanding of what was project was. From there, we had decided to go through the bulk of the coversation through Discordapp.com. The following week we had hashed out all details and 'trimmings' of what was to be done and further discussed when prompted. the total cost was to be 1200 USD. After both of is agreeing to a "half now, half later" payment process. Mr. Davis went to work. During the same mention week. We had chatted on what needed to be fixed and what had been completed thus far. Then, a very long unwarrented, hiatus started. I waited 3 week with no contact of any kind. After trying to contact them a decent amount of times. Only to be told that by Mr. Davis had not been working on the agreed-to, project hardly at all due to other work taking over too much. I understood having too much to do and so I left it at that. I waited 2 more weeks. After trying for contact again. Mr. Davis stated that they they were, just now, visiting family, with little acknowledgement of the hiatus mentioned prior. Mr. Davis said after two weeks they would be back to getting back on track. I waited the alloted two weeks and then tried to contact them to see if all was well. No responses were had for 1 month, after the claimed 2 week, requested delay. It has been a total of 3 months trying to get in contact of my project or progress. I have filed a Paypal refund, only to be denied. Paypal stating that "I had recieved what was commissioned". I did not. As of now, I want to try and get in contact with Mr. Davis to see what went wrong. As, Mr. Davis has blocked me on Discorapp.com. I want to either get my money back or get what I was promised. If anyone could help with this, I would appreciate it.
  2. I wanted to commission this guy for a custom 3d modell of a character. He did work on many interesting pieces before, just view his 3d gallary for proof. So i wrote to him on Discord that i was interested in getting a commission from him. It started out pretty casual. I told him what i was looking for. It went pretty much good until payment as we quickly came to the terms on what i wanted. I think the last picture says a lot about my patients at that point. Its been 1 year since i commissioned him and i still had not gotten anything besides wips, also most of them only because i keeped bugging. This was my first 3d thing i wanted to get and i usually commission 2d stuff and wanted to try something new. I feel betrayed and scammed by now. There is no way paypal could assist me as the transaction was already from last year and they only gurantee you for 6 months. if i had known that i would have presured him with pulling my money back, but i never was such a person so i gave him time and casually ask from time to time. By this day i have written him on Twitter, Deviantart and as you can tell countless times on discord. But maybe posting a beware here could help my soul to find some peace at least.
  3. I paid for a commission that cost me 40 USD plus 5$ to convert it to her country's currency. She told me it would be done in a week or less and a MONTH later there was no update, her last message to me was that it would "be done tomorrow." After that she ghosted me, never did the commission and never refunded me. This happed 10 months ago. I refrained from posting it here because I assumed something must of happened with her personal life because she became absent from FF altogether. Now she is back. And I nicely asked her for a refund, but, she never answered me. I'm quite sure if she blocked me I would not be able to note her in the first place. I also gave her time to refund me and even just apologize, but she continues to not answer me.
  4. In late June I commissioned DevilRush to draw 2 full color pictures for a friend's birthday that was coming up in a couple weeks. We discussed the details of the commission over Discord, although I originally approached them through Twitter. Their Twitter was banned, and they had to make a new one. All records of that time have been lost. Original discussion went well. DR seemed happy to work on the pictures and when I mentioned it was a friend's birthday, they said that they would hurry them up. The first sketch was delivered in a couple days. Immediately after this, however, DevilRush disappeared from the internet for over a month. There are unfortunately no records of this, as their twitter was deleted after the fact. From gathering information from other people who had commissioned them, it appears that DR took the money from opening 20 commission slots and used it to buy themselves a new tablet. Then, they took on an undisclosed "big project" for their college and had to devote 100% of their time towards it. I messaged them over twitter several times in the next couple months, but got no response. After 2 months of radio silence towards me, DR started posting personal pictures to their pixiv and new Twitter. After confronting them about this, they said they hadn't forgotten and had been working on other commissions that they'd not posted publicly. They also offered to pay me back the price of the commission after it was done. I declined, saying I just wanted the commission I'd paid for. The last correspondence I had with DR was on October 24. Since then, they have been dipping in and out of Twitter, posting old images. Recently they've posted WIPs of personal works, which prompted me to message them again. I have not received any response as of December 8th. It is too late to issue a chargeback, and I am completely done.
  5. I won an auction for a Noivern fursuit a while back, and before I made my bid, I asked if the suit could be altered up a little to fit my size. She agreed. After winning the auction, I agreed to pay the extra charge, and I added her personal account on Facebook. Fast-forward to May 2016. I asked about updates, and there wasn't anything to show for. Fast forward two years, I asked again, and she claimed that her suit was lost in a move, and would have to remake it. Fast forward again, after more occasional and unsuccessful attempts at getting an update, this was the last correspondence where she had actually replied, which was on Discord. There has been no communication from her ever since that one message. I honestly should've made a post like this years ago, but what's done is done. And during this entire, years-long ordeal, she had continued to complete other projects, including other fursuits. I hope that this post serves to help people not go through what I went through.
  6. Back in February of 2019, Kenket posted on DeviantArt that they were taking money to "sponsor" Pokemon stickers. What this means was, she posted a grid of different Pokemon stickers, and a person would choose to send money to her to "unlock" one of the Pokemon. A paying sponsor would, in return, receive stickers in the mail, from a choice of either one of each unlocked sticker, or five copies of the Pokemon you sponsored. I paid the original sponsor price to unlock the Jolteon sticker (I paid $25; though it was later increased to $40 for future sponsors) and opted for getting one of each sponsored sticker. I contacted her via email about sponsoring, and she responded within five minutes, and gave me her Paypal email address to send the $25 to. After sending her the money and letting her know, I never heard anything else from her afterwards. Furthermore, once the deadline for the deal hit (I believe it was 24 hours?), she removed the original post from her DeviantArt, and I have not been able to find it on other accounts either. I waited a few months, as I was unsure of how long it may take for the stickers to be made and mailed out (no estimated arrival was ever given). During these months I never heard from Kenket, nor did she ever post anything on DeviantArt about the stickers. In July, as I still had not received the stickers in the mail, I decided to contact her again through email. I informed her that I still had not received the stickers, and asked if she had sent them yet, and if not, if she had an estimated time of when they would be shipped out. She responded the next day, saying she had received two packages returned to her in the mail, and asked for my mailing address again to check if one of the packages that returned was mine. I gave her my address again in response (the same address I had given her originally, of course). She never responded again after that, therefore I still was left not knowing the whereabouts of my stickers. About three months went by without me hearing anything from her again (though keep in mind she has been fairly active on her art accounts). So now, in October, on the 17th, I have emailed her once again, again saying I still have not received any stickers, and attempting to ask her if one of the returned packages she mentioned before was mine or not. And/or if it may have gotten lost in transit, how I would go about possibly tracking it down. It has been a few days now since I emailed her, with still no response, despite her being active on Twitter during these days. I don't really appreciate the lack of communication here when I am just attempting to problem solve what may have happened to my order. Leads me to say that I have never received a product I paid for, and nearly non-existent customer service from the seller.
  7. WHO: Kylestudios WHERE: Discord WHAT: 35$ Commission, 2 characters with background. Flat colors WHEN: June 11th the talk and pay. Lost contact until October 11th, then lost contact again, then re-contacted on January 11th and March 20th 2019 EXPLAIN: In June 11th The user was in need of money due to some problems mentioned in the screenshots below. Though we rarely chatted i wanted to help him out with the condition to have a commission with the quality avaliable for the price he asked. 2 Characters, Flat Colors and a Background. Details shown in the screenshots. I've sent him the money on the very same day and told him to "Take Your Time", that i wouldn't push him etc, but to please do a reference sketch for what i asked to see if it comes out more or less the way i asked for. Lost contact until i talked to him on October 11th asking if there was any issues but he said he haven't started yet (I am aware that he might be slow due to IRL situations or whatever mood he might be... But 4 months...?) I even told him that if there was any reason for him not being able to do it that he should tell me about it, and if he had even a small WIP , like i told him on June, that he could send it to me.. On January 11th 2019 i asked him for status.. Told me "Next week".. On Wednesday 20th of March i asked again for the commission status and all i got was the same kind of answer, "Soon"..If he's not going to do much about it i'm going to send him an ultimatum, wich's a Time Limit... And if that doesn't happens then i'll ask for a refund, but for now i wanted to show my status of the problem here.. ....And there was nothing else after that. Half year waiting and still nothing... However, in some other places where he posts his drawings (Not sure if i can link those), you can see him post art for himself many many times, but for himself!...NOT the commissions he owers to a total of 21 persons since a journal post on an art site for over 6 months! I mean, when you got a commission, you don't want to make the client wait THAT LONG.. People understands he might have IRL things to do (like a job, life, etc).. But you don't make a client wait nearly 1 year to get a drawing done, something he can make up quick and correctly (WIPs etc)..And even more making him look like "Hey look at my new drawing(s)!, but you'll have to wait for your pic even more because of this!" ...You don't do that to a client.. Whenever "I" get asked for a commission i put everything from my "To Do" list and focus on the commission at that moment (Unless i have to go to the doc etc) All the details below (Sorry if there's a bit of a chat but you guys want proof?, so have it.. PROOF: Refund Need https://prnt.sc/lw9upx Commission asking for the 35$ https://prnt.sc/lw9usm Paypal link https://prntscr.com/lw9xt4 (Censored) Commission Details: 1. https://prnt.sc/lw9uty 2. https://prnt.sc/lw9uus 3. https://prnt.sc/lw9uvj 4. https://prnt.sc/lw9uwg 5. https://prnt.sc/lw9uxe 6. https://prnt.sc/lw9uy4 Telling him to not rush things but please show a Sketch WIP in certain ways https://prnt.sc/lw9uz1 Asking if there's problems with the commission https://prnt.sc/lw9uzw Paypal Invoice thingy Commission status asking on January 11th 2019 https://prnt.sc/n25fdw Commission status asking, again, on March 20th https://prnt.sc/n25frp
  8. Alright this is a bit lengthy but I'll TRY to keep it short since this transaction started way back in May of this year. I ordered a plush commission on a discount price of $55 from Ghostly_howl on May 19 2019. She immediately accepts my commission and tells me a time frame of which this will be done. Great! I'm fine waiting five months for this to get completed. It's an anxiety plushie for my significant other, of his dog that passed away last year. I SPECIFICALLY tell them not to ghost me...and well, the pictures tell the rest of the story pretty well. Eventually I find her second account and contact her there, to which she EVENTUALLY gets back to me. She provides me with a "business email" Which I emailed, and NEVER got a reply. The ONE TIME she's ever consistant about talking to me, is the DAY I submitted my paypal dispute against her. I thought we had finally come to an understanding, as we had a VERY lengthy chat. But well, guess I can't be surprised that she just continues to ignore direct dm's for days on end. It's even more frustrating knowing we came to a conclusion, she finished my plush, and then HAS YET to send me tracking info after PROMISING SHE WOULD SHIP IT ON THE DAY SHE MADE THE LABEL. I'm just so tired and done. I am NOT the only person she has ghosted. I was in contact with another user who just said screw it, and got her money back. I saw another user waiting for over A YEAR for their commission. This person takes on WAY TOO MANY COMMISSIONS and then leaves everyone in the dark and upset for not getting back to them in a timely manner. This is NOT how you treat customers, let alone run a business.
  9. TL;DR: I commissioned an icon. It had a couple things that were wrong and it wasnt up to par to her examples. After agreeing to redo it, she hasn't responded to any of my messages. She has been online posting that she is open for more commissions, but has yet to reply to me over several months. ---------------------------- Detailed version: Back in Feburary 15th, I commissioned NekoArt for an icon after she had posted opening for commissions to pay for some things. ($35 in USD) A few days later, she sent me the commission, but there were a couple things wrong (long eyelashes, no horns, ears going down instead of to the side). She never sent me a WIP so I never had the chance to correct them. They replied saying they'll fix it, and this was the last I heard of her (Feb 25th). Later I also realized the quality didn't match those of her other icon examples 2 months go by and I haven't heard anything, so I sent a new note on April. No reply, then one in August and one in October. None of them were opened. I emailed their paypal email back in August. I messaged her through telegram, which says she was last online in September. She has posted on another website just last month that she is opened for commissions (this was translated in chrome, so its a little rough). She has also posted a couple of times on her Tumblr in June, confirming she has been online.
  10. (For privacy concerns, I have censored my username on these images) This was the 2nd time that I had ever commissioned WaifooBuns (who had been known as Loodii at the time)---I decided to commission her again based off a prior satisfactory experience I had from commissioning her prior to this (sometime back in mid-2018). This was me asking her if commissions were still open, to which she replied "Yes" to. This is what she wrote back in reply, to which I replied back saying that it was understandable and whatnot. This is the last message I've ever gotten from her. After she sent that, I decided to wait a few months to let her relax, get things back on track, and whatnot. However in April she suddenly disabled all comments on her pictures and deleted all journals. So I sent her this: Got left on read. Sent her another PM in July. This one hasn't been opened yet, Idk if she's been offline from dA or if she's purposely chosen not to open it. I had decided to given her the benefit of the doubt and assume that she was still dealing with family issues...however I immediately changed my mind when I checked her Instagram and saw that she posted this: Apparently Belle Delphine herself had commissioned this artist and she posted it onto her IG. I checked her profile on other sites, this was not something she had previously done uploaded before. I'm not even honestly sure if she's still dealing with IRL issues, but I got REALLY skeptical seeing that she somehow had the time to accept a commission from her of all people but somehow she wasn't checking her notes on dA. At this point I had decided that I no longer wanted the commission if she was going to behave in this manner but sadly I couldn't dispute it with PayPal as it had already been past the 6-months since I paid the invoice. I'm more than willing to change this post in the future and mark it as "Resolved" if she ever comes across this post or anything of the sort, but yeah...not really sure where it'll go from here.
  11. I previously contacted this artist for a OTA, saw they were open for commissions and asked about it. I commissioned a full-body piece of my sona holding my cat on May 6th 2019 I sent the $40.00 along with a $10.00 tip. $50.00 in total was sent to this artist on May 6th 2019 I asked for an update on June 11th 2019, they told me they would work all owed art after the 17th. No WIPs or Updates for two months. Asked again on August 29th 2019 No response I gave up on this artist and asked for a refund on September 6th 2019. I was nice enough to let them keep the $10.00 tip. They got back to me on the 23rd of September saying no problem and wanted my paypal email to issue the refund. I have yet to recieve the $40.00 and they've been MIA since October 7th. I did send an email to them but radio silence. It's worth noting that they have been uploading premade adopts on a another account @adoptodelic on Instagram And other people are getting just as upset as I am on their last post on their main account.
  12. sailorpawz is a deviantart creator that frequently hosts contests where users can draw her characters for money, da points, or custom pieces. In Feburary 2018, I decided to enter one of these contests, after seeing her advertise it on Furry Amino. It was a contest to see who could design her a brand new character, after she gave a few examples of breeds, colors and aesthetics she'd like incorporated. After a month after the due-date and origionally listed 'judging day', I contacted her via Furry Amino to discuss the situation, as she had deactivated her deviantart account for a few days at this point. She explained she was going to reactivate and announce the winners, which she did soon after. She then mentioned that she couldn't pay up, then redacted and instead said she would need to wait to pay the winners, which I said I would be willing to wait after she mentioned she wanted to choose my design as the top pick. It was a few back-and-forths between us before she was gone for good. I would check in on her from time to time, asking her about how things were going, talking about life, etc. so we could remain on good terms. However, one day she had suddenly deleted her furry amino account, and I have not heard from her since July of 2018. It has been over a year since the announcement of the design contest. Do not participate in her contests unless you want to get nothing in return if you win. Our Furry Amino chats have been posted below, I am redacting any personal information for the sake of the both of us. There were two separate chats--the first one in December, she suddenly left, but still had her account live. The second one, she left when she ultimately terminated her account for some reason. She has not attempted to reach out to me on any platforms, nor respond to my several invoices on paypal.
  13. In June of 2018 I requested a commission from a fairly popular artist on Furaffinity called Psy101. The artist asked for a full up-front payment from the get-go which I am usually quite wary of so I decided to first ask for an estimated time schedule for when it would be completed, which he said would be around 3+ months so I chanced it. The artist would post both commissioned and trade/gift artwork to their gallery respectively. Images provided show gift and trade artworks which were posted after my commission request and payment was sent. As a former commissioner myself and one who knows other artists that do commissions, the thought of putting free art before paid artwork seems very unprofessional and distasteful. But I chose to give him the benefit of the doubt, on the grounds that perhaps these were artworks he'd made before my commission request and the fact he had posted journals about experiencing real life problems which would explain delays to the commission. On approach to 7 months I decided that I'd just rather take my request elsewhere and politely requested a refund which was met with no response, this request was made on Janurary 4th 2019. I knew inactivity couldn't be an excuse for not responding to my refund request since the artist was still continuing to post content to his gallery. The crux was when yet another 'gift' drawing was posted to his gallery with my refund request still being ignored, which got me to message him a second time in a much more informal and direct response, demanding a refund since I am owed it. This second request was made on Feburary 19th, 2019 and, yet again was ignored and has still not been responded to. I've put reason in my refund requests, referencing his journals and sympathizing with his situation but ultimately the ignoring of my messages has lead me to conclude he is not professional in how he conducts his business and I would highly advise against supporting him.
  14. So we commissioned one of our favourite artists, lupinprincess, to redraw our irl engagement photo. we have worked with her before, so we knew it was a good bet to drop $110 usd on her. the paypal fee took $6 of it, so we actually tipped her the extra $6 cause we trusted her. It is gorgeous, the background, the poses, just beautiful. but, my red panda nose looks not quite right. a little off. so i asked her if she was willing to change it slightly. not the whole picture, not the pose, just my nose. she immediately said no, and blocked me. all the money we spent.... the good faith we had in her.... and all i see when i look at it is my big nose... I wish she would have taken even a second to look at the drawing with me to find a solution. Maybe it wasn't the nose, maybe the eye and lips just need to be moved forward. But she wouldn't give me any more time to talk about it before she blocked me and ceased all communication. This is a once in a lifetime commission of our actual engagement and now every time i see that photo she redrew, all i can think of is how rude she was about it. so so so sad 😞
  15. I posted a comment looking for logo makers to make me a logo, LilDogMeat responded and on 5/15/19 we began discussing the logo, I was sent their paypal and I sent payment. I was then told that they were getting started on it. June 14 I asked for an update and got no response, a total of 4 months pass before I receive a response that they are waiting for their laptop charger thats been stuck in customs and that their files were on the computer that the charger is for. I asked if they provided and ETA for the charger and got no response. I went checking their twitter on the 23rd to see if they had been active (I'm guessing there is a time zone difference which would explain why their post is dated for a later date than it should be) and saw that they posted about sending out refunds to those they felt waited a long time and thus I went and asked for a refund on the 23rd. I was told I would get the refund on Thursday which would have been the 26th of September. Thursday comes and go and no refund so I send them a message asking if they needed my paypal on Sept 28th. No response, Oct 3rd I contact them again about the refund, it's now been a week past the date I was supposed to get the refund and a total of 11 days since I initially asked for the refund. No response. I sent a 'Hello?' Message on the 4th and informed them that if I didn't receive a response by Monday I will file a paypal dispute. No reponse. The paypal dispute was filed on Monday, I get a response the next day on the 8th and that is the last message I ever got from them. The paypal dispute was escalated on the 10th in order to give them time to issue the refund without paypal having to do so. Neither paypal nor I got a response from the artist and the dispute drug on until the 20th in which paypal closed it in my favour due to the artist never getting in touch with them. They have since changed the email that was attached to their paypal account, it is no longer they one they provided me when we first spoke.
  16. In april, I hired DemonLordDante to do a picture of one of my OC. We came to an agreement. I would pay 80$ upfront and he would start working on it in June. June came and went and nothing was produced. I sent a message in July and he said he'd work on it soon. I asked how progress was going in August and he sent me a rough sketch, that I approved. In september I contacted him again and was told he'd get on it soon. At the end of september, I sent him an ultimatum: Finish my picture by the 14 october or give me a refund. Once again I was told it would be done. On the 14th, I filed a claim with paypal. A day later he refunded the money. Shortly after he took my order, he stopped taking OC commission. It would be fanart only unless you subscribe to his patreon. Also, every few days, he would post an ad to advertise his services, which I found really annoying considering his backlog. This ended peacefully in my favor, but I'm convinced he would have continued to string me along for months if I didn't ask for a refund on paypal. This is why I wrote this caution.
  17. On the 9th October I talked to quick about commissioning a gift for my friend and we set on a price and date. Due to the rushed commission I asked him if he could send me the invoice before the sketches. He did so and I paid quick. The next day I woke up i get the sketches and one emote being finished. later on I also got the last 2 emotes I wasn't able to notice that the smug emote was traced but someone else did and proved it here.
  18. I approached Voegel in February of 2016 for a chibi style commission, they promptly replied and we discussed prices. I immediately sent payment, and waited patiently for a response. June 3rd, i gently poked for an update and pretty much insisted that i wasn't in a rush. Being a full-time artist myself, i understand and know that it takes time. I never recieved a WIP, either. I then poked again on November 13th, i sent my final set of notes before I lost contact. Saying that i understand that things happen, and that i understand it taking a while. I did not want a rushed product, or to stress them out. So i unfortunately did not put my foot down after 9 months of waiting without a single WIP and sparse communication. Someone else had taken over their account and Trello (queue) to do small updates for customers. Fortunately i still see my name on this trello, but the links are broken and it hasnt been updated since 2017. https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/7748095/ (trello) https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/8187732/ (Google docs refund form) Time passes, and an artist i follow posts a finished commission on twitter and i recognize the character, so i very politely message them and ask if i can get the handle to the owner. They give me the new handle of Voegel and im able to message them once more. If not for this one random occurrence i would have never found them again. This last set of screenshots is our very short conversation about how to deal with this situation, that i never got a response to. I left the conversation open ended to get their feedback because at the time they were offering a refund AND the art, and i really didnt feel like that was necessary. I was okay with either, but i wouldnt feel right with taking both. I said i needed to make a new reference for my character and that if they wanted to do the art, that was fine. And i never got a response. Its coming back around to that same time of year in a few months, and i honestly think ive waited long enough without any contact. Like i said, im a full-time artist and have been for many years. I know things slip through the cracks, illness and self doubts/anxiety get in the way, and it takes time to put out work. Its hard. And i would have been okay with the wait if they would have kept contact with me, which they did not do. Account hopping without trying to get in contact with your commissioners is also not okay. I had to hunt this artist down to have them leave without a word AGAIN, and its become unacceptable. I just want to make it aware that this person may resurface again and that they still owe people work that they have not done.
  19. Tank (the owner of JuicySuits) and I originally started talking about my fursuit commission on January 10, 2018, with a quote of $2,300 for the fursuit and a deadline of July 4, 2018 (Anthrocon). https://i.imgur.com/WU14QwD.jpg I made the full payment on January 30, 2018, with progress on the suit starting in March. https://i.imgur.com/5uNF9Rp.jpg Tank told me there was a digital sculpt underway, but I never received any screenshots or proof of this. https://i.imgur.com/azGafKb.jpg Duct Tape Dummy was requested on March 25, and she received it on April 2. https://i.imgur.com/4DoJqcQ.jpg My first and only work in progress picture I received was sent on June 10. It was the buckram painting for the eyes. https://i.imgur.com/TxsHLm5.jpg On July 3 – the day before Anthrocon and the deadline – I find out via Twitter that Tank will not be attending the convention. I have to bring up the elephant in the room about the unfinished suit and she apologizes, but confirms that it will not be done in time. https://i.imgur.com/rcEGhZ1.jpg We make a rough deadline of 1-2 months from that point in time, for pickup. That would put the deadline at August or September. https://i.imgur.com/6CObsH5.jpg I hear nothing from her until September 11, when I am informed that not only has no additional work been started on my suit, but that I’ve been actually bumped back in the queue. Please note, my original deadline was two months earlier, and she’s putting other people ahead of me. https://i.imgur.com/aOUO6Ax.jpg I request a refund on September 11 because I am uncomfortable with the two missed deadlines and lack of communication. On September 20, Tank promises to send me every payment made by the person replacing my spot in the queue. https://i.imgur.com/cCfCkQe.jpg On October 9, Tank tells me that she can’t pay me because the new commissioner has missed their payments. However, she offers to take out a loan to pay me back in full ASAP. https://i.imgur.com/g4SFAls.jpg Tank tells me that her loan is almost paid off on November 9, which means she should be able to get a new loan and pay me back soon. https://i.imgur.com/Uld9Tjw.jpg On December 18, I demand progress on the refund. She replies on December 19, telling me that she should be able to pay off her loan soon, but she can get money together for some payment before the end of the month. https://i.imgur.com/SqOVshU.jpg January 1 hits, and Tank tells me the loan is paid off and she can get a new loan to refund me, though it will take three days to process. https://i.imgur.com/v6SYS14.jpg On January 11, she writes me a message, saying that her new loan was declined, and she will not be able to refund me in one large sum. I agree to payment plans of $200 biweekly, as I feel like there’s not much more I can do, and she promises that the first payment will come through on January 18. https://i.imgur.com/oTCAiHQ.jpg It's January 18, and I’ve heard nothing from her. I messaged her, asking for an update, but received no response. I have tried giving her multiple deadlines, either for the suit or a refund, all of which she has missed over the timeframe of a year. At this point, I just want my money back as soon as possible.
  20. Last year I commissioned the artist Seoir for an image of one of my OCs. They were offering $25 bust commissions, which was a bit steep for me at the time, but I really liked their art style. So, I send them their money and all is fine. I wait a couple months, because I know how long art can take, and go to message them to see what's happening and where they are at. Turns out that they have deactivated their account, and I have no other way to get in contact with them. So, in conclusion, this is somewhat of an undelivered commission story and definitely a beware story. Hopefully the attachments work. Here are some guides to understand what is happening: png 1-4: My back and forth with Seoir about getting a commission from them. $25 Bust Commission Sheet: One of the pieces that Seoir was using to advertise their commissions. (Sorry I didn't include their name, this was found on Google Images after the fact.)
  21. So I commissioned Alzeaker a few weeks ago before this happened. His customer service was great, and had a quick turn around. I got two cheap ($10 each) sketches for my characters which turned out great. I found out he would be opening again, so the next time he opened (15/03/2019) I grabbed a slot as a gift for my partner. I paid as usual and let him know. Sent over all the commission details, pose, character reference. Everything going well. Proof of payment: After about 10 days I get a sketch. Sketch: I asked if he could relax the brow and in fix the hands a bit, he said he would. That was 3 months ago. Since then I've tried contacting him 3 times on FA via notes, And twice on his page via a shout. I've also tried contacting him over telegram , Facebook and Twitter, neither of the texts have been viewed. I don't really expect this commission to be completed due to him removing all details from his FA and replacing it with this: In addition to this there is a post Facebook with someone calling Alzeaker out for lack of completed work (Can easily be found by typing Alzeaker into facebook) On top of all this he has been active and posting art on his Facebook, You can find his Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/alzeaker/?ref=br_rs as well as his other account here: https://www.facebook.com/caffeinedblackwolf However, this is personal art. Not commission art which he appears to have a back log of. At this point I don't think my commission will be finished seen as his customer service is limited, and just want to warn people by posting this to show his lack of professionalism (As I am aware there is another post regarding his lack of commission completion on Artist beware).
  22. Artist riajoi took my commission (worth 250USD). The agreement was some art of a character. Received updates until a few months ago when my (Discord) messages went unreplied for over 2 months. Noted their account requesting a refund and filed a paypal dispute, received a reply about a week later accepting a full refund and they replied to the dispute allowing the refund. Dispute closes, refund bounces and is cancelled. Unable to get money or open new dispute. Filling out small claims court dispute now.
  23. Never agree to commissions outside of written proof guys. As I don't have the first half the proof will start from the second point onward where they try to resolve the matter. Years ago I made a commission deal on skype to a partial friend (silly me) which was still a professional commission however. They were unresponsive for a while and I inquired about the commission to which I got no response. I since deleted Skype since I don't use it anymore and simply put them on an "owed" list on FA for quite a while. Last year they come to me out of the blue and post this where they do admit to everything. They put the blame on me and then proceed to dock me for a sketch done years ago. At this point a normal person would just demand their money back right? Well I decided to be curt and professional but still give them a chance. They respond to this in a way that even makes me feel embarrassed where they state that they are going to make it faster, messier, and sketchier... but still get their usual quality??? I was confused because it almost seemed like an insult to themself and was also annoyed because they should have made up for not responding for so long. I was again short with them but still polite and gave them a small amount of information to get through the commissions. They say they'll note me by next friday at the latest. The 4th of May, 2018 was a Friday so that meant the 11th which was the next Friday. They get back to me May 26th or more than 3 Fridays later to just apologize and make an excuse again. (Some blurred out as per guideline rules.) I haven't heard from her since and it's now September of 2019. On her profile it says she is even accepting commissions at the moment. As you can tell I have a lot of patience and have literally given them several years to do this. At this point I just want my money back. I didn't really want to have to put someone up on here in the end.
  24. I’ve asked Seiruii, for a commission that I never received from a year ago. I went to a Anime con, they were super busy but my friend’s back was hurting her so I had to leave. They finished my commission and promised to send it...I gave them my address so I can get my commission and...flash forward a year later tada! I got nothing...FREAKING NOTHING! They were busy with work but I didn’t receive my commission. I gave them my hardworking cash from my job that I got had to quit from. they only texted back three times. They claimed that it was sent and also said that they will look in their room and do another one but I haven’t gotten anything. I’m doing this beware because as a reminder and a anime con tip. make sure you get your commission at a anime con, if a artist says that their busy or it will be in a week. Don’t buy from them. I can’t trust Deviant Art Ych/Commissions and Artists in the artist galleries anymore. Because I got ripped off too many times in my life.
  25. I had commissioned Nexy way back in the summer of 2016, because I saw through a mutual friend that he was taking commissions to raise enough funds to attend Megaplex that year. I bought two badges in the style displayed in the attachments (character pictured is one he owned at the time; not sure if he still does!). Sadly, I no longer have access to the account I initially commissioned him from, but what I have left is a screenshot from that account proving that I tried contacting him for updates and, consequently, a refund, because of his lack of response and lack of WIPs. I later tried contacting him in 2018 via my personal account, providing that screenshot, as well as the original paypal transaction to prove it was me, and got ignored (and blocked from messaging him ever again). I never had him added or followed anywhere, so I am unaware of any situations he may have gotten into (and his twitter currently appears to be locked at the time of writing), however, he still has a responsibility to keep in touch and communicate about what's going on to his clients. Granted, it's partially my fault for sending the money via friends and family, so I have no way of filing a chargeback (and it's also my fault for waiting this long), but obviously, since then, I've long since learned from that mistake. As of now, I still have not heard back from him at all regarding where I stand as far as getting a refund. (His FB name has been blocked out as it contains his real name, however, you can see his profile pic to note that it's actually him.)
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