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Everything posted by Rendrassa

  1. I know InkedFur was surrounded with several controversies in the past, but had still planned to try getting some of my stuff on their site. Not now. I can't believe a business that so many people seem to know and want to buy from is so terribly unprofessional.
  2. Absolutely ludicrous to leave a paying client, who has already given the necessarily payment asked for, to wait literal years. I really hope they refund instead of rushing out a poor quality product. Too many suit makers just blindly rush it when they are put on the spot.
  3. A lot of artists charge extra for shipping, just be upfront about the added cost and it should be fine.
  4. Sad that it went over the 180 days. There's not much that can be done to get your money back now that that's out the window. Never a good sign when the artist can't show pics of completed work.
  5. So many artists in that journal. I hope none are seriously holding adopts/slots for him for so long or actually done any work yet. This guy needs to stop getting deeper into this rabbit hole until everything else is done and paid.
  6. The reason I suggest a legal category for discussion is because a topic came up recently in a chat for me and it didn't really fit in their "advice of artists" or "advice for commissioners". It was a debate on copyrighting characters, not just the art, which I'd remembered several LJ members clearly explaining why it wasn't possible, but I was unable to easily find that info on LJ and figured I'd bring up the legal category not separated by artist and commissioner so that it can help fill a gap I currently saw in the new site.
  7. I don't mean in-depth things that should be consulted with a lawyer, but basic questions that have been asked in advice posts in the past on LJ: copyright, trademark, artist rights vs client rights that can be asked without explicit ToS discussion and more.
  8. $1000 worth of art is a lot, so getting that paid back with art will take time. Yes, it is the artist's the responsibility, but if you want to see that art, it might be best to be proactive in this and set up a Google document listing each art piece that was agreed on with it's price and share that with them. Make sure only you can edit it, and state that with every completed image, you'll mark it as complete and the artist can work off the list in whatever order they desire. That should boost their art drive if they can choose the order from the list. Good luck getting the art. At least the artist has reached out to you at all, right?
  9. Would it be considered a caution or full beware?
  10. Good to hear.
  11. There are times when people impersonate or steal other's characters to get attention and artwork against the rightful owner's wishes. Would the site have a separate category for this sort of behavior, with the same proof usually expected for the site, of course? As an artist, I'd like to be able to search client names on here and be alerted if someone has a history of character theft before doing the art and having to deal with the repercussions. Discussion for or against is greatly appreciated.
  12. Even if others have compensated this, zrcalo shouldn't be allowed to keep the money for work not done. It's a true shame this happened to your granddaughter's first attempt to get a commission and I hope it doesn't ruin future chances. If zrcalo doesn't respond, be sure to contact the organizers of the con and file a formal complaint. It may keep the artist from selling there again.
  13. Unless the artist chooses to refund you, I doubt you'll get your funds back since it is well past PayPal's chargeback window. However, you might try filing a complaint with Square, and for sure, you should contact the organizers of Further Confusion and let them be aware of the event. Hopefully, they will be willing to blacklist the artist from the Dealer's Den at least.
  14. I'll admit to sometimes color picking from a ref instead of the swatch, but usually I confirm the color with the swatch before using it. Sometimes colors aren't clearly labeled and just different enough and I always ask. Maybe the artist didn't know how to and decided to guess? As for the ref being saved in the image. That just seems like a sloppy oversight. Although, it's not the only one done that way. Hm.
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