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Everything posted by James

  1. Oh no, I'm really sorry that you had to learn this lesson the hard way. 😞 There's nothing wrong with pay upon completion commissions, but never hand them a full res one. Very small and heavily watermarked only.
  2. Yea, even if you worded it that way it still doesn't necessarily make pressuring you into two separate images the right thing to do.
  3. It depends on what you asked for. Did you ask for a specific scene with two characters interacting: "I'd like Jim and Rose to be on a roof top holding hands and looking at the stars" Or did you ask for two characters and the artist interpreted it as you wanting two different things: "I'd like Jim looking at the stars on a roof top. Rose is there too, but sitting in the chair." If it was closer to the first one, then they shouldn't have pressured you into splitting your scene up. As for them not following your prompt, do you mean you asked for Jim on a rooftop looking at the stars and they drew Jim pole vaulting on the beach? If so then yes, you would have been entitled to a do over or a refund. Unfortunately if you reluctantly accepted the commission the artist may not be entirely welcome to you coming back. But if they didn't follow your prompt then they didn't. It's always worth approaching them about it. A professional artist would admit their mistake and try and make it right by you.
  4. Putting comments on hold because it looks like both parties may have worked things out in the 12 hours this was in queue.
  5. @HUFFELSARTS This is approved, but I did notice they're claiming you didn't send a refund. However, the screenshot they're providing is for May 3rd? Your refund was sent on the 5th. Did you or anyone else get screenshots before they went private? I saw it myself.
  6. You know I've been modding for this community for five years now. I've seen almost everything, and a post hasn't made me more upset than this one in a while. The absolute audacity of these two. You stayed quiet for over a year, and they act like you being firm is literally kicking a puppy across the room. And as for Bad Coyote shuffling and going "well I can't control my manager". Bullshit. Your manager is an extension of your image. It's in your best interest to not have them prancing around on a high horse when a customer asks for a DESERVED refund. As for thankless clients? They should be grateful to have a patient client who didn't file a chargeback for $500+. What a complete lack of gratitude.
  7. This one is odd. The foreground/ background on this piece is really lovely, but it's so wildly different than what they normally make. Almost all of the art on their twitter is your standard porn, while this one is more atmospheric. With such a drastic difference they really should have shown you a thumbnail or a sketch before jumping all the way into lines. Though I do want to say that this is a submission where I would really like to hear the artist's side. It seems from their Twitter that some pretty ugly things were said from you that you claim to not have when you submitted. While your submission didn't tick enough boxes to ultimately reject it, this gives me concern as to how much precisely was lost. Should the artist have taken cues from you that you weren't happy with this commission? Yes. Should they have provided wips before lining? Yes. Should you have stood up and said how unhappy you were instead of waffling around the issue? Yes. Should you have gone to a separate chat to complain about the art instead of directly talking to the artist? Absolutely not.
  8. For those who may be confused as to what's going on, this artist posts a lot of YCHs. They've lost the ones OP has originally bid on, and wanted OP to pick new ones to have done.
  9. Howdy. It wouldn't be a beware, no. No exchange of money/ services, no beware. Whether or not it can be a caution post will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Though we are unlikely to accept "this person was a bit rude to me". It has to be bad. If you feel it is something we should look at we will be happy to review. Just please bear in mind that we reserve the right to reject a post.
  10. Locking this as it's a rather old post, and let's not necro post. I also want it to be known Artists Beware's official policy will continue to follow Boozy's article. We won't accept anything from individuals who are attempting to interpret law on their own.
  11. Howdy. This isn't something the advice forum can answer you. Only a queue mod can when a post is in front of them. However generally speaking when personal relationships are muddied like this we are very hesitant to accept a post. To a small extent because we have to weigh in that someone may be doing this as a jilted ex trying to spite their partner. And we don't want to be used in that manner. But mostly because proof is going to be difficult to supply. Not only because we don't allow mentions of personal issues, but also because relationships there aren't character custody hearings. The onus of proof that the character was 100% yours when you broke up is going to be on you. Not "implied" because as you said, it was "co-owned". Explicitly said to be yours. Whatever money you spent is irrelevant. If I divorced my husband tomorrow I wouldn't be able to get a refund on the couples art we got while together. We will be happy to look at whatever you send us if you feel we should see it. I'm going to close your thread because there's nothing the community at large can answer
  12. It's essentially like a temp ban. I won't comment on what that means about them as a business as facebook can post block for a variety of reasons. Not all of them are legitimate.
  13. James

    Beware Coyot_tea

    Changed Resolved to Yes
  14. We were discussing this post in the mod chat and were all dismayed that this seller seems to think it's on you to ask about allergens. It's the responsibility of the seller to do so. Honestly, I hope you get a favorable resolution. Someone like me would be SOL, because the mere presence of smoke smell aggravates my allergies.
  15. Changed Resolved to Yes
  16. As notated in the automod post: bewares are not deleted. To delete one after resolution would defeat the purpose of the archive. As such, the ability to edit or delete is removed from everyone but moderation staff. Am I reading this correctly that she's holding resolution hostage for deletion? Or was this extra, unpaid work? Edit: oh never mind. Serves me right for skimming. I'll mark your post as resolved.
  17. Changed Resolved to Yes
  18. Teahound/ Shroomyeen/ Lildogmeat, unfortunately, has a long history of poor delivery of commissions. I hope he actually does right by you and delivers.
  19. Escalate to a claim as soon as you can.
  20. I hope you get your money back. Though the partner is right: they aren't their partner's keeper. My husband knows I do comms, but he wouldn't know anything either about what I take on or what projects I'm doing long term. People harassing Cou's partner aren't helping, and he's likely as powerless as everyone else is.
  21. Just for clarity Boozy is a lawyer. If anyone wants to refute his claims we ask that they state their credentials. We are always looking to improve our understanding of the legalities.
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