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About Me

  1. Apr. 4th, 2012 at 6:30 PM wesfox WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/CHIMERASYNX WHAT: $160 digital commission WHEN: Jan 15th 2010 till now (April 2012) Details: I commissioned Chimerasynx on Jan 15th 2010, with the knowledge that it going to be a wait of up to a year. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/1.png http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/2.png In late 2010 they stated that they would start posting some of the commissions taken around the time I purchased mine around Thanksgiving/Christmas, of which none ended up being posted. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/a.png When asked they stated that they were delayed, but that mine wasn't among the bunch that would have been posted. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/3.png More waiting. At the 15 month mark, around April 16th I pinged them for an update again http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/b.png To which they replied that something "catastrophic" had happened, putting their art on hold. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/4.png I let them off the hook and continued to wait. In August 2011 I pinged them again, this time getting a different reason why there was nothing yet to show for me, and apparently anyone else. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/c.png http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/5.png On October 29th 2011 I PM'd them asking for an update, and stating that I'd either accept a refund, but would be fine waiting for the artwork but would need some sort of in-progress shot to prove that it was being worked on. More waiting, and eventually they responded with: http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/6.png The end of the year and their promised deadline of Dec 31st 2011 came and went, and I PM’d them again. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/d.png No response, so I PM’d them yet again. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/e.png A month later they finally got back to me about the missed deadlines and promised me something the next day or Monday of the next week. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/7.png More time passed, the promised material never arrived. Finally they told me that it would be one or two more days. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/8.png Nothing obviously was sent to me the next day or the next week, or at any point after that and now here I am. They haven't read my subsequent notes on FA, however they have read notes by others and refunded at least one other person who posted a public shout to them (Chimerasynx then deleted that shout, but the person thus refunded PM'd me to let me know what had happened with their attempt to get their money back). However Chimerasynx so far hasn’t read or replied to any of my notes asking for a refund from the same time period as that, so I'm frustrated beyond belief at this point. I then posted a public shout on their page, hoping to get them to respond. So far nothing. http://arcanofox.foxpaws.net/artistbeware/9.png I really don't care about the artwork at this point, but after being strung along for multiple years with no evidence that they've even touched the piece (despite claims to the contrary), I just want a refund and then consider the issue dropped. If anyone has additional contact info for them, which hopefully they read more often than FA notes, that would be appreciated. I really hate to have to assume the worst here, especially given their level of talent, and pending them getting back to me, I'll have to start looking at various options regarding fraud filings with my bank. The lack of response, the missed deadlines, failed promises and changing excuses need an explanation, and I need a refund. Edit: see the update posted lower in this thread, this issue may resolved / nearly resolved in a good way. :)
  2. Apr. 2nd, 2012 at 7:21 AM eye0ffcenter WHO: Acorn/Squirrelworks WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/acorn/ and http://www.furaffinity.net/user/squirrelworks/ WHAT: A waist up sketch commission of five characters WHEN: From April 14th 2011 - Feb 6th 2012 From first to most recent interaction. PROOF: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/Newcanvas.jpg and http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/proof.jpg EXPLAIN: I took the commission through a journal that she posted. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/Newcanvas.jpg I also ordered another commission (which was a discount thing that she was doing at the time for female characters). She had me on her list of commissions and said that I didn't have to pay until I got an approval sketch. She never got around to it. I never paid, thank goodness, so it's not a big deal, but still relevant. I don't have any screenshots for this one and the journal I ordered it in is gone. After four months of waiting for the sketch commission, I contacted her again and she replied telling me she forgot about it. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/forgot.jpg Even though the journal I ordered it through was then and STILL IS up (at the time of me posting this). Journal: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2255182/ After waiting a little under a month more, I contacted her again and she replied saying that she'd been suspended for a week and unable to access notes. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/suspension.jpg Let's not forget that my commission was in a journal and not in notes and that a week suspension is not an excuse for a month MORE of waiting. After this, I apologized to HER, because I really wanted the art from her. She asked me what kind of pose I wanted, so I thought I was getting somewhere. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/details.jpg Bolded text is a link. After this, she told me she would upgrade it to a full body sketch since I'd waited so long. She was very polite throughout the entire ordeal, so don't misunderstand. What I am reporting is definitely not her attitude. I waited about a month longer and then messaged her asking for a WIP (after seeing that she'd uploaded a couple of WIPs, which. I figured that after THIS LONG, she would have worked on it a little. Keep in mind, she'd been posting multiple other commissions and personal work daily. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/WIP.jpg After this, I waited a week. Since she said before that she would work on it, I thought she might have SOMETHING to show for all of my waiting. To which she replied that she had no idea how to pose these characters. I already told her what I wanted five weeks ago. So I replied giving her all of the information that I'd already given her again. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/Description.jpg I contacted her again after nine days asking her how long she thought it might be before I'd see any results from her. She replied saying that she'd been really busy (doing more commissions?) and that I'd have to wait until she got all of her Halloween commissions done. Really? Just... Really? I waited ANOTHER MONTH before contacting her again. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/Askingforarefund.jpg This seemed to scare her into actually working on it (though I can't be positive of whether she'd worked on it at all before this point). Three days letter, I get a WIP. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/Unfinishedsketch.jpg Submission: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6988259 Here, in the comments, she asked me for more detail so that she could finish. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/Commentsonsubmission.jpg And her finger slipped here, but no one can fault her of that. I waited two more months to ask for an update to which she replied that she still had all of my information. This is the last I've heard from her. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/LastwordfromAcorn.jpg I waited a month after that to ask her about it again. The note is still unread after half a month. It's been a year and it's still not done. Screencap: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/Unreadmessage-1.jpg This is what I have: http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t154/eyeoffcenter/Acorn/1323223101acorn_eyeoffcenter.png The only unfinished one is my character. This would literally take her like ten minutes to finish. Mood: accomplished Edit: I received the finished image. Submission: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7728551/ She was very professional about it after the initial journal and the turnaround was quick. I am very happy with the finished product.
  3. YCH post by artist here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/30480041/ After taking 5 slots, only completed and posted two of them, and has not responded to my comment left on the original post back in March and does not look at/respond to notes sent about it. Queue still lists this commission. Last posted finished slot from this YCH was posted in March.
  4. Mar. 23rd, 2012 at 6:26 PM ryuusin WHO: insomniacovrlrd Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/insomniacovrlrd/ what: digital art When: april 2010 - present Proof: full conversation from me first commissioning him http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/9035/note2b.png image showing the notes from the start from 2 years ago http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/6991/note3.png Note sent a year later with no reply http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/2808/note4.png recent notes sent to him still yellow meaning hes not looked at them http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/7752/note5.png Paypal confirmation of payment to him 2 years ago http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/3567/paypalub.png Explain: started 2 years ago, i commissioned a picture from him and payed the same day consisting of a 2 character image at $50. he took many commissions so i know it would take a while. months went by and he put out few actual commissions from others. 1 year has gone by and no update and even still few commissions were coming out but many of his own works and projects. 1 1/2 year he makes a journal about if he has forgotten any commissions to leave a comment. i have and he replayed that he would start on it. that was the last i heard from him. 2 year that journal gets deleted and he starts opening more slots. i try to contact him but he never reply and doesn't even open my shouts or FA notes. they are still yellow on my screen. present, tried contacting him through various means through messengers. still no reply on any of them. i may be very patent, but this is ridiculous and rude.
  5. Mar. 20th, 2012 at 5:15 PM freeziclepop WHO: shootitout WHERE: deviantArt WHAT: Digital art trade. WHEN: October, 2011 PROOF: http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n161/weirdsonic/One.png EXPLAIN: In October me and shootitout had decided on doing an art trade, it was discussed, the characters to be drawn discussed. We chatted throughout this time. I finished my side of the trade, they were very happy to receive. Entire conversation on the piece can be seen here: http://freezicle.deviantart.com/gallery/33755790#/d4dir83 They even used the image they received on Neopets. (With my permission) After a month had past without me hearing on their side of the trade, I decided I'd remind them about it--maybe they had forgotten! They didn't forget, they clearly stated this. They promised it would be finished soon. Over the six month period, I've been nothing but friendly, reminding them on their uncompleted trade. Mind you, I've only reminded them about four times. Maybe they misinterpreted sarcasm, and got angry with me, I'm not sure. They seem to be very easy to ignite. All-in-all, I'm sick of waiting, I don't want their half anymore. Just be warned, and don't do trades with this person. They were incredibly rude and defensive, their friends even joining in to pitifully try and support them.
  6. Mar. 2nd, 2012 at 11:43 PM poizenkat WHO: Falvie WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/falvie WHAT: Valentines day single character commission for my partner, Thornbeast WHEN: February 11th, it was agreed to be finished the day before valentines day. Was instead finished March 1st. PROOF: http://i.imgur.com/NiY8O.png EXPLAIN: She posted a journal about couples commissions. I asked in note about a private commission with a single character to be done the same day as the valentines day commissions, as it was a gift for my partner for valentines day. She accepted and we both agreed to payment at completion. I decided to ask her to say it was from my second account, which is linked to my partner's commissions account http://i.imgur.com/bJy4V.png then she had told me that she would finish it the next day instead. The day came and passed with no acknowledgement from Falvie, so i proceeded to ask her about it a bit later http://i.imgur.com/cPex3.png That was fine, she seemed really sweet for a while. I was a bit frustrated, but it was okay with me.... Then comes her posting a journal for a stream. She said that she will finish some owed commissions and be TAKING ON MORE on the stream http://i.imgur.com/pK918.jpg . Ended up with her seeming to not really finish many if any of the outstanding commissions and to just be taking more and more money from others. I asked her if she would be finishing my commission as she had said she would, and while complaining about it being late and saying how tired she was... she ended up sketching it. I had asked at this point for her to instead do the Spring form of this character instead of the winter form; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6921917/ she agreed and said she would do that in the coloring stages. The next day she streamed and said that she will only finish outstanding commissions if they get ANOTHER slot IN STREAM. http://i.imgur.com/nKMLO.png so I had to chase her for a slot, and I was quite lucky to get one too since she's usually hard to catch a slot from. Sadly my laptop has been having issues so I couldnt cap everything, but whenever I would ask for a correction she would say she would do it and NOT do it or she would complain. My partner sent the payment for me, as I was having paypal issues. I can get a screencap when she is around if anyone would like. I asked her to fix the colors on the character and make them more gray, she complained and said that she would do it later and that it should be close enough now anyhow (its supposed to be a very dulled down character in general). I also asked her to make the gradients less smooth and kind of spiked out like in the reference. She agreed, but never fixed it. Edit: These markings were quite clear on the reference I had given her in the note at the beginning of the commission. The things were what she had missed, and not a change that I had neglected to tell her. These things were not mentioned until she had been coloring them, as they were color related and I could not have anticipated her skipping over them. As well as that, the change from winter to spring form (adding the vines and flowers) were made at the beginning of the commission around the time she had begun the sketching stage if not before /Edit I then asked her if it was possible to make the eyes a bit more orange and she complained and refused to do that as well. I also asked her to fix the face markings and she replied with this; http://i.imgur.com/7MYN3.png since I was getting fed up and did not want to deal with her anymore, I decided to play along. I found this extremely rude, however. She also rushed when fixing it and it shows in the piece. http://i.imgur.com/lk7c3.png She ended up forgetting the vines and flowers on the character. This she decided to make up for with a quick sketch instead of fixing it (I would have rather she fixed it, however.) http://i.imgur.com/Lddw1.png either way, I do appreciate the gesture and was happy that she made up for the mistake. As she was drawing the sketch, someone had asked her about their commission. Falvie was EXTREMELY rude to her. I can provide screenshots if they are wanted, but this is for that commissioner to post and not me. Hopefully her entry will be accepted soon, because I was horrified at Falvie's behavior. She had basically said that she knew she was unprofessional and did not care that she would lose customers for it. She did not seem to care at all about the people whom paid her or will be paying her to do her job and called the user a scammer for being disappointed for waiting so long. This was as she was streaming for me, so it was extremely uncomfortable to be caught in the argument. (Edit: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/574006.html ) Finally everything was done and the image was posted. I was happy with the picture (other than the rushed fixing of the face markings), and actually still find it beautifully done regardless of the problems i have had with her. I had thought that I was done with her at that point. Someone called the character male in the picture and I corrected them happily. No problem, it happens all the time right? Someone else then said that falvie makes "the weirdest shit look awesome" so I replied saying something similar to "Well, I think Thorn is always awesome 8P" And then... when I looked to see the picture again I realized that Falvie had hidden all comments I left (even me complimenting the artwork) and said to the second person i mentioned, "Nevermind them. I have to make things look awesome, otherwise it wouldnt be fun!" or something similar to that. I asked her why she had hidden my comments, as they were not hostile or anything (maybe one could be taken as such, but the others?) and she deleted the submission. In my confusion I asked her why she deleted it on her page and had said that if I had done anything to anger her then perhaps it would be okay for her to repost it at least for my partner's sake? a few minutes later my partner went on Falvie's page to see this; http://i.imgur.com/yNLc1.png with the link to this; http://i.imgur.com/b62gN.png I was confused and insulted that she would do such a thing, but I had hoped it was a coincidence. I commented again after she had stopped spamming her page, because I had just wanted an answer to my question. She then proceeded to spam her page AGAIN as seen here; http://i.imgur.com/7m7cu.png and then she posted a journal soon after. I dont know if this is a coincidence, but it was RIGHT after, so it is possible it has to do with me. If it does not, then I apologize for assuming; http://i.imgur.com/Ouba7.png (Edit: yes, this does have nothing to do with me. My apologies.) Here are some other relevant journals I have screencapped; http://i.imgur.com/Zkf9k.png Edit: for clarification's sake, she OFFERED the commissions to be done the day before valentines day. This is evidenced in one of the journals in the link directly above. I was told to note her, as this was supposed to be a private commission. As well as that, Thornbeast's reference sheet very clearly showed the cheek markings as linked above where it was mentioned. Edit: She posted a public apology...saying that I hurt her and could have dealt with this privately. If this were possible then she would have replied to my question and not blocked me (as I see I am blocked now.) I cannot accept such an insincere apology as this. Instead of apologizing, she had "called me out" on "hurting" her instead of apologizing. Not only were both my accounts blocked, by my partner was blocked as well. Edit: As I am blocked by Falvie, I would like to apologize to her here. Though you have made some terrible decisions (in my personal opinion) you do not deserve the harassment you are getting. I sincerely apologize for the troubles and harassment this has caused. I would also like to apologize for being a demanding customer. Saying no would have been okay with me. It may have annoyed me a bit, but being a traditional artist I understand how hard it is to correct some things. I did not mean for this to happen, as all I was doing was leaving a "negative review" of sorts. I had no idea that this would blow up into the mess it is. I am very sorry. All in all, this artist has a lot of potential as a commission artist. She has lots of talent and can finish art in good time when she actually gets to doing it. Problem is, she has a terrible attitude and I wouldnt recommend commissioning her outside of quick IN STREAM commissions or for any complicated characters that will have things that may need correcting. I am happy with the art she had given me, but not the missed deadlines and general unprofessional attitude as well as complete disregard for paying customers. I apologize if anything is confusing or horribly misworded.
  7. On June 17, 2019, after seeing a post on reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/c1l10a/art_i_will_draw_your_pc/) I went to Sketchy Kyle's fiverr to place an order for a commission totaling $42. The set due date was June 22, 2019 but on this day the artist opened a dispute to extend the deadline to June 25, 2019 citing personal reasons and being busy with other commissions likely coming from the same reddit thread. I agreed as waiting is usually no worry for me, but days then weeks passed with no updates. On July 18, 2019 I messaged them in an attempt to get back into contact with them, as fiverr showed that they had been online recently. No answer. Again I attempted communication on August 2, 2019, and again no answer. On checking their fiverr profile it would seem that they have deleted their account. Thanks to fiverr I still have the $42 but it is locked to the platform. I'm afraid I'm not the only one from the reddit thread that received the same treatment so I hope that if they should surface with a similar username others can be aware of their practices. I am unaware if they have a twitter or other social media unfortunately. videogifevidence1.mp4
  8. In October 2017, I commissioned REYKAT for a fullbody sketch of one of my original characters for $25 USD. Their TOS states that waiting times ‘can depend, so think twice whether you are ready to wait or not’. I saw that although they seemed to have a big queue of commissions and continued to accept more, they were frequently posting commissions and so I assumed they were on top of their workload. They have no public waiting list or commission queue, so I had no way of knowing this for sure, but I decided to take the risk. My commission was accepted and I was told I'd be noted when the art was done. (I’ve blocked out their PayPal address in the corresponding screenshot). By mid-February 2018, I hadn’t received any updates on my commission. I wrote a note asking about the status of the art and received a reply soon after saying that it would be done (no specified time). However by June 2018, I still had not received my commission, and had not received any word at all from the artist. They had been posting personal art, as well as commissions that I believe came from commissioners after me (judging by the date of their inquiry comments on REYKAT’s commission journal). I noted REYKAT inquiring about this, and their reply linked me to a screenshot of their TOS stating that waiting times would ‘depend’. They also reassured me that the file would be sent to me when finished and it had not been forgotten. Honestly, after that I kind of forgot about the commission for several months, but it was never delivered, and nor did I receive any communication from REYKAT. During this time, they continued to post personal art and others’ commissions. In June 2019, I decided to try to follow up on the commission again. This time my message went unread and unanswered. A month later, I sent a second note, which has also gone unread and unanswered for the past week. As of now, I have received neither art nor refund, and the PayPal dispute window is well past.
  9. It's been nearly two years from commission date and having only ever had limited contact that has always been initiated by me has left me to believe this is the only viable choice left for me as I'm well out of the charge back window through PayPal. I messaged the user on my birthday planning to get a piece done in honor of the occasion as they had been advertising previously about doing in-stream commissions. I had commissioned them once before that had somewhat of a waiting period which was understandable at the time. However, with this being in-stream I had imagined that the turnaround would be far briefer than the last one. When we agreed to the terms of the commission it was over Discord because I had established that connection with them during the prior commissioning. I paid them $80 and would go months at a time without hearing anything from them. I would occasionally mention at the subject and try to get some sort of update but would often be ignored. When I would recall that I still had the commission outstanding with them, I would even go so far as to try and talk to them and change up the idea to something that I hoped would pique their interest enough to knock it out. Overall it had no effect and I would continue to be ignored as things carried on. I was never officially added onto the queue and so when I had brought up in notes through FA that I hadn't received any progress or word on my commission it was met with skepticism until I dug the chat logs up to show them. After promising they would add me to their queue and finish the commission, this was never followed through. They continue to take in stream commissions, ychs, post art on twitter and FA but refuse to pay me back or give any kind of set date for payment. It's hard to believe if they are out of town and are too busy to get me my refund that they would have enough time to take in stream commissions for hours at a time. As of right now I have been given the seventeenth as the next update time. I will update accordingly until things are resolved in some way.
  10. Who: Dubmutt Where: Twitter @dub_mutt What: Graphic art print Amount: $19.49 Details: On May 11, 2019, I purchased one of Dubmutt’s prints on a site called Storeenvy. The order came to $19.49. The description said that she ships these same day if purchased before 2pm, which I had done. June 5th comes along and I still don’t have the print or any shipping email. I messaged her on her email asking about the print status, explaining that I don’t have a tracking number, shipping confirmation, or the print itself after almost a month of purchase. I had also messaged her on Twitter on June 7th after no reply from the email, explaining the same thing in case she didn’t check her email/was more active on Twitter. To be on the safe side, I also opened a PayPal dispute for item not received on the same day. Later on the 7th soon after I open the dispute, Dubmutt conveniently gets back to me through Twitter. Her excuse was that she “never got the notification that I bought the print.” Which I find weird because obviously she got my money for the print, it’s not like the money appeared out of nowhere. She promised to ship the item right away which I then received on June 10. She had provided a tracking number and I got the shipping confirmation email. I had closed the PayPal case (which I now know was a bad idea). I open the print from the rolling tube it was packed in and immediately notice large, visible creases all over the print. Dissatisfied, I messaged Dubmutt on Twitter again, telling her the situation and providing images of the creases. She blamed it on tampering from the post office, despite the package being securely sealed. She had promised me a refund as well as a free replacement print. I provided my email for the refund in case she needed it again. She had said that she was out of town and wouldn’t be able to send the refund or the replacement until the “beginning of July.” I was fine with that and waited. July 3 comes along, I message her on Twitter politely asking about the refund and replacement. No reply. I wait, and email her on July 11, politely asking the same thing. No reply. The 18th comes along and I still have not heard from her or got the refund or replacement. Because I had stupidly closed the case on PayPal too early, I am out of luck. I am new to disputes with PayPal and I was unaware that you couldn’t open a second case if something else went wrong with the transaction. I contacted PayPal and they could do nothing for me. Today on the 19th, Dubmutt has finally gotten back to me via Twitter, after saying she would at the beginning of this month. She now says that she wishes I would have sent her images of the packaging that the print was shipped in to “prove” to her that it was not tampered with. I insisted that the packaging was in perfect condition and that only the print was damaged, for whatever reason. Also, I told her that there was no reason for me to think of randomly taking images of a perfectly intact package. She had no reply to that. She is now denying my refund that she promised over a month ago and is telling me to file a claim with USPS instead for tampering. First of all, I’m not going through the hassle of a usps claim for $20. Second, even if I wanted to, I don’t have any of the packaging, paperwork, or the print itself anymore which I also told her. So how on earth would I even make a claim with usps with nothing to show them? So not only did Dubmutt make me wait way longer than she promised, she is now denying the refund that she assured I would get, instead coming up with a ridiculous excuse to not to and has no concept with what I’m saying to her. Lesson learned to never close a PP case until you get the item and it’s in good condition with no other problem. I know now I am ultimately to blame because I wasn’t unaware you could open a second claim.
  11. After many good experiences commissioning artists on many different occasions, this was the first one I've ever had a problem with. I'm hoping this is the only time I'll have to write a Beware. On October 21st, 2018, I placed a winning bid on a YCH by Avtor_D for $35 (body horror NSFW) https://sta.sh/01u61dkoe5v6 and promptly paid. On October 26th, 2018, I decided to also place a bid on a second YCH by Avtor_D for $30 https://sta.sh/01xrf025zghp, again paying promptly. At the time, it looked like they were regularly submitting finished work to their gallery, so I didn't think It would take that long to hear back. There was no public Trello to consult for work they currently owed, either, but I didn't consider that much of a problem in the long run at the time. I gave the benefit of the doubt and decided to wait awhile. A few weeks go by with no word back and it seems alright at first. But then I see that they keep taking on more and more work after mine here: https://sta.sh/0sw3xji5zf l started to get a little wearier, as I didn't see anything being completed and there was still no public Trello to consult, as seen here https://sta.sh/01pnpvbif23b I let it fall to the wayside for awhile because of other commissions I had coming in. Fast forward a bit later where I realize the window for asking for refunds through Paypal would be closing. Again, I still have some time, so I'm not too pushy when I decide to inquire about my comms https://sta.sh/01cgh69b61na They reply to me, accusing me of harassing them on their shout page (I didn't, but since they purged their shouts before that, I do not have proof) and reassure me everything's going ok https://sta.sh/0sunyo64df2 I'm a little annoyed, but decide to let it slide until another month goes by. At this point, I'm a bit tired of dealing with this and decide to give them a mostly polite ultimatum to at least show me wips by March 15th, 2019 https://sta.sh/018v2q4cish1 They show me the sketches, and all seems fine, so I let them proceed with some lingering wariness. But otherwise I'm just happy to see wips where I was seeing nothing before. (Body horror NSFW for the first link) https://sta.sh/01ekjuiurp7z https://sta.sh/0mlpunz2l23 From there, things unfortunately fell to the wayside. I kind of checked out of the situation and would only be reminded on occasion if I saw activity from them on FA or Twitter. For awhile, there wasn't much, and things happened in my life that were demanding my attention, so I didn't have much energy to exert on resolving the issue. I probably should have, which is 100% on me. Recently, though, I see they have finally released a link to their public Trello and released some news on the situation, including explaining their taking on of more YCH's recently without finishing previous ones. My comms are still in the sketch stage, and I've kind of lost hope at this point even if I were to contact them further. Since the refund window has closed and I do have sketches, and it is very stressful to talk to this person for me, I am more concerned with them keeping up this kind of business with other commissioners than my own stuff.
  12. Shetani Cheetah (Shetani Cheetah) wrote in artists_beware, @ 2018-12-07 00:19 Hitchedboy/Jaoqy/Oatiemeal/Seafowl WHO: hitchedboy / jaoqy / oatiemeal / seafowl WHERE: https://www.instagram.com/oatiemeal, https://www.deviantart.com/seafowl, https://www.deviantart.com/jaoqy, http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=146038 WHAT: 2 character digital painting with background WHEN: July 15, 2018 - current EXPLAIN: Note that there will be some jumping around between different websites/screenshots due to the artist attempting to evade contact. They also changed their usernames various times throughout the course of this interaction, so screenshots may not match up exactly with what I've written. ( Read more... ) July 15 - I commissioned the user hitchedboy on the petsite Flight Rising for a 2-character digital painting, which was paid for using site currency in the form of items. [1] Payment was sent using Flight Rising's 2-way trade system. Weeks passed without word, and their FR profile indicated that they hadn't logged in to FR at all since a few days after I last heard from them. With this avenue of communication closed, I started seeking an alternate way to contact them, and found their Instagram account (which was also under the username hitchedboy at the time. The link on their profile led to a DeviantArt name of jaoqy.) August 27th - I messaged hitchedboy on Instagram to inquire about a turnaround time for my commission. They said they had lost their FR login info but were still willing to do the art for me. They informed me that their preferred method of contact was Discord. [2] August 28th - Our correspondence moved to Discord. I provided them with the commission info again since they stated they lost access to their FR account. I was told that I could check in with them "as much as I wanted" and that my art would be finished in "most likely only a week." [3] September 5th - A week later, I asked to see a sketch. hitchedboy said they weren't at their computer and would send it to me in 2-3 hours. I gave them an extra 4 hours before poking them again. They told me to message them again to remind them in 5 hours; I did so and received no response at all. (Time discrepancy in their message is due to hitchedboy being in the GMT+10 timezone and myself in GMT-5.) Though I was irritated at being brushed off, I decided to give them some time. [4] September 22nd - Life got in the way and I wasn't able to touch base with hitchedboy before this date. I told them the reason for my delay; they responded with a situation curiously similar to mine, and informed me they had completed the base colors on the art. I had not seen so much as a sketch from hitchedboy at this point, despite being promised one several times over. I felt uneasy and asked them to show me the art at its current stage for approval before progressing - again, my message was ignored. [5] September 29th - I logged into Discord, saw that hitchedboy was online, and shot them a message. They immediately switched their status to "offline." (I don't have a screenshot of this, sadly.) In response to this action, I asked them to just let me know if they no longer wanted to do the commission, as I needed it by a certain date and this would give me enough time to find a replacement artist. They assured me that they still fully intended to finish the art, citing extreme forgetfulness as an excuse for blowing me off in the past. They once again set a bizarrely unrealistic time frame - this time just 10 minutes - in which I should expect to see the art. At this point, I was severely doubting that any work had been completed at all, and sent a bit of a lengthy message expressing my frustration about being given the runaround time and again. An hour later, hitchedboy sent me a progress photo. This honestly surprised me, given that I'd been convinced that they hadn't even started, and the completion level seemed to me to be more than could be done in an hour. I informed them of corrections that needed to be made, making sure to be thorough since I didn't know if I would even get a chance to see another WIP before the picture was finished. [6] October 3rd-5th - I ensured that hitchedboy was aware of, and agreed to, the deadline for the piece. [7] October 21st - For the first time, hitchedboy sent me a progress update without being prompted. They said they hoped to have it done by the next day (of course, this didn't happen.) [8] October 24th - hitchedboy apologized for the delay, citing issues with the background. [8] October 30th-31st - The day before the due date, hitchedboy contacted me to say that the art was done, but they were unable to upload it. They claimed to be out of the house again and they would have someone else try to upload the picture while they were gone. Not only had I not gotten to see and approve the final product, I wasn't even told what website I should expect to find it on. In addition, I was extremely confused as to why they didn't just try a different site if they were having trouble with one in particular. I heard neither hide nor hair from them on the actual due date. [9] November 2nd-10th - I would otherwise have just written this off if not for the fact that they had actually completed a good deal of progress on the commission as per the one WIP I received, so continued to message hitchedboy in an attempt to just wrap up the whole ordeal. They claimed to have been in the hospital. No progress was made towards resolving the situation. [10] November 15th - I made another contact attempt on Discord, directly @'ing hitchedboy when I saw them appear as active. [11] While gathering up info to make this beware, I noticed that their Instagram username had been changed to oatiemeal. The account showed activity as of 10 hours earlier (no screenshot of this), and the link in their profile now led to a newly made DeviantArt page under the name seafowl. [12] The recent submissions in this gallery were pieces that had been completed and uploaded on November 3rd and subsequently, when they claimed to not have internet access. Giving the benefit of the doubt, I sent them a polite Instagram message. They responded only to request that I contact them on Discord, which I had been doing for the past 2 weeks. I admittedly lost my cool at this point, which I should not have done. Despite the fact that I knew they no longer used the website where the commission originated, I gave them a deadline to produce either the supposedly completed art or a refund. [13] To this date I have seen neither. (I also messaged them on Discord again as per their request, in case that would produce results somehow - it did not.) [14] I'm very upset because I was really looking forward to getting art from this artist. Quite frankly, I'm not too broken up about losing the payment for the commission, as I would much rather have the art. I can only count myself lucky that I paid in non-monetary currency, and hopefully they aren't doing this to customers on DeviantArt or Instagram as well. PROOF: All screenshots in this folder and linked at the appropriate points within the explanation.
  13. [ This article contains uncensored NSFW imagery (nudity). ] ... I initially got into contact with Strype on the 3rd of November, 2018. One day later, on Nov 4th, we came to an agreement on a single character thigh-up commission for $220,- USD. I subsequently provided them with my PayPal address and paid their invoice in full that same day (Nov 4th, 2018). They confirmed my payment as completed, and informed me that I'd have linework to look at later that week. On the 16th of November, 2018 (~12 days following the 4th), I received the linework along with a brief apology for the wait. I approved of the linework some hours later, on the same day. After this point, a long period of silence and no updates would occur. This is where I want to bring one's attention to the fact that the artist does not have a ToS. Below is a collection of screengrabs from their primary sites (FA and Twitter), both having no ToS to speak of whatsoever. Furaffinity Account Page Furaffinity "Commissions Available" Post 1/2 + 2/2 Twitter Page (Additional screengrabs from other sites such as Furry Network (https://furrynetwork.com/strype/) and Weasyl have also been collected, but will not be included here as they are not in use by the artist at the time of writing this article.) In short; the artist has no rules, no commitments, and no incentive to adhere to any sense of professionalism with commissions that start off at over 200 USD. I should obviously have considered this a red flag prior, but I did not. That was a mistake. Reiterating; November the 16th, 2018 was when I received and approved of the linework for my commission. I waited until December the 17th, roughly one month later, before I sent them a note asking for an update. No progress had been made - but they had added me to their 'priority list'. I thanked them for the update and continued waiting. Following Christmas and New Years, on the 12th of January, 2019, I sent them a new note asking for an update if possible. (The mentioning of 'three weeks' below here on my part is referring to me inquiring about some lighting conditions in the commission, as they had not yet started, three weeks ago.) Understanding their reasonings, I wished them the best and continued waiting, hoping for an update. On the 1st of February, 2019, I ended up sending them a new note, asking for an update. Still no progress - but understanding their situation (they have been open about these issues on their public Twitter, no censoring necessary), I remained patient, hoping for an update soon. It was during this phase of waiting I came to realize that getting put on a 'priority list' since the middle of December last year actually doesn't mean anything at all. Strype had been taking on multiple commissions between late December in 2018 and up till early February in 2019 - all while my commission was supposedly a priority. December 30th, 2018 - Multiple Slots January 21st, 2019 - One Slot January 26th, 2019 - Multiple Slots > (This one is especially interesting and will be referred to shortly) February 10th, 2019 - Multiple Slots The most alarming about these openings is the fact that these commissions were not prioritized behind my commission. One of them was actually taken in late January, (Jan. 26th opening), but ended up being completed less than a month later, before my commisson had even been started. I know this due to getting in contact with the commissioner in question. [See mod note above] Following these discouraging news, I wrote up a note asking for a reply in direct response to what I had learned, confronting them with my concerns on the 19th of February, 2019: This is how my message looked: This is the reply I received: Reading this reply, the troublesome lack of any ToS the artist would've had to abide by, became clear to see. I thanked them for the update and expected results to show up soon. Three days later, on February the 22nd, 2019, the artist finally delivered my finished commission, thanking me for my patience. Credit where credit is due, I was satisfied with the finished results, but they had arrived 3-4 months after I had paid my commission in full. My commission had arrived roughly one week before my PayPal refund (March the 3rd) opportunity would've been rendered forfeit; not a reassuring fact. Wanting to give them a second chance however, I inquired with them if they would be interested in taking on a second commission, granted that another uncertain 3-4 month waiting period was not to repeat itself, put in a polite of a manner as possible. Their response was simple, and sounded as follows... There was nothing extraordinary about my experience with them, and 3-4 month waiting period. If I wanted another commission, I should expect another 3-4 months of the exact same treatment, over again. ... I urge you to stay away from this artist at all costs, at the very least until they possess a ToS to prevent what happened to me, from happening to you.
  14. I commissioned Poyu September 15th, 2016 for a NSFW YCH of my OC, Elizabeth. I paid $250 (AB price) instead of the highest bid of $80. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/21088105/ Poyu provided a Lightshot screen capture link as proof of receiving the money. In addition, she provided this link in a note towards me confirming the payment had gone through. On September 29th, 2016, Poyu had messaged me how she would be working on this YCH, among other commissions, that week and provided a Trello link for me to check for updates. https://trello.com/b/knQJ6GEr/belle-poyu-art Allegedly the lineart was complete, but there was no proof of that; no WIP provided in both the Trello or message to me. That was the last I ever had contact with Poyu. I attempted to contact her several times through Twitter DMs and stream whispers since that day. All of my attempts to contact her were ignored. As it turned out, she had quietly abandoned the furry community, a commission that had not been finished, and closed commissions indefinitely. Given how she completely disappeared I gave up at the time and did not know of Artists Beware. However, she made a sudden return to FurAffinity and very clearly forgotten about the commission. I addressed it to her: I gave her a full week for the refund, and she still has not replied whatsoever. It has been a full 7 days since then with nothing but radio silence. Had Poyu at the very least acknowledge the situation she is in and explained any issues she may have in her life that would otherwise prevent her from refunding me, I just might have been more lenient, but this is same exact behavior she had several years ago. While this artist has seemingly closed commissions indefinitely, that does not leave out the possibility of her reopening for whatever reasons she may have. In any case, this person is not to be trusted.
  15. In November 2018, I contacted Cakepawss on Etsy about commissioning a large custom plush. They quickly responded and service was great, however after I paid and received the initial sketch, they never contacted me further. Roughly every two months I politely requested an update, and only received replies when I voiced feeling I might be scammed. They have not sent me any proof they even have the materials to make the plush I ordered, much less any intention of completing it. By July of 2019 I filed a complaint with Etsy and informed the artist, who quickly responded they would send proof soon. They did not send proof, and since then Etsy has refunded my purchase. Several months prior (sometime around March I believe?) their Etsy shop was shut down. They still continued to claim they were working on my order, however. Attached are some screencaps of their responses on Etsy, and the post they made on Twitter immediately after I contacted them. They did claim they had a lot going on in their life, which is why I was willing to work with them as long as I was. However they refused to even acknowledge any questions regarding when they would actually send proof, much less the complete work.
  16. I commissioned this individual July 28, 2018. I had recieved one WIP image, and then nothing after that. No updates were given to me unless I asked, and I didn't message them often. It got to a point that they weren't responding, so I had to go and see if they had any other social media just to contact them. January 4th hit and I realized I was never going to recieve my artwork. So I asked for a refund, and they said it could take days to weeks. I said okay and left it be for literally months. I then messaged them recently. They read the message, and ignored it. So I called them out on it and they responded very rudely. They are extremely unprofessional, I do not recommend them. Please, do not commission this individual for artwork or even fursuits. You are not guaranteed to get what you payed them for, and I highly doubt they'll ever actually give me a refund.
  17. Explain; Prepaid for a YCH commission posted via her gallery. (YCH attached). She originally mentioned that she had a queue and it would be a wait, I had no problem with that. I paid for it right away as she needed the money for an electric bill she stated in the post. I sent in the info to her via note and she confirmed it as well ok. Stated it would be at LEAST a month before it was complete. Again, I was fine with that. I commented back on the same post for an update about a month and a half later, because I realized her trello never updated to show my commission on her to-do list. She replied promptly and gave me an update. December I noted again, right before Christmas, asking if there was any updates, as I had heard nothing from her but continued to see postings of art, YCH's for sale and journals. She stated she was almost done with a wip and apologized for the delay. That was the last I heard from her directly. I noted again in February, she read the note but never responded. Again I noted for an update at the end of March. This note has still sat unread. So currently I am still down $50 or the YCH paid for. Obviously it is too late for me to go through Paypal and dispute the charge for a refund, but I am hoping this helps others avoid what I am not dealing with, maybe it will end with me getting either the YCh I paid for or a refund.
  18. November 13, 2016 was the time I reached out to her when I saw her via Lemma Soft Forums and discussed about a commission I wanted done. She was a little slow in regards to replying to my messages but I understood considering how she seemed to be a popular pick for commissions based on her website via deviant art. Nonetheless, she replied, gave her the benefit of the doubt, and paid her the amount of $150usd on November 30, 2016 upon agreement on the details I gave her and how much it'll cost me overall. Two other reasons why I thought she's not a fraud are: 1.) She immediately sent me 4 sketch options based on our discussion 2.) I read no negative feedback about her through Lemma Soft and Deviant Art at the time I commissioned her I started becoming concerned when I noticed that I had to keep asking her about updates regarding my commission. Contacted her through her Deviant and Email and the last message she sent me is through email, January 20, 2017, telling me that she'll be sending me the second wip within that day but it never came. She didn't blocked me or anything and becoming a little more worried, I went to check on her deviant art again and saw that while she had thousands and thousands of lined up commissioned list, she barely responded to people who were starting to demand regarding their orders. I also noticed that she placed my order as almost done when she hasn't even updated me regarding my commission ever since that 1st sketch she sent which was on December 2016. ItaSlipy made several excuses, I say this now as an excuse as it has become ridiculously long, such as she's been sick, she's dealing with her wedding, she's sick again, her hands are giving her problems, etc etc. When the list of complaints were starting to pile up, ItaSlipy deliberately deleted her entire journal, slate clean, and "started all over again" as if nothing had happened. This lead me to believe that she's pretty much stolen people's money not only from Deviant, but from other websites as well where she offers her services. Surprisingly, she's still active in Lemma Soft and Deviant Art and I honestly cannot believe that she had the nerve to still accept commissions and now including Patreon. I've attached the screen shots that I managed to snag. The payment, the emails I sent to her, and the supposedly "status" of my commission that she never even updated me about. I understand that this is like 2 years ago, but I would like for people to become aware of this artist. For those who has already commissioned her and wasn't fooled by her, you're very lucky. I just hope there are no more victims of her scheme. I've posted this on my Deviant Page and someone messaged me, redirecting me to this site.
  19. Paid for a Commission to Olivedrake for a Two character (Recipient's sona and my own) color digital commission. Poses and setting were left up to the artist to choose. Payment also included cost to cover a package to be sent, however artist only used $15 of the provided $50. Agreed amount was decided and payment was sent on February 21st. Artist works two jobs and I was aware of that, and was understanding of that. Paypal payment shown below. I continued to ask about the commission (as well as the package) off and on during the following months, since the artist is bad at proactively keeping her clients up to date on what is going on. May 28th, 2019: Package was sent at a cost of $15.58. Less then half the $50 originally sent. May 30th, 2019: She had sent the package I asked her about it as well as the commission and she said she was going to use what was left from the package to send another one later on. She also stated that it would "take her a little longer to work on art", however she did not say if this meant she had started the commission or not. Simply that it takes her a little longer to work on art. No Work in Progresses or sketches had been sent to me at this point, nor had visual updates been provided from her. As she continued to say "I've been busy with work and haven't been able to work on it yet" until this point. Something I was not privy to prior to paying for the commission was that she has a health condition that becomes inflamed due to pushing herself too far in Art College. June 6th, 2019: Went to message her and ask how she was doing, and found out she had blocked and removed me on Telegram, Discord and had blocked my phone number on her phone. There was no indication of a problem from her and no issues with hearing back from her nor getting a hold of her until this point. Here is the Telegram Chat. She also cleared the entire Telegram chat history, thus preventing me from getting any documentation from program. I have no way of getting my money back as of now. Paypal was unable to help (due to the artist asking that I use personal payment to pay for the costs) and Paypal instructed me to go to my bank. My bank was also unable to assist me because they can no longer help their customers with a dispute after 60 days. I hope this Beware will help others avoid losing money to this artist like I did. Please do not support or buy from this artist, unless you wish to risk throwing your income down the drain. Don't make the same mistake I did.
  20. I attended Further Confusion back in January of this year, and with every year attended so far, I am always keen on getting commissions from artists within the Dealer's Den & AA's. BluHuny's work was shown to me by a mutual friend and I sought to commission them for a badge of my fursona. I didn't find them on their advertised day of the convention (Saturday, the 19th), and instead found them on Sunday, the 20th. I met BluHuny in person and discussed their terms and turnaround time for a Badge Commission, which was going to be around a month-- this is also mentioned within their TOS, which is not linked to a commissioner directly, nor were the terms presented to me by other means when discussing the commission at their table. I paid for my slot then and there, and was told I'd be contacted later that evening. I was not given a receipt for this transaction, for some reason? But my payment registered on my card's mobile app. This was the only contact I got from BluHuny directly after the convention, which gave my slot a number in their queue, but their public queue channel does not actually show how many people are waiting for a commission, and all the details on how many badges, non-badge commission etc are on deck in total. As of 3/14, this is the amount of people subscribed to the queue channel. I never got a response from BluHuny to my inquiry, and I just let it go. They said they had a backlog from MFF, and that was fine, I was made aware of that from the get-go, but he was adamant that the FC commissions would be started in January. This did not happen. Updates and some delays are noted in this update channel, but as far as I am aware, there's no direct contact with any of his commissioners, and finished commission previews are just posted in short bursts as they work. However, as they are still working through their MFF queue in February, they open up for more commissions. This is where I begin to get a little wary of their work ethic and the validity of their strict, personal deadlines for paid commissions; BluHuny still hasn't touched base with me at all. On the 18th of February, they are still getting through the MFF queue. In this time, they have mentioned attending other events such as Galactic Camp, GSFC and more recently, FurTheMore in Baltimore. This causes me to worry even more, as they stated to myself and other prospective clients in person that they do not take commissions outside of the convention circuit. I have my own personal issues that prevented me from putting the commission at the top of the list, but as we entered the month of March and BluHuny still made no effort to speak to me, and their preferred way of working with a queue wasn't sitting well with me, I was on the fence as to what to do with this slot I still held. Several non-convention commissions were put before the FurtherConfusion queue, and I finally decided to just outright cancel this commission. It is only when I want to cancel my commission, that BluHuny is keen on speaking to me, below is our correspondence via DMs in Telegram. [1] [2] - Note, I had to prod him multiple times to get to the refund, in spite of him saying he'd take care of it "soon". [3] - The screencap in this log corresponds to my proof of payment posted above in the opening of my post. [4] - I felt like they were blaming me for not 'getting in first'? But, they weren't officially tabling at FC at all. They were under someone else's table? Speaking to him one-on-one was harrowing for me, as with my previous beware experience, I want to be considerate to the artist I'm working with even if I'm canceling or the commission is otherwise void. His tone just came off very flippant to me, and while I made my problems with his process known, none of it was acknowledged by him. Not even when I brought up that he ignored me when he says that Telegram makes it easier to speak to his clients. It just comes off arrogant and leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. As of 3/14, I am still waiting for my refund to be processed. I was willing to consider commissioning him again when I initially requested my refund, but after dealing with him like this? I'm taking my business elsewhere and I wouldn't recommend working with him at all.
  21. Back in May 22nd of 2018, I commissioned an artist by the name of Fantasystaples for 2 $5 commissions. The commissions were of anthro pokemon that the artist originally did sketches for as a request, but were open to me commissioning and purchasing the design as my own. Since the artist wasn't very active due to wi-fi trouble and not checking on messages, I let the artist be as I waited for an update of sorts as the months went by. I did try to contact them every month or so, but deleted a few message as to not flood their discord with messages once they returned. ( Payment was sent as Friends & Family. I had no idea how paypal worked as I had turned 18 2 months before this. Now I know how important Goods and Services is ) On January 18th of this year I finally managed to get word from them. Because of how long the commission was taking, and how long they left me in the dark, they offered to compensate with an additional art piece as apology to which I was quite alright with. However, I wanted the focus to be strictly on the commission alone as to keep everything on track. I also simply wanted the designs as soon as possible now that my patience was running thin. Since it's been over a year after payment was sent, I decided to note them 16 days ago in the hopes of getting a response as it can be really concerning when there hasn't been much talking for a year old commission. Their activity on FA was going very steadily and it felt like it would be the better place to talk more on. I sent another note just this morning to be greeted with "You have been blocked" and no words as to why. Furthermore, I used my alternate account and twitter to try and contact them ( as well as expressing a refund if the art couldn't be done ) only to be blocked shortly after. TL;DR: I commissioned an artist by the name of Fantasystaples back in May 22nd of 2018 for 2 $5 commissions and have tried to be patient with them. Now all of sudden they want nothing to do with me and are trying to block me from contacting them.
  22. I have been a patron of SourShock's for nearly two years and have come to known them throughout my time as a patron to be very aggressive about taking large amounts of commissions with very little timely yield. In December, Sour was hosting a sort of fast sketch sale over Picarto, and I purchased a fetish piece for myself and a friend as a Christmas gift featuring our characters having sex in a locker room for $50.00. I had a falling out with that friend so the character ended up replaced, but I never even received a sketch for this piece as far as I can recall and stopped hearing from Sour for several months sometime at the end of last year. I finally got fed up enough to ask them about the commission. They had previously said in her Discord server not to ask about WIPs and so I was doing my best to obey that rule, but it occurred to me an update wouldn't come without me inquiring. When I inquired with Sour (and mind you, this inquiry also contained several subsequent inquiries about five other commissions, one of which was made in October of 2017 and had been followed-up with extensively by me up until the WIP enforcement) I received some very aggressive excuses about their ability to complete work in a timely fashion and how I would not be able to receive a refund because it had already been "started". I told them I really wanted the piece by May 15th or I would be posting a Beware and pursuing a Paypal refund. They said I would be able to receive it and the first piece in that timely interval (this inquiry was in March) but it would mean a significant reduction in quality. As you can see, I've waited to submit the Beware. And well, they made true on their word. I got both pieces on May 14th at around 6:00 PM, and the first was extremely disappointing. The second, my character's skin color wasn't even right and the lighting looked rushed. I am not satisfied with this work after spending so long pursuing it. I urge you not to do business with them. I regret giving them so much of my money already knowing I will probably never see those comms. The reduction in quality is evident. The piece looks rushed and mostly unfinished. Completed image: WIP image: Note the poor background Examples of other sketch commissions: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/26325014/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/25218125/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/24451194/ My character's swatches:
  23. This was a Character for Art trade: The Agreement was that they would get the character I was selling for 70$ in exchange for a art piece as they were a artist and short on change. I had posted a character for sell for 70$, it had a slew of art for it! Fen contacted me requesting that they didn't have 70$ but REALLY wanted the character and would be willing to deliver a flat color in exchange for it, they also said they can send me 20$ within a week on top of the flat com. After seeing no other offers, I decided to roll with Fen's offer, and took the flat color, we exchanged details, I sent her the file of the character, and I moved on and allowed her to start working, she claimed to have a WIP for me within a few days. After a week I had heard nothing so I reached out, and they delivered a sketch! I was happy with the sketch and moved on. I waited about 2 weeks after that and reached out again asking if there was any updates, they responded with essentially the same WIP as before, but with the head lined. That's okay! I'm just happy to get a response at this point, I can wait for the art! I waited for about 2 weeks again, and contacted them looking for a update, but alas no response. At this point it is important to mention I belong to their discord server, and while I sent my message I noticed that they were VERY active in their discord, so I was a bit confused. I shrugged it off and waited about a week, and then tried knocking again to see if I could get something, this time pointing out that I've seen them posting, but not sure if they just forgot to respond, we're all human after all. Still no response, and like last time, very active in their discord, actually even streaming free art streams! I wanted to make a comment to them in the discord to see if they would respond to me then, but I really didn't want to put them on the spot in front of their patrons like that. finally on Friday I contacted them pointing out that if they didn't want to do the commission anymore, we can work something out, and find a solution, but they needed to respond to me to do that. alas no response, with the same situation as before, very active in their discord. So I decided maybe discord was broken and contacted them on Twitter DM's nothing. At this point I got annoyed at them, and was beginning to become agitated, I sent my final signal out in hopes maybe that would get to them, but still nothing. [This is Fen accepting the offer via discord after I asked if it was still available. After this I sent files, and exchanged what I wanted in the art piece] [This was the last message I sent almost a month ago, asking for ANY sort of response, otherwise I would try finding a home for the character as they have not upheld their end of the deal] At this point I'm not sure what to do with the character given they bought art for it already, and I doubt anyone would want to buy it with this drama attached, but I just want to make sure no one else falls victim to this!
  24. In 2017 I ordered a small piece of fur fabric and a badge from Jheman on telegram. I paid around $35 for the items plus shipping. I have not received them 2 years later after giving more than enough chances for them to send me the items. The artist would consistently make up excuses for why they haven't sent the items and would assure me that they would, and time after time I was disappointed.
  25. I didn't really want to do this but since there doesn't seem to be any activity whatsoever from them I'm more putting this out here to see if anyone else is still waiting on a commission from them. 30th July I messaged the artist asking about a ref sheet for my character. Everything was pleasant and they were happy to do my commission. I sent the money on the 2nd August. On 25th August I had sent a note asking for any updates since I hadn't received any. Since it's FurAffinity you can see if they have read the note to which they had but never replied. On 6th September they post a journal on their situation. I though fair enough but still could have replied to my note. 10th October I send a note mentioning the journal and asking if everything was okay. Still no update prior to this and neither did they reply to the note. 28th October they finally send an update and show me a fullbody sketch for the ref. I reply saying everything looks perfect. 2nd January 2019 is when I decided to note them again. Not to my surprise is that the see it but don't reply April 11th is the last note I've sent out to them, mainly because they haven't actually seen it. Hopefully I've attached all the necessary proof. If anyone else is waiting on a commission from this person I'd like to know too and if you've dealt with it. This is my inbox and all the emails I've received from them. This is my outbox with all the emails sent to them. As you can see they've all been read besides the latest one.
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