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  • Beware: Vellacraptor

    • Who: Vellacraptor
      Where: http://vellacraptor.deviantart.com/
      When: 10/11/2011
      What: Commission

    • May. 19th, 2012 at 1:00 PM
    EDIT: As of this morning Vella has issued me a refund and what I feel to be a sincere apology. I'd like this to be marked resolved, and if she comes across the drawings in the recovery of her PC, I'm more than happy to pay for them then. :) EDITEDIT: Vella was able to find my two drawings and send them along my way. I returned her refund, as they look fantastic, and again, she was very pleasant. 

    I've been a bit iffy about posting this for several days now, but my jimmies are rustled, and not quite sure how to proceed. I feel bad about doing this, as I KNOW the artist has been going through rough times, so I apologize, I've just no idea whats going on with my commissions, and repeated attempts to find out have been ignored.

    WHO: VellaCRaptor

    WHERE: http://vellacraptor.deviantart.com/ and http://vellacraptor.livejournal.com/ are the accounts I was able to get in contact with her through.

    WHAT: Two small portrait commissions totally $4 I believe, offered via TeenyCom (http://teenycom.livejournal.com/1063202.html

    WHEN: Ongoing since early October of last year.

    PROOF: Initial transaction made in the comments of her TeenyCom post. I'd been having issues with PayPal, so asked for confirmation via notes to be sure she got my payment. When she did not respond, I asked again, and was finally sure it had cleared into her account.
    FTb1t.jpgEXPLAIN: When Vella offered small commissions to be done in between her larger ones, I fully expected a wait, and was completely okay with that. Her art is adorable, and I was so excited~ But as the months ticked by with no word at all, I decided to dredge up the post and see if anyone else had gotten their art. A few here and there had, but took me a bit to actually find out what the issue had been. 
    Okie Dokie, seems her computer crashed. Bad things like that happen, I wasn't at all upset, though I had wished she had told us that there would be some form of delay or issue. 

    Vella gets an Artists_Beware post sometime after this I believe, where she states that she rarely checks LiveJournal anymore. It was now early April, and I still haven't heard word, so I shoot her a note via FurAffinity, which goes unread:


    Normally I would have waited a bit longer before trying again, but hadn't heard from her in so long, I figured I'd go ahead and shoot her an email as well, my reasoning being that if she had stopped checking FA as well, I'd be silly for me to try that as my only means of communication. And again, my email goes unanswered:


    I sit around for a few weeks, before finally realizing she has a DeviantArt. I shoot her a note, and finally, a response! Just.. telling me that yes, she'll still do them. I'm missing a note where I get excited and thank her for her response, but after several days of nothing once again, I ask for a possible date she might be finished with them. And once more, this note goes unread. (please remember to read DA notes bottom to top!):


    Aaaaaaaand then nothing. I can see her popping on and off DA multiple times a day, so to be ignored feels pretty bad. Finally, I decide that $4 isn't worth this sort of aggravation, and ask for a refund. It gets read, but no response. I send another note, and I apologize to both AB and the artist if I got snippy, I've never been in a situation like this before, and was getting pretty fed up with the lack of communication.


    As soon as I send this one, I get a response, with nothing more than 'I thought you already got yours'. 
    Okay, maybe I was a dick and had. I go back and check all y accounts, and nope, no response from her in any of them. I tell her this, and as of today (May 19th), my note has still been unread.

    I'm at a loss. If my art has already been completed, then fantastic! Im okay with delays, Im just so frustrated with not having any idea whats going on. The only way I found out there was a problem at all was by drudging through her conversations with other commissioners in that TeenyCom post. I know shes been having issues IRL, but just a quick note to acknowledge that she at least remembers I'm on some list somewhere would have been fantastic. After seeing Vella's last A_B post, I had really hoped things would get better, it's been well past PayPal's refund date, so Im at a loss. Thanks all for your time and any suggestions!

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