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Alex Wright

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Everything posted by Alex Wright

  1. This is repeated twice, unless that was intentional? "C. If payments are still due on a commission, and there has been no contact with the client within 3 months, the commission will be considered terminated without refund." Would probably sound better. "D. Refunds will be returned in monthly payments, dependent on the amount of the refund, and is on a case-by-case basis." "E. We reserve the right to terminate an Artistic Liberty quote at any time. F. Clients are responsible for their end of the communication. Clients who repeatedly provide vague responses, response delays longer than a week, disrespectful behavior, multiple design and/or production changes without payment, and/or clients who request multiple price revisions or postponements may find their Artistic Liberty quotes terminated with or without notice." Splitting these into two separate categories seems like the better (and clearer) way to do it. This way you always have the right to terminate a quote at any time, with or without warning, and give people reasons or not. The 1.2 here should be 1.1. "A. Please note that the initial 30% of payments are non-refundable. If a refund is requested, payments made above that will be refunded. Fursuit work completed will remain as Alecrim Carmim property. Usually this means that we will make modifications to the original design and re-sell the project as a premade." "B. An order may be terminated at any time due to breach of terms by the client. An email will be sent to the client with the termination notice and reasons, and any quotes made to the client will be voided. The studio has no claims over client designs on Regular Commission projects." This really just repeats A and B, and can likely be removed. If this policy is the same for both types, may want to move it up under the general policy as point G. Same for this. And this repeats A and B again. "We reserve the right to terminate an Artistic Liberty quote due to non-payment. Unpaid designs will remain the property of Alecrim Carmim. Any attempts to use, share, distribute, or claim the design before payment will result in a client Beware." Another repeat. "If the client wishes to withdraw from the quote, the commission shall be considered canceled and/or terminated. Any designs produced will remain the property of Alecrim Carmim, and kept in our premade library or used for a future premade design." "A. We reserve the rights to blacklist clients that fail to adhere to these Terms of Service. Clients on the black list will be unable to receive quotes for evaluation or purchase premade designs that we may release in the future." I'm on mobile at the moment, but when I get home later this evening, I can help with anything else, or provide more suggestions.
  2. That all sounds like quite reasonable stipulations and a great way to go moving forward. I would also suggest making your watermark more pronounced. Someone can simply clip out that bottom red banner. It should be translucent and cover part of the artwork, making it harder to remove.
  3. Umm hi hello. Web Admin here. While I won't be touching on the validity of the complaints, however much I must agree that the disparity between subject and finish piece is quite large... Displaying private information, such as email, name, IP Address or other PII without the express consent of the third party is a violation of several laws. Most notable among these is the European GDPR regulations. While your site may not be located in the EU, so long as it remains accessible from and/or provides services to the EU, GDPR applies.
  4. Legally though, that's incorrect. Unless a contract was made and signed assigning all rights of that character (in other words, its likeness) to you at the time of purchase, then the artist who originally created the likeness remains the copyright holder, as per Boozy's thread. You can disagree with that all you like, but that doesn't change the legality of it.
  5. Unfortunately like I said above, I'm well past the date of being able to open a claim.
  6. Update. Was promised a refund (partial in June, partial in July). Have not received anything as of yet (June 26th). Emails below.
  7. In that case a full refund would be warranted unless the watermark was minimized, imo.
  8. Unfortunately I'm well past the PayPal refund request period for the invoice. Which is why this is all happening. The invoice was fully paid off in August 2018. So I don't see it helping much. I have had contact with Finley stating that a refund is forthcoming. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see if that's actually the case.
  9. I used email just to get ahold of him. And even then it seems to be touch and go. I'll be issuing an ultimatum likely before I bring it to court.
  10. I would say that this is absolutely beware-able. The fact that you completed your part of the trade, and have yet to receive reciprocation is enough for that, considering it's now been over 2 years.
  11. Yep! You can also click on the "Posted X minutes/hours/days" ago for the latest comment.
  12. Hiya! Because of the nature of the Where field, it won't convert links to URLs. We could change the field to be a full editor text box which would, but that wont be backwards compatible. As far as new comments are concerned, the link for unread content is a button to the left of the beware, like such: Clicking that red button should bring you to the first unread comment. I'll take a look at adding a link to the Comments text as well, but have no time frame for that.
  13. I met Finley at AnthroCon while they were running a booth in the Dealer's Den. There were suiters attending the con in suits that Finley had made, and the tails they had on display were of good quality. We talked for a while about pricing a fullsuit, how long delivery dates were, how deep the queue was. At that point, I decided to commission a Full Digitigrade suit from them for $1600. Communication was great until December, at which basically all communication ceased. The only reason that Finley responded here was because I had 2 emails: I am open to marking this Beware as "resolved" if and when the refund has been processed on PayPal. New information as of 7/1/2019. I was promised a refund (partial in June, the rest in July). Finley has not been in contact since those promises were made. I've attached the email conversation below, and you can see comments for more info. At this point I'm forced to raise this to Beware status from it's current Caution status.
  14. Not so much. It helps that a mod will be able to see hidden replies and if one of them violates the Code of Conduct, they can respond "Rules" and the AutoMod flags it now. Still takes some moderator time.
  15. Hi there! This has been added @MkW! It will appear as such: On records: On the Database page: And on the Home page: Hope this helps!
  16. I recommend @Bornes' really great guide:
  17. Another website I'm working on:

    https://furrylife.online uses the same backend, but a different front end. Check it out if you like.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alex Wright

      Alex Wright

      Thanks! Think of it kind of as an FA alternative but with fully integrated accounts. No need for a separate account to post on the forums or in commissions. It's still kinda in beta ?

    3. Kei


      Ohhkay, TY.

      I think that's a great idea to have a website where all of that is centralized.

    4. Alex Wright

      Alex Wright

      Yeah, that was my thought too.

  18. This is available in the category view on the database. This is an ongoing discussion. Some like it sorted by newest bewares, some like it sorted by recent comments. I'll go ahead and tag @Celestina for this.
  19. Notification options have been updated for followed content. Please take a moment to look over how often you are contacted, and for what content, by visiting your Notification Settings.
  20. I am the one who hides in the shadows, kind of like the Grimm, but I'm worse. I fix things. I fix all the things. You can contact me if: You run into an error code. These will usually display as their own page with error codes such as 1x/c35a. You run into permission errors, such as "I should be able to post in X area (forum, database) and can't." A theme breaks (which can happen with upgrades). A language bit is missing or incorrect (These will display as application_language_name). Most of the regular items you see on site (such as menu items, names of forums or directories, etc) are language items. If anything appears incorrect, please let me know. If you would like a translation, please also let me know, as the site (in theory) can be translated. Or any other problem related to the hosting or coding of the site. Cheers!
  21. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. I would probably continue with the Beware just so others don't get caught too, but that's just my personal opinion.
  22. There it is. Sorry, derped there for a second while I was responding at work.
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