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  1. Back in January 2022, I contacted scaretactik via email to inquire about a commission. I originally came across their art via twitter and at the time and still since then, their display name has always read as their commissions being open; they have taken more comms & emergency comms since. I did read in the artist's carrd beforehand that they can be slow with completing comms, but I admittedly still didn't expect to be waiting over a year later– this and the lack of communication and other surrounding details has me unsure of whether the art will be completed, hence why I am submitting this beware. Here's the initial email from January of 2022 and a receipt for the PayPal payment: Before sending the payment, I instead DM'd scaretactik on twitter since they stated it as being preferable, and that's where we would continue to communicate up until October of 2022: After January 2022, the next time I heard from scaretactik was when I reached out 6 months later in July to ask if an update was available. Scaretactik got back to me and brought up being agreeable to a deadline, so I asked if a month following this would be alright but that I would also just be happy to receive a WIP rather than the full finished piece. I did not receive an answer to my response/I did not hear back from scaretactik further at this time: The next time I spoke with scaretactik was when I reached out a second time in September of 2022, another 2 months later. I was told that I could expect to receive a WIP shortly and that they were appreciative of my patience; I did understand that they had some things going on so I was still content to wait at this point: However, I did not receive a WIP/any further messages from scaretactik at this time until I reached out again in October. These are the last DMs we exchanged before moving over to discord: Scaretactik soon after messaged me via discord with a WIP on the 18th. It was very barebones, but I was happy to finally receive something and stated being okay with the idea they were going for: The next time I heard from scaretactik was on November 4th then the 7th when I received another update, though the sketch/idea had been changed. I liked how it was looking so I didn't mind the alteration and also gave it my okay: After this, I received another update on November 10th, but the sketch for my piece had once again been changed. I didn't mind the revision so I gave it my okay as well: This is where the periods of silence started up again. I reached out a month later on December 11th to inquire about any possible updates and to ask if scaretactik had a trello or queue tracker. I did receive another picture of my piece, but there didn't seem to be any progress made and again, it had been revised without my knowledge. This time, I was unhappy with the direction of the unexpected revision, so I wasn't entirely sure how to respond & initially forgot to and didn't get back to scaretactik until the 14th when I voiced my concern: This is the last time (December 14th of 2022) I have heard from scaretactik. I've reached out again on February 19 of this year and more recently on March 15th, but neither of my messages have been replied to. I don't know at this point if I will receive my comm or if the quality will be what I paid for/if more unexpected changes will be made since it's now going on 5 more months of silence, so I'm submitting this beware: I don't mind waiting as long as needed but do feel forgotten about and am just disappointed with how communications & updates have been handled. I would be glad to still receive my comm but dislike pushing for updates and am already exhausted with this situation; I'm open to hearing from scaretactik and working something out, I harbor no ill will towards them.
  2. Full-body plantigrade fursuit commission commissioned on May 30th 2022 which until today (June 21st 2024) has not been delivered. First contact was on Reddit as a comment to my post where I was looking to gather information on how expensive a fursuit of my fursona would be, see reddit post below /u/Kiromu_uwu responded with prices: I've decided to contact them via DMs on reddit. Previous work was shown on Discord. (Note: Their TikTok account has been suspended for reasons unknown) We discussed further details, then agreed to sign a simple contract. It entails a 50% down payment. First payment occurred on May 30th 2022, second payment on October 4th 2022. Fursuit updates were regular, on average once every month, enough to keep me satisfied. Progress was well communicated through Discord, even setbacks. This was kept up until early 2024, where communication ceased, right after personal issues were mentioned and at the same time affirmed that they have recovered from said issues on April 7th. March 10th is the last time I got any proper fursuit progress updates. April 7th was the last time they sent any message. I kept requesting updates, having grown anxious from their mention of medical issues, attempting contact via E-Mail even. Unfortunately, I have not received any response for several months now, even though I saw their status on Discord being online playing video games. Unfortunately, due to PayPal not accepting disputes/ claims for transactions older than 180 days, and my bank not considering chargebacks for transactions older than 13 months, I am unable to recover my funds. I left a final message on Discord, no longer believing any resolution can be reached.
  3. In September of 2023 I contacted koenvgraphics with an inquiry to get a logo made. I was quoted $700 for the logo, including a few revisions. I indicated that I wanted to proceed with the commission, and was directed to pay via Wise. I made the payment, and had been told to expect three weeks for turnaround time. In November of 2023 I emailed koenvgraphics asking for an update on my commission. This email was ignored. Meanwhile, I would regularly see koenvgraphics posting pictures of other icons they had made. I then sent them a message via twitter, which was again ignored. Eventually, in February of 2024, I responded to one of their twitter posts with an inquiry about my commission. I was immediately contacted. Koenvgraphics stated they had been going through a really hard time (understandable) and said they would still do the logo if I wanted. I indicated that I still wanted the logo and they agreed to do it. A few days after they agreed to do the logo again, they messaged me stating they were sick and asking that I understand why they haven't made it yet. I tell them that it's ok, and go back to patiently waiting. At this point it is March and koenvgraphics continues to post and repost various icons to twitter, but I have heard nothing else from them. I feel like they have intentionally scammed me. I post again a few times (admittedly in anger, and probably not the best way to handle the situation) under their posts once more. This time, I'm asking for a refund. My posts go ignored. I then send a direct message via twitter asking for a refund, which is again, ignored. I do acknowledge that I probably should have sent them another private message first, before jumping to posting publicly. However, they did take my money and then not do the work, and they have been at least keeping up the appearance that they are continuing to work.
  4. Explanation: One (1) furry half badge commission for a total cost of $53.38 . Color and shaded. Location of transaction at "ACFI" Alamo City Furry Invasion 2023 in San Antonio, Texas. Payment processed through Square. Commission never received. Emails and text messages sent with no response from artist. Proof of purchase and correspondence included below.
  5. Contacted back in June after seeing them advertising in a discord server I'm in. After paying for the agreed-on commission and getting no updates for over a month, I messaged again for an update. They said they had some other commissions ahead of mine in their queue and said they don't check discord much, so gave me an Instagram and Twitter as other means of contact (could not find the twitter account when I looked for it). Two and a half months later with no communication I messaged again and got no answer. Another month and a half later I tried the Instagram, which matches the discord exactly, and was ignored. Yesterday I tried one last time on discord to ask why I was ignored on Instagram, no answer, but I did notice they had been online because their username has changed (from Catiko to evvisnothere) so they have definitely since logged in and would have seen my notification/message. As well, their Instagram profile has a link to a whatsapp channel where they post updates and work, which was updated as recently as today (at time of writing). Their Instagram profile has also been updated with a new profile picture since my message was sent, meaning they have logged in there and will have seen a notification that I messaged them there. I paid €30 for this commission and just got ghosted.
  6. All below messages are via twitter DMs. See attached screeshots. On Aug 11th 2022 I reached out to the artist who was then Marbleshark_AD on twitter, and now Pup_Jaxces after they did username change. After some discussion of content (skipped in the screenshots), we agreed to two NSFW sketches with alts totalling $140, paid on Aug 14th 2022 after some difficulty with initially paypal'ing the wrong address. I tip $15 at this step, for a total of $155. The agreement and payment is in the screenshots 4 months pass, w. no contact. December 10th 2022, I reached out again asking for an update since it had been awhile and I saw them posting about life struggles on twitter. No reply. 7 days pass w. no contact. December 16th, 2022, I reach out again asking for an update and giving reassurance in case they feared I was angry or annoyed. They reply saying theyve made progress on the comish, and ask for a better place to make contact citing a lack notifications from twitter DMs. I provide my Discord and telegram. They do not reply further. Jan 4th, 2023. I reach out to make contact, having not received any friend request on discord or message on telegram. Jan 24th, 2023, I reach out to make contact, having not received any friend request on discord or message on telegram. Feb 26th, 2023, I post a reply to an art piece on their telegram art gallery asking about my unfinished commission. They ask me there to message them on twitter, then delete the replies. I DM them on twitter asking them to contact me. I tell them I feel ghosted after 5 months, asking for the current state of the comish, and if none or minimal work has been completed I'd like a refund. They say they will need to look through their sketchbooks saying its 'most likely done'. This will be the last message I ever receive from them. July 31, 2023. I reach out to make contact after 5 months of wait, still having not received any further DM on twitter, nor friend request on discord or message on telegram. October 5, 2023. I reach out to make contact after seeing them post on twitter that theyre closing an account they host art on and that theyre discontinuing NSFW comishes, still having not received any further DM on twitter, nor friend request on discord or message on telegram. I ask again for a refund or for an update on their sketchbook search. After this I stop trying to contact them. However on Oct 25th 2023 I make my own artist beware style post on my twitter and @ their handle, which would generate a notification for them. On Nov 23 2023, I notice they've changed their handle to Pup_Jaxces. Having sought multiple times over a full year to resolve this either with delivery or refund, and sAs they have other posts here on ArtistBeware with the same behavior I can only presume this is not a mistake and they have no intent to deliver the commission.
  7. On the 3rd of July, MarbleShark_AD reached out to me, complimenting my OCs and offering me to commission them to help with their homeless situation. I was initially interested but I didn’t buy a commission until August 14th, where we did business then. We settled for $50 USD for (1) one shaded commission, which then we discussed about payment. They only accepted CashApp, which I had to make an account to even send the payment. I had an issue at first until I managed to get the QR code to work, and the payment was successful. Soon after, they offered another commission for $20 USD, and I accepted. After telling me happy birthday the day after, August 15th, I barely heard from them, until almost a whole month later, September 10th. In the early hours of the night, they messaged me stating they needed money to get an Uber after getting out of jail and into an unsafe area 12 miles away from their home, promising me they’d pay me back. They specifically asked for $35 USD, again through CashApp, and ultimately I obliged, feeling concerned for their current safety. I messaged them a few days after to get an update, but I didn’t get much of an answer, and they left me in the dark without a response until October 13th, where, again, they asked for more money. They wanted another $25 to get an Uber from the countryside to the hospital, again saying they would pay me back, but due to the tight budget I had this month, I couldn’t help them again. In addition, I also commented about the previous time they asked for money and how they’ve yet to pay me back like they said. Plus mentioning that I’ve yet to get any updates or word about the status of the commissions I paid for, stating that seeing an update would be greatly appreciated. In response, they simply said, “sorry for asking for help damn.” I waited a few more days and asked about the commissions, and soon sent a huge statement representing how I felt about the lack in communication and the negligence of any update to the commissions I paid for. I told them to not ignore my message, only to see that it was never seen, and yet when looking at their profile, they’re making general posts and offering much smaller priced headshot commissions. - provided is the screen cap for paying MarbleShark_AD, or on their CashApp, Tenae, a total of $105 USD; $70 USD total for the two commissions, plus the additional $35 for their Uber ride back home. - Additionally, I provide the chat log from Twitter/X involving me, and MarbleShark_AD.
  8. Caution: There will be some watersports art. And then gore and mentions of scat. I've censored some of the more sensitive artwork. It started out as what seemed like some normal commissions but as time goes by with subsequent commissions, the artist could not seem to deliver on the artwork and even after waiting so long, it's becoming increasingly frustrating. I am growing to have trust issues. Anyways, here goes nothing. Because it'll be long, I've split it into parts and placed under spoilers. Part 1: The beginning It started out as some innocent discussion and the artist showing me what can be done. I asked for some watersports artwork involving my sona which the artist only seems too happy to oblige. Part 2: The Botched Commission After the first commission is complete, I started discussing about a new snuff artwork that will feature one of my friends' characters. I discussed with my friend and he gave me the a-ok to have his character be the victim. Part 3: Radio Silence & Ghosting The second commission didn't quite go well. I thought I would ask for some scat relief artwork. And to top it all off? I checked the FA profile and there are still artwork being submitted from time to time, even as recent as a few days ago or even several hours ago as of the time of writing so I suspect the artist had been making excuses and ghosting me. The payments I made for separate commissions. The date of payment should match up with the date timestamp of Telegram messages where I notified of payment. Keep in mind that Boosty is used to pay. Commission #1: (Status: Complete, submitted to my gallery) Amount paid: $141.99 CAD | 6126 RUB Commission #2: (Status: Botched, artwork never revised to my request. Intended to be a sequence, only got one nearly-finished frame that needs colours and revisions.) Amount paid: $192.01 CAD | 8200 RUB (Intended: $145.18 / 6200 RUB) Commission #3: (Status: Never finished) Amount paid: $92.07 CAD | 5000 RUB (+$46.83 / 2000 RUB credit from overpaying commission #2) The Unfinished Execution Sequence Artwork (Content Warning: Gore/Decapitation + Green Blood) Just in case if you were wondering what was in animation.gif At this point, I begin to suspect this "artist" might be a scammer so if this person comes to you asking to commission, please know about my experience. Addendum: As per the request, I've attached the notes. Additional messages on Telegram:
  9. I originally commissioned Kilwin for a Kigurumi last year and they have since finished the commission but have ghosted me after talking about shipping, and haven't shipped it or given me a refund still they also deleted their Etsy post which is where i originally found them to commission them. Update from 3/23: Kilwin was contacted one last time.
  10. An artist who traced another artist's work, and when I asked for a redo, I was given low-effort art that does not match her portfolio. December 14th, 2022 I commissioned Arts Studio after she contacted me in my Discord DMs asking for emergency medical aid. I paid her $90 ($120 CAD) for a full-body drawing. I was already commissioning an artist to do my main fursona, but I still wanted to help. I didn't have another OC on hand, so I asked her to turn a spare Roblox shark avatar I had into a character. I knew sharks generally have the same body type, followed by simple tattoo patterns. So, the request was to draw a generic grey shark body that wore the accessories and clothing of the avatar, which included a black tank top, shorts, and a red bag. Because I thought she was in a tight situation, I wanted to be less of a burden and reframed from giving her too many specifics so she could focus on styles and poses she was familiar with. I learned shortly after that she was unfamiliar with shark furries, but she was willing to do it. I explained to her that they generally have the same body type, and I showed her a few examples from other artists so she could get some inspiration and an idea of what they are. January 16, 2023 She sent me the rough sketch and awaited approval. The PNG she sent was intentionally small, blurry, and watermarked, so I couldn't recognize anything wrong with it. I approved it. She then guilt-tripped me into paying another $41.46 ($58 CAD) for a background, as I thought she needed the financial help. January 20, 2023 Arts Studio sent me a larger PNG, and I realized it was a traced copy of art by @notglacier (from Twitter). The art by @notglacier was one of the many examples I showed her, but I never told her to make a copy of it. It was to show her what shark bodies looked like in the fandom. I had already told her before that I just wanted the body type. At that time, I was still new to commissioning artists, and I assumed they had a code of conduct against copying. So, I didn't think I needed to tell her anything explicitly. I thought she knew selling copied art was shameful, and the final copy would be completely different. For now, I only gave her subtle hints: But then she ghosts me from that day until Feb 23rd. February 22, 2023 - February 27, 2023 I tracked down her email and contacted her on Feb 22nd. She responded on the 23rd and agreed to finish it. On Feb 27th, she sent me the "completed" version, but it was the same one from Jan 20th, just bigger and without the watermark. You can see the traced resemblance to @notglacier's but mirrored. It had been clear she had not been working on it since she sent me the approval sketch. overlay March 1, 2023 I emailed her. I told her (very explicitly this time) that the point of those references told was to give her an idea of what shark body types look like and that I wanted her to implement it with my avatar. I asked if she could make a redo with a different pose and style so it isn't a copy. I didn't provide any further instructions after that because, again, I wanted her to have artistic freedom, and it had already been three months. The pose or style didn't matter as long as it wasn't copied. She agreed to make a redo. March 29, 2023 Art Studio submits the redo. She created a random character with none of the attributes I explained from the start. I told her I thought she would draw the same Roblox character, just with a different pose and style. I had never asked for those clothes, glasses or four arms. The quality was also bad, so I showed her an image of her previous work and asked why this one was so low. She acted clueless and ignored my questions. I expressed my frustration, telling her that I gave her $130 (CAD $178) for something I did not want and was not worth the quality. I ask the same question again because she ignored it the first time. She ignored this one as well. This was the expected quality March 31, 2023 - April 3, 2023 I start a new email thread. She abruptly sent me an unwatermarked version of the redo, but I told her I wanted to talk. Here, I'm desperately trying to get an answer as to why the quality is so poor, but she keeps ignoring the question. Here, she is being oblivious and asks me to repeat what I asked in the previous email because she had apparently forgotten. I do just that, and she tells me she "forgot" (again) and never gave me an answer to my question. She thanks me and leaves. But I wasn't done. I stopped holding back my feelings and lay out all the reasons why I was frustrated. She said she started a new job and won't do another redo unless I pay her. Then, I asked for a refund because the redo took no effort and was in no way worth $130. I only asked for 50% to be generous, but she declines. At this point, I knew I've been scammed, but I still wanted to know the questions I asked earlier, along with why she couldn't give me a refund. Again, she ignores. The takeaway is that she traced another artist's work and submitted art that didn't match her portfolio. It gives me reason to believe that the art she posts on Twitter doesn't belong to her.
  11. I initially approached SheeplyGoatus for a commission in February 2022 for a fetish-focused headshot of my character. They agreed to draw the idea, and payment was sent in full upfront. Payment was confirmed received by the artist on February 5th, 2022. After about a month of no contact, I reached back out in March 2022 to the artist, and received a WIP of my commission and answered a few questions they had to move forward. After four months of no further contact from the artist, I sent a message in July 2022 asking for an update, which was read but never replied to. Their FurAffinity account has shown no activity since August 24th, 2022. I sent another message to the artist on FurAffinity on March 31st, 2023, which has also remained unread. I managed to find their Twitter account through a link in their Patreon, which is posted to their FurAffinity page. I attempted to direct message the artist on Twitter on April 4th, 2023, and have received no response from the artist. Their Twitter account is still active, and has remained active since I have sent them the direct message. Having waited over a year with no response from the artist, I have mostly written this commission off as a loss, as the time to file a dispute on PayPal has long passed.
  12. Hello, first of all, I want to say this is not a beware of not getting the art. I did infact get what I wanted, this is more for the passive aggressive edits and changes to the final uploaded picture after it had already been approved. Original Agreement: I contacted Xlyuz on Discord for a picture of my bee boy laying in bed in a sexual pose, as shown below, and supplied the reference (notice the lack of stinger) Proof of Payment: After everything was squared away and payment was sent and received, I was told there were others ahead of me, and the wait began. Xlyuz sent me this WIP, with a stinger. I didn't mention no stinger, but figured it wasn't in the ref, so it wouldn't be added. I asked for the correction, and he proceeded to tell me that in his opinion, my bee would look better with a stinger, but agreed to remove it. I also added another ref of my bee from behind. Honestly, I should have taken this as a red flag that he wasn't going to follow the ref. He shot me another WIP with the stinger removed, and with the color and shading and background added, to which I approved of, and gave my socials for when he uploads. Soon after, the finished product was sent to me, which I downloaded and attached here. So after this, I thought everything was done, and was prepared for when it uploaded, only for him to re add the stinger, change the dialogue, change eye color and remove the cum, all in what I can only view as passive agressive edits for me not agreeing to the added stinger, to the point that it is no longer my character, but is labeled as my commission. I have reached out, only to go ignored. I thought that maybe he may have uploaded the wrong one, but then he would have had to have went with that first WIP and took it to completion alongside the corrected one. At this point, I just want him to post the right one; the one accurate to my character.
  13. I have to warn about Aspenbear on Furaffinity. I ordered a Commission at him at May 29th via telegram. at like middle of june he announced refund people since his queue was too long. After a while i was wondering about the state of my commission if i get a commission or a refund. After i asked him the Question at the 15th of june he opened the commissions again on the 16th. After he said he is gonna refund. So i waited for his answer. He reopened Commissions again Still no answer or scetch around this point. I sent him a Note via Furaffinity which was read but not answered. At the 3. July i started the resolution via paypal. he had enough time to react and answer me. At the same day as i started the case, he answered me the question from the 15th of June. at the 7th of July i escalated the case to paypal since he didn't answer on Telegram or via paypal So i sent him a message on paypal again. At the 11th july he made a journal aboout to update his Trello and about a few YCHs he is gonna finish. Still no scetch up to this point. At the 13th of July i got an answer on telegram to my paypal-resolution.. Since i was not the only one which didn't get any Commission done i decided to Force-payback through Paypal. i got a last Message at the 17th. Seven days later he reopened his Scetches again. His last Commission he submitted was a an old YCH. Evidence for payment and payback: On his trello i have still an entry for the refund. I got my 60$ back with the forced paypal-resolution.
  14. September 11, 2022 I reached out to the artist inquiring about a commission to be done by the end of September (biceptember theme). We eventually agreed to a 2 character, shaded, full body commission for $105. September 12-14 At the time, I was working nights so spent most of the daytime sleeping but noticed that the artist started to become pushy for the details. I ended up getting the details to them on the morning of Sep 14 after work. I noticed the price was increased to $120 but let it go thinking maybe the descriptions made it more intricate. I sent in the payment at this time and they confirmed receipt. At this point I let the artist be to focus on their work. September 30, 2022 I reached out to the artist to inquire about the status of the commission as September was almost over. I got no reply until October 18 and was taken aback that they apparently didn't realize I had a commission with them. I corrected them that I had already paid, and noted this as a major red flag, especially the note about needing money. December 18, 2022 I reached out again, growing frustrated that this artist was making no effort to update me on status. I received additional excuses. While I am lenient on extenuating circumstances, the artist never took the initiative to notify me. It was always me reaching out because of long periods of silence. January 26, 2023 The straw that broke the camel's back was when I saw the artist open slots for YCH, which they apparently filled out. I immediately messaged them, wondering what was going on with my commission. At this point I was alerted to this artist being a scammer from mutuals and fellow commissioners and I immediately requested a refund. February 4, 2023 Receiving no reply, I issued my ultimatum. Unfortunately, at this point I realized I sent the money on PayPal using thr "friends and family" feature on accident, rendering unable to charge back. It is now March 12 and I have gotten zero replies back. The artist posts occasionally on their Twitter, completely ignoring my DMs. I may have to chalk this up to a loss of the almost $130 total. Again, I am very lenient when it comes to extenuating circumstances but I expect the artist to keep me updated. This is a business transaction, and one that has already been paid. I have had other artists in similar situations and they kept me up to date and even issued full refunds when they couldn't finish the piece. In this case I have not received even a WIP, and only excuses. I urge any potential commissioners to avoid this artist.
  15. I commissioned Hollewdz back in April of 2022 for a size art that amounted to $160. After this I followed my usual rule of 1 month between check ins just to give leeway to the artist. Everything was fine for about a month or so until in June, when I stopped receiving responses. I blocked out one word as, even though she was open about it, it is a personal issue of hers I don't feel right saying myself. As for the supposed methods of attaining a refund, I later realized that I had misunderstood Paypal's policy and that I was well passed a grace period. Throughout this I did attempt to communicate by other means, messaging her on Patreon and via email. She does not have her email posted, but it was the email through which she sent out the invoice. This has been a disappointing experience. I hope that it can still be resolved someday, but I wanted to make others aware of this sort of possibility when commissioning this artist. My friend made me aware of this site as a polite means of doing so.
  16. Chronology below. Time stamped in Discord and Deviantart Chat is GMT+7. - The artist contacted me through Deviantart Chat on 24/01/22, offering commission service. We agreed to continue the conversation through Discord DM. - The artist and I discussed the details of the commission through Discord DM on 25/01/22. I agreed to commission a Low-grade Pin Up commission and paid for the commission through Patreon on 25/01/22. Artist confirmed that payment had been accepted on 25/01/22. - I contacted the artist on 01/03/22 to ask for update on the commission. The artist replied on 02/03/22, citing delay due to bereavement. - I contacted the artist on 08/05/22 to ask for update on the commission. The artist replied on the same day, citing delay due to real-life issues. - I contacted the artist on 12/07/22 to ask for update on the commission. The artist replied on 16/07/22, claiming that they had a WIP of the commission ready. I requested the WIP as proof of progress, but WIP was not provided. - I contacted the artist on 25/08/22 to ask for update on the commission. The artist replied on the same day, citing delay due to health issues. - I contacted the artist on 24/10/22 to ask for update on the commission and possibility of refund due to lack of communication initiated by the artist. The artist replied on the same day with a long, unclear response. I reiterated my firm request for updates and consistent communication from their end in regards for any delays. - The artist provided the WIP of the character I commissioned on 26/10/22 and I confirmed on the same day that the WIP had been accepted and I was satisfied with the progress. - I contacted the artist on 12/11/22, 17/12/22, 27/12/22, 04/01/23, and 22/01/23. As of 10/02/23, the artist has yet to respond since their last correspondence on 26/10/22.
  17. I first commissioned Nonsiito May 5th, 2022. He did my first 5 emotes, and finished them on May 19th. On June 5th, he dmed me unprompted, trying to get more commissions, to which I declined, but I know he dmed other people in that time as well, as I discovered later on. This made me almost not commission him again, but I had a good experience, right? I commissioned Non for a second set of 5 emotes on July 14th. This time his wait time was 1-2 months. That was fine, at least he was being honest. He quoted $70, but I paid $100 to be nice, as he was using comms to pay for college. I didn't hear anything from him again until August 23rd, when I dmed him asking about the emotes. He claimed he was starting work, and that was that. From then I waited until September 6th, and messaged him again. Nothing. I dmed him on twitter on the 8th, he responded that he "hasn't checked discord in awhile." Ok whatever. He said he was struggling on his twitter so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and gave him an extra month. That was my mistake. October 3rd, this is when issues begin. I message him, he reads the messages, doesn't respond. Instead, puts a due date on my work for the 31st, and leaves me on read. I call him out and he responds saying he forgot to reply. On the 14th, he then proceeds to advertise a wiggle chibi profile picture, to which I decline again, as I'm still waiting for my emotes. November 4th, I dm him asking him about progress, as the work is long past the 1-2 month wait, plus past the due date of October 31st. He replies on the 6th with some rough sketches, to which I ask him to fix, he does once, then I ask him to fix another thing, and then get no response. He hasn't responded to me since the 6th now. On the 14th I notice he's active, I message him on twitter and instagram, no response, still on sent. He's been active on instagram as well. On the 20th he marks my emotes as finished. I still have not received them. At this point he's ghosted me for 2 weeks. I proceed to email him, and dm him on twitter, instagram, and discord periodically, trying to get a response, or at least a read. Nothing. No response since the 6th of November. Now I'm here. December 5th. I've heard nothing back from him since. I wanted to make people aware of his poor behavior, and his ghosting. That is all.
  18. The original agreement was a commission for $35 involving two characters. This was for an emergency commission post they had made in August. I sent the payment to them through CashApp, that was their preference and they asked for payment in advance. Everything was confirmed and they had let me know that they would give me updates as the week goes by. This has not happened at all. I have not heard anything about my commission so I sent them a message on January 1, 2023. Throughout the entire month of January, I have not heard back even after bumping the message multiple times. Eventually, I request for a refund which has not happened and at this point, I don't think it will happen considering the lack of communication that has happened with my messages. They are active on Twitter and have been posting art and tweets throughout the month so it appears that they are ignoring these messages. Currently my refund request is pending on CashApp and there is not much I can do but hope that they refund me. Below is proof of payment and the refund request that ended up expiring eventually. Fortunately, I was able to recover the lost funds through my bank.
  19. In April of 2022 I commissioned artist Kittygrave on Twitter for a simple flatcolored bust sketch of my OC to help support them when they said they needed money. I paid the money and waited about a month, what I figured was more than enough time to get the commissions done since it was nothing seriously huge, they responded saying they would have it done at some point in June. I let some time go by, and nothing ever came of it. So I reached back out in November for any updates or a refund if they were too busy or no longer wanted to do it, again another promise to have it done, but this time within a week! At this point I'm a bit too antsy and 10 days had gone by, so I requested a refund and they promised it by the end of the week. At this point I become a bit more firm on my requests and set them to this strict time frame since they had promised it yet again. They responded and said they'd have it within 24 hrs, as of January 4th I have yet to receive any kind of refund or a response even though I had asked for updates. During this now 9 month wait, and past my given deadline, they had done personal art, opened commissions (They deleted the comm advertising post, but evidence of it will be posted), and adoptable batches. They HAD a trello but had taken it down to update it and I have been unable to find it since. I don't even know if I was ever put on it to begin with as it was inaccessible to me before my commission. Normally things like this I would even be fine with, but they just did little communication and never updated me if they needed to extend a deadline, which I would have been totally cool with! Down below are proofs of their activity post deadline: 1/25 MOD NOTICE: The artist has since made amends with OP and provided a refund, and the matter is now considered resolved.
  20. I contacted Lady Bullfinch on December 11, 2021. I had found her on twitter and commissioned her for a pixel pagedoll. I was added to her queue (_qphelia, due feb. 12) and thought nothing of it. She specifically informed me that turnaround would be about two months - absolutely no problem. Payment is sent. I told her okay, informed her that I found her through the pagedoll tag on twitter, and we agreed on the commission. February 17 comes, I shoot her a dm asking about it, no pressure, she says she hurt her hand over the new year. I say no worries, take your time, no rush. She also offers a discount on future commissions. March, May, and June come, and I dm her to check in on things. It is one month later, in july, that she gets back to me. She says she has health issues, I ask if she can do the commission or if she wants to just refund me. She says no, she can't refund me, since paypal is broken in her country. We go ahead with the commission as planned. Between then and now, nearly six months later, there's been nothing. No contact, no updates, nothing. She liked some posts on twitter in october, but did not respond to my message. A PSA was crossposted to toyhouse but neither I, nor the people in the comments of said PSA, have received any update.
  21. What: 370$ worth of commissions. (A six Telegram sticker pack, and a two-character, three paneled comic. Harassment and threats of taking back a custom character I had already paid for and had several pieces pending because I "broke species rules." Now (2022), she has repossessed the character after it has already been sold to someone else. Initial Backstory: I joined Adiago's Discord server sometime late December 2018 after my (now) ex and I had secured a spot on her waiting list for a "coupled" pair of Abyss drakes (her closed species), a white female and a black/grey male to be our fursonas. (Named Eclipse and Orion) 01/14/2019 - 01/24/2019 Adiago gave me her Google Doc's form to fill out and I gave the other one to my ex to fill out for his. She approved our forms and I paid for two "mack daddy" tiered references (200$ each), then a few days later I asked if I could pay extra to get the next tier of references (called "Ultra) for both references as I wanted everything to be perfect and to her standard. I also wanted couples icons which was something we had discussed in her server that was tacked on to the additional amount. Due to conflicting differences between myself, my ex and Adiago a 1-2 month turn around became six months and Eclipse was officially finished in June. Proof of transactions: Google document explaining species guidelines: Eclipse's original upload: 08/01/2019 Adiago had told me needed funds really badly to fly out her boyfriend at the time, so I asked how much the ticket was and off so offered to buy a commission from her so she could buy him a ticket. I asked her for a comic like the one she did for one of ours friends and she agreed. The sketch she gave me from the above screenshot: Over voice she told me she still didn't have enough so I commissioned her for a set of six Telegram stickers and sent payment (see the screen-cap above for payment, cap below for sticker prompts) 08/20/2019 Adiago decided she was going to do my stickers (we were in a voice call), she asked me to remind her of what they were of. (Since she couldn't remember where the details were posted as we talked over several different platforms.) I pinned the message of the sticker details in Discord and she started to get upset that she was reminded that the stickers were of Orion (Her and my ex had had a falling out during this time, and he had left the server) and started shutting down on me and making it very obvious she wanted me to offer to have them changed, she accused my ex (the owner of Orion) and I of trying to copy another pre-existing drake out of anger, and eventually quit responding to me. 09/02/2019 We later had a discussion about changing the character for the stickers, and she agreed to accept Eclipse for the stickers but things were uneasy between us after that. 09/14/2019 - 09/162019 Around this time, the mutual friend of Adiago and I had grown close, and I was hanging out less in Adiago’s servers since I was growing increasingly uncomfortable with her opinions on certain subjects. Adiago did not like this and started dangling my artwork over my head if I didn't come and join in calls, and eventually flat out said she wouldn't do my artwork. Being fed up with Adiago's behavior, I sent her a goodbye message and left her servers. She blocked me and I found out that Adiago had no plans to honor my commissions due to my leaving; overwhelmed I opened a dispute on Paypal. She immediately went off in her server and was telling people she'd destroy me if the charge backs went through and wrote a journal about it on Furaffinity, accusing me of falsely charging her back and saying that she would write a Beware on me. Adiago ended up unblocking my ex who handled things for me as I was too upset. She told him that if the claims were not closed, she had a senior account and would have my account frozen for fraud. My ex was concerned for my mental health and logged onto my Paypal account and closed the claims and took Adi on her word that she would do the artwork. Third-party contact. I'm sorry about the fuzzy dates of the last two screenshots, as I did not take these screenshots and have no way of retrieving them with the exact date. I also do not have the notes between my ex-partner and her as he closed the conversations and didn't know how to reopen them at the time, and currently we're not in contact anymore. My ex had asked me if I wanted to change what one of the stickers were supposed to be since one was supposed to be of Eclipse with the friend I had a falling out with so I told him what I wanted it changed to. (The error image was a screen cap of what I had listed for the stickers originally.) 09/21/2019 I have not had any contact with her directly since we mutually blocked each other. My ex did for a day or two and she later blocked him. Only "updating" us through her Trello where she had made an entirely new section called "low priority" and said she would be decreasing the quality of the artwork as a "hassle fee" Low priority screenshot: Comic Trello card: Stickers Trello card: 09/28/2019 She wrote a journal stating that there was now an update in her TOS to where there where even stricter rules on her species. She also had marked Orion, Eclipse and my warhound as non-canon due to "colours not being right." among other things. I went through a lot of fighting for her to be made and still be considered canon (as originally I wanted the art of my character in her world alongside her sona's ship crew.) so this was very hurtful to me. Journal: Old reference of Adiago’s TOS from time of initial purchase: When I had filled out my form for Eclipse the only two links to any form of TOS was a link to the species Google form listed under the transaction screenshot and this tiny little checkbox of rules at the bottom. She had no other TOS listed on her pages. 11/07/2019 I commissioned a new reference sheet of Eclipse with how I originally envisioned her. I changed her to have paler colouration, additional scars, and made her hair no longer wavy. Adiago, within a few hours of the reference being upload, noted my ex to tell him that she would be repossessing my character since I broke her "species TOS" (which never said I couldn't change my character), and stated she'd "refund what was owed minus labour fees" which completely astounded me. Note: She also wrote a journal saying that she is perfectly okay with doing changes if people just come and talk to her but from how aggressive she has been in the past and how she treated me during the development of my drake, I know this is false. Journal: My ex and I weren't sure what to do but at the time I knew I wanted to stand my ground as my drake alone had over 1k spent on her at the time. I didn't think she was going to refund me because I knew she didn't have the money to do so and I loved my character at the time so I was not willing to give her up. Adiago ended up getting banned from Furaffinity for her threats, harassment and openly trying to sell a drake she stole from her ex so I had hoped that was the end of it. 01/30/2020 Adiago was streaming and she was erasing the identifying features of Eclipse and Orion off the sketch of the comic she owed me. She admitted she wasn't going to do my artwork and instead was going to reuse the pose for her own characters and has since used one of the base drawings from the panels in one of her comics. Admitting in stream as well as name calling: 01/31/2020 She had taken the icons I bought from her back in January of 2019 when commissioning Orion and Eclipse, and she went over them as her own characters. Boasting about how they were "much improved." The icons were not on a base and were meant to be original. Sometime in late August and then on the 28th 2020. I had been dealing with her harassment for years at this point and after an incident that I handled (extremely) poorly resulted in me getting a beware on myself over Eclipse (Which I still feel extremely bad about despite the beware having been solved and I'd apologized so many times to the artist.) I had enough and decided to make a new character and sell Eclipse. I had listed a journal publicly and had someone message me on Furaffinity and we took it over to notes. They knew of the drama behind the character and wanted to buy her privately despite knowing this. Eclipse was worth over 2k at this point and the person was aware I was having her reference sheet made by the artist listed above into a new character and we settled on a sum of 800$ for both canon and the "non-canon" version of Eclipse. Discord message: Their screenshot of them sending me payment: and I had a journal that was pinned to my profile that was a list of where certain characters where re-homed to that mentioned Eclipse had been sold privately. It's been two years and I still haven't received a single cent of what I was owed nor the artwork. She completely removed my comic from her Trello and I have not seen any progress on the stickers either. She has continued harassing me online for years, which can be seen on any of the accounts I listed above, even after I sold my abyss drake. I however, decided to finally post this Beware because recently she has stolen Eclipse back on Deviant art. She has posted that she "repossessed her" back in 2019 (which is a lie) because I had "wrongfully charged back several artist" and that if I'm seen using her anywhere, that I stole her and had no rights to her. Her post: As shown above she has no rights to do as she never gave me a cent back towards Eclipse, and even if she did, she was sold off to another user. I don't expect to see hide nor hair of any of my money but I couldn't let her get away with stealing a character "from me" when it was publicly declared I no longer had her.
  22. I'm choosing to submit a beware on this artist in case they pop up again, I don't know if it's because of everything going on with Russia that they've disappeared, but I feel I've given them more than enough time to make things right. On 16th August 2021 I saw their YCH of some cake ponies that I found super adorable so I decided to buy two slots that were sold together, I was told the files had gone missing so the YCH would take a little more time, which I'm fine with. I generally don't mind waiting for art. I paid for the YCH + tip and waited. Below is the YCH post, the comment chain and payment. I didn't really contact the artist after this, figuring they needed a while. Eventually it slipped my mind with everything going on in the world, and I'll admit I could have pestered the artist for updates but as I mentioned, I don't mind waiting for art. I've learned from this though and try to keep up to date with artists nowadays. On May 5th 2022 I get a message on DeviantART from the artist, apologizing for being gone and promising to finish the art + extras. I replied with my refs as requested and waited. In June I followed up and again in July without any further reply from the artist. I gave the ultimatum in September that I'd be posting a beware, and I feel like I've given them enough time now to get back to me. I don't think I'll ever get a refund or the art at this point, the last finished YCH is from Oct 2021.
  23. This started on discord where I ask if I can get a 2 piece commission from 1 of there post in a artist community discord. (their original post on discord has been deleted) * I post my 2 Character REFs in-between theses * Paypal transactions: Screencap taken on 7/28/2022 of my commission on their Trello: -Kev0855: Paid / Sketch in progress I ask for there Trello to keep up to date with there progress without bugging them too much. (I tend to bug people/Artist with questions a lot) We talk about some IRL things between these 2 caps of our DMS* This was my 1 and only draft of the commission that I've got so far and this is about 3-4 months into this commission 4/28/21-7/28/21 I'm very patient with people and I knew they had commissions ahead of me from there Trello but I don't hear from them till 7/28/22 ( 1 year later ) during this year gap, I went through IRL issues so I wasn't always online. So I didn't reach out during this time till I got settled down and was able to check-in on things. Never got any updates or messages from them either during this gap year. At this point I started to ask around to friends and other artist in the community about this delay and lack of communication from this artist without saying who they were just incase they were going Real IRL Issues. Most people said I should say something to the discord Higher-ups(Admins/Mods) about this ongoing issues. On 7/28/22 I try to press on what's happening and why it was taking so long. I try to give them a out by offering to just drop the whole 2 piece commission and just doing a refund so that its 1 less commission to have to deal with. I figured that they might have taken on more commissions then what they could handle at this point and I was trying to lessen there load. They reverse the choice back to me and letting me know of a IRL issues. I figured that with the IRL issues and that it didn't seem to be that much of issue doing my 2 piece commission that i would ask how long would they think they need to finish. They said that they hope to have ALL the YCHs done in 2 weeks time starting from that next Sunday (7/31/22) 2 weeks later being Sunday (8/14/22). This is being the 1st IRL issues delay. I wait 2 weeks and poke them again to see what's happening. On 8/14/22, They let me know that they plan on finishing all their YCHs by the end of August and that my commission was next in queue. They offer a apologue on the delay and a choice between a refund or again offering a extra small piece added to the commission. I didn't want to put more work on there plate and I just wanted to have the art finished and 1 more thing of there plate. This is being the 2nd IRL issues delay. For a month I gave a little *poke* here and there to see how things are going and to see if they have any updates on what's happening since there Trello hasn't been update since July 8th 2022. On 9/4/22 they update me after me asking that 1st piece needs the shading done and starting colors on the 2nd piece. They reminded me that I got 2 commissions, At the time I was taken back by that statement but I ignore it cause I just wanted by 2 Piece commission that I've been waiting for over a year now done. On 9/26/22 they let me know about another IRL Issue that delayed them from reaching out to me about what's happening and from any progress on any commissions. They claim to have called out of work to go home and finish my Commission that night. They Again Apologies for the delay/issues. My DM on 10/22/22 was made to let them know that I knew that they went to TwitchCon cause they had it as their Discord Status before and during TwitchCon. This last cap is the last of the DMs at this time 12/19/22 8am. There are 4 months worth of DMs in 1 screencap and more IRL issues.
  24. This is my first time using a site like this, I have done my best to censor out any sensitive topics or personal information I couldn't find publicly available (i.e. PayPal email, personal email, etc.) On June 10th, 2021, I commissioned Gideon for $200 for a pic of my character I had adopted from him a few months earlier. (This adopt cost $800, which was delivered to me successfully.) After having sent the payment over, I would attempt to contact him over the next few days with no answer. I would eventually hear from him the next month on July 13th. After some casual chatting that day, I would give him some more time to work without asking about it, messaging him the next month. (Note: This screenshot was taken later, the original had failed to save.) Some chatting in-between, I would ask him again about the commission. After this, it would be a span of almost an entire year before I would hear from him again. In-between my messages to him on Discord, I would attempt to contact him on FA again. This would go unread. (Note: I was not able to get the date to show up while using the Snip tool. This note was sent on November 12th, 2021.) On June 4th, 2022, I would voice my frustrations with the lack of communication between us. From here my interactions with Gideon would become much less polite. While I admit it might've been rude of me to respond to him in such a way, I had commissioned him for $200 right after auto-buying his adopt for $800, and had had mostly radio silence since then. (Note: Gideon cited medical and personal issues for the reason the commission was further delayed. While he has brought up the medical issues in some of his Patreon posts, I have censored them here just in case.) From here, I accepted his apology and continued to wait. At this time, I also asked him about another piece on his FA that looked similar to my adopt. (Note: I asked about multiple pieces: This one, and a second which he later explained was a different adopt.) I would not hear back from him for more than 3 months, with my patience once again waning. On September 30th, 2022, I would offer him an ultimatum stating my intentions if he didn't respond back. Seeing as trying to contact him via Discord seemed unreliable, I would write out my message and send it to his other accounts to make sure he saw it. (Note: The Snip tool wouldn't pick up the timestamp for the FA note, so I had to take a picture of it with my phone.) Gideon would respond shortly after on Discord, as well as addressing my question about the other piece I had asked about 3 months prior. He would confirm that the piece would be included with the adoption of the character. After some more discussion about another piece I asked him about (which he explained was a different adopt entirely), I asked when the WIP for my commission and the high-res for the additional piece would be ready. About a week later, neither of these would be delivered. A few days later, seeing as the commission had not yet even been started, I decided to change my idea for it. Another month would go by without any answer from Gideon. On November 16th, 2022, I would offer my ultimatum once again. Gideon would answer almost 2 weeks later, setting a deadline for himself for December 17th to get something to me. Finally, on December 16th, the day before this deadline, he would message me stating he wouldn't be able to meet it, citing a personal issue. The commission would be further delayed to the end of the month. After this, I'd decide enough was enough and make this post. So yeah, that's where I am currently. $200 in the hole, 2 pieces owed to me, over a year of shaky communication and radio silence, and absolutely nothing to show for it. Like I mentioned in a previous screencap, I would request a refund, but it's far too late for PayPal to get involved and I honestly don't trust Gideon to deliver even on that. I should note that with my constant asking about my commission, I wasn't ever expecting it to be done quickly. I just wanted some confirmation that it was being worked on or that it was on the to-do list, but he couldn't even give me that response. After this long span of constant ghosting I decided that this should be known. Thank you.
  25. Original agreement - They deleted their account so you can only see my replies, but it was for a NSFW colored sketch for $70 EVERYTHING/ANYTHING NSFW is censored! (This all happened in 2021) Me asking them how much a colored sketch would be & adding a sketch to explain what I wanted. Agreement was $70 & my messages confirm payment was sent. They sent a few sketches super fast & I ask to add one to the commission. Conversation ended Feb 11th. I message them again March 15th . March 24th they told me they had covid so i tell them to recover, as it hadn't been that long anyways. April 21st I message them again, no response. April 28th I tell them i would rather they just send me the sketches they have & take the loss. Still no response. Paypal statement showing $70USD was sent to chernobee Feb 10th, 2021 After them not replying to me on Twitter on May 1st 2021 I messaged them on Toyhouse, where they did respond so the conversation moved here. (This all happened in 2021) May 1st I message them telling them I would appreciate a reply within a week & state that I feel an A_B post would be necessary for the lack of communication. They reply 12th May they were super nice & understanding of my frustration w/ the lack of communication. They ask to speak on Discord but also offer to send the sketches. May 19th I apologize to them as I felt I just hadn't given them enough time & was being too aggressive. Give them my Discord. June 24th I send them a message asking for their Discord since they hadn't tried to contact me on there. June 26th they send me their Discord. 9th Aug I give them a completion date of Aug 20th or to refund me. 10th Aug they tell me their discord & the conversation moves there. They then message me Nov 23rd asking for options to get in contact as I hadn't replied on discord.) So I feel like I have to explain why I apologized in this message & it's bc I usually expect anything w/out a set date to take about 3-5months w/ an update every month or so. Idk , at the time it felt like I just hadn't given them enough time. Last message was because I hadn't replied on Discord (life got busy). Also thought they would be able to finish the art since they had the necessary info/refs. their discord info. #6688 I message them Aug 11th asking how they would like to move forward w/ the commission. They did not reply so Aug 31st I ask for a refund. They reply the same day saying they would be happy to refund me, & that once I opened the dispute they would approve it. But also offer the completion of art & say that that's what they would prefer. Say they can complete it in 2-4days. There is also a side convo about the frustrations of having to be the one to find/contact them & they express that they've had other commissioners complain too & that examples images they sent were for other commissioners that were "understanding/patient." I reply Sep 8th bc I wanted to update my characters reference sheet. Oct 28th I ask for an update. Oct 30th they send me images that show work has/is being done. (life got busy, this is when they sent me the message on Toyhouse) Nov 25th I reply saying I love the update. They reply saying they send me a message on Toyhouse. Say they'll finish ASAP. Nov 28th I thank them for the update. Dec 17th I ask if they can add some character markings. They reply the same day saying yes. They also ask me how I've been doing personally. Dec 21st I share that my life has been busy bc of work. Everything past this point happens in 2022. March 25th I ask for an update, no response. May 29th I ask for an update, even a personal one. No response. June 17th I ask if a partial refund would work as & could just color/finish the update they sent before. No response. I know there are points in this commission where I try to resolve it w/ accepting the money loss, or them offering a refund (but me still having to dispute it to get it?), but they offered to finish the art & hinted that it was the option that worked better for them & I still wanted the art & wanted to do what worked better for them too! Comment on their Toyhouse on Jun 8th, Message them on deviantart jun 17th. Message & comment on their new furaffinity page Jul 2nd/3rd. [Mod Note: Message has been seen and not replied to as of July 10th.] And as of July 3rd, they have made a new Discord (#9660) that they did not make me aware of. I have sent a friend request & am waiting.
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