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  • Beware | MarbleShark / Pup_Jaxces

    • Who: Pup_Jaxces, MarbleShark, MarbleMephit, Cassettecoyote
      Where: https://twitter.com/Pup_Jaxces
      When: 08/11/2022
      What: Commission

    All below messages are via twitter DMs. See attached screeshots.

    On Aug 11th 2022 I reached out to the artist who was then Marbleshark_AD on twitter, and now Pup_Jaxces after they did username change.  After some discussion of content (skipped in the screenshots), we agreed to two NSFW sketches with alts totalling $140, paid on Aug 14th 2022 after some difficulty with initially paypal'ing the wrong address. I tip $15 at this step, for a total of $155. The agreement and payment is in the screenshots







    4 months pass, w. no contact.  December 10th 2022, I reached out again asking for an update since it had been awhile and I saw them posting about life struggles on twitter. No reply.

    7 days pass w. no contact.  December 16th, 2022, I reach out again asking for an update and giving reassurance in case they feared I was angry or annoyed.  They reply saying theyve made progress on the comish, and ask for a better place to make contact citing a lack notifications from twitter DMs. I provide my Discord and telegram. They do not reply further.


    Jan 4th, 2023. I reach out to make contact, having not received any friend request on discord or message on telegram.

    Jan 24th, 2023, I reach out to make contact, having not received any friend request on discord or message on telegram.



    Feb 26th, 2023, I post a reply to an art piece on their telegram art gallery asking about my unfinished commission. They ask me there to message them on twitter, then delete the replies. I DM them on twitter asking them to contact me.  I tell them I feel ghosted after 5 months, asking for the current state of the comish, and if none or minimal work has been completed I'd like a refund.  They say they will need to look through their sketchbooks saying its 'most likely done'.  This will be the last message I ever receive from them.


    July 31, 2023. I reach out to make contact after 5 months of wait, still having not received any further DM on twitter, nor friend request on discord or message on telegram.

    October 5, 2023. I reach out to make contact after seeing them post on twitter that theyre closing an account they host art on and that theyre discontinuing NSFW comishes, still having not received any further DM on twitter, nor friend request on discord or message on telegram. I ask again for a refund or for an update on their sketchbook search.


    After this I stop trying to contact them.  However on Oct 25th 2023 I make my own artist beware style post on my twitter and @ their handle, which would generate a notification for them.  On Nov 23 2023, I notice they've changed their handle to Pup_Jaxces.
    Having sought multiple times over a full year to resolve this either with delivery or refund, and sAs they have other posts here on ArtistBeware with the same behavior I can only presume this is not a mistake and they have no intent to deliver the commission.



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