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About Me

  1. TL;DR Summary: In July 2022 I commissioned OmaOti/Kaylachi/Oma-Chi for $75. As of September 25th 2023, I still have not heard from her, despite reaching out to her, nor have I received any evidence of my commission being worked on. Screenshots are after the full summary. Full Situation: In July 2022 I requested to take an open commission slot for her to draw my OC Andrea, via Twitter DMs. She accepted, and I sent her $75 via Paypal, which is what she was using at the time for payment. Sometime in August she deleted her Twitter. I remember her posting saying it was temporary and for her health, so I was not worried. In late November, after the initial 1-4 month period had passed, I sent her an email (via Paypal’s ‘contact the merchant’ option), checking in on my commission. I received no response. By December, I was a bit more concerned, and filed a dispute with Paypal in order to send her a message there. I asked for an update by Christmas and said if I didn’t hear from her by then, or if she’d changed her mind, I’d be fine with a refund, and then I waited. The deadline for the Paypal dispute was nearing, and, because it was the holidays and her Twitter post had said she was ill, and I was naively trusting that I wouldn’t be scammed, I canceled the dispute. (That is entirely on me and a mistake I will not be making again.) I searched for her on Twitter and Deviantart constantly, waiting for her to be active again. Eventually that slowed down a bit. In July 2023, I checked her Deviantart (link warning: NSFW content) again, and saw that she’d posted mid-May. I left a comment on that post, wishing her well and asking for an update. A few days later, I sent her a Discord message, again wishing her well, and asking for an update or a refund if she was unable to complete the commission. A few days after that, I sent another message, realizing that since she deleted her Twitter she no longer had the link to the OC I wanted drawn, so I included that, as well as saying again I’d be fine with a refund instead if she needed, and asked her to at least get back to me. After a couple weeks of waiting, I sent her another message, as I’d seen other comments on her DA and on Twitter about being ghosted by her. I explained that I understood that stuff happens, but I would really like a response and/or a refund, and that if I continued to not receive a response, I would have to make a post about the situation. I gave her some more time, as I really wanted to avoid this scenario. A few days after that DM, I made a comment on her DA profile letting her know about the DMs in case she just hadn’t seen them pending on Discord. Another few days after that DA comment, I sent her yet another Discord message saying I’d be fine with a refund at this point. The next day, I told her I would be filing a bank chargeback and posting a beware if I didn’t hear back from her within 36 hours. I also tried one last attempt at contacting her: I sent her $1 on her Ko-Fi with a message to contact me. Which brings us to now. It’s been about a month since that last DM and Ko-Fi message. I did file the chargeback, which I lost, as the transaction was ‘technically’ authorized (which I half-expected, as I’ve worked in the disputes field.) I’m making this beware to hopefully prevent anyone else from losing their money to her.
  2. Outline: original point of contact. commission information given here. payment confirmation on my end. confirmation on his end stating they got the money. first update about 6 months later, just wanting to see if there's any progress, there was not. next message was actually him contacting me for once, asking for clarification, didn't hear anything after this, this was the last thing i ever got from them. me sending them a note, asking for progress with the option of refund if no progress has been made, i got no reply. just once again asking them for a refund, made sure they were aware how much it was and gave my paypal address as well, which is blurred. and me trying to contact their twitter about a week ago now, still no update, no contact, nothing. my fa outbox. he's read all of my messages
  3. Caution: There will be some watersports art. And then gore and mentions of scat. I've censored some of the more sensitive artwork. It started out as what seemed like some normal commissions but as time goes by with subsequent commissions, the artist could not seem to deliver on the artwork and even after waiting so long, it's becoming increasingly frustrating. I am growing to have trust issues. Anyways, here goes nothing. Because it'll be long, I've split it into parts and placed under spoilers. Part 1: The beginning It started out as some innocent discussion and the artist showing me what can be done. I asked for some watersports artwork involving my sona which the artist only seems too happy to oblige. Part 2: The Botched Commission After the first commission is complete, I started discussing about a new snuff artwork that will feature one of my friends' characters. I discussed with my friend and he gave me the a-ok to have his character be the victim. Part 3: Radio Silence & Ghosting The second commission didn't quite go well. I thought I would ask for some scat relief artwork. And to top it all off? I checked the FA profile and there are still artwork being submitted from time to time, even as recent as a few days ago or even several hours ago as of the time of writing so I suspect the artist had been making excuses and ghosting me. The payments I made for separate commissions. The date of payment should match up with the date timestamp of Telegram messages where I notified of payment. Keep in mind that Boosty is used to pay. Commission #1: (Status: Complete, submitted to my gallery) Amount paid: $141.99 CAD | 6126 RUB Commission #2: (Status: Botched, artwork never revised to my request. Intended to be a sequence, only got one nearly-finished frame that needs colours and revisions.) Amount paid: $192.01 CAD | 8200 RUB (Intended: $145.18 / 6200 RUB) Commission #3: (Status: Never finished) Amount paid: $92.07 CAD | 5000 RUB (+$46.83 / 2000 RUB credit from overpaying commission #2) The Unfinished Execution Sequence Artwork (Content Warning: Gore/Decapitation + Green Blood) Just in case if you were wondering what was in animation.gif At this point, I begin to suspect this "artist" might be a scammer so if this person comes to you asking to commission, please know about my experience. Addendum: As per the request, I've attached the notes. Additional messages on Telegram:
  4. On Feb 26th, 2019 I submitted an application to OFA (Onefurall) for a full suit of my character. I got a response a few days later (Feb 28th, 2019) stating the ETA (24+ months or 2 years) and approval for the slot. I paid the deposit and was placed in the queue As time went on, I reached out about changing my character, questions about the queue, and making more payments towards the suit. I gave another payment of $500 in this timeframe as well. After some scattered back and forth over the months, I started getting curious about the inability to get a solid answer about the queue or the fact that there is no public queue in the first place. Email response from OFA was starting to take much more time as well. The response I was given did not address the queue length or an updated timeframe for my project. There was still time before my position in the queue. However, my concern and curiosity were sparked even harder by finding old beware posts on this maker. At this time, the correspondence manager on telegram was stepping down and being replaced by a new one. I was also given a new second ETA (Dec 2022) since my first one was past due. I reached out to the new manager, Cowenn, and communication continued in telegram. In April, my friend (Who had also commissioned OFA) transferred full ownership of her slot to me. I had high hopes for OFA and took ownership of the slot and her part of the payment ($1702.50). After a few months of slow response from OFA, my friend's slot was rolled onto mine for one character. The official email I made for this change. The rollover of the slot was confirmed by Onefurall ($1702.50 added to my $2225) from my friend giving her partially paid slot to me. At this point in time, the total spent for the project is $3,927.50 and the first ETA for the suit (March of 2021) had been passed by 19 months. The second ETA for Dec 2022 was coming up soon. The communication was lacking at best and I was not being given updated information about the project or where it sat. After attempting to reach out in December I am finally able to get a response. I submitted my measurements and waited, thinking that my project must be ready to start by now. Months pass with no response, so I have to reach out via email to the studio to get contact. (Some information is covered to protect sensitive personal information) Communication stops again. The response does not have a timeframe or any solid assurance that the suit is ready to start. At this point I am disappointed and my trust in the company has dropped to near zero. The bewares I had read in the past all reflected the same behavior from this company and I no longer wish to do business with OFA. I contacted them for a full refund for the two slots that I have full ownership over. I have sent two more emails (see below) stating my intentions and I had hoped to quietly part ways with them. To the day of writing this beware (6/15/2023) OFA has not been in contact about the refund, and I feel like making this beware is well warranted. I will keep this updated as time goes on. I would like OFA to make this right by giving me a full refund ($3927.50, the total of both slots rolled into one that I have ownership of) or the full refund minus the cost of the furs purchased for the project plus shipping and sending the purchased furs to me.
  5. They commissioned me a piece with 2 characters, NSFW edit plus quite a complex BG. I’ve lost original description at this point, but they were completely fine with my initial sketch as you can see here. Price wasn’t an issue either. Instead all I got is 3 payments, ~50 usd each. Then they proceeded to tell me that they had “issues with payment”, which I suspect to be completely made up as no other customer since then had them. Also they were able to pay it partially, so they obviously had no problems. My bad for being naive and working without properly committing to the part where I have to get full prepayment after the sketch, but that’s just how I used to roll with it. And then I decided to reach out to Boosty staff. They said I had absolutely no issues on my side and… When I said I’m putting it on a hold till they fix it, they just blocked me. Everywhere. Without ANY explanation. They also don’t answer my Emails So far I’m simply blocked by them on all platforms. And I’ve seen their character being drawn by other artists so… They just took advantage of me and left. Small notes: I slightly cropped out DMs due to them being just filled with Troubleshooting Boosty, I can send full convo, but it’s just bloated with useless for the case information. Also, I got to the colouring stage when they blocked me, I sincerely want to attach the file, but site freaks out. It’s kinda irrelevant anyways. Also, I accept payments via Boosty and have a no-refund policy not because I want to, but due to me being simply having literally no other choice. I always make sure Customers are getting what they deserve, don’t wait for years and are fully informed about all these factors.
  6. I sent off a request for a YCH April 3rd. On the same day MarbleSoda replied and accepted it. They did caution me there was a queue, but I was fine with this. The very next day they sent me the invoice. I paid and they confirmed receipt. Two months later, at the end of May, I inquired for an update. I received no response. Another month later, at the end of July, I again inquired for an update. This time I also emailed them using the same email I sent my reference to. I received no response. Furaffinity shows an unopened letter picture for notes that have not yet been read by the recipient. IE a read receipt. Here there is no unopened letter picture. This indicates the artist is reading my notes, but not responding. The artist is clearly still accepting YCHs and commissions given their recent post on FA. It has been 4 months since I've heard anything from the artist and I doubt I'm going to get my commission. Now I want to warn others that they should not commission this artist.
  7. I originally commissioned Kilwin for a Kigurumi last year and they have since finished the commission but have ghosted me after talking about shipping, and haven't shipped it or given me a refund still they also deleted their Etsy post which is where i originally found them to commission them. Update from 3/23: Kilwin was contacted one last time.
  8. An artist who traced another artist's work, and when I asked for a redo, I was given low-effort art that does not match her portfolio. December 14th, 2022 I commissioned Arts Studio after she contacted me in my Discord DMs asking for emergency medical aid. I paid her $90 ($120 CAD) for a full-body drawing. I was already commissioning an artist to do my main fursona, but I still wanted to help. I didn't have another OC on hand, so I asked her to turn a spare Roblox shark avatar I had into a character. I knew sharks generally have the same body type, followed by simple tattoo patterns. So, the request was to draw a generic grey shark body that wore the accessories and clothing of the avatar, which included a black tank top, shorts, and a red bag. Because I thought she was in a tight situation, I wanted to be less of a burden and reframed from giving her too many specifics so she could focus on styles and poses she was familiar with. I learned shortly after that she was unfamiliar with shark furries, but she was willing to do it. I explained to her that they generally have the same body type, and I showed her a few examples from other artists so she could get some inspiration and an idea of what they are. January 16, 2023 She sent me the rough sketch and awaited approval. The PNG she sent was intentionally small, blurry, and watermarked, so I couldn't recognize anything wrong with it. I approved it. She then guilt-tripped me into paying another $41.46 ($58 CAD) for a background, as I thought she needed the financial help. January 20, 2023 Arts Studio sent me a larger PNG, and I realized it was a traced copy of art by @notglacier (from Twitter). The art by @notglacier was one of the many examples I showed her, but I never told her to make a copy of it. It was to show her what shark bodies looked like in the fandom. I had already told her before that I just wanted the body type. At that time, I was still new to commissioning artists, and I assumed they had a code of conduct against copying. So, I didn't think I needed to tell her anything explicitly. I thought she knew selling copied art was shameful, and the final copy would be completely different. For now, I only gave her subtle hints: But then she ghosts me from that day until Feb 23rd. February 22, 2023 - February 27, 2023 I tracked down her email and contacted her on Feb 22nd. She responded on the 23rd and agreed to finish it. On Feb 27th, she sent me the "completed" version, but it was the same one from Jan 20th, just bigger and without the watermark. You can see the traced resemblance to @notglacier's but mirrored. It had been clear she had not been working on it since she sent me the approval sketch. overlay March 1, 2023 I emailed her. I told her (very explicitly this time) that the point of those references told was to give her an idea of what shark body types look like and that I wanted her to implement it with my avatar. I asked if she could make a redo with a different pose and style so it isn't a copy. I didn't provide any further instructions after that because, again, I wanted her to have artistic freedom, and it had already been three months. The pose or style didn't matter as long as it wasn't copied. She agreed to make a redo. March 29, 2023 Art Studio submits the redo. She created a random character with none of the attributes I explained from the start. I told her I thought she would draw the same Roblox character, just with a different pose and style. I had never asked for those clothes, glasses or four arms. The quality was also bad, so I showed her an image of her previous work and asked why this one was so low. She acted clueless and ignored my questions. I expressed my frustration, telling her that I gave her $130 (CAD $178) for something I did not want and was not worth the quality. I ask the same question again because she ignored it the first time. She ignored this one as well. This was the expected quality March 31, 2023 - April 3, 2023 I start a new email thread. She abruptly sent me an unwatermarked version of the redo, but I told her I wanted to talk. Here, I'm desperately trying to get an answer as to why the quality is so poor, but she keeps ignoring the question. Here, she is being oblivious and asks me to repeat what I asked in the previous email because she had apparently forgotten. I do just that, and she tells me she "forgot" (again) and never gave me an answer to my question. She thanks me and leaves. But I wasn't done. I stopped holding back my feelings and lay out all the reasons why I was frustrated. She said she started a new job and won't do another redo unless I pay her. Then, I asked for a refund because the redo took no effort and was in no way worth $130. I only asked for 50% to be generous, but she declines. At this point, I knew I've been scammed, but I still wanted to know the questions I asked earlier, along with why she couldn't give me a refund. Again, she ignores. The takeaway is that she traced another artist's work and submitted art that didn't match her portfolio. It gives me reason to believe that the art she posts on Twitter doesn't belong to her.
  9. I originally reached out to Kilwinz through Telegram in July 2022, for a quote on a custom Kigumari commission, that they were advertising for on a Telegram group chat. I gave them my fursona's ref sheet, and they responded with a quote of $370, including $20 for a floor dragger tail, which I agreed to. I saved up for this commission during the next few months, and then in early October 2022, I reached out again, ready to start the process. I had enough saved up to pay in full, which I did. I asked for a deadline- December 10th, which is my birthday- and since they had stated prior that their queue was one and a half months-two months long, I figured it would be a tight squeeze. However, they agreed to fit me in, and that they would "try my best" to get it done on time. At first, the correspondence, which occurred solely through Telegram, was clear and steady. They asked me for measurements and they shopped for fabrics, asking me for my preferences in color matching- which was very appreciated- and started patterning. Around mid-November, almost all correspondence had to be initiated by me. I sold them a pin of my fursona- the character they were making a kigu of- and they finished patterning for the floor dragger tail. It was becoming clear that the original deadline was not going to be met. On December 9th, 2022, I received a set of photos from Kilwinz of them modeling the kigu for me. They stated that it needed to be washed, the tail would be stitched onto the back, and it would be shipped out the next day- the deadline. Even if I didn't receive it for my birthday, it would be something I could wear for Christmas. I was planning on wearing it to Motor City Fur Con in March 2023. All communication with Kilwinz ceased after December 9th. The kigu was never sent out, they never replied to me on Telegram. I tried messaging them on Telegram, Twitter, Tiktok, and Discord (the discord message has been wiped) throughout the past 6 months, to be met with silence. It is now past the window for PayPal to issue a refund for this commission. As of June 7, 2023, I have not received my completed commission, a refund, or any response from Kilwinz. I sent out an email on June 7, voicing my frustrations towards this experience and the lack of communication. I will let the mods know if this issue has any updates or is resolved. Twitter: TikTok: Email:
  10. I initially approached SheeplyGoatus for a commission in February 2022 for a fetish-focused headshot of my character. They agreed to draw the idea, and payment was sent in full upfront. Payment was confirmed received by the artist on February 5th, 2022. After about a month of no contact, I reached back out in March 2022 to the artist, and received a WIP of my commission and answered a few questions they had to move forward. After four months of no further contact from the artist, I sent a message in July 2022 asking for an update, which was read but never replied to. Their FurAffinity account has shown no activity since August 24th, 2022. I sent another message to the artist on FurAffinity on March 31st, 2023, which has also remained unread. I managed to find their Twitter account through a link in their Patreon, which is posted to their FurAffinity page. I attempted to direct message the artist on Twitter on April 4th, 2023, and have received no response from the artist. Their Twitter account is still active, and has remained active since I have sent them the direct message. Having waited over a year with no response from the artist, I have mostly written this commission off as a loss, as the time to file a dispute on PayPal has long passed.
  11. Originally inquired about a commission for dakimakura designs, agreed to the price and splitting it into 2 orders and 2 payments. She never showed me any Terms of Service, I have tried to locate them on her dropbox or FA page but have found nothing. All conversation was in polish, the screenshots contain my translations and the original messages, the dates are in MM/DD/YYYY. The first order was put in on 10th of December 2020, the second was on 2nd January 2021, she did not contact me even once between putting in the first order and the second order. She did not contact me even once between the first and the second order. (admin note, this was the ref the OP supplied the artist with, the reference has since changed but it needs to be added to the post.) After putting in the second order she did not contact me with any updates FOR ALMOST A YEAR, her trello had barely any progress happen on it, she did not make any announcements about any delaying events affecting the commissions. After a brief talk about personal life in December (a year after the order) there was a 4 day silence, she said she will start my order before the year was over however that did not happen. After another week of silence I sent my new ref sheet to her and received the first WiP. After asking for a small change on the sketch she starts arguing to not do it and ignores my input on it. After pointing out a few areas that I wanted a few more spots on (cheetahs have spots) she gave a sarcastic rude response. After another few months of no progress updates I ask for one and get none. After another 5 months I receive a another WiP with minimal progress. It has been 3 months and I have received no further communication or updates, the second order has not even been started by her. She is active and draws but never any commissions from her trello. At this point I have given up on these orders, I know she will never finish them, I have accepted this financial loss. It has been almost 2 years so PayPal wont help me about this.
  12. On the 29th of May, I Bought 3 Acrylic charms from Vani's Square site. It does not utilise PayPal. Then nothing happened for several months. I DMed Vani on Twitter for a status update, 26th July; and my second attempt was answered: 4th September. I haven't heard from them since. They have a public Trello that is used for Commission work, and a public Twitter: while they have not posted recently, they have Liked other users' posts. It is now the 28th of October, and given the artist's record, I don't imagine I will receive anything.
  13. - 5/25/2022 : Commissioned Mila_horny on furaffinity for a $50 NSFW Blitz Commission (The original sale post and comment have since been flagged and deleted by FA Admins) - 6/30/2022 : Contacted Mila to inform I was changing accounts, she responded with she had lost the ref and wanted me to send her it again - 7/21/2022 : Contacted for update and was promised it would be sent by email - 10/8/2022 : Contacted Mila to ask for an update/wip and give her an email that would be better for contact, was told she was having vision problems and couldn't do any art for a few months but she would email the final product asap -12/22/2022 : Mila sent a furaffinity message asking for better contact (telegram, discord, Twitter, etc). I gave her both my discord and Twitter but never received any friend request/message as well as 2 working emails - 3/11/2023 : My husband saw Mila posting on furaffinty about having an empty que and taking more commissions, he ended up contacting her to ask about my commission while I was in hospital. She responded by asking for a Telegram or Twitter for further contacting. Sent her the twitter contact for a 3rd time and was told "she would tweet and sent the ready commission on there" -Proceeded to reply to Mila's message on furaffinty few days later to make sure she had gotten the right Twitter since I still hadn't received a request/message and I could not message her on twitter (it was saying that messaged could not be sent) but saw she had tweeted about moving a few days prior to my attempt at contact. She read the furaffinty message but never responded. Have since sent her another message on 5/1/2023 to tell her that I was shutting down my old furraffinty account and to contact me on my newer one or any of the contacts that I included (since she was the only artist from my old account that hadn't responded and I didn't want to keep switching back and forth between accounts) Have yet to hear from her since March of this year, she has even gone silent on both her accounts. Have never once received a wip or any proof that she didn't just take my money and run. I wanted to give her the benefit of doubt since I know overseas was having a hard time, but as soon as I mentioned the commission she would ghost without response for a few months and then come back saying she had lost the ref (but would respond to messages if I was just checking to make sure she was ok since where she was located and would tweet about the going-ons where she lived). I have tried multiple times to contact her and given her multiple ways to contact me (discord, 3 emails, my new furraffinty as well as my husband's, my telegram and twitter) with no response on any of them.
  14. Hello. Sorry for the mistakes, I'm using a translator. The commissioner, whom I will call Chi here (according to his furaffinity profile), has not fully paid for my services as an artist. In early March 2022, Chi wanted to order a commission, but then changed his mind and bought two YCHs at auction (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/46350007/ and https://www.furaffinity.net/view/46350081/). Chi had bought YCHs before and paid for them through PayPal and had no problems. I live in Russia, so since March I started accepting payment through Boosty. We started chatting with Chi on March 15, 2022 via Notes Furaffinity. Total value for YCHs: 240$. Chi had difficulty paying, so we often contacted Boosty support and rescheduled the payment day. I made the mistake of starting to draw before payment, thinking everything would be fine and the payment issue would be resolved quickly. The first YCH was published and given to Chi on March 19, 2022 (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/46414100/), and the second YCH on March 30, 2022 (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/46554556/). We were in touch all the time. By then the payment had not been completed. Chi was also in the process of getting a new payment card (or something like that), but in the end that didn't help to make the payment on Boosty either. On June 21, 2022, after a month of silence, I wrote again. It was decided to switch to Telegram for faster messaging. However, we don't added to each other's contacts at time - it seems Chi was very busy in real life, and I didn't want to bother him too often, thinking it was in Chi's interest to pay for my work. On August 8, 2022, I wrote to him at Furaffinity, asking him to answer me within a week or I would have to write a beware post about him. He replied the same day, we exchanged contacts and started chatting in Telegram. Tried some ways, we picked up a donation service. Chi managed to send me $5. I said there would be no problem with big payments. He later sent me another $20. I also asked him not to send me too small amounts because of the high service tax. In general, we have chatted rarely since that time because of the difficulties in Chi's life. I could wait weeks for an answer. On November 21, 2022, I received another $20 from Chi with Boosty. Afterwards, Chi promised to add a tip for the inconvenience. It wasn't necessary, though... On November 30, 2022, Chi sent me $100. I wrote to Chi on March 16, 2023, since I had not received any messages from him before that. I read the empty promises of payment again. I also notified about me on April 1 and 20, but these messages were not read. It must be said that Chi posts new artworks almost daily to his galleries or writes journals on Furaffinity. Also found commissions from other artists for Chi (including Russian speakers on Boosty). So far, $145 of the $240 for the two YCHs has been paid. I'm not sure I'll see the remaining amount at all, so I'm writing this post in order to speak out about this kind of experience with this commissioner. I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties in his life, but I also feel cheated. I drew YCHs for Chi before payment, thinking it would make happy. My mistake was trusting and being too soft as an artist. Be careful and value your time.
  15. I requested a two character commission from the artist Dragk. I commissioned them before so I assumed things would be okay until I lost communication. I have NOT received any WIPs in the two years. I've also tempted to contact on Twitter but have received no reply. Outline: - Original agreement was two character commission + background for $180 + paypal's transfer fees. - Proof of payment: Paypal of $188.60 - Any relevant correspondence: Lack of replies, wips and communication. April 23rd was the last message I sent.
  16. I've met through this client through discord server as I've noticed that he was looking for animators and decided to work with him. Everything was going great as the client was providing me with references and etc. The commission was a walking bouncy boob cycle and the second option was my choice which was the shaking butt animation... What I didn't know and it was something that he told me last minute after putting all of details and working on the second animation was that he wanted it as a sequence all together which I've declined because that was over the budget limit that we agreed on. Until the client kept demanding for me to work on their project which I've declined till they paid me amount I've asked (which is half upfront and the other for when the project was completed) for which eventually the client did cover the first half of the payment. During the process the client demanding as they kept asking for constant changes to the project which wasn't the part that made this person a bad client in my view. But the client requesting changes to where there's no end result. Also, I've placed an hold on the client's project in order to work on a different project for a bit before going back to this one since I've had another commission to work on at the time before resuming the animation project. During the process he kept asking for animators including from me which I've gave him the name of another artist who was my business and romantic partner so that the client could chat with him. Everything was fine until I've noticed that the client was using my partner to replace me for a project the person already paid for and I was already in the process of working on (without consulting with me first). Then things went downhill when the project was completed and all of a sudden the client couldn't afford it, so I had to cancel the project. Before the fall out, this person was using their personal issues to gain sympathy from others. This client is still seeking artists to commission while advertising their condition and not having the funding to pay artists! Beginning of commission: Changes: Asking to work on comm 3 days later: Looking for other animators: Request for donations in DMs: Unable to send final payment. Proof of first payment:
  17. I commissioned ObscuraSpark on October 13, 2020 for a NSFW nude color sketch of 2 characters, I paid the same day. On December 11, 2020, ObscuraSpark said they would start working on my commission The commission slipped my mind due to my own personal things happening, and I asked for an update on November 26, 2021 ObscuraSpark claimed to have forgotten, but agreed to do the commission a second time. I resent them all the commission information, with a change in character which they agreed to. ObscuraSpark left the commission information unread for 2 weeks, after which I contacted him with the request to reimburse me the money instead since I didn't feel confident in their professionalism anymore. This was December 9, 2021 ObscuraSpark answered the same day, telling me they would reimburse me when they could. I asked for an update on the reimursement on February 3, 2022. This message is still left unread as of today, March 23, 2023 Again it slipped my mind, due to my own life. I asked for another update on the reimubursement on March 14, 2023. This message has also been left unread as of today, March 23, 2023 At this point, I don't think I will ever see my money back again. Through this way, I hope to prevent other people experiencing the same issue with this artist in the future.
  18. PLEASE NOTE: In any screen cap dated after April 4th 2019 I had moved and there is now a 5 hour time zone difference between she and I. (this means that it may seem like I am messaging very early, but for her it is 5 hours ahead of my time stamp.) I was directed to Tamsin (Tammy) via a friend from whom I was purchasing a fursuit head. I had wanted to commission matching hands/tail/arm sleeves in time for Confuzzled. Tammy and I discussed prices and materials and I agreed to pay once I got paid. (The total was 130 GBP which is about $160 USD). I paid promptly upon getting my pay check: After I sent the payment there was apparently a hold up in paypal where they wouldn't release the money to her until I marked the item as shipped with no tracking needed. I was concerned but did as she asked since I had no reason not to trust her. She specifically stated that she needed the money released so she could order the materials quicker. I had some issues come up and ended up not being able to go to CFZ (Confuzzled). Due to this I expressed that I did not need them finished by the con deadline. I was still under the impression that she had already ordered the materials because that was why she needed me to promptly release the funds into her account. After the con passed I didn't hear from her, so contacted her in order to set up a deadline. She expressed that it was a bit hard to do the deadline I suggested because of work/school. I tried to compromise and just prioritize the most important parts first. By June 14th I was starting to feel a bit ignored, as I would see them online and they would check my messages and not respond. The friend who had originally sent me to them (Cas as mentioned in screen shots) mentioned that there were some issues between the two of them at CFZ, and I became afraid that she wasn't communicating with me because of my friendship with Cas, as I had been told that she was answering other messages. I admit that my behavior was a bit pushy in these screen shots, but I have been burnt several times by fursuit builders and was feeling anxious. We agree here on a Halloween deadline and I express that I will make a new ref with the updates I had previously discussed. I make sure to mention that I absolutely must see some sort of work started in July, since they said they would probably start mid July, due to my paypal protection window. I am still fine with the Halloween completion deadline, but just need to see some sort of progress, or materials to show the project is in the works. They express they are stressed due to personal issues. Concerned that this commission is adding onto their stress, I offer to just take a refund in parts if they are no longer interested or have the motivation/time to work on the parts. At this point she starts to seem a bit aggressive, so I inquire as to her having purchased the materials in case we need to work out her shipping them to me and subtracting the cost of shipping/materials from a refund. I was told by our mutual friend that she didn't actually buy the materials, and so I requested pictures from her in order to just prove that she had bought the items needed, as that was the whole reason she asked me to release the funds, so that she could more swiftly buy the materials. At this point she makes excuses one after another on why she can't provide pictures. I give her a deadline on when I must see materials. I agree to a Wednesday deadline to see the materials that week and reiterate that she said she needed the funds to order materials promptly. At this point SHE offers the refund and expresses when her paydays are. I feel this was done because she had never bought the materials and knew she couldn't provide proof in the time frame requested. At this point I feel I am being scammed and lied to, so I agree to the refund and offer her the option of half and half payments on the 27th of each month. I leave her alone for the rest of the month until the 27th where I then message her and remind her of my email. I see her active all day and get no answer while our mutual friend confirms that she's been answering their messages. They finally respond and claim they were working and then go silent again. I get a bit snippy and let them know that I will just file a dispute if I don't get the half payment on the promised day. She finally makes time to attempt to pay me and then gets upset about paypal fees based on currency differences. I try to remedy this by adding GBP to my paypal options, but it still charges a fee, which I tell her I will cover. She sends the first half of the refund, I confirm I got it and then leave her alone until July 25th, where I just send a reminder of the email for the refund. After contacting on the 25th of July 2019, Tamsin expresses that she needs a bit of an extension on the payment time because she is at a con. I thank her for letting me know and leave her alone until the day that SHE set as the new payment day for the final half of the refund. I decided to send an invoice for the remainder to see if that would keep her from having to pay a fee on her end. She claims she can't pay and cancels the invoice. I express that I am not really wanting to wait longer, as I already extended the deadline to Monday (which was the day SHE asked for). I give in and ask her to give me a definite deadline on when she can pay. She ignores me and I wait till the next day (July 30th ) to message her again asking for a definite deadline again. She says she couldn't pay because she had bills. I express that I am unwilling to wait another month because I feel at this point she is jerking me around. (Our mutual has expressed that she' had been spending money on frivolous things, so I felt I was being jerked around and scammed.) She makes a snippy comment about "not relying on her as a source of income" and it really rubbed me the wrong way. I got extremely upset and rather argumentative, as I felt that her statement was in direct contrast to her own behavior, (taking my money and spending it at an event while not even purchasing my materials). Our conversation deteriorated quickly. She continues to claim she bought fur but cannot provide any proof (pictures, receipts, tracking on shipments, etc), and completely twists the situation to paint herself in a better light. (Claiming I wanted a refund because I was broke, when she was the one who chose a refund over just providing proof of the materials that she swears she has bought.) At this point I feel that I am being jerked around and that she has no intention of paying me at all, so I decide to take things to Paypal and open a dispute. I know due to me changing email addresses between payment to refund, that it will dispute for the full amount paid. My intention was to simply send her back the half she had refunded previously once Paypal handled the transaction if she was unwilling to work something out. She proceeds to completely go ballistic once the claim puts a hold on her account. She claims she was going to pay me aft 8 because she was waiting on our mutual friend to pay her for something. This is information that she NEVER once brought up until I filed a claim. She in fact explicitly stated that she didn't know when she'd be able to pay. I initially refuse to cancel the claim because I don't trust her at this point and know that she is a liar. I attempt to make arrangements for the mutual friend to just pay me directly but he can't, as he is doing a bank transfer to her instead of paypal. They claim they will send the money as soon as I cancel the claim and their account comes out of the negative. I make the mistake of trusting them because I am not out to hurt someone, just want what is owed me. Big mistake. I cancel the claim and she ghosts me completely. I send a couple of reminders and get nothing. Cas (the mutual) confirms later in the week that they already paid her, and I still am getting nothing from her, either messages or money. I decide to try to be nice and just leave her alone except to send a reminder on the 16th asking if I will get pair, then left her alone for the rest of August until the 27th and message her again to see if I can get this finished. As of now she has read the messages and still refuses to respond. She has been active on her Instagram (selling adopts primarily), but has failed to answer or send the money. In summary, she is a liar, a scammer, and a thief and I hope that no one else ever has to deal with her or falls for her lies. The below screen caps show her publicly available information / social media accounts so that hopefully others can avoid her.
  19. Proof of transaction/ original agreement: Backstory: 10/29/2022 Versera had posted a journal with links to their still open multiple slot ych commissions, I really liked the heart glitch ych and decided to comment to get one of my fursona Nyx. They responded to my comment and then dm'd me and I paid promptly. 01/22/2023 It had been a while since I had seen them post anything so I decided to check their page and noticed they hadn't posted any artwork since December 22nd and they had cleared the shouts on their page. Their public journal with their queue size had also grown significantly vs the amount of artwork they had produced so I decided to note them and ask them with my worries and ask what the status on my commission would be. 02/02/2023 My note had remained unread so I decided to leave a public shout hoping it'd catch their attention asking them to please respond to my note. After I wrote the first shout I was looking at their page and saw that they had two other accounts of theirs listed in their bio. (A NSFW account and an Adopt account) I decided to check them to see when they had last been active. They had been active posting multiple NSFW YCH's on their NSFW account as recently as four hours before my initial shout on their SFW account and had been posting YCH's on their adopt account three days before. This NSFW also had a journal with a separate queue from the one on their SFW account showing that their queue was a lot larger than I thought. I decided to leave a shout on the two other accounts asking them if they could read my note that I sent them on their main account. 02/04/2023 I checked their page again and noticed that on their NSFW account another user was posting in their shouts asking where their artwork was as they had been waiting for over a year. This raised alarm bells so I wrote them a shout stating that I was going to give them two weeks to do my artwork or refund me or I would be writing a Beware. 02/09/2023 They messaged me from their NSFW account stating that they were sorry for the long answer, and that they were in another country temporarily and very sick but they had their laptop and tablet so they could do my artwork if they felt better in the next few days. I responded that I was looking forward to hearing from them and waited. They had nuked their shouts on all of their accounts. 02/13/2023 - 02/17/2023 They uploaded three YCH pieces on their nsfw account and two brand new YCH's. On their sfw account they uploaded a piece of personal artwork and one YCH commission on the 15th. 02/25/2025 It had been over two weeks so I noted them again and this note has went unanswered since. I honestly don't feel like I'm going to get my artwork anytime soon if at all. The payment was through Boosty and I'm not sure if you can charge back a payment through Boosty through Paypal. I don't want to attempt it and get banned from the platform as I have a lot of Russian artist's that I want to commission. I'm just glad the payment was only 25 dollars.
  20. September 11, 2022 I reached out to the artist inquiring about a commission to be done by the end of September (biceptember theme). We eventually agreed to a 2 character, shaded, full body commission for $105. September 12-14 At the time, I was working nights so spent most of the daytime sleeping but noticed that the artist started to become pushy for the details. I ended up getting the details to them on the morning of Sep 14 after work. I noticed the price was increased to $120 but let it go thinking maybe the descriptions made it more intricate. I sent in the payment at this time and they confirmed receipt. At this point I let the artist be to focus on their work. September 30, 2022 I reached out to the artist to inquire about the status of the commission as September was almost over. I got no reply until October 18 and was taken aback that they apparently didn't realize I had a commission with them. I corrected them that I had already paid, and noted this as a major red flag, especially the note about needing money. December 18, 2022 I reached out again, growing frustrated that this artist was making no effort to update me on status. I received additional excuses. While I am lenient on extenuating circumstances, the artist never took the initiative to notify me. It was always me reaching out because of long periods of silence. January 26, 2023 The straw that broke the camel's back was when I saw the artist open slots for YCH, which they apparently filled out. I immediately messaged them, wondering what was going on with my commission. At this point I was alerted to this artist being a scammer from mutuals and fellow commissioners and I immediately requested a refund. February 4, 2023 Receiving no reply, I issued my ultimatum. Unfortunately, at this point I realized I sent the money on PayPal using thr "friends and family" feature on accident, rendering unable to charge back. It is now March 12 and I have gotten zero replies back. The artist posts occasionally on their Twitter, completely ignoring my DMs. I may have to chalk this up to a loss of the almost $130 total. Again, I am very lenient when it comes to extenuating circumstances but I expect the artist to keep me updated. This is a business transaction, and one that has already been paid. I have had other artists in similar situations and they kept me up to date and even issued full refunds when they couldn't finish the piece. In this case I have not received even a WIP, and only excuses. I urge any potential commissioners to avoid this artist.
  21. I commissioned Hollewdz back in April of 2022 for a size art that amounted to $160. After this I followed my usual rule of 1 month between check ins just to give leeway to the artist. Everything was fine for about a month or so until in June, when I stopped receiving responses. I blocked out one word as, even though she was open about it, it is a personal issue of hers I don't feel right saying myself. As for the supposed methods of attaining a refund, I later realized that I had misunderstood Paypal's policy and that I was well passed a grace period. Throughout this I did attempt to communicate by other means, messaging her on Patreon and via email. She does not have her email posted, but it was the email through which she sent out the invoice. This has been a disappointing experience. I hope that it can still be resolved someday, but I wanted to make others aware of this sort of possibility when commissioning this artist. My friend made me aware of this site as a polite means of doing so.
  22. Chronology below. Time stamped in Discord and Deviantart Chat is GMT+7. - The artist contacted me through Deviantart Chat on 24/01/22, offering commission service. We agreed to continue the conversation through Discord DM. - The artist and I discussed the details of the commission through Discord DM on 25/01/22. I agreed to commission a Low-grade Pin Up commission and paid for the commission through Patreon on 25/01/22. Artist confirmed that payment had been accepted on 25/01/22. - I contacted the artist on 01/03/22 to ask for update on the commission. The artist replied on 02/03/22, citing delay due to bereavement. - I contacted the artist on 08/05/22 to ask for update on the commission. The artist replied on the same day, citing delay due to real-life issues. - I contacted the artist on 12/07/22 to ask for update on the commission. The artist replied on 16/07/22, claiming that they had a WIP of the commission ready. I requested the WIP as proof of progress, but WIP was not provided. - I contacted the artist on 25/08/22 to ask for update on the commission. The artist replied on the same day, citing delay due to health issues. - I contacted the artist on 24/10/22 to ask for update on the commission and possibility of refund due to lack of communication initiated by the artist. The artist replied on the same day with a long, unclear response. I reiterated my firm request for updates and consistent communication from their end in regards for any delays. - The artist provided the WIP of the character I commissioned on 26/10/22 and I confirmed on the same day that the WIP had been accepted and I was satisfied with the progress. - I contacted the artist on 12/11/22, 17/12/22, 27/12/22, 04/01/23, and 22/01/23. As of 10/02/23, the artist has yet to respond since their last correspondence on 26/10/22.
  23. In short, I paid Lewdtime for thee commissioned pictures and only received one. The full story: on 7/14/22 I subscibed to Lewdtime's Pixiv Fanbox, which works very similarly to Patreon in that the user pays a certain fee every month in exchange for terms set by the artist. This complaint deals exclusively with the monthly colored sketch and so I have omitted information on the lower tier's terms, which this tier also receives. Lewdtime has since replaced this tier with one that has an identical description but an increased price. Pixiv Fanbox records a user's payment history like this: At the end of September I decided to cancel my subscription so this represents the entire relevent payment history. I have censored mention of another artist I support on Fanbox as they are not related to this complaint. I communicated with Lewdtime through Discord. I have since deleted the imgur gallery so the link was dead when I recently took these screencaps. After ten days Lewdtime had not responded so I sent another message. A few days later, a little late, Lewdtime gave me a first sketch and we briefly discussed some changes which resulted in an updated sketch. At this point things were going well, but after this two more weeks went by with no word from Lewdtime so I contacted him again. After another week with no further word, I was worried Lewdtime was getting badly behind on what was supposed to be a series of sketches completed monthly. By the 1st of September I decided to accept the idea of a two-character piece replacing the one-character pieces for August and September, hoping that it would lead to Lewdtime catching up and that in the future sketches would not be late. I have censored the descripition of the idea for perhaps being too lewd for this website. More than two weeks later I had heard nothing and sent another message. I have censored the sketch for the same reason as above. When I had not heard back by the last day of September I decided not to allow my Fanbox subscription to renew for a fourth month. After I cancelled it, Lewdtime sent me one last message with a second WIP for the combined August/September picture, as well as, finally, a completed version of the July picture. Details of the second request censored again. I had cancelled my subscription but as I had already paid for the August/September picture and Lewdtme had produced some WIPs for it I attempted to communicate a further two times in October. I received no reply. Prior to making this post I tried one last time to contact Lewdtime, making clear my position on what I thought was fair. I have received no reply at the time I submitted this post. Pixiv Fanbox does not seem to offer subscribers any recourse when artists do not fulfill their end of the bargain so my money is simply lost.
  24. The original conversation have been deleted (not by me) from Telegram after a lost of account from the vendor (said by him in the chat convo - p1). I've found him on Twitter after many months, where the conversation continue. The order was a pair of hand paws. From 14 April 2020. Original Transaction Date from Paypal history I have WIP and pictures showned of the progress. (in attachment, convo - p2, p3, p4) But as time moved on, I propossed an alternative for the maker to just sent everything done or not, if he were unable to complete. He accepted. Since then, I made along multiple months several reminder about the shipping. The last message were not responded nor seen.
  25. I first commissioned Nonsiito May 5th, 2022. He did my first 5 emotes, and finished them on May 19th. On June 5th, he dmed me unprompted, trying to get more commissions, to which I declined, but I know he dmed other people in that time as well, as I discovered later on. This made me almost not commission him again, but I had a good experience, right? I commissioned Non for a second set of 5 emotes on July 14th. This time his wait time was 1-2 months. That was fine, at least he was being honest. He quoted $70, but I paid $100 to be nice, as he was using comms to pay for college. I didn't hear anything from him again until August 23rd, when I dmed him asking about the emotes. He claimed he was starting work, and that was that. From then I waited until September 6th, and messaged him again. Nothing. I dmed him on twitter on the 8th, he responded that he "hasn't checked discord in awhile." Ok whatever. He said he was struggling on his twitter so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and gave him an extra month. That was my mistake. October 3rd, this is when issues begin. I message him, he reads the messages, doesn't respond. Instead, puts a due date on my work for the 31st, and leaves me on read. I call him out and he responds saying he forgot to reply. On the 14th, he then proceeds to advertise a wiggle chibi profile picture, to which I decline again, as I'm still waiting for my emotes. November 4th, I dm him asking him about progress, as the work is long past the 1-2 month wait, plus past the due date of October 31st. He replies on the 6th with some rough sketches, to which I ask him to fix, he does once, then I ask him to fix another thing, and then get no response. He hasn't responded to me since the 6th now. On the 14th I notice he's active, I message him on twitter and instagram, no response, still on sent. He's been active on instagram as well. On the 20th he marks my emotes as finished. I still have not received them. At this point he's ghosted me for 2 weeks. I proceed to email him, and dm him on twitter, instagram, and discord periodically, trying to get a response, or at least a read. Nothing. No response since the 6th of November. Now I'm here. December 5th. I've heard nothing back from him since. I wanted to make people aware of his poor behavior, and his ghosting. That is all.
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