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  • Beware: nlycan2904

    • Who: nlycan2904, Marrok, NTL2904, NoelTheLycan2904, Marrok1924
      Where: https://twitter.com/NLycan2904
      When: 06/25/2023
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    They commissioned me a piece with 2 characters, NSFW edit plus quite a complex BG. I’ve lost original description at this point, but they were completely fine with my initial sketch as you can see here. Price wasn’t an issue either.



    Instead all I got is 3 payments, ~50 usd each.


    Then they proceeded to tell me that they had “issues with payment”, which I suspect to be completely made up as no other customer since then had them. Also they were able to pay it partially, so they obviously had no problems. My bad for being naive and working without properly committing to the part where I have to get full prepayment after the sketch, but that’s just how I used to roll with it.





    And then I decided to reach out to Boosty staff. They said I had absolutely no issues on my side and… 


    When I said I’m putting it on a hold till they fix it, they just blocked me. Everywhere. Without ANY explanation. They also don’t answer  my Emails

    So far I’m simply blocked by them on all platforms. And I’ve seen their character being drawn by other artists so… They just took advantage of me and left.




    Small notes:

    I slightly cropped out DMs due to them being just filled with Troubleshooting Boosty, I can send full convo, but it’s just bloated with useless for the case information. Also, I got to the colouring stage when they blocked me, I sincerely want to attach the file, but site freaks out. It’s kinda irrelevant anyways.

    Also, I accept payments via Boosty and have a no-refund policy not because I want to, but due to me being simply having literally no other choice. I always make sure Customers are getting what they deserve, don’t wait for years and are fully informed about all these factors. 

    Edited by James
    added in proof of blocks

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