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Everything posted by likeshine

  1. That was infuriating to read. I'm sorry, OP.
  2. I've been at this for... far too many years, and I've never ever seen an artist straight up rant and swear at their customer in such hatred before. Wow.
  3. I am impressed by how calm you managed to stay through all of that!
  4. Wow. The images of the head base... that's totally a rodent. I don't understand what they were thinking there.
  5. It's in my TOS that a certain number of revisions are permitted during the sketch/lineart phase; after that a fee is incurred, unless the mistake was my fault. So I wouldn't necessarily have charged for that edit, unless it was after a pile of excessive edits. However, I believe you had every right to do so. That having been said, I definitely bristled over them pretty much demanding to only pay the 5 bucks and then saying they would edit themselves. Very disrespectful. I don't mind if a patron redlines my stuff to help me along when I'm not getting it, but I would absolutely take offense to that being done without my permission.
  6. You know, I've been doing commission work for 17 years and I'm just amazed at the audacity of this artist. Good on you for sticking up for yourself. And obviously now you know, but the friends and family thing is a massive red flag. I won't do business with any artist who insists on taking payment this way. Hope your next commission experience goes better OP!
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