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Everything posted by MonicaVix

  1. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/887741.html WHO: SilverDeni WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/SilverDeni http://silverdeni.deviantart.com , trade was agreed on in a stream WHAT: A very long overdue two-character art trade WHEN: The stream where we talked about a trade was sometime in December 2012, I don't have an exact date saved anywhere though. Sent notes to ask about the trade during the years, it's 2016 now and I have yet to receive even a sketch. PROOF: Notes/replies about the trade (I'm both Johis & Lhuin in these): Some notes/replies on FA after I sent her the finished painting. Hope these make sense, I'm honestly a bit confused with my inbox/outbox especially as it's been so long but basically I sent her the link to the finished painting, we talked about if the characters in her half of me and my partner's characters would be in anthro or feral form and she said she wants to make a speedpainting video of it. http://orig02.deviantart.net/b445/f/2016/005/c/3/deni9_by_lhuin-d9mty4z.png http://orig05.deviantart.net/bc6e/f/2016/005/c/9/deni7_by_lhuin-d9mtxeb.png http://orig15.deviantart.net/d253/f/2016/005/1/7/deni3_by_lhuin-d9mtxew.png http://orig05.deviantart.net/4d0a/f/2016/005/c/2/deni6_by_lhuin-d9mtxec.png http://orig10.deviantart.net/31a7/f/2016/005/9/0/deni4_by_lhuin-d9mtxer.png The last one was in May and I was feeling pretty hopeful after that (as you might be able to tell, I honestly thought I might finally see some work), but again, 7 months have passed and that was the last I heard of the whole thing. I never saw any of the attempts she mentions here. Now these are actually screenshots I found someone else had taken of the comments I've left on her page and her reply to me (so the red circles are not by me). It was mentioned in an issue unrelated to our trade itself that I stumbled upon but just thought it was interesting someone else had noticed it. The last one was a reply to a comment I made on her FA page just asking about the trade but I didn't save it: http://orig08.deviantart.net/0dbd/f/2016/005/d/1/deni1_by_lhuin-d9mtxf9.png I saw someone else had a similar issue so I jumped in to ask about mine http://orig12.deviantart.net/751e/f/2016/005/3/b/deni2_by_lhuin-d9mtxey.png She mentions a sketch here but I never saw it Sadly I've already removed the image from my FA gallery but here's proof of the date I made it: http://orig02.deviantart.net/b7d8/f/2016/005/0/0/deni5_by_lhuin-d9mtxem.png And an email where I sent the full res to her (2nd of January 2013): http://orig08.deviantart.net/32fe/f/2016/005/f/3/deni8_by_lhuin-d9mu05u.png EXPLAIN: I went to watch a stream SilverDeni was holding in late 2012 (like I said I don't have any proof of this date anymore and didn't think of saving any screenshots of this). She asked me for a trade and I was happy to accept as I liked her work. I made my own trade part shortly, but since then I've just been waiting and waiting for her half and every time I ask I just get a new estimate of when it'll be done and/or reasons she hasn't been working on it, but then that new estimated time of completion passes and I hear nothing until I ask again. I've been asking about the trade quite a few times during the years and have yet to seen anything at all, not even a sketch. I didn't spend any money on this, but I did spend quite a lot of time on the drawing and the experience has left a bad taste in my mouth as I was really excited about the trade - and the fact that most if not all the contact about this has been initiated by myself. I'm not expecting to see any work anymore, all my attempts to ask about it just end up in another empty promise. I know she's been busy with school etc. but has been doing plenty of personal art and other work. So just posting this as a heads up I guess. I'm kind of past the point of caring now when it comes to getting the art itself, but I just found the whole experience really unprofessional. I might have been a bit too forgiving in some notes as I really did want the trade and didn't want things to go sour. I was thinking of giving her a final nudge about it but I don't think it would have done any good based on the 3 years of communication (or lack thereof) and I'm a bit tired of hearing more empty promises.
  2. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/864318.html WHO: Cinnamonkitt/Cinnamon (deviantart/weasyl) but moved to Buckthorn (furaffinity/weasyl) WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/buckthorn and http://cinnamonkitt.deviantart.com/ WHAT: Digital art (5 pieces) WHEN: April 2013 PROOF: Deviantart: -Comishing: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qkbtuwchsu739v1/2.png?dl=0 -journal where im listed for the comish: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y1puztjkkwj386y/Ev1.png?dl=0 -grabbing another slot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p8fml8e9ezcn3uc/DaNewslot.png?dl=0 -asking whats the hold up: https://www.dropbox.com/s/datots20dsalah3/3.png?dl=0 -notes with no reply: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zy7f36mzdll8u1k/Note2.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/71997ed7dab6b52/Note1.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/l57t5757e1kw3vc/Note4.png?dl=0 Weasyl: -comments separated by a year annoyed since no reply and avoiding: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sv2qh0qpc3pfw16/WeE2.png?dl=0 -buckthorn character linking old account to new one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0ljdxjgj4fd7ic/WeE1.png?dl=0 (also had artwork of the character but was removed before I took the screencap) -Artist who is in the same predicament informing I should try noting again (and I should get a response): https://www.dropbox.com/s/lhgieaqf5jv6g2j/WeE3.png?dl=0 Furaffinity: -Sent notes with no reply but read: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9m44a6z9zibwpok/FaE1.png?dl=0 -Blocked: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q09f0p1tvcrvzf7/FaE2.png?dl=0 EXPLAIN: It started in April 2013, This artist posted a journal stating that if you but one you get one free. Knowing this artists talent I decided to take the offer and also commented a friend about it. To which he decided to comish her as well. Alls well and the artist notified me that she will do them as soon as she can. I don’t usually bother artist but I decided to take another slot (since I’ve previously comished her and I trusted this artist) and she said she’d get it underway, unfortunately she said she had complications based on her equipment and family situation, something that I can understand. However things started to take a dive after she stated that she would get them done in a weekend, ASAP as she stated. However I saw no progress, any attempts made to communicate and figure out anything were met with nothing, she picked up on ‘em and read the notes I sent over Deviantart. However I found it odd that she was doing artwork months after she stated shed do my own. So she had moved to Weasyl, again I noted her there asking what’s going on. No reply, however it would seem another person had fallen for her, the same deal, she did a trade however. This will play a part later on as we talked. But in the meantime she didn’t reply. Only read. Then some months later she stated she would return after health complications to deviantart. Again I understood this but was a bit unsure since she was uploading artwork in other sites. Moving on, I kept on asking (usually waited a month or so, since I don’t like bothering an artist) but saw they were only read. Never replied. She had made a new character named Buckthorn, I didn’t pay much attention to this until years later I stumbled upon her on FA, same character, same style. Never let me know she changed accounts or anything of the sort. So I sent her a note, again no reply but she did read it. A month after I sent her another note and commented on her shoutpage. No response, I sent the person whom had the same situation and she told me she did respond to her and that it was the same artist and they were checking up on how to fix the dilemma, upon getting this information I decided to try it again. To my surprise she had put me on her blocklist. I guess she got tired of me messaging her asking for my end of the deal. It’s a shame really since I trusted her and I would have continuously done so over these past 2 years. Im currently trying to contact this artist, she posted a journal stating if any art is owed to note her. Can’t do that while blocked so I used another account. I also tried adding her skype, I do get “bucky” referencing her new character instead of the old one tho the account is from the old character. managed to talk to her manager since she doesn’t want to deal with this herself and am currently awaiting a refund because ive been told they aren’t doing well financially and will be taken care of soon. Deadline is suppose dot be on September, I appreciate I got someone to talk to about this but all in all im still somewhat concerned wether this will go through or not. Edit 10/17/2015: Nothing came through, still avoiding me, at this point i cant do anything. Seriously dissapointing.
  3. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/864053.html WHO: Linka/Linkaton-furaito WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/linkaton-furaito/ WHAT: Partial refund (Difference of basic template and subscription price, $35) WHEN: Template subscription paid for on January 4th, request for refund and reminder notes in May and July PROOF: Proof of payment: http://i.imgur.com/VsKQbIN.png First note requesting refund and response: http://i.imgur.com/gZR2wct.png Reminder and response: http://i.imgur.com/XhH4Vdu.png EXPLAIN: I bought Linkaton's lineart template subscription on early January. It was promised that there would be monthly updates with at least 7 new items in each update. (Details seen here: http://i.imgur.com/Y30fkhM.png) There were a couple of journals regarding the template being delayed for personal issues and I was sympathetic. After a while, however, it got to a point that I felt I had paid for something I was not receiving and may not, as they had suggested in journals they may have bitten off more than they could chew with their queue being the size it was. After several months with no updates, I asked for a partial refund. They apologized, said I would have my refund, but that it may take some time to get back to me. (May 15th/16th) I waited for a bit, noticed they had been posting several notices for commissions, a MYO adoptable event, various streams, etc. I noted them again only to receive yet another noncommittal response. I'm unsure of how else to proceed, as I've been told by others that they're also awaiting things from this person (some back from 2013) and I'd really just like to get this taken care of. EDIT: I received my refund. This can be marked as resolved.
  4. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/863094.html WHO: FA; Frindle WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/frindle/ WHAT: Hypnosis Icon WHEN: Commissioned March 19, 2015 PROOF: http://i.imgur.com/B8n55eT.png EXPLAIN: Commissioned Frindle on March 19th of 2015 for one Hyno Icon when they posted a journal saying they were taking some. Eagerly I placed an order which was through Google Docs. After 2 months of waiting I sent them a message after they made a journal that if anyone had any questions to send them a message. I sent them a message because I was not sure where my commission was and that it did not show up on their Trello. I received a message back not too long after asking if I had ordered through Google Docs and that they were on a separate spreadsheet. Seeing as I had, I left it at that and figured that it would get done sometime soon. http://i.imgur.com/nCdQsQT.png - Inquiring about Icon Two months later, I noticed their queue was getting larger and figured mine wouldn’t be done so I messaged them asking for a refund as it was getting towards the end of the dispute period. http://i.imgur.com/ThqLkCS.png - Original Message Frindle apologized for the wait and I noted them my paypal for the refund. I did not receive the refund due to the artists typo of my paypal the first time and when they fixed the issue 2 days later, they only sent me a partial refund. I immediately messaged Frindle on FA, explaining that I had ordered during the time when they were $21 and not $15. Once again Frindle apologized and said they sent the remainder of the refund to my paypal. It has now been 4 days since then and I have not received the remainder of my money. I did send them another message prior asking if they had sent it (they did look at the message but did not respond to me) and I sent another and I am waiting a reply once again. http://i.imgur.com/shnMko8.png - Telling about the mix up with the Refund http://i.imgur.com/ZIiQeop.png - Current Outbox Message asking about the remainder I’m losing my patience with this commission and it’s putting me a little on edge that it’s getting close to the end of the dispute period. Although it is only $6, it’s still $6 I would be out of with only 4 months of waiting, no icon, and a partial refund only to show it. http://i.imgur.com/0bBwglu.png?1 - Proof of Partial Refund UPDATE: July 27th Received a reply back from Frindle saying they will refund me the remainder of my money (however it is $6 and not $5) when they get the funds to do so. I have no idea when this will be and the paypal dispute period is nearing the end (or it could be over, not sure but I know it’s 180 days is the limit). http://i.imgur.com/5ggWW0a.png - Reply from Frindle
  5. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/862933.html Beware - BaeBunny WHO: BaeBunny WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/baebunny/ + https://twitter.com/baebunnyart WHAT: A traditional chibi couple set WHEN: Midwest Furfest 2014. PROOF: Commission was made in person at MFF, paid in cash. Screenshots of phone conversations are here [NSFW warning, ref sheets] including one final request for contact on 7/23/15 which has so far been ignored. EXPLAIN: My boyfriend [QuinTheOtter] and I commissioned Baebunny Friday at MFF 2014 for a traditional chibi set. Quin paid in cash. We found Bae Saturday, he said he wasn't done, we said that's fine. Quin and I agreed that if he needed to mail them after the con that's fine. Fast forward to now, we have no art for our money 8 months later and I am posting here to raise awareness of his degraded business practices. Judging by his FA page I am not alone.
  6. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/862572.html WHO: Pastel_Paws *old account*, Ribbons.and.Fangs *active account*, MuttStar_Studios (commission account), Creepyinpink, and Sushi.dog WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/pastelpaws http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ribbons.and.fangs/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/muttstarstudios http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sushi.dog/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/creepyinpink WHAT: 2 Colored Headshots WHEN May 12 2014 PROOF: I don't have the original journal but I do have the proof of payment and the follow up journal screenshot and replied emails and notes where she is aware of the artwork. Payment: http://sta.sh/01pov5hop4fn Follow up journal: http://sta.sh/01zwahv18u46 Original replied notes *she deletes my side of the conversation*: http://sta.sh/02djyrpuk0hp http://sta.sh/02bebdaqjqjj Explain: Okay so Ribbons/Pastel/Sushi/Munstar last year posted a journal stating that she was doing I think 5 colored headshots. And since my friend's birthday was coming up I decided to order two of them and plus they were cheap and I was crunched for money. I had a good previous experience with her when I bought an adoptable from her and she was very nice and quick and responsive to my notes and questions. Plus I like her artwork and didn't see why not to buy something. So I send her the money and we discussed in notes what I wanted. This was also around the time of FA's longer downtime so I got her email address just in case and she was okay with this. I'm a patient person so I don't mind waiting plus she said she was busy in the follow up journal and I didn't want to bother her. In August of the same year I sent her a note asking for an update about the commission. And she said that she thought that she finished them and just forgot to post them and apologized. Which I said fine because she said she was done with them at least. Proof of conversation: http://sta.sh/01kv3ah4knsx She never posted the pictures. By then my friend's came and past and in October I sent her an email (I think FA was down that's why it was an email and not a note) and I ask her the same thing. She said the same thing and thought she posted it and asked if I could describe what I ordered. I tell her I checked both her pages and neither had the headshots and she apologizes and even says she'll upgrade my headshots to chibis or if I would like a refund. I choose the chibis and that I'll have a WIP soon. She never did that. I ask again in November the same thing and she apologizes again and says things have been hectic and that I'll see the pictures by Monday. Harley isn't her real name its the name of her character. Proof of conversation: http://sta.sh/01wfpymeo0n7 http://sta.sh/0t0k53zcrkf http://sta.sh/0pr8mdhhikd All of that never happened. And that was the last time she ever replied back to any of my notes and emails. She'll open them almost within minutes after I send them but she never responded back to them. And I wait awhile to send her notes and emails (except for maybe two of them) so I don't bombard her or make it seem as though I'm harassing her. All my questions about updates are months apart but she just doesn't respond back. On May 25th 2015 she finally responds back to a shout I posted on her page saying that she hasn't gotten an notes and hasn't checked her email despite the fact that FA has shown that she has opened the notes. But she states that I will get a refund. Proof of shout: http://sta.sh/02b4jao3qi9m Proof of all the notes I sent her: http://sta.sh/01kv3ah4knsx It is now July of 2015 and she still hasn't refunded me, responded back to my notes/shouts/emails, or even made the pictures. I've tried contacting her one last time asking if she's getting my notes and that I was thinking of doing an artist beware. Once again she opened it and never responded back. Proof: http://sta.sh/0bh3bxgttef I even forwarded the email of the actual paypal statement saying that I paid her: http://sta.sh/07aronw8dud I see her post commissions that she gets from other people so she's active and she responds back to other people's shouts on her page ones that are newer than mine. So I do believe she's ignoring me. And I know this isn't a lot of money. But I hate being cheated you know? I gave this person no real reason to ignore me when they responded back to me in a kind and quick manner earlier. Plus I paid her and she kept saying she'll do this or its done. If it's done than why can't she just deliver what she said is done so we can both put this behind us? She's a good artist and whatnot but I don't want people to go through this with her.
  7. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/860264.html [Editor's note: Ellis Cain now goes by Ellis Umbra and the FB link has been adjusted accordingly.] WHO: Ellis Cain/Octoplanet WHERE: Furry Craigslist on Facebook. Post url in question: https://www.facebook.com/groups/701968973213985/permalink/838965656180982/?comment_tracking={"tn"%3A"O"} Archive: https://archive.is/fDZXY WHAT: Pair of premade foam base wings for $100 + $25 shipping. WHEN: For sale post went up on FC on the 8th of May, payment made on the same day. PROOF: Proof album, will be pulling links from here: http://imgur.com/a/sNKx2 EXPLAIN: A video of a pair of premade wings that were being sold was uploaded to FC on the 8th of may and as I am slowly piecing together a fursuit, I enquired. They were perfect for what I wanted so purchased them on the spot. After some friendly back and forth I was given their paypal (which is actually another users, I am told they are business partners) and their furaffinity so I could look at their other work as I was interested in seeing if they would finish the wings (although I chose to leave it as a foam base.) My first red flag was when they sent me this while I was out at dinner http://i.imgur.com/SJvoOhZ.png and I politely informed them of Paypal's ToS and resent the payment (still as goods and services). After a couple of inquiries with no response, on the 15th I was told they would be mailed the next day http://i.imgur.com/b50pxQ5.png And then on the second I inquired again http://i.imgur.com/DlVPTEw.png On the 9th I finally got another response http://i.imgur.com/VZ6i6Vd.png Then no contact at all http://i.imgur.com/mnBo6VH.png I filed a Paypal dispute on the 22nd http://i.imgur.com/sCDlk3E.png (Sill has not been responded to) Eventually I had to go through the admin of the Furry Craigslist group in order to get a response (On Saturday 4th) http://i.imgur.com/KIbdJrG.png <-response Ellis gave the admin. It's now the 12th (as of writing) and I still have not gotten either my wings or a refund. I honestly really wanted those wings but I've been left feeling scammed instead. I am very glad I went with the rules and didn't send as a gift! Update Monday 20th: Paypal sided in my favour last night after no response from Ellis, no contact from them via Facebook either. Update Tuesday 28th: The user Ellis claimed was their business partner got in contact with me today. However, apparently they have no idea they were ever partners in the first place and are barely on speaking terms. I have permission to show you the logs with them and the logs of their conversation with Ellis. http://i.imgur.com/4jVe9P6.png http://imgur.com/a/k0pmz
  8. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/861209.html WHO: FA: Frindle: , Twitter: @FrindlesArt WHERE: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/frindle/ WHAT: Hypnosis Icon WHEN: Commissioned back in March 2015 PROOF: Click Here EXPLAIN: Commissioned Frindle back in March of this year for one hypnosis icon when they opened for them via a journal they posted. After about 2 weeks of waiting I sent a note asking about the status. The message was never responded to. After that I waited quite a while (3 months). I saw that Frindle had a large commission queue so I was patient, but I did not see my name on their queue so I sent them another message asking about it. Proof of message and response I was satisfied with the response so I waited again. This time for another month. I checked a few times on their queue and saw that my name was never put there like Frindle said they would do. So I messaged them again. Convo Part 1 Convo Part 2 In convo part 1 you can see Frindle asking me again if I ordered via Google Docs. They've asked me this question before. In convo 2 Frindle says they will reimburse me fully and have my icon done by the end of that week. (Which never happened) I sent Frindle a message 2 days ago asking if they were going to ever reimburse me, and they responded by telling me that they "couldn't afford to reimburse me" Proof Its way too late to file a Paypal dispute on this matter so there's really nothing I can do. So I'm now screwed out of $21 and an icon. Do NOT ever commission Frindle! A refund was issued - 7/23/15 @ 6:28 pm Proof of refund
  9. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/858039.html Hi! This is my first time posting here, so sorry if anything's confusing! I also didn't really want to post this because it felt a bit meager--but this has been eating away at me for the past few months. ;-; WHO: MamaGizzy http://mamagizzy.deviantart.com/ WHERE: http://mamagizzy.deviantart.com/ WHAT: PNG to an Adoptable WHEN: February 17th 2015 - Current Day PROOF: http://i.imgur.com/gJC4CFY.png http://i.imgur.com/p4a9uGx.png http://i.imgur.com/g3q9tJ1.png EXPLAIN: So I have experience when it comes to buying (and selling) adoptables. Usually after the purchase; it's always good to give the buyer the PNG for their purchase. But, sadly, this was not the case. I paid $10 for the adoptable and when I was told I would get the PNG late, I didn't think too much of it. I thought it'd be like a "you'll get it within a week because I am busy" sort of thing but to my dismay this did not happen. I waited three months before I contacted MamaGizzy again. http://i.imgur.com/6eyLqel.png 18 days later she replies, saying she didn't realize I didn't get my adopt. I got a little eager that I would finally get the PNG and I sent her a link to the adoptable page... Only to be ignored again. I had also anxious sent that "Hello" message in case she forgot again but I was still greeted with silence. And, as the screencaps suggest, she has read each of the last two notes but has not replied. I got to admit I'm pretty bummed over this. 😞 EDIT: I was able to receive the PNG. So this issue was resolved! ❤️
  10. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/856511.html WHO: Eindraa, Iingo http://endraa.tumblr.com/ https://twitter.com/whitekens http://whitekens.weebly.com/ Where: http://iingo.deviantart.com/ What: Dec 2013 - Two Chibi Commissions May 2014 - Fullbody Commission When: December 2013 for the chibis and May 2014 for the fullbody. Proof: http://imgur.com/a/QsVKY Contains all the pertinent image files, but will be linking to singular ones in the post. Explain (This is a very long post, I apologize for that! There's a summary at the bottom): In November 2013, Iingo (then known as Eindraa) opened chibi commissions (http://i.imgur.com/9ts6BsT.png) to help with college tuition (http://i.imgur.com/JpKaptF.png). I purchased two chibi slots. (http://i.imgur.com/uvY0fMX.png) As can be seen, I also considered asking her to do some gijinkas of anthros (http://i.imgur.com/VER6i9n.png), but I decided not to do so in the end, and payment was discussed and sent. (http://i.imgur.com/72fN4vL.png) Months passed, Iingo was active on DA with large giveaways, interactive journals, features, and running groups. She also submitted art on a decently frequent enough basis, at least one piece a month, if not more. http://i.imgur.com/kuJMTCr.png http://i.imgur.com/wPGwSqP.png http://i.imgur.com/4DoWlTC.png http://i.imgur.com/LG4kuk7.png http://i.imgur.com/hN4BiCh.png http://i.imgur.com/xgmobjq.png In February of 2014 or so, she sent me a note asking for a new reference image of one of my characters for the chibi, as the dropbox link no longer worked. Nearly three months passed by before I replied, going by what I can find in my notes, and I am definitely to blame for the lengthiness in that situation. I replied in May 2014 with an updated link, and also asked for a fullbody commission, (http://i.imgur.com/Pgi170z.png) as I noticed she had opened some slots for them up(http://i.imgur.com/6aSuak5.png). She replied about two weeks later and I paid quickly after. (http://i.imgur.com/sLfKjk9.png) This would be the last contact for half a year. My name was never put down in the fullbody list. She continued being active during this period of time with more journals and artworks. http://i.imgur.com/hRm7jIc.png http://i.imgur.com/eVRJ9Bg.png http://i.imgur.com/ReLnE5I.png http://i.imgur.com/Z4LKTiY.png http://i.imgur.com/EdMxKi7.png (A commission was posted around a month later.) http://i.imgur.com/1L0sSsp.png http://i.imgur.com/qprg5bZ.png (Again, no contact made to me, and the only one from this list she finished a commission in decent time was Choubidubinette's, of which she owed two chibis to the customer it appears and would finish the last one months later) http://i.imgur.com/QPAUIuH.png (Was not done with commissions.) [Read More] To summarize: -I purchased 2 chibi commissions in December 2013 and a fullbody in May 2014. -She has never contacted me on her own (as in, not having a deadline enforced, angry customer, etc, of her own volition), except once in February 2014 to request I send her an updated character reference which I took nearly three months to reply to and apologize. -She has been fairly active this entire timespan with both art and journals and DA activity, only beginning to slow down somewhat in the beginning of 2015. -Took down her to-do list twice, and current one is incomplete. -Did not answer most of my notes asking for updates until I tried to enforce a deadline in February 2015. -She broke her deadlines twice. Claimed she would finish by the end of February or March. She did not, and when I contacted her again at the end of March, she promised two would be done in a week, something that proved to be inaccurate. -Does not listen to my concerns. Asked twice to be notified before working on the fullbody, that did not happen. I listed examples of the styles I wanted, no response was given and the finished chibis are in a wholly different style. -This does not truly pertain to me, but I have reason to believe she is ignoring others as well. Also, in late 2014, she said she would be nearly done with Tirekins' commission, but it would take her many months before she was actually done. The same occurred for Choubidoubinette's commissions and many others. Thank you for your time everyone. Updated 8/2/15: The situation has progressed some more since then. (http://i.imgur.com/xrpfLrX.png)(http://i.imgur.com/OQVvUPR.png) I ended up not replying to this note, it was clear we were in a disagreement over the situation and would not be able to reach a middle ground. I point out that it was actually three months and not four, and that she continued her lack of communication and updates throughout that process and the month-long reply was as earlier mentioned in this post, due to stress experienced from discussing the matter with her. In any case, this was my reply two weeks later, where I asked why she broke a deadline yet again: (http://i.imgur.com/1KK6les.png) Iingo replied: (http://i.imgur.com/lb217Wa.png) I sent a note back essentially thanking her for the reply. She finished the fullbody commission the next day! (http://i.imgur.com/ZF6umLQ.png) (http://i.imgur.com/QT4MjBT.png) I replied that I liked the one with the background: (http://i.imgur.com/xOetHO0.png) A few minutes later, Iingo posted the fullbody commission to her gallery: (http://i.imgur.com/pM60k4o.png) / http://iingo.deviantart.com/art/Full-Body-Commission-for-Vespisia-545980631 Again, this is the commission sample when I purchased a fullbody commission from her: (http://i.imgur.com/H7atwRi.png) I know styles change, especially with how long this situation has taken, but the two look different in not just style, but quality. To make sure I was not biased, I showed the pieces to others for comparison, and they agreed and noted that it looked like they were made by two different artists and I should ask for a partial refund. Which I did, I finally replied to her last night, having been silent from the hurt of receiving what to me, seemed like a subpar commission after she noted me the piece, which was unprofessional of me to do so. Here is the note I sent her last night at last: (http://i.imgur.com/VJi4utd.png) I thanked her for the piece and asked for a partial refund. Iingo would reply a few hours later with three notes: (http://i.imgur.com/SJedypc.png) (http://i.imgur.com/4qhW1h3.png) (http://i.imgur.com/6UVoOCW.png) I do not intend to reply to her notes. Again, no agreement can be made between us so there is no point. I am updating this beware to let everyone know what has progressed in the situation and I suppose it is resolved, somewhat. Because I got my commissions at last and partial refunds. However, my intention was really to warn people of her work ethic and behavior and in that regard, it is not resolved. Again, thank you for your time everyone.
  11. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/855169.html WHO: mixideer, mixipony, miss-mixi, mixisweets WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mixideer WHAT: Art trade: wing-it piece of my character for a custom furset of their character made on IMVU WHEN: initial conversation: March 29th, Finished my half April 13th PROOF: Album of images, some contain NSFW: http://imgur.com/a/TiJmI individual images will be linked in the story below EXPLAIN: Mixi approached me at the end of March asking about a custom furset made on IMVU. I proposed a trade over my normal currency of IMVU credits since I had already been watching her and liked her art. She said she could totally do that and requested I add her on skype. (http://i.imgur.com/UXN2FCS.png) On skype we confirmed an art trade (http://i.imgur.com/CfSy82F.png) I told her which character I would like drawn and gave her the first WIP (http://i.imgur.com/csLWyQb.png) I always give many WIPs as I work because I want to make sure everything is perfect. I had a slight delay in working because I had another commission that was paid in full, whereas I had not gotten the art for this one. I message her letting her know why I had been delayed and gave her more WIPs (http://i.imgur.com/uloGY9j.png) She says it's amazing and I gift it to her account (http://i.imgur.com/rKcoN5Q.png) Proof that I sent the skin over (http://i.imgur.com/8MB4HEZ.png) I can provide proof for each individual piece of the set but I am not sure that's necessary. Note: the price is high because I change the price from 0 personal profit to a high number after gifting it. This helps me keep track of what I have delivered and prevents anyone from accidentally buying it when I unhide it in the shop to be visible as an example of my work. Ten days after I have given her the furset I notice that I am not on her to-do list and message her on skype asking if I will be added to it. She says she is sorry for not having me there and adds me to it. May comes and goes and on June 11th I message her asking if she has worked on the art she owes me. She apologizes and said she is behind on work (http://i.imgur.com/TcXTXgc.png) Since me asking for an update she has posted a few gift art pieces and even did a freebie stream. She has also been posting a lot of YCHs. She has also posted journals for more commissions. I am a little anxious and message her again on the 23rd, expressing that it has been two months and would like an estimate on when the piece will at least be started (http://i.imgur.com/SKMQWfO.png) She was online when I messaged her but I did not get a response. I went to bed and woke up and still did not have a response. The morning after I messaged asking for information on our trade she was streaming. In the stream it was clear that she was on skype. As she checked messages when streaming (http://i.imgur.com/AHlRFWx.png) I decided to follow up my message since I knew she was online and on skype (http://i.imgur.com/ti9Dh1n.png) I understand not wanting to talk business during a stream and waited patiently for the stream to be over, figuring she would message me once people were no longer watching. The stream finished with her saying she was going to bed and I did not get any message back from her. Not even a simple "hey, I am sorry, I will have to message you tomorrow since it's late" After my messages had still not been responded to she makes a journal claiming to be on holiday and to have been gone over the weekend (http://i.imgur.com/hJA79Fs.png). This does not explain why my art has not been finished as I messaged her before the weekend she claims to have been gone during and she has been working on art both before and after this journal was posted. Her to-do list says "(I REPEAT, I DO NOT DRAW THESE IN ORDER, I DRAW THEM IN ORDER TO HOW I'M FEELING) Up to a few weeks wait or a few days of ordering, finished at least within the month." but it has been over two months since I completed my half and even longer since the trade was decided on. I am upset because I just wanted something, anything, drawn of my character. It was a wing-it piece so she could have easily used one of the YCH poses for it. She said she was behind on work but was actively taking and completing commissions and YCHs. I had to request to be added to her to-do list and now I have been actually ignored. Uploading products to IMVU is not free. I had to pay to submit those products and then pay to gift them to her. I have spent actual currency on this. This is not something I can get back. The only thing I can do is edit the products I have sent her with textures that are solid black with "Payment not recieved" in white across it. This will make the products useless to her but will still not get me my money back Update 1 - July 1st: Mixi has messaged me after seeing this beware (http://i.imgur.com/nwP355B.png) And I have responded (http://i.imgur.com/W2FEqzS.png) I also told her an amount and my paypal but the screencap cuts out and I figured it would be best to leave out since I would have to censor the information regardless. Update 2 - July 5th: I have not heard from Mixi after giving her the information she asked for in order to give me payment for the set. So I sent her a message asking for a response, (http://i.imgur.com/R1seooI.png) she has been online and has posted a new journal on FA in which she has removed me from her To-Do list, but still has not responded to me. Update 3 - July 8th: Still waiting on a response from Mixi despite her being active on FA, I message her again (http://i.imgur.com/Ja7rxvz.png) I am starting to question if she will ever get back to me. Update 4 - July 13th: I do not message people this often when waiting on art, but now this has become me waiting on payment for an already delivered good and I have not gotten a response from her in nearly two weeks while she has still been posting on FA. I send her another message (http://i.imgur.com/UQf8p4t.png) Update 5 - July 14th: After having been contacted by a concerned 3rd party, Mixi has sent me my payment. (http://i.imgur.com/ev3GZ4y.png) She has not actually said anything to me at all since the message she sent to me on the 1st. I have received my payment and so this can be tagged as resolved.
  12. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/856045.html WHO: Rubbertex Raccoon, Rubbertex Cooper WHERE: FurAffinity. He has a website as well but it doesn't seem to be operational. WHAT: Partial Fursuit. When I last heard from him back in January neither of us could find the initial Skype conversation hashing out specific details, but we both remember the price was $750 and that sending smaller payments was already, as such I had sent about $100 every couple of weeks when I was paid. There was also a $41 comic but that was resolved in April after waiting several years on that as well. Most of that follows the same story as the fursuit. WHEN: The original conversation I remember was held in October before Midwest Furfest 2012. The first payment/deposit was sent on October 31st, with the rest of the payments following when I could afford to make a payment, which was originally agreed upon that several smaller payments would be alright. I first started to become uneasy when I was told that he would have the fursuit done by Further Confusion '14 (roughly a year and change after he first agreed to take it) and getting a hold of him to ask if the fursuit would be done in time was becoming an issue. Due to flying to California, if I could take the fursuit home as a carry on bag rather than shipping it, I would have preferred that to save us both the shipping costs. PROOF: As mentioned before, neither of us can seem to find the chat log from when we first agreed to it. I've got logs from before October and after October, but none during that month and I'm not entirely sure why. I've got screenshots of afterwards, but this is the closest I've got to an agreement on the suit http://i.gyazo.com/9e0299d70cd46ceb647ac6d2c5230953.png For the comic: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/x69zsz5l26we5tw/9360d0db4dc965cb5386435c8d72d13e.png?dl=0 EXPLAIN: Rubbertex and I were chatting on Skype, and the conversation has drifted towards me being dissatisfied with my current suit. He mentioned that he built suits himself, and showed me some examples. If I recall correctly, he then offered to make me a partial for "the friend discount" of $750 which I agreed and we started talking about payment and specifics. The original date that I was told was that he would have it done by MWFF, which I thought that, while impressive, wouldn't happen, but he assured me he could have it done by then. By November 1st he apparently already had the head and feet foamed, and he already had black and white fur and just needed to order the brown. He said he would have it by the 16th but ended up getting sick for a few weeks and by the time MWFF rolled around I didn't have the suit. I wasn't too bothered since I had only paid him the deposit at that time, and didn't expect it to be done so soon anyways. Fast forward about a year, I hadn't been saying much and sending him payments when my income could afford the breathing room, which was about $100 every month or so. Due to not hearing anything about it being finished or near finished since the note linked above, I admittedly wasn't in too much of a hurry to get it paid off. I had been monitoring his journals and he had a Google Drive spreadsheet with progress on all his commissions set up. It hadn't been updated in a while, but it was listed as being "Currently going through final sewing up. Need approval on toony or follow me eyes for the suit head." for a while, so I got into contact with him, I believe through AIM, and told him about the eyes since I hadn't heard anything from him about it. For a while, I had been contacting him through Twitter DMs whenever I had sent a payment, then as it got closer to being paid off I started sending him emails to give him more details about things like shipping address and dates. The "last" payment was on November 13, 2013, just before Midwest Furfest again, but I had no plans of going so I didn't ask for any other updates. When I had concrete plans made for going to Further Confusion 2014, I started emailing him asking about if it would be completed on time. On December 5th I was told he would have it done in time. About a month of not hearing any sort of updates aside from occasional journals filled with bad news and I was trying to find out if it would be complete or not cause the day that I left for FC was fast approaching. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/k6c0renm70ka7ht/ac729cc3a9da620c09e416d6e9a21621.png?dl=0 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/66dcxtw4kind73n/9f6fa591d23922573a47d7eb10364c49.png?dl=0 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/3kwc46xnlm3uhng/e7c6365bf7c5c34b1e14cfdea865c097.png?dl=0 At FC when I ran into him, he had told me that the suit wasn't able to be finished because he ran out of black/white fur. I found that excuse highly unlikely, but I was there to have fun with friends so I just bit my tongue and let it go. Keep in mind that up to this point, I have still not seen a single photo of anything regarding my suit, so I was going off of the faith that the Google Doc that hadn't been updated in months was still current, along with him having several cases of getting sick, a car accident, his bank account being compromised a couple of times, and general stress and anxiety making him unable to work. I had tried to remain patient and understanding about all of this, but my sympathy was running low when it seemed to be one excuse after another about general lack of communication or why work wasn't being done. After the con I had sent several emails, and only got a response to two in the next 4 months. For a period of time, he had his FA page disabled, which had me more than a little worried, so I continued to try and contact him via email. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/5ul8xkiwxsc0fdv/fefcbd7984badc5348ea4abc9a0bc441.png It turned out that he had the FA note system on the wrong tab or something? I find that hard to believe since it would still notify you of new notes until they were read, but again, I bit my tongue and didn't raise a fuss. Another 6 months pass, no response to several emails/notes/FA Shouts/Comments/etc any form of contact I could think of that was more than commenting on a random journal which didn't seem to have much luck most of the time anyway. He posted another life update journal and I thought there was a general tone of him taking on new commissions, so I spoke up and said something, cause at this point I still hadn't received any recent updates and was also still waiting on the comic commission which he had posted several times before that it was completed and just needed to be emailed out. That prompted this conversation. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/ub40cqmdhwut6m6/08f62da4d8990a3205ad3403683e9cea.png?dl=0 I had been in contact with him for the last year and a half, and he claimed he was trying to use an entirely different email than the one I had been using the entire time prior to this conversation. Again, I found that extremely hard to believe, but bit my tongue. He also told me again, that he would have them done by FC 2015 which was about 2 months away. A couple weeks later, he started to take stream commissions, while he still had his entire backlog from May of 2012 to work through that from what I had gathered from contacting a couple of other people in that same backlog, they were in the same boat. A couple of people commented on the streaming journals asking about their work that was in the backlog, but he ignored the comments and deleted the journals. A couple weeks after that comment, I decided that I was done waiting and to give him a final chance. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/a2x2j48n3umupjs/13e9f9f9e0d3c9f372e107bea70c5257.png?dl=0 I had sent several emails to him asking for updates in the time between that one and FC asking for some sort of update. Around early December/January he started to use Twitter again after being on hiatus from there for a while. The couple weeks prior to FC he mentioned working on a "puppy" and a "beagle" and one of my friends who was in a stream of his told me that he saw Rubbertex working on my suit. When I tried to reply to his tweets asking if the suit in question was mine, I never got a reply, nor to the email asking if he even saw those tweets. FC comes around, and I still haven't heard anything. I ran into him several times due to us having several of the same social circles, but he was actively avoiding me, and since I didn't want to make a scene I didn't confront him about it. I sent him a few Twitter messages, since I saw him actively posting on there and responding to people, so I figured that would get a response, but they went ignored. After I got home, I waited a few days for a response to any of the messages I had sent him. Afterwards I decided to give him one last final chance, and sent this email. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/rw2l8xf8sx836a7/Email.png?dl=0 Shortly after sending it, I went to Paypal Support to ask how I would go about getting a refund on something I had paid for that was well beyond their usual Buyer Protection date. I was informed that if I wanted a refund for this all, assuming that he wouldn't cooperate, that I would need to go through the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) which is a branch of the FBI and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C). I informed Rubbertex of what I was told to do via Twitter DMs, and that finally prompted the response from the email. I haven't heard a response from in to any emails I've sent since that last one 4 months ago. The only contact I've gotten out of him was when I went into one of his streams and he showed me the comic that he was finally working on, and posted in April '15. Other than that, I haven't heard a word from him about any sort of progress on my suit, but he's still active on FA. I know that stress, anxiety, and depression can all suck big time, but it has been two and a half years since he agreed to do a partial fursuit, and it took me threatening legal action to even get photos from him that he had something started on it. I'm not entirely thrilled that I'll only get a %50 refund considering that his main excuse for it not being done on time has been that he's ran out of materials, so I don't really buy that he's spent all $300 of that on materials for my suit. At the same time, I'm doubting that the suit will be completed in the foreseeable future. UPDATE: Sent an email on July 4th saying I was done waiting. Recieved a response on the following Monday that he would refund, but he's also got other refunds to do first. Also in posting a link to this, word reached other people in his queue, and from the ones who responded, they all said they're in pretty much the same boat. Waiting several years, months of no contact, excuse after excuse, etc. A few are heavily contemplating legal action. UPDATE 2: Still waiting on a refund, I was told on September 3rd that I was next in his refund queue, and upon sending an email a month later about the refund, because I had been going on the assumption that I was only getting half, was told that I would be getting a full refund. There were other things mentioned, but that starts to get off topic of the refund.
  13. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/854962.html WHO: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vov (NSFW Content) Unsure if there are anymore.. WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vov (NSFW Content) WHAT: Digital Pin-Up WHEN: 2/18/15 Initial contact was made. The entire transaction seemed shady… PROOF: Details and Transaction Notes: 2/18 http://i60.tinypic.com/2lmvxxh.jpg Paypal Receipt: http://i60.tinypic.com/5fhnjl.jpg Follow-Up Strange Question: 2/19 http://i58.tinypic.com/2r5evj4.jpg Update? 3/25 http://gyazo.com/a6b0248bce418ed5ddd388a8cc2c372d My Follow-Up 4/9 - http://gyazo.com/1d9f15879e59b0cbec604a1e7f30eb13 Was in hopes of having it completed for my birthday. – No response received from artist. 4/18 Questioning if it is too late to cancel since I had not heard back: http://i.gyazo.com/ac6e89d1b852c0587499d2dc4a3e9156.png EXPLAIN: The whole entire transaction had seemed shady from the start, however a few people I know on FA had commissioned this artist as well, so I jumped on board myself. The notes explain the reason for my discomfort with the artist. I very rarely follow-up with trusted artists, and even when I do it’s 60-90 days out.. I always feel like I am a bother asking for an update. In any event – I hadn’t heard any responses back from this artist at all, only one person had their commission completed out of the batch of 4. Recently, today, the initial thread was deleted and the artist posted another commission opening. http://i57.tinypic.com/whjm1e.png (NSFW) This same submission was reposted multiple times. I aimed to question if the prior batch would be completed and found that I was blocked. (PROOF) http://i57.tinypic.com/2uynau1.png To date I have received no sketch, update, response, or anything from the artist.
  14. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/851367.html UPDATE: Contact was made, work was finished to my satisfaction. Issue is now resolved. I stand with the other posting regarding this artist, as communication was non existent. My take away is that I will research more and keep on communication, as I think now that 3 months between contact points are a bit long. Who: FA user Nuka_foxy3 Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/nukafoxy3/ What: Full color portrait of a character from a description. When, Proof and explanation all laid out below Pinged the artist on March 17th. Asked if she would be open to a description only commission. I was doing this in a batch with 3 others. 1 2 Commission idea was accepted, payment was sent. paypal record.JPG A journal was posted about 3 months later, she stated that she did not keep up with notes, and if her commissioners had not heard from her to contact her reminding her about the commission. I posted in the thread, she stated that she hadn't forgotten about it. (cannot post anything from this, journal was deleted.) Sent a note on August 29th 2014 asking for an update. Got a fairly sharp response. 3 Sent the next note January 19th, 2015. Was assured that I would have something in a week. That was 4 months ago. No additional updates have been given. 4 This was my final note. She tells me that I need to re send her the details, as she has deleted the note. She had planned to have my things done in a week in January, and then decided to delete the note with the description between then and now. 5.JPG I am writing this because it has been well over a year since the commission was agreed upon and paid for. I don't expect my money back or delivered product at this time. I followed instructions, I allowed the responsibility that should have been hers to be placed on me. She has broken 2 promise dates, and made me contact her to figure out if she still knew that she owed me work. In the year that has passed, 80+ commissions have shown up on her account, and she has opened up for commissions and YCH's and trades and badges and everything else.
  15. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/851017.html This is something very difficult for me to do, but it needs to be done. This happened over the span of a couple years, so much is undocumented up until issues arose as I did not think it would be a problem. However, I feel there is more than enough after the fact. After much advice, I’ve decided to come forward and make a post here about this, mostly to warn people. I took my time writing this as I know there is no action I can take at this point and am very busy. WHO: Ritz_Bitz / Frostcat-Studio (and FA) / Ritz_Tweeting WHERE: Online, texts, emails, twitter, and at Further Confusion 2015 WHAT: One full fursuit (~$950) WHEN: Discussions starting in 2012, first purchase of materials March 4th, 2013, payment from a sponsor on November 25th, 2014, agreement of $200 of payment finalized with attendance at Further Confusion where the suit was delivered, and serious troubles starting shortly after. PROOF: Many images linked throughout explanation. EXPLAIN: This originally started as one of my best friends offering to build me a fursuit for a “friend” price. I had worn one of her suits once and got hooked on the fun it was. Over the years the details swapped around and much was discussed in person when I had lived nearby. Nothing was really set in stone for a long time and it was purely talk. March 4th, 2013 I purchased an order of fur and fleece for the project at Ritz’s request and had it shipped to her. I can't remember what happened, but she had to backburner the project. The fur sat around for almost 2 years before the project could finally be worked on, so there is a large time gap. (At some point I had also sent her DTDs of my feet for sockpaws, a pair of thick, long socks for the sockpaws, a tracing of my hand for the gloves, and extra fleece I had from a previous project based around my character.) June 2014 After attending Califur 2014 with my good friend (who I will refer to as Bob for this,) he started talking about how much he had wanted a fursuit after trying one of his friends’ suits on at the convention. He was hoping to purchase a fursuit and get it by Further Confusion that next year, and I referred him to Ritz as she was also doing my fursuit. When he found out my suit was on backburner, he offered to sponsor some of the cost for the project so it could be put into her paid queue so we could suit at Further Confusion together. I spoke to Ritz and she agreed to reserve space for Bob’s suit as well as mine and a guarantee for completion by the convention in January. I was happy to be helping her get some bills paid and to be helping Bob get a quality suit. Ritz had always told me steps she took to ensure her suits were durable and of high quality craftsmanship, so I had much trust in her work. June 27th, 2014 Bob contacted Ritz about a quote for his suit, also mentioning to her his intentions to sponsor a portion of my suit’s cost. Everything seemed pretty cut and dry at this point and Ritz waited for the payment so she could start the process of constructing the suit. Ritz confirmed that she can complete the suit by Further Confusion and states she planned to start work on my suit in August. September 20th, 2014 Bob placed a down payment to secure the slots. November 4th, 2014 I text Ritz asking when she will be needing my DTD. She answers asking it be sent the start of December. November 15th, 2014 Ritz has started constructing the head. She sends me a text asking about the eye color and shows me an early WIP of the foam sculpting, followed by more complete WIPs of the sculpt and what she planned for it. I was surprised she got the snout acceptably shaped in her style off the bat as it’s the most often misinterpreted part of my character. I praised her for this and asked one small request to the brow which she said wasn’t difficult to add, and informs me of things most people worry about in case I start to worry about similar things. November 16th, 2014 I receive an image of the progress she made as well as the change to the brow that I had requested. I was very pleased with the shape and happy it worked out so quickly with only that one minor change needed. November 20th, 2014 Ritz texts me asking that I bug Bob about making the second payment. It was weird that it was my job to ask him, but I overlooked this as this was a friendly transaction I had helped to arrange. We discussed the confusion, making jokingly grumbling about it as was custom of us when we spoke. We continued on to negotiate $200 of the suit payment to be taken out of what she would owe me for room and dealer’s table costs at Further Confusion. November 21st, 2014 Ritz texts me asking about the ears for the suit. It’s a little difficult to communicate, but I was happy with the shape and aware she only had two hands so just curious about the final curvature at the top. I jotted on the notepad what I meant and it was understood and she says it’s not hard. (This was laden with a very inappropriate joke and I have censored it out.) She also reminds me to send my DTD within the next two weeks. November 25th, 2014 Ritz contacts me asking about more details for the head. At the end I tell her she has my trust in recreating the mouth due to color limitations of fleece. November 29th, 2014 Ritz contacts me while at the store purchasing fleece for the mouth. We figure it out and even settle on the wings ahead of time to just be white due to the lack of proper shades available. I inform her I’ll be making my DTD the next day and shipping it out soon. November 30th, 2014 I ask her if she needs me to retape the dummy before sending it and inform her the lines were cut a little weird. (They were slightly wobbly in a few areas, but I had no issue matching it all back up for retaping.) December 1st, 2014 After seeing Ritz tweet pictures of the finished head, I contact her to question if it’s too late to add the fur tuft my character always has. I was a little upset that she didn’t offer a solution, but it was just a fur tuft. I wasn’t going to make a big deal about it. It still looked good, which I made sure to communicate to her. I also inform her I’m sending the DTD the next day. December 8th/ 9th, 2014 I ask if she received the DTD in the mail yet. The next day she responds that she has. December 14th, 2014 Ritz texts me during conversation about how big the tail for another suit is, using my head and DTD as comparison. My DTD appears to be partially stuffed and looks fine. December 16th, 2014 Ritz texts me informing my my DTD split at the seams during the stuffing process. She claims every seam that was cut split apart because I didn’t use long enough strips of tape. I felt bad because I knew it would be annoying to retape. She says it can be repaired (it’s just taping seams back together) and she was working on it. This is very important for an issue later, as she tells me she’s going to stuff and pattern one half and mirror the pattern. December 20th, 2014 Ritz texts me asking if I want the feet separate or attached. We’d discussed it previously, but it was so long before I understood many things were forgotten. January 1st, 2015 After seeing tweets of the completed sockpaws, I text her in private to ask her if it’s too late to add larger claws. Again, this is something we’d discussed many times in person down to the shape and how she planned construction, but I understand forgetting. She’s clearly upset at the mere question of the possibility, so I immediately try to reassure her I’m just curious and not trying to upset her. I was very concerned as a friend that my question may have been upsetting to her, but from a client’s standpoint I knew it was very wrong and I began to worry about voicing my opinion on anything being wrong with this very expensive product. January 12th, 2015 After seeing only one WIP of the wings being completed on her twitter since the sockpaws were complete, I am now texted with the completed suit only a few days before the promised deadline. She first informs me that the magnetic wings wouldn’t work and that she had to sew them into the bodysuit. Not a big deal. However, I instantly noticed the padding on the legs looked… odd and lumpy. I also became worried that the bodysuit fit her as I’m a very small person. From the backview you can also tell the ears were not evenly shaven and have bumps in the structure already. It was days before the convention and I knew bringing up the issues would cause a very tense upset, so I kept quiet and informed her I was happy with the suit and we began talking about the fun we’d have at the convention that weekend. January 15th, 2015 The first day of Further Confusion for us, as soon as we set up in the dealer’s den, we went up to the room eager to suit up and go have fun. Ritz begins to help me put the suit on for the first time and issues already arise. The bodysuit is extremely baggy on me, which was odd considering I’d gained a lot of holiday weight since I had made the DTD. When it came time to put the sockpaws on, I noticed there was a hole in the inner sock, but shrugged it off considering it was difficult to get my feet into the paws. I had provided her with DTDs of my feet, so this was also confusing. We discussed it and since she only patterned the right foot and flipped it, it being my smaller foot caused the sizing issue for my left foot. The worst problem came when I tried to put the gloves on. They couldn’t fit past my second knuckles. She immediately became upset and, again, I took the blame upon myself and said it wasn’t her fault and that I probably traced my hand wrong. She gladly accepted this and it became the new “fact” of what went wrong. When putting the head on, I noticed a part of the zipper was separated from the fur of the head. An easy fix. We quickly discussed the issues. She explained she was extremely busy with personal suit projects she wanted to get done for Denver Comic Con and didn’t have the time to do these repairs and make new gloves. I felt bad and said I could probably handle it with the small amount of sewing experience I have. This seemed to clear things up and we went out suiting. I tried not to pay attention to the flaws and just enjoy the con. January 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 2015 We only suited up once more after that, and I wore the suit as a partial a third time out with her because the padding in the thighs of the suit were unsecured and chafed me to no end when I walked. Nothing stayed in place how it was intended because the suit was so baggy. Meanwhile, tensions rose during the con due to Bob’s suit having issues. Ritz was extremely upset by this so I absolutely couldn’t bring myself to say anything negative about my suit. In fact, I rushed to defend her despite having my own issues with my suit. Sunday night when we were going to suit a final time, tensions blew up, drama happened, and we cancelled our plans and stayed in the room. The con ended and I took my entire suit home with me with plans to try to repair it myself and save Ritz the time. January 21st, 2015 After coming home and getting unpacked, I finally had time to look over the suit and prepare myself for the work I had to do. I realized there was far more than I could handle and I was not experienced enough to fix most of it. A list of the issues in full is provided after my next piece of information. February 14th, 2015 The issues in my fursuit worried me. I wasn’t sure what was normal and what wasn’t. I attended the local furmeet this day and brought the head and paws (having issues easier to see in person) and asked some friends with more experience on the issues as well as asking advice on how to handle this delicate situation between my friend and myself. I briefly wore these to demonstrate some of the issues and interact with two young children. I got the advice I needed and confirmation that the flaws in my suit were not acceptable and not my responsibility to fix as she was paid to produce a suit in working condition that I could wear and enjoy. Many told me how clear it was that she rushed it and took shortcuts, which is no surprise given the circumstances. I needed to approach her on the issue and hope for the best. I couldn’t keep pretending it was okay, and I started preparing myself to for this rather difficult step. The Problems - The excess amount of fabric on the bodysuit is around 10-14 inches on the midsection. This can only mean when she patterned the half of the DTD and flipped it, she overshot the middle point. Even overshooting this by a few inches can cause excess (2-4x the length of the overshoot) and wouldn’t have been an issue had she taken the time to fully retape the DTD. The thighs have an excess as well, though not as bad. - I discovered the zipper on the head was glued on instead of sewn. This is why part of it was already separated when I received it. - The shaving on the head was very choppy. I had actually taken time to hand trim the face to smooth it out, but there was little I could do for the ears. - The ears were glued directly to the balaclava with no foam to anchor them or keep them stable. This causes them to flop around pretty badly. - Instead of being sewn to the rest of the fur of the head, the ears were poorly glued on. There are small open gaps at the side of each ear on both sides, as well as at the front of the ears near the fleece. - There are crinkles in the fleece on the ears where it was glued to the inside material. - The ears are anchored off-center. - The balaclava was spottily glued to the inside of the head and was already pulling off bits of foam. It is glued in such a way that it overlaps a portion of the buckram from the inside, unnecessarily limiting the vision further. - The gloves do not fit past the second knuckle of my hand. They’re also not hemmed at the edges so the fleece was left raw cut. - On top of the sizing issues, the sockpaws had a hole in the inner sock when I received them from being cut sloppily. - The sockpaws weren’t hemmed. In fact, the fleece was glued to the sock at the top. It began to fall apart with the small amount of wear they saw at the con. - The magnets she’d promised me and stated she could not get to work were left in the wings and sealed over with giant globs of glue. You can still see them and the gluey mess is left uncovered to get at the wearer’s back. - The wings were glued together and you can see the wire in some spots by peeking into the open spaces in the glue seams. (Originally we were planning on realistic wings with wiring, feathers, and vinyl. I told her “Just do simple plush wings like Telephone’s since it’s easier” later on. While the wings she made are cute and a creative middle-point, they’re going to fall apart because glue doesn’t last very long.) - The elastic loops on the tail were not sewn very securely for such a large, heavy tail and had begun to fall apart at the convention along with a small hole. February 15th, 2015 I have a short, rather comical discussion with another previous client of Ritz’s who also discloses that many parts of their suit are glued together. I feel this is necessary to disclose to help support my discontent with the quality of my suit prior to the next events as I am accused of "retaliation" later on. March 2nd, 2015 Unfortunately, I’d been very busy with life, so I had not yet been able to approach Ritz before this point. I don’t like to bring drama into this discussion of business, but this severely complicated the smooth resolution of things. We had not been speaking much as Ritz had blamed me for the drama at the convention and I was giving her breathing space. On this day, she reacted negatively to a tweet I had made on Twitter (she brings it up later) and the resulting misunderstanding caused her to remove me on social media. I contacted her concerned about her and trying to resolve the issue, only to be ignored. (I can provide screenshots, but would rather not as this is just drama.) In a panic, I discussed parting out the suit as a last resort as I was certain I would now not be given the repairs I deserved. It did not help when I saw photos proving similar quality work on other suits, leaving me more upset at what had been given to me. After speaking to many people and getting advice on this new situation, I removed the comments out of courtesy (despite never once mentioning her specifically) and went forward with their suggestions to attempt getting a rightful refurbish. March 6th, 2015 At the advice of many, I contacted Ritz with my intentions. I tweeted at her asking for an email to discuss repairs with her, being clear it shouldn’t be my responsibility. She replied with the preferred email. At that point I began to write a thorough email to her. This took me about a week to get finished up. March 13th, 2015 I finally sent my email. I noted not only the issues with her craftsmanship, but also with the customer service she gave me that led to increasing problems in the work that had upset me and led me to be quiet for so long. I leave the option open to negotiate a refurbish or simply work out a refund as it seems like it would be easier with her busy schedule that caused the burden of refurbishing to be placed on me in the first place. March 14th, 2015 I woke up to a rather hostile email back from Ritz. She immediately accused me of retaliation, being unreasonable, and picky. Our correspondence is plain to see and everyone I’ve asked said I was very kind. She accuses me of getting a suit “for free” even though she received a $600 payment from Bob, a $200 traded payment from me, as well as my purchasing $160 of materials. She then blames me for all the problems she possibly can, while ignoring half the issues that she can’t try to blame me for. She blamed the bagginess on my DTD, which she now attacks me for. I spoke to numerous suitmakers and they said 10-14 inches is definitely not due to retaping seams. (Also note the 2 day gap between the lightly stuffed DTD image and her telling me it split apart as vs. her story now.) The fact she still continued and even brought up personal drama with other clients as well as further wild accusations that, even if true, have nothing to do with the quality of my suit, is baffling. I’m not sure if she was trying to guilt trip me or try to scare me out of pressing the issue to resolution, but it was absolutely uncalled for. She even accuses me of being the reason someone was bringing up issues on another suit she worked on. The fact she finished it up with blatantly insulting me was the icing on the cake. I was also a little disturbed that, despite our cessation of contact on social media, she had still been checking my accounts. I immediately wrote her a response, on my phone, to address this unbelievable reply she had sent me. Admittedly blunt, but necessary, and deciding at this point I cannot handle a refurbishing process due to her hostility and request a refund. As she showed aggression about Bob having paid in a portion, I made it clear I could contact him to work things out how she’d like. March 17th, 2015 As I’ve yet to receive a response, I sent Ritz an email to remind her and request she handle the situation civilly. I make note that Bob is aware of the situation and we all just want to resolve this. March 29th, 2015 I had to duck out to handle life for a bit and figured giving her time to cool off was good. Sadly, I saw signal boosts that she was selling her leftover furs. I saw some of the very same fur used on my suit and contacted her immediately. It seemed like the 6 yards she told me to purchase was a lot and it was likely some of it was mine. At this point I was notably frazzled by this ordeal. She surprisingly responded, again accusing me of things I am not guilty of and bringing other clients and drama into dealings about a fursuit she did not make properly. She seems to even agree with the fact that the quality is bad and that I should be fine that I only spent $200 on it. Her logic in thinking because I only paid $200 along with $160 in materials means she doesn’t have to give anything back, despite that she took the $600 from Bob, and that is what he would get back, not me, in a refund. She claims it was wrong to take Bob’s money, yet she seems fine keeping it despite not doing her job properly for it. All she has done is avoided owning up and fixing mistakes she made on an expensive product while hiding behind excuses that drama somehow nullifies her responsibility in business. I made a final response to her as well, and that was where it ended between us. Currently: I have been refused repairs or a refund on a suit that was paid for and delivered in poor quality. It’s very clear Ritz has done a good job to avoid everything wrong with the suit she made for me and justify not fixing the issue and attacking me. She blames me for all that she can and resorts to bringing up drama instead of addressing why half my suit is glued together. I feel she has been trying to take advantage of the fact Bob sponsored part of the suit cost and her sudden grudge against me to avoid dealing with resolving the matter. She took a large sum of money for a product of a certain quality and did not deliver, and I’m honestly upset with how she’s treated me in this ordeal. The suit needs entirely new hands and feet, major tailoring of the bodysuit that includes redoing the legs entirely, redoing the tail's backing and elastic loops, completely redoing the ears and refurring the head with a new balaclava. Most suitmakers have told me it's not "refurbishing" so much as making an entirely new suit with some scraps. I basically don't know what to do aside from hope nobody else runs into the same troubles as I have with this suitmaker, but any advice would be welcome if anything can possibly be done at this point. June 16, 2015 Update I just took the head out of the storage box for the first time since photographing everything months ago. I've been getting advice on how to salvage as much as I can from the head to go towards making a new one, so I was needing to take a closer look at some things. A small clatter and objects falling out confused me, until I realized that the teeth have started to fall out with even this small amount of age and absolutely no use. The teeth are sculpey, I believe, and left unfinished. Some bases of the silver molars were unpainted, the rest of the teeth are just straight sculpey or whatever they are made of, no paint, and are all starting to separate from the beds of hot glue. This just adds to the poor quality product I was given and the work I am left to cover out of my pocket to fix. I honestly don't have anymore words to describe how I feel right now. February 2016 Update This disheartens me to have to even add to so long after the fact of this all happening, but I would like to update this to add a further warning to Ritz's poor business behavior if you happen to get on her bad side as I have with this ordeal. I placed an advertisement up on Furaffinity, in which I used a commission she had gotten from me as it was in my top 10 favorited pieces in my gallery and a great example. My Terms of Service states that I am allowed to use the work I create for people for portfolio and other purposes, and thus I had the legal right to use the image in an advertisement as it's a form of portfolio. I assumed this would not be an issue as I have personally gotten over the drama and moved on past this all quite a while ago, and had assumed she had done the same. She, however, saw this as an opportunity to attack me by approaching the advertisement organizer stating that her character was in my advertisement without her permission, essentially wanting it removed. This was orchestrated with a friend of hers whom also had commission work in my advertisement, also demanding the removal of their commission despite them having both agreed to and being bound by my Terms of Service. This alone was a nuisance, but in having to handle the issue, I saw that she had been publicly trash talking me, clearly stating her intention to try to cause a problem for me for the sake of causing a problem. At this point she obviously holds a grudge against me and I am being bullied for having spoken out about her practices, showing also that she has absolutely no respect to my Terms of Service that was agreed to. I am attempting to resolve the issue with the advertising organizer, but will be forced to avoid exercising my legal rights to display the artwork I created involving her characters in the future all because I want to avoid her malicious acts to attempt revenge for speaking up. August 19, 2016 Update After being urged by friends and seeking advice from the community on if I should add further updates, I'm sadly here again. While I'm relatively wary to share due to more fear of retaliation, I don't believe this will ever stop regardless of anything I do. I am urged to warn people the extent of the poor behavior that I have been subjected to for over a year since posting. Occasionally third parties will inform me of things that have been said and I honestly ignore 90% of things, but I had the displeasure seeing one instance myself. I have been ruthlessly slandered since the posting, and at this point been brought aware of possible threats of either legal action against me or potential harm to my person. (If it escalates any further I will contact law enforcement, but at current there is not enough to hold up considering the distance involved.) I have had absolutely ZERO contact with Ritz since the last email shown in the original posting here. Even during her attack on my advertisement, I did not say a word to her, only spoke to the advertising department at FA. I am going to point out ahead of time, it is EXTREMELY easy to figure out who is being spoken about (me) in all of these instances even if names aren't attached cause a simple google search nets you all the info you need. I already know I'm mentioned frequently by name otherwise anyhow. Onto the point, what I saw for myself... Was on Wednesday, June 22 in a Facebook group for Fursuiters and Fursuit Makers. A notification popped up onto my phone for a sale posting that was receiving many comments. I'm going to be 100% honest I was wildly curious as I'd heard she quit suitmaking (I'm only human), and I saw this exchange brewing that had apparently been what sparked it into popularity. I avoided the desire to jump in and say something cause NOPE I have zero desire to speak to her. I just screencapped away cause I couldn't believe what I was reading and figured it'd be taken down, which it was. Color guide for censoring (cause identifying photos/names): Black = Not involved or moderator names Ritz commented to alert Blue = Ritz Red = Some fursuiter who spoke up Yellow = Ritz's IRL friend https://www.dropbox.com/s/7nixak1x72bdqmb/Group1.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/j3j2m8mw22mswoo/2.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/oeibrn7q6amudni/3.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/b189gvqz44ge3r5/4.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/y3527bkjzuev7qx/5.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/voe431whjd9eul3/6.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/feofjf0gk1tkdqy/7.jpg?dl=0 I don't even need to make commentary on how messed up this was. You all can think for yourselves. I avoided updating with it at the time despite people telling me to. I didn't want to deal with it. I didn't think it was that bad. Now here's what broke me on trying to ignore things. I was shown these earlier this week. Despite being from May, it opened my eyes to how serious things really were this whole time as I attempted to ignore it all. This is only HALF of a conversation someone had with Ritz's locked twitter, but it's very clear what's going on. I was shown this for obvious reasons. This was shortly before BLFC, which we both happened to be attending (I avoided her at all costs, and was apparently wise to do so.) Censoring: Blue = Ritz's locked twitter handle, Purple = Ritz's friend (Remember to read bottom to top in each for chronological order cause it's twitter.) https://www.dropbox.com/s/v36ao3uyd8d10r4/21.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/accjt9cl35ieovk/22.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/yf7mwvzbbwgyhc1/23.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/n8hq2cioflujxoz/24.png?dl=0 Let me point this out there. Whatever is being said on the other side of this conversation, her friend thinks I should be scared of her. This is NOT okay, and relatively alarming considering things I know about her that are not for me to share publicly. The suggestion of a restraining order despite that I have not had ANY contact with her whatsoever even despite her attempted harassment, is outlandish. Furthermore, the clear discussion of potential legal action because I caused her loss of income due to this beware posting is even more unsettling. This is bonkers. I don't even care about the disgusting and immature names they casually call me when this other stuff is going on. People are right, they need to know what she's doing because this is, and has been, crazy. Exercise caution when doing business with her, because you never know when you'll end up like me.
  16. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/850580.html All information on this beware is under the cut. None of the links themselves are graphic, but the artist's accounts contain sexual content, if you visit them. WHO: CreatureCola (Deactivated dA), LillysArts (Deactivated dA), SuccubusSyndrome (Active dA) WHERE: http://www.succubussyndrome.deviantart.com (She is also on other websites under the username CreatureCola, but I don't know how active she is.) WHAT: 3-Panel NSFW Comic Commission WHEN: The commission was ordered on March 29, 2014 and paid for on April 13, 2014. When this was posted, I still hadn't received the commission and was still involved in this situation, as detailed below. PROOF/EXPLAIN: All screenshots are below. The red boxes are there to conceal my personal information and hers, when needed. March 29, 2014: CreatureCola extends an invitation for me to commission her after I commented on her commission information with a question sometime before. April 13, 2014: CreatureCola contacts me on her new account, LillysArts, to confirm my commission information. Her former account was allegedly banned by staff members, so I offer for her to contact me via email instead, but she denies my offer. April 17, 2014: Crimson-Chambers, a user who claims to be a friend of the artist, sends me and multiple others this note, offering to serve as a middle man for anyone who needs to contact CreatureCola. S/he also provides her blog, but it's more or less inactive already. June 8, 2014: I send this note to Crimson-Chambers, giving him/her my email address to forward to CreatureCola, in order for her to communicate with me about the commission. This is important later on. June 28, 2014: Crimson-Chambers sends a belated response and informs me that CreatureCola has both lost my commission information and forgotten who I was. S/he requests that I add CreatureCola on Skype, but the email address provided bears no results when I search for it. S/he also claims that CreatureCola has had computer and internet issues, which is why she hasn't contacted me. Previously, s/he also claimed CreatureCola was ill, which is why I said that I hope she feels better soon in the bottom of the note. June 28, 2014: As soon as I receive the note, I email CreatureCola with my commission information, which is provided in screenshots from our previous notes (shown in this screenshot as two red boxes in the attachments). CreatureCola did answer this email, but I found no record of it in my email when I was gathering the evidence for this beware, unfortunately. November 24, 2014: When I never receive another answer from the artist, I send a note to Crimson-Chambers, requesting information. S/he replies with a link to CreatureCola's new deviantART account, where personal art has been uploaded and there is information on a comic she has been completing for her Patreon account. Therefore, I know that she is both able to draw and has been drawing recently. April 16 - May 23, 2015: Finally, I send these two notes, read from the bottom up, to the new account, initially requesting an update on the commission, then opting to request a refund instead. I explain my reasons for requesting a refund, but neither note is ever opened. May 25, 2015: I decide to contact CreatureCola via email and request a refund from her, as I'm no longer interested in the commission. To my dismay, she replies that she doesn't even remember who I am, providing the excuse that I requested to be put on her to-do list anonymously, so she didn't remember my username. Nevermind that it's her responsibility as an artist to maintain her commissioners' contact and commission information, both of which she has forgotten. She claims that she was unable to contact me because of this, but recall that both she and her friend have been provided with my email address multiple times in previous screenshots. May 25, 2015: CreatureCola responds that "life has been hard on her" and that she doesn't have the funds to refund me, which I would have been more sympathetic towards if I hadn't heard so many excuses from her and waited so long without communication already. She insists that I resend my commission information for the third time and that the commission will be finished immediately. She also claims that she didn't mean to "disappear" on me, while both her and her friend have been provided with my contact information multiple times. As evidenced by my response, my patience has worn thin and I'm quite irritated that she refuses to refund me, which led to my decision to report her here. Proof of Purchase I apologize for how detailed this report is, but I wanted to include as much information as needed to argue my case. I hope this is okay. ;o; --- EDIT JULY 14, 2015 --- July 6, 2015: It's been other a month since I've heard from her, so I send her another email. I also sent emails to two other artists I've waited over a year for paid commissions from, requesting refunds due to a medical issue with my kitty. (The refunds wouldn't have covered an entire vet bill, of course, but I wanted them to supplement what I did have and to lighten the blow of a large expense.) As expected, she ignores me. This email still hasn't been answered, although she's been online on other sites. Facebook Status: I decide to search for other contact methods and locate this page she's set up for her artwork and commissions on Facebook. Note that "Becky" is an alias, not the legal name attached to her PayPal. She claims that she has over twenty pages of her personal comic online now, a project that was, as evidenced here, started sometime around December 2014. So, while she's had no time to do the commissions she owes in seven months, she has had time to draw for herself. I understand that artists need time to draw for themselves, but that seems to be all she's done since the time I commissioned her, which is a little ridiculous, in my opinion. --- EDIT JULY 21, 2015 --- Situation resolved! I sent this email and received a response within a few hours. However, CreatureCola responded to my previous email instead of this one, which I had to reiterate in a response. This was perplexing, as I know the email sent, but what's important is that I did receive a refund. Our email transcripts are included below for reference.
  17. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/848616.html Who: Naomy Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/naomy/ Issue: Commissioned SFW Friend pose with a friends character for a gift, Received Mature Couples Pose. Further explaination: I got a commission from Naomy on the 6th May. The commission cost $15 as it was a two person piece, which was a gift for my friend. I requested the image to be a SFW friend pose. I paid them the same day and waited 5 days before receiving the commission (They tend not to do w.i.p.) What i received is completely wrong and unusable, the characters are in a NSFW pose with all the bits showing. Both me and my friend were unimpressed with this and requested that she change it, but all she did was remove the bits leaving the pose untouched and mature in nature. Now i understand that she DID do the work, but the mistake was on her part, and i know she read the comment for it to be SFW because in her excuse she commented a quote that was DIRECTLY after the statement stating that was her idea of "sassy and cutesy" friendship. Since then i have requested a refund as it was a mistake on their part and they refuse to change the image, and my friend noted them requesting them to take the image down as her mate would not take kindly to the image. She has declined to refund and the image is still up with over 300 veiws. This only annoys me as she posted a bunch of commissions today, some of them being SFW friend poses.... I suggested maybe she could re-do the commission or something else to make up for the money, instead of refunding as she declined as the effort was put into it which is fair enough. However neither i nor my friend are comfortable with the image she put up and i'd not like to feel like i wasted money on art that makes me cring and feel shamed by the trouble it's caused my friend every time i see it. It was meant to be a gift, not an issue that my friend, who has a boyfriend, dislikes and doesn't aprove of the position her characters in with mine. She has read the message reguarding the comprise suggestion and has stopped all communitcation since, the image remains up even though both of us has requested it be taken down. Evidence: Commission Notes = http://gyazo.com/109c9a5f9ebba3858b44c687a264518e Payment = http://gyazo.com/e45f08d4a86047d3495c837cf621c75e NSFW Image (with Fix she was willing to do) = http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16520924/ Changes Request = http://gyazo.com/f3afaa096a87d7cc8a42762f5c2c79a6 (Hyota not Yuna, whoops) Refund Request = http://gyazo.com/23f0ab4c701f764703cf27766faaa911 Clearly, according to the last gyazo, She has refused to do anything about the hiccup she made with my commission, so i have Decided to Post this AB, not to say she's bad at what she does, but if you are looking for sfw, i'd suggest looking else where. especially if its with another character. She has done SFW before, and she probably still will, but i refuse to take the risk again as she does so much NSFW its easy to mess up commissions and then refuses to fix the mistake made on her part. Hope this helps anyone, even if it justs encourages you to put more detail into what you want, but i like peoples creativity on my art, little bit of artist freedom, as long as it follows the very limited requests i ask for atleast. Edit: Naomy has currently commented on the picture itself, showing a print screen of the comments my friends posted asking her to remove the image, further proof she HAS seen the requests and finds it amusing that we cant do anything to have it removed. Print screen has been made incase she hides comments~ Edit: Fa Staff are looking into things to have the image removed. (Removed 2nd June) Edit: Paypal ended my claim on the 26th May, Decided in my favor and i will be receiving a full Refund. (received 26th May)
  18. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/848670.html WHO: Tortle WHERE: Tumblr , Weasyl , FA WHAT: 5 pay-what-you-want Animal Crossing-style characters. WHEN: September 4th, 2014 PROOF: Full email correspondence, showing prices, items, responses etc. Paypal receipt for payment. Followup email from me; and latest one. EXPLAIN: Contacted in september regarding some animal crossing style characters for myself and a friend; originally was 4 but added another character. There was agreement, and payment was sent over. Time goes by, and i see or hear nothing of this commission on his tumblr - but other adoptables and posts taking on more work are posted before completion of mine. He was streaming templated characters and i'd joined and asked if he would be able to stream mine after, but i got a response suggesting he'd forgotten who i was/what my order was. Waited a bit, then I sent him 2 emails asking about progress, and if i can get a refund because i have a shit job and would really like the money back, since nothing is being done with it. Responds with that he will be done in 'the next few days'. Waited 3 more months, still nothing. Then tortle drops off the face of the earth, for months. He'd just returned to posting to his tumblr since the 5th of May. He's continuted to post as usual, but no mentions of commissions or past work being completed. I've sent him an ask on his tumblr stating that i would post this if i'd received no response, and i have yet to hear from him either on tumblr or email. TL;DR: So its been 8 months now, and i've seen no progress shots or anything from him. I have recently lost my job, and i am at my wits end because the money would help me immensley. (Also, it's another point to note that on his Weasyl page, there are comments left from others that are waiting as long as me. I've contacted one of them, and her side of the story is similar to mine; No responds from him regarding refund or progress shots.)
  19. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/847883.html WHO: Rach Verity, rachykins WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rachverity/ trello with an insane backlog: https://trello.com/b/kDddOtiK/commissions-list WHAT: Digital art WHEN: First discussion on June 20th 2014, agreement and payment on june 25th 2014. Still waiting on art or refund. PROOF: Initial agreement on a journal post: https://archive.is/7XgP4 Relevant bit: http://i.imgur.com/be3gpyl.png Confirming through note: http://i.imgur.com/8us9VDu.png Payment: http://i.imgur.com/VtHrbzD.png (I actually gave $75 because I got a deal on the regular price of $100 and felt bad about it) EXPLAIN: Well, it all began a while ago. I needed a char sheet for a new character and since I commissioned her before and didn't have any problems with her, save for a single commission who was a bit late, but ot critically yet, I decided on rachVerity. Since I still had some details to work out, I started by just asking for her price, not yet a commission: http://i.imgur.com/hXPk5p5.png She answered that it would be about $100: http://i.imgur.com/NaTAO36.png Shortly after that, she made a journal about how she'd do "anything including ref sheets" for $60. I got a spot for that: https://archive.is/7XgP4 Relevant bit: http://i.imgur.com/be3gpyl.png which she confirmed through a note: http://i.imgur.com/8us9VDu.png Payment: http://i.imgur.com/VtHrbzD.png After some problems due to FA losing notes, I sent her the full description on June 25th: http://i.imgur.com/ll2uYbq.png which she confirmed: http://i.imgur.com/npdmUu3.png Just a couple of days later I sent her a note about how I'd like that ref sheet before another (pending at the time) commission, which she ignored, the other commission was posted a few days later: http://i.imgur.com/Ob04dxb.png I didn't care too much at the time because it was great and only a couple days later, I just felt like I should mention that. About 4 months later with no update, no word, no anything, I decided to inquire. I was kinda pissed at the time because while keeping me (and others from what I could see) waiting, she gave away one commission/YCH after the other and constantly made journals about how commissioners would surely get their stuff, which never happened. (During the whole time waiting, there hardly were a week without a commission journal going up, which still do, just go check her journals). Since I actually wanted that ref sheet as soon as possible and it was obviously not happening, I decided on cancelling the commission and getting a refund. Nice as I was, I offered to wait a bit for it because she posted in journals about getting a new place to stay and I know that this eats up money faster than garfield eats up lasagna. http://i.imgur.com/QGu9qK9.png She confirmed at the time that she would refund it: http://i.imgur.com/W8WkOD4.png She even offered to make it up with a free piece of art: http://i.imgur.com/dc11llr.png (I declined that one as it felt not right accepting that to which she said that I'd get at least a 50% discount on future commissions. I somehow don't think that's gonna happen) Another 3 months later I just asked what was up. I offered to convert it to a wing-it if that was easier (note that a wing-it is obviously less work than the char sheet it should have been): http://i.imgur.com/vIUrkSP.png She said that would probably be faster and that she rather saves for her birthday instead of paying her debt: http://i.imgur.com/BHqTNoS.png (didn't mind so much back then but I gotta say that's pretty shitty) I answered that it was up to her, refund or wing-it. 18 days later she actually sent me a message herself asking if she didn't owe me money: http://i.imgur.com/dXVkjQl.png I answered that we actually just discussed that and that she wanted to do a wingit instead. I again gave her the option to choose either. Even though $60 would be $15 less than I paid, at least it would be something.. She answered yet again that she'd rather do a wingit: http://i.imgur.com/iaAfkTD.png Now, I thought I sent a reply to that, but checking my outbox a bit later and nothing was there, so I confirmed that about a month later, which she in turn confirmed: http://i.imgur.com/kYgO4yY.png After yet another month with no update, art or refund, I just decided on a little reminder: http://i.imgur.com/kJpeSak.png Which she initially confirmed, while acting like I should feel bad for the reminder: http://i.imgur.com/xD3z8jr.png This kinda set me off, after 10 months of being really patient and obliging (in my opinion), offering to take a wing-it instead of the money, or even $15 less. I decided to answer in the same way: http://i.imgur.com/zLUex8R.png Her answer to that, "well, I'm in a bad mood so I won't say sorry", was the last straw: http://i.imgur.com/CFMaTgZ.png I don't think I'll ever get my money (or alternatively an image that is not half-assed). And I'm actually quite sad for it, I commissioned her plenty of times before and was always happy with the result, but somewhere has to be a stop or I'd still beg her for the money in 2 years. By the way, I found she had an entry here already: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/829923.html Just thought I'd put that in a new one because of the time difference TL;DR: Asked for a character sheet to be done as fast as possible. Did nt get it. Cancelled it after quite some time because I wanted that char sheet and went to a different artist. After waiting for the refund for a while, I offered her to do a wing-it instead if that was easier. Got neither refund nor wing-it. EDIT June 1st: Got a wing-it, I think this can be considered resolved
  20. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/846117.html This is my very first artist's beware post. I was really hoping it would not come to this, but I want to resolve this issue as soon as possible and warn others before they make the same mistake I did. WHO: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/deerpuke/ (This artist has ad placements on FurAffinity.net) WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6486298/ WHAT: A digital piece of artwork, described as a "song commission" http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6486298/ for $25 USD. (Detailed info below) WHEN: The commission was ordered and paid for on February 8th of 2015. There was no further communication until March 5th of 2015, when I noted them inquiring about my commission status. There was no reply. On March 10th of 2015 I had requested a refund. Two days later, on March 12th of 2015, they replied telling me that they could not refund me because they had done too much work on the commission. Three days later I had replied asking when they think they will be done with the piece, the next day they estimated about a week due to their tablet screen not working. I replied the same day asking to see the work they had done so far. They replied the next day with this http://gyazo.com/f6540a2235c5cc75698b606e5d49c2c8. They noted me again three hours later with an updated version here http://gyazo.com/bc50bd9f483dcfef5fda50788bd18a9a. I was extremely happy with how it was turning out, and thought that they had done so much work in 3 hours, the wait should not be that long to receive my finished piece. I was wrong. It has been a month since I have sent my reply note and I have heard nothing. Since the day I commissioned this artist, they have uploaded 35 submissions on FA. 4 commissions (1 of which was commissioned after me, that I know of, and another was the WIP of my commission), 3 auctions, 5 personals, 6 YCH's, and 17 adoptables. They have clearly been able to draw and upload art during this time. It is irritating to me to see someone I commissioned post this much artwork, yet not communicate with me what is going on until I ask for a refund, and fail to finish my commission that I requested a little over 2 months ago. PROOF: Proof of commission being ordered on February 8th, 2015: http://orig12.deviantart.net/a576/f/2015/103/d/3/1_by_riaburr-d8pn8x5.png Proof of money sent on February 8th, 2015: http://orig12.deviantart.net/7a08/f/2015/103/d/1/3_by_riaburr-d8pn8x0.png Proof of notes sent between us and dates: http://orig07.deviantart.net/6d20/f/2015/102/3/3/2_by_riaburr-d8pgokr.png EXPLAIN: I am very irritated at this point. I have made it clear that I do not appreciate the lack of communication. I have asked for a refund, which they refused to give me. I tried to refund through paypal itself, but I had sent the money as a gift because I did not want DeerPuke to have any of the money taken through paypal tax, big mistake that was. I request that I am either refunded the full amount of $25 USD back to my payapl account, or I am given the full piece of artwork, by the end of this month. The item has been delivered, and the beware is being reposted as resolved.
  21. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/846553.html WHO: Erro / AlterForge WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/erro http://www.furaffinity.net/user/alterforge WHAT: A digitigrade fullsuit commission. WHEN: Concerns first arose around January 2015 when I was informed my suit was behind schedule. Fur had only been ordered for the project that same month, https://dl.dropbox.com/s/66r297amnvxs5gd/Skype Fur Chat.png?dl=0 Early into February I was informed I'd only have a partial suit available for my due date of February 21st, Texas Furry Fiesta. PROOF: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/5zv4p2t06sqww50/PayPal Proof.jpg?dl=0 Contained is my original transaction for the suit, a one thousand dollar deposit. The refund was issued after requesting I send it as a gift instead of "goods and services." I have no log of this exact request but the refund was issued on his part and resent after funds were added from my bank account. Hopefully that can be somewhat conclusive. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/d7fc033qdr1g6kn/IMG_20150220_135933.jpg?dl=0 As of my due date, this was the only progress he had to show. It is also the only picture I have of any form of progress. This artist is against progress pics as he feels they aren't representative of his final quality. EXPLAIN: I need to preface this by mentioning that this commission was originally taken one year ago from a (former) close friend. The standard ToS and contract wasn't really brought into the picture due to this relationship. The PayPal transactions are the most concrete evidence I have of the initial agreement--A fursuit maker taking fursuit amounts of money. That being said, upon receiving payment he'd informed me his queue was empty and the due date was not an issue. We'd be attending that convention together again anyway. For most of 2014 I got very little in the way of evidence it was being completed besides the occasional "It's being worked on." and "It'll be done in time." All of his payment was given far in advance as a means to help him out during a moving crisis. Since he had no queue, there was no line for that to put me to the front of. Into February he'd told me I would only have a partial suit available (unfortunately communicated through a skype call. I wasn't thinking about logging my steps at this point.) The subject was largely avoided by him at the convention. As shown above, the only progress was a few foam blocks, and it wasn't until weeks after I was able to get in touch. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/d35u4co8qtx1up5/SL Recent Conversation.jpg?dl=0 After failing to hear back from many messages, I dropped back on trying to around once every two weeks in an attempt to be reasonable, but this most recent update that it won't be resumed until after May was what finally brought me here. He had accepted around an extra 175 dollars--money he owed me from the hotel stay--to continue working on the suit after he returned home. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/pbu17xx403fbksp/SkypeLog2.png?dl=0 Again, it's not exactly the most formal "Do this by then or else..." But an understanding was there. By mid March he still had not completed the head he was working on at the convention in place of mine. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/r50cwuzcr3qy711/SL Recent Conversation 2.jpg?dl=0 It's still worth noting that commission was taken after mine as well. Another example of the several failed communications. SL logs aren't the clearest things in the world, but he simply never responded to the message. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/b7bh24s2rao231r/SL Recent Conversation 3.jpg?dl=0 Edit: 7/15/15 -- I've just returned from Anthrocon 2015 which was our newest deadline for completion on the suit. The time leading up to today has unfortunately been filled with even more trouble and I had to attend without a suit again. Discussing the new ETA - https://dl.dropbox.com/s/rb45ftu1r5ius42/AC Deadline.png?dl=0 Our interactions have grown increasingly short over the months. Just about all of the following are a good example of the breakdown in communication. Missing the original ship date - https://dl.dropbox.com/s/s5pkmwqifmck2ex/June no deadline.png?dl=0 Asked to ship overnight because of the extreme time crunch - https://dl.dropbox.com/s/vrnlujha7qthqwu/Overnight Interact.png?dl=0 PayPal payment for $100 - https://dl.dropbox.com/s/0x7wvlnjlk2l1an/PayPal Statement.png?dl=0 It probably goes without saying here, but he gladly accepted that 100 dollars and then didn't deliver me a product. I requested progress pics after the second week of unsuccessful shipment. Didn't go that well - https://dl.dropbox.com/s/jd7codiogwjnu67/ProgPics June.png?dl=0 I'm not about to say I've handled all of these interactions as well as I possibly could, but under the circumstances it was difficult to be perfectly patient. Calling me out on this very Artist Beware - https://dl.dropbox.com/s/db8et9tf44ea8b5/AB Callout.png?dl=0 This is where he just shut down on me. Now, you've all read this. Nowhere in this article have I suggested or complained about my suit not being completed in 6 months. I knew about a one-year completion from the start and never questioned that. Completely dismissing my issues in this article was just outrageous, and citing that many makers charge more and take more time, after this long, is just outright untrue. If someone's going to take 2 years they mention it ahead of time and it's due to popular demand and a large queue. Plenty of fursuiters I met this weekend reassured me of that. It pains me to have to update this article with yet more bad news, but I've been left with little choice.
  22. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/845464.html Who: Thera Where: FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/thera/ Weasyl: https://www.weasyl.com/~thera Deviant Art: http://theramutt.deviantart.com/ What: 1. Animated Icon ($15 CAD) – One slot of several offered for animated icon. (Link to FA note) 2. 1-Character Digital, Soft-Shaded ($50 CAD) – Part of “Black Friday” commission sale. Subject was a SFW portrait of my werewolf character Vaarak. (Link to FA note) 3. 2-Character Digital, Cell-Shaded ($80 CAD) – Part of “Black Friday” commission sale. Subject was an NSFW kink picture of Zaelgolin and Sabre Dragon. (Link to FA note) *Note that Thera has since deleted all journals and comments referencing the above sales. When: 1. Animated Icon: Paid in full Nov 19, 2014, no progress of any kind to date. 2. 1-Character Digital: Paid in full Nov 27, 2014, no progress of any kind to date. 3. 2-Character Digital: Paid in full Nov 29, 2014. Requested a completion date of Feb 14, 2015 to be a valentine’s gift. The date was agreed to (link to FA note), but was missed with no progress. It was after this time I requested a refund for all three commissions. Thera responded by saying she could not offer any refunds, but would complete both this and the single-character commission during the following week (link to FA note). This date was also missed with no progress. Proof: 1. Link to payment receipt for animated icon ($20 CAD paid) 2. Link to payment receipt for soft-shaded commission ($50 CAD paid) 3. Link to payment receipt for NSFW commission ($80 CAD paid) Note that all of the above receipts are the result of Interac e-Transfers: a money transfer system only available in Canada. Explain: Let it be said that I never wanted to escalate things as a means of dispute resolution. This case is a simple example of an artist not following through on promises. While the above points illustrate the case rather well, I’ll try to give a broad synopsis: Having previously commissioned Thera (and quite liking the results), I jumped when I saw her sale on animated icons. Brief comments were exchanged, the fee paid and I was added to the list. A few days later, I saw Thera open another set of commissions for Black Friday. Having not commissioned any work lately, and really liking her art style, I took two slots: a single-character SFW commission and a two-character NSFW commission. All commissions were paid for in full as shown above. Having paid for the commissions in late November, I was really hoping for at least the NSFW piece to be completed by Valentine’s Day. This date was agreed to, but despite several notes (Note 1, Note 2) requesting updates, the date passed with no progress of any kind. Agitated, I asked for a refund. Thera apologized, but said she could not offer any refunds. In recompense, she assured me the drawing would be completed within a week, and even offered to do another piece for free. Giving her one last chance, I wanted until the end of the week only to again have the date missed with no progress. A few weeks passed before Thera finally posted an outstanding commissions list (now deleted from FA), dozens and dozens of pieces long. I contacted Thera with my concerns, but she assured me the piece would be completed that same week, and suggested I attend her stream. The date was schedule and I logged in, only to find Thera doing impromptu commissions for others. During the stream, she said she would not be working on any outstanding commissions that night, since she needed to take on new work. It was at this point that I sent a note threatening to post to Artists Beware if I was not refunded. Thera requested my payment details, which I promptly provided. After an additional three weeks of waiting, I have still not been paid, and am left with no recourse but to post my experiences here and hopefully warn other commissioners. Throughout all this, I do want to stress that Thera responded civilly and amicably in all notes, and made numerous promises to set things right. It is just unfortunate that none of these promises were ever fulfilled. Update: I have since been refunded in full for all payments noted above; this beware has been resolved.
  23. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/844349.html WHO: Squeedge/SqueedgeMonster FURAFFINITY TWITTER MAIN TUMBLR & ART TUMBLR WHAT: A pre-order of her "Tyrant King" shirt. WHEN: The shirt was ordered in December of 2013 with an estimated delivery date of January 2014. PAYMENT: Here. EXPLAIN (&PROOF): Back in early December 2013, I saw that SqueedgeMonster opened up pre-orders for her Tyrant King t-shirts through Twitter. It was supposed to be a "last printing" of the design and I couldn't pass up the opportunity because I really liked the design and I didn't want to miss my chance. I understood that the shirts wouldn't arrive until after Christmas. They were scheduled to be shipped in early January. I still haven't received mine and communication, directly or indirectly, has been practically non-existent since payment was sent. During the pre-order, over 100 shirts were purchased. I lost the proof for this when this was sent back to me for revisions, and when searching for it again I discovered that all of her tweets prior to June 2014 seemed to have disappeared. In early January, she made a post on Twitter about the shirts being sent out to her from the printer and her receiving them. In late January, Squeedge made an update about the shipment of her shirts on Tumblr. Apparently a lot of them were stolen before being scanned at her local post office. My shirt was a large, so it was not in the first box of shipped shirts. I waited it out. After the post office fiasco, I didn't contact Squeedge for several months as she was going through personal issues at the time and didn't think it would be appropriate. After things seemed to simmer down, I tossed her a message on Tumblr sometime in April (which I don't have proof of thanks to Tumblr's lack of outbox function). A few days passed and this was posted. That was the last time I heard anything pertaining to the shirts. In June I was looking through my Twitter feed when a re-tweet from Squeedge appeared; it was someone wearing their Tyrant King shirt. It looked as though the shirts had finally been shipped out. I dug a little bit to see when they were sent so I could know when to expect mine, only to discover that she'd put what was supposed to be a "final run" design, which she'd emphasized plenty of times in her advertisements back in December (seen here), up in her DesignByHumans shop. This admittedly upset me. In early September, I made my Twitter public (usually private to keep spam accounts at bay) and tried to initiate contact. It was met with no response. I attempt contact again later in the month, to which she actually replies saying she'll e-mail me later that night. She never did. I finally decided to shoot her an e-mail myself (found on one of her Tumblrs). She responded a few weeks later with this. I never responded to it because, well, I really didn't know how. In the meantime she opened a Patreon which seems to be turning a decent profit, designed several new shirts and put them up for sale in her online shop (and continues to do so), gone to conventions and taken on numerous commissions -- but she hasn't been in contact since the e-mail above. I put this off for as long as I could in hopes that the situation would work itself out, but I've reached my breaking point. I just want this resolved so I can enjoy her work again.
  24. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/843704.html WHO: thelxlbloodlxlprince/ blood~ WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thelxlbloodlxlprince and/or http://www.furaffinity.net/user/blood~ WHAT: I was supposed to recieve a custom male of his kitkin species. Here is the original post for the auction: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/orlqmmytmkbgrgt/Auction1.png?dl=0 Can also still be seen in his scraps here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13468092/ Here is my winning bid: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/24bn0ckcj34oqzt/Winning the auction.png?dl=0 Which can also be seen in the above link to the auction itself. WHEN: It has been almost 11 months since I won the auction. The official date payment was sent via Paypal on: May 22, 2014. EXPLAIN: Roughly 11 months ago I purchased a custom kitkin from Blood through one of his auctions. I have yet to receive this kitkin, nor have I even seen a single WIP for my purchase. I have attempted to contact him several times, on a weekly basis to get some form of update. Here are several screenshots of our various conversations, they are mild on my end for the most part because I don't like confrontation and have been trying to be understanding and patient: First note trying to find time to work on the custom- https://dl.dropbox.com/s/i0okwvf5dwfzaug/Note~1.png?dl=0 I sympathize with his situation, offer assistance, and ask about my custom: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/2195dvtdc78pg1l/Note~3.png?dl=0 Here I am in month 4 of waiting asking if we can work on the custom: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/snhat8kyjpzfzky/Note~4.png?dl=0 That time never came, again, trying to be patient and understanding, I waited a while to press again. Here is his response to my concerns: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/nnqt2qke5ps013m/Note~6.png?dl=0 When still I had no custom and no WIPs to go with, I reached a few weeks after that, his next response: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/m8m91y0xda8wnnt/Note~7.png?dl=0 Endlessly bogged down by excuses or attempts to make me feel bad for pushing: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/nj3yird4adllqd9/more crap.jpg?dl=0 The tarot reading I am referring to is: https://dl.dropbox.com/s/8q8s7fiydxqu0bv/tarotjournal.png?dl=0 Below are the back and forth from skype: (They are posted in the correct order) https://dl.dropbox.com/s/s99gnu4kbemthi8/Blood7.png?dl=0 https://dl.dropbox.com/s/3sjbym11attj127/Blood6.png?dl=0 https://dl.dropbox.com/s/46n764ceg6hp6o7/Blood5.png?dl=0 https://dl.dropbox.com/s/yj8p9y1bu5ltinj/Blood4.png?dl=0 https://dl.dropbox.com/s/oerqzedatpiffdq/Blood3.png?dl=0 https://dl.dropbox.com/s/khhxnfpbe9jrmj1/Blood2.png?dl=0 https://dl.dropbox.com/s/b29ebnk6l1kcrun/Blood1.png?dl=0 The art total is now over 166 pieces between his 2 accounts that he has made since after I had won my auction. Here is proof that he CAN get art out quickly regardless of his excuses and delays: Here he posts a group of adoptables (just a few weeks ago): http://www.furaffinity.net/view/15926479/ Those who AB got a special additional drawing. Here he is finishing one of those said drawings one week later: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/15998643/ Blood continues to accept commissions and stream slots through journals. He has yet to reply to my last note regarding any of this which was sent over a month ago.
  25. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/843080.html WHO: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/voltage-x http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dumbmonsterfursuits/ WHAT: A 12 inch badge http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/6099816/ RECEIPT: http://i.imgur.com/VAXcBa2.jpg [Editor's note: Has a date for September 4th 2014 as the start date] UNREAD NOTES: http://i.imgur.com/xSr6JX2.jpg http://i.imgur.com/aJ9AZRO.jpg http://i.imgur.com/srDseuo.jpg PROOF ARTIST HAS BEEN ON: http://i.imgur.com/tNT6iWZ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/y5O9lGJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/bXYLYiL.jpg Am I being unreasonable giving them 6 months and never responding to my attempts to get in contact with them about my commission? They said they have not been able to access their account for 6 months but I know that is untrue due to them posting journals. *Edit 4/23/2015: Artist has now got in contact with me and is now currently discussing giving me a refund when they get the money *Edit 4/28/2015: Artist who used secondary account to contact me has yet to respond to me after I told them I could not take down the AB http://i.imgur.com/ciVk50J.jpg *Edit 11/6/2015: Artist has refunded me
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