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Everything posted by MonicaVix

  1. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/923623.html All information is below. DO NOT HARASS THIS USER! This violates community rules and I don't condone ill will directed at them. You will be reported to a moderator if you're caught doing this. WHO: brideake/orangekissess/greycakechii WHERE: http://www.brideake.tumblr.com (Main Tumblr), http://www.orangekissess.tumblr.com (NSFW Tumblr), http://www.furaffinity.net/user/greycakechii (NSFW FA), https://www.patreon.com/orangekissess (NSFW Patreon) WHAT: Sketch Commission ($21 USD) [PayPal Receipt] PROOF & EXPLAIN: I've been a follower and admirer of brideake/orangekissess for awhile now, so I pounced on the chance to commission them when they opened in February 2016. I'll confess that my idolization of them has made this entire situation much, much more difficult because I didn't want to upset them, but I feel that this situation more than warrants a beware by now. Posts about commission openings were posted on both of their Tumblrs with a contact email address, where I contacted them and received a same-day response. Once I received their prices and options, I responded with what I wanted. There was a slight issue here because my Gmail account was currently failing to send and receive messages properly, so I had to resend the email. After I resent, I received a response quickly, the commission details were confirmed, and I paid. This was the last time I ever heard from them about the commission. [Email Transcripts: 1, 2, 3] brideake has no public queue, so there was no way for me to know how many commissions they accepted or where I stood on their to-do list. So, I waited patiently for awhile, under the assumption that they were busy and mine would be done in due time. However, the first red flags came when I noticed that brideake was taking requests nearly weekly, often in streams. Still, I said nothing, until I attended one of their streams and saw them accepting new commissions. (All I have from this is this screenshot of a link to the stream. I have no screenshots from the stream itself. [link]) When I saw this, I thought it was time to request an update, believing my commission might have been forgotten or overlooked. Mistakes happen, after all. On April 29th, I sent them an email, requesting an update, but never received a response. [link] No responses or updates come. Sometime later, an anonymous user sends brideake this ask, wanting to know if it's alright for commissioners to request updates on their commissions. Please note that this wasn't me, which means at least one other customer wanted updates, but I took it as a chance to request an update again. [link] (Sometime before this, I also sent them an ask, but I don't have record of it because Tumblr doesn't save outbox messages at all. I believe it was sent around the same time as, or even the same day of, the first email, because I was afraid the email would be eaten. This screenshot shows Tumblr's new instant messaging system, which is much, much more reliable than both emails and asks.) On July 26th, I requested an update via email once more, after the above instant message was also ignored. [link] Again, there has been no response to this email. I can believe that the first email and the ask were eaten, but it's extremely unlikely that both of them and the two latest messages have all magically vanished, so I know I'm being actively ignored, unfortunately. This appeared on their NSFW Tumblr sometime after I sent the email, which I believe might be a passive response to my message. Supposedly, brideake has two commissions remaining, but, without a public to-do list, it's hard to tell if I'm even included in that number anymore. I was offline for several days and missed the deadline to dispute this through PayPal, so I have no choice but to wait patiently, it seems. I love brideake's art and I would much rather have the completed commission than a refund, even now, but I find their work ethic and customer service inexcusable. While this post was in the moderation queue, brideake also had time to create a Patreon account, as linked above, rather than complete preexisting commissions. This was very upsetting for me because it shows how little of a priority I am as a customer. I feel it is relevant to mention because additional commissions are being rewarded to patrons, as seen here. This is not to mention the many, many pieces of personal artwork, fanart, and free requests that brideake has had time to complete since I commissioned them. Overall, a very poor experience. EDIT [09/02/16]: brideake is opening for more commissions and accepting more free requests on Tumblr. I don't know how relevant this is, but it's discouraging to again have a commission I paid for half a year ago put on the back burner for new commissions or free art. EDIT [09/10/16]: On September 7th, brideake emailed me and I responded within the hour. The emails are heavily censored because brideake included details that were explicitly personal and I feel are highly inappropriate to advertise here, so I have blocked them out accordingly with only the comments that I feel are relevant to this beware uncensored. Personal comments I made in my response are also censored. The most important thing here is, brideake offered me a refund. I agreed to either accept the refund (and provided my PayPal address) or continue with the commission if the money wasn't available. I haven't received a response since and, seeing as it's been three days, I thought it was worth adding here. [Emails] EDIT [09/17/16]: This situation has hit the ceiling because it has, as I feared, come to Tumblr, where I actively tried to remain silent on the matter because I didn't want to be at odds with someone with over six thousand protective followers. As I'm writing this, I'm very upset. brideake sent me an email, reassuring me that I would be refunded as soon as they had the money, to which I replied that there was no rush. [link] This email came rather out of the blue, so I checked out their blog to see if something was amiss and, as suspected, an anon violated the rules of this community and sent brideake this lovely message. Whoever sent this was completely out of line, and I don't condone the sending of hate mail or negativity to anyone, no matter how wrongly you feel they've behaved. [link] brideake responds publicly with details that were previously shared with me in an email (seen above). This is where I feel the most wronged of all, because it's as if I was supposed to know what was happening in the artist's personal life. I had no idea. brideake was a complete stranger to me before this situation unfolded. Although brideake opted to share the details publicly, where anyone can freely see them, I have censored them in this screenshot because I still believe it's inappropriate to share details like this here when it's none of my business. What bothers me the most about this is the comment of, "Sorry I have to post this information publicly..." because there was no need to out oneself like this, or even answer this ask. Until this, I hadn't even seen mention of this beware on Tumblr, so I doubt brideake's followers even knew about it and, if they did, didn't care. brideake's followers don't even read the beware, but proceed to defend them in reblogs, calling me all manner of names. Here are two in particular that have really gotten to me. [link] [link] So, now, I'm an "entitled jerk" who doesn't understand that artists are real people and went on a "witch hunt" for someone when I tried repeatedly to contact them with zero response. Writing bewares is a last resort for me, and this situation is ending exactly how I feared it would. Edited one more time on the same date as above to add that I sent brideake an email, apologizing for the anon sending them hate mail. I found this to be absurdly unacceptable on the anon's behalf and felt like I should apologize for causing it. [link] EDIT [09/17/16]: This should be the last edit to this beware. I have received an ungodly amount of hate mail over this beware, so allow me to reiterate that harassing people who are posted here violates the community's rules and will cause needless problems for both parties. It isn't pretty, it's caused an enormous mess, and it could have been so easily avoided if my emails were simply answered over the past few months, but this situation is now resolved. I have received a refund in full and, while it's disappointing to not receive the commission after all this time, I'll take it. [Proof of Refund] EDIT [09/25/16]: It's been a week. I'm editing this a final time to correct a few grammar errors and add closing thoughts. Sorry again to the mods for the number of edits here! Because of the anon ask brideake received and their public response to it, people who I assume to be their fans and followers came here, saw the beware, and connected it to my dA account (linked on my profile) and my Tumblr blog (via my icon). The resulting anon hate would last for four days, when it finally ceased. I was away from my computer for much of the first day, but, when I returned, I had 68 inbox messages on Tumblr, only six of which were things I would normally have. I don't know how many others came in total, because I didn't read them, simply deleted them as soon as I saw them. I estimate it to be between seventy and eighty messages total. (I have no screenshots of this, but I believe it wouldn't prove anything, because it's as easy to send yourself anon hate on Tumblr as it is for others to do so.) I don't know why brideake responded to the ask publicly; it drew attention to this beware, caused trouble for us both, and ultimately solved nothing. I'm relieved the messages have stopped now. It was hard to consider this truly "resolved" while this was still happening. The other things I wanted to add, as closing thoughts, were that, on September 17th, brideake tried to convince me to delete this beware in our final email conversation. I found it noteworthy because their concerns were with their reputation than with me as a customer. [link] Finally, brideake tweeted this on September 18th, after I was refunded, and has had it as their pinned tweet all week. I don't hate them. I don't think customers ever hate an artist over commission issues. [link] In conclusion, I can't recommend this artist at all. The fact remains that their customer service was exceptionally poor. All the unnecessary drama that ensued on Tumblr could have been prevented altogether if brideake had simply answered my emails months ago.
  2. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/923369.html WHO: TheAquaticRebel (dA) -- Deactivated August 2016 -- New account http://kreayashion.deviantart.com/ Deactivated as well (August 28, 2016) -- (edited) http://loyderwo.deviantart.com/ New new account (Appears to have been abandoned) WHERE: http://www.theaquaticrebel.deviantart.com // http://kreayashion.deviantart.com/ // http://loyderwo.deviantart.com/ WHAT: $150.00 YCH fully detailed commission WHEN: May 27th, 2016 - August 4th, 2016 PROOF: http://ninjakato.deviantart.com/art/The-Aurora-Singers-YCH-CLOSED-611035951 (Original piece) http://comments.deviantart.com/1/611035951/4137225015 (Comment inquiring to purchase) http://ninjakato.deviantart.com/art/The-Aurora-Bringers-YCH-Comm-612444595 (Completed piece) EXPLAIN: In May of 2016 I opened a YCH with multiple characters which were $150.00 each 'The Aurora Singers' (YCH CLOSED). One was bought by someone and a short time later the other was bought by TheAquaticRebel. At the time I was doing commissions under post-pay -- Meaning I would be paid after completion. I had done this originally to save myself anxiety by feeling the need to rush to get a piece of artwork done because it had been prepaid. While TheAquaticRebel had offered originally to pay beforehand -- http://sta.sh/0e24dsjhdb6 I declined because I was pretty busy at the time and didn't want to run the risk of taking too long to get work done (I was in the process of packing to go overseas for a few months). Between May 28th and June 1st 2016 I had completed the commission and sent a note to let TheAquaticRebel know it had been completed and I was ready for payment to be made -- http://sta.sh/026ikm0uink5 I figured it had only been a couple days and I hadn't heard anything back from them to warrant a possibility that they wouldn't be able to pay. The other person who had bought the other half had paid promptly within a few hours after I'd sent the finished product. Unfortunately, that's when the situation went downhill and I received this as a reply -- http://sta.sh/085pjoiu0ra I had never heard of this happening but I asked around a bit and prodded Google.com for information of similar situations and ways to fix/repair it, not only to be paid but for TheAquaticRebel's sake as well because I imagined that situation is a pretty scary one to be in. A few people told me that PayPal doesn't shut down your account or delete it unless you ask them to under the pretenses that your account has been hacked/used by someone else without permission. Also, someone else pointed out the "PayPal bill" section which TheAquaticRebel spoke of -- PayPal doesn't send bills... They send business activity and payment histories monthly to show how much you have made/earned and how much you have bought in that month. Still, I gave TheAquaticRebel the benefit of the doubt and figured if anything they had a bank account and would likely offer to pay with that instead should their card take too long to arrive. The day after (June 4th, 2016) I sent a reply to their note inquiring as to when I could expect payment as banks usually only take 4-7 business days to send you a new card (even in the UK) and I was going to be unavailable for a week and a half or so as I would be traveling and thus unable to view my dA notes http://sta.sh/0rqa1qoxwye A week and a half's time seemed ample time enough to get everything sorted, more so when money and possibly identity theft was involved; I'd be chomping at the bit to try and get everything sorted! A day later I got this http://sta.sh/0bl5yxjjcnb as the only reply which seemed to be the tipping point for me to understand this person was yanking my chains. Their reply was so lackluster and 'meh' -- as if to say "I owe you $150/115£ but I can't be bothered" -- which really kind of annoyed me as I kept thinking of how I'd be in that situation. I'd be in slight hysterics because this is finances that were being messed with AND I'd owe someone 115 quid for work they'd already done. However, I digress -- I replied with as at this point I was beginning to realise the outcome was likely going to be dismal and it was looking less and less likely like I was going to be paid. Time warp to a few weeks later in which I hadn't heard any updates or gotten any notes from TheAquaticRebel about what was going on despite asking them to keep me posted. I don't know of any banks that take 2-3 weeks to send a new card and it's pretty easy to set up a new PayPal with a bank card (I use it myself and have had to change cards before). There had been no word from them so I sent them a note to inquire -- http://sta.sh/024dabpy0amk and funnily enough they replied the same day with -- http://sta.sh/07l9sx60i0e I had NEVER heard of PayPal doing this unless the person didn't have the amount in their accounts (PayPal or Bank) and even then, looking up this situation all I could get close to was a glitch that was a one time thing and usually sorted itself out after re-sending an invoice. However, after talking to other people about this -- I was curious for multiple opinions at this point -- they openly admitted that this just seemed like another excuse; a convenient one at that -- Fake a PayPal glitch. Regardless of my unease -- More so at the fact this all seemed phishy to me and I was not sure I wanted that kind of connection to something of that oddness -- I sent them my PayPal.Me link instead for them to send the payment. I got nothing, including no notification from them letting me know they'd even bothered to send a payment. So at this point I wanted some kind of visual proof of this situation happening, a screenshot if anything -- http://sta.sh/0s60gw7erao because I was ridiculously confused by that time. I couldn't find any direct information about this glitch being consistently replicated like TheAquaticRebel was claiming. Again, I got nothing -- no proof nor reply. August 4th, 2016 -- a couple weeks later I once again wanted to try and touch base with TheAquaticRebel on what was going on with the payment as I felt surely by this time they would have figured something out but at this point with the lack of proof that there was something wrong I was being told by several people to flip them onto Artists_Beware because to them they seemed to be nothing but a scammer -- http://sta.sh/01izcvl8v9et I got this reply -- http://sta.sh/018l60fboufu This is where there was the massive red flags -- mostly over the "PayPal won't do anything about it" because I knew damn well PayPal's support team are not that useless. I've had issues with my account before and any time I'd called them, no matter what the issue, they were always willing to help. They would pretty much always have an answer and if they didn't they would advise on ways and things I could manage things. The fact TheAquaticRebel spoke as if PayPal's people were like "Oh, you can't pay merchants for things? HAHA, OH WELL, nothing we can do :lol: Sorry~" The only thing; the ONLY thing I can see happening is them saying "The issue wouldn't on our end but your bank's as there's likely something going on with your account there. We'd advise you to call your bank and discuss it with them. For now what we can do is suspend any payments leaving your account within the last month since the time of the invasion until now to prevent any further unauthorized usage of your account and funds. If you are continuing to have issues using your account even after calling your bank and getting the OK from them that everything is fine, please contact PayPal again and we will investigate further." Which is pretty much what I got in an email reply when I inquired about the situation with PayPal's help team. TheAquaticRebel also made it out as if they were upset which their lack of cooperation really betrayed that -- More so when all they had to do was provide visual proof of what was happening as I even offered to give insight to help them. However, again... I gave them the benefit of the doubt and offered once more to help alleviate the situation -- This time by offering to bill their bank directly so it would be easier as there'd be no faffing about with PayPal as it was obvious there was issues with it -- http://sta.sh/029jxiy70vor I was concise but stern on the matter and I heard nothing back. A few weeks later I sent them http://sta.sh/019bmkyv12n3 and from then on I had heard nothing back AND they have since deactivated their account... So, here I sit -- Literally having to just deal with $150/115£ worth of work done never to be paid. However, if I can do anything I can warn people about this person. I gave them more than enough time and patience when dealing with the situation. I know it seems harsh but again, with the lack of proof and cooperation I feel genuinely put off and therefore I was told to place this publicly as a warning. I wouldn't be nearly as upset about $20 or even $40 worth of work as I could simply redo the piece but $150 is too much to just throw off without a warning. I'm well aware I should have taken prepay when it was offered, but I had my reasons for not doing so at the time -- Not to mention there might have been bigger issues if I had. EDIT-- (Apologies but they made a new account AFTER I had submitted this so there's some things to be added) TheAquaticRebel deleted their new account which was kreayashion after someone who'd seen my warning asked about the YCH. They then moved to the new new account loyderwo in which they noted me asking me to read a journal they'd written addressing the issue. The claimed to have been harassed before and after on Instagram -- which I should mention I never even knew their Instagram nor did I mention any other site they were on as I didn't even know of any others. So, if they were indeed harassed on there it wasn't because of anything I'd said. I had also not made this situation public until a few days ago when I was advised to make a warning in case others had had the same thing happen with her. It was only then that I had someone note me with other accounts she had made elsewhere but I did not mention a single one of them other than her dA. I was unable to see any comments posted on her page, or even if there were any as she'd deleted her account very soon after. I read the journal she'd written and it basically states they cannot pay me due to being hacked and their PayPal again being messed with so at this point I'm just severely at odds on the situation. I'm out $150.00 of work and I feel like I've been played. I know I should have asked for prepay; lesson learned. However, this just feels like she didn't have the payment even when she said she did otherwise she would have been okay to pay through her bank instead.
  3. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/923124.html WHO: Robaato robaato.deviantart.com www.patreon.com/Robaato about.me/robaato twitter.com/robaatox robscorner.tumblr.com WHERE: Nearly all correspondence was sent through email, with a few messages sent on tumblr and twitter WHAT: Digital Colour Sketch WHEN: Originally made contact on November 8th 2012. Payment was sent November 23rd 2012 PROOF: Screencap of the paypal transaction https://www.dropbox.com/s/6i50r52q1lxtpkz/2016-06-27.png?dl=0 EXPLAIN: On November 8th 2012 I commissioned this artist for a quick digital full body colour sketch. The artist was prompt in getting back to me and I sent payment on 23/11/2013. Between then and March in 2014 I had no issues with the artist. They were prompt with their responses and polite. However, on 14th March 2013 everyone who had commissioned him (including myself) had been sent an email stating that commission progress would be slow due to work commitments the arts had. As such they were offering full refunds to anyone who wasn’t willing to wait. At this point I thought it best to get a refund as I didn’t really want to wait a very long period of time for the commission to be finished so I sent him this response. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbpqtrhxw4zbrld/14-03-2013.png?dl=0 On 1st April 2013 the artist sent me this response. https://www.dropbox.com/s/g9ws322uedwsuly/01-04-2013 reply.png?dl=0 Perhaps I was wrong in assuming this but it seemed like the artist had made significant progress on the commission and was relatively close to finishing it. I thought that would be great and decided to wait for the commission to the finished. Between then and May 2015 I had not received any updates regarding the commission. I had sent the artist a few emails on 1st July 2013, 16th July 2013, 9th September 2013, 17th February 2014 and 3rd May 2014, asking for an update. On 09th September 2013 in particular I actually had requested a cancellation of the commission as at the time I was desperately in need of the money. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wnvqiajfxeepjo2/01-07-2013.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/do0bvmxad21eojd/16-07-2013.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ji7wv2kfbpkly4f/09-09-2013.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/jwq81wkk19hjgqf/17-02-2014.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6acpuoof18tu0fh/03-05-2014.png?dl=0 I didn’t receive a reply to any of them. I will say that in that period I had sent a question to the artist’s tumblr, asking for an update, which they did reply to. However, I can’t remember when exactly I sent it and have since deleted the reply. The question was essentially asking whether they were still working on the commission, which they said they were. At this point I was getting concerned so on 8th May 2014 I sent this email to the artist (I used a different email account I was unsure if they were receiving the previous ones). https://www.dropbox.com/s/e52ilgg90irznnl/8-05-2014 Replied.png?dl=0 I was essentially trying to convey my annoyance at what had been happening without angering the artist. The artist did reply to this email the same day. Said email and the response I sent can be seen below. https://www.dropbox.com/s/geoqk5eexfs9y52/14-05-2014.png?dl=0 I was happy with the response and decided to wait patiently again. I was also expecting a full response to the previous email I sent, which the artist said they would send. However I never received this. At this point a long period of receiving no updates or such happened again. I asked for an update on 13th October 2014 and, after receiving no response to this email, I sent the following email on 14th November 2014. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vboeaeulmzajon/14-11-2014 Replied.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/l68ddwcsum3020g/14-11-2014 Replied Part 2.png?dl=0 The artist sent a prompt reply to this email and sent the following response. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ces8u6o3n0rjtwz/Untitled.png?dl=0 I was satisfied with this reply and decided to wait again. I didn’t receive the progress update and the end of the year came and went so I sent an email asking for an update on 8th January 2015 and 1st February 2015. https://www.dropbox.com/s/81ip6v5p0ez98nh/08-01-2015.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/1grmzbrxkuwdlr6/01-02-2015.png?dl=0 At this point I was getting very frustrated and ended up sending the following email on 12th February 2015. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1hc27tjieb65gbn/12-02-2015 (Replied).png?dl=0 I’ll admit this email was very rude and I could have worded it a lot better. I sent a similar worded message to the artist’s tumblr. Neither received a response (most likely due to the tone of the email). I eventually sent an ask to the artist’s tumblr and got A response saying that he would refund me the money as I can't comprehend that if I’m not able to get back to your emails on your timetable, it must mean I’m busy" (I don't have a screen shot of the original message unfortunately as it has since been deleted). At this point I sent a hastily written response to the tumblr message on my phone where I compalined about the long periods of time between responses (again, don't have a screenshot of the orginal message unforutnately). At this point I genuinely still wanted the commission and thought both messages were very rude so I wrote an apology email which is below. https://www.dropbox.com/s/v6ymh6zmog38inc/28-02-2015 Apology email.png?dl=0 A Little while after that I sent this email to him. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ti76r3odcbx4zs/Robaato March 9th 2015.png?dl=0 The general gist of it was essentially me explaining why I was annoyed with him. The links are to pictures of the correspondence I have recieved from him. He sent me this response the next day. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ow1jj6jwu4d7ddq/Robaato March 10th 2015.png?dl=0 I then sent a response, giving him my paypal email. After not hearing anything for a while I sent him this email on January 4th 2016. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dfmqpe6fyxcsevl/Robaato January 4th 2016.png?dl=0 I sent this from two different emails. I never got a reply. Since then I have tried to contact him on twitter. He claimed he had never received the emails on one occassion and that he was waiting to be paid, but after that any messages I sent where eithier missed or ignored. At this point I don't think I will ever receive a refund from this artist. Most attempts to conact him have been unsuccessful. He has claimed that he isn't receving my emails, but I find this claim dubious as I have successfully contacted him in the past. But to get some feedback, do you think I have been overzealous or have done anything wrong here. I'd like to know if I have because I wouldn't like something like this to happen again in the future If I have caused it. EDIT: Chnaged some of the incorrect dates in the entry
  4. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/922543.html WHO: Xarkbeast(FA), Arkadult(YCH), and Redixxbeastdesigns (DA). WHERE: Formally FA and DA. YCH.commishes.com http://ych.commishes.com/user/arkadult/ http://redixxbeastdesigns.deviantart.com/journal/All-commission-1-100-point-commission-sale-613194468 WHAT: $30 Digital two character feral mating art. WHEN: Jan. 17, 2016 PROOF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8clf86xw1glqnzw/Screenshot (47).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/jxi9o4y73gqm2og/Screenshot (52).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/92njq0y44miuhyj/Screenshot (48).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/35w91h9v69b94ay/Screenshot (42).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/r4h0tqqkytdwmzu/Screenshot (43).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/6pfkr4s3rvklyw9/Screenshot (49).png?dl=0 EXPLAIN: Not sure if this well be allowed, but I think people deserve to be warn about this artist. So wanted to do a beware on this artist before, but before I could he deactivated all account he had so I though it was pointless until I ran into him again yesterday under a new name. Anyway it started when said artist uploaded multiple ych's one which I bought for $30. Things seems normal at first. Noted him on FA a month later about my commission. Turns out he never started because he didn't know their genders. Was a bit annoyed for two reasons. One being that he waited a month to ask and may have waited longer had I not messaged him and the second because their genders looked to be clear in the references and I told him the first time he asked. Never the less told him and wait yet another month and asked about a trello or something like that. Never got an answer to my commission question. Later tried messaging him again to find his FA deactivated. Immediately went to pay palpay to file a claim. Few days later get an email asking if I want a refund or the art. I chose the refund and was asked it I could wait until Tuesday. Later gives me some bullshit about Paypal locking him out of the transaction and that he will send the money from a new account after I drop the claim. If anyone knows paypal like me you know that once a claim is closes it can't be reopened and it he did send the money he could then do a charge back claiming it wasn't him. That was a HUGE red flag and I stop talking to him all together and let paypal take it from there. In the end got my money back. Fast forward a bit to yesterday when I'm on ych.commishes.com a site for sell ych's. I bid on a auction but a few minutes before it ended I found it below to said artist. The was no way to back out or contact him so I waited for an email. In it he thank me for bidding an ask that I send the payment through family and friends. Again if you know paypal you know that's a terrible way to pay for art. I ended up telling him I wanted to back out before it had ended because I knew who he was and had a terrible experience with him in the past. As of now it looks like that account has be abandon as well. Edit: Seems his FA account has been reactivated sometime after I made this beware. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/xarkbeast [Editor's Note: Update from 8/3/2017] https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/965855.html Update to this beware: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/922543.html Where: https://www.weasyl.com/~sinistertrexx http://sinistertrexx.deviantart.com/ https://www.instagram.com/sinister_jorexx/ So I recently came aware that Xarkbeast as resurfaced under a few new names and accounts. A friend who asked not to be name came across her character on Weasyl. He just happened to link it in a group discord where I say it and instantly recognized that her character and art style. But just to be sure I looked around a bit and saw that the boyfriend of he last account redixxbeastdesigns had reactivated his DA and linked her her new one. Proof: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ck8r4d9bmftm2ca/Screenshot (44).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/pz26vyhli4c76tu/Screenshot (43).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/0vg0ka1v81gikws/Screenshot (45).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/n4aw9e74f6kkaq7/Screenshot (47).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/a2cohwifstwtaqw/Screenshot (48).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/msgdh327p6h1pm2/Screenshot (49).png?dl=0
  5. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/922014.html WHERE: http://chirart.tumblr.com WHAT: digital sketch commission WHEN: Paid August 31, 2015 (in one of the emails I mention September, but I was mistaken; it was August). Was first told that commission would be finished January 2016. Most recent contact August 10, 2016; still have not received commission. PROOF: EXPLAIN: I commissioned a digital sketch on August 31, 2015. As one can see in the Terms of Service, the waiting period can be up to 4 months. I want to say it was around November that the artist also suffered an injury that kept her from being able to create art, and I didn't want to give the impression that I was in a hurry to get the piece while she was recovering. In December 2015 I contacted her to check on how the commission progress was coming along. I was told it would be done either by the end of that month or early in January 2016. By April I still saw no sign of the commission, so I asked if there was an ETA in sight, as one can see in one of the screenshots. The artist told me that she should be working on my commission "soon", since she would be working solely on commissions that month. I sent an email in June that never got a response, and again in July. After not getting a response I sent her an ask on Tumblr on August 10, 2016. It turns out that my emails ended up in her spam box, and she apologized profusely for this. She then told me she would get the commission done that day and send it to me that night, which is the only instance I've ever seen a definite time to expect a finished product. It is now the 14th of August, very close to a year after I first paid, and I have yet to see any sign of the commission. I feel it is also worth pointing out that the artist never initiated any conversations with me. I initiated every conversation, and I feel I have been largely left in the dark throughout this process. I sent a stern (still polite) email saying that I would like to have seen an explanation as to why the commission couldn't be finished in the given time. I don't mind waiting for a commission, but I expect better communication on the artist's part. I've also told the artist that I don't want to ask for a refund just yet, because I still have a small amount of faith that I will see the commission that I've been so eager to receive. I plan on updating this post once I receive a response. UPDATE: As of August 14, 2016 I *HAVE* received my commission, to my great relief. That being said, if you are patient you will get your commission eventually, but the communication quality leaves something to be desired. To reiterate, I don't mind having to wait for a commission and I understand that life happens, but I as a client I expect to be given a heads-up if my commission is going to take longer than expected.
  6. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/922190.html WHO: Jaykuma / DatPisces WHERE: NSFW http://www.jaykuma.deviantart.com/ NSFW https://www.furaffinity.net/user/datpisces/ WHAT: An art trade WHEN: 4 months ago we started talking, 3 months ago scheduled it to be 2 months ago, told today it was cancelled after doing part of mine and being ignored for two months PROOF: Agreement on the trade: http://i.imgur.com/y1FuipO.png and NSFW http://i.imgur.com/P8Eso5Q.png My completed work of the trade (about half of my part asked for) NSFW http://i.imgur.com/tgBSaNM.png Their cancellation http://i.imgur.com/OhY7X6U.png EXPLAIN: Jaykuma on deviantart/DatPisces on Furaffinity had agreed to an art trade with me 4 months ago. http://i.imgur.com/y1FuipO.png They said we'd need to schedule it to be a month later. http://i.imgur.com/WZiQB2i.png Fast forward a month and they say they're starting their half tomorrow at 2am Est. http://i.imgur.com/0iD45y2.png So we work out the specifics and I start working on my half of the trade. NSFW http://i.imgur.com/P8Eso5Q.png After a few days I contact them again with what I had finished (NSFW http://i.imgur.com/tgBSaNM.png) at which point they let me know that they haven't started but they'll be done with the first part by the end of the week (because they started playing Overwatch http://i.imgur.com/K85BRA9.png). I figure alright, I'll be patient. I wait 3-4 weeks and hear nothing back from them so I send a note saying it's been a while and asking if they're still active. They read it but don't reply. A couple of weeks later I send another note asking if they forgot to reply or is something up. They don't bother opening the message. After another month of them ignoring me I decide to message their DA account asking if they could get back to me on FA. They reply saying sorry but they need to cancel the trade because "I've been busy with patreon stuff". http://i.imgur.com/OhY7X6U.png Normally I don't care if a trade gets cancelled, stuff happens. However the "starting soon!" followed by being ignored for two months then cancelled after I already did the first half of my part so that they could play videogames is incredibly rude, especially since this was scheduled a month in advance followed by two additional months. EDIT 1: As comments here suggested I let Jaykuma/DatPisces know that they can pay me for the part I've done and asked if they'd do so. They decided to not answer the question and called my persistence in being compensated "annoying" and fed me a BS sob story. http://i.imgur.com/bGg3w3t.png In the 1-2 months before our scheduled start of the trade right up to the day they said they'd start there was zero mention of time problems. The only time this was mentioned as a problem is the moment he owed me art and it's an outright lie as right as we started the trade he spent over 100 hours playing Overwatch during that month alone. I sent another message asking again if they'd compensate me and it is currently being ignored. I know he's seen the message too which is immensely frustrating. At this point I'm done dealing with them and all I can really do is hope others read this before being treated like I have.
  7. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/921401.html WHO: TinyArts WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tinyartz http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tinyemokitty http://www.furaffinity.net/user/krownkittenkreations https://www.facebook.com/Tiny.Artz/ https://www.instagram.com/tinyartz/ https://twitter.com/tiny_artz WHAT: $5 Digital Badge WHEN: May 3. PROOF: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qtcvsgj01i7s1s6/Screenshot (36).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cwkr0gdd6g9inmq/Screenshot (35).png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/9qsay9yzyg3s1ek/Screenshot (34).png?dl=0 EXPLAIN: Saw the add while browsing FA, thought it look cute, and bought a slot in a $5 dollar badge commission from the artist. A while later I saw that her Trello hadn't been updated in a while so I messaged her on FA. She told me that my commission was finished and that she would send it to me Wednesday because she was in the middle of a move. Well I actually gave her two additional weeks before messaging her again this time through telegram. She says sorry explaining that she's been going through a lot and that she asked her boyfriend to upload it. Then says she'll make sure that it gets to me this time. Well Waited again and to my surprise again nothing. Neither her nor her boyfriend's FA page have seen any activity in a while so I'm concluding the artist just bailed.
  8. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/921066.html WHO: Meora_Hedva WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/meorahedva WHAT: $223 Traditional Painting to be mailed out WHEN: Originally contacted and paid for in July 2014 PROOF: First response at contact for info, price, and where to send money: http://imgur.com/DeCHHZ7 http://imgur.com/NkVa72e http://imgur.com/tGQc7Z4 EXPLAIN: Sorry that I don’t have all the screenshots of the conversations listed. It was a mixture of notes, shouts, and emails, and some I absentmindedly deleted as I didn’t know this would go on for so long. I tried to put together the important bits though! The original contact with the artist went great! I had waited for a while so I could save money before contacting her, and saw she remained active while doing so, and figured why not splurge a little on some fantastic art. As the links show up above, we came to an agreement on a large coffee painting, framed, to be mailed out to me for $223. I gave her the character I wanted in the painting, but left majority of the idea and details up to her. She told me to expect a 4-6 month wait, so I left her be. I sent an update request in April 2015, was told pretty quickly it was still being worked on as the paints need time to dry - great! I’m happy for the update and knowing she was working on it. Attempted Contact again in May 2015(unfortunately I lost the email where she did respond) but she said she had been busy and hasn’t been able to work on it, but would soon! I attempted contact with her through a couple notes and then shouts in November/December 2015, and she finally responded to me in January 2016 to let me know she had finished my commission: http://imgur.com/fIPfcU6 I emailed her with the new email and she sent me the painting files in March 2016, and a promise to mail it out once she found a frame: http://imgur.com/6ct0z7Z Waited and poked late in March 2016 through email and shout (I know shouts seem excessive, but it was how I got her attention last time), and received an email back that she still did not mail out the painting, then said she had to wait until April for a frame to arrive, which she didn’t say at all beforehand. http://imgur.com/DW5TXXz I had waited a little longer, emailed her three times between April-July 2016 for an update and, due to silence on her part, I had to resort to giving her a deadline to respond back to me before bringing it to A_B's attention. http://imgur.com/ZVb2Vkb Additional Pokes: http://imgur.com/wDi2jTp http://imgur.com/cQh1x05 All she has to do is mail me the painting, which has been paid for. I have even offered twice to pay her more for the shipping fees since they have risen since 2014. I should also point out that every time I try to initial contact for her update, she seemed to have disappeared online everywhere for months. I usually try to not commission people who have a habit of disappearing for long periods of time, but before I commissioned her she updated constantly, and we even had a mutual interest in each other’s work, so I wasn’t prepared for the lack of communication. It’s a shame overall. I still love her art, but a painting that was supposed to be done and mailed within 6 months has turned to 2 years of botchy communication, and right now about 4-5 months of silence on her end. I do not know what else to do to get her attention, so unfortunately I’m trying Artists Beware.
  9. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/920515.html WHO: IsabellaPrice/ CavitySam WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/isabellaprice/ ( old account), http://www.furaffinity.net/user/cavitysam WHAT: Commission for a pair of avian fursuit feet. Foamed and fleeced. WHEN: Commissioned mid November 2014, to be completed for May 2015. First photos of WIP feet posted April 2015. Nothing since then. PROOF: Commission Started Paypal Transaction Screencap of WIP Feet Submission FB Chat log, various dates EXPLAIN: Back in November 2014, I commissioned IsabellaPrice for some fursuit feet for Confuzzled the next year ( May '15). I'd gotten a headbase made from her before and was happy with the product. I'd also gotten art work commissions here and there. The feet were to be foam and fleece construction( Here's my concept sketch if needed). Everything was agreed on and I paid a deposit of $100 18th November 2014 through paypal. I didn't really get any real updates between then and April 2015 when she posted a wip of them unfleeced, just foam. I liked the shape, though I wanted the claws a little shorter but that was easily fixed. ( I can share the note with this info but didn't think it was really relevant). I was a little worried how close it was getting to Confuzzled, especially with 2 weeks-ish for shipping to UK. May came and went, I didn't get the feet. I was in the con's Den and so had my own work to worry about, commissions to sort. I didn't have time to prod her for updates. My bad. Annoyingly, I can't find any notes around then. I must have forgetten about the feet as I wasn't getting updates and with the con gone, I didn't have a urgent need for them. FA's note system doesn't help in finding communication either... Recently August 2015, I bought a new partial and needed avian feet for it, but in a different colour. I remembered about the commission, and I asked if the feet had been furred ( they hadn't) and if they could be altered to a dark brown. This was agreed on but she was away from home until December 2015. November 2015 I'd had enough of waiting and just wanted the raw, unfleeced feet sent to me (Looks like her mum was to do this as she was away). She approved cancelling of the commission and said she'd be home on the 27th. I wasn't even really interested in getting a monetary refund, I just wanted the feet with less hassle. No communication until 25th Feb 2016 when I had to ask. Since then, communication has pretty much been me calling " Hello?" with no reply. Between the start of this commission, other headbases, premade partials had been made including FNAF ones which were made and sent out ( I assume) As well as drawn artwork.
  10. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/920173.html UPDATE #2: (DATE: September 22nd, 2016) I messaged both the new owner, and gorehund. the badge was not sent to the the new owner after our second conversation about it being shipped. I messaged gorehund and did not recieve any response even after my mutiple times trying to reach them until days later. Finally after contacting me, I cannot say I have had a worse experience working with someone ever. Please do not commission this artist unless you would like to be wait years, and be treated like garbage. attempts of contact: http://imgur.com/uMakZDu http://imgur.com/J9NTo0G Our conversation: http://imgur.com/troEIS5 http://imgur.com/9M4cUib http://imgur.com/OAxZOjz PB's new owner, and I's conversation: http://imgur.com/rOKsBiu http://imgur.com/oLzqazH --------- UPDATE: still hasn't been shipped to the new owner!!! (date is September 20th 2016) --------- WHO: Gorehund FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gorehund Twitter: https://twitter.com/gorehund WHERE: Commission engagements were taken via FA, and Twitter. WHAT: Detailed traditional badge. Payment proof: http://imgur.com/1OtePnJ , http://i.imgur.com/hkGScsj.png WHEN: Commission was paid May 8th 2014. PROOF: Journal indicating my slot: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/5730670/ / http://i.imgur.com/9OqquX6.png Payment proof: http://imgur.com/1OtePnJ , http://i.imgur.com/hkGScsj.png Finished product in 2014: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/13945451/ EXPLAIN: I commissioned Gorehund in 2014 for a badge of my new (at the time) character, PB the saber tooth. I paid $50 for the badge, and shipping. The badge was completed in early July. Everything seemed to be running smoothly. However, I never received the badge. Two years later now, I had sold the character, and suit. This may (2016) I contacted Gorehund via twitter, mentioning that I never received the badge, and that it would be nice to get a refund, or have the badge sent to the new owner. They replied, asking for a new address to contact the new owner, and the was the end of it. More than two months later, I contact the new owner of PB, and they have not even heard from Gorehund. I immediately contacted gorehund, and they asked where to reach them (though i had already told them in may). This has been one of the worst experiences with an artist I have ever received. All replies to me were cold, and extremely unapologetic. Long story short I have not received what I paid $55usd for in over two years. May interaction via twitter: http://i.imgur.com/vR6CrX9.png August 8th 2016 interaction (today): http://i.imgur.com/DPH1XM5.png *note: My username changed from bambi. to strawberrymilk in late 2014
  11. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/919173.html WHO: DogBarf/TommyFoof WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dogbarf/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tommyfoof/ WHAT: I posted an auction for a premade ferret fursuit head on furbuy. DogBarf won the auction on 3/3/15. He commissioned a tail and footpaws from me to go with the character and be sent to him with the head. The total was $510. $360 (head) + $70 (tail) + $80 (feet) and so far he has only paid $320 plus shipping. He still owes $190. WHEN: The auction was won on 3/3/15, the additional parts were commissioned on 4/19, and I sent it out on 6/25. PROOF: Entire email correspondence: http://imgur.com/a/h1hc7 Paypal screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/mfulp EXPLAIN: Things were going well and I was having a good time making parts to go with the premade ferret I had sold on furbuy. DogBarf paid off a good portion of it and wanted it in time for a convention. I had finished the parts, so I foolishly sent the suit to him before it had been paid off. Communication since then has been spotty. I haven't seen another dollar since I sent it to him. He has attended a couple conventions in the meantime, wearing the suit he still owes money on. Looking back on the emails there were warning signs, but I was new to commission work and very naive. I love the character he created for the suit, and I still think it is a pretty cute suit even though I have improved in the time since I made it. I would love to get this resolved since DogBarf seemed like an overall good person while I was working on their commission. UPDATE: He is in contact with me again and plans on paying what he owes. I will update again with caps once I get the payment(s).
  12. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/918645.html WHO: Anjila, @anjila on twitter, http://anjila.tumblr.com/ WHERE: Advertisement was on Twitter & commission was established via email. The original sales post I responded to is no longer available, but this sales post after my commission was established still remains: https://twitter.com/anjila/status/669673415750496256 WHAT: Commission for 2 icons. WHEN: November 2015 PROOF: I sent the initial email to start the commission for two character icons, I recieved a confirmation that they would accept the commission: https://i.imgur.com/ciKNo7t.png I paid: https://i.imgur.com/EVvZlxd.png The last communication I was able to estabish with the artist was 2/25/2016 3:23 PM when they replied with: https://i.imgur.com/5izIMNV.png I have sent updated ref sheets via email 3/29/2016 3:11 PM to no reply. After a long wait, I sent the most recent email Fri 7/29/2016 2:49 PM, also to no reply: https://i.imgur.com/2wUGwi8.png EXPLAIN: I commissioned two icons from this artist who advertised openings on Twitter. They accepted the commission, recieved payment, but did not follow through with completion. Communication has basically ended from their side and I have not heard from them since Feb 2016. I am writing today to either attempt to re-establish communication or share caution with other users who may interact with this artist in the future. This was purelely a business transaction, I am not too familiar with the artist on a personal level or their status in the community, so I dont pass any judgement other than "I have not recieved the art I paid for", I would be happy to accept the completed art, recieve an update if the art will come but the artist needs more time, or a refund instead of art if they choose to no longer draw. I would be happy with either outcome. I have learned a lesson in which I no longer commission any artist that has the slightest whiff of "emergency" or "urgent" in their sales posts. Additional question regarding this situation: Should I send a request for refund money to their paypal? I am certain this is past the dispute timescale unfortunately.
  13. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/918354.html WHO: Qunpowder (prior to name change) / Pawplush (current name) WHERE: http://pawplush.deviantart.com/ WHAT: 80 sheet 160 page sketchbook auction worth $70 WHEN: November 1st, 2014 - First contact/payment made October 19th, 2015 - asked for an update but got no response, had few updates on the sketch book. Never received any images of the sketchbook at all prior to being destroyed (end of November start of December) and refund was agreed to December 2015. Received 1 refund portion of $5 with PayPal taking PROOF: http://sta.sh/01slws50hjn6 (Original Auction) http://sta.sh/02dzq2asvl8q (Details of Auction) http://sta.sh/06cbxkbx0x8 (Proof of Winning) http://sta.sh/0c2j8ut7xd0 (PayPal Stub) http://sta.sh/09cd1xl7zs4 (1st Note asking for an update a year after work was started) http://sta.sh/0fvt5wuvu4i (2nd Note since the 1st one was read but not responded to) http://sta.sh/02b0lunzbckv (2nd Note part 2) http://sta.sh/02373ybmpk18 (3rd Note read but not responded to) http://sta.sh/023qi0165m11 (Final Note) http://sta.sh/0pznyk0r2fh (Reply to final note) http://sta.sh/0ef1pmkwdos (Redo reply to final note) http://sta.sh/02flbqteg50s (2nd reply to final note) http://sta.sh/02eipp8frfba (3rd reply to final note talking about refunds) http://sta.sh/0i7akqq1yw9 (1st refund, note sent as goods and services) EXPLAIN: November 1st, 2014 was the time I sent payment for winning the auction of the sketchbook. I had sent a note later that day with links to the characters I had wanted drawn in the sketchbook. I had anticipated it would take a while since they would be drawing on 160 pages during a school year, so I never expected to have it soon. Of course I was also anticipating moving so I was hoping it would be after I moved that I would receive the sketchbook. As referenced in my 2nd note to them that I got an update in April 2015 on the sketchbook and it was nearing completion at that time. Though in December it was ruined by water damage and coffee. I had never received any photos of the sketchbook, I was bummed to say the least that it was damaged but my main concern was that I never got any updates through the entire time aside from the April note. It was then, in the December note, that a refund was agreed upon though no set date for refund was able to be told. I sent the 3rd Note May 19th but never got a reply to that though it said it was read sometime before I sent the 4th and final note. Upon sending the 4th note I got a note in response that was a little passive aggressive from my point of view but I could be completely wrong. They had sent me another note after that one apologizing for how they responded to me and we came to an agreement to do installment payments, which about a month later they asked if I had been getting the payments that were sending through PayPal.Me which I didn't for some reason or another. They then sent me the first payment of $5 which, after PayPal tax because it was sent as a good and service, came out to $4.55 (I'm not sure if I should count it as a full $5 payment or as $4.55 since PayPal took a chunk out of it...). So far it has been going well, I will be sure to update this when I get more payments until it is fully resolved. Edit: On August 7th, I received $10 from PawPlush (through friends and family) Edit2: On August 8th, I received $20 from PawPlush (through friends and family) Edit3: On August 25th, I received the rest of my refund from PawPlush! This thread can be tagged as resolved by Mods.
  14. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/917946.html WHO: Thatdangcat / Toradoshi WHERE: They have heaps of places to contact them, these are all the ones they have listed on their Furaffinity. All contact we had was via emails or FA notes. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/thatdangcat https://www.furaffinity.net/user/toradoshi/ https://beta.furrynetwork.com/toradoshi/ http://thatdangcat.deviantart.com/ https://inkbunny.net/Toradoshi https://www.weasyl.com/~toradoshi https://toradoshi.sofurry.com/ https://e621.net/post/index?tags=toradoshi https://twitter.com/thatdangcat https://www.facebook.com/ThatDangCat https://payhip.com/thatdangcat WHAT: Premade partial on Furbuy to be made into a digitigrade fullsuit. Purchased by myself and my partner as a joint commission with him doing the majority of the contact for ease of commission. WHEN: Premade was bought around 4/4/15 and stopped responding after 7/25/15 Premade partial was bought from Furbuy around the 4/4/15th, the furbuy page has long gone so not sure on exact date. 3/6/15 - Picture of the suit from the makers account, same image used on FB auction - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16108694/ / http://sta.sh/024rc3ccl2xt 4/17/15 -7/25/15 - A list of all the payments sent - http://sta.sh/0s05lkb1rkh 4/8/15 - 4/11/15 - Details worked out with payment plan and details for suit http://sta.sh/011ulmr8x6gw Some progress was made towards making it into a fullsuit 5/15/15 - Hands and claws were started https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16558995/ / http://sta.sh/01hr2nqi3a14 6/12/15 - Padding was made https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16815559/ / http://sta.sh/01w4ocx52yro A full list of the emails + content http://sta.sh/2d1uiynbyjz?edit=1 7/25/15 - Where emails start going unresponded to http://sta.sh/09t98px9sjc Repeated unread notes on both their FA accounts http://sta.sh/013qhfpa8g9v 2/4/16 - 6/5/16 More unresponded emails http://sta.sh/01qcb3sj803y / http://sta.sh/0n78pdoevi 7/27/16 - After repeated ignored/unpened notes and emails I sent them a note from my FA account asking about a commission enquiry on the 7/27/16 which was replied to on the same day. I sent them a note saying they obviously weren't having any issues getting notes and to either update us, or refund us. http://sta.sh/0ukeca1eaq1 That note was read, and I have yet to recieve a reply but they have been uploading art to their Toradoshi account since then. http://sta.sh/010e0yogvhvy Obviously this has gone on way too long and we should have followed it up over a year ago. The suit was intended for my partner and myself to be able to wear. He was the one organizing and doing the transaction itself along with the details for it so the artist wasn't communicating with both of us, but the commission was for the two of us. Most of the details were run by me to agree with as well, but all emails and payments were sent by him. Unfortunately he's pretty new to the commissioning game and while I'd have bailed out and followed this up a year ago, he kept going in the hopes this would actually get completed. In putting together this AB I saw (He actually probably told me at the time but I forgot) that this suit had a timeframe of 2-4 months 😕 We're in the process of trying to contact paypal and his bank to do a chargeback on Toradoshi in an attempt to get our money back. I'm not holding out hope on a refund seeing my last note has gone unresponded to and going by their Trello https://trello.com/b/pQoLLQU4/tdc-commissions they have other people waiting on refunds (See Blue/white wolf head card) and no suit work done since November 2015, but with two new suits added this year. EXPLAIN: Bought a premade partial from Thatdangcat/Toradoshi on 4/4/15 and they stopped updating us after the 7/25/15. At first chalked it up to emails not getting through, so I bugged my partner to send them a note on their FA to their fursuiting account (Thatdangcat) and their main account (Toradoshi) which was being updated almost daily. Repeated unread notes and unreplied to emails I sent them a note from my own account, which they promptly responded to then stopped replying to once I asked about our suit. ADDED: Since writing this the artist has contacted us again http://sta.sh/0b7tpy16bg4 At the moment still deciding how best to proceed. *edited to fix spelling and unfilled dates* Update: so Toradoshi has been replying since all this, and we've decided to continue with the commission but with a 3 month deadline with weekly updates. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly now! [Editor's note: Update from 2/2017] https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/917946.html WHO: Thatdangcat / Toradoshi WHERE: They have heaps of places to contact them, these are all the ones they have listed on their Furaffinity. All contact we had was via emails or FA notes. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/thatdangcat https://www.furaffinity.net/user/toradoshi/ https://beta.furrynetwork.com/toradoshi/ http://thatdangcat.deviantart.com/ https://inkbunny.net/Toradoshi https://www.weasyl.com/~toradoshi https://toradoshi.sofurry.com/ https://e621.net/post/index?tags=toradoshi https://twitter.com/thatdangcat https://www.facebook.com/ThatDangCat https://payhip.com/thatdangcat WHAT: Premade partial on Furbuy to be made into a digitigrade fullsuit. Purchased by myself and my partner as a joint commission with him doing the majority of the contact for ease of commission. WHEN: Premade was bought around 4/4/15 and stopped responding after 7/25/15 Premade partial was bought from Furbuy around the 4/4/15th, the furbuy page has long gone so not sure on exact date. 3/6/15 - Picture of the suit from the makers account, same image used on FB auction - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16108694/ / http://sta.sh/024rc3ccl2xt 4/17/15 -7/25/15 - A list of all the payments sent - http://sta.sh/0s05lkb1rkh 4/8/15 - 4/11/15 - Details worked out with payment plan and details for suit http://sta.sh/011ulmr8x6gw Some progress was made towards making it into a fullsuit 5/15/15 - Hands and claws were started https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16558995/ / http://sta.sh/01hr2nqi3a14 6/12/15 - Padding was made https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16815559/ / http://sta.sh/01w4ocx52yro A full list of the emails + content http://sta.sh/2d1uiynbyjz?edit=1 7/25/15 - Where emails start going unresponded to http://sta.sh/09t98px9sjc Repeated unread notes on both their FA accounts http://sta.sh/013qhfpa8g9v 2/4/16 - 6/5/16 More unresponded emails http://sta.sh/01qcb3sj803y / http://sta.sh/0n78pdoevi 7/27/16 - After repeated ignored/unpened notes and emails I sent them a note from my FA account asking about a commission enquiry on the 7/27/16 which was replied to on the same day. I sent them a note saying they obviously weren't having any issues getting notes and to either update us, or refund us. http://sta.sh/0ukeca1eaq1 That note was read, and I have yet to recieve a reply but they have been uploading art to their Toradoshi account since then. http://sta.sh/010e0yogvhvy Obviously this has gone on way too long and we should have followed it up over a year ago. The suit was intended for my partner and myself to be able to wear. He was the one organizing and doing the transaction itself along with the details for it so the artist wasn't communicating with both of us, but the commission was for the two of us. Most of the details were run by me to agree with as well, but all emails and payments were sent by him. Unfortunately he's pretty new to the commissioning game and while I'd have bailed out and followed this up a year ago, he kept going in the hopes this would actually get completed. In putting together this AB I saw (He actually probably told me at the time but I forgot) that this suit had a timeframe of 2-4 months 😕 We're in the process of trying to contact paypal and his bank to do a chargeback on Toradoshi in an attempt to get our money back. I'm not holding out hope on a refund seeing my last note has gone unresponded to and going by their Trello https://trello.com/b/pQoLLQU4/tdc-commissions they have other people waiting on refunds (See Blue/white wolf head card) and no suit work done since November 2015, but with two new suits added this year. EXPLAIN: Bought a premade partial from Thatdangcat/Toradoshi on 4/4/15 and they stopped updating us after the 7/25/15. At first chalked it up to emails not getting through, so I bugged my partner to send them a note on their FA to their fursuiting account (Thatdangcat) and their main account (Toradoshi) which was being updated almost daily. Repeated unread notes and unreplied to emails I sent them a note from my own account, which they promptly responded to then stopped replying to once I asked about our suit. ADDED: Since writing this the artist has contacted us again http://sta.sh/0b7tpy16bg4 At the moment still deciding how best to proceed. *edited to fix spelling and unfilled dates* Update: so Toradoshi has been replying since all this, and we've decided to continue with the commission but with a 3 month deadline with weekly updates. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly now!
  15. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/916983.html WHO: Seiska on both FA and dA- mostly active on FurAffintiy WHERE: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/seiska/ - although this happened on wolfhome her main place of business is here WHAT: Two poses for the grapical chat wolfhome.com WHEN: February 8th, 2015, I sent the payment on Feb. 14th, 2015 PROOF: Here's the message we sent back and forth agreeing on the commissions and payment: http://i.imgur.com/4cAbYur.png Here's proof of payment: http://i.imgur.com/uOq7dNs.png Here's a screenshot of everytime I posted on her topic on wolfhome forums asking for an update along with when she responded. I'm sorry the file is huge but I wanted to keep the dates included- http://i.imgur.com/5ndSmkv.png There were other people who posted on her topic, but I only grabbed my comments. Here's a screenshot of an email I sent her prior to her finally updating her topic in April of this year - http://i.imgur.com/cB6qQ5H.png EXPLAIN: I'm not really sure what to put here since almost everything can be seen in the screenshots. I feel like I was very patient and gave her more than enough time to either complete the art or issue a refund. I tried my best to ask for updates only after some time had passed as I know constantly being asked for updates is quite frustrating. The most irritating thing however is the fact that she takes so many commissions on FA and has no problem completeing them. Yet myself, and a small handful of others, are still waiting for either art or a refund from her wolfhome commissions.
  16. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/916356.html All information is under the cut! WHO: Aokapaws/shoukema (dA) WHERE: http://www.shoukema.deviantart.com WHAT: 3 Doodle Commissions ($3.00 USD) - Please note that it isn't an issue of the amount paid, but the fact that the artist accepted a business contract and hasn't fulfilled their end of the deal. WHEN: Paid June 21, 2015 - Ongoing PROOF & EXPLAIN: For a condensed version, all the evidence needed can be found in this journal, as well as the comments on the artist's front page, but I'll enclose screenshots below, in the event it's deleted. In June 2015, I commissioned Aokapaws/shoukema for three doodle commissions, which she was offering for only one dollar each. Foolishly, I paid for the commissions via the friends/family option, because it was such a small amount and I was trying to be nice. Lesson one, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. [SCREENSHOT] You can also see in the above screenshot that I requested an update in September, to which I received this response. She tells me she's been busy, but the commissions will be posted the following weekend, which, of course, never happens. [SCREENSHOT] When it's been six months, I request a refund. This comment was never responded to. [SCREENSHOT] In May 2016, I requested a refund once more. Again, there's no response. [SCREENSHOT] There are numerous other comments, requesting updates and/or refunds, on her front page and the commission journal itself. She seems to have vanished from her account altogether. I want to comment that I believe she is underage, as she was stated to be thirteen in a custom box on her profile before her premium membership expired and it vanished, so this is more than likely a case of a minor who has bitten off more than they can chew and fled the scene when it became too much for them. Given her apparent age, I tried to remain as calm and friendly throughout this transaction as possible, despite my frustration. Still, this is a business transaction that was handled extremely poorly, so I would caution others from commissioning her, should she return, until she's more prepared to handle customers. Thank you. EDIT 07/17/16: Proof of Purchase EDIT 10/16/16: On September 16th, I sent shoukema a note, again requesting a refund. It was as fruitless as I expected, but I did notice today that it was opened and read, as seen here.
  17. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/915721.html WHO: RachVerity WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rachverity/ WHAT: Digital artwork, NSFW couples YCH commission http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18357167/ WHEN: November 27th 2015 to present PROOF: Agreement of commission http://sta.sh/01ywsnvn5iog . Proof of payment http://sta.sh/01fvnh2pzrsn . No refund http://sta.sh/0w2gzvs9u9z . Currently blocked http://sta.sh/0wp4mq7b198 . EXPLAIN: After commissioning the artist and all 4 ych slots were filled artist continued other ych commission projects. After a month the artist started other projects, to my knowledge only one slot of the original commission was completed (NSFW) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18527960/ . Most conversations were in shouts posted to the artists page which they have deleted. The artist has only given vague details as to my commissions completion (http://sta.sh/013gemox3x1i) until I requested the commission stopped. By that time it was passed PayPals 180 days for a dispute and the artist refused a full refund. A claim has been filed against the artist with PayPal while the artist has been arrogant through this process http://sta.sh/01pqqajdt8r9 . This artist is deliberately scamming commissioners by delaying until the customer can't file for a refund.
  18. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/915331.html WHO: mrpickles66 FA NSFW WHERE: On Furaffinity via notes. WHAT: Line art piece [X] of his Spaxk character [X] WHEN: First note sent on July 4th at 5:30PM EST, finished artwork on July 8th and continuing trying to get the payment. PROOF: First note string [Read from bottom up] NSFW DISCUSSION https://www.dropbox.com/s/vp25rf5pb07hu63/notes1.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/gb2q278vy34kmw9/notes2.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/cayaxwqar9d8dy7/notes3.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/dp6xih8ofpqq01r/notes4.png?dl=0 Second string [After artwork was done] https://www.dropbox.com/s/a02jrnnmi1z08zq/string2 1.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/dkg1xh55dvyc6m3/string2 2.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/e6y7sll3llcq5qx/string2 3.png?dl=0 EXPLAIN: After a long day I check my FA notes to see if anymore commissions and I have a note saying "hi" and in it, they explain they want a piece of art, no explanation or what exactly they want. [X] he counitines to be a bit hard to get information out of until finally I start getting some answers. After what style he states he wants, he requests some scat and farting porn with on my commission price sheet it CLEARLY states what I do and do not do for NSFW pieces.[X][NSFW DISSCUSSION] This was my first red flag that something didn't seem right if he didn't read what was on the commission prices. He then mentions that he wants to see it before it's done which is strange since it's a very simple line art commission and there tends to really be no WIP updates for it.[X] which also raises another HUGE red flag for me. I finish the artwork anyway because I figure I could hope he would pay me, either way it's good practice. I note him up stating I was done and it's now time for payment. He starts trying and TRYING to get me to show him the finished artwork before he pays for it.[X] I stood my ground however. Then when it comes to payment he starts lying about sending it and still trying to see it [X] also mentioning that his Paypal "wasn't working" , then changing his story to that he doesn't have 5 dollars only 3.[X] I send him one more note stating: "Or maybe this entire time you've be wanting to "see it" so you can just upload it elsewhere without having have paid for it." He hasn't responded shockingly. EDIT [July 13th 2016]: He has since paid but I am still watching out for refunds so for a bit this may be resolved. EDIT [July 28th 2016]: He has since been banned off of Furaffinty however I just received an email from Paypal for a money request [because he can't get it refunded] from him. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xmd2utxwj8bxzm7/Untitled.png?dl=0 Aka he is trying to get his money back from the completed artwork. Which has been given to him. I set him a email in huge red font NO EDIT [August 1st 2016]: He has now taken it to claims for Paypal as a dispute and I right away filed for Paypal to make this a claim since he cannot be reasoned with. EDIT [August 4th 2016]: Paypal has oddly enough decided to refund me AND him at cost to them which is weird but this saga is now finally over.
  19. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/914985.html WHO: I am only including their name on here, as it started on FB and that is the name they have displayed on Facebook. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dusqueravelle/ And Peyton Carpenter on Facebook. WHERE: Same as above. WHAT: 40.00 downpayment on a Kigu. WHEN: October 2014 to now. PROOF: Intial transaction and attempts to contact via facebook: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oc8mtapqiapg0s0/proof1.png?dl=0 Contact on FA after attempts to contact on Facebook had failed, and reply and agreement for refund which did not happen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0mv35h8ss30q9by/proof2.png?dl=0 After failed refund, sent another note which goes unread to this day: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xg096dl2ay9i8sg/proof6.png?dl=0 FA was apparently hacked, friend took over access to the account to remove the hacked image uploads. Contacted friend to see if there was another point of contact for seller: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ayp5iq2yc9pr6w/proof5.png?dl=0 Journal posted today (7/7/2016) asking for people to get in contact with her if they are owed something: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aupjukn3xjjyijk/proof3.png?dl=0 unable to contact due to block: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvb310exlk43thf/proof4.png?dl=0 EXPLAIN: In October of 2014 I was looking through furry facebook groups for sales, seeing one for a Kigu I contacted the seller. a design was agreed on, price, and deposit was made that day. https://www.dropbox.com/s/oc8mtapqiapg0s0/proof1.png?dl=0 I was promised WIP's of the work, and it seemed like it would be a relatively quick turn around of a few months initially. After a few months I contacted them back. Over time, responses became less and less, until I eventually was given no response at all and my requests for contact ignored. In an effort to get some contact, I attempted to contact them on their FA. I was initially greeted with a response! Great! I thought maybe we could just close out the whole situation and move on. I was promised a refund that coming saturday after a stream: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0mv35h8ss30q9by/proof2.png?dl=0 Saturday came and went, no contact. I let some time pass, maybe something had come up. I contacted them again, on FA. The note is still unread. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xg096dl2ay9i8sg/proof6.png?dl=0 When the note failed, I left a shout. I didnt think to cap it, and it is now removed. At some point after the shout was left, I got a note from someone (cannot find said note, if I do I will add a cap of it here) saying not to expect my money back, and the seller has done this before with many people waiting for refunds. Some more time passes, and their account was apparently hacked for awhile, a friend had taken over their account for the mean time to remove the hacked images. I contacted the friend in an effort to establish a new form of communication, as FB had been ignored for a long time, and FA had been the only form of contact I had had in months. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ayp5iq2yc9pr6w/proof5.png?dl=0 I thought to myself, awesome, at least they know and will get in touch with me after the move and life stuff. Things happen, I understand completely. Time passes. I moved back to facebook, per the first screen shot to try and get in contact again. Ignored once more. Today (7/7/2016) I see a journal from their FA. Great, they are back, maybe we can get this resolved. Journal says to contact them if you are owed anything. https://www.dropbox.com/s/aupjukn3xjjyijk/proof3.png?dl=0 I attempted to contact her via note, only to find out that I was blocked. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvb310exlk43thf/proof4.png?dl=0 That leaves us where we are now. I am blocked, unable to get resolution at this time. I have to say I am very disappointed, I was and have been willing to work with this person. Reading back over some of the facebook messages, I probably should have worded some of them differently. The comments about noticing an icon change so I know they are active seem a little stalkerish in my mind now, but at the time I thought it was a good way to let them know I did notice they were recently active and I would like a contact back. EDIT: After I submitted this beware I attempted to contact them on facebook once again: http://puu.sh/pVrjW/d5e658d2bf.png http://puu.sh/pVrla/3a31b7de86.png Today has come and gone, no refund once again.
  20. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/914048.html WHO: HornedFreak WHERE: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/hornedfreak/ WHAT: Digital Art, $30 commission WHEN: Initial transaction was on March 22, 2016. I haven't seen any progress on my commission, or my name added onto HornedFreak's trello for two months. Only after I poked her about it did she add my name to the que. PROOF: http://imgur.com/oKmnQ9D - Original Journal Advertisement https://www.furaffinity.net/view/13012988/ - Ref Link 1 https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16875996/ - Ref Link 2 (NSFW) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/17174232/ - Ref Link 3 (NSFW) Aforementioned ref links were directly linked in the journal. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/12777499/ - Ref Link 4 (NSFW) Said link above was linked in the transaction note. http://imgur.com/biFXnh1 - Note conversation involving money transaction. http://imgur.com/3i73reI - Me asking for an update on my commission in May. http://imgur.com/z1hN9Wg - My second attempt in trying to contact the artist https://www.dropbox.com/s/vyqjdqpz91rxm82/User_control_panel_--_Fur_Affinity_[dot]_net_-_2016-06-26_14.49.05.png?dl=0 http://imgur.com/0vRsX2h - Journal of her new commission advertising a few days after I spoke to her asking for an update. http://imgur.com/QAsbwJR - Trello que updated a few days after I spoke to her asking for an update. http://imgur.com/oD4YmSu - My note on June 24th asking for a refund. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hlyfujzgbwfwmvo/User_control_panel_--_Fur_Affinity_[dot]_net_-_2016-06-26_15.24.33.png?dl=0 - Proof that she had read my note in my note outbox. http://imgur.com/EJ7e46e - Finished commission posted two days after I asked for a refund. (NSFW) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/20389722/ - NSFW EXPLAIN: She opened commissions on March 22nd, 2016, and she took mine. I asked her what I wanted, and let her do her thing. I haven't received an update on my commission in a while, and my name wasn't in her trello que, so on May 12, I sent her a note. My note was read, and I didn't receive a response. So I tried again a week later. I received a response on May 19 that my commission is in progress, and my name got added on her trello que. I was content for the time being, so I gave her space. A few days later on May 23rd, she opens up a new batch of commissions, which left me a little confused because at the very least, my commission in the batch I was in wasn't finished. I waited another month to receive my art, and I was getting a bit flustered by the lack of communication, and I don't know when she'd get to my commission since the progress seemed a bit slow with no update at all. I didn't see any art. So on June 24, I send her another note asking for a refund, since I saw no artwork of any kind sent to me. The note was read, and I received no response. However, two days later (today), I saw that she posted my commission; didn't notify me about it either. x_x. At this point I'm really miffed because I wanted my money back from the lack of communication, I didn't want the art anymore. So from my standpoint, it felt like she hurried to do my commission, and posted it to prevent me from getting a refund that I had already asked for two days prior, and she was aware that I had asked for it as the note was marked read in my outbox. Edit: http://imgur.com/Ku2tgKu - Conversation about the refund. As of 6/27/2016, she has refunded my money. So I consider this matter resolved.
  21. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/910500.html Included are links to screenshots of the journals etc in case of deletion. WHO: soaru@dA (old account) / hatchimi@dA (new account/formerly Dollrot) WHERE: http://soaru.deviantart.com/ http://hatchimi.deviantart.com/ WHAT: Digital art - Pixel icons x4 - $40 total (+paypal fees) (92 total icons owed to others on her to do list) WHEN: Soaru had claimed to have been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in early May 2014. We were all very understanding of her situation and that there would be delays with her commissions. ( https://i.gyazo.com/2d18a1584409cebc7fd6d15f3f87241e.png journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/Carpal-Tunnel-Diagnosis-453965909 ) and then another notice to commissioners: ( https://i.gyazo.com/cda7fca79f835063a19bd737fd96fc10.png journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/Attention-commissioners-454227201 ) I first noted soaru about the icon commissions on July 17th, 2014, then the agreement was made and I sent the payment the same day. (see screenshots in ‘proof’) Soaru had then made a journal on July 26th 2014 to state that she had unlimited pixel slots open for the summer ( https://i.gyazo.com/ff5ccf459452bb685191edc39e486352.png Journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/work-work-work-470968786 ) Unlimited slots never being a promising sign, but I am a patient person, and didn’t think much of it at the time. A few more updates regarding soaru’s recovery and commission progress were posted between August 2014 until August 2015 (I will get into these in my explanation below). The final update on August 25th 2015 was about her recovery and any updates for commissioners, and since then the account has been dead. PROOF: commission note paypal transaction EXPLAIN: As stated above, soaru had been diagnosed with Carpal tunnel syndrome. She posted a journal about it on May 14th, 2014 and continued updates on her situation. When soaru had opened commissions, I sent her a note expressing my interest, and the agreement was made on July 17th. I sent the payment the same day. On July 26th 2014, soaru posted a new journal stating that she had unlimited pixel slots open for the summer, ( https://i.gyazo.com/ff5ccf459452bb685191edc39e486352.png Journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/work-work-work-470968786 ). I didn’t think much of this at the time. On August 20th 2014, Soaru posted a commission update ( https://i.gyazo.com/1b08df12e524cd8658c41b2a8160a8c6.png journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/Commission-update-476955835 ), stating that she was working very hard on completing her commissions right now. She asks for our patience due to work and having to take breaks because of her carpal tunnel. I was in no rush for my commissions and only wished for her recovery, as I really couldn’t imagine how awful it must be to suffer from carpal tunnel as an artist.. She adds “I did not forget about your commission, don’t worry.” The next update was on October 6th 2014. Soaru states that commissions are now closed for a good year or so. She tells us that she is very busy with work, so commission progress is moving very slowly, and apologises for the wait. I can appreciate that she is going through hard times, so a few months isn’t much to wait given her situation. “I will not update you on how your commission if coming along because there are too many of you to note. I assure you I WILL complete the commission as soon as possible. So please be patient with me. You will receive your commission when you get it.” And no, I have no idea as to when you will receive it, and for that I'd like to apologize. I also won't be providing any refunds. You will get what you paid for.” I’m a patient person and I could appreciate that taking unlimited slots as there would be a lot of people on her to do list, but looking back now, not receiving any kind of progress report on how your commission is coming along is a pretty bad sign as well as stating that you have “no idea when a commissioner will receive their commission.” But again I was willing to wait and a few months wasn’t anything to complain about given her life situation. (https://i.gyazo.com/83b4d48b277187c21701d02963b5f5f7.png journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/Commissioners-PLEASE-READ-486724217 ) Between October 2014 and February 2015, there was no real update on soaru’s commission progress or her condition. Apart from posting a journal in December asking if her commissioners would mind if she used her new base for their commissions or not. (I requested to stick to the original base I had ordered as it fit my characters better). ( https://i.gyazo.com/934a152cd6297a6082aef184dc9e00f3.png journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/Question-for-people-who-have-commissioned-me-498366584 ), though you could hardly call this an update. Finally on February 10th, 2015, soaru posts her public to-do list and an apology for the delay with her commissions. (https://i.gyazo.com/67931c13a0edf8575e38623994e9681c.png journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/TO-DO-LIST-UPDATED-PLEASE-READ-THIS-OMG-512941211 ) On this list there are a total of 96 commissions yet to be completed. At the time, I simply thought she’s stated many times she is working hard to get these done so over the course of months hopefully her list will get shorter and shorter, and she will get through these and can look past this tough time in her life. The next and major life update was posted on July 13th 2015: ( https://i.gyazo.com/8e096687c3b8c8bc92baef371ba68a41.png https://i.gyazo.com/7e8bc4738ff1ea001597797b8e525eec.png journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/Life-Update-ADDED-546016180 [screenshot & link to updates journal linked at the bottom: https://i.gyazo.com/12e87e334c506d2f8477ef92f83e50d7.png journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/updates-447349674]). Soaru talks about how she realizes how unhappy a lot of her commissioners are with her services, her surgery and the date being under negotiation, and that she has been going through recovery. “I'd like to assure ALL MY COMMISSIONERS that I am not running away with your money. I WOULD LOVE to provide refunds to all of you, I cannot stress that enough. But I simply do not have the funds to do so. I know I've already asked you all to be very patient with me, and some of you have and I'm very grateful for that. I do not expect everyone to be understanding of my situation financially/mentally/physically, but you WILL receive your commission.” Her last update and sign of any activity on her account was on August 25th 2015. ( https://i.gyazo.com/0153602488fb599d70ff0bb7bad6a9fa.png journal link: http://soaru.deviantart.com/journal/Recovery-Update-556158826 ) A promising recovery update stating that soaru’s wounds are healing well, she still experiences some pain but it should disappear soon. She says she should be able to start commissions mid-September. She says she’ll be sure to post a journal update, as well as join.me streams of commission work, and finally that “You will also be provided with WIP's of your pixel so you know I'm actually doing your commission.” I cannot speak for everyone on her list but I have not received any kind of work in progress shots from soaru. Since then, soaru had provided no updates about surgery dates, delays, or any kind of work in progress to assure people that she was indeed trying to work on these commissions as she had been stating for the last year. Many of the comments on her page and in her journals talk about the lack of any kind of update given the situation and the wait for all of her commissioners. Soaru is even ignoring notes and comments from her clients. Many of the comments urged her to think about trying to refund even just a few commissioners to lessen her workload and to just resolve the situation as quickly as possible. Soaru also states that once her recovery is over she will be working her hardest to finish all of her commissions in response to another comment. I tried to note her back in January: ( https://i.gyazo.com/cf393ed24d2d8fe08285099283e79359.png ) to ask about changing characters since it has been so long that I had forgotten who I had even requested, but there has been no response. However, in my sent notes it is marked as read. Around late February, a friend and I (who is also on soaru’s to do list) came across a deviantart account named dollrot, but recently changed to hatchimi. At the time there was no evidence that hatchimi and soaru are the same individual, however we did find her art style to bear very close similarities to soaru’s. For some time we just kept an eye out since there wasn’t much posted to hatchimi’s gallery at the time and it could just be a similar style. Here is a comparison we compiled of all the similarities we found (style wise) : http://orig03.deviantart.net/d537/f/2016/154/f/1/comparisons_by_theangelofmemories-da4ubbh.png Over the course of the last few months we’ve tried to gather as much evidence as we can that links hatchimi and soaru as the same person. A few things we noticed: Her icon style is in the same style as her old one (they’re not made from the same base, but the way the eyes are pixeled have the same technique done on them, plus they almost overlap in terms of head placement over body) She still uses bases extremely frequently and they all have their toes pointing inwards with their hands by their sides with closed fingers. A similar technique with the way she shades her noses, and the highlights in the character’s eyes Handwriting comparison http://orig02.deviantart.net/06b4/f/2016/166/2/f/handwritting_by_royal_jelliefish-da6ck3m.png The first semi-concrete proof comes in the form of a work in progress shot from soaru, and something I noticed when I popped in to one of hatchimi’s picarto streams a few weeks ago. This is Soaru's wip screenshot with her file location atop the SAI window. notice the "C:/users/mew/desktop/file/cootiewootie.psd" Now, look at the location on this screenshot taken from Hatchimi's picarto stream. Same user name and location as to where the file is saved. "C:/users/mew/desktop/file/BASEA.psd" Along with the similarities of their style, noticing that they share the same user name and have the habit to save on the desktop is too much of a coincidence. Now, the evidence we have found that positively links soaru and hatchimi as the same person was something I noticed when hatchimi posted her artvsartist meme. She has since taken it down but you can still view it via google cache here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://hatchimi.deviantart.com/art/artvsartiste-611370644 screenshot: https://i.gyazo.com/ad467bb0d3af2f1e4794c2464916a57f.jpg A while back soaru had posted a self portrait to her deviantart, and looking at the two images it’s hard to think they’re two different people. Please note the same piercings and gauge in her ear as well as the facial similarity. http://fav.me/d8hcuq8 screenshot: https://i.gyazo.com/090fdf9f9535898df2d0febda19d16d6.png A friend had found soaru’s old paypal/email address through the icon commission transaction. Hatchimi’s current paypal does not contain personal information linking her to soaru, but with some digging with the ‘soaru’ email address, we have discovered it is used for her instagram account that has been up since 2012 and is still active: https://i.gyazo.com/b536e315ee2473202d9842807a0a1561.png When lined up side by side from the image from the artvsartist meme: https://i.gyazo.com/09f0a7f2270ec47712465a1e29420878.png The name that appears in the transaction for the payment to soaru from 2 years ago also matches the name on the instagram account if there is still any doubt that they are the same person. The evidence collected in this case was through a group effort from her dissatisfied customers I have reached out to. **Edit : 17/06/2016 We have posted jorunals on deviantart revealing our findings and to spread the word. my friends (who has been in contact with hatchimi to send her the beware post and to see if the situation could still be privately resolved) : http://royal-jelliefish.deviantart.com/journal/ARTIST-BEWARE-Soaru-Hatchimi-615658826 Hatchimi has also posted a journal with her defenses and some evidence of a conversation between herself and soaru through email, as well as a note she sent inquiring about commissions to soaru. http://hatchimi.deviantart.com/journal/Harassment-soaru-drama-615813488 Someone picked up that there is a tab open in this screenshot for 'msn canada' it isn't by any means concrete but it could confirm her location, and this could be another piece of evidence that links another similarity between them. http://orig06.deviantart.net/ce3f/f/2016/165/e/a/ccb568bad3054274b7fe6f00b4a87a34_by_hatchimi-da6aqen.png anoher edit: a user found a page in the waybackmachine that has her country listed as canada: http://web.archive.org/web/20151024030234/http://dollrot.deviantart.com/ So we can prove that she and soaru share the same location. A big question for me in all of this is that why now of all times would she choose to reveal this screenshot of her noting soaru about asking about commissions? Surely its a strong piece of evidence to support that the two are different people, so why wouldn't she send it to us sooner rather than this much later? http://img10.deviantart.net/289a/i/2016/168/6/a/proof1_by_hatchimi-da6mxv6.png (screenshot in case of deletion: https://i.gyazo.com/f95a0191f17fd6a7aa8e13112f34e47b.png ) At first it looks fairly normal, but someone commenting on the beware journal checked their old notes from before they changed their username, ane the previous username shows up in older notes, not the new on since hatchimi was formerly Dollrot until earlier this year, why does it say "Hatchimi said the following" and not "Dollrot said the following"..? Another commenter then claimed that it is possible to run a test on images which will tell you if the image has been edited, and the screenshot came up as edited in photoshop, so this tells us that the note screenshot is fake. Here are the websites one can use to detect a doctored image: http://fotoforensics.com/ http://imageedited.com/ Hatchimi is still denying that she and soaru are the same person, despite all of these new revelations, I will continue to update as more light is shed.
  22. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/910025.html WHO: Lingling-arts WHERE: Lingling-Arts WHAT: A digital YCH for two characters for 500 points (roughly the equivalent of $5.00) WHEN: The YCH was submitted on February 1st 2016, and I contacted her the same day. Our last interaction was on May 23rd, 2016. PROOF: http://imgur.com/a/WaVBa Some links are provided within explanation. EXPLAIN: On February 1st, I saw a really cute Valentines Day YCH was posted. Since I had points to spare, and it was within my limited price range, I scooped it up. I transferred 500 points to her. The first was completed on February 5th, and the next was submitted the next day. It was kind of strange, since it appeared she had skipped over me (I was the first) and went onto the next people. I didn't think much about it. She submitted the next, and so far last one, on February 12th. http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/art/TakeALook-MyGF-gl0wstars-588957466 http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/art/TakeALook-MyBF-ClockworkWillow-589170834 http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/art/TakeALook-MyBF-Thoughtful-Stargazer-590435859 The day before Valentines Day came, and she posted a journal. It was about her entering an artistic slump, so there wasn't going to be much art coming. I was a bit disappointed due to not getting it in time, but I didn't fret. It was going to be a cute pic any of my favorite anthros. About two weeks pass, and she posts another journal on February 27th. She claims she has no inspiration, she's leaving, that she knew taking on 5 slots for her YCH was a bad idea, and she'll repay the remaining people. http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/journal/No-Inspiration-Leaving-again-593432926 Alright, stuff happens. I'm very sad that I wouldn't be getting the pic I really wanted, but at least I'll get my points back. March comes along, and I'm getting kind of impatient. I ask her if I'll be getting them back soon, and she says she doesn't have any at the moment. March 8th, March 14th, and March 17th she steadily posts art again. http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/art/PrincessDay-WIP2-595419685 http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/art/WALK-596722555 http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/art/Family-Matters-597132702 On March 18th, she posts another YCH. http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/art/YCH-5-597466305 She completes the slot on that and does two more pieces on the 20th and May 20th. On the last piece, she mentions her inspiration came back for a moment, but left her as soon as she completed it. http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/art/YCH-5-PrincelyPixels-597613247 http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/art/Theres-A-First-For-Everything-597869166 http://lingling-arts.deviantart.com/art/Spideypool-pone-610256124 Fed up, I warn her on May 23rd that if I don't have my points back by June 1st, I'll be making an artists beware. She tells me to go ahead, and that she's lost all her inspiration and has no points to give me. May 30th comes, and she posts a journal. She states she's not coming back because her inspiration has left her. She also says she doesn't care if we report her for not returning our points. It may have been just 5.00, but 5.00 wasted. I don't care about inspiration, I paid you to do something and you've scammed me. I haven't reached out to the other person who hadn't received any art from her, so I do not know if she paid him back or not. Current Mood: Mad Update 12/17/16 - Today I have recevied my points from Lingling back in full. I'd mark this as a resovled.
  23. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/908926.html WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/bakasnowbunny/ and https://mobile.twitter.com/BakaSnowBunny WHAT: Partial fursuit commission, later refunded. WHEN: February 22nd; payment was held until March 14th. http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736210837000.jpg Refund issued on May 20th. http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736230758000.jpg PROOF: PayPal transactions are above. Unfortunately my Gmail isn't letting me retrieve the emails sent from February to March. I updated them weekly as I was working on other commissions for clients whose payments were received before hers. I'll explain what went down in those emails below. Initial reference sheet given: http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682757348300.jpg Colors change from pink to purple (were pink on the reference sheet, later change to purple when the design changes) http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682780450500.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682799660500.png She asks about the color again 2 days after ordering the fur, which she had approved then. The new reference comes up a few days after this but I can't seem to find that e-mail. http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682770468700.png Having the nose moved: http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682757572500.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682773362000.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682799789500.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682743573300.png (in reference to where the nose was first) Her asking about the dots above the eyes when I mention the ones UNDER the eyes (so maybe there's another dot not on the reference sheet?): http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682743277600.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682713249500.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682759983300.png Me refunding her, starting with the tail issues: http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736274181200.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736210648100.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736214488700.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736215937600.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736241789200.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736254110500.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736269066900.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736260942300.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736269846400.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736220547700.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736285150000.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736288180900.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736249328300.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736264931200.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736286129200.jpg Twitter posts: http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736274107100.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736299628000.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736297296300.jpg Her boyfriend sent me notes on FA, again blaming me for her depression: http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736275769200.jpg FurAffinity journal about me: http://www.ezimba.com/work/160525C/ezimba13736275402700.jpg EXPLAIN: In late March I started working on my clients fursuit. I should have refunded them then, because despite saying that she was patient she would ask for changes (the nose, for instance, was moved 4 times), questioned how I did things compared to others (not as a compliment, as if I was doing it wrong) and she gave me odd measurements (I have it recorded that her hip to heel measurement is 44" and the head size changed three times). I was sent two different reference sheets, which changed in late March again. I was incredibly patient until we got to the tail, in which the furs she picked out herself were apparently not long enough, and she questioned how I made it. At this point I put my foot down and decided to refund her. She threw a fit at work, blamed me for her depression, sent her boyfriend after me, posted about me on Twitter and then later made a journal after the supplies arrived. She would not give me her PayPal address or shipping address so I had to find them through PayPal myself; she switched off receiving payments while I looked too (as there was a period of time where she wouldn't answer my emails). She was taking PWYW commissions during this time so that's how I know she switched it off on me. I sent her everything I had involving the commission: fabric, the base, feet, tail, claws, patterns, etc. I was more than halfway done with the commission when it was refunded which is why this situation is difficult. A week after canceling her father decided to contact me on behalf of the commission. He sends me very threatening e-mails and demands a larger refund than what I had given her. He even gives me his phone number and asks me to call him (which I don't do; the phone number was sent in a side e-mail that I did not include because it solely contained the number alone). http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682752279400.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682791641300.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682783556000.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682771676200.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682776155700.png He also forwards me the first set of measurements I was sent which I have left some notes on. http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682757783500.png There is an error somewhere where I mention her shoe size is US women's 8 instead of 10 1/2. I have it marked that I got her 10 1/2 shoes. http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682740583600.jpg http://www.ezimba.com/work/160531C/ezimba12682788472100.png (The purchase through eBay) Do not work with this individual. It's unfortunately one of those situations where you just can't please someone, no matter how hard you try. EDIT June 1st 4:30PM: More tweets about me. http://www.ezimba.com/work/160602C/ezimba12682785868100.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160602C/ezimba12682749512500.png http://www.ezimba.com/work/160602C/ezimba12682723872100.png EDIT June 4th 6:45PM: Found this in my spam as I was looking for an e-mail from another artist that accidentally went there. My parents are fully aware of the matter and will not be contacting him as they helped me with the number crunching with the refund and relaying of e-mails with him. http://www.ezimba.com/work/160605C/ezimba12682792641600.png EDIT June 9th 7:00PM: Came home to see that the client (or her father) issued a chargeback on my account. http://www.ezimba.com/work/160610C/ezimba12682772759100.png EDIT July 27: A second chargeback has been issued by the father. http://www.ezimba.com/work/160728C/ezimba19677183466200.png
  24. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/908567.html WHO: Bioblaze WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/bioblaze/ WHAT: The user had won the primary sought after spot in a large multi character auction that has STILL not been paid for. (All screencaps will go in the explain section for timeline consistency) WHEN: Feb 5th, 2014 to March 29th 2016 PROOF: All screencaps will be in the explain section for timeline consistency. EXPLAIN: Back in early 2014, I decided to expand my capabilities and do a mind numbingly heavy project auction consisting of 10 characters in a butcher shop scene to please my vore community. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12671477/ (mature rated due to FA's rediculous maturity laws though there is no actual mature content in the picture) A great deal of haggling occurred over the coveted position of the butcher himself, with the price VERY swiftly rising from 15$ to a whopping 75$ over very little time. There was a minor scuffle between Bioblaze and another bidder, as he accused them of just trying to drive up the price with no intention to pay. I smoothed the fight over, explaining that the other bidder was a long time commissioner of mine and that they always paid up. Argument now over, the two had some friendly competition for the spot which Bioblaze eventually took. He insisted on paying for it partway through my actually drawing it, which I normally frown upon because I dont want to leave someone screwed over if my laptop dies or something, but I gave up my contact information anyways and even offered him a preview of how it was coming along. Afterall, he had the most unique character in the set and I wanted to make sure I got it right. It took him a while to reply to anything but I assumed he was busy with work so I let it slide. Right after I gave him my contact information for payment, he went missing. Totally. Nobody could get hold of him, none of his notes were being answered, he just dropped off the face of the planet. He resurfaced a year later claiming to have been hit by a bus, saying he was in the hospital this whole time but now he was loose and wanted to pay up any debts. Little fishy but ok, shit happens, right? (the journals he had talked about the accident in have all been deleted and i did not get screenshots at the time because I wasnt overly suspicious yet.) I answered the journal, thinking I could finally get the 75$, which at this point was starting to become a needed thing as I was slowly falling into financial issues with my credit card. Lo and behold, he goes missing again. Resurfaces several months and a good many notes later with this gem: By now I am suspicious AND annoyed, but still. Relapses happen and I am nothing if not forgiving. So I give him another chance to..... apparently go missing. Another almost full year passes before he shows activity on his account again. All his journals had been deleted and replaced with a call out for people willing to work on some sort of programming project with him and paid commissions he bought started popping up in his submissions. So I mail him one more time thinking ok THIS TIME he should be good, right? Play it cool, keep it casual and lighthearted, and maybe he won't know that I have been stewing in frustration and debt for two years? Ok! looking good! he seems willing to play along and he CLEARLY has recovered and is looking to throw money around. Should be a piece of cake for him to get me off his back. Apparently its easier to brush me off as being impatient and petty over a measly 75$ that's been owed to me for 2 years. At this point I am too pissed to answer him back. It has been two months now and I haven't heard anything from him. No payments, no "hey i got paid but something came up so i will be another month", no anything. I don't want to contact him again since I have a feeling he will throw off some excuse and brush me aside AGAIN, or worse he will go missing for some reason or another again. I am so done with this guy. That commission would have pulled me out of debt enough to be able to pay off the rest myself with my part time job but instead I had to get my parents assistance years later when I realized he wasn't coming back. Apparently I am the only person on FA who he is refusing to pay. I have contacted other commissioners and they all say he paid up immediately. I don't know what I did to offend him so much but anyone else who is doing art for him may want to get paid up front before he walks in front of a bus again.
  25. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/907161.html WHO: Kanel WHERE: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/kanel WHAT: Digital image. 2 character, Fullbody, Painted and simple background. Later 'upgraded' for the wait. $40 initially + $20 simple background added later = $60 WHEN: February 7th, 2012 initial payment and commissioning. Restarted commission around May 2013. Restarted again in December 2015. PROOF: Agreement of commission Payment for initial commission Journal showing all commissions initially Second payment for background added on later First WIP image in July 2012 Restarted WIP in 2013 Asking to restart again in March 2015 Second restart WIP image (December 2015) February request for update March request for update April request for update and notice of intent to go to AB EXPLAIN: Just for my own sanity of how long it’s been, I organized the events of what happened in each year since this whole commission got started. It might be unusual but it also seems unusual for a commission to take this long. Because it’s been so long, some of the pictures, skype logs, and other things have been lost but I’ve done my best to try and get everything relevant. ------------- An explanation before I begin, I’ve had three different computers. One is where all the screenshots I have on here is the oldest and I don’t actually use anymore because of various issues with it after 2012. Second one, where all of my logs were died last summer. Hard drive gave out around June 2015 and no way to recover anything on it. Third is this computer I’m using now which I received in in September 2015 has virtually nothing on here. So I have a dead spot in skype chats between late 2012 till late 2015. Kanel and I used to be good friends at one point. I found him on FA early one before he really got noticed and achieved popufur status. We played video games together several times and talked together quite a bit over the years. I commissioned him 2 separate times before all this with no problems. Over time though we started talking less and less until we drifted apart as we have now. 2012 Kanel opened commissions and I managed to nab a spot. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3163112/ We shortly afterwards we discussed and agreed upon an idea which cost 35 dollars. I’m not sure why at the time but I paid 40 dollars instead and sent it to him. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gct6e4aw31t4ytb/DS 1a.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/qvtcergu1fc0oja/Pay 1.png?dl=0 He then posted a journal with a commission list, later in the day, with my commission and two previous completed ones I had with him along with several others in the batch I’m in. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3163656/ Later Kanel expressed concerns about the subject matter as something he wasn’t very interested in doing (which now that I look back even I now I was wondering what I was thinking) so we changed the commission to a fight scene between our characters that could both enjoy. Suggested I cover the cost for a background to make it look better but Kanel didn’t want me to pay because he felt a bit sorry for such a long wait. I thought it was only right that I pay the cost, at the time being 20 dollars, and sent it out. First half of combined screenshots Second half of combined screenshots For those who can't read those two for any reason, here are the individual screenshots. Quite a lot of them though. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Payment of background: https://www.dropbox.com/s/in1mzrt5y5qz163/Pay 2.png?dl=0 About a month later Kanel would stream work on the picture. He would get his character colored and shaded while my character was mostly done except for some shading. There were some ‘sketchy’ background ideas drawn in but none of them he liked though and were cut out from the progress he stopped at. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kxch66sk24f3t4s/SK 29.png?dl=0 Shortly afterwards he asked for my opinion about opening up some commissions again. My commission and the majority of the others that he had accepted back in February were not done yet. He needed some income at the time to support himself and his family. My opinion then, and still now, is to be open and keep everyone updated one what’s going on with you and why you need to take more commissions. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Later opened commissions journal 2013 I’m not quite sure when exactly Kanel worked on the picture again but he had started over actually and gave me a screenshot of the new picture. I was very surprised at the time but glad that he had worked on it and was farther along than the last picture. Unfortunately the skype logs during this time are lost but I still have the screenshot from then and is dated to have been created on May 17th, 2013. https://www.dropbox.com/s/q76ajxu0is3amks/b59215f815916d704c309f3a465827f7.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/zidj2xmwewblrew/b3942fd923921.png?dl=0 Because of the update and the image looked farther along, I was satisfied with him making progress and left him alone for the rest of the year. Like I said at the beginning, I have a lot of patience and didn’t want to stress him out. 2014 No notes were found for this year and any skype logs I had died with my last computer. No data available for this year. 2015 Every year after this point I would ask for an update on the commission in late February as sort of the anniversary of when I commissioned him. Once again he asked if I would agree to change the subject of the commission again, something league related. I thought this might be just the last motivation he needed to finish the commission so I approved the subject change. If he wasn’t liking the old subject then hopefully this new one would motivate him to finish it. At the time, were we both starting to get into league of legends so it seemed like a good idea. Originally it was something along the lines of us working together to fight Baron Nashor, my character as Rugged Garen (DEMACIA). All screenshots mashed together: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1qjjqu535do32v2/FA screenshot 1.jpg?dl=0 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 It was getting a bit annoying at this point that Kanel didn’t have any significant update for me and wanted to start it over again. He was accepting more commissions and opening his patreon pages with his personal projects and commission rewards (Reward tier where you get the equivalent of a commission). I knew the adopts that he did every few month were to cover his rent and a bit more for food but still hurt that he was doing new stuff rather than old commissions. Eventually in October and November, I finally started pressuring him a bit more about the commission. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vli216e7tsbqy39/DF 1.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/jjcmejo0quww2pl/DF 2.png?dl=0 December, shortly after I asked if he made any progress, he started streaming my commission with the league related subject. He did two separate days of it but I missed most of the second day sadly since I passed out mid-stream. Last I saw was of our characters and him working on a very detailed background with us both having killed Teemo. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18520987/ 2016 I was still pretty satisfied with him having worked on it back in December but was surprised he handed worked on it again to finish the image. When I asked for an update in late February, he let me know that he still planned to finish it and wanted to give me a refund as well. I replied letting him know it was 60 dollars and that he would send me the cash the following weekend but nothing came. https://www.dropbox.com/s/oyi0z4ol8bl83dr/DF 3a.png?dl=0 End of March, I asked for an update again but he had none. Also he wanted me to refrain from asking for updates on the image part of the commission as well after he had sent me my money back. The image would be considered a giftart apology for waiting or interest for such a long wait. Still didn’t receive a refund. https://www.dropbox.com/s/h7n8t3nf54c08ke/DF 5.png?dl=0 End of April, I asked for an update again but he still had none. At that time I mentioned my intention to eventually go to Artist Beware with the issue which he was understandably irritated about. I would be too if someone was going to make a post on here about me. Still with no progress on my commission and no refund, it does not appear to be coming to an end anytime soon. https://www.dropbox.com/s/fm3m0iiw4n3w9xy/DF 4.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/e9p230lwlr7e7rl/DF 6.png?dl=0 I don’t think there is any true malicious intent on his part at all but more leaning towards negligence. Probably he wanted to get the commissions done that were newer and of people where were bugging him more to get them done. This month so far he has made work on his patreon rewards but seems behind on those as well. I don’t really know what his situation is as far as his commissions and patreon rewards but I do wish he would talk about it and be a bit more open. It really sucks that it’s come to this but I don’t quite feel like my commission is going to get finished without this and it would probably be a few more months before I get my refund too. Posting this here probably burns what bit of friendship we still had but seems like this is my only option. It has been over 4 years since I commissioned him. Each time he gets past half way done before scrapping it and starting over because his style changed, to do more for the picture as an apology for taking so long, or because he lost his motivation to finish the image before this one. His art has improved but his work ethics hasn’t quite kept up with the demand he has gotten for his art. I know I’m not the only person he owes art to. There are others that have commissions from him in the year 2013 (Some done others not). Plus he has been having a bundle of (NSFW) patreon commission rewards pile up every month. Occasionally he will take a simple sketch commission or do in (NSFW)stream commission he announces on twitter. He also has his own patreon for his personal comic art that he used to do but hasn't touched for a while. (I could probably fill out a long list of different times he has taken commissions over the years but that would be very long a bit more work that needed. If requested though, I can add them later.) I’m probably not his first priority to do at the moment and that’s fine. Unfortunately my patience has essentially ran out now and a more aggressive approach is needed. This will be held here as unresolved until his promise is fulfilled back in February. Refund of $60 and the commission image. I think that's fair since that's what was offered. Update: Kanel finally sent the refund. That was fast.
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