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  • Beware: Qunpowder/PawPlush

    • Who: Qunpowder/PawPlush
      Where: http://pawplush.deviantart.com/
      When: 11/01/2014
      What: Commission




    WHO: Qunpowder (prior to name change) / Pawplush (current name)

    WHERE: http://pawplush.deviantart.com/

    WHAT: 80 sheet 160 page sketchbook auction worth $70

    WHEN: November 1st, 2014 - First contact/payment made
    October 19th, 2015 - asked for an update but got no response, had few updates on the sketch book. Never received any images of the sketchbook at all prior to being destroyed (end of November start of December) and refund was agreed to December 2015. Received 1 refund portion of $5 with PayPal taking

    PROOF: http://sta.sh/01slws50hjn6 (Original Auction)
    http://sta.sh/02dzq2asvl8q (Details of Auction)
    http://sta.sh/06cbxkbx0x8 (Proof of Winning)
    http://sta.sh/0c2j8ut7xd0 (PayPal Stub)
    http://sta.sh/09cd1xl7zs4 (1st Note asking for an update a year after work was started)
    http://sta.sh/0fvt5wuvu4i (2nd Note since the 1st one was read but not responded to)
    http://sta.sh/02b0lunzbckv (2nd Note part 2)
    http://sta.sh/02373ybmpk18 (3rd Note read but not responded to)
    http://sta.sh/023qi0165m11 (Final Note)
    http://sta.sh/0pznyk0r2fh (Reply to final note)
    http://sta.sh/0ef1pmkwdos (Redo reply to final note)
    http://sta.sh/02flbqteg50s (2nd reply to final note)
    http://sta.sh/02eipp8frfba (3rd reply to final note talking about refunds)
    http://sta.sh/0i7akqq1yw9 (1st refund, note sent as goods and services)

    EXPLAIN: November 1st, 2014 was the time I sent payment for winning the auction of the sketchbook. I had sent a note later that day with links to the characters I had wanted drawn in the sketchbook. I had anticipated it would take a while since they would be drawing on 160 pages during a school year, so I never expected to have it soon. Of course I was also anticipating moving so I was hoping it would be after I moved that I would receive the sketchbook. As referenced in my 2nd note to them that I got an update in April 2015 on the sketchbook and it was nearing completion at that time. Though in December it was ruined by water damage and coffee. I had never received any photos of the sketchbook, I was bummed to say the least that it was damaged but my main concern was that I never got any updates through the entire time aside from the April note. It was then, in the December note, that a refund was agreed upon though no set date for refund was able to be told. I sent the 3rd Note May 19th but never got a reply to that though it said it was read sometime before I sent the 4th and final note. Upon sending the 4th note I got a note in response that was a little passive aggressive from my point of view but I could be completely wrong. They had sent me another note after that one apologizing for how they responded to me and we came to an agreement to do installment payments, which about a month later they asked if I had been getting the payments that were sending through PayPal.Me which I didn't for some reason or another. They then sent me the first payment of $5 which, after PayPal tax because it was sent as a good and service, came out to $4.55 (I'm not sure if I should count it as a full $5 payment or as $4.55 since PayPal took a chunk out of it...). So far it has been going well, I will be sure to update this when I get more payments until it is fully resolved.

    Edit: On August 7th, I received $10 from PawPlush (through friends and family)
    Edit2: On August 8th, I received $20 from PawPlush (through friends and family)
    Edit3: On August 25th, I received the rest of my refund from PawPlush! This thread can be tagged as resolved by Mods.

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