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Everything posted by MonicaVix

  1. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/780481.html WHO: Yoai WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/yoai/ WHAT: Lined ref sheet (front + back + side + chibi) WHEN: Feb 22nd to June 29th+ PROOF: To avoid confusion, I put all of them in the cut so they're within context. EXPLAIN: Alright, I first want to point out that this artist is not a bad person, at all. It's just a case of biting off more than you can chew. To avoid this being too long, I'm going to make it a bullet list; - Contacted, arranged and paid for the commission on Feb 22nd. Arrangement for commission: http://i.imgur.com/bcy0t6u.png Payment: http://i.imgur.com/XEx3ikG.png Inbox for ease of date stamping: http://i.imgur.com/qq5OMpk.png Outbox: http://i.imgur.com/cFVzsQz.png - Noticed I was on queue with 4 other people, I do not have a screenshot of this however. - April 10th, ask for an update and asked if they could note me on a different account when it was done note: http://i.imgur.com/elXFgYg.png - April 10th, got a reply saying that my commission will be finished soon the note: http://i.imgur.com/5PYK1CI.png - May 7th, notice their queue is no longer up anywhere, contact them to ask about it note: http://i.imgur.com/Oii9GTA.png - May 9th, was informed that they were trying to fix their queue, and would be putting one up soon. the note: http://i.imgur.com/J2gHWq8.png Only thing like a queue at that time: http://i.imgur.com/WmwirZY.png - May 29th, at this time I was concerned that I was still missing from the queue and haven't gotten any more updates. I logged back onto the account I originally contacted her with, in case the problem was that she didn't remember the new one. Plus, she'd be able to search back in her notes and get the information for the commission that way. I asked for another update, but note was never read. Outbox showing it as unread: http://i.imgur.com/cFVzsQz.png my note: http://i.imgur.com/sZXzxis.png - June 27th, saw that a journal posted on june 7th was asking if anybody was missing from their queue. At least 7 other people, not including myself, had been missed. I replied to the journal saying that I was left out of the queue as well. http://i.imgur.com/K76scfa.png My reply on the journal: http://i.imgur.com/TnyqeqH.png - June 29th, They've been online multiple times and I feel avoided, so I decided it was time to just ask for a refund. The note I sent: http://i.imgur.com/LSXi6zL.png Her queue list as of today: http://i.imgur.com/aU6PPUM.png https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B8ekXXv-b3lXYkpCVHd5TV9BbVE/edit I feel bad about doing this, but she continues to take on more commissions, so I feel it's only right to kind of post up so people know what to expect. Though it's really mixed, she has taken on multiple commissions since mine, and finished them. However, her current queue is at least 28 people long (not counting myself) with a total of over 78 individual pictures owed. She seems nice, but I think she is too worried about upsetting people to contact them and explain what is going on with wait times.
  2. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/777201.html WHO: PurpleSlushie WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/purpleslushie/ WHAT: Fursuit head WHEN: November 10, 2013 until Now [June 20, 2014] Summary: Months of waiting for a fursuit head, still haven't received it yet.. PROOF: http://i.imgur.com/GBw8ufe.png http://i.imgur.com/IUBN7WI.png http://i.imgur.com/WPtqnqe.png http://i.imgur.com/ah594wY.png http://i.imgur.com/nsh0lhB.png http://i.imgur.com/aVMUvNI.png http://i.imgur.com/Ms7r05N.png http://i.imgur.com/gmgVIte.png http://i.imgur.com/QkQG7kf.png http://i.imgur.com/CNGSB8g.png http://i.imgur.com/TleWOlL.png http://i.imgur.com/KH5wiJM.png http://i.imgur.com/mq5iUqS.png http://i.imgur.com/WierFes.png http://i.imgur.com/Aj1R302.png http://i.imgur.com/PgJcrqr.png EXPLAIN: November 10, 2013: I've asked PurpleSlushie if she was opened for commissions and I wanted her to finish my head base. She asked to see photos of the headbase. [http://i.imgur.com/GBw8ufe.png] She said she can modify the muzzle for $300 [http://i.imgur.com/IUBN7WI.png] and accepted the commission request. I was definitely interested and pursued on doing business with her. She wanted full payment upfront before she does any work [http://i.imgur.com/WPtqnqe.png]. November 17, 2013: A week went by and I had enough money to send her the $300 for the commission. She also wanted another $20 for an extra attachment for my fursuit head, which I was fine with. [http://i.imgur.com/ah594wY.png] PayPal transaction here: http://i.imgur.com/nsh0lhB.png December 17, 2013: I haven't head from PurpleSlushie in a month, so I wanted to know if there was any updates, so I've sent her a note asking when I be able to send me my head so she can modify it. She said I can send it any time before the end of December. [http://i.imgur.com/aVMUvNI.png] January 28, 2014: I've already sent out the head and still haven't heard from her if she's gotten the head or not, so I've sent her another note, asking if she's received it. She said she got it on that day and she asked if it was OK for her to modify the lower jaw. [http://i.imgur.com/Ms7r05N.png] January 30, 2014: I've asked for her PayPal address again so I can send her the extra $20 for the head accessory attachment. She said she is going to try her best to make it because she hasn't done anything like that before. She also said the fursuit head would be done by the end of that month, or by mid-March. [http://i.imgur.com/gmgVIte.png] February 25, 2014: Another month goes by without any updates, so I've noted her again. She said she's done modifying it and it's ready to be furred. She also requested my e-mail so she can send pictures. March 22, 2014: Haven't heard from her in a month again, but I've received a note from her cousin, saying she will be furring the face and ears, and do detail work around the eyes. [http://i.imgur.com/CNGSB8g.png] After receiving that note, I felt so relieved seeing an update on my fursuit head. She said she'd send me more photos later on in the week. [http://i.imgur.com/TleWOlL.png] April 17, 2014: Her cousin sends me a note again, updating me. She asked what kind of nose I wanted. [http://i.imgur.com/KH5wiJM.png] May 26, 2014: I've sent her another note asking for an update, she replies, promising to send me more photos and having it finished by the weekend. [http://i.imgur.com/mq5iUqS.png] Excited with the good news, I asked if she will be able to ship it ASAP and provide a tracking number for it, she says there will be a tracking number but she was unsure if she can ship it ASAP because of unreliable transportation. [http://i.imgur.com/WierFes.png] June 4, 2014: Still not receiving any more pictures, I've left her a shout on her page and she responded, saying that the head is ready to be shipped. She also waiting to get a new camera so she can send me more pictures in a couple days. [http://i.imgur.com/Aj1R302.png] June 9-16, 2014: I've sent her an e-mail, because she asked if it was my e-mail so she can send me the pictures of my fursuit head. After waiting for months and months for pictures, I've already become impatient.. [http://i.imgur.com/PgJcrqr.png] As of now, June 20, I still haven't received any more word from her. It feels like every time I contact her, she promises to send me pictures, which she doesn't. It also feels like she is avoiding me. I feel like I've lost $320 and I cannot dispute with PayPal to get a full refund back.
  3. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/776486.html WHO: HotCoffee WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/hotcoffee/ WHAT: Fursuit partial http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t41/twizler_skunk/13483379400-1400345573_zps74a23902.jpg WHEN: Payed for it may 30, received it in the mail June 17 PROOF: http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t41/twizler_skunk/bill_zpse29778bf.jpg EXPLAIN: Item arrived in the mail damaged and missing the feet, I immediately took photos of the damage, and of the box/ shipping material. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13749919/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13749944/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/13750022/ . I then Noted the seller and asked for a refund, that was refused. http://i157.photobucket.com/albums/t41/twizler_skunk/NewBitmapImage10_zpse81cae28.png Stating is my fault. I have talked to Paypal and they will refund me once i ship the item back, But im still going to be out what ever it cost to ship back. The fa link basically tell it all. *Update* Paypal has issued a refund. Issue resolved.. lesson learned.
  4. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/775398.html WHO: cicatrizESP/Rabid/makeshiftwings WHERE: www.furaffinity.net/user/cicatrizesp WHAT: It was going to be a simple waist-up, flat-color digital commission that was supposedly going to cost $10. She contacted me personally wanting to draw my character. WHEN: What got me suspicious was that she asked for five dollars more to cover Paypal fees…Off. When it got bad was the ignoring for months on end just for a single update, she has no list if there are other commissions going on or journals telling what is going on except she is trying to get active again but then disappearing AGAIN. I wanted to do a claim, but since I gifted stupidly I cannot get it back, nor can I get a refund with my ignored reply obviously. PROOF: When she first contacted me: November 22, 2013 http://i.imgur.com/CJSNdqC.png Proof of Payment on my part: December 5, 2013 http://i.imgur.com/5H5MuIT.png Internally questioning change of price to pay ridiculous fees: December 5, 2013 Was Naive and gifted it... (Explained below) http://i.imgur.com/XV8Dnp7.png https://i.imgur.com/wFaoixH.png She KNEW it would take it out of her '10' or else she would not have asked for more money! Red Flag there had I known... Getting worried at this point. But I was just being patient, polite and wondering if she okay and maybe if there was an update. I do not how much she is taking on, she has no list or anything. So I was curious. : December 27, 2013 http://i.imgur.com/CcINOfv.png Couple months later after ignoring the note above, the final response from her: February 3, 2014 http://i.imgur.com/8TmlRU9.png My reply... http://i.imgur.com/fQ8WG3Z.png My response left unanswered... http://i.imgur.com/7KN8Pdt.png EXPLAIN: At first she wanted that $10, but suddenly she wanted five more dollars to cover the Paypal fee? Paypal NEVER makes a person pay over $5 worth of fees and I never heard of it! She even said she would add in more art but I did not want it... But I fell for it. As Naive as I was back then, I decided to gift it to her, to pay the fees by gifting to move on about it (knowing earlier that gifting usually makes the person buying to pay the fee instead, but that was it…)…It seemed to work. (Later on it is revealed to me that the fee is there to PROTECT buyers and it is against Paypal's Terms of Service for sellers to ask the buyer to pay the fee FOR THEM.) http://i.imgur.com/3ys76EZ.png Trouble starts What I did not know is that if you ‘gift’ customers can no longer be protected because you cannot issue a claim against the person you ‘gifted’ it too. I learned the hard way. No longer will I be commissioning artist that require people to ‘gift’ the money to them so they do not have to pay the fee. Unless they request adding one more dollar to the original commission to pay for it or tell how much I should pay before hand to cover it, and I WILL CHECK. Asked for an update...http://i.imgur.com/CcINOfv.png Two months later… I finally get a response because I noted her asking for an update… But apparently it is going to take another couple of months for my commission. Nothing was done. Was it okay? No, you do not ignore your commissioners, especially what was the reason why for the delay. You tell them first and people should understand in this circumstance, do not IGNORE them for months! I am a very patient person and commissioned a lot of artists, they would tell you this! I can give a LIST. Is it so hard to inform? A reply...finally http://i.imgur.com/8TmlRU9.png http://i.imgur.com/fQ8WG3Z.png My reply back. I replied back to that final note that it would have been okay if she notified me earlier. No this was not okay and replied that I wanted a refund, but instead of waiting for my reply she disappeared for another two months and counting. I am done and fed up by this. http://i.imgur.com/7KN8Pdt.png Sitting for two months :] Funnily enough...even if I would have asked for a refund…. she might have already spent that money, including others!? This was on a journal 6 months ago (from April 22, 2014) that she was supposed to get ‘active’ again and I sent my “I want a refund note’ two months after until she disappeared again (not a surprise). So I waited even longer for nothing I am going to get back. She has done it before and I would not be surprised., People even asked for a refund there is a bunch of wrong with this... Quite sad. http://i.imgur.com/p3Rn5DV.png Journal comment http://i.imgur.com/8BM7CuY.png Artist Beware comment UPDATES: As of April 22, 2014...Heh. She is on the prowl again using the same tactic on by sending people either a note supposedly selling commissions again or shouting on their page. Where is my supposed commission? My money? Not done? Gone? Go figure. I can only warn so much by leaving this up on my profile and for the most part leaving the site. http://i.imgur.com/IFVXe0z.png Shout on page. June 10, 2014: I have blocked this user on Fur-affinity a long time ago because she ignored me anyway. I do not expect it to ever be resolved at all except I want this to be added to her thread. If she wants this to be resolved, she can resend/gift me my money back... But this will be a warning to others that she has not changed in the slightest. July 3, 2014: (Also added her other name to the title) On June 18, 2014 We have come to a slight agreement. The person is supposedly going to refund me on July 3rd as stated herself and I allowed it with the exception of three conditions; it is all the money I paid for which includes the fees, one of her names is on there so I know, and a message that has saying that she is unable to complete the service that she was paid for and is refunding my money back. I included that she can contact me here or on Furaffinity( as I unblocked her for this reason) that if she wants to make sure the paypal e-mail is correct that I can tell her/give it if anything. http://i.imgur.com/9fkv5xB.png Dead-line I have yet to receive any kind of payment... I will wait until it hits 12 a.m before updating this regarding if it is done or not like said. If it does not happen, I am not going to listen to any more excuses as I have lost patience with this person. July 4, 2014: It is forty past mid-night and have not received anything. She could not even hold up to her own deadline, not a surprise at all. This will stay unresolved until further notice... http://i.imgur.com/WC9tXFE.png No payment received.
  5. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/773991.html Hello! I'd like to share a story. Hopefully I can post it here though! WHO: X1XpachiaX1X WHAT: Accepted an Art Trade with me on deviantART and still hasn't done their part THE STORY: So one day on deviantART I got a note asking for a request or an art trade on March 12th, 2014. I told her that I don't do requests but at that time Monochromatic Headshots (which I recently finished hers because she also requested one) and so we agreed on an art trade.I finished her part the next day, May 13th. (It's right here) She thanked me and said that her part was almost finished. I waited for a month before I noted her about the Art Trade because I knew there was still school going on. I thought that she had forgotten about it, but it turns out that she hadn't and her excuse was that she moved in with her mom and she wanted to redraw a lot of things, which I accepted. I didn't think about being scammed then. About another month passed when I noted her again to check up on her. I received no response and thought that she was busy, but I was starting to lose my patience with her. A few days ago I commented publicly on her profile and she still hasn't responded to me about the art trade, whereas right now I am losing my patience greatly. I'm probably going to give her another week to finish, and if she doesn't then I will take down her part of the art trade until she finishes my part. I'm trying to be as patient as I can, but soon it will be 3 months since we proposed the art trade.
  6. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/773561.html This complaint follows a client who has not paid for a commission. The pictures below are a few examples of the ongoing attempts at getting at least some of the pay. What happened: About four months ago I was doing a number of commissions for users online, through Furaffinity, Furry4Life and Deviantart. I was asked to do a commission of a full body fursona for £18.00 which at the time equated to $30.00. I had seen this username Dragonf94, sometimes called Draco, online and they knew others I had already done work for, so I agreed. I work by sending the picture in low res to get approval at various stages of completion and then usually ask for half before finishing the picture. In this case I was a little more foolish and offered to do the whole piece, as the price was quite low for my work. Early on, Dragonf94 claimed others had refused them work and it had hurt their feelings. I didn't ask and did the picture regardless. I did a few reiterations and the picture was done after about three weeks due to a waiting list. The client was happy. I sent them a very low res and they still seemed happy. I then awaited payment in order to send the full res. Evidence: I messaged them through the site, through email and skype as requested. No payment came. I consistently asked them if there was a problem, and at first they didn't seem to reply. After a while, I threatened to name and shame them as I noticed them using the incredibly low res picture as their icon. They then began the excuses, ranging from mental illness, to homelessness, to insomnia, to all kinds of problems. Sometimes it was because the paypal information was wrong, so I sent it again to all of his emails, but I know he has received the information as I use paypal very often. Then, his mother was no longer his guardian, he had been adopted, all manner of problems arose. The client was never rude, but the excuses were all I ever heard and they kept getting more severe, so I offered to leave it for a short while so they could sort out what was happening. It began in March and I heard nothing until around April, and then mid-May, each time prompted by myself, not by him. Not sure if these very sudden stories were true, I enquired about them. I kept putting back the time again, asking them for some evidence - by this point the client said he needed paperwork from a therapist and then could get a job because he was homeless. Until then, he could pay me nothing. I was unable to prove that they were lying, though it seemed strange that it all happened only after the picture was finished, and that a homeless man was able to email me at all (let alone had neglected to mention any of it beforehand). I asked if they would prefer paying in five dollar instalments over the course of months to help them. I received no reply to this offer, though I mentioned it several times. After investigating (and waiting for many, many weeks for updates on the situation) I doubted the excuses and began to realise he had no intention of paying me. Whenever I stopped emailing, it all went very quiet. However I was eventually informed he had gotten a job. I asked again. Again, I got no reply, despite consistently enquiring about what was happening and if and when he would pay. I asked him if he wanted the picture or not, but his answer was always: I will pay eventually. Four months or so down the line, now in June, I have given up. I did the work as he was happy and I feel I have been taken as a joke. No contact comes unless I instigate it, no answer to the questions about how I can help him pay, just excuses ignoring my suggestions to sort the problem out. Had I not told him to remove the low res I doubt it ever would have happened and he didn't seem to understand why it bothered me. I am tired of waiting. Now I know why no one does work for this person. Dragonf94 or Draco, who gets commissions through FA, F4l and Second Life, will never pay you in my experience - so don't waste your time like I did. The picture remains on my hard drive until future notice. I have yet to hear any further from him at all. Edit: I have also become aware that he operates on Deviantart looking for commissions, but due to the large number of hidden comments, I am inclined to believe he has experienced other problems with either commissions or other artists on there. This is also under the name Dragonf94, but he may have multiple accounts.
  7. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/772831.html WHO: FA - SugarFactory / StarFruitStudios / Kahuna. / gummifruit DA - aloharilakkuma Tumblr - sugargalaxy Twitter - kahunaotter WHAT: 5 Yards of Black DF Fur for $85 WHEN: (September 6th, 2013) September 7th, 2013 to PRESENT PROOF: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0tqg6k20tdhk3xr/AADvRCIJd3E8TEwq1VVTNWnYa EXPLAIN: On September 5th, 2013 at 06:14 AM SugarFactory posted a picture of A LOT of fursuit making material that was for sale. https://www.dropbox.com/s/db9fyjett0j36yr/Picture of Stuff.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/1yyi6xxt4xlici6/original post.png I was pretty excited about this because it's a lot less than retail so I jumped on the chance to purchase 5 yards of black DF fur. Letter H as seen above. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6pwg2bff6ubp8d6/initial contact.png So on September 7th, Contact for payment and shipment. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ltmvmsqmg4mooc0/Contact for shipping and payment.png I have blocked out personal information. Proof of payment: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x4ksluuao32af4g/Proof of Payment.png So after this Sugar posts a journal saying that she has a delay in shipping because it's been raining and now her car is in the shop... I decide to note her to find out how long the delay would be. https://www.dropbox.com/s/l984c25zot9hi48/First delay in shipping.png The note was ignored.. So I decided to wait a bit and then note her again. https://www.dropbox.com/s/kpxvz0z8ooap7e1/Second Looking for shipment.png I'm trying to be as nice as possible, I'm a really understanding person..if you don't lie to me. I still didn't get a response. Getting frustrated, I send a third note. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vk1f8fvj9r5ogxo/3rd loking for merch.png Unfortunately, I'm a softy..and saw a journal she posted about dealing with depression, which I really understand a little too well..so I didn't follow through on that Nov 1st thing. I really should have. However, this note did warrant a response. https://www.dropbox.com/s/x381vxb6le3m1oe/Finally a response to 3rd request.png I blocked out the part where I poured my guts out to try and show her that she wasn't alone with mental disorders, and that she can contact me at any time if she just needed to talk. Sorry, but yall don't need to know my mental health status. Some time after that she posts a journal saying she was in the hospital, and posted a picture for proof..pneumonia, and stomach issues. Ok. That's bad stuff to deal with..I decide to give her a break. She disappears again for 3 months. I happened to see a post from ErisValgen on twitter stating that she was sad that Sugar was going by a different name on a different account. She linked me the account via PM, but I had seen I wasn't the only one who found it. (This is the Kahuna account.) This is also when I learn she's really darn close to getting an AutumnFallings suit. Those are really expensive. An Artist Beware is posted, and she returns to her SugarFactory account and talks about how she regrets what she's done, feels terrible, etc. She also states in the journal that her parents paid for the suit of Kahuna.. Though, about two months ago, she went through and wiped her journals! https://www.dropbox.com/s/q5lbpn8l9ex4kv3/gap in journals.png You can see the gap from 8 months to 2 months... That was where the apology journal was. I sent the initial note (and it sat and was ignored) before she posted the apology journal...her response came 2 days after the apology journal was posted. https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9qg124dzjnzdce/I think we're ok now.png I didn't follow up on March 1st...I should have, but I got busy and forgot. My bad. First promise of a refund: https://www.dropbox.com/s/75539z51qucd1or/A doggone excuse.png Still no refund: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ojlpat9r9kcsvm4/Oh I thought I already refunded you lol.png Some time after that she posted a journal saying her bank account was compromised: https://www.dropbox.com/s/40hugnuqqatogc9/bankaccount compromised.png Blocked out people's usernames for their protection. Then she posts a journal saying that she's going to a convention! Her bank account is fine now... https://www.dropbox.com/s/g82thhxtwlpgvvp/So you can go to a con%2C but can't refund me.png I decide that I'm done being nice. I lay down my expectations. It's now 6/1 and here's my A_B post, as promised. https://www.dropbox.com/s/gl258dyq6vweitg/More unhappy people.png This also shows that there are other people unhappy with the situation. I blocked out all but tentacleluvgdss since she just made an A_B about Sugar as well. The last note I sent her still remains unread from a month ago. https://www.dropbox.com/s/srj5bdo8cvn0h8h/Unread note.png I've also emailed Dragoneer about this, because more people need to come forth. Some people are still being very nice and waiting patiently, but some of us are sick of it. EDIT: Immediately after submitting this post the second time (had to make a few edits) I had left a comment on her page stating I was making an A_B post she noted me, and sent me my refund of $85. I told her I would make this edit as soon as it was poste, but I would not remove the entry as she still owes so many people money.
  8. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/771519.html WHO: - Kosian (Furaffinity) : http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kosian/ (NSFW gallery) - Keith (Kiys Rayna) (SecondLife) WHERE: - Furaffinity : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12497090/ (NSFWish) - SecondLife shop : Keith (Kiys Rayna) WHAT: - Digital art : full colors commission (as mentioned on his commission informations) of two characters (Dedran which is mine, and another one I prefer not to mention here) - Paid with Linden Dollars through SecondLife as it is the only way of payment he accepts (in the description of this picture : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12497090/ (NSFW)) - 12000 L$ worth about 50 USD http://i.imgur.com/kdsn22g.jpg WHEN: - First contact on December, the 2nd, 2013 - Commission accepted on December, the 14th, 2013 : http://i.imgur.com/QMuVTKs.jpg - Payment done the same day on SecondLife (no proof as the website only keep the past 32 days : http://i.imgur.com/xW5zgic.jpg) - First sketch done the same day : http://i.imgur.com/1FTHWzJ.jpg - Lines done on December, the 26th, 2013 : http://i.imgur.com/Ch55dMv.jpg - No news untill March, the 13th, 2014 : http://i.imgur.com/FRaSLsq.jpg - No news untill today besides the fact the read the note I sent to him : http://i.imgur.com/kaAangg.jpg - All I got today are these lines : http://i.imgur.com/Q7ns7lK.jpg (NSFW) - The artist is still active as I saw him online today May, the 31st, 2014 : http://i.imgur.com/2Fgenpm.jpg EXPLAIN: I can understand artists having personal or work issues preventing them from completing commissions but I haven’t got any update for about 5 or 6 months now besides the fact the artist is still active (he reads notes and appear to be online on SecondLife). Even though English is not is primary langage, all I am asking for is the product I paid for or at least a refund or an update… UPDATE - On may, the 31st, a few hours after I posted this message on AB, Kosian sent me the finished commission (NSFW). -Thing is a lot of things are incorrect (some details I may not write down here because of NSFW) or missing (you might notice the missing leg of the bunny and the missing tail of the wolf)
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