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  • Beware: RachVerity/Rachykins

    • Who: RachVerity/Rachykins
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rachverity/
      trello with an insane backlog: https://trello.com/b/kDddOtiK/commissions-list
      When: 06/20/2014
      What: Commission




    Rach Verity, rachykins

    trello with an insane backlog: https://trello.com/b/kDddOtiK/commissions-list

    Digital art

    First discussion on June 20th 2014, agreement and payment on june 25th 2014. Still waiting on art or refund.

    Initial agreement on a journal post: https://archive.is/7XgP4 Relevant bit: http://i.imgur.com/be3gpyl.png
    Confirming through note: http://i.imgur.com/8us9VDu.png
    Payment: http://i.imgur.com/VtHrbzD.png (I actually gave $75 because I got a deal on the regular price of $100 and felt bad about it)

    Well, it all began a while ago. I needed a char sheet for a new character and since I commissioned her before and didn't have any problems with her, save for a single commission who was a bit late, but ot critically yet, I decided on rachVerity.
    Since I still had some details to work out, I started by just asking for her price, not yet a commission: http://i.imgur.com/hXPk5p5.png
    She answered that it would be about $100: http://i.imgur.com/NaTAO36.png
    Shortly after that, she made a journal about how she'd do "anything including ref sheets" for $60. I got a spot for that: https://archive.is/7XgP4 Relevant bit: http://i.imgur.com/be3gpyl.png which she confirmed through a note: http://i.imgur.com/8us9VDu.png
    Payment: http://i.imgur.com/VtHrbzD.png
    After some problems due to FA losing notes, I sent her the full description on June 25th: http://i.imgur.com/ll2uYbq.png which she confirmed: http://i.imgur.com/npdmUu3.png

    Just a couple of days later I sent her a note about how I'd like that ref sheet before another (pending at the time) commission, which she ignored, the other commission was posted a few days later: http://i.imgur.com/Ob04dxb.png
    I didn't care too much at the time because it was great and only a couple days later, I just felt like I should mention that.

    About 4 months later with no update, no word, no anything, I decided to inquire. I was kinda pissed at the time because while keeping me (and others from what I could see) waiting, she gave away one commission/YCH after the other and constantly made journals about how commissioners would surely get their stuff, which never happened. (During the whole time waiting, there hardly were a week without a commission journal going up, which still do, just go check her journals).
    Since I actually wanted that ref sheet as soon as possible and it was obviously not happening, I decided on cancelling the commission and getting a refund. Nice as I was, I offered to wait a bit for it because she posted in journals about getting a new place to stay and I know that this eats up money faster than garfield eats up lasagna. http://i.imgur.com/QGu9qK9.png
    She confirmed at the time that she would refund it: http://i.imgur.com/W8WkOD4.png
    She even offered to make it up with a free piece of art: http://i.imgur.com/dc11llr.png (I declined that one as it felt not right accepting that to which she said that I'd get at least a 50% discount on future commissions. I somehow don't think that's gonna happen)

    Another 3 months later I just asked what was up. I offered to convert it to a wing-it if that was easier (note that a wing-it is obviously less work than the char sheet it should have been): http://i.imgur.com/vIUrkSP.png
    She said that would probably be faster and that she rather saves for her birthday instead of paying her debt: http://i.imgur.com/BHqTNoS.png (didn't mind so much back then but I gotta say that's pretty shitty)
    I answered that it was up to her, refund or wing-it.

    18 days later she actually sent me a message herself asking if she didn't owe me money: http://i.imgur.com/dXVkjQl.png
    I answered that we actually just discussed that and that she wanted to do a wingit instead. I again gave her the option to choose either. Even though $60 would be $15 less than I paid, at least it would be something.. She answered yet again that she'd rather do a wingit: http://i.imgur.com/iaAfkTD.png
    Now, I thought I sent a reply to that, but checking my outbox a bit later and nothing was there, so I confirmed that about a month later, which she in turn confirmed: http://i.imgur.com/kYgO4yY.png

    After yet another month with no update, art or refund, I just decided on a little reminder: http://i.imgur.com/kJpeSak.png
    Which she initially confirmed, while acting like I should feel bad for the reminder: http://i.imgur.com/xD3z8jr.png
    This kinda set me off, after 10 months of being really patient and obliging (in my opinion), offering to take a wing-it instead of the money, or even $15 less. I decided to answer in the same way: http://i.imgur.com/zLUex8R.png
    Her answer to that, "well, I'm in a bad mood so I won't say sorry", was the last straw: http://i.imgur.com/CFMaTgZ.png

    I don't think I'll ever get my money (or alternatively an image that is not half-assed). And I'm actually quite sad for it, I commissioned her plenty of times before and was always happy with the result, but somewhere has to be a stop or I'd still beg her for the money in 2 years.

    By the way, I found she had an entry here already: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/829923.html
    Just thought I'd put that in a new one because of the time difference

    TL;DR: Asked for a character sheet to be done as fast as possible. Did nt get it. Cancelled it after quite some time because I wanted that char sheet and went to a different artist. After waiting for the refund for a while, I offered her to do a wing-it instead if that was easier. Got neither refund nor wing-it.

    EDIT June 1st: Got a wing-it, I think this can be considered resolved

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