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  • Beware: CreatureCola/LillysArt/SuccubusSyndrome

    • Who: CreatureCola/LillysArt/SuccubusSyndrome
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/creaturecola/
      When: 03/19/2014
      What: Commission




    All information on this beware is under the cut. None of the links themselves are graphic, but the artist's accounts contain sexual content, if you visit them.

    WHO: CreatureCola (Deactivated dA), LillysArts (Deactivated dA), SuccubusSyndrome (Active dA)

    WHERE: http://www.succubussyndrome.deviantart.com (She is also on other websites under the username CreatureCola, but I don't know how active she is.)

    WHAT: 3-Panel NSFW Comic Commission

    WHEN: The commission was ordered on March 29, 2014 and paid for on April 13, 2014. When this was posted, I still hadn't received the commission and was still involved in this situation, as detailed below.

    PROOF/EXPLAIN: All screenshots are below. The red boxes are there to conceal my personal information and hers, when needed.

    March 29, 2014: CreatureCola extends an invitation for me to commission her after I commented on her commission information with a question sometime before.

    April 13, 2014: CreatureCola contacts me on her new account, LillysArts, to confirm my commission information. Her former account was allegedly banned by staff members, so I offer for her to contact me via email instead, but she denies my offer.

    April 17, 2014: Crimson-Chambers, a user who claims to be a friend of the artist, sends me and multiple others this note, offering to serve as a middle man for anyone who needs to contact CreatureCola. S/he also provides her blog, but it's more or less inactive already.

    June 8, 2014: I send this note to Crimson-Chambers, giving him/her my email address to forward to CreatureCola, in order for her to communicate with me about the commission. This is important later on.

    June 28, 2014: Crimson-Chambers sends a belated response and informs me that CreatureCola has both lost my commission information and forgotten who I was. S/he requests that I add CreatureCola on Skype, but the email address provided bears no results when I search for it. S/he also claims that CreatureCola has had computer and internet issues, which is why she hasn't contacted me. Previously, s/he also claimed CreatureCola was ill, which is why I said that I hope she feels better soon in the bottom of the note.

    June 28, 2014: As soon as I receive the note, I email CreatureCola with my commission information, which is provided in screenshots from our previous notes (shown in this screenshot as two red boxes in the attachments). CreatureCola did answer this email, but I found no record of it in my email when I was gathering the evidence for this beware, unfortunately.

    November 24, 2014: When I never receive another answer from the artist, I send a note to Crimson-Chambers, requesting information. S/he replies with a link to CreatureCola's new deviantART account, where personal art has been uploaded and there is information on a comic she has been completing for her Patreon account. Therefore, I know that she is both able to draw and has been drawing recently.

    April 16 - May 23, 2015: Finally, I send these two notes, read from the bottom up, to the new account, initially requesting an update on the commission, then opting to request a refund instead. I explain my reasons for requesting a refund, but neither note is ever opened.

    May 25, 2015: I decide to contact CreatureCola via email and request a refund from her, as I'm no longer interested in the commission. To my dismay, she replies that she doesn't even remember who I am, providing the excuse that I requested to be put on her to-do list anonymously, so she didn't remember my username. Nevermind that it's her responsibility as an artist to maintain her commissioners' contact and commission information, both of which she has forgotten. She claims that she was unable to contact me because of this, but recall that both she and her friend have been provided with my email address multiple times in previous screenshots.

    May 25, 2015: CreatureCola responds that "life has been hard on her" and that she doesn't have the funds to refund me, which I would have been more sympathetic towards if I hadn't heard so many excuses from her and waited so long without communication already. She insists that I resend my commission information for the third time and that the commission will be finished immediately. She also claims that she didn't mean to "disappear" on me, while both her and her friend have been provided with my contact information multiple times. As evidenced by my response, my patience has worn thin and I'm quite irritated that she refuses to refund me, which led to my decision to report her here.

    Proof of Purchase

    I apologize for how detailed this report is, but I wanted to include as much information as needed to argue my case. I hope this is okay. ;o;

    --- EDIT JULY 14, 2015 ---

    July 6, 2015: It's been other a month since I've heard from her, so I send her another email. I also sent emails to two other artists I've waited over a year for paid commissions from, requesting refunds due to a medical issue with my kitty. (The refunds wouldn't have covered an entire vet bill, of course, but I wanted them to supplement what I did have and to lighten the blow of a large expense.) As expected, she ignores me. This email still hasn't been answered, although she's been online on other sites.

    Facebook Status: I decide to search for other contact methods and locate this page she's set up for her artwork and commissions on Facebook. Note that "Becky" is an alias, not the legal name attached to her PayPal. She claims that she has over twenty pages of her personal comic online now, a project that was, as evidenced here, started sometime around December 2014. So, while she's had no time to do the commissions she owes in seven months, she has had time to draw for herself. I understand that artists need time to draw for themselves, but that seems to be all she's done since the time I commissioned her, which is a little ridiculous, in my opinion.

    --- EDIT JULY 21, 2015 ---

    Situation resolved! I sent this email and received a response within a few hours. However, CreatureCola responded to my previous email instead of this one, which I had to reiterate in a response. This was perplexing, as I know the email sent, but what's important is that I did receive a refund. Our email transcripts are included below for reference.

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