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Everything posted by James

  1. It would most likely be a beware. But submitters don't have to worry about trying to categorize their submission. We'll do that for you.
  2. Commissioning art of a character without permission is something we allow. Provided it's the exact character and not a "seems similar" situation.
  3. James


    This precisely. A basic First Class envelope with tracking costs under $5. I don't understand why the artist didn't ship it in that manner.
  4. James

    Beware: Kircai

    That's enough. You have a refund, and this is being locked as there are no more productive things to be said. All that's happening are potshots at each other, and that's not what we are here for. Edit: I also want to stress that the artist is within their rights to refund you. He didn't claim that you threatened with a chargeback. He said that he felt you were the type of client who might do so when they aren't getting their way. This is his way of washing his hands of this transaction, and at this point you need to leave him alone from here on out. He's established a boundary, and it's time to respect it. Also, he's within his rights to repurpose art as he sees fit. You don't own it. This transaction is resolved, because the artist has chosen to resolve it. Please understand that if you continue to poke and prod at him when he's already made it clear that he wants this to be over and done with that you risk the artists who read this not wanting to work with you in the future.
  5. lunahasawa996 (lunahasawa996) wrote in artists_beware, @ 2019-01-05 12:21 Beware - UnderTheDarkness WHO: UndertheDarkness WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/underthedarkness/ WHAT: $5o YCH action WHEN: May 15,2018 — present EXPLAIN: Given the user has deactivated their FA, I cannot provide images of the YCH I had bought. But sometime in May of 2018 I had placed bids on, and won a YCH from this artist. Over time, I believe I was given only one WIP. Shortly after they had their problems and such and I noticed they weren't speaking with me. I had asked for an update a month after with a reply of "I will have an update sometime this week". Later I was given an update. Later on they were doing in stream commissions, which was indeed finished and received, but my prior one was still on the back burner. Jump to December of last year I learned they were doing refunds, and I was added to their list of the many people for the money they owed me. Jump forward after 3 weeks from providing refund information to present time, their FA has since been deactivated and I have no other means of contacting this person. I should have opened a refund claim during the window when I noticed it was looking unlikely I'd be getting my art, but being the overly sympathetic understanding person I am it looks like this person has officially ran off with $50 of my hard earned cash. PROOF: Proof of payment: https://prnt.sc/m3b3uv Asking for a WIP: https://prnt.sc/m3b4al WiP provided: https://prnt.sc/m3b3z3 WIP Uploaded Jun 24th *NSFW*: https://prnt.sc/m3b5cn Providing them refund information: https://prnt.sc/m3b4in I'm honestly shocked she went and took this rout. At this point I don't even want the artwork, I just want my money back where it can go towards a more reputable artist that I've previously worked with. </lj-cut>
  6. James

    Beware: Kircai

    We've been in operation elsewhere for well over ten years, so please don't apologize! We thank you for coming here and taking the time to speak on your beware. I will be issuing a resolved tag.
  7. James

    Beware: Kircai

    You would be correct, but we asked mentions of that incident to be removed from the beware because an artist is welcome to establish boundaries.
  8. ravensmoon666 (ravensmoon666) wrote in artists_beware, @ 2018-12-31 16:40 Artist Beware: Underthedarkness WHO: Underthedarkness WHERE: Furaffinity, Toyhouse, Trello. WHAT: A 40$ full body flat and a 90$ YCH. WHEN: 05/01/2018 for the flat colours and 05/19/2018 for the YCH until the current date. EXPLAIN: I will say in advanced I do not have as much proof of all of this as I'd like, we used to talk over notes for previous commissions but after she invited me to her Discord server we talked over Discord DM's. I never had her added as a friend on there since I could just DM her because I was in her server. While this was going on I had closed our DM conversation by accident as I close ones I am not currently using and only found out about her jumping ship after I went to message her and noticed she removed me from her server (or just deleted it all together.) I cannot open our DM's unless she is a friend or I know her ID which I do not. Everything below is mostly written from memory with rough date estimates. I used to commission Under a lot and didn't have that many issues outside of her being very slow with commissions (From personal experience and dates I had noticed on her public Trello from other people commissioning her). Recently I had commissioned her for a reference of my persona and she did a really amazing job (I did end up paying her extra money to rush it though as I wanted it done soon) so when I saw she was steadily posting journals talking about how she was desperate for money and opening for emergency commissions I felt bad and had messaged her asking her if I could commission her to do a dragon-taur rendition of my persona. She said she had never drawn one before but she could try. I told her that if it was too hard for her and she ended up not liking it she could scrap it and chose another one of my characters to draw instead. She agreed, I linked her my characters to chose from if stuff went wrong and we exchanged details. She had been posting a lot of journals still talking about how she needed money and posting YCH's. She was having a hard time selling this one YCH commission I liked a lot but I didn't have the money for. She had reduced it from 100 down to 80 before removing it later, and I ended up messaging her to ask if it sold. She told me no that she didn't think anyone was interested so she just removed her. I asked her if she could hold it till next pay period and she agreed. She told me I could either pay the reduced price or more but it was my choice and I met her in the middle and sent 90$ About a month later she gives me an extremely rough sketch (basically just the body roughly sketched and the top half being the anatomy skeleton shapes) I approved it and she went quiet. I didn't hear much from her but kept an eye on her journals. She majorly had journals over the next few months talking about breaking up with her ex, losing her job, getting a new job, family problems etc. She kept taking on more commissions, even doing in-stream ones and not really working on her others. Sometime in October I noticed the chargeback date was coming close and given her history with being slow on commissions and noticing how bad she "needed money" I was worried that she wouldn't get my commission done for a while and messaged her telling her I was sorry and I felt like an asshole but that I had to put my foot down despite knowing everything she was going through but I was going to be needed a refund. She messaged me telling me that she understood and that I wasn't an asshole but that since she had no money it would be a while, but if I gave her another month she would get the art done. I told her I loved her artwork and wouldn't mind waiting but if it went further than that I would have to go down the refund route, she said she understood and we went on. (My mistake as I should have started the dispute then) Occasionally she'd send me a message telling me she would work on my comm soon, and halfway through the time she started working on the YCH and sent me a sketch. It barely had any work added to it, basically just went over the already drawn outlines and reduced the characters breast size (something I had asked as my character is supposed to have small breast and the YCH by default had large ones) I approved it and she went silent once again. The date for a month had come and gone, I even gave her a few days longer just in case before I went to Paypal to open a case, I knew I was already too late for the first commission but thought I still had a day or two for the second one (I opened both anyways) and Paypal automatically declined them because of them being outside the date. I knew the only hope I'd get my money back was if I messaged her so I went and messaged her telling her I would need a refund. She said that she thought I would at least give her "till the end of the month" (when I asked for a refund the month before it was midway through the month, not at the end) and that she didn't have the funds but would give me a refund when she could. Not too soon later I saw she had uploaded a journal saying she would be refunding EVERYONE on her queue and that she was depressed and no longer felt like drawing so she felt this would be easier. She said she would be looking at how much she owed everyone and would post how much she owed everyone on a public list. She also started "spamming" her TH trying to sell her characters for refunds. A few days later she posted a journal stating that someone had forced chargebacked her and she was in the negative so refunds would take longer. Halfway through December, she sent me a message saying she would be able to give me at least a partial refund in January and I told her I was happy she was keeping me updated and thanked her. She had also moved her refund list to her profile info. 12/30/2018: I was going through my Discord servers and noticed that hers was no longer on my list. I had a sinking feeling and went to check her FA and sure enough, it's disabled. I tried all kinds of methods to try to find our closed chat to no avail, I remembered a user that used to be a friend of hers/ on the refund list so I decided to message them and see if they knew anything/ at least knew her Discord ID so I find our messages. 12/31/2018: I woke up to a message from the said friend and they said they were pretty sure she deleted her discord as it no longer showed them as friends anymore and that she wasn't answering her text but if they found out anything they'd let me know. Before I could respond they then sent me another one saying that Under had blocked them on everything, including Twitter and Instagram and that it was heartbreaking as they were best friends. So I'm pretty sure Under has completely jumped ship. (I have these notes still if screencaps are needed but since it was kinda personal I didn't feel comfortable/ thinking it would be allowed) I saw that her TH was still active so I left a shout telling her I was appalled and that I would be writing an AB/ trying to go through my bank. PROOF: Proof of payment: https://i.imgur.com/6bQZYYc.png Announcing refunds: https://i.imgur.com/1QIy2fH.png Chargeback journal: https://i.imgur.com/bN8Q3ZQ.png Refund list journal: https://i.imgur.com/AiG3nwi.png According to this she owes people in total (including me) at least 1,271$ I honestly somewhat wouldn't mind just having the art completed but in the end, I'd rather just have my money back and be done with it. I'm very upset with her and myself as I knew better than to let it go outside the chargeback date but I did it anyway. I'm thinking about contacting my bank to see if there is anything that can be done from other transactions I've had with her but even then it won't add up to the amount she owes me.
  9. James

    Beware: Kircai

    Ahh, so that's what you mean by filled out the form wrong. Contact should have been made with the client immediately when their written prompt didn't match the form. So this boils down to lack of communication and lengthy wait time, but a single char is what the client ordered.
  10. James

    Beware: Kircai

    That's fine. Thank you for taking the time to respond!
  11. James

    Beware: Kircai

    Howdy! The main crux of this post is that the client claims what he wanted was not delivered to him. Do you have what he did send you for his prompt?
  12. Fixed quality contributors. They can now post to resources. Archives: 2011 completed Separated "Beware" database to "Bewares", "Cautions" and "Positives" Removed default banner. Get a new banner.
  13. Dec. 26th, 2011 at 1:19 PM poizenkat WHO: Shivra WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shivra WHAT: three derp badges http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6647697/ WHEN: October 9 2011 is when i paid PROOF: Sadly i deleted my notes and do not have where i stated exactly what i want, but i do have paypal screenshots here; http://i40.tinypic.com/24viaeg.png http://i43.tinypic.com/2a9ruk8.png EXPLAIN: I paid for one rainbow dash derp, and two derps of my characters (Li-Li and Blue). These were to be picked up at furfright; http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2783126/ http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2808943/ Okay, so I find her table at furfright only to be told that she forgot them and will ship them to me for free after the con. That's fine, a while later i even see this journal; http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2841802/ and thought "awesome, im pretty sure she has my address so i'll get them soon!" but...nope. never got them. so i sent her some small reminders blah blah, no reply. I see a journal that she moved so...okay? http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2925667/ i was fine with that, i moved recently too and understand that things get hectic. So then i see an entry pop up here about her http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/550360.html and contact her straight there. I also see that she doesnt accept notes for commissions now and only does them through email (which i did NOT know because all contact was previously done by FA's note system in the first place) so i sent her an email. a few days later i left a shout on her FA as well. Now it was possibly a bit rushed and i didnt have patience, but since it seems that they had the time to ship other people's orders I'm just a bit worried as to why she wont ship mine. I know that at least the rainbow dash and Li-Li badges are done http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6647697/ so idk. Edit: She JUST contacted me before the entry was accepted (kinda creepy actually LOL) and says she has to redo them because they are lost. It seems that her main problem is actually shipping them out, so i hope this ends well. Edit 2: Just got them today, I'd like to mark this as resolved, thanks!
  14. Dec. 19th, 2011 at 5:57 PM lichdog WHO: 2chaotic WHERE: IndyFurCon 2011, WHAT: a custom tail of my personal character WHEN: It was the Sunday of that con, on August 14th. PROOF: Business was done in person at the Dealer's room. EXPLAIN: So I was scouting the dealer's room that Sunday to make some last minute shopping when the artist in question approached me with the pickup line "You need a tail". I figured why not, and began talking to him. We flex the details out and he asks me for the payment of $40. So I run to the ATM, grab the cash and pay him promptly. I ask for contact info and give him mine, since it was definitely going to be homework. So 10 days later on FA, I send him this note: I checked my notebox for a few days, nothing. Waited a little more, saw he read it, but hadn't responded to it. About 2 weeks later I send this: I could sympathize with what he had to say and told him in return, "Ahh okay! Thanks for lettin' me know! If you could, please shoot me a note when ya get to work on mine, if ya can!". So I went back to playing the waiting game. Decided to poke him again at the beginning of November: Same tune, different instrument. He read that final note, but never sent me back anything in regards to my commission specifically. A few weeks later, he posts this journal (I screencapped it in case he deletes it). At that point I was pretty peeved, Notice how he has other outstanding commissioners also wondering about their commissions. I held off for a bit before posting this entry, was hoping he'd respond to my comment, maybe even in notes, but nothing came of it. ? so I shot him a note earlier asking for a refund. Which may have been a jerk move considering it's the holiday season, but I'm really sick of this lack of professionalism. ?
  15. Dec. 17th, 2011 at 2:40 AM creamytea WHO: KawazuSlime WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kawazuslime/ WHAT: A digital commission of a fully inked and colored three-paneled comic. WHEN: Dec 9, 2011 PROOF: No images beyond text, but textual content NSFW - mature fetish themed. http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/1787/commissionblurred.png EXPLAIN: The linked screenshot in the proof section includes the entire conversation regarding the commission in chronological order from start to finish, including the unimportant parts. Recap: I was initially approached via notes on FurAffinity from someone wanting a commission, NSFW fetish material. The conversation was taken to gmail. The commissioner kept offering to pay me extra or double and mentioned he...had another commission going, and asked me several times about doing other commissions, but continuously complained of not having enough money to pay me fully for my quoted work. I ended up doing a full-color, three-panel comic for $15 less than I originally quoted for a commission of just an uncolored sketch of a 4-paneled comic, so I feel this commissioner got a really good value for his money. Several times throughout the commission, he expressed that he was happy with the results, but continued to ask for minute changes which, up to a point, I was happy to do. Twice after I felt we both considered the commission closed, he asked for more changes to the finished product and at one point he also asked me for free art. I was in direct email communication for two days in a row, answering his emails within minutes of his sending them (evidenced by timestamps in the screenshot). His commission was started and fully finished within 4 days which I find to be an extremely fast turn-around time compared to how long most artists take and given the amount of changes he requested. When I went longer than 15 hours without answering one of his emails, he sent several messages to me through gmail and to FurAffinity insinuating that I was blowing him off, taking his extra $5, and behaving unprofessionally. After a few more exchanges and in less than 24 hours, the same picture had gone from "probably the best commission I've had done in years" to "I should have never commissioned you. I know now that it was a grand waste of time and money..." My personal skills that he had been so happy with before were also called into question in a retaliatory manner. I even did an extra edit for him at the end in good faith so that we could hopefully resolve the transaction smoothly which he threw back in my face, calling me inept. I feel I went above and beyond for this person and worked with him on every detail every step of the way, but he turned out to be fickle and extremely difficult to please. His words could easily crush someone with less fortitude. I have had possibly over a hundred commissions in the last 8 or 9 years and this is the first time I have ended a commission unhappily. UPDATE: I received a new email in my inbox over the holidays from this person: http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/5149/followup.png I am torn about responding. I feel if I respond and tell him no, he will lash out at me again even if I am polite, and if I don't respond at all, he will still lash out for ignoring him. I really do hate to ignore people, but I currently have no intentions of replying. I am posting this update solely to ensure this log remains complete.
  16. Dec. 16th, 2011 at 3:08 AM alex_dachshund I kinda feel silly for posting this here, since it was only a $2 commission, but money is money I suppose and she took my money and never provided. WHO: Electrocat, Electropaw ArtworksWHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/electrocat/ and http://www.furaffinity.net/user/electropawartworks WHAT: $2 Chibi drawingWHEN: July 7th, 2011PROOF: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2508310/ (Screencap here: http://awesomescreenshot.com/0aaq9bqa4 ) EXPLAIN: Basically Electrocat was offering cheap $2 chibis and of course I thought that was a swell offer and decided to commission her. I thought it would be done in no time since I've done trades with her in the past and she was speedy on those but I've never actually commissioned her so I decided to help her out a bit. I left her a comment on the journal saying I was interested in a chibi: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2508310/#cid:20066994 I sent her the money immediately that day: http://www.iaza.com/work/111216C/iaza15286014529900.jpg The next day she posts a WIP of the chibis. I thought, oh goody, they'll be done in no time! http://www.furaffinity.net/full/6079422/ Wrong. Months go by and still no finished chibis, and she still continues to take icons and ref sheet commissions and do personal art despite owing us the chibis. She also kept posting journals claiming the chibis are almost done, or that she's going to finish them soon but still nothing. I leave a harmless shout on her page a few months ago (it's been covered up by various shouts on her page by now) asking about the status of my chibi and she claims she was going to work on it in a week, and a week comes and goes. (I don't have a screencap of her shout since I periodically like to clear my shoutbox). I also note her asking about the chibis in October but it's marked as unread and was probably ignored. My note to her: http://www.iaza.com/work/111218C/iaza15286011265100.jpg (Reason why I said "I know you hate this" is because I believe I read somewhere that someone she owed an outstanding commission to, noted her, and she completely flipped out over it. That was probably a bit out of line and I do apologize.) I am a fan of Electrocat's art, it's cute and funny at times, but I am really frustrated that my $2 chibi doodle from several months ago is taking way longer than it should and I still haven't seen any updates on it since that last WIP image. :< I would like either my chibi done or a refund at this point. I probably won't commission her again after this since she's left us in the dark about our art. I am posting this here in hopes she sees it and finishes the chibis she owes me and several others.]] Time Line of Events: July 7th -- Commissioned her for the chibi. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2508310/#cid:20066994 http://www.iaza.com/work/111216C/iaza15286014529900.jpg July 8th -- She posts a WIP of the chibis. http://www.furaffinity.net/full/6079422/ August ??? -- I leave a shout on her page asking for an update and she claims they will be done in a week. (No screencaps, sorry!) October 13th -- Noted her asking for an update. Note was ignored. http://www.iaza.com/work/111218C/iaza15286011265100.jpg Dec. 20th -- Posted a shout on her userpage. It has been ignored. And she continues to upload personal art (6 new submissions the day I posted my shout). http://www.iaza.com/work/111222C/iaza15286048655400.png Dec. 22nd -- Sent her a note politely asking for an update or a refund. It has been read and I have received my refund. http://www.iaza.com/work/111222C/iaza15286055990400.png My note http://www.iaza.com/work/111222C/iaza15286057781000.jpg Refund received I have received my refund. I guess all the beware stands for now is that she takes a VERY LONG TIME to do commissions and you'll receive little to no WIPs about it.
  17. Dec. 14th, 2011 at 6:43 PM ryu100 Who: Shivra Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/shivra/ What: I commissioned her for a doll back in late September/early October. It was paid for and the doll was completed. Since then, I've had varying levels of success in trying to reach her to inquire about when/if it had been shipped leading to no contact at all since October. Proof: The original journal I commissioned her in: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2773865/ Oct 1st Paypal reciept (with name blocked out): http://s239.photobucket.com/albums/ff266/kyuubiryu/Shivra/?action=view&current=Paypalreciept.jpg October 18th Sent a note asking about shipping:http://s239.photobucket.com/albums/ff266/kyuubiryu/Shivra/?action=view&current=October18thnote.png Ocotber 29th Emailed her since she no longer used notes at this point: http://s239.photobucket.com/albums/ff266/kyuubiryu/Shivra/?action=view&current=October29th.png November 14th Second email inquiring about shipping: http://s239.photobucket.com/albums/ff266/kyuubiryu/Shivra/?action=view&current=Nov14thshippingcheck.png Explain: When I commissioned her, I had not been given an estimate on when to expect the doll to be shipped, though the "fast turnaround" advertised on making it led me to think it'd be sent sooner rather than later. At first, I could expect a reply within a few days, but that seemed to change once she informed that she was shipping the doll. The first time I was told so back on October 18th, I allowed more than enough time for a package to arrive at my location before contacting her again. I was actually given a reply around Nov 2nd saying that the doll was "on it's way", but I can't locate it. It was the last time I've gotten any sort of reply from her and as of now I have clue if the doll was lost in the mail or just never sent at all. She has a journal talking about how she had moved and didn't really have internet access at the time, so I had figured perhaps she was still trying to figure that out. But she's been active on her FA and plenty active on her Twitter this entire time. At this point, I'm starting to not care whether I get either the doll or money back as much as that I'm seemingly being ignored. Edit: The doll has been shipped and arrived at my place today!
  18. Dec. 14th, 2011 at 5:27 PM duskiedisease EDIT 2: 2/14/2012 - I have received my commission! (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7391530/ NSFW) Please mark this as resolved! EDIT: 2/9/2012 - I have given Dogbreath a deadline of Feb. 13th. She has agreed to the date so hopefully I will see something soon! Before I start, I want to let it known that the artist here, dogbreath, is a very sweet and polite artist. I really don't wish to give her a bad rep in any way, but I feel the beware is justified. WHO: dogbreath on FA http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dogbreath/ WHAT: A traditional adult piece, colored, 2 characters, no BG. WHEN: I commissioned the piece back in April 2011. The piece was paid in full through PayPal. After everything was finalized, I received a sketch in May sent for my approval. I asked for a few minor changes, which I didn't receive until September. I approved the sketch and told her she was good to go. I waited again until November to contact her about my commission, where I was told that she needed to get new markers for inking. At this point, I assumed that it would be maybe another week before I saw any progress. This was the last time I've had any sort of contact. (I tend to wait at least a few weeks before contacting again.. I don't want to seem naggy.) The date of this note was November 20, 2011. PROOF: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/534/commish1.jpg/ April, first note received responding to my quote request. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/94/paypalconfirm.jpg/ April, paypal given, payment sent May 1, 2011 http://imageshack.us/f/39/june17.jpg/ June http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/progressn.jpg/ August, stating my image would be scanned http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/822/sept5.jpg/ September http://imageshack.us/f/836/nov20.jpg/ Most recent note, November 2011 http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/2530/paypalsent.jpg Payment sent, May 2011 EXPLAIN: As I've said before, dogbreath is a very sweet person, and very polite to work with. I don't believe she has tried to scam me in any way, but I've become frustrated with how long my commission has been pushed back, and that she still takes commissions despite mine not being done. I have recently noted her, but I'm not sure if I should just wait it out, or ask for a refund. Hopefully the caps are readable! Please let me know if they're not. I'm hoping to resolve this soon.
  19. Dec. 14th, 2011 at 7:24 AM xxtamalexx ADDED 01/02/12 I have received my charms and was not satisfied with them (warped and had paint on them). I asked her for my refund, she offered to re-do the charms. But I have grown tired of her and asked again for my $12 back. She's been ignoring my e-mails. First Contact Dec 26th: http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p18/ShazzaKitty/ref.png Second January 2nd: http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p18/ShazzaKitty/ref2.png I know I should be satisfied that I got the charms. I'm not. I asked her before as well to just refund me, she promised she'd do both refund my charms and send them. Jinxsis has put a bad taste in my mouth as a commissionee. WHO: Jinxsis aka Da JinxsisWHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jinxsis/WHAT: I ordered 2 custom Tail Wag charms from Jinxsis 9 months ago, she stated in her journal that the charms would be sent out the following week once her chibi que was cleared. About a week or so after she posted a journal how some charms she sent showed up to her customers damaged and explained how the charms were on hold til she found a safer way to send them. The journal she said this in she deleted.WHEN: March 15th, 2011 09:07 PMPROOF: Only proof I have are her journal entry and an e-mail between us. I don't have the PayPal statement as it's beyond 3 months old. Journal: http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p18/ShazzaKitty/Jinxsis/jinxsis-1-1.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p18/ShazzaKitty/Jinxsis/jinxsis-2-1.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p18/ShazzaKitty/Jinxsis/jinxsis-3.jpg E-Mail March 20th: http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p18/ShazzaKitty/Jinxsis/march20jinxsisemail.jpg August 17th: http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p18/ShazzaKitty/Jinxsis/jinxsis-4.jpg October 18: http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p18/ShazzaKitty/Jinxsis/jinxsis-5.jpg October 28th: http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p18/ShazzaKitty/Jinxsis/march20jinxsisemail-2.jpg December 14th: http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p18/ShazzaKitty/Jinxsis/march20jinxsisemail-3.jpg EXPLAIN: I sent jinxsis a note via FurAffinity on August 17th asking about the charms, in return she posted a fury journal demanding all notes be sent to her via e-mail. I contacted her through e-mail (which sadly I cannot find) and she said she'd send the charms. After not seeing them I sent her another e-mail requiring them on October 22nd, and same thing she said to give her my address and she'd send them. Now it's nearly the end of the year and I've yet to see or hear from her. I'm beyond irritated at this point with her and pretty much lying to me that she's going to send them. And to add to this she keeps opening up for MORE charms making me think if she's even working on the ones she currently owes. At this point in time all I really want now is my money back.
  20. Dec. 11th, 2011 at 5:43 PM ext_927176 WHO: Gideon, AKA Gideon Hoss.WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gideon/WHAT: I had messaged and paid for a simple digital piece of a character of mine, sitting back to viewer, looking behind all cute like. The art had been paid for via paypal already.WHEN: The order was sent and paid for on august 8th of 2010. I messaged him on July 9th about the comissions, and he assured me it was due to con scheduling and the various online projects he was working on. After multiple contacts and it being almost two years later without a sketch or a word, I'm beyond fed up.PROOF: Paypal transaction, with personal info and transaction ID blacked: http://i794.photobucket.com/albums/yy228/bentokitty/gideon/Screenshotat2011-12-11171548.png message-by-message account of the request: http://s794.photobucket.com/albums/yy228/bentokitty/gideon/ORIGIONAL_REQUEST/ Conversatons with since, including re-submitting request via email and paypal transaction: http://s794.photobucket.com/albums/yy228/bentokitty/gideon/ EXPLAIN: I have attempted to contact Gideon multiple times via Furaffinity, and via the various IM clients he has given me (which he has not been on since giving said screennames to me). I have not had any contact with him since, no sketch, no progress, nothing. I just want the art I paid for, please. I'm dissapointed that it came to this, and took two dang years. UPDATE: As of 12.27.11, I have attempted to contact Gideon on FA, as per his request here. This report was the last contact between him and I. Come on, really? Mood updated from annoyed to PO'd.
  21. Dec. 10th, 2011 at 2:09 PM pagan_foxcat The following was mostly written by Jaitsu on behalf of both of us. I'll put my own blurb at the bottom: "WHO: Vani/Vanimute/VanillaKitsune WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vani WHAT: Was supposed to be a traditional art commission, in the style of http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4014996/ , for $65, split between myself ( Jaitsu / http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jaitsu ) and Neopagan ( http://www.furaffinity.net/user/neopagan ). WHEN: The commission was agreed upon and paid for at Anthrocon 2010 (so, mid-late June, 24th/25th?) July 27th she started posting journals going on about her life situations delaying commissions ( http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/1586921/ ). Since she seemed aware that she had commissions waiting, including ours, we waited to prod her with emails. When she finally replied, she said she'd have the commission done by JUNE, or give us a refund. We agreed. It's now long, long past June, and we've received neither, and she's no longer reading notes or responding to emails. (Her twitter's still pretty active, though, so you can't say she doesn't have internet access) PROOF: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18095502/paganvaniemails.png EXPLAIN: See "when" for most explanation. We paid for the commission at AC '10, then gave her plenty of time to work on it... then she started putting up dramajournals, so we felt sorry for her and waited a while longer. She kept putting up journals pointing out that she was aware that there were commissions waiting, including specifically mentioning ours, so we continued to wait, until finally, we got impatient. Neo noted and emailed her again, and FINALLY got a response, offering to do our commission (now upgraded to digital) by June, or give us a refund. As of October 4th, we've received neither, and the last several notes we've sent her haven't even been read." Now, this has been sitting in my email ready to post here since mid October, but I've been hesitant to do so, maybe even a little guilty. I know what it's like to have real life throw bricks at you and the tons of other artists I commission know that I try to work with them and give them a lot of leeway(and tip frequently!) But, enough is enough. I've commissioned and had a full fursuit complete in a lot less time. After emailing her failed (which is apparently the BEST way to get in contact with her), I left her a note on FA which by it's bright yellow color has not been read since mid October, and it is now December. Due to the extensive list of people and any lack of reasonable progress on ANY of them, I'm sure there are many more people who are a little tired of waiting over a year for a simple piece of artwork that they paid good money for( http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18011580/don%27t%20take%20out%20of%20here/todolist.png ), I'm just the first to post about it here. A year and a half and nothing at all, infact, lost contact yet still twittering away? She doesn't seem like the dickish sort, but irresponsible is irresponsible. For those of you who would think me foolish for getting a commish from someone with that long a lineup, I actually didn't know the artist well and the first exposure to them was the dealer's den at AC 2010. It was only after I got home did I see the huge to-do list. What's worse, is that she started offering commissions for more money in between this and had friends pay her way to AC 2011 apparently.. ? I don't know if/when she is going to resurface. But if she does I want people to know her work ethic beforehand so they don't get into the same situation.
  22. Dec. 10th, 2011 at 2:04 PM kayla_la Original Poster Name: kravenlupei Date of Post: 2011-12-09 13:25:00 Link to Original Post: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/546619.html Link to Screengrab of Post: http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/2926/sbeware1323460078209.png - Original http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/6326/sbeware1323553215281.png - Resolved version http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/5633/kravenlupei120911.png - Some of the comments, warning, large file http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/1605/kravenlupei1209112.png - More comments, warning, large file Tags on Post: artist-shiuk, beware, resolved Reason for repost: User was hostile and insulting in the comments, received two warnings to tone it down. Continued to be hostile, made several attack journals on FA (that were quickly deleted), insulted another user and was thus suspended for 5 days. In reaction to 5 day suspension, he harassed another user in their personal journal and was subsequently permabanned. In response to this permaban, he went into his post and started mass-deleting comments he didn't like. Since he has proven himself unable to handle his own behaviour responsibly, we have decided to repost where he can not control the comments. Please do not take this as an opportunity to harass Kraven, in or out of the community. Normal harassment rules still apply here and you WILL get banned for
  23. Dec. 6th, 2011 at 1:53 PM neolucky Sometimes when someone copies my work, they like to note me about it. Other times they only contact me after they were caught doing something wrong - In this case it's kind of both. After being caught, the artist in question comes to me, offers a kidney from his country and that he may have...used an image of mine. So I investigate. The user is: http://deserter-project.deviantart.com/ My original image: http://media.photobucket.com/image/starfire%20neolucky/NekoHybrid/Commission__Starfire_by_Neolucky.jpg Side by side: http://neolucky.com/dajournal/starfirecomparison.jpg His copy (rehosted as he removed it): http://neolucky.com/dajournal/commission_starfire_animecomic_by_deserter_project-d47mkql.jpg The trace: http://neolucky.com/dajournal/starfiretrace.jpg Comment in post: http://neolucky.com/dajournal/toldhimtoremove.jpg His note to me: http://neolucky.com/dajournal/kidneytrace.jpg His note entailed how he's trying to find me a kidney, and that he also used my art to make commissions. Then I happened upon his gallery and boy howdy, he's a professional tracer. Sooo yeah...probably going to be reporting a lot in this one. He's taking commissions and then outright tracing images without really understanding the legality of the matter. English most certainly isn't his first language, but I hope he understands why this is wrong. Normally I would just post him to art_theft and leave it at that, but a customer of mine bought art from him, and he's also trying to make money off of other peoples hard work =| so thats no bueno. If you spot any other traces, I'd love to have them to report with!
  24. Dec. 2nd, 2011 at 9:59 PM jackrow WHO: Rainhopper / Toast Rabbit WHERE: Rainhopper OR at Toastrabbit WHAT: Not willing to pay commission price he owe me. WHEN: Ordered at 2009 July 25. - Picture received at approximately 2010 August. Payment haven't arrived ever since from him. PROOF and STORY: There were a commissioner, called Rainhopper, also known as Toastrabbit in his actual name. He once commissioned me for a highly detailed artwork which would cost him 60 Euro, which is approximately equal to 80 USD. We discussed every single detail together to its finest. The communications are held upon Furaffinity's notes and GMail's e-mailing systems sometimes when we had doubts about things. Times have passed, and I have to admit I've got some complications with school and whatnot during the time and it kept for about almost a year which I felt myself ashamed, but once I've got some free time to finish what I was about to tell to be finished, I finally did what I promised and sent the original high resolution picture to him via e-mail in hope to get paid but only a somewhat short but still a modest thank you e-mail has been received and nothing more. The picture I did with such effort can be found here now here (since either him or the mods have removed it - EDIT: 2011.dec.04.) Though the description says that Jako did it, it was my former account and as the account journal says I moved to the newest location, just in case if someone is in doubt if it's about me or an other person, I just told it right here. However I uploaded it to my Furaffinity gallery, I've entitled it with a NOT PAID tag right infront of the title, to keep it in mind both for him and for artists if he's about to spot you as an other victim of theft. I have been waiting for months then I was out of patience, thus I asked him what's going on with the money? He said he is having complications with paypal nevertheless he's broke and 2 the rantgryphon holds him, which I accepted as "oh well, shit happens, let's just wait some more then..." I was hoping he was about to get that arranged ,but yet another several of those months have passed (almost A YEAR) and still nothing. Then I've asked him the same, but in a bit impatient motivationful voice via e-mail, and he replied the same. THIS is going on for ONE and a HALF YEAR by now, and I'm seriously out of patience, not to mention he dare to attend at MidFur as a Guest of Honor. How can people sleep at night like these? Till he don't pay me off, this thread will remain for letting you know who is about to comission you, and if I were you: DON'T ACCEPT ANY FURTHER COMISSIONS FROM HIM(Toastrabbit, Rainhopper) as long as I'm unpaid. Hereby I'm going to link evidences with commentary. The screenshot cuts have datestamps to proove my complainment. Evidence01 A whole copy of what he sent me in notes by promising this and that right after arranging the details which looked nice and fair so far. Evidence01 supplemental Not so relevant, but the e-mail where I've sent the sketch for further detail arrangement to check if everything is alright with it. Normally I keep doing things this checking way, to avoid complications in details, wether my customers like the way it looks or not. Evidence02 Months have passed and still nothing... Evidence03 Right after I uploaded the picture, all he did is just a thank you, not even mentioning he' still willing to pay me or something which OUGHT to be happen after this long delay if I were him. Evidence04 Evidence05 What? He can even AFFORD to make it to MidFur from the United States?... Okay, where is my diamond shotgun? Evidence06 Perhaps this is another excuse not paying me out...
  25. WHO: West, Westfalen. WHERE: Furaffinity, Inkbunny, Livestream WHAT: A chemisty / Periodic Table icon. WHEN: November 22, 2011 - November 26, 2011 PROOF: Paypal receipt (with West's real name hidden) - http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/269/reklawiconproofreceipt.png EXPLAIN: This really is nothing major, and in the end I'm just posting it as a warning to the community. On November 22 I commissioned West to do one of the Periodic Table icons he was advertising so heavily in places like FA and Teenycom. Communication went alright, and then suddenly last night (November 26) I'm noted about some chat logs that showed up on a public livestream while West was working on my icon. I'm putting it behind a cut because long chat log is long and has lots of crude and pretty offensive language. The bolded parts are done by me to highlight the more important bits. 9:57 PM: westfalen: because, for fucking fuck's sake, I've already done like, two of these, and this is fuckface number three to have the same goddamn character design 9:57 PM: westfalen: because it's soooo original 9:57 PM: westfalen: jesus fucking cockfucking christ 9:58 PM: westfalen: if this keeps up I am seriously just going to lay down line white lines of mockitude until these fucker snort them up and love it 9:58 PM: Defenbaugh: Wassup 9:58 PM: Defenbaugh: Besides wolf rascism ? 9:58 PM: Defenbaugh: err speciesism 9:58 PM: westfalen: I feel sorry for the mothers of these pathetic man-children for the shame they must feel for having borne these sad space-wasting wastes of space into the world 9:59 PM: westfalen: fuck you, generic grey fox with long black generic hair 9:59 PM: westfalen: fuckkkkkk 9:59 PM: westfalen: youuuuu 9:59 PM: RedApeGuy: Yikes!: lol 9:59 PM: westfalen: *pants* 9:59 PM: LinkinArt: haha 9:59 PM: westfalen: sorry. I go into rages sometimes. 9:59 PM: Defenbaugh: Must be a guy thing? ? 9:59 PM: westfalen: hi, Linkin! welcome to the stream! 10:00 PM: LinkinArt: thanks ? 10:00 PM: bostitch: livestream needs a screencap option: ? 10:00 PM: westfalen: it's people like this that are slowly making me hate the fandom 10:00 PM: Defenbaugh: Which? 10:00 PM: westfalen: this grey fox black-haired boring fucker right here 10:00 PM: RedApeGuy: People who's characters all look like copies of each other 10:00 PM: Defenbaugh: snicker 10:00 PM: LinkinArt: Hair on furries gets annoying 10:00 PM: westfalen: hate them so much 10:01 PM: Kardi: I like hair, when done well. ? 10:01 PM: westfalen: hate 10:01 PM: Defenbaugh: Well Im a blakc wolf.. no hair.. 10:01 PM: bostitch: But they are all beautiful and unique snowflakes! 10:01 PM: bostitch: Bwahahaha 10:01 PM: Defenbaugh: ..> 10:01 PM: Defenbaugh: >.> -cries- 10:01 PM: westfalen: it's like, jesus christ, assfucker, I bet you wear a fursuit and then dress up like Sephiroth when you go to cons, you fatfaced ugly bogfuck 10:01 PM: Kardi: But I do say... there we go. XD Then again, there's a whoole lotta blond haired blue eyed people. ? 10:01 PM: Defenbaugh: West has Rabies... 10:02 PM: Kardi: West is in the gee-my-cold-medicine is trumping me tonight mood. ? 10:02 PM: RedApeGuy: When I was thinking of my character, I thought, I can make a character that looks like me or one that takes elements of animals I like 10:02 PM: Defenbaugh: -gets the rifle- 10:02 PM: RedApeGuy: The thing about an animal that looks like me is that it would have to be a skinny red fox.: And there are like 1929209812903 of those 10:02 PM: Defenbaugh: AHAHAHAHAHAHA 10:02 PM: Kardi: *sniff* It's okay, pa,. I'll do it, he's my dog... 10:02 PM: Defenbaugh: -dies laughing- 10:03 PM: LinkinArt: haha 10:03 PM: westfalen: THATS WHAT I THINK OF YOUR LAMEASS CHARACTER, REKLAW 10:03 PM: RedApeGuy: Oh my god, I just looked up at the screen 10:03 PM: RedApeGuy: hahahahaha 10:03 PM: westfalen: I HOPE YOU LOSE YOUR SCROTUM IN THE WAR 10:03 PM: RedApeGuy: I was wondering why everyone was dying 10:03 PM: westfalen: *pants* 10:03 PM: Defenbaugh: -gives West some oxygen- 10:03 PM: Kardi: *eyes it* Sadly, I don't think THAT icon is allowed on FA. 10:03 PM: LinkinArt: I'm choking here dammit 10:03 PM: westfalen: sorry. Kinda losing my shit here tonite. 10:03 PM: Defenbaugh: Used to be 10:04 PM: westfalen: actually, you know what 10:04 PM: westfalen: watch me pull the dickest move imaginable .10:05 PM: Defenbaugh: LOl did you just copy paste one of the other wolves? 10:06 PM: Defenbaugh: You are heartless 10:06 PM: bostitch: man that was awesome ? 10:06 PM: Defenbaugh: Someone will notice 10:06 PM: Defenbaugh: and SAY OMG TRACER! 10:06 PM: Kardi: I notice... I think West is just being a smartass tonight. ? 10:06 PM: Defenbaugh: Apparently 10:06 PM: westfalen: I totally did that 10:06 PM: LinkinArt: Haha tracer of his own work 10:06 PM: westfalen: traced my own work, yep 10:06 PM: Defenbaugh: I endorse smartassedness 10:07 PM: RedApeGuy: Hahah, I wonder if anyone'll notice 10:07 PM: Defenbaugh: I wonder if I could get West to draw boobs in this mood 10:07 PM: westfalen: unimaginative shitfucking cockschlepping assmongering slapcunt 10:10 PM: RedApeGuy: Hopefully no more grey colored black haired wolves. 10:11 PM: Defenbaugh: How about black greyhaired colored wolves? 10:11 PM: RedApeGuy: What.... I... don't get it. 10:11 PM: Defenbaugh: Blakc wolves, with greyheadhair ? 10:12 PM: westfalen: let's rant shamelessly about BLACK WOLVES 10:12 PM: westfalen: WHO THE FUCK DO THEY THINK THEY ARE 10:12 PM: Defenbaugh: NOOOOO 10:12 PM: westfalen: BEING BLACK ALL THE TIME 10:12 PM: westfalen: AND WOLFY 10:12 PM: westfalen: AND BLACK WOLFING LIKE SOME KINDA BLACK WOLF 10:12 PM: Defenbaugh: -represents- 10:13 PM: LinkinArt: Is that racist against black wolves? 10:13 PM: westfalen: totally speciesist 10:13 PM: Defenbaugh: I got a little white wolf in me, and its squirming. 10:13 PM: Defenbaugh: -drum hits- 10:13 PM: RedApeGuy: =P 10:13 PM: westfalen: I think there's a cream for that, Deef. 10:13 PM: Defenbaugh: ? 10:14 PM: Defenbaugh: "I coul dbe more crass but Im scared of West 10:15 PM: westfalen: hahahha 10:15 PM: Grafsburg: Oh wow. 10:15 PM: westfalen: where the hell is Enydimon 10:15 PM: westfalen: I need to thank him profusely 10:15 PM: westfalen: for not shoving his character's bare junk in my face the second I click that link 10:16 PM: Defenbaugh: lul 10:16 PM: bostitch: Is that a maple leaf? 10:16 PM: westfalen: screw that, I'm going to email him and thank him profusely 10:16 PM: westfalen: that's totally a maple leaf 10:16 PM: Defenbaugh: Treasure trail 10:16 PM: Grafsburg: I actually kind of thought you were a decent artist West. But really? Re-using old art for something someone paid for? 10:16 PM: Grafsburg: That's pretty cold. 10:17 PM: westfalen: Grafs, you're a nice kid, but I know where you live 10:17 PM: Defenbaugh: lol 10:17 PM: Grafsburg: Yeah yeah yeah. 10:17 PM: Grafsburg: Whatever. 10:17 PM: Grafsburg: Hope you don't mind them finding out about this by the way. 10:18 PM: westfalen: go nuts, kid. I hope being a shameless tattle tale makes you feel better about yourself. Some timestamps are missing because these are bits and pieces of others' chatlogs. 10:18 PM: Earwig: haha what the fuck tacky shit am I hearing 10:18 PM: Grafsburg: Shameless? 10:18 PM: westfalen: what the, holy shit. ANOTHER GREY WOLF WITH BLACK HAIR 10:18 PM: westfalen: I'M GOING TO FUCKING VOMIT, SRSLY 10:19 PM: Defenbaugh: -pats West- ? 10:19 PM: Defenbaugh: With a gotee 10:19 PM: westfalen: who the fuck do I have to stab to make the hurting stop Earwig: Cil try to have some tact, it's not charming. Some people have doofy characters but you're going to hurt your reputation by being snotty/insulting westfalen: whoa, Sare! where'd you come from? Earwig: Internet westfalen: arite. So, whaddya want me to do, Sare? 10:19 PM: Earwig: S'fine to bitch but keeping it in IM etc is best. 10:20 PM: westfalen: s'what I'm doing 10:20 PM: Earwig: Ranting is something we all gotta do, but this is in a public stream where your customers/fans see it 10:21 PM: westfalen: oh right, difference between public stream and IM, gotcha 10:21 PM: Earwig: They're giving you money so returning a level of respect back to them is the right thing to do 10:21 PM: westfalen: fine, fine. I'll return his five dollars. 10:21 PM: Earwig: Sometimes it's hard as hell, but on something like a basic aesthetic choice it's crappy 10:21 PM: Earwig: I'd ask him first, since I'm not the customer 10:21 PM: Earwig: It's just personal opinion 10:22 PM: westfalen: I hope one day I meet this guy in person 10:22 PM: Earwig: Who? 10:22 PM: westfalen: so I can tell him personally how I feel 10:22 PM: westfalen: EXACTLY 10:22 PM: Earwig: Are you talking about the customer you're working for? 10:22 PM: Defenbaugh: I think West is givign them the money back. 10:22 PM: Earwig: But who is she giving money back to? Because the customer's not complaining so far as I know, so he doesn't want a refund I'd assume 10:23 PM: westfalen: so wait, what 10:23 PM: Earwig: I'm just giving my 2 cents re: business tact 10:23 PM: westfalen: are you friggin serious 10:23 PM: westfalen: you come in here just to lecture me? 10:23 PM: Defenbaugh: -whistles and wanders that a way- Its uncomfortable i here. 10:23 PM: Earwig: I sure did 10:23 PM: westfalen: I'll tolerate lecturing from my manager because I pay her, but srsly Sare, aren't you being hella presumptuous? 10:24 PM: westfalen: jesus! After I did you goddamn favour! 10:24 PM: Earwig: What favour? 10:24 PM: Earwig: The donation for the kitten? 10:24 PM: Earwig: That was amazingly kind of you 10:24 PM: westfalen: you'll stick up from stranger mcstrangeface and not for me? 10:24 PM: Kardi: Then here, have my lecture here in channel. ? You need to put it down tonight. 10:24 PM: Earwig: This is a different situation 10:24 PM: Kardi: I never EVER lecture you in public.. EVER. 10:24 PM: westfalen: christ in a hammock! 10:24 PM: Kardi: Sigh... 10:25 PM: Earwig: presumption is when I don't know information and I just assume shit, which yeah I never do. But I saw how you're acting and it's definitely not presumptuous to say you're being rude and tactless. 10:25 PM: Earwig: And like I said I totally understand the ranting thing, I do it too 10:25 PM: Earwig: But I do it in private and I try to be fair 10:25 PM: Earwig: If these people were being shitheads to you I could understand it but it's not their fault they have similar designs back to back 10:25 PM: Kardi: You are so hopped up on cold meds you're snarly and grumpy and just in a mood and a quarter. ? 10:26 PM: westfalen: actually no, I'm not on cold meds right now 10:26 PM: westfalen: clear as a goddamn bell 10:26 PM: Earwig: Insulting them because of a very simple aesthetic choice in a place they can see it is just really... I dunno. I'm honestly surprised 10:26 PM: Kardi: ... well, then, you're in a mood and quarter. And also, I hope the kitten's doing okay. ? 10:26 PM: westfalen: hahaha oh my god I can't believe I'm hearing this 10:26 PM: Earwig: Yep, kitten is in a really nice place now and taken care of well 10:26 PM: Kardi: Cool. ❤️ That makes me happy. ? 10:27 PM: Earwig: I dunno why you're talking like this in a public place. It's your own noose you're tying, that's fine. I can't tell you how to run your business or how to portray yourself online 10:27 PM: westfalen: look, you two girls have fun talking kittens, ok, I'm sure you both have great cat stories to exchange 10:27 PM: Earwig: Are you drunk? 10:27 PM: Earwig: Like is this how you normally act? I'm just trying to be chill and explain what the hell you sound like 10:27 PM: westfalen: I apologize for all present for having to put up with this bullshit, I'm outtski, kids. Peace on earth. So basically: West is tired of getting nothing but grey foxes with black hair to do icons of, and expresses this by making personal attacks against me and throwing personal insults at me as a person over a simple character design, in a public chat where absolutely anyone could see it. He even goes so far as to copy and paste another commissioner's icon to make minor edits to for mine with the intention of passing it off as fully-custom work like all of his other icons and just getting my character out of the way. My icon, next to the icon West copied from: http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/4103/reklawiconprooficons.jpg He took the icon he made for Escafanatic421, copied and pasted it, and made really minor edits to the character: Eyebrows, muzzle marking, and the clothing's removed. He also moved "my" character further out of the frame to try to make it either less obvious, or so he could do less work on it, or both. I'm not impressed. When he gets called out for doing it so publicly, he proceeds to throw a fit and then leaves the channel. To be fair, I did receive the full refund as shown in the receipt I linked- The message that came with it was a simple "I don't think I can do your character right now, sorry!" I haven't received any sort of apology from West for his behavior, but I think it's because he thinks I don't know what was said about me in the livestream. While the personal attacks and this sort of behavior don't bother me too much, I'm posting this for anybody who may be considering commissioning West to beware of personal attacks and less than professional behavior if your characters happen to go against their idea of 'imaginative' character design. --Edited the post to fix spacing, it was showing up as a weird block of text for me. Hopefully that's better! Update: 11/28/2011 After just happening to run into West on livestream, I have severe doubts that this will ever be resolved. No copy-pasting to be had. I recorded every snide remark with Fraps. http://youtu.be/SVtAx9Hdz2w And Kathy had no idea this was going on, so leave her alone. Please.
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