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himbo in charge
  1. Changed Resolved to Yes
  2. You know we won't tolerate their nonsense here if they decide to drag it out. As for social media, you can always find ways to limit who can reply to posts to mitigate folks. But for the most part, people tend to be more sympathetic to clients left in the lurch.
  3. Changed Resolved to Yes Changed New Leaf to No
  4. Changed Resolved to Yes Changed New Leaf to No
  5. Wonderful news!
  6. Changed Resolved to Yes
  7. A comment has not been approved due to a violation of Rule 1 of our Rules for Participation: 1. Comments are to remain professional, constructive, and on topic. We are not a drama site. No name calling. No unnecessary hostility. Non-business related issues are off-topic. (We don't want to hear about anyone's personal drama.) Transphobic, Homophobic, and Racist language will result in an immediate ban. Well wishes such as "I hope this gets resolved, OP!" are ok, but please see the "dogpiling" section on using the like feature.
  8. This version of the above comment has been approved, but for the same reasons as above we encourage people to make their own post to help boost visibility.
  9. Firstly, you should stop sending anyone who approaches you money. They are all most certainly scammers, not actual artists. Once you've already proven yourself to be a viable mark, these scammers will continue to approach you. It may even be that it'a all the same organization or the same person behind it all. Stop sending these people money.
  10. Howdy! Welcome to our first post in the Scampedia. This is a relatively simple scam that involves the scammer using a legitimate artist's icon and a name that's very similar to trick you into sending them payment for an auction. In this case, they did not reply to me in my second to the last bid, but to a casual comment I made on the adopt on the same page. Thankfully, FurAffinity has clear indicators when the owner of the submission is commenting via the "OP" tag. So does DeviantArt Meanwhile, since the scammer has made a brand new account on FA, they have the "new account" tag. Unfortunately, this scam is also being carried out on ToyHouse and possibly other sites. These may not have the same indicators, so be vigilant before sending money. Click on the profile to check of it's the artist's. Know your artist. Does their auction indicate they only take one type of payment, but you're being asked to send to another kind? Such as the artist is Russian and accepts Boosty or Hipolink, but you're suddenly being asked to send to Paypal? Russian artists can't use Paypal. What can you do to fight back both as an artist or a client? On FurAffinity you can keep new accounts from being able to reply to you or comment on your submissions. Under "Global Site Settings" At the time of writing this, neither ToyHouse nor DeviantArt have ways of blocking new members from contacting you. However, on ToyHouse you can see a user's name change history by visiting their username stats page: https://toyhou.se/(USERNAMEHERE)/stats/usernames If someone is trying to run the scam using the same account, then they will have a lot of very different username changes logged here. If you want to be sure the person who is messaging you is the same person running the auction, you can click on the "Report" button to see their unique user ID. In this case, my UIN is "47055". That will never change. If the UIN of the person who is hosting the auction doesn't match the person who is asking for money, then it's someone else! What else can you do? Always report the scammer to the site they're attempting to scam on. Report the fraud to Paypal directly. They can't scam if they don't have a Paypal account. Login to your Paypal account Scroll all the way down to "Contact" Scroll down to "Message Us" Leave a screenshot and a written report on the user. Paypal will automatically censor any emails or links you put into the chat, but they can still see them. Paypal will then file a report on the user: Thank you to Noahasai for granting me permission to leave his name uncensored for the sake of this entry. He's a wonderful artist, so please give him some love on FA. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/noahasai
  11. Howdy! Artists Beware is seeking to bring new members onto our team. Only users who are 18+ are eligible to apply as our staff may view NSFW material. Before we start here is the Moderator Code of Conduct. What we need: All moderators must use the moderator discord. This is non negotiable. There is both a desktop and a mobile version. We have to be able to reliably get a hold of you. Availability in the US Timezones. All moderators work in pairs or more, so we need someone who can communicate with the group at large when we're discussing posts. You must be able to handle disagreements politely and courteously. There will be instances where decisions about a beware will be split between your fellow moderators. In that case a vote will be held. You must be able to be comfortable being wrong or having been mistaken. It's ok if you are, but we expect mods to handle these moments maturely and gracefully. You must be able to handle harassment and disagreement from users professionally. We will not tolerate "clap backs" or aggressive behavior. However, we do not expect you to respond to aggressive users indefinitely. We allow mods to leave aggressive users "on read". Users who cross the line via threats or harassment will be banned. Estimated working hours varies. It can be a few minutes worth of work per day, or sometimes a few hours per week. It's entirely dependent on queue load. Potential moderators do not have to field user questions or moderate comments if they don't want to. We are looking for queue moderators primarily. Queue moderators will still have to deliver Revision or Rejection notices. You must be able to keep the contents of the queue and any PMs you receive confidential. Failure to do so will result in your immediate removal from the team. Some notes: Given how the site's notification structure is set up, you will receive a lot of emails. Every submission and comment is emailed to all staff. Most of us have AB only emails for this purpose. Previous moderation experience isn't required, but it is helpful. We will walk you through how to use the site's moderation system. What to Expect: Individuals who are chosen will be interviewed, and then will enter in a training period with the other moderators via Discord. During this period, if there's more than one of you, we will ask that work be limited to the times a senior member is online. Once the training period is over, then you are free to work in any pair or more at any time. Please fill out this form, and the applications will be open until May 15th, 2024. To apply comment to this thread. Your replies will be screened, thus invisible to everyone but current staff. Length in Artists Beware: (How long have you been a member, including Livejournal) Hours of Availability: (The hours you will best be able to do queue work. Make sure and denote what time zone.) Previous Experience: (Have you moderated before?) Other Items to Know: (Are you a commission artist? Fursuit maker? Fluent in another language besides English?) Best way to contact you?: (site PM, discord, email, etc.)
  12. Changed Resolved to Yes Changed New Leaf to No
  13. Good news! Do you consider this resolved?
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