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  • Beware: EhJay (gore warning)

    • Who: EhJay
      Where: www.furaffinity.net/user/EhJay
      When: 06/01/2019
      What: Other (Explain Below)
      NSFW Content

    So, to start off with, the stuff here will be quite NSFW (Gore, porn). Just a head's up.

    Some months back I had a user on my FurAffinity page comment on one of the commissions I had uploaded. The content of this comment was inappropriate and disturbing, so I removed it and then blocked the user. My reference sheet for the character in question is available on my account, it's a submission anyone where anyone with an account that can see mature/adult content view it if they so desired to. The link is below:

    This is relevant because the user I blocked, known by the handle EhJay on FurAffinity, then saved a copy for themselves (fine in of itself) and went to another artist to commission some gore/porn material. Needless to say, this was done without my permission.  A friend somehow found these images on EhJay's FurAffinity gallery and brougth them to my attention, and they've been on FA for a few months. So likely not very long after I blocked EhJay that user went and got these commissions done.

    As I am not sure when FA support will get back to me and if the commissions will stay up, I won't link them from EhJay's profile but I have attached a small folder containing the relevant commissions. Again, gore/porn warning. I have (hopefully) removed the artists' name from the attached screenshots as I have spoken to them and they were very understanding about this situation.

    To summarize, I blocked a user for leaving a disturbing comment on one of my commissions I uploaded to FurAffinity. That user then went to use my character, without my permission, in some sort of revenge commissioning with very uncomfortable content. Hoping this serves as a head's up that this user is fine with using stolen characters in case they attempt it in the future.






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    • Administrator

    As someone who does gore commissions this kind of behavior is absolutely out of line.  Thank you for coming forward, and I'm sorry you had to go through this.  If you contact FA staff they can pull the images.

    Has the artist gotten with you to remove them?

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    • Senior Staff

    In doing a little digging via the page...
    It looks like the artist they duped in to this commission doesn't speak English natively, and while I don't like to speculate wildly, given the extreme that this individual went to with your personal character, it gives me the impression that it was done intentionally.

    It isn't unheard of for people to pass off other characters as their own and then pull something like this, but picking someone who doesn't have a fair grasp of the language reeks of another shade of shifty business.

    Though, Celestina def has the right suggestion that you may be able to pull the images with the support of the very same artist who was taken advantage of by this person.

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    1 hour ago, Celestina said:

    As someone who does gore commissions this kind of behavior is absolutely out of line.  Thank you for coming forward, and I'm sorry you had to go through this.  If you contact FA staff they can pull the images.

    Has the artist gotten with you to remove them?

    I've sent a couple messages the artist, so there is some back and forth. They've apologized and appeared to be understanding. I've asked them to remove the two commissions in question but I'm giving them a couple days before I ask again. Never know how busy someone is. If nothing happens after that I'll get in touch with FA support again.

    I'm waiting on a reply from FA support (only sent the ticket in yesterday) regarding the user who did this, hoping at the very least they force those two images off the site if not outright ban the user.

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    1 hour ago, rikki said:

    In doing a little digging via the page...
    It looks like the artist they duped in to this commission doesn't speak English natively, and while I don't like to speculate wildly, given the extreme that this individual went to with your personal character, it gives me the impression that it was done intentionally.

    It isn't unheard of for people to pass off other characters as their own and then pull something like this, but picking someone who doesn't have a fair grasp of the language reeks of another shade of shifty business.

    Though, Celestina def has the right suggestion that you may be able to pull the images with the support of the very same artist who was taken advantage of by this person.

    Judging from the short interactions I've had with the artist English isn't their first language either, but still they appeared to be understanding with my side of things. The user probably passed off my ref sheet as their own and the artist had no way of knowing it wasn't the commissioner's.


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    This is disgusting behaviour. I am appalled. I am so sorry this happens to you and that FA does something against this individual. It does look a lot like... 'revenge'. Thank you for making the beware.

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    6 hours ago, HeartCollar said:

    Yup, what a wonderful news to wake up to lol. So now using my characters in revenge murder fantasies isn't enough, they're tracing art too now

    A quick update: the artist has removed the two previous bits of art from their gallery. Still waiting on FA support to get back with me about EhJay.

    Edited by SuperLemonz
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    50 minutes ago, SuperLemonz said:

    Yup, what a wonderful news to wake up to lol. So now using my characters in revenge murder fantasies isn't enough, they're tracing art too now

    A quick update: the artist has removed the two previous bits of art from their gallery. Still waiting on FA support to get back with me about EhJay.

    May want to see if you can have the artist file a DMCA here or if you can get them pulled:


    The commissions are listed on this site for sharing.

    Here's their copyright complaint form:  https://cloud.app.box.com/copyright

    Only the artist can fill that out, but you can try as the character owner.  Your character is technically copyright to you.

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    3 hours ago, Celestina said:

    May want to see if you can have the artist file a DMCA here or if you can get them pulled:


    The commissions are listed on this site for sharing.

    Here's their copyright complaint form:  https://cloud.app.box.com/copyright

    Only the artist can fill that out, but you can try as the character owner.  Your character is technically copyright to you.

    Thank you, I'll give this a shot. 

    As a general update, the artist has fully complied with my wishes to have the art removed from their own gallery. They have been very understanding and helpful in this process. They were tricked, so please do not blame them for anything.

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    A comment was not let through as tracing has to concern a paid commission. The last item was allowed as it is still your character being used without your consent. 

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    7 minutes ago, Celestina said:


    A comment was not let through as tracing has to concern a paid commission. The last item was allowed as it is still your character being used without your consent. 

    Understood, if I have any future bewares I'll be mindful of this. Also now dealing with block evasion from the user.

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    8 hours ago, theodor said:

    He is claiming the character is his " This is my character Maru, inspired by many different things."

    EDIT; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/32073074/ (nsfw, breathplay) This is of the OPs character as well.

    This is really not surprising considering how they commissioned the op character killed as well as a drawing of them being executed. They really seem to enjoy the attention unfortunately it's rather gross attention. 

    Though i wouldn't be surprised if more of these submission of the op character getting killed pop up on their gallery or somewhere else.

    Edited by RTKobold
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    2 hours ago, Scourge said:

    Well looks like all the submissions were removed and he was suspended. 

    Yup, FA support got back with me earlier today. Appears things are resolved for the time being, just hope they learned their lesson and things don't continue in the future.

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    This is one of the nastiest things I've ever seen someone do. How utterly disgusting and disrespectful. I'm glad it was resolved by both the artist and FA admins. 

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    Not that my twitter is that hard to find, but he found it and sent me this to get around the ban/block from FurAffinity. Now I get to report and block him on yet another site.


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    2 hours ago, VosurAekira said:

    Since he just proved who he was with that setup, would it be an idea to include his twitter-tag as well?

    OPs can't change tags.  🙂  For future reference if folks need a tag update, the best route is to contact someone from staff.

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    Also why do i have a feeling this will no doubt continue on twitter but i have no doubt he will have a harder time pulling this off on twitter considering this beware and stuff like this usually isn't tolerated on social media.

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