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  • Artist Beware: KalikuAkita/ KalikuCreations/ Angels Nest Fursuits/ Stormy/ SpoofTheDutchie/ Punky

    • Who: KalikuAkita/KalikuCreations/Angels Nest Fursuits/Stormy/SpoofTheDutchie/Punky
      Where: Twitter: @SpoofTheDutchie
      FurAffinity: furaffinity.net/user/kalikuakita and furaffinity.net/user/an-fursuits
      When: 12/12/2015
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts

    Message added by Eden

    Mod note:  The items censored in the IG chats were censored by the moderation team for extremely personal medical and marital information.

    While we normally ask that such personal conversation be left out of a beware entirely, given the inappropriate response by the artist we've chosen to allow it to remain.  Future bewares may have such personal conversations edited out or requested to be removed on a case by case basis.

    Quote request sent on December 1st, 2015. Artist/Fursuit Maker, Stormy, Replied March 22nd, 2016 with final price broken down for each part. First payment sent via PayPal and received by Stormy on March 23rd, 2016.

    Payments completed via PayPal. Final payment completed on September 15th, 2016 . Work was delayed on June 11th, 2016 due to an animal with an illness. Her entire queue received a message with estimated completion dates on April 26th, 2016, which was supposed to be the upcoming Anthrocon. Work was again delayed on October 6th, 2016 due to a wedding.

    Contact was requested on January 18th, 2017 and a response was sent from Stormy to me on January 19th, 2017. Update on her personal life was sent to her clients [including myself] on January 20th, 2017. In this email she put what she has done on each project in order of what is done and where everyone is in her queue. Mine, Soleil, had not been casted. On April 13th, 2017 we all received an email saying she is selling premades for completion in July 2017. She also noted Soleil will be completed by the end of April 2017. Email was sent to her clients to join an Angels Nest Fursuits telegram chat on April 23rd, 2017, with the link provided. Shortly after it sent, it no longer worked.

    I emailed her on July 19th, 2017 to see a WIP or any progress to see if materials had even been purchased. I received a reply the same day, stating she is still working on her first two clients, and working on purchasing/replenishing materials. On July 20th, 2017, I sent Stormy a formal request for a full refund as she had broken her own ToS which I was respectful and professional. The same day, she sent me a reply. She stopped replying to my emails, so I contacted her on Instagram on August 21st, 2017, since I noticed she was active. She claimed she was “warned” about me and was very unprofessional in a lengthy conversation via chat on Instagram.

    Explanation in depth: In an effort to gain some understanding, I attempted to fix the issue by contacting her regularly to keep with updates, yet she refused to work with me at all. Once I noticed a pattern of similar life updates, but not any fursuit or art related updates, and the removal of her Trello and the Telegram chat, I grew increasingly concerned. I also noticed how she had posted she would be making premades to sell at Anthrocon and MFF. I also grew increasingly concerned since she told us all about her declining mental health and physical health, but after a time of over one year, nothing had changed. I tried to reach out to her as a friend and client but was later met with hostility as I emailed her regularly. I also noticed she obtained two new dogs after her puppy had passed away. I sent her my deepest condolences and gave her time to heal. She also posted on her Instagram how she will now dedicate her time to making a dog training channel on YouTube. After I saw this post, I was very upset. She has clients who have paid her a lot of money to work on custom fursuits/partials. In a series of messages via Instagram, she said some very hateful words and I never once went into all caps, never once did I throw an insult nor a curse word. I even praised her for taking care of herself. Yet all I was met with was hatred and insults and swearing. Since that day, not much has been done and I have not heard a peep. As far as we know, no one has received anything from Stormy/Angels Nest Fursuits. I am both shocked and gravely concerned for all parties involved.




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    ALSO:  We know there's a duplicate cap.  The editor wouldn't play nice with us.



    I don't even know what to say. This is by far the most unprofessional beware I've seen in some time. Is there even a chance for OP to get their money back at this point? ?

    • Administrator


      On 1/31/2019 at 1:33 AM, Sarahcat said:

    I don't even know what to say. This is by far the most unprofessional beware I've seen in some time. Is there even a chance for OP to get their money back at this point? ?


    If they're out of the 180 day time frame, then their only recourse is legal action.  With that said, winning a judgement against someone doesn't mean they'll actually pay.  ?



    Uuuh. UUUUUUH.


    I'm tired of people assuming they OWN my time because they paid for a costume


    They certainly own the man hours of work they paid for, surely? When you commission an artist or fursuit maker for custom work, you're paying them not just for the product but for their time and skill, which is why a fursuit costs more than just the cost of materials. But on the flip side, they literally paid you for your time, they are owed that time.


    I get no gratitude from people like [you]


    From people who paid you money in the four digits and have been patiently waiting two years for any kind of proof of work done? The goddamn gall of this ingrate and their wild demands, right, lmao.


    All my customers should understand this is not an on demand business. This is art


    Right, this isn't a business, that's why you charged someone ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, because it's not about the money, you aren't running a business, this is ART.

    I hope they're not lying through they're teeth that they're quitting fursuit making because literally nothing about their business model implies they're really cut out for it. I understand "I thought I could monetise doing this thing I love but the stress ended up getting too much for me", I've reached a point where I don't want to do commissions as a job and only do them occasionally for spending money to buy dumb internet t-shirts, but like. I will either crunch to finish the work and close up comms, or refund my customers in full when I find out my mental illness is getting the better of me. Because when you charge people money for art, that art becomes on demand business. ?

    I'm so sorry for OP, it doesn't look like you're going to get your money back but at the very least you deserved to be treated way, way better than this. Two years? Jesus. You have the patience of a saint.



    I am just.

    I mean. I have so many things I could say.

    But I guess I just want this down for the record:
    Just because it's common place, doesn't make it right.

    And that's in reference to the ridiculously long wait times/queues for fursuits and fursuit makers being unable to manage money correctly. It's commonplace. But is is not right.
    Of course she brought up other excuses, but that one in particular I wanted to comment on.

    Thank you for writing this beware.



    I am so sorry this happened to you, OP. And this is why I'm terrified of commissioning fursuits. I cannot stand how irresponsible this person was. Yes, life gets in the way, yes, accidents happen, yes, mental illness kicks all of our tails.

    However, using those as excuses to not work, is never acceptable. If it doesn't fly in an office building, it doesn't fly in the artist's/fandom's world either.

    Also, using mental illness as an excuse feels like a personal attack on the rest of us. Being mentally handicapped (depression, anxiety, what have you) is not a free ticket from work. You offered a service and you didn't deliver. Simple as that.



    Wow.  This is a really crappy way to treat a customer. Her attitude is really disgusting and she seems to have no idea of how contracts work when she starts going, "You have no right to cancel your commission with me! I do not allow people to cancel their commission." 



    Whoa, there's so much bitter salt coming from that maker... I can practically taste it.

    To the op, I'm sorry that you had to deal with an immature [redacted]... I hope that they did not put you off the fandom.



    um wow...  

    she kind of doesn't seem to realize that YES  you own her time when you purchase from her, cause you are paying her to actively work on something....

    annnd there's the mental illness excuse, that's an insult to other makers that have handicaps/mental illnesses and still are able to do the work they advertise an still provide.

    I ...really hope she doesn't stay in the fur suit making business.. or heck commissioning business because wooow.

    • Administrator


      On 1/31/2019 at 5:25 PM, Serahcat said:

    Whoa, there's so much bitter salt coming from that maker... I can practically taste it.

    To the op, I'm sorry that you had to deal with an immature [redacted]... I hope that they did not put you off the fandom.


    Heya let's please not hint at name calling either. ?



    This is rather very disturbing for the fursuit maker to use mental illness as an excuse. and the chatlog is quite guilt tripping as well. Really sad that the maker didn't even consider your advice.



    Oh my yikes. Thank you so much for the beware. The amount of guilt tripping and aggressive behavior is appaling. I hope you can somehow get your money back.

    I don't think this suit maker knows what a commission or work is, since they act so pooprly and don't believe they owe you anything. Very worrysome. I hope they can improve on doing much smaller projects for less people in the future.



    Something tells me that the artist lacks the understanding of what a business transaction is and which laws apply here. Maybe fursuiting is art, but it stops being art once money is involved. Should she ever be pulled into a lawsuit against her, I would really like to know how her lawyer and judge would react if she claims "It's art, so I can do whatever I want as long as it keeps me happy".



    A comment has been removed due to a violation of the Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct. A comment may be removed for one or more violations. If after reading the guidelines and code of conduct you feel this message was in error, please contact One (1) staff member.

    I am a Bot. My inbox is not monitored. Beep boop.



      On 1/31/2019 at 2:04 AM, flucket said:

    Uuuh. UUUUUUH.

    They certainly own the man hours of work they paid for, surely? When you commission an artist or fursuit maker for custom work, you're paying them not just for the product but for their time and skill, which is why a fursuit costs more than just the cost of materials. But on the flip side, they literally paid you for your time, they are owed that time.

    From people who paid you money in the four digits and have been patiently waiting two years for any kind of proof of work done? The goddamn gall of this ingrate and their wild demands, right, lmao.

    Right, this isn't a business, that's why you charged someone ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, because it's not about the money, you aren't running a business, this is ART.

    I hope they're not lying through they're teeth that they're quitting fursuit making because literally nothing about their business model implies they're really cut out for it. I understand "I thought I could monetise doing this thing I love but the stress ended up getting too much for me", I've reached a point where I don't want to do commissions as a job and only do them occasionally for spending money to buy dumb internet t-shirts, but like. I will either crunch to finish the work and close up comms, or refund my customers in full when I find out my mental illness is getting the better of me. Because when you charge people money for art, that art becomes on demand business. ?

    I'm so sorry for OP, it doesn't look like you're going to get your money back but at the very least you deserved to be treated way, way better than this. Two years? Jesus. You have the patience of a saint.


    She has me blocked on everything, except IG. I've managed to not say anything and just see what happens. I can't even ask her if she's okay or for updates or refunds. She just doesn't care. I am permanently out a grand... It's crushing. 



    Hello I am the bewaree,

    This beware was rightfully written. Every word is true and I was not in my right mind. I used my mental health, lifes experiences, and flaws as excuses. My work fell off my priority list as my world was crumbling beneath my feet. I was unable to own up to my shortcomings until it all imploded. I spoke to Lady Mae, and many others, in an appalling way. I became completely unhinged and threw my emotions onto them. For that I apologize. I caused a lot of stress and worry for a lot of people who were waiting for me to work. Who had every right to question my behavior. I let emotions run my life instead of owning up and making the necessary changes. I ran, I went on the defense, and let my ego take the wheel. I have made a lot of mistakes and I'm done running.
    I have issued refunds to every one of my past commissioners that I could find. there are Two whom I have not been able to locate. If they are reading this please comment so I may find you.
    It has been many years since this incident and through a lot of therapy and self care I have come to peace with who I used to be. But I will never forgive myself for what happened through the Angels nest fursuits or the Dutch angel dragon community. For the way I turned on a community that welcomed me with opened arms. For those who felt the wrath of my own internal uncertainties. For the people I met with harsh anger instead of professionalism and compassion... I do not deserve forgiveness. I can only hope that my refunds can assure people that I never intended for this to happen. My intent was to create joy, by bringing characters to life. I was NOT ready for what came along with it.
    I am a very flawed human being who is doing her best to move past the person I used to be. I will tell every person who has seen this beware, that I am trying to right what I have done. Ive searched within, ive broken, and im rising. I'm rebuilding myself but I DO want to create again. I will NOT accept peoples money before a product is produced, that is a Promise. I refuse to let history repeat itself. I will create with my whole heart and soul in every costume from here on out. I will still search for a way to give back to this community. I will not give up.



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