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  1. Hello, again. I'm posting again to make a formal apology to Efsher and everyone else. I'm sorry that I made a terrible decision to file a charge back out of my own hotheadedness for a woman who has been dragging me down for far too long. I understand now that Efsher was just trying to cover her own bases and while I wish we communicated better what's done is done. I have cancelled the chargebacks and if it has costed Efsher a single penny I am willing to pay the difference out of my own pocket. https://gyazo.com/d979620e8417bb7cf601877a922e5bbc My mate and I have talked about it and looked over what has been commented and a conversation I had with someone over DM's here and it's time to let go and change. I will be dropping the name 'Abyss drake' as the heart ache it continues to bring is not worth it, it's almost been a year now and I'm tired of having something related to this person. I have however, spend thousands of dollars on this character and she was hand tailored by me (more so in her later version.) so instead of scrapping her entirely my mate and I are both going to reinvent our drakes into a different species (hybrid of existing open species like Felkins or sergals, or another preexisting flat headed drakes with permission from a friend who knows them) or make our own entirely that we'll slowly be working on. Efsher has offered to help with this on the reference she did, or we will just resize Adiago's credits and put them somewhere smaller and more transparent on the reference. Everything is still being decided and I hope everyone can forgive me for my emotion ruled lapse in judgement. I am so sorry and never wanted to become anything like this woman that's done so much. Blessed be~ Raven.
  2. https://gyazo.com/5a285a08730822939c43ecb8ffeb6f5c
  3. This is probably going to be my only reply to this post as I knew when in opening the case Artist Beware would not agree with my actions as I've seen how they react to things many times. As AsylumPatient said above, I was under the impression if I was given the PSD (as well as given the exact font and size) I had permission to edit it. I removed Adiago's credit because of two reasons, I never gave permission for it to be writen in my original commission, and I never wanted the name of the woman who in herself still owes me 370$ along with months of abuse and harassment. Efsher and I have always been fine, no issues and this was my second time commissioning her. Things only blew up until I went to commission her a third time and she told me that I could continue to use her artwork but she had someone come to her about the drama between Adiago and I and she didn't want to work with me again. I tried explaining my side as I had no idea what had been said and hadn't and linked her my beware on Deviant art and showed her the beware I had written as well as Adiago's Kiwifarm threads since it had more proof than I had and told her she if she changed her mind she could message me. She reaffirmed that she didn't want to take sides. Okay, cool. I was upset but I let it drop and marked her off as an artist I could commission. I had somethings with Adiago pop up, as I had been trying my best to ignore her after almost a year of dealing with and she wrote Tweets about how I stole from her, so on an so forth. I had enough and had been wanting to remove the credit that had been bugging me since I commissioned my reference and removed it. I'd never had an artist in all of my years of commissioning give out the PSD's and font sizes if it wasn't for text changes. So I assumed it was okay. Efsher noted me weeks later and commented how I took Adiago's name off the reference, and said it 'wasn't cool to remove credit.' I hadn't Efsher's credits and assumed one of Adiago's followers must have saw it and messaged Efsher about it (maybe the same one who noted her back then). I went silent because I'm not good at conflict and I wasn't sure what to say and after talking it over with my mates and friends I just let it drop as well. I wasn't given a warning that she would file a takedown if I didn't answer her or revert the piece, I should have answered her but I didn't and I take fault. As said above, I did not remove Efsher's credit, I would not remove artist credit and it's even seen by if you go back to my original referencesheets of Eclipse that I haven't even removed Adiago's. https://gyazo.com/ab5b94e3422cbe4cc195f1d98cd15e62 I was told it was removed for "unauthorized use", I even disputed with writing a ticket in response showing where I had proof of use and Furaffinity held strong. I do not really use any Website other than Furaffinity, having it taken down from my gallery without warning and no further discussion isn't right either and the reference is basically useless to me if I cannot use it there. I know many will not agree with how I handled things and I second guess myself as well but again. I paid 570$ for a reference I'm not allowed to use on the Website I conduct all of my art related business with all over credits to an abusive woman who still will not let things go even when I do 'play by her rules' because she hates me. I know people won't agree with me, I'll take this Artist Beware in and accept full fault but I at least want my side on here for anyone who does read.
  4. Will be doing so as a last resort, thank you for your input.
  5. Hello, it's been a while since I've had to post here so bare with me. I'm trying to keep this as vague as possible but I feel like no matter how I word it people may be able to figure it out. I had a recent transaction with someone who I once considered a friend. We had a fallout over something going on in our friends circle (and overall just some very shady practices, bigotry and very clashing morals/ world views), and the artist made it clear they didn't weren't going to do the artwork. (350$ worth) and started doing the commissions after me. After our fallout, I ended up initiating a charge back because they said they wouldn't do my artwork and certainly wouldn't do it now after I was "butthurt", the artist uploaded a journal stating that I was doing false charge backs against them, they would write an artist beware on me and sic their fans onto me. My partner, who the artist ended up contacting to handle the business further as I was unable, ended up closing the disputes to try and quell the fire. It has been months and said artist has made it publicly known on their Trello that my commissions are "low priority" and that they are taking a "fee" out for "time I made them lose" and are lowering the quality of the pieces they owe me. There is other strings of drama that have went on, regarding a private species and such but I won't get into this unless I have to go into a full beware. This artist has now since been permanent banned from Fur-affinity and is taking on more work in their Discord server. So I guess, what I am asking is if I was to call Paypal and present them with all of this proof I have would there be any chance of me reopening it? My partner wants me to try but I get really easily stressed out over these things and he can't do it for me so we thought it was best to ask about it here. Thank you for any advice in advance.
  6. Oh gods, I had already gotten the same shouts (still up on my page) from them myself and had another user see them and note me warning about it. I was originally going to bid on Mint to put her with Blythe because I thought they had permission to make your species but I'm so glad I didn't. Beware/ caution well warrented.
  7. I've had a lesser known artist do the exact same thing to me a year after I won a YCH for them. I don't mind buying mutli-slots if I'm told beforehand but going in thinking you're getting a unique piece only for the base pose to be reused again is disheartening. Thanks for the warning, if I ever do commission this artist I'll ask beforehand if they're going to reuse it.
  8. Just wanted to add that this user is known for tracing, she's banned from Furaffinity because she was tracing Dauxycheek's bases and selling them after she blocked her from doing business with her. She always makes new accounts so be on the lookout.
  9. Not to mention that the reference doesn't have pink on it anywhere? I don't see how they thought that was correct.
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