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  1. Would it be possible to get the 4 #'s on the end of their discord since names on discord itself can easily be changed? I am so sorry this happened to you. Perhaps getting paid first is something you should consider in the future! Hopefully you can recoop some of your losses somehow. :<
  2. After the second chargeback I just now realized they had the character I sold them attached to this dispute in their gallery. I contacted them as well commented on the image to have it removed as it was stolen due to the chargeback being in their favor and me not wanting to work with them again. They hid my comment, read my note but did not reply, and has not removed the character. I have contacted admins on Furaffinity in hopes it can be removed. The character attached is the character associated with the purchase as well proof the note was read but ignored. Also attached is the proof of purchase of the character. Sorry for long delays I tried to remove myself from this situation as it was causing me high amounts of anxiety. However, I cannot let them keep a character they do not own.
  3. I believe you would still be able to go to paypal for the transaction as long as you are within the time period and force a chargeback. that behavior of theirs is unacceptable. If they were not comfortable drawing a kink they should not have accepted the money.
  4. Update: I got a second chargeback today for another $15. Fytch has yet to respond other than they will "pay me back when they can".
  5. March 29th 2019, I was approached by Fytch via Discord PM to purchase a character for $15 USD. They expressed interest in a Character I was selling and paid within minutes of me accepting their offer. After 5 months of having the character... July 22nd 2019, I woke up to find a dispute against the money they had paid. I was already wary as others had spoken of they had chargebacks against them as well and waited for my turn. As of right now, no contact was made between us about the dispute even though in their discord group I had asked if they were filing a chargeback against me. They responded to a friend that they intended to pay everyone back but I have not received any word on this matter. Character Link (NSFW): https://toyhou.se/3668260.-15-usd A ticket has been issued to ToyHouse in hopes to retrieve the character. Update: Fytch has issued a second chargeback. Update 08.09.19 I received an email containing the following as attached. As well the fee applied to my account. After speaking with paypal I will be unable to retrieve the funds lost due to the credit card company. Fytch made a journal with an "update" http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9229414/ The amount they have listed is wrong and have left a comment. As I am only charging for the fees that went on my account since the adopt has been returned to me via ToyHouse Admins.
  6. I completely agree with armina. Also i would like to point out in the closed dispute image... It says you requested the full amount back? Even though it got closed if a full refund was requested after the artwork completed even with minor problems is not okay. Now if this isnt the case with it being a full refund... please disregard this comment about it. In my opinion the mistake was minor and not worth threatening a chargeback over. Honestly i wouldnt work with either of you after this.
  7. I think you misspelled her name beside the Who part. Cause i tried looking it up and nothing... But i did find this account which belongs to Alirras on that site under the name AlirrasArts. Did she give you a refund and has the original artist been contacted? She is reknown thief via dauxycheeks bases.
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