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Everything posted by RTKobold

  1. I don't think that's going to happen most likely due to privacy reasons as well as laws considering that alone could open a lot of legal issues for paypal.
  2. That's true and this is the second beware from this same person in such a short time and would'nt be surprised at all if more showed up, and western union isn't that used often in scams.
  3. Though with all these charge-backs from the bank wouldn't said bank be suspicious about this?
  4. Looks like they fled considering one of the screenshots says quitting social media forever. This is sadly not a good sign as well as no other way to contact them.
  5. Also the twitter handle link is dead but searching it really shows that there's far more victims in this.
  6. Sadly i would not be surprised by that response at all from the trouble tickets. Though nothing really surprised me anymore from FA. Though sorry you had such an awful experience on FA.
  7. ...... Wow that is really scummy, and something just doesn't feel right from their DA and patreon gallery their style looks completely inconsistent like they eyeball completely different styles and selling it.
  8. This is rather very disturbing for the fursuit maker to use mental illness as an excuse. and the chatlog is quite guilt tripping as well. Really sad that the maker didn't even consider your advice.
  9. Also this recent journal of his bothers me. https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/9030144/ Considering he really has some serious money issues since this is technically a pattern of his.
  10. Also i would report the the account op as well since it's also a ban evasion especially from the proof i posted above. Since that will stop him from attempting to try and get away to sell his character to others.
  11. I just took a look at this page and i recognize who this person is from the links as well I hate to say this but this user is actually kingkangaroo (Considering the account is suspended Since i) I can give you a good idea from the links. (I was wondering since i've seen some of those pictures as well as adopts before. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/kingkangaroo (suspended) And here is some proof from the suspended page to the current. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/20086583/ (Lightning Otter Adopt) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/20214971/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/19764352/ (Blood the Vampire Cat) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/20300374/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/20300490/ (Portsmith Dong Roo) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/19715067/ And there's quite a bit more but i am really disappointed in him since something seemed to be off with him and all these adopts i'm guessing this might explain why his suspension.
  12. Since you most likely will not get a refund i would most likely report the account to the admin of YCH commissions with your proof that you received a traced image.
  13. While there many be nothing wrong with tracing for learning and studying as long as your not posting as your own. But this is really often the worst way to go tracing others artwork for a buck which will always eventually end badly for an artist doing business. And eventually will lead to some really serious issues in the future.
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