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  • Artists Beware

    The namesake database. Submissions are categorized by "Bewares" and "Cautions".
    Who: TakShadoWing/LisaPuppets/Lisa B.
    Where: www.thedealersden.com
    When: 05/27/2019
    What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts

    Disclaimer: there are errors on both sides and I will openly admit mine first and foremost. I delayed to ship the item out due to mandatory overtime and not having the opportunity to ship. Our area isn't good for having a postal pick up so me dropping off was the option at the time. I made sure to respond to Taks email inquiries about it to keep open communication.
         The other error was the possibility of the suit having a mildew odor. We had taken care of a mildew issue  a few months prior in our basement (costumes are stored upstairs) and no one else spoke up about any smells so I didn't feel the need to state it in my auction as I normally would about any possible odors. I take 100% responsibility on that if it does have any odor. I wanted to provide options first as well as offering to send supplies to help make things work if they wished. Had I known beforehand it held a mildew smell I would have either listed it with a warning or not listed it at all.
         Included are the emails that were sent between us, the auction listing, and screenshots from Telegram. Most shots from Telegram were of other people demanding Tak keep the costume so I won't be including that as that's not relevant.
         It started off as an auction sale that went smoothly. Tak asked to make payments and completed them at the end of June. Between going out to Idaho for my father's surgery  in July (I let them know I would be gone) and mandatory overtime, I wasn't able to ship until the end of August, keeping tabs with Tak as they emailed me.
         They received the costume at the start of September and noted the strong smell of mildew  a week later in an email and asked what could be done.  I walked them through a baking soda and vinegar process I had used in the past with great success. I didn't hear from them till almost a month later on October 15th. They mentioned throwing out several of the pieces and purchasing an expensive cleaner that failed to remove the smell, asking if a refund was possible at that time. I got back with them Oct 20th asking what pieces remained to gauge the proper refund and offered to help them resell it if they wanted to. 
         No response came till November 1st asking for a 2/3 refund plus cash to cover the chemicals they purchased as well as a list of things they had thrown away such as the arm extensions, chest padding, and tail core. The feet were also 'damaged' while washing. During this time I found telegram chats from the buyer in a Furry Business group making it very clear they had no intentions of returning the suit while others encouraged to do a full charge back and throw the costume out entirely. Most of the chat was others demanding they keep the costume/throw it away while pushing for a full refund. I've only included the screenshot where they are openly stating not wanting to send it back. Due to dodging my requests for it, I have no other reason not to believe that is their intention.
        I emailed her around November 3rd stating I would refund more than their asking price if they returned the item in question, I would provide the funds extra for the shipping. I figured I could use it as a "what if this gets fried in the dryer" tutorial before recording the leg pattern and dismantling the costume myself. I also offered to send one final cleaner I had here if they wished to try it. Their response was opening 6 PayPal claims in attempts to get their full payment back without responding to me or mailing back the costume.
         PayPal doesn't cover multiple payments on a single item so after providing the initial invoice as proof of it being one item, the cases were closed. I'm still willing to refund her a little over 2/3 of the auction with the return of the costume to me as it is. Since some of the pieces are either damaged or gone, I cannot refund in full.
         Had they returned the costume in place of the refund, I wouldn't feel the need for this posting. Since they ignored my return request and tried to do a charge back on the entire amount paid, I do feel people should know of this. They claim in a few of their messages that I said no returns were allowed in my auction. I have included the auction description section involving this to show otherwise.  I have sent them 3 emails, one before they posted to PayPal and 2 after reminding them that I would give a refund around what remains of the costume and that offer still stands if the costume is returned. I don't believe they are a bad client as they generally did respond quickly and paid on a reasonable payment plan. That said, not returning the item and trying to force a full charge back is not in good taste so this is more of a cautionary rather than a beware.

    Who: NekoArt
    Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/nekoart
    When: 02/15/2019
    What: Commission
    NSFW Content Resolved
    TL;DR: I commissioned an icon. It had a couple things that were wrong and it wasnt up to par to her examples. After agreeing to redo it, she hasn't responded to any of my messages. She has been online posting that she is open for more commissions, but has yet to reply to me over several months.
    Detailed version:
    Back in Feburary 15th, I commissioned NekoArt for an icon after she had posted opening for commissions to pay for some things.

    ($35 in USD)

    A few days later, she sent me the commission, but there were a couple things wrong (long eyelashes, no horns, ears going down instead of to the side). She never sent me a WIP so I never had the chance to correct them. They replied saying they'll fix it, and this was the last I heard of her (Feb 25th).
    Later I also realized the quality didn't match those of her other icon examples

    2 months go by and I haven't heard anything, so I sent a new note on April. No reply, then one in August and one in October. None of them were opened. I emailed their paypal email back in August.

    I messaged her through telegram, which says she was last online in September.

    She has posted on another website just last month that she is opened for commissions (this was translated in chrome, so its a little rough). She has also posted a couple of times on her Tumblr in June, confirming she has been online.


    Who: Waifoobuns / TinyWaifooArt
    Where: https://www.deviantart.com/waifoobuns
    When: 01/15/2019
    What: Commission
    NSFW Content

    (For privacy concerns, I have censored my username on these images)
    This was the 2nd time that I had ever commissioned WaifooBuns (who had been known as Loodii at the time)---I decided to commission her again based off a prior satisfactory experience I had from commissioning her prior to this (sometime back in mid-2018).

    This was me asking her if commissions were still open, to which she replied "Yes" to.

    This is what she wrote back in reply, to which I replied back saying that it was understandable and whatnot.
    This is the last message I've ever gotten from her. After she sent that, I decided to wait a few months to let her relax, get things back on track, and whatnot.
    However in April she suddenly disabled all comments on her pictures and deleted all journals. So I sent her this:

    Got left on read.

    Sent her another PM in July. This one hasn't been opened yet, Idk if she's been offline from dA or if she's purposely chosen not to open it.
    I had decided to given her the benefit of the doubt and assume that she was still dealing with family issues...however I immediately changed my mind when I checked her Instagram and saw that she posted this:

    Apparently Belle Delphine herself had commissioned this artist and she posted it onto her IG. I checked her profile on other sites, this was not something she had previously done uploaded before. 

    I'm not even honestly sure if she's still dealing with IRL issues, but I got REALLY skeptical seeing that she somehow had the time to accept a commission from her of all people but somehow she wasn't checking her notes on dA. At this point I had decided that I no longer wanted the commission if she was going to behave in this manner but sadly I couldn't dispute it with PayPal as it had already been past the 6-months since I paid the invoice. 

    I'm more than willing to change this post in the future and mark it as "Resolved" if she ever comes across this post or anything of the sort, but yeah...not really sure where it'll go from here.

    Who: Just a Blue Dergy aka @EdjitArt on Twitter
    Where: https://twitter.com/EdjitArt
    When: 02/22/2019
    What: Commission
    NSFW Content Resolved
    On the 22nd of February, I decided to commission Edjit on Twitter and asked for a NSFW piece with me and and a friend , during this time the replies took normal length and I wasn't starting to panic about it at all. Once they took the money I ask on the 23rd if they received both the funds from me and my friend and they confirmed that they did. From this point on-wards communication stops nearly all together unless I started it back up again.
    On the 24th and 29th of March I ask them if they have even started the commission as no communication was given to me since the start of the transaction, they then responded on the 30th claiming that they are still working on the other commissions before me.
    This is when it starts to get a tad worrying I contacted them on the 22nd of April, 14th and 28th of May asking them how the commission was doing to no response until the 30th of May where I get a message saying that they are now doing commissions again even tho they didn't even tell me that they stopped doing commissions.
    Nearly a whole month later I get a message on twitter from Edjit with a few sketch designs which made me excited that this commission was finally under way but after these images I got nothing for a whole month.
     On July 23rd I asked them how the commission was going and got a response claiming that it was going slow and that I could request a refund if I wanted one, and I didn't take one as I still thought in my mind that they have more than sketch sooner or later. On August 13th I asked how it was going when he then responded 12 days later?! that he was still tweaking it.
    Then nothing, it has taken so long that I mainly forgot about this piece until now that is how bad of a communicator this person is. I wouldn't even be mad if they just communicated better and not left me in the dark.
    I still want this piece but at this point I think I might have to accept the loss of money.


    Caution: Lupinprincess

    By Meiwah, in Artist Cautions,

    Who: Artist
    Where: Twitter.com/lupinprincess
    When: 10/26/2019
    What: Commission

    So we commissioned one of our favourite artists, lupinprincess, to redraw our irl engagement photo. we have worked with her before, so we knew it was a good bet to drop $110 usd on her. the paypal fee took $6 of it, so we actually tipped her the extra $6 cause we trusted her. It is gorgeous, the background, the poses, just beautiful.
    but, my red panda nose looks not quite right. a little off. so i asked her if she was willing to change it slightly. not the whole picture, not the pose, just my nose. she immediately said no, and blocked me.
    all the money we spent.... the good faith we had in her.... and all i see when i look at it is my big nose... I wish she would have taken even a second to look at the drawing with me to find a solution. Maybe it wasn't the nose, maybe the eye and lips just need to be moved forward. But she wouldn't give me any more time to talk about it before she blocked me and ceased all communication.
    This is a once in a lifetime commission of our actual engagement and now every time i see that photo she redrew, all i can think of is how rude she was about it.
    so so so sad 😞

    Who: Cali aka @psychedelicmaws on Instagram
    Where: https://www.instagram.com/psychedelicmaws/
    When: 05/06/2019
    What: Commission

    I previously contacted this artist for a OTA, saw they were open for commissions and asked about it. I commissioned a full-body piece of my sona holding my cat on May 6th 2019
    I sent the $40.00 along with a $10.00 tip. $50.00 in total was sent to this artist on May 6th 2019

    I asked for an update on June 11th 2019, they told me they would work all owed art after the 17th.

    No WIPs or Updates for two months.

    Asked again on August 29th 2019
    No response

    I gave up on this artist and asked for a refund on September 6th 2019. I was nice enough to let them keep the $10.00 tip.

    They got back to me on the 23rd of September saying no problem and wanted my paypal email to issue the refund.

    I have yet to recieve the $40.00 and they've been MIA since October 7th.
    I did send an email to them but radio silence. 
    It's worth noting that they have been uploading premade adopts on a another account @adoptodelic on Instagram
    And other people are getting just as upset as I am on their last post on their main account.


    Who: London/Vani
    Where: https://vani-illustrations.square.site/
    When: 05/29/2019
    What: Other (Explain Below)

    On the 29th of May, I Bought 3 Acrylic charms from Vani's Square site. It does not utilise PayPal.

    Then nothing happened for several months.
    I DMed Vani on Twitter for a status update, 26th July; and my second attempt was answered: 4th September.

    I haven't heard from them since. They have a public Trello that is used for Commission work, and a public Twitter: while they have not posted recently, they have Liked other users' posts.
    It is now the 28th of October, and given the artist's record, I don't imagine I will receive anything.

    Who: FoiFouu / I can’t remember my name
    Where: Discord / Art Commissions Discord
    When: 09/18/2019
    What: Commission
    NSFW Content

    Okay so, I’m not entirely sure this warrants a beware so that’s why I put this under Caution. 
    This may be a potential scam, reason why I say “may” is because the reasons that popped up didn’t seem 100% BS.
    Basically, FoiFouu lied about sending me 70$ for a reference sheet they tried to commission off me. They repeatedly tried to send me signs that it was really being sent and maybe trying to guilt me into doing it for free, but I specifically told them that I would not be starting it until payment was verified (thus me getting an annoyed response back)  I offered to refund them the hundreds of dollars they supposedly sent me tons of times, if they’d show me proof that they did pay it. Sadly they quietly refused to send me any proof. A day later and I contact them again letting them know that payment has still not been received and proof of payment would be appreciated (At this point I sort of believed they actually sent money and was offering to start on it if they would just send me proof that it was paid for.)
    I got no response and I contacted the server mods I encountered “FoiFouu” in. They asked me to forward proof and once I did, they told me they would investigate further about the situation. 2 days passed and no reply from the Mod Mail Bot so I bumped the thread. A few hours I get a response telling me that they have reviewed the content and have contacted “FoiFouu” about the situation and that if they don’t reply there would be consequences. Thus “FoiFouu” did not reply resulting in them getting banned and getting labeled as potentially scamming members(As shown in picture). I have included FoiFouu’s discord username below just in case anyone encounters someone similar and is not sure if they’re FoiFouu or not. Please be cautious of this person!!
    (Apologies if some of this doesn’t make sense, it’s early in the morning for me. I’ll be happy to clear up some misunderstandings!)


    Beware: BluHuny

    By VarekWolf, in Artist Bewares,

    Who: BluHuny
    Where: Telegram @Bluhuny
    Telegram @SpaceDoggo
    Telegram channel: Bluhuny Queue
    FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/bluhuny/
    When: 05/15/2019
    What: Commission

    Based on a prior satisfactory experience I commissioned BluHuny for a half-body name badge at BLFC in May, 2019. The commission was fully paid, $150, by credit card at the con. The commission was accepted and acknowledgement sent. I was #41 in the BLFC queue. BluHuny still had a considerable backlog of commissions from GSFC and did not start BLFC commissions until August 17. BluHuny promised to complete all BLFC commissions in 4 weeks. I sent in a ref sheet for my badge.
    BluHuny took a break of several days in early September to begin school. By this point 14 completed BLFC commissions had been posted on his telegram channel. However, updates to the channel, other than two posts promising to get back to work on art, ceased.  There has been no communication from the artist and his FA is inactive. His personal telegram states not to contact him regarding commissions. I have no way to ascertain whether the commission will ever be completed.
    Telegram posts and detail line from my  credit card statement attached. 

    Who: LilDogMeat/Tiny Hermit Boy/SHROOMYEEN
    Where: https://twitter.com/lildogmeat?lang=en
    When: 05/15/2019
    What: Commission

    I posted a comment looking for logo makers to make me a logo, LilDogMeat responded and on 5/15/19 we began discussing the logo, I was sent their paypal and I sent payment. I was then told that they were getting started on it. June 14 I asked for an update and  got no response, a total of 4 months pass before I receive a response that they are waiting for their laptop charger thats been stuck in customs and that their files were on the computer that the charger is for. I asked if they provided and ETA for the charger and got no response. I went checking their twitter on the 23rd to see if they had been active (I'm guessing there is a time zone difference which would explain why their post is dated for a later date than it should be) and saw that they posted about sending out refunds to those they felt waited a long time and thus I went and asked for a refund on the 23rd. I was told I would get the refund on Thursday which would have been the 26th of September. Thursday comes and go and no refund so I send them a message asking if they needed my paypal on Sept 28th. No response, Oct 3rd I contact them again about the refund, it's now been a week past the date I was supposed to get the refund and a total of 11 days since I initially asked for the refund. No response. I sent a 'Hello?' Message on the 4th and informed them that if I didn't receive a response by Monday I will file a paypal dispute. No reponse. The paypal dispute was filed on Monday, I get a response the next day on the 8th and that is the last message I ever got from them. The paypal dispute was escalated on the 10th in order to give them time to issue the refund without paypal having to do so. Neither paypal nor I got a response from the artist and the dispute drug on until the 20th in which paypal closed it in my favour due to the artist never getting in touch with them. They have since changed the email that was attached to their paypal account, it is no longer they one they provided me when we first spoke.


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