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About Me

  1. Nov. 6th, 2012 at 5:57 PM WHO: SoulEevee99 on Deviantart WHERE: http://souleevee99.deviantart.com/ WHAT: Stole an icon template from me and has been altering and selling on DeviantArt for DA points. WHEN: Just discovered today, apparently they started October 13th of this year PROOF: Their journal entry asking for commissions with icons (Screencap in case of deletion) Original icons by me on my FurAffinity Overlay showing trace EXPLAIN: LATEST UPDATE: Followed onto FA and sent more harassing notes from Grovyle I do a lot of commissions on Chicken Smoothie, a virtual pet game. I began selling "dango icons" like the ones linked to my FurAffinity on the Proof section in October of 2010 for collectible pets on CS (Link to thread. Date is off since I edited the post, but according to my records I started selling them in October.) I stopped selling them last year in favor of new products. While browsing around the art shops on CS, I found SoulEevee99's art commission thread, which linked to the DA journal above full of stolen icons that were paid for in DA Points. A lot of their friends are using these icons not knowing they paid for stolen material. I confronted the artist and not only did they deny their theft, their SO is threatening to report me for harassment. The comment thread is capped here, I am Rainbow-Smashed. (The replies occurred while I was typing this post) I admit my initial post was rather threatening, I should have been more polite and I fully acknowledge my tone was harsh. This is the first time I've had my art sold and I'm pretty upset. Even though it may be for DA points and not real money, it's still disappointing. I have filed reports both on Chicken Smoothie and DeviantArt. Their art commission thread on CS has been locked but I have yet to hear back from DA. The SO and the artist continue to deny their theft and I've ceased communication after my last reply with sources. I will let DA handle it and hope they rule in my favor. UPDATES POST-APPROVAL: So this is more recent events that have occurred since before this entry got approved. It's been a wacky whirlwind lemme tell ya. The thief's friends jumped on me for trying to get my work taken down and defended their friend. Even with SoulEevee's friends trying to pick fights with me, I ignored them and decided to wait until DA's ruling. DA got back to me on my report and told me to file a DMCA due to "complications in the case." (I'm assuming the complication is that I use different usernames in different places but it beats me tbh.) I sent in a DMCA takedown notice to their violations department on November 7th. As of this entry's approval and this edit (November 11th) the stolen art remains up and the thief has hidden comments from me, their friends defending SoulEevee, and a friend of mine trying to convince the thief's SO that my work was indeed stolen. All that's left is comments in Czech that I don't understand. I foolishly did not cap all the comments. But they did decide to put up this journal yelling at people and vaguely discussing my accusations. At this point all I can do is sigh and hope DA complies with my takedown notice. EDITS (NOVEMBER 12th, 2011): SoulEevee has decided to harass me not only on DA but Chicken Smoothie as well. DA Comments (link to thread. It's on my page and I will not be hiding these.) DA Note Chicken Smoothie post They have also provided a blog post to try and prove that I am a thief. Blog post dates can be altered and the "stolen icon" is really a painted over version of Wildstorm's icon on Chicken Smoothie. Blog post (with original icon) Post with Wildstorm's icon Overlay Image data of "original" icon proves it was made on November 12th, 2012, not 2009. (Big big thank you to !) Sora-kun is not only my furry name but my FurAffinity page, active since 2006. I am slightly disturbed by the coincidence. They also made this journal post and linked me to it on my profile comments to further harass me. I have reported this user for harassment on Chicken Smoothie and DA and have asked them to leave me alone, a request they have not complied with as they and their boyfriend, Grovyle, keep trying to pick a fight with me and continue to smear me on their own pages. As of November 13th, I have ceased communication with both Grovyle (the boyfriend) and SoulEevee. NOVEMBER 14TH UPDATE: Even after my request to stop using my stolen template, SoulEevee has still been using it. SoulEevee, using Grovyle as a messenger, is now claiming a third party gave them the icons, claimed the work as their own, and gave SoulEevee permission to use them. Since SoulEevee has yet to provide a name for this third party (which I would expect they would offer up as soon as they were caught) I strongly believe this is also another lie to try and avoid taking responsibility for their actions. My DMCA notice on DA hasn't gone through (all icons are still there) or have been replied to. My ticket on Chicken Smoothie has been picked up and I am working with Chicken Smoothie staff to build a harassment case. I'm fairly certain they can't do anything about the offsite harassment but I included that in my ticket (as well as this AB) to give background as to how deep this goes. UPDATE 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: My harassment ticket was responded to. I was told to simply block SoulEevee when it seems like Grovyle is doing the harassment. Grovyle has started not only sending me messages, but has been harassing another member of this comm as well as leaving messages with their friends on FA. To top it all off, I got the passive aggressive non-apology to end all passive aggressive non-apologies (comment thread on DA.) This is just salt in the wounds and my nerves are already very VERY frayed. I've said my piece and blocked them. I will block them on any other accounts they try to contact me with. I'm beyond fed up. To all who are getting harassing messages from Grovyle; please report them and accept my deepest apologies for their behavior. NOVEMBER 15TH: DeviantART has denied my DMCA takedown notice. A lawsuit isn't worth it at all (due to international problems) so I've filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau regarding DA's denial of my DMCA. NOVEMBER 18TH: Grovyle has sent me three notes on FA. Not only that, they started watching me! Note 1 Note 2 Note 3 (Links to this. Dead link.)
  2. Nov. 4th, 2012 at 4:06 PM I never thought I'd find myself posting here, it's a really disappointing feeling. WHO: Eccentricpaw WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/eccentricpaw/ WHAT: Trade. I did a digital piece in exchange for a perler bead badge. WHEN: 3 months ago was when the trade was completed. PROOF: EXPLAIN: I saw Eccentricpaw doing these really cute perler bead badges, so I approached him asking if he would do an art trade for one, you can see this in the comments here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8373278/ We agreed, and so the trade was set up. They completed their half 24 days after the agreed date, their finished half can be seen here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8563657/ Four days after they post their half, mine is finished and posted, and can be viewed here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8591153/ Shipping was discussed shortly afterward, Eccentricpaw asked me for $2 to cover shipping, and so I sent that their way. The paypal screenshot can be seen at the bottom of the "proof" picture. Then all the problems came. Excuses, claims of a lost package, etc were made. I'm not sure if they forgot I had paid them for the shipping in the first place or not, because in that last message they said they didn't have the money to get it sent out, despite me paying for it. I was going to wait and see if the package would arrive after that last note, but at this point I am just so angry and bitter about the situation that I just went ahead and created a beware. I understand Eccentric was having trouble finding a home and had financial issues on their plate, however to my knowledge they had a month or two to get my half sent out before that occurred. Handing me the badge at MFF? I'd be furious! I paid for you to send it to me, not wait over four months to have it in my hands. They're starting a new fursuit business from what I heard, I really hope they give better customer service to those who plan to commission them than how they dealt with my badge. I am extremely unhappy, disappointed and stressed out with how this whole event unfolded.
  3. 9:33 PM chestnipple WHO: Zipi WHERE: furaffinity.net/user/zipi WHAT: Commissioned for digital art, but never payed for it, even after the drawing is finished. (two pieces, one payed, the other not) WHEN: Request was done on July 3. First drawing was finished on July 9, seccond on July 10. Payment for the first commission was got on the same day. Seccond payment never happened. PROOF: Request: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/request.png Commission one finished: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/first%20com%20sent.png Commission two finished: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/seccond%20com%20sent.png Aggreement on payment for the two pieces at the end of the month, and payment for the first piece on the same day as the pm was sent: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/payment1.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/payment2.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/end of the month.png At the end of the month, I ask for update about the payment: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/no%20reply.png Getting no reply; I send an other note a little over a week later: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/ask%20again.png I get a reply 5 days later, after making a journal asking for people if they had contact with zipi and could help me with it (the journal got deleted after I got a reply): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/reason.png I send an other pm over a month later; asking about payment: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/ask%20once%20more.png The pm is read, but I get no reply (there is a little yellow enveloppe next to unread messages): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/got read.png I try to contact them with a shout, but got no reply: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/ignore.png User is obviously active on the website: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/activity.png User also commissioned other artists after commissioning me: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/63960948/abZ/other%20commissions.png EXPLAIN: I have done two commissions for zipi 4 months ago, but got only payed for one, and the user is now ignoring me when I try to contact them. They also commissioned other artists since.
  4. Oct. 25th, 2012 at 11:35 AM namelessimp I read all the rules and got things together as best I could. This is my first (and hopefully only) time posting to livejournal. I blocked out names, and tried to clip and give dates where necessary, please let me know if I need to fix anything else! WHO: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/plum/ and http://tale.deviantart.com/ WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/plum/ through notes from this journal: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3669416/ WHAT: I ordered four $5 icons from this person back on August 15th, they confirmed payment on August 17th WHEN: The payment for those four icons of $20 was sent on August 17th. As an artist, I know sometimes it takes awhile to get artwork done. I left them alone for awhile, but on August 30th I posted a shout on their wall asking them (since I saw they had been unactive on Furaffinity, and had not even read my note right after they confirmed payment) on deviantart how my art was coming along. PROOF: http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proof1.png - ordering art http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proof2.png - order confirmed http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proof2A.png - paypal confirmation http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proofnoanswer.png - noticed unchecked note http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proof3.png - left a shout on Deviantart just asking, since they hadn't looked at my note -Got a response note from Tale/Plum a few days later saying it would be done in two weeks. I'm not familiar with deviantart, so I accidentally deleted it- http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proof5no4.png - sent another note after no word http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proof6.png - no answer, left another note, and shout which remain unread and unanswered http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proof7.png - no response, but saw activity - Her favorites activity. She has been active after my unsent, unread notes and shouts. So I can only assume she is ignoring me or doesn't care. EXPLAIN: Ordered and paid for art on the 17th of August, it's now the 25th of October and still no progress pictures, and now I have lost contact with the artist. I saw some really cool pixelated icons from Plum on furaffinity and thought they looked really cool! I saw she had done and finished a lot of commissions, so I thought she seemed trustworthy. I checked her deviantart since she has a link in her profile, and everyone seemed pleased with her work time and ethic, so I thought everything would work okay. So I sent her a shout asking if she was open for commissions, and she made that journal. I sent her a note about it(Aug 15), and she responded very quickly (Aug 17) and the payment was sent the same day. I waited for awhile because I know it takes time to get art done since I'm an artist as well. After waiting awhile, and realizing they hadn't been active on furaffinity or even read my last note saying thank you, I decided just to leave a shout on her deviantart page on an account I don't really use, to get her to read my note on FA(Aug 30) but we resumed talking on deviantart. Tale sent me a note a few days later (probably around Sep 1st or 3rd) apologizing and she had two sketched out. I apologize for not having the screenshot, because I clicked delete thinking it was like the "mark as read" feature on Furaffinity, but she said she'd get it done soon. I thanked her for it. I waited and waited, and finally I sent her another note about it since she had not contacted me, showed me the sketches, or updated me. (Sept 25). She replied a few hours later, and promised it in a week. I thanked her, and said I understood. At this point is when I really started to get wary and thought I should just ask for a refund now. But she seemed sweet and apologetic, and had many previous commissioners so I thought to just give her some more time. Two weeks after our agreed week deadline, I sent her another note (Oct 8th). She didn't reply but I saw she was actively favoriting things on deviantart. They were not just pictures, either, but rather lengthy comics that took some time to read. I figure if she had time to read through and favorite long comics that she had time and an obligation to answer a note about a business transaction. So I sent her another note on Oct 16th and also left a shout on her page. By this time, it was too late (past 45 days) to open a dispute on paypal. I sent paypal an email today, asking if I was still able to dispute the transaction and explained what was going on. At this point, I'm just disappointed. I know it's not a large sum of money, but I was going to give those icons as gifts to my friends, and the artist has blown me off. I just don't want anyone else to deal with this. If anyone else has a way to contact her, or to talk to her, please let me know. I see she has many satisfied customers and stuff in real life to deal with, but I don't want to be slanted and taken advantage of for it. It takes a few seconds to send a note explaining, which she has if she's favoriting long comics, or to refund me. I have bought dozens of commissions, and have had very few problems. I'm sad that it had to come to this. But I feel at this point I'm being ripped off and won't get my icons done or my money back. Edit: I received all my money back from paypal. I find it kind of strange she just happened to only have time to respond after the refund (within ten hours of paypal sending me the refund), but things have worked out. I got my refund and I hold no grudge against the artist! She offered to compensate with an icon, which was very nice of her, but I'd rather this whole thing just be behind us. Here are the final notes: http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proof9.png http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proof10.png http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x227/kuraikozo/proof11.png
  5. Oct. 17th, 2012 at 4:22 AM col_eviscerator WHO: Mirandaleigh, Mirachan, Miranda WHERE: http://smokingpen.com/ http://mirandaleigh.deviantart.com/ https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mirandaleigh/ WHAT: Five quick ink sketches in return for a papo allosaurus from her amazon wishlist WHEN: First made the arrangement in March 2010, asked for an update via FA notes in December 2011, and by email on October 2012 as well as in a journal on her FA page. PROOF: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/50799487/stuff/MirandaLeigh/Mirachanemailcap01.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/50799487/stuff/MirandaLeigh/MirandaLeighSS2.png EXPLAIN: Okay, in 2010 she made a journal offering five sketches in return for objects from her wishlist. I purchased one and sat in to wait. For the past two and a half years I've contacted her...three times I think asking for updates and received nothing until I asked on a recent journal here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/50799487/stuff/MirandaLeigh/MirandaLeighSS1.png and here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/50799487/stuff/MirandaLeigh/MirandaLeighSS3.png And continuing in the journal itself: https://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3908827/ Dunno if AgentKira is just a sockpuppet or what, but I blocked them because....it just ain't worth a flamewar. It's only twenty bucks, I'd accept a refund gladly. It's just..the principle of the thing. Being patient, getting no response, then..just...how she handled it when I asked in public. Anyhow, if I left anything out, I'll edit in more screencaps. UPDATE: Received email from Miranda : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/50799487/stuff/MirandaLeigh/MirandaLeighEmailCap01.png I do not know how I should proceed.
  6. AngelWolf on FA http://www.furaffinity.net/user/angelwolf/ An un-formal art trade: Badge for Badge. Most of the communication, sadly, was done through FA shouts which are easily deleted and are no longer able to cap. The trade was initiated some time before I completed my half back in July 2010. After close to 3 years now, Ive given up on ever receiving this badge. I honestly dont recall when it was began. But I do remember her asking me via shout if we could do a badge trade. If I could guess it would have been shortly before AnthroCon 2010 so June 2010 until today. See below all in proof screen grabs, All of the screen grabs: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wintersnowolf/sets/72157631774762737/ My half of the trade: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4201234/ I completed my trade by mid July, in a timely manner which can be seen here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4201234/ I left it to her to see whenever she felt fit to complete her half. Several notes (as well as shouts asking for an update) were exchanged. The only notes on hand I have are here: Nov 3, 2011: http://flic.kr/p/djThR7 Her reply on Nov 13, 2011: http://flic.kr/p/djThME My reply back asking a few things Nov 13, 2011: http://flic.kr/p/djThNY No reply to that note. She then posts her art: http://flic.kr/p/djTh8p I even typed up a nice comment, super happy to have finally seen it! I get no reply... Nov 18, 2011, I give her my address and ask for her address so I can send out my half after seeing hers: http://flic.kr/p/djTiRF No reply to that note... Several months go by and here and there I do kindly remind her of our trade, via shouts, and asking when can I send my half to her. I remember one reply said something along the lines of "Since you live overseas, its going to be very expensive to ship, I dont have that money right now to do that :(" Okay, so you cant cover a $5 overseas shipping charge. No big. Ill wait. I ship things overseas all the time. In fact, I ship things on a weekly basis Then, it really got old; she's taking more trades, and more commissions. All the while my other shouts asking when I can send my half to her go un-replied. Finally sick of it, I tell her to just give me an address so I can at least do the right thing and give her my half. Testy, I write up a pretty annoyed reply, but after broken promises for additional arts, and a -watch later (from much earlier I noticed, not due to this last note) I have come to being sick of having her name sit on my waiting list for a trade. I had full intensions of shipping her half out, and not even caring if I ever received mine. I get this reply to my note last night: http://flic.kr/p/djThLE Okay, so I do not bother you for over a year to finally do our trade, then once its finally done you take another year before I even bother asking you again to mail it out and you accuse me of harassing you; I didnt know waiting 2+ years for a trade was harassing : So, Im sick of it, and decide to leave the note unanswered, block her, remove her from my watch list and Im going to just throw the badge away. Its not worth waiting to send out old, out-of-date art any more. And just to show I still do, yes in fact, have the badge to this day! I placed it in an over-sized envelope, with a blank piece of paper & cardboard backing since the day I posted it to FA (and finished it), in preparation for shipping. Here is a photo I took today of that badge: http://flic.kr/p/djUdiW Biggest worry; I see she is trading with more people, and taking commissions for more art: Buyer and Artists Beware. This girl is nothing short of someone that clearly holds no responsibility for her actions and has no intentions of fulfilling a trade, much less a paid commission. And if you want anything more than a low quality scan forget about it. The original has no chance of making it to you ever it seems. If you dont have a place to mail things to in the first place, dont take a trade and waste peoples time. EDIT: Angel has reached out to me to give an address: To keep it fair, since she cannot receive my half then I do not want hers. This is merely a beware to any one else to see the lack of communication and the year+ time it took to even trade. Had I known she never wanted to physically receive my half I would have never spent the extra time to cut, laminate and prepare it for shipping so it could serve its purpose as a badge to wear. As someone below stated we are both equal in the fact that neither of us have physically received our shares. I dont wish her to spend money on shipping it out.
  7. Oct. 8th, 2012 at 8:46 PM WHO: synxirazu-niam @ FA WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/synxirazu-niam WHAT: Was a group picture but i paid for my slot. WHEN: Was paid on Jun 30th, 2011 since then I've sent several notes to know the status of the picture. Some of them were replied others not. PROOF: Ahead! Attached pictures of the notes. So, the Jun 30th, 2011, 08:06 PM I paid to synxirazu-niam paid 18 USD for a picture never done. His mainly excuses were that he needed more people to join since it was an harem picture but he had like 5 persons already, that was a big picture and that was moving. I sent him a note on Nov 19th, 2011, 12:09 AM, the same thin that he needed more people and confirmation form other. So i waited much more. On Feb 24th, 2012, 06:23 PM again i sent him a note, told me that the picture will not be done but he will do a picture for me in "refund". We were agree and i sent him then the description and everything he needed. The Jul 8th, 2012, 02:23 PM I sent him another note, asking if he had news, he said that was working on it... Since then no more news and he emptied all his gallery but still uses his account. Tired of all these shit i left a shout on his front page requesting my money back, that was three days ago, no reply, no money back, instead of that he deleted my shout. At this point I don't care about the art, I don't want to deal with him anymore, I just want my money back that for me its a lot.
  8. Oct. 1st, 2012 at 6:53 PM sharpecostumes WHO: FurryEcho on DA WHERE: http://furryecho.deviantart.com/ , www.furryecho.com WHAT: A set of premade paw pad molds to be used for fursuits http://furryecho.deviantart.com/#/d5akgqi WHEN: August 13th to now PROOF: First contact: http://imageshack.us/a/img195/7961/furryechocontact1.jpg Payment invoice and payment clearing: http://imageshack.us/a/img687/38/furryechopayment.jpg Notes sent in attempt to contact and ultimatum: http://imageshack.us/a/img267/4558/furryechocontact2.jpg EXPLAIN:Had found Echo through a group upon DA. I had seen she was selling paw pad molds and liked the overall shape and promptly commented on her posting about acquiring a pair of them for purchase. Her responses were quick and within the day she had sent an invoice for the payment. Upon opening the invoice I noticed that there was only an option to pay via an e-check. I paid and sent her a note letting her know. She acknowledged and a day later I saw the check had cleared, of which I noted her once more to let her know. She had comments left upon her main page from previous people receiving their packages and none that had not as of yet so I did not worry. Almost a month went by and I did not hear a response from her nor did I receive the molds. I noted her in inquiry of the package and sent her my address once more in case there was any difficulty. I had seen she checked her DA daily so felt that she would see it. I found her website and had sent her an inquiry very similar to the first note but no copy was sent to my email to post here. A few days went by and I waited for a response and checked my notes previously, seeing as none were responded to although she continued to be actively checking her DA. I checked Paypal to see how many days left were upon the purchase and I sent her one last note requesting a response or a refund, trying to be polite and straight forward. I gave her one week to respond. Today is the week deadline and I still have yet to receive a response, both notes are still unread. I have contacted paypal and opened a dispute in hopes to get the refund. I dislike having to resort to such actions like this and would like to send a positive note for her out as she has some very neat products to offer, but wish to warn future customers that they may send a payment and not receive their item or a response. :::Edit::: Paypal voted in my favor and refunded the cash paid to her. Just checking her DA I can still see she's on it daily and all notes are still unread. I would say case closed as I did receive a refund via Paypal but would hesitate those wishing products from her . I still hope this to be a fluke and all future clients are satisfied.
  9. Sep. 14th, 2012 at 10:20 PM ht_hollie WHO: Alyssa, aka KaiserFlames WHERE: http://kaiserflames.deviantart.com/ WHAT: As stated in the artist’s email here: http://i45.tinypic.com/302vypf.png WHEN: I first contacted KaiserFlames on June 8 requesting commission details. We worked out what I wanted and the price on the same day, at the end of which my payment of $94.20 was sent. A follow-up sent by me on July 25 received the response of: http://i49.tinypic.com/308iru8.png I requested a second piece to be added to the original order, and sent the details through on July 26, after agreeing on an additional price of $75. I didn’t send payment immediately, as I hadn’t yet seen anything from my first paid-for piece. Then – http://i49.tinypic.com/2rqhpgi.png To which I replied - http://i48.tinypic.com/20tny2h.png There was no response. The eagerness for my money, and then the lack of an answer when I asked for the work I’d already paid for made me start to think there was something wrong going on. After seeking advice from friends, I requested a refund on September 12. http://i49.tinypic.com/2j0yqz9.png That was when the trouble started. Suddenly, I was frustrating her by asking for the money I’d paid for the work I hadn’t received. http://i50.tinypic.com/oq8tuf.png Lots more fun and games followed, including sob stories, attempted guilt trips, and more blame-shifting. The situation is, as of now, unresolved. My last email to her offered reasonable solutions before I open a dispute with the bank: http://i47.tinypic.com/1jlxqs.png PROOF: http://i45.tinypic.com/302vypf.png
  10. Sep. 9th, 2012 1:24 PM sbneko I really hate having to post here. I have a bit of anxiety issues and was hoping to just let this go, but many of my friends said it's really something that needs to be shared. I actually wasn't sure if it's even worth a beware, so I asked for the mods opinions first, to make sure I wasn't posting wrongly. WHO: They have two accounts on FA, lil-ariin and ariin WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lil-ariin/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ariin/ WHAT: A digital piece, full colour, two characters and a background. WHEN: First payed on July 29th, finished completely on September 1st PROOF: Commission info he sent me http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/ariin1.png Payment sent http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/ariin2.png Giving his friend permission to approve progress http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/ariin3.png Explaining that I can only work with one person, since he gave his friend permission for approvals http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/ariin4.png Sending the friend the sketch http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/viking2.png Approving the sketch with a minor change needed http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/viking3.png Contacting about how I was having trouble and giving different options http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/viking4.png Bit of a misunderstanding and just explaining what's going on. http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/viking5.png http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/viking6.png http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/viking7.png Got out of that funk and was able to ink it and sent it for a approval, both approving http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/viking8.png http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/viking9.png Sent finished piece http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/viking10.png Ariin now contacts me, no word from the friend. http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/ariin5.png We start discussing things http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/ariin6.png http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/ariin7.png http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do%20not%20Delete/ariin8.png >> I misread what he had said here, my fault! I thought he was upset that only his character didn't have a visible diaper, not that he wanted visble diapers on the ground. http://oi49.tinypic.com/10efryu.jpg http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/ariin10.png http://i1212.photobucket.com/albums/cc453/sbneko/Do not Delete/ariin11.png EXPLAIN: I'd like to state right away that I did do a few mistakes. I personally have always shown progress approvals, both the sketch and inks, this is to make sure that if I do forget anything, it can be fixed right away. When something is my own mistake and something small enough, I'll gladly fix it after the fact. Otherwise though, big things do really need to be asked in the sketch or ink stage. But this varies from person to person. Ariin commissioned me for a picture. As I had others ahead of him, it took a bit of time before I could get to the sketch and make sure to send updates on that. On August 9th, I sent the sketch for approval. On the 16th I sent a reminder of approval. I no longer have the email, but may be able to find it by digging, but his friend, the other character in the image, messaged me to ask about the sketch, Ariin had left for vacation withought mentioning so. I personally cannot work with more then one person, as when I've done it before one would ask for changes, then the other and contradict themselves, because of that I work with one person who is responsible to comunicate for both parties. In the end, Ariin contacted me, approved the sketch and gave permission for his friend to approve stages instead as he wasn't going to be back yet from vacation. During this time, I had a really difficult time continuing on with the image. It's a bit difficult to understand if you're not an artist I think, but sometimes things just don't seem to turn out right and feel a bit awkward. I didn't want to give a bad picture or make them wait too long, so I gave different options and asked if it'd be ok. They went with re-sketching the same idea. After taking a break though I got out of that funk and was able to continue on with inking no problem and sent it off for approval. I realize this is most likely a big fault on my end and should have asked if they wanted me to continue or go with the re-sketch. I hadn't thought of it as I was already working on it and they did very much seem to like the sketch. The friend said they both approved. I continued on and finished the commission. That's when Ariin contacted me. The screenshots have all the info for that. In the end, I felt much too stressed to continue with it and refunded the background fee for things I had missed and couldn't fix and a bit extra for good faith. I would like to say though that his friend was a great joy to work with and talked to me calmly, he seems like a really nice guy that just got caught up in the middle. He messaged me to tell me he did like the picture a lot.
  11. Aug. 3rd, 2010 at 3:47 PM ishrahsan I'll admit now that I'm hesitant in posting this, but I need some advice on what to do. I commissioned an artist for a custom cane, sent payment in full, and after she asked me for the height and said she was ready to work on it all communication pretty much stopped on her end. My notes on DA still say that they have been unread. I sent an inquiry to Porkshanks in November/December to see if she was interested in doing a cane for me. While arranging things communication was great, every day or few and I ended up getting a quote of $150-200, I decided to send her $250 since she had never made a cane before, and she had to buy the materials and to cover shipping cost when it was finished. In March/April (19 weeks, 5 days ago according to the note) she told me she was ready to work on the cane and asked what the height should be off the floor, I responded the next day. Since then. she has not read any of my notes, and she hasn't sent my any either. She hasn't responded to anything I sent to her email, and the one comment she did make was when I posted on her profile page and that was to tell me that she had been thinking about my commission (here). That was on the first of June, and nothing since, obviously. Though she has been active, posting personal works and photo-shoots and such the entire time. I honestly have no idea what to do. I requested a refund in a note and email, that has still gone unread and she's been on twice since I sent it 3-4 days ago. I would rather not call her out on her DA page, but I'm not sure that I have any other choice since she hasn't responded to anything. It's far to late for me to open a dispute/claim with paypal, but at this point I would rather have my money back than this commission. So what should I do now? Here are some screen-caps of the notes that I sent her, I thought I was polite? Edit for clarification: -I have sent her a couple emails to the two email addresses I have for her and have not received a response from either of them. -I have the AIM name she has listed on DA on my buddy-list, but either she has it set to friends only, is invisible, or she's just never on when I am. -I've sent her 6-7 notes since she requested the measurement for the cane 5 months ago because she was ready to work on it, and NONE have been read, or so my notes say. One update request a month when not getting a previous response isn't badgering, right? -She HAS been active the entire time, posting multiple personal works and such. She's usually on about twice a week. Aug. 26th, 2010 at 11:05 AM ishrahsan I made a post earlier this month about an artist I had commissioned, here. I've tried emailing her again as people suggested, as well as making another comment on her profile page requesting a refund. She's been on, yesterday in fact according to her activity, but she still hasn't said anything at all. I know I'm most likely not going to get my money back, as hard as that is to swallow, because I really can't afford to raise that kind of money again to get a cane that won't break in a few months. Should I make a journal on DA and other sites to warn people against commissioning her? I received a note about a week ago from someone thanking me for posting my issues on Porkshanks profile because they had been thinking of commissioning her and decided not to risk it. I feel sort of bad about that since porkshanks seemed like a nice person. I just don't know what to do now, if I should post my experience elsewhere, or if I should try to get a hold of her again in hopes of resolving the matter. Obviously I've learned not to send payment ahead of time if I commission someone for a big project again. Does anyone know Porkshanks personally? I don't know if she just has major issues going on right now or what. Should I send her a link to this A_B post so she knows I did actually post something, as I told her I would if she didn't respond? Screenshots of the new things not in the other entry: Edit: Paypal transaction receiptTransaction ID and bank numbers blacked out. -Additional note: Since I forgot to mention my idiocy in the matter, I sent payment as a gift so fees would not be taken out on her side. However, the message sent with payment DOES say it was for a commission, and I did send a note telling her it was sent that way and for what reason that she DID respond to. Because of how the payment was sent, though, I'm doubtful that doing anything through Paypal will help. EDIT 2: I got a response today after posting a mass amount of journals all over the place explaining the situation, and we're currently trying to work things out. I'll edit again when there's actual results other than talking. :3 Sep. 8th, 2012 at 10:01 PM ishrahsan WHO: Porkshanks WHERE: http://porkshanks.deviantart.com/ WHAT: Custom cane commission. WHEN: November/December 2009 to now, when I received a clear no that it wouldn't be done. ( Collapse ) PROOF/EXPLANATION: Previous Entries to community: Original First Update The content of those are, however, pretty much in this post as well. Summary of the first entries: I sent an inquiry to Porkshanks in November/December of 2009 to see if she was interested in doing a cane for me. While arranging things then, communication was absolutely wonderful, every day or so we'd exchange notes and I ended up getting a quote of $150-200 for this project, I decided to send her $250 since she had never made a cane before, and she had to buy the materials and to cover shipping cost when it was finished. In March/April 2010 she told me she was ready to work on the cane and asked what the height should be off the floor, I responded the very next day. Since then, she has not read any of my notes and she hasn't sent my any, either. She hasn't responded to anything I sent to her email, any messages to Facebook, and the one comment she did make was when I posted on her profile page and that was to tell me that she had been thinking about my commission (here). That was on the first of June, and nothing since, obviously. Though she has been active, posting personal works and photo-shoots and such the entire time, and I have made two profile comments since then asking for a refund. Here are some screen-caps of the notes that I sent her originally, I thought I was quite polite considering the circumstances. -I had sent Porkshanks a couple emails to the two email addresses I have for her and have not received a response from either of them. -I've sent her messages on her Facebook page, which she never responded too. -I have the AIM name she has listed on DA on my buddy-list, but either she has it set to friends only, is invisible, or she's just never on when I am. -She HAS been active the entire time, posting multiple personal works and such. Shortly after my first update, we had exchanged messages in December of 2011 on FB, where she was asking me about colours and such for the cane, saying she would work on it in the beginning of January. She stopped responding shortly after that. The update, which was the recent activity and the resolution of it: Due to having received notes a little while ago about the artist so-far not finishing her kickstarter, and people having found my journal, I have been updating and decided to try once more to get a true answer from Molly about what was happening with my commission. A comment on her page had implied she scammed her kickstarter supporters - I will not say that she has scammed them, since she HAS been giving them updates lately - however, she did imply that she had never scammed someone before. I felt I had the right to reply, saying she still had yet to finish my commission. I received a response from her a few hours ago, which was not very pleasant, but gave me the closure I needed. Her response and behaviour have been immature and not at all professional, and I felt the need to update my beware to say so, as well as post the final screencaps of the deal. She has pretty much said she will not do it, because I am stupid and selfish and she feels she can get lolz from pissing me off. I had typed a response to her, and tried to send it, only to find that I had been blocked and my original comment had been deleted. I have screencaps to provide it still, and I will also supply my final response to her after the screenshots, in the off chance that she ever reads this journal. ALL Facebook Messages: I included some of the previous message in each one so you know I didn't skip anything. Comment that prompted my latest attempt: My comment that got deleted and got me blocked: Her response to it: And my final reply to you in reponse to your message and block, since I can't respond to it elsewhere: Considering that I sent it to your email, facebook, and DA accounts, saying you just coincidentally "didn't see" it is bull. And seriously? Glorifying a disability by using a cane? Like thousands of others due when they have painful injuries? I have nerve damage from a cable being reeled in by a truck digging into my skin. I didn't sue or anything, because the fault was my own for not paying attention. And yet you call me selfish for wanting to keep pressure off it like I was told to do by a doctor? When I could have done what plenty of people do and tried to rip money off of someone else? As for me not mating or having children being a 'punishment'? It's my own choice, I hardly view it as a punishment. I have a loving significant other, and I am glad to have her. I also have many siblings whom I practically raised and feel no need to have children of my own due to that. I am glad that you finally admit that you're just ignoring me and never intended to do my commission after receiving payment, however. I admit I was stupid to send you the money before hand, and I freely admit that. However, I have not been pissed about it for quite awhile. Tired of being led on, yes. Annoyed at never receiving a straight answer until now, well, of course. But now that I have, I'm letting it go, and updating my journals and Artist Beware posts with the information. As it stands, I still think your art is beautiful, and it really is a shame that you turned out to be this kind of person. I wish you luck on your game. TLDR: Steampunk Artist Porkshanks likes taking money for commissions she doesn't finish. $250 ones at that. She is also rude and extremely unprofessional in later correspondence. BEWARE, DO NOT COMMISSION.
  12. Aug. 24th, 2012 at 9:17 AM katsunebear My experience with AMWULF. Lacking the ability to communicate and the extended wait of time of this process has lead me to post here. Over 9 months and still no date of when the commission will be finished or even started. Screen shots and detaild description below. This was paid in full prior to the realization of any issues. WHO: He goes by the name AMWULF on Fur Affinity WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/amwulf/ WHAT: My self and a friend paid upfront $55 USD for a digital adult commission over 9 months ago, with minimal updates we have yet to see a sketch, a WIP, or any news relevant to our commission. Both my friend and I have confronted AMWULF several times and we get the same response. Something about how his personal life is in the way, and he has a huge list he needs to complete. While in the mean time making the excuse that he needs to take on more work to live. Since then he has completed several dozens of commissions, con badges, con specific art, and group pictures. We would have requested our money back through paypal but at the time were unaware that after a certain period of time you can not ask for a refund through paypal. And for that same reason I was unable to get pictures of the accepted payment on paypal but I do have it in his own writing that he received the payment. The first two screen shots are my outbox and inbox of the times we have communicated. The rest are the messages between us both we an explanation of what is going on. This was the first inquriy about the commission with details and questions about payment. I asked if my friend and I could pay seperatly however he requested to be paid in full due to him being 'cheated' before. So I oblige and send my friend the money, he then sends the payment to amwulf and I verify that he eventually recives it. Due to a mistake of typing in the wrong email address the first time we correct the mistake, AMWULF then verifys payment recieved. At this point you can see a week went by to verify payment. No biggie just glad that went smoothly. Below 2 months have passed and I ask about the status. 2 months I feel is not an unreasonable amount of time to wait. I got a response a day later, him telling me his personal life is getting in the way. I think to myself "okay, fine I'll wait a little longer, im sure it will be worth it any who." Another 2 months pass, it's late april, I decide to politly ask again the status, I get the same response pretty much. At this point I am frustated but decide to give it even more time. With in this time he completes several other comissions, which he claims were before us, then con badges and art, and now his current flare for orgy pictures. I wait another month and then inquire about a refund, and possibly going to paypal. He pleads that it will be done soon and apologies for the wait. The conclusion is that he will continue making excuses that life gets in the way, we all have busy lives and it sure as heck seems he has the time to do other work. I am not sure of who else has had this problem with him, to this day no futher communication has been made. It's to the point where I am lakcing the care to pursue it, figuring my friend and I lost the money we gave him. This is the only course of action I can take short of going to him again to be shot down with another 'my life is busy' excuse. I would like to warn other people about AMWUL and I seriously advise to avoid his lack of professionalism. Thanks for your time and I hope this does some good.
  13. Aug. 23rd, 2012 at 8:45 PM pasicsage WHO: TsukiKazuo / SuicideHollow / Bubblepup WHERE: http://tsukikazuo.deviantart.com/ https://www.facebook.com/TsukiKazuo http://suicidehollow.tumblr.com/ http://ask-eustasskid.tumblr.com/ http://furaffinity.net/user/BubblePup http://suicidehollow.deviantart.com/ http://suicidehollow.livejournal.com/ WHAT: Refund on 2 Flat Color Full Body WHEN: November 5th, 2011 PROOF: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2881849/ First Journal of Commissions Opened http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3431994/ Last Update heard from Bubblepup Screenshot if she deletes: http://www1.zippyshare.com/v/98248088/file.html Screenshot of Paypal Transfer of $22.44: http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/81033961/file.html Here is screenshots of the transation and agreement of the commissions in order: http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/90582598/file.html http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/15892089/file.html http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/73007743/file.html http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/3491308/file.html http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/37288172/file.html http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/62537632/file.html http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/25749315/file.html agreement to refund: http://www18.zippyshare.com/v/63598326/file.html Opening New Commissions: http://tsukikazuo.deviantart.com/journal/Point-Commissions-asdfghj-321604878 EXPLAIN: Back in November, 2011 I commissioned bubblepup for 2 full body flat colored commissions. Since then it has been a hassle to get in contact and keep in contact with her. Months go by and I had yet to get a reply from Bubblepup. Trying to be understanding of situations I sought her out. My girlfriend mentioned she had a Deviantart. From there I had to chase her down on Tumblr, Facebook, Deviantart, and other sites just to get a response from her. It was getting to the point I just wanted a refund in which I later asked for. As you can see I have asked for a refund and have yet to recieve one since she has responded to me. Last contact was August 3rd, 2012 and I have yet to get a refund or heard any word. Later I found she abandoned her Deviantart Account SuicideHollow a week ago and made a new account TsukiKazuo. It makes it look like she is avoiding refunding me all together now and taking in new commissions on her new account. From how many accounts she has made it seems suspicious and makes me wonder if she has done this to others. Mood: Aggravated *Edit* Well i was promised a refund and was told twice she had the money.....I have yet to still get it. She said more then once that all she had to do was get it on her paypal and that her cousin could do it......well it's been like a month or over now . I'm pissed and just about done.
  14. Aug. 13th, 2012 at 9:04 PM Dorthy Moore WHO: bigdog2010 WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/bigdog2010 WHAT: I made bigdog2010 a "transformation" picture (taking his normal human picture and changing his eyes, nose and ears into that of a wolfs), took me 3 hours to make, he posted payment before I started to work on it, he continued to email me about the picture so since the payment was suppose to be on the way I posted the picture. He then turned around and CANCELLED the payment a couple days later! WHEN: August 5 PROOF: http://i49.tinypic.com/k3517q.png http://i46.tinypic.com/2hebjac.png EXPLAIN: Mr.Bigdog contacted me asking for me to do the commission, he asked me about how much I ask for each option, he continued to ask about if I could do the eyes, ears and nose and we both settled on the agreement of $20 for all of the options, he posted payment and I began work. As you can see I told him I was waiting til payment was posted before I began work, he posted payment and basically demanded me to begin working. I began working on it and he kept asking about the picture and how long it would take. It took me three hours to make the said picture. He kept asking about it and I posted it. He said he liked it and began to ask me about a future commission of him being a lion. He agreed to contact me about it once he got more money. That was the end of it. I went today to see if payment was cleared out and it was CANCELLED.
  15. Aug. 12th, 2012 at 12:57 PM trunchbull WHO: Abe Gribble WHERE: email?? WHAT: 2-for-1 commission WHEN: July 20-Aug 11 I was commissioned to draw something for someone who contacted me via email. He gave no word on being on other social art sites, though I am assuming they are on furaffinity or da as that’s where I posted my special offer Link to original journal offering these: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/3668689/ He contacted me and the emails are here: Here is a screenshot of the payment he sent me, I screenshot all of my commission transactions for catalogueing and easy access when I have a huge amount of commissioners (to help me find who has paid and who hasn’t) He sent me more than nwas required which I thought twas nice. I sent the finished image out on the 5th , he never responded to my email, or any other emails asking for a second commission. Here is the finished commission: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8628075/ this comes: I’ve contacted him about the charge, but so far they have not responded. I am talking to my friend about this guy and she gave me a warning: be warned! If this guy ever tries to commission you, do not let him. I do realise that it has only been a day since the person has initiated the charge, and I have trust in my friend for years. Since more than 2 people are affected (me and my friend and some of her artist friends) from this guy’s dealing, it may be best to post him here.
  16. 10:51 PM v_e_r_a This is my first time posting here. WHO: conjurecakes WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/conjurecakes WHAT: digital commission WHEN: December 2011. PROOF: -and- http://www.furaffinity.net/view/7351959/#cid:57748438 EXPLAIN: I accepted the commission in December, sent her my paypal, then she said she could only pay with cash or money order. I said money order was fine, and went ahead and did the commission since I trusted that she would send it soon, as she said she would (my mistake for trusting her). I remind her a time or two, then email her the commission later that month. I tried to email her in March, but it wouldn't go through. I noted her my new address in March. Still nothing. I send another reminder in April. She said she has the money ready to send, but instead sends me some gifts, then says she bought more stuff for me. She messages me again in July, asking me if I want more gifts, at which point I start simultaneously worrying that she might be thinking of the gifts as payment, and feeling guilty for still asking her for the commission payment after the gifts she sent without warning. Her and I were acquaintances, which is my reason for speaking with her in a less professional/obviously frustrated tone than I normally would, but I realize it's not an excuse. I had heard nothing from her unless I asked the status of the payment, which was frustrating because I hate having to send reminders. This is the first time I've done art prior to receiving payment, but I won't be making exceptions to my TOS for acquaintances/friends any longer. So no need to warn me about that; I've learned my lesson.
  17. Aug. 7th, 2012 at 4:20 AM stevehusky Who: MurphyErasmus (Furaffinity) Don't know any of her other aliases http://www.furaffinity.net/user/murphyerasmus/ Where: Windows Live Messenger/ Hotmail, Furaffinity What: Fursuit partial commission, including a head, tail, feet and hand paws. We came to an agreement of 200$ for the partial, to be paid in 4 separate installments of 50$. All 4 installments were paid. All that was left was shipping charges, which we agreed wouldn't be paid until after the suit was completed. When: July 19th 2011 - We came to an agreement as to the price and what was going to be in the commission. The partial fursuit with the head, tail, feet and hand paws. We agreed that 200$ would be the price excluding shipping that would be calculated later. We also agreed that the suit would be paid off in 4 separate installments. July 20th 2011 - I sent her the first installment of 50$ Which is noted below by the paypal receipt. The payment was sent to [email protected] Later that day, she messaged me saying she wanted to get started right away and ask for the second payment earlier so that she could buy the materials. So 2 hours or so after the first installment was paid the second one was sent, once again 50$ to the same email address. As shown by the screencap July 25-30th 2011 - She contacts me again with a status update and states that she had begun work and that everything was going smoothly. She then sent me pictures that are linked below. August 8th 2011 - I sent her the last 2 payments, both each of 50$. I noted in the description section of paypal that these were payments for a fursuit. Like the first two payments these were sent to [email protected] and they are proven by the screencaps of the receipt. August 9th 2011 - She contacts me on msn to state that she has received the payments and that I should be getting the suit sometime around October, and that shed message me on FA sometime during October when it was finished. I don't message her again until November 1st because I assumed she was working on it and I didn't want to be a bother. November 1st 2011 - I message her to enquirer about the fursuit cause she failed to contact me about the completion. November 7th 2011 - She responds to my message and states that she might be dying of liver failure so she hasn't had time to work on it. She states that a few things needed to be fixed on the suit and states they should be done soon. I sent a response saying that that was ok, cause of the "circumstances". November 16th 2011 - She responds to my message and states that she was sick and didn't have time to work on the suit. She also stated for the in-convince that I would receive a few free badges, and pictures as to were she was in the progress. I ask if I can receive the pics by that Sunday, she stated that she could do that and it was never done. When I messaged her back. I got no response. I send more messages after this inquiring what was happening to no response. February 7th 2012 - She finally responds to my messages from November 2011. She now states that she still hasn't done anything on the suit cause she was facing eviction and cant afford to feed herself. She gave me two options, she could either finish it or just give me a refund. When I stated what I wanted, her to complete it, she responded with an ok. March 1st - Present - I've been messaging her every two weeks inquiring about the fursuit. She has yet to respond to any of my messages and it was at this point I have come to believe that she just took my money and ran with it. I've also commented on her FA page and gotten no response. August 1st 2012 - Friend of mine also comments on her page about the fursuit commission. The comment was deleted the following day. Proof:
  18. I ordered 4 commissions from Artararam before where the commissions were drawn semi professionally without any major problems and everything that I complained in pre-release versions were fixed in the final version of the art pieces. Everything quite normal for a NFSW artist like her. Artararam was never the fastest artist when it comes to draw commissions, the progress was slow, but steady. I usually give artists a period of 1 month before I contact them and ask for updates as this is a reasonable period where a change could be done with the artwork without putting too much stress on the artists. I commissioned Artararam with 2 NSFW art commissions: July, 28th 2019, 1 character (for 40 USD), payment sent July, 29th 2019 to her PayPal address August, 14th 2019, 2 characters (for 90 USD), payment sent the same day to her PayPal address Total: 130 USD I received 2 WIP snapshots of the 1st commission from Artararam as requested at September, 27th and September, 28th. The lineart of commission 1 is done, with a few adjustments and a sketch from me showing what looks wrong because the Artararam is not very good in English. I send her a note at FA at November, 1st 2019 asking if she was able to continue to draw my commissions and I noticed that my note at FA was unread for a long time. Artararam posted a journal at her FA account a few days later (November, 6th 2019). My faith in this artist is a little bit lost. I waited 3 months and contacted them at their Telegram account at January, 19th and January, 20th 2020 and got a very generic answer that "I'll send you all the process I have today or tomorrow morning!". Nothing happened after this date, she didn't answered over Telegram for nearly 3 months from now. I would accept the following solutions: Fully completed, delivered artwork for both commissions Partial or full refund for commission 1 and full refund for commission 2 PS: I struggled a lot before I decided to post here, after I've spoken with other guys that commissioned her. I think her journal sounds reasonable. I'm aware that she is treated by the law of Russia as a homosexual artist, I understand why she escaped from Russia to Ukraine. I can't understand why she wasn't able to get the Ukrainian citizenship before she left Russia and why she doesn't stopped to accept commissions and finish the accepted commissions first. I don't want to destroy her NSFW artist career, but she shows a very unprofessional behavior that I can't really tolerate. ~Ashnu Attachments: Proof commission 1: Proof commission 2: Notes from Artararam for commission 1: FA Journal: Telegram conversation:
  19. I have gotten a portion of this commission, but not all or even half of it. On August 21st, 2019, I stumbled across an advertisement for cheap experimental commissions. I was new to the community, and seeing some cheap art in a cute style did catch my interest as i didn't have much money at the time. I reached out on the same day to inquire about commissions.. Here is the advert- it is still up, actually. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/32748027/ I will include a screenshot as well. I comment on the post saying I would note them, and then I note them and I asked how many slots I could take, because I would get multiple slots if so. (I wanted to get my partner some too.) The artist replied back the next day. I reply back the same day and I grab 10 slots. The note is really long and filled with links for references so I figured I would only show the beginning with the amount of slots. Also, i include the end of the note where i confirm the price. I planned on tipping them at least double the commission prices after receiving the products since they were doing so much work. They reply the same night. I figured since I noted the same day the original submission was posted, i would be one of the first people since the advert did not have a lot of views, so i thought maybe 2-6 weeks somewhere i could expect at least one of the pieces. I have included a screenshot of my payment via paypal. I paid on the same night that they sent their paypal, August 22nd. I sent them a note just after I paid. They sent me a note back. I sent them a note after just thanking them again a few minutes after that note. The next little while they posted some of the experimental artwork that they had done, and it all looked nice so I looked forward to mine. On September 3rd, I was adding all the commissions I was owed onto a personal Trello and I realized i never got an estimate from them for tunaround time. I estimated i would start getting pieces at 2-6 weeks after payment, and they said it may take a while but they also go through them fast, so I figured it would be best to get an estimate for clarity's sake. So, I sent them the note. I didn't hear back from them until the 11th of September (8 days later). I thought about poking them again during the wait time but decided against it in case something serious came up. Note that their queue was never made public. They thanked me for my patience, and I sent back a note simply saying "No worries!" in reply. I left them alone for the next 4 and a half (nearly 5) months, since I know school can be stressful during the fall months, and the holidays occured. After the holidays, I allowed them some time before I reached out on January 22nd, 2020 to ask if there were any updates on my commissions. 2 weeks/14 days later, on February 5th, 2020, I receive a note back from them. The day of the week was Wednesday. The same day i reply, The artist reads my note but does not reply. The week comes and goes, which turns into two weeks, a month, and then 5 months. I didn't think too much about it with the virus being big, but I also wished i had some progress shown on the commissions that I purchased. I join Artfight 2020, and I notice that they have a profile, and that they are actively posting. This is the only site I had really seen them be active on in a while, and of course, when you have commissions that are nearly a year old and you see someone doing free art for others when they haven't been communicating with you, it can be kind of disheartening. I wrote out a long note and I sent it on their FA on July 5th, but they never read it. (not even to this day.) So on the same day, I decide to copy the message (this is why the text looks weird in the email) and send it to their email in hopes that i would get a reply. They reply a couple days later. I send a reply. They reply back. I send a reply back. That concluded our conversation at the time. I waited throughout July for my pieces or any communication, but none came. I even game them nearly two weeks into August just as a courtesy, but then i sent an email on August 13th. I never get a reply. I wait until the end of the month, and the date passes of my year of waiting for the commissions. I still do not have a reply. I send another email on September 2nd. Overall, I have nothing awful to say about this artist! They are nice, but they have issues with communication and following through on dates. I do like the pieces that I got, but I just wish i had all of them after over a year of waiting. I would still be willing to wait if they reached out to me at all and I didn't have to be the one to always reach out.
  20. I had paid for a 5 Stage TF Sequence about 2 years ago for Sindaj to do with my OC. At first it was being worked on and about three of the stages were finished, but then after that, it was delay after delay after delay. On top of that, the artist would try to compensate financial losses in their life by trying to make adoptables and the like instead of focusing on the waiting list of commissioners, even giving priority to those that would donate to them on Ko-Fi to do doodles for. At this point I gave up on trying to ask for any refunds from them.
  21. On July 24th 2018, I messaged Leone on Furry Amino asking if he had anymore slots left since he's an artist that I've commissioned several times before with no issue. So, I assumed that there would be no problems this time either and that all should go well, and I decided on a $57 half-body commission. An invoice was sent to me the next day (25th) and paid in full. I followed up with another message on August 10th asking if the commission could be changed to a different character if he hadn't started on it yet, which was OK'd and I provided a reference for the new character I wanted it to be of. Some messages are left out due to irrelevancy, since we were on friendly terms and would chit-chat about things unrelated to my commission in-between things. A character name is also censored due to them (the character) no longer belonging to or being associated with me. This is where the gaps in communication began. I didn't hear from him again until a month later (September 18th) but was aware of IRL issues that he had been experiencing at the time, so I didn't mind being patient and waiting as long as he needed. After September 18th, I didn't hear from him again until October 2nd and apologized in case a username change on my end had caused any confusion. He stated having more issues, so I didn't want to cause him any additional stress and was content to continue waiting. After October, I didn't hear from him again until November 9 and was made aware of a post that pertained to his IRL happenings and why the delays were happening. So, again, I was content to wait as long as needed and didn't hear from him again until January of this year when I was the one to reach out and message him on the 4th & 7th. I was becoming less active on Amino at this current time, so our conversation switched over to Twitter DMs after this point. I was told that my commission had been completed and that the file had simply been misplaced, although I never received or saw any WIPs of it prior to this whereas I had been sent WIPs every other time I've commissioned him. I tried to remain as understanding as possible and politely asked for a refund. After speaking with him on January 7th & 8th, I then heard from him on the 15th and was given a partial refund since he stated being unable to deliver the finished commission to me due to problems with his computer. Was also told that he was having issues with misplacing completed commissions in general. I was happy to receive an update and partial refund of my commission, but then another large gap ensued where there was no further communication from him until March. After March, I didn't hear from him until three months later (this past) June when I was the one to message him asking for another update. I mentioned that I wouldn't mind commissioning him again sometime regardless of the issues concerning this particular transaction, since I do love his work and had always had pleasant experiences working with him prior to this. Details were discussed, and I decided that I would be fine with a newer character of mine being drawn rather than receiving the remainder of my refund. I was updated on June 19th and told that he would be beginning work on it and also saw that he had simultaneously posted an opening for more slots on Amino. I was more hopeful that my commission would be completed this time considering that I did receive a sketch, but this hasn't been the case seeing as he's completed everyone else's commissions for the batch he just took mid-June excluding mine, which is something that I've been waiting on for almost a year now. I've received no further updates since July 8th and am somewhat frustrated with this and feel guilty about pressing for more updates, because I'm a very quiet and anxious person. I still have yet to receive the finished commission or any updated WIPs beyond the sketch.
  22. In 2018, I approached Sparkles about getting a fursuit commission from her. For various reasons, this fell through, but I did ask if she made custom plushes instead. She seemed to be excited at the idea and we quickly set to work planning it out. On May 5th, 2018, satisfied that what we'd planned was something we were both happy with, I sent Sparkles £200 to cover the entire cost of the commission. I was told I would get regular updates on the commission progress, but that it would take a few months to finish. Over the course of the next year, I would ask about the progress of the plush, and was told she'd had difficulties finding materials, and that she had a lot of commissions to work throigh and was working through her backlog slowly. We didn't only discuss the commission, as we were friends, and at this point in time I wasn't particularly concerned. On March 19th, I finally heard back from her in regards to the plush - I was next in line to be finished after another she was working on. I was told work would begin in the next month or so. I heard practically nothing about the plush after this, until I reached out between August 31st 2019 and October 10th 2019. She finally responded on October 28th to apologise for the delay. I offered the possibility of a partial refund, but she seemed to prefer trying to finish the plush, though she didn't rule a refund out. In January of 2020, my housing situation took a turn and I ended up having to ask Sparkles if she could refund me asap to help me out in the interrim. She agreed, and said she'd get it together in the next few weeks - but I never received anything. By April, my housing situation was a lot better, and I let her know the refund was no longer as urgent. However, I continued to ask her about the status of getring the funds together. For a while, she left my messages unread, including an FA note, though she finally responded on July 6th 2020, apologised and told me she'd lost my messages in the midst of her telegram being busy. I wss told the refund would be sorted out in the next few weeks. As of writing, this was the last day I received any correspondece from Sparkles. I continued messaging her about the refund, and shd has left my messages unread since then. in the end, I told her that all I wanted was closure - that I figured I would not see this money again, and that I just wanted to have her tell me as much. I have heard nothing back from her.
  23. **THIS BEWARE CONTAINS NSFW CONTENT** Commissioning Lenex I have commissioned Lenex in the past and was very happy with his work. His work is high quality and he’s very reasonably priced. I bought my slot in May of 2017, Lenex was very fast responding to my emails and after I paid Lenex told me the slot was mine. Proof of Lenex confirming my slot: https://i.gyazo.com/8146060f8528ebf0b5d6b23f0c4b3777.png Proof me paying Lenex: https://i.gyazo.com/b8870641506f235efbda00f96d828201.png No Contact and few FA updates. After this...Uploads on Lenex’s FA began to slow to a crawl. I would see maybe one finished commission a month posted. This was often backlog from 2016. The only updates I ever saw from Lenex were him often opening his queue again. Explaining he needed rent, understandable. But after taking another bulk of comic commissions, Lenex would seemingly vanish for another month. He did this every month. Open the queue, vanish, open the queue vanish. And so on. This behaviour started to concern me, but I tried to stay positive. One of Lenex’s last major updates was him asking if anybody would be willing to ‘float’ their commission. This meant they would be willing to wait an undisclosed amount of time for their product. I opted for this, as I felt sorry for Lenex’s heavy workload beginning to get on top of him. I'm afraid I've no proof of this beyond an email I sent to Lenex confirming I am willing to wait. At one point, Lenex even asked some people to opt for refunds rather than getting their work. He admits both will be timely processes though. Lenex taking on more commissions via journals every month: https://i.gyazo.com/9959aaf4e22c36efa121511417e829ea.png Lenex asking people to be refunded instead.: https://i.gyazo.com/7f8fa0b5aab76a24c961aaab0634c0c0.png My email to Lenexwants: https://i.gyazo.com/72dd9e553fb0b9f6412b5d0bfc8ba864.png Lenex cancels all Commissions In June of 2018 Lenex posted an update informing everybody he would be transforming all commissions into artistic freedom, or receive a refund. This was due to Lenex no longer wishing to draw graphic artwork featuring non consensual acts. This upset many people who expressed their frustration at this sudden change. Nobody had been given any notice nor would their old commissions from 2016/17 be honoured despite being commissioned before this sudden change of ToS. At this point I was tempted to get a refund. Even though my commission would not be affected by this new change of ToS as it did not contain noncon/gore. I decided against this as judging by the few updates Lenex posted to FA were money worries, I felt a refund would be more tedious than waiting for my product. I filled in lenex’s new commission form and sent my email. I was put back into his queue. After this update, Lenex ceased to post all together. Lenex's new commission form (warning: contains NSFW imagery and mentions of fetish): http://www.furaffinity.net/view/27543789/ Lenex apologises and retracts his new rule. 3 Months ago, after 5 months of further silence on his FA. Lenex posted a journal apologising for his lack of organisation and handling of commissions. Lenex at this point had responded to a note I had sent him asking for a previous commission to be removed for personal reasons. This was the first time Lenex had spoken to me since first buying the slot in 2017. Lenex disabled comments on this journal admitting in the journal he didn't wish to get any kind of backlash. A link to the journal: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/8933648/ (in case of deletion, a screencap) https://i.gyazo.com/e143de4d13d211b43d5eec992b3aaf4d.png I cannot provide proof of the note as the account I noted Lenex on is disabled and I've since lost my credentials to it I'm afraid. If Ican break into it I will post it if mods deem it relevant. No contact still On 20/1/2019 I sent Lenex an email asking for an ATA on my two year standing commission. As of 12/2/2019 I have still had no response from him. My email to Lenex: https://i.gyazo.com/c50b3b3eaa404ff98ff8467b62af06ea.png Final comments I feel saddened it has come to this as I have been a fan of Lenex’s work since 2014. I do not like writing complaints. I feel I've been more than patient with Lenex but now I feel myself and many of Lenex’s customers have simply been used as loans to pay for rent and put onto uncertain waiting lists with no communication and now Lenex has taken on far too much to handle. While I do feel for Lenex who clearly has had some hardships the last year or so, the complete lack of communication between both myself and all his other custom has pushed me to write this as a warning for anybody interested in this kind of artwork.
  24. This happened back in 2017. I only recently learned that this website exists, so I decided to share my story. But first, a brief trip 2 years earlier, to 2015. Back in 2015, I ordered a hoodie from Dalmy for $80, and it was delivered a few months later at Anthrocon 2015 with no issues. Fantastic. 2 years later, in 2017, I placed an order for a second hoodie from him, but the price had jumped to $200. Okay, no problem. I paid him in person at his Dealer Table at Anthro New England 2017 and was told verbally that the lead time would be 2-3 weeks. Here is the line item from American Express’s website and the email receipt from Square: On February 6, 2018, I sent a note via the form at http://www.dalmydodatcreations.com/contact/ inquiring about current status of hoodie. I have no record of receiving a reply. On March 1st, 2017, I emailed a note to [email protected] asking about the hoodie. 3 days later, I got a bounce back: On March 9th, 2017, I pinged Dalmy on Telegram with my measurements, did not receive a response. I do not believe the Telegram name is public, so I probably should not share a screenshot as per this website’s guidelines. On March 11th, 2017, I checked his Twitter feed and saw that he posted a video on February 21st, 2017 that he would be shutting down. I replied to his tweet inquiring about my commission, and he assured me that my commission would still be completed: Source: https://archive.vn/DcR1j The refund form referenced was here: http://archive.is/nvm9Q This was the followup email I also sent on March 11th, 2017: I did not get a reply. Strangely enough, 5 months later on July 26th 2017, he posted that he was taking a fursuit commission for a minimum of $1600: Source: http://archive.is/RmLAS He then went on to say that it would be his “final commission” “for the foreseeable future”, which contradicts his previous statement to me that my commission would be completed: Source: http://archive.is/etfFJ On September 24th, 2017, I sent him a DM in inquiring about a refund and on October 25th, 2017 he replied asking for the "SquareCash information” so he could refund me. I replied on the same day with the email address the statement had been sent to. 1 month later on November 26th, I followed up again, asking about the refund. No answer was received. Screenshot of that conversation: I originally paid in person with my AmEx, the window in which to file a chargeback is approximately 60 days from when the charge appears on my statement, so we were well past that point. I have written off the $200 as a loss.
  25. Loisgriffin (e-mail) LG showyoursoles (Twitter) Contacted me about a commission Friday June 1st and all proceeded exactly as I would have expected for a commission. The story (NSFW content) was slotted into my schedule, as normal, payment was received and the work was completed on time (July 5th, as in screenshot "Loisgriffin, story 1"). There was no answer to my query for feedback (this is normal with some clients) so the full work was delivered after editing for typos (July 27th, as in screenshot "Loisgriffin, story 2"). Unfortunately, the e-mails referencing a charge back from PayPal did not appear to come through to me (e-mail error) and I noticed something wrong on August 5th when my PayPal account dropped into the negative. On investigating, it appeared that a charge back had been initiated against this purchase, which is confirmed by Loisgriffin in screenshot "Loisgriffin, chargeback 2". They claim that this is an accident and asked to be invoiced again, after which I broke down the charges and additional fees for them (as my account had automatically, as per PayPal terms) covered the cost of the charge back and all fees. After querying this with Loisgriffin, they stated that their account had been put on hold (which is not unlikely, considering that a fraudulent charge back was filed and PayPal assigned the money back to the card issuer) but no further contact at all has been made. Options for payment were provided but there has been no contact at all since the final e-mail in the "chargeback" screenshot contact chain. I also attempted to contact via Twitter (one message of which on August 11th prompted an e-mail reply) but there have been no further responses to either Twitter DMs or Twitter public messages/tweets. Please see "Showyoursoles" screenshots for the two Twitter chains. Although I'm uncertain whether this was a genuine error or intentional, I know that I would have been mortified if I had accidentally charged back a commission that I had paid for and would have done everything possible as soon as possible to fix the error. Loisgriffin has not shown themselves to be working on correcting the error, which they have clearly stated that they have made. Allowing for a tumultuous time in the world (COVID-19 and so on), I have allowed one month for Loisgriffin to correct their error: this has not been done. Time has been allowed and, unfortunately, I must make a beware noticed to ensure that this is logged for other creators to be made aware. As they have charged back the commission and clearly stated that they have done so in their e-mails, I cannot advise working with this client. All appeared normal until the charge back was made and nothing was out of the ordinary about how the commission process went before with nothing suspicious or any warning signs that something was awry. The commission story will be claimed by myself and the client, Loisgriffin, does not have permission to use or re-post this work as the e-mails confirm that they have not paid for it. Note: private information (e-mail and name) have been excluded from this post where I have blocked out personal details. My business e-mail addresses are left live as they belong to myself for work purposes. I have also blocked out slight NSFW content (profile line) on one Twitter screenshot.
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