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  1. I would have been finished at the "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pissed with you" line. And then the snappy "do you even still have my commission info" and hugely disrespectful tone after that too... Artists are human, we forget and get busy. OP accepted no money, they had no obligation to meet the loose deadline mentioned. The fact that the client was so aggressive and hostile from you simply forgetting is a massive red flag imo. I've quite literally never had a client get pissed at me for forgetting/taking a long time, and I have adhd so that happens frequently. You deserve to be respected and talked to like a human, not like a dog or a machine. Beware well warranted, I would never work for someone with this attitude.
  2. It definitely doesn't excuse anything, but I am somewhat taken aback by how badly priced those commissions were. I would be shocked it an artist didn't burn out and bail after making >$5/hour, especially since they allowed bulk commissions like this beware. I think there's a fair lesson to be learned from both parties here- the artist probably got way in over their head with commissions and made a mountain of work for scarce compensation, and made the poor choice of ghosting instead of finding a solution. Hopefully not a mistake they'll make again. Even better would be refunding OP after all this time, but I doubt it'll happen at this point. Admittedly, this is a lot of speculation/assumptions and assuming the intentions weren't malicious from the start. And OP can learn a gentle lesson about not diving headfirst into deals that seem too good to be true. Best case here, an artist makes pennies for their hard work and you get a killer deal on art. Worst case, something like this where you never even get said art. I would just ask that commissioners take some more consideration for artist's time with things like this; even if the artist is readily offering to work for so cheap, maybe have moderation and only get one or two pieces, possibly even with a little tip added for their time. Not meant to be a criticism on OP or to misdirect the post's attention too much here. Just 2 cents from an empathetic artist who's been in the, "Crap, I should NOT have agreed to that price" situation far too many times. But needless to say artists shouldn't just ghost when that happens, so beware well warranted of course!
  3. Holy shit. I've read bewares for years and this person's behavior is among the worst I've ever seen. They have absolutely ZERO right to talk to you like that and to file a chargeback on top of it all...wow. Zero reading comprehension clearly, and blames it on being high. As a huge pothead that might be one of the most ridiculous excuses I've ever heard. Pretty much everyone I've talked to gets overly worried about being rude or accidentally insulting people while high, not arrogance and abuse like this. I can't help but feel like they took advantage of the fact that english isn't your primary language with how they tried to seem like their way/their experience was the totally correct and standard one. They've done and bought commissions for how long and have never heard of alternate versions of an art piece??? What? And ditto on the price sheet- I rarely use them because my prices change so frequently, and often they aren't even that useful for me. Especially when clients want something quite specific that requires different pricing. You handled the whole thing really well, OP. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that person.
  4. Calix

    Beware: Kenket

    That's so sad, I've always looked up to this artist. I hope they send out your stickers eventually.
  5. Holy YIKES, the way they talk to you is so rude and uncalled for. I can't imagine ever being that nasty and mean to commissioners. I get that they need to keep expectations limited but they talk to you like they're disciplining their child, not talking with a client. Totally inappropriate, I'm sorry you've had to deal with them.
  6. Very sad that this user seems to just be flat out scamming multiple people now. I hope you're able to repurpose the art in some way. In the future, it can help to send heavily watermarked + small res images until you have payment. Sadly, it usually takes being burned like this to start doing that. Sorry this happened to you.
  7. Calix

    Beware: Dumas

    Wow, that's absolutely awful. Going to also preemptively block them and warn my NSFW artist friends about this user. Sorry that happened, I hope you're able to repurpose the art or recoup your losses somehow.
  8. Wow, comparing the example and piece they gave you, it really looks like they rushed your piece. Did they ever respond to your message about the quality? Honestly, the two look like they came from completely different artists of different skill levels. For that price tag, you'd think they could at least color in the lines correctly.
  9. I don't want to go dark, but are we sure the user is...still with us? It seems weird that they've just gone radio silent for so long.
  10. Ah! My mistake, sorry. I saw the bit about the proxy but my eyes skipped right over the line above that for some reason. Thanks for the reply!
  11. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but shouldn't this be a 'caution' rather than a full beware? They delivered your art, and though their priorities seem a little iffy, 3-4 months really isn't totally unreasonable for art.
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