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If you have to ask... the answer is probably gonna be no. But that's fine. 8^|
  1. Mod Note: A comment was hidden for being non constructive/punching down due to the placing of blame on OP for going F&F route. The onus of properly collecting payment is on the side of the Business as Clients will follow their directions in good faith and we cannot assume everyone knows their 'rights' between the two modes of payment.
  2. We have told you repeatedly we do not deal in beware hypotheticals (we deal in facts and evidence, not summaries) for advice posts. You submit to our queue and get your answers that way. But I'll entertain you this once. Ideally if this client has paid you and is using the product, you're more than welcome to display it. 20$ USD doesn't grant posting exclusivity to the client. But if they aren't crediting you properly it MIGHT fall under a Caution. Although last I recall you are an "AI artist", are you not? If that's the case don't bother at all, we wouldn't take it if you paid us.
  3. Upon an intensive month long discussion amongst the Moderation Staff; we are making the decision to NO LONGER accept bewares with a price point of $20USD or Less. We are also no longer accepting virtual currency (VC) bewares; unless the VC can be converted into fiat currency. There WILL BE exceptions for the usual bad faith suspects; as well as anyone who may be developing a pattern of offering very low price point products and not delivering. It will be handled on a case by case basis, as all our posts are.
  4. I am in a hundred percent agreement with James. There is a time and place where an artist hawking at/approaching the customer one-on-one is acceptable and fair game. It is unfortunately not in an online space. Are you even following these people who approach you first and/or doing research on them before agreeing to giving over your money? Because it seems you're able to discover they're no good after the fact so why not before hand?
  5. Changed Resolved to Yes
  6. A comment was hidden. Please note that without solid, irrefutable proof of someone working under a new name(s); we will not add to their tags or allow any comments to go live on the website.
  7. No transaction? You're in luck because while you're only out time; you're not out money. As annoying as it is to want a particular artist and they ghost you like this when you're so ready to work with them, take it as a sign of what was liiely to come. Find a new artist and don't bother with the one who stopped contacting you.
  8. We understand that RhinoBoy and some of his fans may be acting out on Twitter at the moment and that the subject of this beware himself is asking for understanding: But how can OP give any more understanding when it's been over a year; April 2021-October 2021 there is nothing January 2022 a promise of a sketch April 2022 ... a promise of a sketch June 2022 another promise And... nothing. Regardless of his schedule if he knows he's busy running his con and other businesses; he should refund and not leave people hanging if he can't communicate directly to clients rather than tweet he's sorry. Even now his immediate QRT from the AV Twitter is asking for more patience than he deserves... I hope he realizes that in the end: this beware is not being "a Karen" (talk about watering down a term) this beware is asking for accountability and anyone who tells Rhino it's OKAY is no better enabling bad behavior.
  9. Also see the trello for the stickers; its got a big ol CANCELLED on it.
  10. Gotta say, Adiago once again proves they're a piece of work. Because they literally came to *you* with their excuses looking to get extra money. And because the sky was wrong that day for them; you can't get anything in return? No refund no art, plus "taking back" the adopt? How about they return that interest free loan instead of acting like a catty diva.
  11. Changed Resolved to Yes
  12. Mod Note: A comment was hidden because it doesn't add value to the conversation regarding this post.
  13. 1.) Yes; they don't know you and they might assume you're causing unnecessary grief. 2. Just file the beware for review. Why? See point 1. 3. This is basically considered harassment by almost every art site community online. Its not a good look so please don't. 4. See point 2. If accepted you can tell the artist, RT the update tweet from our Twitter but that's it. Give this artist an ultimatum with a hard deadline for completion or they can refund you. No extensions, nada. You're not friends you're doing business and you both need to treat it as such.
  14. Changed Resolved to Yes
  15. Changed Resolved to Yes
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