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Everything posted by Sarahcat

  1. Howdy! I have never had anything like this happen before and I will try to keep this brief, but I am at a complete loss for how to proceed. Client commissioned me in August for fursuit parts. Paid down payment + a large chunk off. It took him some time to get me a DTD but he eventually did. Because it was only parts it didn't take me very long to have his entire commission done (3 days) and it was finished on February 9th. I have not heard from him since January 29th. Someone reached out and showed me that he is incredibly responsive on Telegram and he runs some of the largest VR Chat furry events, so he is incredibly active online. He owes me a final payment and his address so I can ship him his commission. I sent him a Telegram message that has been unread. No response to my emails. He does not have social media so this is the most I can do (I don't use VR Chat). Is there anything more I can do? I have limited space in my apartment so I can't start new commissions until his is mailed out, and I have never had a client take this long to answer me back. Usually people want their commission, haha.
  2. It is so bizarre to me that they are still taking commissions and being active while ignoring your DM. It takes a couple of seconds to acknowledge a paying client. Hell, you don't even need an excuse lined up, just say, "I saw your message!" Their art looks really nice, I'm sorry James, hoping the claim resolves soon for you.
  3. I hate to say this but I'm really not surprised to see a beware on DK finally go up. My last few orders with them, I had to frequently message them daily to have my items shipped a month or two after the claimed finish/ship date, and even then it would take about a week before the package would get dropped off once the tracking was provided. I'm surprised to see that they're working on suits but I'm disappointed, their work is gorgeous and this is such a blow. I hope to see them pick up the ball and get back into good business practices again. I hope you get your refund!
  4. The store policies are two sentences long, but there's nothing about it being mid-production or anything. I highly doubt it's being worked on right now, sadly. 😞
  5. Hi all! Commissioned a custom scarf from a friend back in late June. It's now mid-January and I have yet to receive it, let alone receive any sort of feedback if it has been started yet. I feel guilty asking for a refund but it has been several months, we are midway through the winter and I plan on moving to a significantly warmer environment where I won't need a scarf next winter, plus I look up to this individual. Should I ask for a refund, keep waiting, etc.?
  6. How would I post proof for Telegram? With email there is no response (Gmail only lets you know if the address isn't a real address), but with Telegram the @ he used does not show in search or in my sidebar for conversations. I discovered you can snake your way out when I made a police report a year ago on someone else and the person had deleted the conversation and blocked me, making it appear like nothing had happened.
  7. Nope. He has me blocked on Telegram and my emails don't go through.
  8. As an update, his bank decided in his favor. This is the first of the few case transactions but I am not out a $2,000 fursuit and the payment for the fursuit.
  9. As an update, PayPal told me the case would be resolved September 5th. The 5th came and went and nothing happened. When viewing the claim now it states that it can take up to 75 days for the claim to be resolved by the bank (as this is now out of PayPal's hands), I called to confirm this and that I still do not have access to the $2,000 his bank took and placed on hold.
  10. Hi there! My auction listings state in the website's refund policy "no refunds," I already have a warning in all caps at the beginning of the descriptions of my auctions about this sort of thing. I have been selling fursuits for 10 years. This is the first time I have had someone attempt something like this on a pre-made item (6 years ago on a previous beware, a commission). It's not that frequent. People typically know better. It is an unfortunate learning experience, but it is impossible to outright avoid people with shady intentions. As per my TOS I only conduct business for commissions over email, although this is not a commission the client initially contacted me through Telegram about buying the suit but refused to do business over email claiming Telegram (as you can tell that was a lie). There really is not much I can do about it in this situation, it is in the past, and I have already started drilling this into current client's heads since some people claim they don't receive emails or prefer Telegram or Twitter.
  11. Just as an update, he filed claims for the full $2,082, then went to his bank and filed for fraud that way after I provided details to PayPal about his false claims. PayPal claims it will be resolved by September 5th, I have to call again and see what's happening because they took the $2,082 out and made me pay $20 for every claim filed (so $80 more).
  12. Please note that this person has multiple names, the only name he was going by was legal names so the usernames mentioned are from Telegram and email, I do not know if he has a Twitter, FA, whatever. I know AB has a rule about legal names, hence the hyphening of the last names, however I only know the names through what I've seen and searching came up with nothing. He has multiple PayPal emails with the name mentioned but in parenthesis "unidentified," they come back to 3 completely different names. It should also be noted that in the Telegram chats (mentioned below, which are deleted so I have no proof) there are two other people mentioned "involved" in this transaction so I feel it is worthwhile to have multiple names for the beware. Some time in late April "Hyperion" contacted me through Telegram about purchasing a fursuit I had for sale, a white tiger partial for $2,000 plus shipping. He later asked me to add in a fan and the total came out to $2,082. All of these receipts were deleted by him and he has blocked me on Telegram after the emails below were sent, possibly in an attempt to not have me write this beware on him or use it against him with the PayPal claim, however I still have all of the payments sent for the suit. These were sent every month for varying amounts until the final payment was sent in August. It is unclear if the fursuit was purchased for "Hyperion" or a friend he never mentioned by name. First payment (email is to Alex) Second payment (to Max) Third payment (to Alex) Final payment (to Alex, name is father's and has been censored) On August 9th Max sends me an email detailing that he would like a refund because the moving jaw does not work on the costume, despite me providing sizing on the posts about the fursuit being for sale. I offer to show him how to fix it or a refund for the moving jaw, but not for the suit as a whole. He declines and wishes to send it back. I have been in quarantine for several months and forgot, hey, we're in the middle of a pandemic and he has mentioned that multiple people have tested the suit. I decline to take it back, all sales are final, and he chooses to ignore this, pressuring me to take the suit back and claiming the state/county he lives in has no cases (this is one of the states on my state's restriction list). I cite this again and he does not respond after that. Mentioning of sizing for the head On August 30th around noon I receive an email from PayPal without a word from him that a claim has been filed for $445.99, citing multiple issues with the transaction. More chargebacks while the client still has the suit: Plus each chargeback has a $20 charge, totaling $80.
  13. Oh, to add (since I can't edit my comment a second time), he said he doesn't think the Coronavirus is a "viable issue" and not an excuse to deny a refund because he claims it's not as big of an issue as people are making it out to be... which is frightening.
  14. Update: They sent me six paragraphs on how "safe" their state is and how to disinfect a fursuit... but then declined to have the changes made to get it to fit and ignored me saying that I'm not comfortable with having it sent back to me. I said that they can do an online auction but they knew of the measurements when they bought it, that is not my issue (especially since they are rejecting to have changes made to have it fit) and that I will not take it back because I live with immunocompromised people. At this point, if they respond and continue to insist that I owe them a refund, I'll probably tell them again to put it up for auction themselves but that if they send it to me without my consent I will have it forwarded back to their address. If they try anything else, I'll write a beware. It's bad to try to force someone to take something back during a pandemic and ignore "no" three times.
  15. I completely forgot about COVID, shows how a lack of conventions and going outside have made me think about that kind of stuff. Thank you! I sent an email about offering fixes but I might send a second about that because it was sent to a state that is on my state's high risk list and has been tried on by two different people, which isn't ideal for reselling purposes. I also think refunding for a static jaw/misfit could be another thing to offer but yeah, I will do anything to not issue a full refund for such a minor issue.
  16. Correct. When the fursuit was sold I posted measurements, the head arrived and it does not properly align with their face so it doesn't move. I've had this happen plenty of times with suits that aren't custom built, it takes less than a minute, a hot glue gun and some foam to fix, but this person has been very erm... serious with the whole purchase. It's very clear they've never seen a fursuit in-person before but have been very hard to deal with the entire transaction (talking down to me like I don't know what I'm doing, making it seem like the price is an issue because they had to get money from others, etc). I'd much rather have them make the fixes than receive a fursuit and have to resell it, especially during a pandemic, but I'm waiting for a response.
  17. Hi all! I've been selling fursuits for 10 years. Once I've had to issue a refund (which turned into a beware on the client) and unfortunately I'm dealing with the same thing now, but need some advice. This person paid for a partial over several months. The money was sent from various PayPal accounts and differing amounts. They received the fursuit yesterday and want a refund because the jaw does not move (it is not a custom fursuit, it's an artist-designed piece, and I've offered to show them how to fix it). In the chance they do not want to fix the change, do I owe them the full amount or the amount after PayPal fees? I refuse to even issue a refund until it is back in my hands and unscathed, no smoke damage, nothing. Thanks!
  18. Echoing others, in the future please refrain from talking in RP-speak with artists that you plan on commissioning or do commission. It comes across as uncomfortable and makes the situation more light when you're doing a business transaction, not roleplaying. Personally that would have been a red flag for me right there. Like others have suggested, send a message without RP-speak asking for an update. If you don't hear back from them in a few days I recommend filing a PayPal claim if the window is still open for one. The artist has ghosted you for two months, I can't imagine they plan on completing the work now.
  19. This person's behavior is appalling.
  20. Her calling you "love" and "babe" is so unprofessional. I wish you luck in getting your bodysuit.
  21. There are plenty of bewares on Twitter pointing to this person owing thousands of dollars in various art forms, mostly fursuits, and then they have the gall to police other artists on their work ethics. Stay aware of when your PayPal claims window runs out, I have a feeling your piece might never be finished.
  22. If you don't mind, can you explain what you mean by this? I assume this comment would be about the potential beware, in which case how would that make me look bad? They asked for a service to be done, the service was finished and I was never paid for it, albeit the bare minimum of having the item shipped as what was originally agreed to. Usually I would just shrug it off (ex, if I charge someone $30 for shipping and it's $50) but they agreed to pay for the shipping in return for the job that was done. The item is now in their possession and I'm out $14 I could use as gas money to get to college.
  23. Do you think they would give me their email? There's a part of me that feels kinda crappy sending them an invoice, but to be fair, it's REALLY crappy to have someone do a service for you and not pay.
  24. No actual price was discussed (I feel the length problem is an issue on my end and not the client's) so I offered to do it for free as long as shipping was paid for. This was agreed to by both of us, at least I am assuming such since it was mentioned twice. The only payment was to be for the cost of shipping. With how my TOS was previously I said repairs are on a case-by-case basis but this wasn't so much of a repair as it was an initial issue with the suit, albeit it was finished nearly a year ago and has been worn to multiple events so I'm not sure how that issue wasn't caught sooner. I feel it is my responsibility to fix an issue like that for free, even though the two previous sleeve jobs I've done the clients were kind enough to tip me on top of paying for shipping (which was agreed to much like it was with this case).
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