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  • Beware: SergalKing69

    • Who: SergalKing69
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sergalking69/
      When: 06/02/2020
      What: Commission

    Message added by Eden

    Normally we wouldn't allow a personal fight like this to be posted, but because it's so integral to the chargeback on the completed transaction it's allowed to stay.

    Hi, some people recommend me to come here to report a user, my english is kinda bad so I wanted some help, this user commission me weeks ago and they was satisfied with my service, last night they gave me a message wanting to commission a more complete job, I gave my prices as they are but the user was rude and decided to end the conversation. but this morning the user opened a claim in paypal for a forced refund of the commission that had already ended weeks before as I commented before only because of the discussion that night.

    the commission they wanted refund was finished and recived by them that same date in the screenshot of the files. the user deteled the conversation where i send them the files in dropblox.

    I would be gladly to get your help. Thank you so much. I hope other artist not deal with this user anymore. I'm still resolving the false refund.









    Money request:


    Original transaction:


    Edited by Celestina
    fixed formatting, added original paypal caps

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    I've been doing commissions since 2008, and have never had a "price sheet".  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I'm just so confused about how this client has treated you.  They've blatantly misunderstood you, admitted to being impaired (high), but followed through with the chargeback anyway?



    This person's behavior is appalling. 



    Additionally to what's happened to OP, this person is also scamming people with reselling adopts for way higher prices than what they originally bought them for. Makes their talking about being "professional" even more disgusting.



    This... Is just bonkers. Tons of artists charge higher for a full body commission so for it to devolve the way it did is crazy. I'm also appalled they charged back on a completed piece. They can dislike someone all they want but in the end they got their product. 


    You handled this so well. If you can I would try calling PayPal customer service and see if they can help at all with the chargeback. They're usually much easier to deal with rather than hope it closes online in your favor. 



    Holy shit. I've read bewares for years and this person's behavior is among the worst I've ever seen. They have absolutely ZERO right to talk to you like that and to file a chargeback on top of it all...wow. Zero reading comprehension clearly, and blames it on being high. As a huge pothead that might be one of the most ridiculous excuses I've ever heard. Pretty much everyone I've talked to gets overly worried about being rude or accidentally insulting people while high, not arrogance and abuse like this.

    I can't help but feel like they took advantage of the fact that english isn't your primary language with how they tried to seem like their way/their experience was the totally correct and standard one. They've done and bought commissions for how long and have never heard of alternate versions of an art piece??? What? And ditto on the price sheet- I rarely use them because my prices change so frequently, and often they aren't even that useful for me. Especially when clients want something quite specific that requires different pricing.

    You handled the whole thing really well, OP. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that person.




    Yeah.. that could not be more obvious, or how else can you explain repeatedly failing to miss the artist clarifying what they meant? This guy's completely over the top ridiculous, sorry you had to deal with them. 



    They must've been VERY high to not understand what you were saying, even with the it of language barrier. Then insulting you for not having a price sheet? I can't tell if they really need to lay off the drugs or if they were purposely like this to try to cheap you out and get you to lower your price? Either way, you put up with them longer than I ever would have, so kudos.

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