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  1. Hasbro's CEO doesn't give a shit about furry drama lmfao. Don't know what this dude was thinking mentioning him. Regarding this, if you give me the date that he said he was talking with the CEO, I could verify with the CEO myself. but it is obviously BS. so it'd only verify the obvious lie. Sorry to see that this happened to you. No one deserves a bad customer. ):
  2. @kurothepone to @kurovrchat to @kurolatex to @kurooof to @kurosuccubuss to @kurosuccubusVR Accepted a commission from this dude. He commented on my art one day, decided to look at his FA profile since I'd never seen it before. whatever. , I noticed that he was having thoughts of selling his character. had commisioner in the past was having falling out w/he community while commission was in queue, I ended up refunding them b/c didn't want to deal with the drama, honestly thought it be best if that was how it ended. This is commisino he wants for me thats his character that he wants me to draw. the same one hes selling. didnt want to deal w/the possibility that by the time i reach his comm in queue (~200 from my pi day sale) i'd have to be dealing with a new owner who maynt like the commission or whatever this is the response i got after chnging his twittler handle multiple times he threatens to dox me for posting my negative experience w/him on twitter after which, he did dox me on my public post and then threatened me more in dms which i have legal grounds to have him arrested for. however, he deleted my twitter messages. idk if this is twitter or if it's b/c i blocked him but all messages i sent him and he sent me are gone. i do have the emails that twitter has sent to me of each dm he sent, though, so if he continues, i will contact law enforcement in germany regarding his blatant violation of the law. please dont support bad behaviour like this. after which, he did dox me on my public post and then threatened me more in dms which i have legal grounds to have him arrested for. however, he deleted my twitter messages. idk if this is twitter or if it's b/c i blocked him but all messages i sent him and he sent me are gone. i do have the emails that twitter has sent to me of each dm he sent, though, so if he continues, i will contact law enforcement in germany regarding his blatant violation of the law. please dont support bad behaviour like this.
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