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  • Beware: NikaInfinity

    • Who: NikaInfinity NikaNya#4161
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/nikainfinity/
      When: 09/17/2020
      What: Commission

    So I’m not too sure if this goes under a Beware or a Caution but here this goes.

    In the middle of July 2020, I won an auction for a ych piece and had waited for Nika to contact me. Since i did not receive any messages or comment saying I won, I went and sent them a message which they did not reply to for approximately another month. It was definitely a red flag. We add each other on discord and begin to discuss the commission there, references, payment, etc. So I sent the payment on September 17, 2020 and within the span of about 4 months, I only hear from them once more time in October, then silence after that. 

    In January 2021, I told them that I will be refunding the payment from PayPal if I don’t hear from them and so I did exactly that. A week or so later I started a resolution/dispute on PayPal. Within the same hour of having started the dispute, she texts me saying she is working on the commissions she has in line and if I can wait. I tell her my limit to wait has been reached and I wanted my payment refunded. She starts to guilt trip me by saying she will be homeless if I refund the payment. She also stated that it was against her terms of service to refund the payment when progress has started.

    So I go back to look at the terms stated in the post (which has since been deleted) and it says “NO REFUND after I started to work on ych.” I look for my name in the list of the commissions in progress she has. She has 44 commissions in progress at the time of writing this, another red flag. I finally find my name buried in there and it says 0% pre sketching, meaning that she hasn’t begun. I clearly have not broken the TOS but she insists that I have and now she will not send me the refund. 

    I want to make this to warn anyone who wants a commission from her because she may try and bait you out until the point where you cannot refund on PayPal.







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    I have seen journal about this situation and she left out these important details so i was adviced her to make artist-beware but after reading this i understand why she said she's not "able" to do this post herself. Hope you get your money back.

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    5 hours ago, HeartCollar said:

    I have seen journal about this situation and she left out these important details so i was adviced her to make artist-beware but after reading this i understand why she said she's not "able" to do this post herself. Hope you get your money back.

    I looked around and saw that journal you replied to and really don't appreciate her lying and getting pats over it especially the TOS with no refunds is just plain illegal. 

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    On 1/17/2021 at 9:56 PM, Celestina said:

    Hey OP!!  Do you have an update?  I hope you escalate that to a claim, and don't let it close.

    Im about to right now. It closes on the 1st of Feb and they haven't responded to me since I asked them to try again 

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    I am sorry to hear that you are going through this - but I am "happy" to say that you are not alone. If the moderators would like me to, I would be more than happy to go through and share my entire experience with Nika.

    My own commission (also under ToastyPoodle) has been out since July 17, 2020. It sits at a measly 30%, and only because I have hounded to get it that far. I gave her the benefit of the doubt so I am beyond the time that I can dispute this with Paypal - which means I am out $212 for my YCH.

    She seems to run a pattern where she vanishes for 2 months, re-appears to sucker a bunch of new people in to claiming art / donations, takes the money, and then vanishes for another 2 months - this cycle has happened a few times now.

    It's a shame, because she has the talent to be a great artist, but just... isn't. I would be more than happy to provide all the evidence just as the OP has - here or in a new post. I have everything to lose because I am past a refund, but I really think people should know what they are getting in to. I am grateful for the OP's post because I had been considering starting one for her myself, but I was nervous to do so.

    It may be in her TOS that there are no refunds, but it's also in her TOS that she will talk to you and have great communication.... what do you do when the artist breaks their own TOS?

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    1 minute ago, ToastyPoodle said:

    I am sorry to hear that you are going through this - but I am "happy" to say that you are not alone. If the moderators would like me to, I would be more than happy to go through and share my entire experience with Nika.

    My own commission (also under ToastyPoodle) has been out since July 17, 2020. It sits at a measly 30%, and only because I have hounded to get it that far. I gave her the benefit of the doubt so I am beyond the time that I can dispute this with Paypal - which means I am out $212 for my YCH.

    She seems to run a pattern where she vanishes for 2 months, re-appears to sucker a bunch of new people in to claiming art / donations, takes the money, and then vanishes for another 2 months - this cycle has happened a few times now.

    It's a shame, because she has the talent to be a great artist, but just... isn't. I would be more than happy to provide all the evidence just as the OP has - here or in a new post. I have everything to lose because I am past a refund, but I really think people should know what they are getting in to. I am grateful for the OP's post because I had been considering starting one for her myself, but I was nervous to do so.

    It may be in her TOS that there are no refunds, but it's also in her TOS that she will talk to you and have great communication.... what do you do when the artist breaks their own TOS?

    If you've had your own experience leaving comments is fine, but adding to an artist's tag via your own post is better in the long run!

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    I had a similar situation with her. The six-month point for acommission was approaching so I filed for a refund with PayPal. She finally responded to that and was very angry about it. Things broke down to the point that I no longer wanted to speak to her.

    I let her keep the money (I didn't think it was worth potentially making someone homeless over, as she claims). So despite getting money from me for doing nothing and even recycling the YCH I'd claimed, she posted a 'blacklist' on her TOS calling me out by name that I had to get taken down by the FA admins.

    I seriously doubt that a TOS where the artist tries to forbid chargebacks under any circumstance is valid, especially when journals on FA can be edited at will. PayPal certainly doesn't agree with the idea.

    She seems to have no idea how running a business works and has a strong sense of entitlement.

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    8 hours ago, Cryptozoo said:

    I had a similar situation with her. The six-month point for acommission was approaching so I filed for a refund with PayPal. She finally responded to that and was very angry about it. Things broke down to the point that I no longer wanted to speak to her.

    I let her keep the money (I didn't think it was worth potentially making someone homeless over, as she claims). So despite getting money from me for doing nothing and even recycling the YCH I'd claimed, she posted a 'blacklist' on her TOS calling me out by name that I had to get taken down by the FA admins.

    I seriously doubt that a TOS where the artist tries to forbid chargebacks under any circumstance is valid, especially when journals on FA can be edited at will. PayPal certainly doesn't agree with the idea.

    She seems to have no idea how running a business works and has a strong sense of entitlement.

    Between this beware, toastypoodle and now your experience with her this says quite a lot about her buisness practices.

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    21 minutes ago, RTKobold said:

    Between this beware, toastypoodle and now your experience with her this says quite a lot about her buisness practices.

    I would be very interested in knowing the original content of the comments that she removed from her 'Need help' journal.

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    7 hours ago, Cryptozoo said:

    I would be very interested in knowing the original content of the comments that she removed from her 'Need help' journal.

    I remember reading that journal and noticing that as well!

    I am very sorry to hear that it appears to be "more of the same". I am still going to try and get her to complete my art, if can! Although, if my Beware goes live I doubt she will be happy with me. 

    She got the money that she needed, apparently - because now she hasn't been active on FA since, and has not responded to my messages at all.

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    On 1/23/2021 at 6:59 PM, Cryptozoo said:

    I would be very interested in knowing the original content of the comments that she removed from her 'Need help' journal.

    I think I remember two of them, someone supported the artist at first, but then said they are retracting their support after reading the beware and comments!

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    On 1/23/2021 at 3:44 AM, Cryptozoo said:

    I had a similar situation with her. The six-month point for acommission was approaching so I filed for a refund with PayPal. She finally responded to that and was very angry about it. Things broke down to the point that I no longer wanted to speak to her.

    I let her keep the money (I didn't think it was worth potentially making someone homeless over, as she claims). So despite getting money from me for doing nothing and even recycling the YCH I'd claimed, she posted a 'blacklist' on her TOS calling me out by name that I had to get taken down by the FA admins.

    I seriously doubt that a TOS where the artist tries to forbid chargebacks under any circumstance is valid, especially when journals on FA can be edited at will. PayPal certainly doesn't agree with the idea.

    She seems to have no idea how running a business works and has a strong sense of entitlement.

    You can still get the refund. I doubt she's going homeless over this. 

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    On 1/23/2021 at 12:59 PM, Cryptozoo said:

    I would be very interested in knowing the original content of the comments that she removed from her 'Need help' journal.

    The comments were from people also calling her out on the practices she had done. 

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    28 minutes ago, Spectacle197 said:

    You can still get the refund. I doubt she's going homeless over this. 

    The time limit has elapsed already. I'm not all that concerned about it, just interested in not seeing the cycle repeat itself yet again.

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    Changed Where to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/nikainfinity/

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    A comment was not posted for violating rule 1 of the participation guidelines: comments are to remain constructive, on topic, and should not contain needless hostility.

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    On 1/26/2021 at 9:43 PM, sbneko said:

    Not impressed that in a journal she says she earned the money. I'm sorry but that money is not earned until the art is done. 

    The stuff that she recently posted for Dec-Feb has been 2/3 personal art or commissions from other platforms like VK. It's pretty inexplicable how she's been doing all this business and yet couldn't provide updates to people on FA.

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