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  • Beware - Atomyna / Minami / Nyatomi

    • Who: Artist
      Where: https://twitter.com/Atomyna
      When: 05/21/2020
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    I had commissioned this artist around 3 months ago, and under the pretense that a reduced price would be had, in addition to a handmade item being sent to them in exchange for 2 pieces of art.



    As far as my end of the deal, it was a handmade blanket, as I happen to loom things and promised her a handmade blanket specifically to fit her couch. I value a normal, full size blanket (around 30$ in materials and usually a 7x5 size) at 80$, and also gave her 30$ cash, amounting to a full 110$.


    A WIP of the work done. (The item was shipped off 5/22 to another purchaser after I was blocked, so this photo is all there is.)

    After nearly 2 months, they returned to me with a first draft that wasn't anywhere near what I had requested, and she was incredibly rude to me, claiming my character was a trap, as well as turning a SFW image commission into a nearly NSFW one. She had a fair criticism to ask for more details from me, but when I had first commissioned, I had explicitly asked if she had enough details.

    After this, she pushed my commissions to the bottom of her queue, and ghosted me for 2 weeks. After this, I confronted her about why she did this and she claimed she would work on others who "appreciate her art" first, and used this to rectify not working on my commissions. I then asked her to either refund me due to her continued disinterest and expressed desire to not do these pieces, and that's when she removed me from her server on discord, blocked me, and is continuing to refuse delivering the product she agreed to. She has since blocked me from contacting her and has kept the 30$ I sent her.

    Below I've attached all conversation material.






    (date of these caps is May 21st 2020)


    Proof of removal/block

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    This seems to be a reoccurijg thing with artists now lately. Their clients dont get what they want, ask for a fix, and then the artist decides suddenly to hammer on the client how they are in the wrong, this that and the other thing, then drop said client to the bottom of the queue or flat out remove them on the premise the client was x-person or for x-reason and then the artist thinks for said reason they can just run off with the client's money.

    Plus it was very rude to just be like "oh your fursona is a trap and always drawn naked so" and not listen to your reasonings on why they're not a trap. Your fursona is an adorable bee, which bees are naturally cute and fuzzy and adorable, habing your sona be the same doesn't mean he's a trap.

    Really it's upsetting to see this poor behavior and bad attitude becoming the new norm. All it ends up doing is getting an AB slapped on their name as a result. Plus you lost out on that blanket... ;- ; They should refund you the cost of the blanket AND the $30

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    • Administrator

    Just a quick note; they traded/sold the blanket away to a *different* individual because OP was cancelling this particular trade/commission due to how Minami was treating them, therefore the blanket was not Minami's to claim.

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    As the artist who did the reference for the character in question, seeing this go down with a client who has always been super respectful and good to work with have this shit done to them has me fuming. This is why wips and changes are a thing, and arguing with a client over the gender of their character is unacceptable.

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    37 minutes ago, Luna996 said:

    Really it's upsetting to see this poor behavior and bad attitude becoming the new norm. All it ends up doing is getting an AB slapped on their name as a result.

    It's starting to make it really difficult for traditional/craft artists, who have to photograph their progress and materials.  I ran into a moment recently where I had to spend way more time than I'd have liked convincing a client to trust me that the change they were asking for wasn't needed, because the effect they wanted on their piece straight up does not show up in photograph.  I have to be so careful with situations like this, because buyers are getting trained to assume they're being bullied into getting something they don't want.

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    1 hour ago, Xaila said:

    Just a quick note; they traded/sold the blanket away to a *different* individual because OP was cancelling this particular trade/commission due to how Minami was treating them, therefore the blanket was not Minami's to claim.

    Ah, thank you for clarifying! I must have misread that part. Good to hear it was sent off to someone else and the money/time spent on it was hopefully recouped.

    I do hope OP somehow gets the $30 they sent to the artist at the very least then!

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    • Senior Staff

    Hey OP, with the transfer of funds in question, how did you send them to Minami? I'm not seeing that in your post, only mentioned.

    For the most part, with most of the services I've seen used, I believe you're well within your window to dispute the charge to get refunded for this situation in full.
    With Paypal, you're definitely in the clear as their window is 180 days.

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    • Senior Staff

    My apologies mods for double posting, I was attempting to edit my previous comment.
    In looking at the artist's twitter page, it looks like they've sold the OP's fursona to another individual?

    Screencap for posterity.
    It seems like they finished the image in spite of the break down in communication. But it does not appear to be posted on their twitter for viewing.


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    • Administrator
    11 minutes ago, rikki said:


    I wouldn't consider what Minami 'sold' to someone else to be OP's character. OP considers his bee character to be male, fluffy features be damned. What Minami drew was basic moe girl.

    Also re: your other comment. We don't always require screencaps of the payment so long as we can get proof of the artist/client acknowledging the sale in some form; as Minami here has.

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    Ah I was mostly curious to clarify that they'd be able to recoup the funds without having to bother waiting for Minami to suddenly turn over a new leaf.

    And while the piece does retain the look/feel of a generic moe girl, the basis used was the OP's sona, which leaves an awful taste in my mouth overall.
    If the piece received additional edits to remove all traces of the OP's personal character, I don't see it as an issue... but with how they treated their client makes me believe this was done in bad faith.

    But at the end of the day it's up to the OP on how they view this, I just figured that they should be aware of this overall.

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    24 minutes ago, AngelEars said:

    Their TOS has hella red flags as well



    The whole refund policy is already bad, but the whole "Profit further from it in any way" is just YIKES.

    Sounds like a typical reuse for a YCH, which isn't bad. Moat of us would recoup losses in this way.

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    6 hours ago, Celestina said:

    Sounds like a typical reuse for a YCH, which isn't bad. Moat of us would recoup losses in this way.

    I feel like they're going to use that bit of their TOS to justify selling the bee character, as they stated they did on Twitter. 

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    13 hours ago, rikki said:

    My apologies mods for double posting, I was attempting to edit my previous comment.
    In looking at the artist's twitter page, it looks like they've sold the OP's fursona to another individual?

    Screencap for posterity.
    It seems like they finished the image in spite of the break down in communication. But it does not appear to be posted on their twitter for viewing.


    There was another tweet by her which was fortunately saved by a reply by Lorel on the AB twitter here. 

    Which all i can say is really gross coming from the artist mouth why would say something like that to your customer.

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    12 hours ago, Celestina said:

    Sounds like a typical reuse for a YCH, which isn't bad. Moat of us would recoup losses in this way.

    Just to chime in, I less read it as "profiting off work done after a commission has been cancelled" and more as "I will have my cake and eat it too". She states she will "further profit" from the piece while also still a) rescinding the commissioner rights to the work and b) also refusing to provide a refund. Basically, "I keep the art and the money, you get nothing."

    Further, with the combined point of "the buyer is not allowed a refund under any circumstances" (which like, you plain just cannot do that and furthermore you cannot possible predict every possible circumstances and say for sure that a refund cannot/should not be provided) is what makes it shady to me.

    An artist has a right to keep the work and recycle it into something new to recoup losses. But when you're refusing refunds under any circumstance, and then also keeping the art and further monetising it, that's when it becomes shady. This artist isn't recouping losses. They're keeping payment for a commission and the commission itself, when it should be one or the other. That's their business model and I think that's what @AngelEars was bringing up. There are no losses here the artist needs to recoup.

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    14 minutes ago, flucket said:


    Aw yea good catch.  Didn't put the two together because, well, I'd never dream of doing that.

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    7 minutes ago, Celestina said:

    Aw yea good catch.  Didn't put the two together because, well, I'd never dream of doing that.

    Yeah, I figured as much. I was also like "I dunno that also seems pretty norma- wait hhhwhat."

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    This artist's attitude is absolutely disgusting. Their TOS, them reselling OP's character, their attitude towards OP through this whole exchange. This is one of the nastiest attitudes I have ever in my life seen from an artist. 

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    On 5/25/2020 at 2:14 PM, RTKobold said:

    There was another tweet by her which was fortunately saved by a reply by Lorel on the AB twitter here. 

    Which all i can say is really gross coming from the artist mouth why would say something like that to your customer.

    This is so highly unprofessional on SOOOOO many levels. I mean going and publicly slandering a former client they treated poorly by insinuating they're a (x-term here).

    Also refusing refunds, running off with the money and then profiting off the artwork in a double profit way is just.... Red Flags galore... This isn't a game of monopoly where you have your friends land onf Boardwalk, get the pot and pass GO all at once...

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    A comment has been removed due to a violation of the Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct. A comment may be removed for one or more violations. If after reading the guidelines and code of conduct you feel this message was in error, please contact One (1) staff member.

    No personal fights:  The allowance for the twitter cap from earlier was as close to our rules as we allow.  Any new caps concerning sexual harassment from either party will be denied, as this has nothing to do with an active business transaction.

    The artist is free to feel however they want to feel about our community, and they are welcome to come and state their side at any time.

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    Ugh, that's so frustrating, I'm sorry this happened to you. No one should have their sona drawn in an inappropriate way without the owner's consent. Including that you specified what you wanted is just irritable. Even the fact that they were so rude afterward towards you, how they didn't even apologize? That's unacceptable.

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    Tags have been updated.  The comment concerning it was not approved, as we've already stated once that we will not be allowing unrelated drama.  We are a business community.

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