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About Me

  1. Dec. 10th, 2011 at 2:09 PM pagan_foxcat The following was mostly written by Jaitsu on behalf of both of us. I'll put my own blurb at the bottom: "WHO: Vani/Vanimute/VanillaKitsune WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vani WHAT: Was supposed to be a traditional art commission, in the style of http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4014996/ , for $65, split between myself ( Jaitsu / http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jaitsu ) and Neopagan ( http://www.furaffinity.net/user/neopagan ). WHEN: The commission was agreed upon and paid for at Anthrocon 2010 (so, mid-late June, 24th/25th?) July 27th she started posting journals going on about her life situations delaying commissions ( http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/1586921/ ). Since she seemed aware that she had commissions waiting, including ours, we waited to prod her with emails. When she finally replied, she said she'd have the commission done by JUNE, or give us a refund. We agreed. It's now long, long past June, and we've received neither, and she's no longer reading notes or responding to emails. (Her twitter's still pretty active, though, so you can't say she doesn't have internet access) PROOF: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18095502/paganvaniemails.png EXPLAIN: See "when" for most explanation. We paid for the commission at AC '10, then gave her plenty of time to work on it... then she started putting up dramajournals, so we felt sorry for her and waited a while longer. She kept putting up journals pointing out that she was aware that there were commissions waiting, including specifically mentioning ours, so we continued to wait, until finally, we got impatient. Neo noted and emailed her again, and FINALLY got a response, offering to do our commission (now upgraded to digital) by June, or give us a refund. As of October 4th, we've received neither, and the last several notes we've sent her haven't even been read." Now, this has been sitting in my email ready to post here since mid October, but I've been hesitant to do so, maybe even a little guilty. I know what it's like to have real life throw bricks at you and the tons of other artists I commission know that I try to work with them and give them a lot of leeway(and tip frequently!) But, enough is enough. I've commissioned and had a full fursuit complete in a lot less time. After emailing her failed (which is apparently the BEST way to get in contact with her), I left her a note on FA which by it's bright yellow color has not been read since mid October, and it is now December. Due to the extensive list of people and any lack of reasonable progress on ANY of them, I'm sure there are many more people who are a little tired of waiting over a year for a simple piece of artwork that they paid good money for( http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18011580/don%27t%20take%20out%20of%20here/todolist.png ), I'm just the first to post about it here. A year and a half and nothing at all, infact, lost contact yet still twittering away? She doesn't seem like the dickish sort, but irresponsible is irresponsible. For those of you who would think me foolish for getting a commish from someone with that long a lineup, I actually didn't know the artist well and the first exposure to them was the dealer's den at AC 2010. It was only after I got home did I see the huge to-do list. What's worse, is that she started offering commissions for more money in between this and had friends pay her way to AC 2011 apparently.. ? I don't know if/when she is going to resurface. But if she does I want people to know her work ethic beforehand so they don't get into the same situation.
  2. Dec. 10th, 2011 at 2:04 PM kayla_la Original Poster Name: kravenlupei Date of Post: 2011-12-09 13:25:00 Link to Original Post: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/546619.html Link to Screengrab of Post: http://img43.imageshack.us/img43/2926/sbeware1323460078209.png - Original http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/6326/sbeware1323553215281.png - Resolved version http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/5633/kravenlupei120911.png - Some of the comments, warning, large file http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/1605/kravenlupei1209112.png - More comments, warning, large file Tags on Post: artist-shiuk, beware, resolved Reason for repost: User was hostile and insulting in the comments, received two warnings to tone it down. Continued to be hostile, made several attack journals on FA (that were quickly deleted), insulted another user and was thus suspended for 5 days. In reaction to 5 day suspension, he harassed another user in their personal journal and was subsequently permabanned. In response to this permaban, he went into his post and started mass-deleting comments he didn't like. Since he has proven himself unable to handle his own behaviour responsibly, we have decided to repost where he can not control the comments. Please do not take this as an opportunity to harass Kraven, in or out of the community. Normal harassment rules still apply here and you WILL get banned for
  3. Dec. 6th, 2011 at 1:53 PM neolucky Sometimes when someone copies my work, they like to note me about it. Other times they only contact me after they were caught doing something wrong - In this case it's kind of both. After being caught, the artist in question comes to me, offers a kidney from his country and that he may have...used an image of mine. So I investigate. The user is: http://deserter-project.deviantart.com/ My original image: http://media.photobucket.com/image/starfire%20neolucky/NekoHybrid/Commission__Starfire_by_Neolucky.jpg Side by side: http://neolucky.com/dajournal/starfirecomparison.jpg His copy (rehosted as he removed it): http://neolucky.com/dajournal/commission_starfire_animecomic_by_deserter_project-d47mkql.jpg The trace: http://neolucky.com/dajournal/starfiretrace.jpg Comment in post: http://neolucky.com/dajournal/toldhimtoremove.jpg His note to me: http://neolucky.com/dajournal/kidneytrace.jpg His note entailed how he's trying to find me a kidney, and that he also used my art to make commissions. Then I happened upon his gallery and boy howdy, he's a professional tracer. Sooo yeah...probably going to be reporting a lot in this one. He's taking commissions and then outright tracing images without really understanding the legality of the matter. English most certainly isn't his first language, but I hope he understands why this is wrong. Normally I would just post him to art_theft and leave it at that, but a customer of mine bought art from him, and he's also trying to make money off of other peoples hard work =| so thats no bueno. If you spot any other traces, I'd love to have them to report with!
  4. Dec. 2nd, 2011 at 9:59 PM jackrow WHO: Rainhopper / Toast Rabbit WHERE: Rainhopper OR at Toastrabbit WHAT: Not willing to pay commission price he owe me. WHEN: Ordered at 2009 July 25. - Picture received at approximately 2010 August. Payment haven't arrived ever since from him. PROOF and STORY: There were a commissioner, called Rainhopper, also known as Toastrabbit in his actual name. He once commissioned me for a highly detailed artwork which would cost him 60 Euro, which is approximately equal to 80 USD. We discussed every single detail together to its finest. The communications are held upon Furaffinity's notes and GMail's e-mailing systems sometimes when we had doubts about things. Times have passed, and I have to admit I've got some complications with school and whatnot during the time and it kept for about almost a year which I felt myself ashamed, but once I've got some free time to finish what I was about to tell to be finished, I finally did what I promised and sent the original high resolution picture to him via e-mail in hope to get paid but only a somewhat short but still a modest thank you e-mail has been received and nothing more. The picture I did with such effort can be found here now here (since either him or the mods have removed it - EDIT: 2011.dec.04.) Though the description says that Jako did it, it was my former account and as the account journal says I moved to the newest location, just in case if someone is in doubt if it's about me or an other person, I just told it right here. However I uploaded it to my Furaffinity gallery, I've entitled it with a NOT PAID tag right infront of the title, to keep it in mind both for him and for artists if he's about to spot you as an other victim of theft. I have been waiting for months then I was out of patience, thus I asked him what's going on with the money? He said he is having complications with paypal nevertheless he's broke and 2 the rantgryphon holds him, which I accepted as "oh well, shit happens, let's just wait some more then..." I was hoping he was about to get that arranged ,but yet another several of those months have passed (almost A YEAR) and still nothing. Then I've asked him the same, but in a bit impatient motivationful voice via e-mail, and he replied the same. THIS is going on for ONE and a HALF YEAR by now, and I'm seriously out of patience, not to mention he dare to attend at MidFur as a Guest of Honor. How can people sleep at night like these? Till he don't pay me off, this thread will remain for letting you know who is about to comission you, and if I were you: DON'T ACCEPT ANY FURTHER COMISSIONS FROM HIM(Toastrabbit, Rainhopper) as long as I'm unpaid. Hereby I'm going to link evidences with commentary. The screenshot cuts have datestamps to proove my complainment. Evidence01 A whole copy of what he sent me in notes by promising this and that right after arranging the details which looked nice and fair so far. Evidence01 supplemental Not so relevant, but the e-mail where I've sent the sketch for further detail arrangement to check if everything is alright with it. Normally I keep doing things this checking way, to avoid complications in details, wether my customers like the way it looks or not. Evidence02 Months have passed and still nothing... Evidence03 Right after I uploaded the picture, all he did is just a thank you, not even mentioning he' still willing to pay me or something which OUGHT to be happen after this long delay if I were him. Evidence04 Evidence05 What? He can even AFFORD to make it to MidFur from the United States?... Okay, where is my diamond shotgun? Evidence06 Perhaps this is another excuse not paying me out...
  5. WHO: West, Westfalen. WHERE: Furaffinity, Inkbunny, Livestream WHAT: A chemisty / Periodic Table icon. WHEN: November 22, 2011 - November 26, 2011 PROOF: Paypal receipt (with West's real name hidden) - http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/269/reklawiconproofreceipt.png EXPLAIN: This really is nothing major, and in the end I'm just posting it as a warning to the community. On November 22 I commissioned West to do one of the Periodic Table icons he was advertising so heavily in places like FA and Teenycom. Communication went alright, and then suddenly last night (November 26) I'm noted about some chat logs that showed up on a public livestream while West was working on my icon. I'm putting it behind a cut because long chat log is long and has lots of crude and pretty offensive language. The bolded parts are done by me to highlight the more important bits. 9:57 PM: westfalen: because, for fucking fuck's sake, I've already done like, two of these, and this is fuckface number three to have the same goddamn character design 9:57 PM: westfalen: because it's soooo original 9:57 PM: westfalen: jesus fucking cockfucking christ 9:58 PM: westfalen: if this keeps up I am seriously just going to lay down line white lines of mockitude until these fucker snort them up and love it 9:58 PM: Defenbaugh: Wassup 9:58 PM: Defenbaugh: Besides wolf rascism ? 9:58 PM: Defenbaugh: err speciesism 9:58 PM: westfalen: I feel sorry for the mothers of these pathetic man-children for the shame they must feel for having borne these sad space-wasting wastes of space into the world 9:59 PM: westfalen: fuck you, generic grey fox with long black generic hair 9:59 PM: westfalen: fuckkkkkk 9:59 PM: westfalen: youuuuu 9:59 PM: RedApeGuy: Yikes!: lol 9:59 PM: westfalen: *pants* 9:59 PM: LinkinArt: haha 9:59 PM: westfalen: sorry. I go into rages sometimes. 9:59 PM: Defenbaugh: Must be a guy thing? ? 9:59 PM: westfalen: hi, Linkin! welcome to the stream! 10:00 PM: LinkinArt: thanks ? 10:00 PM: bostitch: livestream needs a screencap option: ? 10:00 PM: westfalen: it's people like this that are slowly making me hate the fandom 10:00 PM: Defenbaugh: Which? 10:00 PM: westfalen: this grey fox black-haired boring fucker right here 10:00 PM: RedApeGuy: People who's characters all look like copies of each other 10:00 PM: Defenbaugh: snicker 10:00 PM: LinkinArt: Hair on furries gets annoying 10:00 PM: westfalen: hate them so much 10:01 PM: Kardi: I like hair, when done well. ? 10:01 PM: westfalen: hate 10:01 PM: Defenbaugh: Well Im a blakc wolf.. no hair.. 10:01 PM: bostitch: But they are all beautiful and unique snowflakes! 10:01 PM: bostitch: Bwahahaha 10:01 PM: Defenbaugh: ..> 10:01 PM: Defenbaugh: >.> -cries- 10:01 PM: westfalen: it's like, jesus christ, assfucker, I bet you wear a fursuit and then dress up like Sephiroth when you go to cons, you fatfaced ugly bogfuck 10:01 PM: Kardi: But I do say... there we go. XD Then again, there's a whoole lotta blond haired blue eyed people. ? 10:01 PM: Defenbaugh: West has Rabies... 10:02 PM: Kardi: West is in the gee-my-cold-medicine is trumping me tonight mood. ? 10:02 PM: RedApeGuy: When I was thinking of my character, I thought, I can make a character that looks like me or one that takes elements of animals I like 10:02 PM: Defenbaugh: -gets the rifle- 10:02 PM: RedApeGuy: The thing about an animal that looks like me is that it would have to be a skinny red fox.: And there are like 1929209812903 of those 10:02 PM: Defenbaugh: AHAHAHAHAHAHA 10:02 PM: Kardi: *sniff* It's okay, pa,. I'll do it, he's my dog... 10:02 PM: Defenbaugh: -dies laughing- 10:03 PM: LinkinArt: haha 10:03 PM: westfalen: THATS WHAT I THINK OF YOUR LAMEASS CHARACTER, REKLAW 10:03 PM: RedApeGuy: Oh my god, I just looked up at the screen 10:03 PM: RedApeGuy: hahahahaha 10:03 PM: westfalen: I HOPE YOU LOSE YOUR SCROTUM IN THE WAR 10:03 PM: RedApeGuy: I was wondering why everyone was dying 10:03 PM: westfalen: *pants* 10:03 PM: Defenbaugh: -gives West some oxygen- 10:03 PM: Kardi: *eyes it* Sadly, I don't think THAT icon is allowed on FA. 10:03 PM: LinkinArt: I'm choking here dammit 10:03 PM: westfalen: sorry. Kinda losing my shit here tonite. 10:03 PM: Defenbaugh: Used to be 10:04 PM: westfalen: actually, you know what 10:04 PM: westfalen: watch me pull the dickest move imaginable .10:05 PM: Defenbaugh: LOl did you just copy paste one of the other wolves? 10:06 PM: Defenbaugh: You are heartless 10:06 PM: bostitch: man that was awesome ? 10:06 PM: Defenbaugh: Someone will notice 10:06 PM: Defenbaugh: and SAY OMG TRACER! 10:06 PM: Kardi: I notice... I think West is just being a smartass tonight. ? 10:06 PM: Defenbaugh: Apparently 10:06 PM: westfalen: I totally did that 10:06 PM: LinkinArt: Haha tracer of his own work 10:06 PM: westfalen: traced my own work, yep 10:06 PM: Defenbaugh: I endorse smartassedness 10:07 PM: RedApeGuy: Hahah, I wonder if anyone'll notice 10:07 PM: Defenbaugh: I wonder if I could get West to draw boobs in this mood 10:07 PM: westfalen: unimaginative shitfucking cockschlepping assmongering slapcunt 10:10 PM: RedApeGuy: Hopefully no more grey colored black haired wolves. 10:11 PM: Defenbaugh: How about black greyhaired colored wolves? 10:11 PM: RedApeGuy: What.... I... don't get it. 10:11 PM: Defenbaugh: Blakc wolves, with greyheadhair ? 10:12 PM: westfalen: let's rant shamelessly about BLACK WOLVES 10:12 PM: westfalen: WHO THE FUCK DO THEY THINK THEY ARE 10:12 PM: Defenbaugh: NOOOOO 10:12 PM: westfalen: BEING BLACK ALL THE TIME 10:12 PM: westfalen: AND WOLFY 10:12 PM: westfalen: AND BLACK WOLFING LIKE SOME KINDA BLACK WOLF 10:12 PM: Defenbaugh: -represents- 10:13 PM: LinkinArt: Is that racist against black wolves? 10:13 PM: westfalen: totally speciesist 10:13 PM: Defenbaugh: I got a little white wolf in me, and its squirming. 10:13 PM: Defenbaugh: -drum hits- 10:13 PM: RedApeGuy: =P 10:13 PM: westfalen: I think there's a cream for that, Deef. 10:13 PM: Defenbaugh: ? 10:14 PM: Defenbaugh: "I coul dbe more crass but Im scared of West 10:15 PM: westfalen: hahahha 10:15 PM: Grafsburg: Oh wow. 10:15 PM: westfalen: where the hell is Enydimon 10:15 PM: westfalen: I need to thank him profusely 10:15 PM: westfalen: for not shoving his character's bare junk in my face the second I click that link 10:16 PM: Defenbaugh: lul 10:16 PM: bostitch: Is that a maple leaf? 10:16 PM: westfalen: screw that, I'm going to email him and thank him profusely 10:16 PM: westfalen: that's totally a maple leaf 10:16 PM: Defenbaugh: Treasure trail 10:16 PM: Grafsburg: I actually kind of thought you were a decent artist West. But really? Re-using old art for something someone paid for? 10:16 PM: Grafsburg: That's pretty cold. 10:17 PM: westfalen: Grafs, you're a nice kid, but I know where you live 10:17 PM: Defenbaugh: lol 10:17 PM: Grafsburg: Yeah yeah yeah. 10:17 PM: Grafsburg: Whatever. 10:17 PM: Grafsburg: Hope you don't mind them finding out about this by the way. 10:18 PM: westfalen: go nuts, kid. I hope being a shameless tattle tale makes you feel better about yourself. Some timestamps are missing because these are bits and pieces of others' chatlogs. 10:18 PM: Earwig: haha what the fuck tacky shit am I hearing 10:18 PM: Grafsburg: Shameless? 10:18 PM: westfalen: what the, holy shit. ANOTHER GREY WOLF WITH BLACK HAIR 10:18 PM: westfalen: I'M GOING TO FUCKING VOMIT, SRSLY 10:19 PM: Defenbaugh: -pats West- ? 10:19 PM: Defenbaugh: With a gotee 10:19 PM: westfalen: who the fuck do I have to stab to make the hurting stop Earwig: Cil try to have some tact, it's not charming. Some people have doofy characters but you're going to hurt your reputation by being snotty/insulting westfalen: whoa, Sare! where'd you come from? Earwig: Internet westfalen: arite. So, whaddya want me to do, Sare? 10:19 PM: Earwig: S'fine to bitch but keeping it in IM etc is best. 10:20 PM: westfalen: s'what I'm doing 10:20 PM: Earwig: Ranting is something we all gotta do, but this is in a public stream where your customers/fans see it 10:21 PM: westfalen: oh right, difference between public stream and IM, gotcha 10:21 PM: Earwig: They're giving you money so returning a level of respect back to them is the right thing to do 10:21 PM: westfalen: fine, fine. I'll return his five dollars. 10:21 PM: Earwig: Sometimes it's hard as hell, but on something like a basic aesthetic choice it's crappy 10:21 PM: Earwig: I'd ask him first, since I'm not the customer 10:21 PM: Earwig: It's just personal opinion 10:22 PM: westfalen: I hope one day I meet this guy in person 10:22 PM: Earwig: Who? 10:22 PM: westfalen: so I can tell him personally how I feel 10:22 PM: westfalen: EXACTLY 10:22 PM: Earwig: Are you talking about the customer you're working for? 10:22 PM: Defenbaugh: I think West is givign them the money back. 10:22 PM: Earwig: But who is she giving money back to? Because the customer's not complaining so far as I know, so he doesn't want a refund I'd assume 10:23 PM: westfalen: so wait, what 10:23 PM: Earwig: I'm just giving my 2 cents re: business tact 10:23 PM: westfalen: are you friggin serious 10:23 PM: westfalen: you come in here just to lecture me? 10:23 PM: Defenbaugh: -whistles and wanders that a way- Its uncomfortable i here. 10:23 PM: Earwig: I sure did 10:23 PM: westfalen: I'll tolerate lecturing from my manager because I pay her, but srsly Sare, aren't you being hella presumptuous? 10:24 PM: westfalen: jesus! After I did you goddamn favour! 10:24 PM: Earwig: What favour? 10:24 PM: Earwig: The donation for the kitten? 10:24 PM: Earwig: That was amazingly kind of you 10:24 PM: westfalen: you'll stick up from stranger mcstrangeface and not for me? 10:24 PM: Kardi: Then here, have my lecture here in channel. ? You need to put it down tonight. 10:24 PM: Earwig: This is a different situation 10:24 PM: Kardi: I never EVER lecture you in public.. EVER. 10:24 PM: westfalen: christ in a hammock! 10:24 PM: Kardi: Sigh... 10:25 PM: Earwig: presumption is when I don't know information and I just assume shit, which yeah I never do. But I saw how you're acting and it's definitely not presumptuous to say you're being rude and tactless. 10:25 PM: Earwig: And like I said I totally understand the ranting thing, I do it too 10:25 PM: Earwig: But I do it in private and I try to be fair 10:25 PM: Earwig: If these people were being shitheads to you I could understand it but it's not their fault they have similar designs back to back 10:25 PM: Kardi: You are so hopped up on cold meds you're snarly and grumpy and just in a mood and a quarter. ? 10:26 PM: westfalen: actually no, I'm not on cold meds right now 10:26 PM: westfalen: clear as a goddamn bell 10:26 PM: Earwig: Insulting them because of a very simple aesthetic choice in a place they can see it is just really... I dunno. I'm honestly surprised 10:26 PM: Kardi: ... well, then, you're in a mood and quarter. And also, I hope the kitten's doing okay. ? 10:26 PM: westfalen: hahaha oh my god I can't believe I'm hearing this 10:26 PM: Earwig: Yep, kitten is in a really nice place now and taken care of well 10:26 PM: Kardi: Cool. ❤️ That makes me happy. ? 10:27 PM: Earwig: I dunno why you're talking like this in a public place. It's your own noose you're tying, that's fine. I can't tell you how to run your business or how to portray yourself online 10:27 PM: westfalen: look, you two girls have fun talking kittens, ok, I'm sure you both have great cat stories to exchange 10:27 PM: Earwig: Are you drunk? 10:27 PM: Earwig: Like is this how you normally act? I'm just trying to be chill and explain what the hell you sound like 10:27 PM: westfalen: I apologize for all present for having to put up with this bullshit, I'm outtski, kids. Peace on earth. So basically: West is tired of getting nothing but grey foxes with black hair to do icons of, and expresses this by making personal attacks against me and throwing personal insults at me as a person over a simple character design, in a public chat where absolutely anyone could see it. He even goes so far as to copy and paste another commissioner's icon to make minor edits to for mine with the intention of passing it off as fully-custom work like all of his other icons and just getting my character out of the way. My icon, next to the icon West copied from: http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/4103/reklawiconprooficons.jpg He took the icon he made for Escafanatic421, copied and pasted it, and made really minor edits to the character: Eyebrows, muzzle marking, and the clothing's removed. He also moved "my" character further out of the frame to try to make it either less obvious, or so he could do less work on it, or both. I'm not impressed. When he gets called out for doing it so publicly, he proceeds to throw a fit and then leaves the channel. To be fair, I did receive the full refund as shown in the receipt I linked- The message that came with it was a simple "I don't think I can do your character right now, sorry!" I haven't received any sort of apology from West for his behavior, but I think it's because he thinks I don't know what was said about me in the livestream. While the personal attacks and this sort of behavior don't bother me too much, I'm posting this for anybody who may be considering commissioning West to beware of personal attacks and less than professional behavior if your characters happen to go against their idea of 'imaginative' character design. --Edited the post to fix spacing, it was showing up as a weird block of text for me. Hopefully that's better! Update: 11/28/2011 After just happening to run into West on livestream, I have severe doubts that this will ever be resolved. No copy-pasting to be had. I recorded every snide remark with Fraps. http://youtu.be/SVtAx9Hdz2w And Kathy had no idea this was going on, so leave her alone. Please.
  6. Nov. 27th, 2011 at 10:09 AM spotzwastaken WHO: Anuvia WHERE: Califur 2011, http://www.furaffinity.net/user/anuvia/ WHAT: I commissioned Anuvia for a badge at Califur on around June 4th, 2011. I was told it would be done before the convention ended. EXPLAIN: I commissioned a badge from Anuvia at Califur 2011 (I even gave her a tip), being told it would be completed before the end of the convention. It wasn't finished in time, but no big deal she was going to just mail it to me. A month later I was told it was finished and just needed to be mailed out. Now 6 months later I'm still waiting, after trying at least 6 times to contact Anuvia through email alone. This doesn't even count FA notes and shouts which she told me she doesn't check. It's worth pointing out that it was only my comments that she didn't check on FA since it only took our mutual friend a day to get a reply from her in a note and I see her replying to comments other people leave frequently. All this time she has been activly posting other new art in her FA gallery. All I can say at this point is if she is indeed telling the truth and my badge really is finished, just waiting for months and months to be scanned and mailed out, then I'm utterly stupified. Anuvia could fix this whole issue by walking to a mailbox but she has instead dragged it out for half a year and has offered nothing in return for my money. I've tried time and again to contact her with no success so now I'm posting here to warn others. WHEN: June 4th or 5th: Paid Anuvia in full for a badge and provided a $10 tip. June 28th: First email was sent but the email Anuvia provided on her FA page didn't work. Attempts to contact her through FA notes and shouts were all ignored. June 29th: Second email sent to another address I got for her. No response. July 9th: Third email sent, still no reply. July 10th: More than a month after I had already given her money I finally got an email reply for the first time from Anuvia. She told me the badge was finished and just needed to be scanned for my approval. July 22nd: 12 days later there's been no sign of the scan of my already finished, already paid for badge. Fourth email sent, no response. August 3rd: At this point Anuvia has been active on FA daily, posting new art and replying to other peoples comments and shouts. All of my comments of course are not acknowledged at all. Fifth email sent without a reply. August 23rd: A mutual friend of ours offered to bring my commission up to Anuvia and see what the deal was. She replied to him within a day saying she would contact me, which she did not do. September 2nd: Fifth email sent to Anuvia, I haven't heard from her personally since July 10th. No reply to this email either. At this point I gave up trying to contact her because she kept posting on FA about money trouble and having to work at her family store and having no free time. This is still completely unacceptable, but wasn't worth the headache. When there was no lul in her posting new art on FA, however, it was too much for me to take and I sent her email number six. November 9th: Email six was sent, also without receiving any response. This was my last attempt at contacting Anuvia before posting here. PROOF: Email proof1: http://i44.tinypic.com/124ecdh.jpg Email proof 2: http://i40.tinypic.com/2dvla1j.jpg Email proof 3: http://i42.tinypic.com/dwwas4.jpg Email proof 4: http://i43.tinypic.com/10odvno.jpg
  7. Nov. 21st, 2011 at 9:25 PM kampaisuchi Hey everyone, I’m new to this little knick of the woods on LJ but after being referenced by some friends I figured I should give this a shot. ======================================== WHO: YuUrI WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/yuuri/ WHAT: Digital art piece for a Halloween special she offered in 2009. WHEN: Payment was sent September 28, 2009 http://i.imgur.com/RjE45.png (botched artist’s real name) Earlier this year, on March 22nd, 2011 I asked for an update: 
 http://i.imgur.com/7TPaO.png (I don’t recall having a reply) PROOF: It is very hard to keep track of things with Yuuri. She periodically tears down her gallery/scraps each year. Up until this summer I watched her on FA to keep an eye out for my commission. From when she was paid, until I asked for my refund, the only artwork she uploaded were various other “inky” commissions, adoptables, and some full colors in between. She never finished my commission so on June 26th, 2011 I requested a refund: http://i.imgur.com/UtoXu.png (The link in that note does not work, it was the previous link, except with her real name unblotched.) Edit Insert: She did reply to my request for a refund here: http://i.imgur.com/C5oy2.png EXPLAIN: This is where it gets a little complicated. Today (Nov 21, 2011) I was going to attempt to contact her again but discovered she had blocked me from sending her notes. To me, this looked like she was trying to get rid of a ‘problem’ without resolving it. However I wanted to still see if she had some reasoning behind this. So asked for some assistance from a friend to message her on my behalf. I have blotched out her name because she wants to remain anonymous for the time being. If she needs to reveal her name, then she is ok with that. Friend to Yuuri #1: http://i.imgur.com/a6wTC.png Yuuri Reply #1: http://i.imgur.com/e225f.png This is where her lies start coming in. She claims that I attacked her in my note asking for a refund. I admit that my note was quite snippy though. Friend to Yuuri #2: http://i.imgur.com/L268m.png My friend’s note to Yuuri here is after I shared my own note caps with her as well. This is relevant to the next note Yuuri sends. Yuuri Reply #2: http://i.imgur.com/kwtru.png This is where she is really starting to lie. I never swore at her, and in my opinion I don’t think I was that aggressive. I was unhappy, and I believe I was being quite polite. Apparently she disagrees. Edit: Two new notes have been added. At the first reply wasn't very relevant up until Yuuri responded to my friend in an additional note. Friend to Yuuri #3: http://i.imgur.com/CV3L0.png Yuuri Reply #3: http://i.imgur.com/M04lB.png I don't see how my friend was being rude to Yuuri honestly, she was just acting as a liaison for me. However, Yuuri has gone from saying that I swore at her in my note to her to 'that's just how I took it and how I felt'. This is very different from what she initially was saying. That is all I have. If I have forgotten anything or if there are questions let me know. Thanks! Update: Yuuri has unblocked me and requested my paypal information. Hopefully we can get this resolved soon. Update: Yuuri has issued the refund. Please mark this as resolved.
  8. Nov. 19th, 2011 at 7:59 PM halfshell WHO: Kira WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kira/ WHAT: Am missing 2 flat color and shaded characters, never received them WHEN: May 2008 PROOF: have screen caps of payment via PayPal confirmation from my email., FA notes screen caps for recent communications. EXPLAIN: Paid for art 3 years ago never received it. Artist disappears for 3 years, recently got a hold of them and been waiting for a month to believe she disappeared again. Screen caps: Payment sent (3 yrs ago): http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n575/halfshell/paymenttokiraviaemailfrompaypal.png Recent Shout on her FA page: http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n575/halfshell/shoutcommentonherFApage.png Response to her journal: http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n575/halfshell/responcetoKirasFAjournal.png Attempts to reach her Pm notes: http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n575/halfshell/FAPMstoKira.png ‹/lj-cut› People told me to leave her alone, that she's having problems that sometimes it better wait for it, is three years too short? people said to let the money go, 72 bucks is a lot of money just to let go. If this artist has no intention not to do the art, why doesn't she just come out and say "I'm not gonna do it" UPDATE: Jan. 13th, 2012 Another attempt, in Nov. note remains unread. No further word from her. http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n575/halfshell/kira-updateattemptb-1.png http://i1140.photobucket.com/albums/n575/halfshell/kira-updateattempt-1.png Update: Issue resolved, refund was issued.
  9. 2:23 PM midnightwolf777 WHO: Sarcatsic. WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sarcatsic/ WHAT: This is regarding four digital bust shot pics payed for back in feburary of 2011. Of these four pics only three were done until last month when the fourth pic was done. WHEN: This took place over a period of nine months, Starting January 21, 2011. PROOF: http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/00001fhy/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/000026yk/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000s33y/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000ra2w/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/00005cf4/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/00004796/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/000062h3/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000q542/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000phqq/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/00007cc0/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/00008q3s/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/00009sxa/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000af5s/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000bstp/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000cf5b/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000dygb/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000ezhr/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000ftd8/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000gqww/g1 http://pics.livejournal.com/midnightwolf777/pic/0000h606/g1 The Pics in Question: http://i962.photobucket.com/albums/ae103/c4tspajamas/firefoxflareon.png http://i962.photobucket.com/albums/ae103/c4tspajamas/firefoxglaceon-1.png http://i962.photobucket.com/albums/ae103/c4tspajamas/firefoxglaceon.png http://i962.photobucket.com/albums/ae103/c4tspajamas/firefoxumbreon.png http://i962.photobucket.com/albums/ae103/c4tspajamas/firefoxvaporeon.png http://i962.photobucket.com/albums/ae103/c4tspajamas/firefoxvaporeon-1.png EXPLAIN: Hello. My name is Electricfox777 on furaffinity.net The deal for the four pics by Sarcatsic were agreed upon on Jan. 21st and paid for on Feb. 5th as can be observed by the screenshot timeline I’ve posted above. After the first pic was completed on Feb. 16th, Ideas were given for the backgrounds of the second, third, and fourth pics. The second pic was proposed finished on March 30th and a small edit was requested added to the pic. The second and third pics were completed and delivered on April 2nd. After that I received no contact from Sarcatsic at all, despite sending her one note a month asking for an update on the final pic. She received and read my notes and comments but never answered me back. By July I was beginning to get a bit aggravated at being completely ignored so I left a shout on her page, as well as a comment in a journal she posted advertising commissions. Still no word came from Sarcatsic until October 9th where she claimed that the receipt she has only shows that I paid for three pics, so three was all she did. I was surprised that she replied at all, but to have such a blatant lie told annoyed me to no end. So I posted a screen shot of my own receipt, showing that I had paid her in full for all four pics, and told her that just because she “believed” me to have only paid for three pics, it doesn’t explain why I’ve been ignored all these months. She replies simply “That's not what mine say, but whatever, here. Take it.” Now in truth I could have left it alone there, but I did not like the pic I was given. As patient as I had been. I did not feel I deserved a half assed pic thrown at me to get me off of her case. But instead of complaining further, I ask for a simple edit. I asked that the eyes and grin of the shadow be added into the pic. She doesn’t respond, and after four days I send her a polite thank you for honoring the arrangement and doing the pic for me. But I also tell her that the wait and being ignored for months was unacceptable and that I’d be posting an A_B against her for these things. She responds with a spiteful note telling me how ungrateful and unprofessional a person and commissioner I am, how I never treated her with any respect, and how I asked for edit after edit to the pics she did for me. I’ll admit I am far from perfect, but you can decide for yourself whether her rant was warranted. The issue may be closed, but I leave this post to warn others who may commission her in the future what I had to go through, and by extension, what they may go through commissioning her. Thank you for reading. Have a nice day.
  10. Nov. 12th, 2011 at 3:10 AM mosasakkine *Edited some wording as per mod request, and a couple more screenshots* Who: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/bunnynyn/ ; https://inkbunny.net/kibafuryo What: My version of the image in question is still on my page, and still contains all the drama he brought in, if you're so inclined to read through it. I just thought I'd give everyone a heads up about this guy. He won a pinup auction from me on November 9th, which was to be finished that same night. He first insists that we discuss the commission via messenger, which is against my policy for personal reasons. He claimed he wanted to be sure we were on the same page and that I got it perfect. I let him know that I've never had trouble following instructions through email, and his request was so simple (going so far as to send me a pose reference he wanted me to basically copy) there was no possible way for me to screw it up. I told him that if he really wanted, I could stream it for him. Which I did, and finished the piece in under three hours. He was pleased with it, so I then posted it to FA. My TOS states that by commissioning me, the commissioner is giving me the right to post the image where I like, and that they in turn have my permission to post the work on their own page, as long as they give me credit and post a link to my page. At around 7am EST on Nov 11, my significant other noticed on the front page of FA, that he had uploaded the piece. Only he had added huge black text with his "copyright" info, and a giant SAMPLE across the character. I was kind of annoyed about that, but since this was the first time I've ever had to deal with anybody altering a work I've done for them, I had not covered that situation in my TOS. But he also hadn't credited me in the description. So I made a polite comment requesting that he credit me and upload the unaltered image instead. He hid my comment. So I made another, telling him not to ignore me, and to please respect my wishes or remove the image from his page. I made a journal to state my displeasure, not once calling him by name. You can see that journal here: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2899677/ He removed the image from his page. Then he posted a journal about how nobody was allowed to post any artwork of his "copyrighted" character anymore, or he'd sue them, then posted the link to that journal on the submission in my gallery. Hilarity ensued. My submission (WARNING NSFW due to penor): http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6828416 What he did to it: http://rainbow-mouse.net/misc/bunnynyn/bunnynyn_kibafuryo.jpg His journal: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2900787/ He posted a ton of "threatening legal action" posts, even going so far as to copy/pasta some legal gibberish from a law site, as though he'd actually contacted a lawyer, and posted it both as a comment and as a private note. Our conversation went as follows: http://rainbow-mouse.net/misc/bunnynyn/bunnynyn1.jpg http://rainbow-mouse.net/misc/bunnynyn/bunnynyn2.jpg http://rainbow-mouse.net/misc/bunnynyn/bunnynyn3.jpg http://rainbow-mouse.net/misc/bunnynyn/bunnynyn4.jpg He chose not to reply to that last note from me. Instead, he went and edited his profile to say "DUE TO RECENT EVENTS WITH A FEW RETARDS ON HERE I HAVE MOVED TO ANOTHER SITE IF YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS ASK THEN BUT NO LONGER GOING TO DEAL WITH THE DRAMA FEST THAT IS "FA"" I guessed Inkbunny, and wouldn't you know, it wasn't hard to find. He had again uploaded that same altered version, AGAIN without giving me credit. This time he had in the description about how he had to remove it from FA because I had a fit about him uploading it (without mentioning my name). I contacted IB support and had the image removed with no fuss. Seen here:http://rainbow-mouse.net/misc/bunnynyn/bunnynyn5.jpg I posted another journal here, still not naming names http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2901363/ Please also be aware that I did not send anybody after them or encourage them to flame him, reply to his comments, or post on his journal. I avoided posting on his journal myself because I was not trying to incite anything. Again, the situation seems to be resolved for now, until he decides to post the image again, which I have revoked all rights to him being allowed to post anywhere due to his douchebaggery. If you happen to see the image in question uploaded anywhere with his copyright on it, please let me know, and report it if you can. I'm posting it here on A_B because some people have suggested I do so. I would suggest not taking work from this guy unless you like dealing with a childish whiner who will disrespect your art and then threaten you with legal action. Why: Not a clue! Added at Nov 12, 14:00 EST: This has now escalated to the point where he has posted a threatening shout on my FA page (which I have left there to make a point), and trying to reverse the charges on Paypal, which I hope to god they don't take his side, or I'll be on the phone with them. Commissions are my sole income. I don't screw around with this. He has also since nuked his FA account and all the comments he made on my submission, so you're really only seeing half the conversations now. I hope my notes screenshots suffice. Added on Nov 14, 14:14 EST: Some people have started accusing me of acting childish and immature in dealing with this, and that because of that, they think I will lose respect, watchers, and commissions. You are all entitled to your opinions of course, but please realize that in actuality, I have had many people come to me in comment and note and tell me that because of how I handled the situation, they WOULD commission me, so I am seeing the opposite results. I'm sorry if it looks like I have an attitude, but I can assure you that unless you plan to act as this commissioner did, you'd have very little, if any trouble commissioning me. I am very easygoing and friendly, and this is a very extreme case. Ask anybody else who has ever gotten work from me. And so I do not have to keep responding to the six hour thing (the wait between my comment on his submission and my first journal about respect): "Six hours after posting a comment on their page, may or may not have been enough time. My concept of time is skewed, given that my "days" don't end (I'm polyphasic), so what feels like days to me might actually only be six or seven hours because I've already "slept" two or three times. I concede that that I could have waited a little longer, but I honestly doubt it would have made any difference, as I'm pretty sure he hadn't read the journal before hiding the comment. I have no proof, but I gathered as much from the way he responded to me." But in the end, if you still don't like my attitude for whatever reason, enough that you think I warrant a beware of my own, by all means post a topic about me instead of shifting the blame around in this one, which is a totally warranted beware against the commissioner, and my reason for posting here. I can assure you that had not posted here, and if any of you who claim now that my attitude has put you off from commissioning me had been watching me prior to this but was somehow unaware of this situation, you either would have a) not commissioned me based on my general personality anyway b) commissioned me and had a fine experience, because I treat my commissioners with the respect they give me, and I am fairly certain you are all respectable to artists when buying artwork. So please. I absolutely get the picture that I come off as immature to some of you. That horse has been beaten, and unless my personal watchers/commissioners express displeasure with the way I conduct myself, then I will continue to conduct myself as I have been for the last decade of doing commissions, as it has not been hurting me.
  11. Nov. 4th, 2011 at 6:15 PM orange04 WHO: Dipper WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dipper WHAT: Tracing other peoples' work to use in commissions WHEN: Friday, November 04, 2011 PROOF:/ Example1... Mine: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b215/friedmilk/yoruart.jpg Hers: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b215/friedmilk/dippertrace1.jpg The overlay: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b215/friedmilk/dipperoverlay.jpg Example2... Mine: http://i.imgur.com/22S7c.jpg Hers: http://i.imgur.com/KLR8Y.jpg The overlay: http://i.imgur.com/Jk6T0.jpg Example3... Someone's: http://i.imgur.com/au974.jpg/ Hers: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6502794/ While she may have cited her reference in this pic, there's apparently been some controversy surrounding it. Rumor being, she never cited it until she was called out for tracing it. I've heard this from several people, but sadly I can't prove if it's true or not. ***UPDATE*** (Sat, Nov 5th, 2011) - Dipper has made a public apology on her FA account seen here: http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2880360 And with that, I have accepted her apology for tracing my work. I believe she's learned from this whole experience and won't turn back to tracing or taking shortcuts again. Whether her apology really is legitimate or not, the important part is she won't be foolish enough to rip people off again, especially now that people are being weary and watchful over her gallery. I didn't mean for this thing to blow up as big as it did, but I felt it was my responsibility to bring all of this to everyone's attention. EXPLAIN: A concerned user had notified me of a commission Dipper had uploaded to FurAffinity. They said it looked like a trace of a livestream doodle I had done for a friend some time ago. I was skeptical until I saw the over-lay (shown in Example1). This is a screenshot of the full description she included in the submission: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b215/friedmilk/gwiibear_commission.jpg Nowhere did she even credit me. After some word had spread about her trace, she was quick to delete every comment left on her FA account regarding this issue. Example 2 was presented by someone who read about the news of Dipper's tracing. Their comment was: "It got me wondering about my partner's unfinished commissions with her (of which the WIPs have been deleted now apparently?)" Her note to me, including my disappointed response: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b215/friedmilk/dippernote1.jpg Her reply: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b215/friedmilk/dippernote2.jpg ...Which I didn't even reply to, because I had no words. Her last note: http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b215/friedmilk/dippernote3.jpg She mentions an artist with an "N" name because, according to my husband, she had noted him explaining that she traced because her commissioner, gwiibear, specifically requested she copy one of the artist's drawings. She refused to do that, but I don't know what made me the exception. I will have screenshots of these notes as soon as my husband gets free time to upload them. All of this has made me feel rather stupid and gullible for taking part in one of Dipper's own charity auctions (Shaytalis paid her $100 for winning my slot, which is no small amount). I actually felt sorry for her. She seemed to be someone with the worst luck in the world, but at this point I no longer feel sorry for her about anything. If she's as emotionally flustered as she claims to be, she probably shouldn't be taking on commissions if it's affecting her business practices like this (unless her commissioners enjoy being lied to and ripped off). I had considered posting this to art_theft, but felt it more fitting to post here considering she's been doing this for commission money. Dipper is an artist I really liked until today. I may be more sore about this than others since it's my art she's been stealing, but what she's done is still rather messed up.
  12. Oct. 25th, 2011 at 3:24 PM latiro Who: Elliekin Where: http://elliekin.deviantart.com/ What: a digital commission that cost £15 When: November 22, 2010 and ongoing Proof: I don’t have the screencap of the PayPal receipt, but I do have some of the pms and one attempted email http://i56.tinypic.com/2qkues2.png - the commission agreement http://oi52.tinypic.com/2yo1xk0.jpg - this is the last I’ve heard from her http://oi54.tinypic.com/2v33gyb.jpg - since then, I asked how she's doing, but it's read and ignored http://oi52.tinypic.com/2nqqr6d.jpg - another message ignored http://oi53.tinypic.com/icmnok.jpg - this message is left unread for a while http://i52.tinypic.com/2dk06es.png - my message to her on LJ. No dice http://i43.tinypic.com/kdrbxe.png - I tried emailing her, but even that was ignored (edited to blur out her email address) Explain: I came to Elliekin for a £15 commission on November 22, 2010 and paid her for it. I’ve been a repeat customer to her in the past and I usually never have problems doing business with her until this year. I sent her a friendly reminder about me not getting my final product and that I want a refund. She’s having some medical issues and is starting an unpaid apprenticeship at the end of June (but it’s already past June now, and I hadn’t heard from her since I received a pm from her, and yet she’s somewhat active and posted a few pics in her gallery recently) I’ve tried pming her to see what’s up. Nothing. She just flat-out ignored me. I’ve sent her another pm, saying that it’s rude and unprofessional to ignore pms asking for commission refunds and that I’m worried about getting screwed over, but she never read it. I’ve tried contacting her through LJ and email, but still no answer. Something tells me she’s now very difficult to contact these days Even though she's got some nice art at good prices, I would advise anyone not to commission her (unless if they don’t mind waiting a long time with no commissioned art or refund) ETA: she commented on this post, saying that she hasn't respond due to a huge vital deadline her company's having recently and she only be logged in to her work email and hasn't been on DA much. I'll consider this issue resolve
  13. Oct. 19th, 2011 at 8:06 PM punkspacewafers WHO: Narutofan098 http://narutofan098.deviantart.com/ WHERE: Deviantart WHAT: A very small points commission for a Pokemon walky icon, 15 deviantart points (not sure what that translates to in USD) WHEN: Offer was made August 1,2011. The commission was fully paid August 28, 2011. EXPLAIN: Well, basically, in March of 2011 I commissioned Narutofan098 for a 100x100 icon with an Oshawott and an Emolga on it. It seemed fine and dandy, her waiting list was relatively small, and I liked her art style. This has been resolved, thank you for your help! Anyways, I waited for quite some time, and it became August. I assumed she hadn't started yet, so I sent her this message, as I had a different idea by then of what I wanted. No responses after that, still waiting for my icon. Granted, I barely paid anything for it, but I'm one of those people who needs to have an issue resolved with either a concrete "I do not want to work on this anymore," a refund, or a result. So far I've had none of those. I hate hate hate posting A_B posts because I always feel so terrible for it ;____;
  14. Oct. 2nd, 2011 at 11:45 PM mikastar Who: RejectedDreams Where: DeviantART, http://rejecteddreams.deviantart.com What: Traditional Art When: September 30, 2011 - Oct 2, 2011 Proof: In explanation. I must strongly caution anyone who receives an art request from RejectedDreams on DeviantART. He comes off all nice at first, but then turns around and belittles your work, changes his story around, and accuses you of scamming him. Here is my ordeal: I posted a journal stating that I was doing sketch commissions. In the past, it was understood that that meant pencil sketches, not cleaned up line work. Most people realize this when commissioning. Journal - http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/neko_83/proof1.jpg So I get a lovely note from RejectedDreams requesting a commission. I proceed to find out further info about his request. I also let him know my process, telling him that he may request changes to his image once I submit it to him, before the final image is complete. Note - http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/neko_83/proof2-1.jpg He thinks that's "cool." And even tells me to include the same type of tusks on his elephant that I had drawn on a previous piece in my gallery. Keep this in mind, because later on he tells me that's not what he wanted at all. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/neko_83/proof3-1.jpg I send him a preview of what I sketched up http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/neko_83/Elephant_Sketch.jpg Then proceed to tell him that if he would like any changes, he may ask for them now. He is completely fine with the image and tells me to go ahead and clean it up. Cleaned up image - http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/neko_83/AchooElephant.jpg http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/neko_83/proof4.jpg I send him the cleaned up sketch as well as an extra drawing for being one of the first 5 ppl to note me for commissions. He is very unhappy with it and begins to ask why its not like some of the other commissions in my gallery, mind you those were digitally inked, line art commissions, not sketches, as I had specified in my journal. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/neko_83/proof5.jpg I actually feel bad that he misunderstood the terms of our agreement and would like to rectify the situation, but before I can even reply to his note, he attacks me, claiming that I am scamming him. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/neko_83/proof6.jpg When I do respond to him, in a very professional manner, he becomes even more verbally abusive. As for the "ton of details," he was never specific about them at all and never made any suggestions when I showed him the preliminary sketch. I even agreed to revise the drawing, but as you can see, he just blew past that with his ignorant ranting. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/neko_83/proof7.jpg I then issued a refund and blocked him. There is no way I am going to do work for someone like that. I tried to be nice...I mean I'm pretty sure I addressed the issue in a very professional way. I have never had such an experience like that before. Please do not take requests or anything else from this person. He is rude, completely unprofessional, and immature. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a357/neko_83/proof8.jpg I advise saving yourself a lot drama by avoiding this one altogether. 10/7/11 Edit: Just wanted to thank everyone who has commented for all their wonderful support and advice. I just recently found out about this community and am very happy that it exists!
  15. celestinaketzia Oct. 1st, 2011 02:47 pm (local) Commissioner- TlaiLaxu 1. TlaiLaxu 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tlailaxu/ 3. He's commissioned me multiple times in the past few months. 4. I could gush on and on as to why TlaiLaxu is a fabulous commissioner. He's clear, concise, patient, and a very, very kind and generous person. You will be lucky to work with him if you ever have the chance to. ? houndofloki Oct. 1st, 2011 02:50 pm (local) 1. Shibara 2. www.furaffinity.net/user/shibara 3. Just now! She finished the picture inside a month. 4. Awesome quality, reasonable prices, regular updates, quick turnaround time, and very polite/pleasant. Can't ask for much more then that! This was a super-smooth commission. Here's the picture I bought from her (it's clean) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6590964 punkspacewafers Oct. 1st, 2011 02:52 pm (local) Strawberryneko 1. Strawberryneko 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/strawberryneko 3. All the time-- most recent was a couple of weeks ago 4. I'm usually extremely hesitant to do art trades with anyone, since i've been ripped off multiple times. I've done two art trades with Neko and each time was amazing. She is great at keeping me updated on the status of the artwork, very polite, and does an overall great job handling commissions in general. Two of the artworks I received can be seen here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6420183/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6376380/ The art is just exceptional and I always want to go back for more! houndofloki Oct. 1st, 2011 02:52 pm (local) 1. Sanurapanthress 2. www.furaffinity.net/user/sanurapanthress 3. A few times now! Most recently a couple weeks ago. 4. Sanura has a very clean, cute style and is always pleasant to work with. Regular updates of all stages, too! A couple pictures I bought from her (clean as well) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6582110 http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6542577/ skittlewolf Oct. 1st, 2011 03:09 pm (local) Savvannahhorrocks 1. Savannahhorrocks 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/savannahhorrocks/ 3. Commissioned beginning of September. Received by end of September. 4. Extremely friendly, fast responses. Very accommodating and understanding. Absolutely amazing work. Completed item, shrink pendant for my boyfriend's birthday. http://i.imgur.com/iA8SK.jpg latiro Oct. 1st, 2011 05:04 pm (local) Re: Savvannahhorrocks seconded here's one sketch she made for me: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5950943/ doirn Oct. 1st, 2011 04:59 pm (local) 1. Tent/Immy 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tent 3. We started a trade just last weekend and she finished my half a couple days ago! 4. I asked to do a trade with her for a couple of her Animal Crossing themed badges. We talked a bit and she is incredible friendly, not to mention was genuinely excited to work on them. She finished the first badge within a couple days, and the next was finished the other day! They look amazing, I just can't stop looking at them. ❤️ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6590976 latiro Oct. 1st, 2011 05:08 pm (local) PrinnyEX 1. PrinnyEX 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/prinnyex/ 3. got an icon on Sept. 15 4. she's very sweet and easy to work with. The "lovelove" animated icons she's offering have reasonable prices and well-done here's the icon she made me: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6504713/ adzuki Oct. 1st, 2011 05:24 pm (local) 1. Kiki-UMA 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kiki-uma/ 3. Ordered a Dogeza icon from them (using now)Sept. 22nd 4. Super lovely to work with and received the icon. It's super adorable and it's fun to watch bow over and over again. adzuki Oct. 1st, 2011 05:26 pm (local) 1. Ricket 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ricket/ 3. Purchased an animated icon Sept. 23rd (using now) 4. The artist was a lot of fun to work with, they had a wonderful personality and the icon came out looking exactly what I was hoping for. Amazing and awesome work! adzuki Oct. 1st, 2011 05:28 pm (local) 1. Dogbreath 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dogbreath/ 3. Purchased one of the Halloween themed icons they are promoting now. (Using now) Get one! :3 4. Great at communicating and the work the artist did made my jaw drop. It came out disgustingly delightful, just as a monster icon should be. mssithy Oct. 2nd, 2011 09:26 am (local) Seconding Dogbreath, I've gotten several icons from the artist and they've all turned out gorgeous. Shown is an example of an icon with background ? poizenkat Oct. 2nd, 2011 10:18 am (local) Oh yes i remember getting a badge from them a while ago! Nice art and great service. adzuki Oct. 1st, 2011 05:31 pm (local) Last one I promise! 1. Fawnbaby 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fawnbaby 3. Purchased one of the artist's "Noodle Baby" icons (using now)Sept. 29th 4. Augh! This icon is so cute! The artist claims to have taken too long but I received it the next day. (Sept. 30th) latiro Oct. 1st, 2011 05:47 pm (local) Re: Last one I promise! seconded! I've got the similar icon like that from her: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6485181/ adzuki Oct. 1st, 2011 07:00 pm (local) Re: Last one I promise! Augh that's so cute! X3 I'm so glad I got a slot when I did. isilbastet Oct. 1st, 2011 06:10 pm (local) great client 1. CharryZarry 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/charryzarry (nsfwness) 3. Past, present, future - when am I not working for him? 4. Always polite, professional but not overbearing, never ever complains about pricing, prompt with payment, good communicator, not afraid to say he is displeased but polite about his critiques, just an overall great guy. sbneko Oct. 1st, 2011 06:14 pm (local) Re: great client Seconding Charry! grey_jackal Oct. 1st, 2011 10:25 pm (local) Re: great client Thirding Charry! :3 He's AMAZING and so sweet. myenia Oct. 1st, 2011 06:18 pm (local) 1. Daggerleonelli 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/daggerleonelli 3. August, commission was initiated and completed within 3 days 4. Amazing work, fast turn-around, good prices! She created my character better than I did myself! She really captured what I was hoping for, and had it done in three days. Incredibly good turn-around! Here it is: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6358637 latiro Oct. 1st, 2011 06:38 pm (local) seconding DaggerLeonelli. The pics she made for me were terrific blackswan666 Oct. 1st, 2011 08:57 pm (local) Thirding about Dagger. She's a really nice person, her work is amazing, and her turnaround time is insanely fast. I totally love the images she's done for me thus far. ? snobahr Oct. 1st, 2011 06:31 pm (local) Saitenyo/Chelsea Brown 1: Chelsea Brown (her name is on her DA, linked below) 2: http://saitenyo.deviantart.com/ 3: Over the last couple of months. 4: I had commissioned her originally to do a logo for a startup business, but the situation changed during the ideation phase, so it turned into a simple two-person portrait. She was fantastic about the sudden change, making a slight mod to one of the figures, and swapping out eye colours. I would seriously, without hesitation, recommend folks throw money at her to make pretty pictures. circlingfreedom Oct. 1st, 2011 07:07 pm (local) 1. WolfyT 2. http://wolfy-t.deviantart.com/ 3. A lot over the past two years. 4. I think the shortest time I've had to wait is about 30 mins, to the longest being 2 days (and that was full colour bg piece.) Her prices are great. Right now she's having a Halloween sale starting from $1. In fact I love WolfyT so much I wrote her an ode, that's how impressed I am with her. (http://tsuyoikokoro.deviantart.com/#/d3khi0v ) chazthechemist Oct. 2nd, 2011 01:07 am (local) Seconding Wolfy! She's such a sweetheart, a real pleasure to work with, and her turnaround time is super quick! ❤️ danjiisthmus Oct. 1st, 2011 07:09 pm (local) 1. Grayalzz 2. http://grayalzz.deviantart.com/ 3. I've commissioned multiple peices from the from 2009 to now 4. She's very sweet and goes above and beyond for what she charges. There was an incident where she coudn't send some originals I paid for so she made me a whole new picture to make up for it plus high resolution scans of the lost originals. She takes awhile sometimes but is very good if you are patient! The new picture: http://grayalzz.deviantart.com/art/C-Here-come-a-new-LIFE-261001749 spiffystuff Oct. 1st, 2011 07:54 pm (local) 1. Stigmata 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/stigmata 3. a little over 2 weeks ago 4. I got one of their craked graphite portraits. Artist was extremely fast and communicative, my commission was done in less than 24 hrs ? (totally random question but, is there a way to make these recommended names searchable?) skanrashke Oct. 1st, 2011 08:18 pm (local) Good customer 1. Kiba Swiftpaw 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kibbers 3. 2-3 months ago, shipped a week ago. 4. Had great references, always had prompt communication, very polite and just all around great to work with. blackswan666 Oct. 1st, 2011 09:01 pm (local) 1. Thornwolf 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thornwolf 3. Two and a half weeks ago. 4. I've commissioned Thornwolf for a variety of images, but recently she was doing Nagel-style badges. See, I've been a Patrick Nagel fan since like, the early 80's (yeah, I'm that old ? ), and I had to have one of these badges! Between the time of inquiry to time of completion was mere days, and I totally love the badge (which I'm also using for my icon, BTW). Badge can be seen here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6493903 Thornwolf is a delight to work with and will definitely commission her again. spiffystuff Oct. 1st, 2011 09:45 pm (local) Yus, seconding thornwolf! She did the above icon last fall(?) and I love it! ... I also can't remember if I posted a good review of her or not when I got it ? Sorry if this is redundant. likeshine Oct. 4th, 2011 08:08 am (local) fifthing (is that even a word?)thornwolf (see icon) wolf_goat Oct. 2nd, 2011 05:59 am (local) Thirding Thornwolf, a definite fave of mine to commission! justblieve Oct. 2nd, 2011 09:40 am (local) Fourthing ? She's done several things for me (including the icon I'm using) and has always been a pleasure to work with magentainks Oct. 1st, 2011 09:39 pm (local) Awesome Clients :3 October is always a trying time for me since my birthday is cursed so I just have to do this :3 karma karma 1. Asphyxia Lemieux 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/asphyxialemieux 3. A few months back, but several times over the past year. 4. Asphyxia is a kind client with beautiful characters, extremely prompt payments, and an excellent attitude. They will let you know if there are inaccuracies in a design in an unconfrontational and friendly manner. They are always supportive and clear about what they want (with plenty of freedom on top, like a cherry one may say!) and when pleased with the results they let you know you did the job they were hoping for. magentainks Oct. 1st, 2011 09:41 pm (local) Great Clients 1. Icee 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/icee 3. A couple months ago, a few times. 4. Icee is a very sweet, very kind person who wants to see an artists point of view of her character. She's promptly pays, is supportive, and very kind. All around, she's fantastic to work with. eclairpuff Oct. 1st, 2011 09:43 pm (local) Good Customer - Felineelement 1. Felineelement 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/felineelement 3. First around Aug. 09, 2011, and then again a couple of weeks ago. 4. Very responsive and very polite! If you have a question to ask regarding their commission, she answera very quickly and is always excited to receive a sneak-peak and the finished product. She's been a dream to work with, and I would love to have more clientele with her attitude. saeto15 Oct. 2nd, 2011 11:25 pm (local) Re: Good Customer - Felineelement Seconding this one. She commissioned me at a con earlier this year, and she was fun to work with. ? magentainks Oct. 1st, 2011 09:44 pm (local) 1. Lady Loki 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ladyloki 3. Past couple months. 4. Fantastic supporter of artists. Pays promptly, loves ideas and your directions. With a huge array of beautiful characters at her disposal and great stories behind them it's always a treat to draw for her. magentainks Oct. 1st, 2011 09:46 pm (local) Great Clients cont. 1. Svarta! 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/svarta-perlan 3. Past few months. 4. Svarta is so funny and sweet. Beautiful characters, prompt payments and great ideas. She's a huge supporter of artists and just an all around great person. :3 lackoflollies Oct. 1st, 2011 09:55 pm (local) 1. Bizarre 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/bizarre/ 3. I commissioned her about two weeks ago, and had my icon in my inbox (As well as one I got for a friend) within two days! ? 4. I bought two icons from her, one for a friend, and one for myself (using atm). They are easily the cutest things i've ever gotten. I would highly recommend her for future icons! Best part? $2USD EACH! TWO. DOLLARS. For something THAT cute and well done? Again, will recommend for EVER to EVERYONE ? lackoflollies Oct. 1st, 2011 09:57 pm (local) My friend's icon mwalimu Oct. 2nd, 2011 12:02 am (local) This happened a long time ago, but since it came up in one of the recent discussions here, I thought it deserved mention. 1. Mary Mouse 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/marymouse (among other places) 3. Midwest FurFest 2006 4. I commissioned a conbadge from her. She had it finished and I was able to catch up with her to pay and collect it the next day. The artwork was awesome and I continue to use that image as one of my avatars to this day. The only disappointment was that the hole punch for the badge holder was through part of the headfur. Later I scanned the badge and sent her a courtesy copy (as I try to do with all badges and artwork I commission, though it sometimes it takes me a while to get access to a scanner). She sent it back to me less than a day later, with the hole punch repaired in the virtual copy, and with the colors brightened as well. You can't tell it was there! poizenkat Oct. 2nd, 2011 10:19 am (local) Oh yes! Mary Mouse is great! celestinaketzia Oct. 2nd, 2011 09:08 am (local) -pancakes- 1. -Pancakes- 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/-pancakes-/ 3. Commissioned her yesterday for a chibi via Teenycom. 4. She's new, and her transaction with me was absolutely fabulous. Firstly, I had info and payment sent in the morning. By the afternoon she was already showing me sketches, and had the whole thing finished by that night. It was amazing! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6602176 Here's my commission. :3 poizenkat Oct. 2nd, 2011 09:33 am (local) Dipper 1. Dipper 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dipper/ 3. a few weeks ago 4. Dipper was a pleasure to commission. Fast replies, very sweet, and she finished it in GREAT timing! Her art is absolutely stunning and she REALLY pays attention to detail. I just LOVE the outfit and just about every little thing in this piece (hair, boots, tail, ears, headshape, hands, etc.) Well done and i hope to commission her again! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6535330/ poizenkat Oct. 2nd, 2011 09:40 am (local) Corriezodori 1. Corrie 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corriezodori 3. multiple times 4. As always i have commissioned corrie a few times this month. She never fails to impress me with her talent, especially at such a young age! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6528033/ a picture for me and my girlfriend. She did a stunning job and added even more detail then i had paid for! Beautiful piece and i hope to print it and hang it up sometime! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6473005/ A nice vore picture that was paid for and finished right away in a stream! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6477742/ a beautifully done gift that i feel deserves to be shared. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6522753/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6445244/ Two collab commissions done by her and Ayriea. Both were a pleasure to work with and it was great to watch them being streamed! I hope to continue commissioning corrie on a regular basis. laurenashleyart Oct. 6th, 2011 04:40 pm (local) Re: Corriezodori Seconding Corrie!! She's got great communication and a very fast turn around! Highly recommended! poizenkat Oct. 2nd, 2011 09:46 am (local) Ayriea 1. Ayriea 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ayriea/ 3. twice this month 4. It's always great to work with Ayriea. She IS my girlfriend, but when she's in business mode it's almost like she's someone else XD I commissioned her for two collab commissions (her and Corriezodori) and she did an amazing job! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6522753/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6445244/ poizenkat Oct. 2nd, 2011 09:50 am (local) 1. slutslurpy 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/slutslurpy 3. about a month ago 4. Very nice to work with. I commissioned them for the unique art style and i was not disappointed! They did a great job on the picture of me and my girlfriend and drew us pretty well off the horrible pictures and descriptions i gave XD http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6461871 poizenkat Oct. 2nd, 2011 09:56 am (local) 1.Demicoeur 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/demicoeur/ 3. 2-3 weeks ago? 4. They was very nice and understanding when i had a small paypal issue (cant send in CAD unless im invoiced). They worked fast and did a WONDERFUL job at it! It fits the characters personality perfectly and is a very well done piece, especially since its called a sketch XD http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6519159/ I'm a big fan of their works and hope to commission them again! poizenkat Oct. 2nd, 2011 10:15 am (local) 1. Zipperface 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zipperface/ 3. about a month ago 4. I've commissioned Zipperface quite a few times and i LOVE their art style! This time i commissioned them for a picture for my friend and a second one for myself. Their toony style is ADORABLE! They even decided to put more detail into my piece and make it more than a chibi! http://i.imgur.com/jBokh.png http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6507893 puritikoneko Oct. 2nd, 2011 11:13 am (local) Dawniie 1. Dawniie 2. http://furaffinity.net/user/dawniie or http://dawniie.deviantart.com 3. February 2011, July 2010 4. I have always admired Dawniie's style of art, so when she was open for commissions, I jumped at the chance. Her use of bright, soft colors is amazing, and she won't leave you disappointed. She has a decent turn-around time, and is ALWAYS open for communication and is very friendly with her responses. She also pays a great attention to detail and makes sure that you get WIPs during the course of her work. My works by Dawniie: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5275923/ (SFW) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/4183124/ (SFW, second over from the left) puritikoneko Oct. 2nd, 2011 11:22 am (local) Nekophoenix 1. Nekophoenix 2. http://duraffinity.net/user/nekophoenix or http://nekophoenix.deviantart.com 3. September 2011, January 2010 4. Nekophoenix is a phenomenal traditional artist, who I've only had the pleasure of commissioning twice. She did an absolutely outstanding job on the traditional piece I commissioned her to do, and when she wasn't able to complete it in the initial time she gave me as an estimate, she even went as far as to include some extra sketches in the package she sent me as compensation. A friendly person to work with, she will ship you the original and may include extra goodies in your package. My works by Nekophoenix: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6531711/ (SFW) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6531662/ (SFW) latiro Oct. 3rd, 2011 07:41 pm (local) vrass 1. vrass 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vrass 3. the commission was completed today (10/3) 4.I got to him for a speedpainting commission and watched him streamed it. it turned out terrific and he's pretty fast with speedpaints commissions here's the work I got from him: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6614346/ wickedtoff Oct. 3rd, 2011 08:57 pm (local) Re: vrass Going to second Vrass; Quick turn around, excellent quality work, just a pleasure to work with all around! latiro Oct. 5th, 2011 12:37 pm (local) Tsampikos 1. Tsampikos 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tsampikos/ 3. paid him on June 12 and got it on October 5 4. he was offering some colour job commissions and I got in the queue for one. After a long wait, he finally got around to colour it for me (despite Livestream issues). Here it is! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6623141 latiro Oct. 5th, 2011 01:13 pm (local) kuroseishin 1. kuroseishin 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kuroseishin/ / kuroseishin 3. paid her on October 3 and finished today 4. I was browsing TeenyCom when I saw a post that she was offering some icons and I got an animated painting icon (which I've never seen before). Very pleasant to talk to, has a fast commission turnaround, and good prices for the icons here: http://teenycom.livejournal.com/1054632.html?thread=8176808#t8176808 laurenashleyart Oct. 6th, 2011 04:43 pm (local) Shikaro I really wish I could post this as a separate positive review- she deserves all the praise! Shikaro took a reference sheet commission Wednesday, details were exchanged Thursday morning, and the entire sheet, along with a preview sketch was all completed that very night! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6615178/ 2 views, 3 detail shots, and information added for only 40$, less then a day's wait! This girl's work is hilly overlooked! Her queue is empty, and she's willing to do edits and revisions untilmshe gets your reference just right! Definitely recommend this girl. I'm also going back to hop in her queue ❤️ laurenashleyart Oct. 6th, 2011 04:47 pm (local) Re: Shikaro Highly* not hilly... latiro Oct. 10th, 2011 08:51 pm (local) suan-cat 1. suan-cat 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/suan-cat/ 3. from Oct. 7 to Oct. 10 4. she was surprisingly fast on the commission I got (it took approximately 2 days). She's also very pleasant to talk to and has some really cute art to boot. Here's the aforementioned commission I got: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6652861/ latiro Oct. 10th, 2011 08:59 pm (local) The_Jotaku 1. The_Jotaku 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thejotaku/ 3. from Aug. 25 to Aug. 27 4. She's very quick on an Iron Artist commission I've purchased and she's awesome to work with, too http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6412343/ latiro Oct. 10th, 2011 09:02 pm (local) DarkIceWolf 1. DarkIceWolf 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/darkicewolf/ 3. finished on Aug. 29 4. she makes some marvelous realistic icons and definitely did justice on drafox!Loki http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6402198/ mmyesidosay Oct. 11th, 2011 04:28 am (local) 1) Moonspots 2) http://moonspots.deviantart.com/ 3) 2~ days ago 4) Artist is incredibly nice and was very pleasant to do business with. Her work is wonderful with very reasonable priceing, and I absolutely adore my commission ❤️ She also worked very fast, I was legitimately surprised to have it so fast! blaze_ignitus Oct. 13th, 2011 07:25 pm (local) Kayla-Na 1. Kayla-Na 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kayla-na/ 3. First picture: 9/18/11; second picture 10/08/11 4. Details: Overall I have to say that the artist is, in all honesty, very professional in her conduct. Her communication skills were excellent, the quality of her work was as I had expected it to be if not more so. All in all, if there was an artist who I would most certainly recommend, she is one of them. For an idea of her work, here is the picture that I had purchased on September 18th: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6593140/ And here is the one that I had purchased on October 8th (there is a mistake in the secondary coloration of the dragon character but that is my own fault not hers, as I had forgotten to give her the reference of the character, believing she may have remembered from a picture I had commissioned from her before that): http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6666048/ If you are looking for an artist who is fair in her prices and has good turnaround time, Kayla-Na/MeltheHybrid (the latter here on A_B) is an artist I highly recommend. latiro Oct. 22nd, 2011 04:47 pm (local) Hoot/Dictator 1. Hoot/Dictator 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/hoot/ / http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dictator/ 3. from Oct. 21 to Oct 22 4. she's amazingly fast with the sketch commission I've ordered and is very pleasant to talk to. Here's the sketch: http://www.iaza.com/work/111023C/iaza18999276803800.png
  16. Oct. 1st, 2011 at 1:29 AM marblestheskunk WHO: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/timitei/ WHERE: Furaffinity and LJ WHAT: A digital ref sheet WHEN: July PROOF: In explanation Well I saw Timitei's post in teeny com here: http://teenycom.livejournal.com/970882.html I followed it to their FA and commissioned them for 2 ref sheets, one of them was done in a timely mater but I still have yet to recieve the second one. I sent them the commission info in a journal which has since been deleted but here is a screenshot of when she said that she had lost my commission info and needed it again: She then did my ref sheet but still had not done the other one. She then deleted the journal with the info, and I guess forgot about my note describing the raccoon so I reminded her and gave her another description Time went by and she still has not done it, nor has she responded to ANY of my notes I've been sending her asking for my money back, they say on FA they are unread, here is the most recent one: She also posted this on august 31st, but has had a submission since then: This journal was put up out of the blue with no explanation of when she will be completing my commission, its only $5 but I still want a refund and feel that it is wrong and that shes probably doing this to others aswell, seeing the comments on teenycom.
  17. Sep. 30th, 2011 at 6:51 AM coobiee Aye, hello there. I'm relatively new to all of this, including LJ, so please forgive me for any mistakes. I'm not really doing this for myself, but more for everyone who is still waiting and anyone who ever goes to do business with her. While her art is absolutely fantastic her business manners and time for getting things done is absolutely terrible. Though she is usually pretty good with giving refunds if you ask for them. WHO: Galagya, http://siedend.deviantart.com/ , http://galagya.deviantart.com/ WHERE: wolfhome forums/serenityisles forums WHAT: premade poses for the chats WHEN: September 9th of last year. PROOF: Since it's been so long I can no longer grab proof of me sending the payment for them also I didn't pay with paypal I paid with the chat's currency which is deltas. Although I did earn those through commissions so I guess it still counts? Here's the topic where everything is even all the screenshots are taken from there. EXPLAIN: September of last year she had posted a topic on Serenity which contained a presale of a premade wolf set she was working on. It was $25 Paypal/50 Deltas to preorder them all so I sent out the deltas for all of them because I'm a really big fan of her artwork. When she posted said topic there was a little preview of them already and she stated that they were just WIPs for now but she was getting close to being done with some of them. (screenshot) So I figured okay then it shouldn't be too long for them to be completely finished. Well that's where I and many people were wrong. March of this year she finally comments on her topic after not giving any of us any updates at all apologizing for not posting in so long and saying she had redone the poses. She asked us if we wanted to see them so far or if we wanted to wait and most people said they'd like to see a little sneak peak of the new ones. (screenshot) Well that never happened. More and more time went by with no more updates or even a preview of the newley redone poses. So someone finally sent her a PM on the forums asking for an updated and apparently she replied with this. That was on June 11th of this year. More time went buy and in August someone posted a comment saying they were keeping an eye on a topic she made over on wolfhome forums with premade sets. I decided I'd take a look into and to my surprise she had started another premade set without even finishing the one she started over on Serenity. (screenshot) On Augst 28th someone had posted what Galagya had said through a PM on a different forum. (screenshot) Later on that day the same person gave us an update for the 20th of August saying Galagya was going through a move and her family was visiting her. They also said that she was busy with making her own chat instead of working on all this owed artwork that people have already paid for. (screenshot) I figured that's okay, real life things pop up and can't be avoided so I just went about my way. On September 23rd, it had already been over a year since myself and many others paid for these poses, I seen on wolfhome forums that they were finally all moved into their new place and even had internet. I also seen a topic Galagya herself posted on wolfhome forums August 31st. Which can be seen here. More time passed and still nothing. Now back in April she made a topic on wolfhome forums selling puppies which people had to buy and then in a few weeks they were suppose to get the completed refs of the adult versions of those. By this time those people that had paid for those were starting to get a bit frustrated. Which I can understand, but that's a whole different story really. Lets just say out of all 10 of those people who paid $20.00 for a puppy have yet to see a single ref finished. Not even so much as a sketch. Anyways it's now September 30th she still hasn't completed the premade set. Not to mention she owes quiet a few peple things they've already paid for, but that isn't for me to get into. Many people have sent her emails and PMs reminding her about them and asking her about them and still nothing. No updates, no previews, no nothing. Now like I said she's generally good about refunds if you ask her for one, but sometimes she gets an attitude about it. No I don't have proof, just past experiences. This isn't really anything new for her since she's been this way for a really long time from what I've noticed. About a year or two back there were people who had been waiting 3 years for a commission. I'm not sure how that is now though I'm pretty sure she refunded everyone or something. But yeah if you ever go to commission her just beware of how long it could possibly take her and don't expect updates. She gives little to no updates. Her art is wonderful, but the wait and no updates isn't.
  18. Sep. 8th, 2011 at 8:06 PM thaily I hate writing these things, but I hate people using artists are doormats even more and even though this guy is local to me, he has internet so no-one's safe. It all started with a retweeted message that someone was looking for an artist in the area to design a mascot for a site and create 12 illustrations of said mascot for said site. The tweet came from the guy's intern but she's not the problem here so I won't mention her by name; I want to keep her out of this entirely, I've accidentally interned for people with how do I put this politely diminished moral judgment. I don't blame her, I only hope she doesn't pick up on his sordid (and I use the following word in the most liberal sense) business practices. But I digress, the company in question is called Tenno Media, Peter Bierhuizen is the person this post is about. He appears to be the owner and sole employee, save for the aforementioned unfortunate intern who has since left. The site the designs would be used for is fitness-ferdie.nl Because this happened locally, i.e. in the Netherlands, I will provide translations of our correspondence as well as screenshots for any Dutch speaking person to verify that the translations are accurate. I invited the tweeting intern to look at my site and mail me if she liked my work. First e-mail. "Sending you an e-mail following your tweet. I design websites as a side job and my boss has asked me to design a character. Simply: a frog in an orange shirt with FF on it. A reference to Fitness Ferdi, a web shop where people can buy fitness appliances and goods. Of Ferdi, the frog, he thinks he'll need 12 drawings (illustrations) that will be used in various ways (websites, flyers). I don't know what kind of budget is available. This would kind of depend on the amount of time the designs will take to make. Vaguely said, but if you think you can create Ferdi I would like to receive a message. Kind regards, X" First reply, I explain my process, how many hours I will need and how much I charge; minimum wage is about €9,20 for my age bracket. This will be relevant later. "Hello X, I can definitely design a fitness frog. My hourly wages are €10,- ex. taxes First I will make a few sketches to your specifications, about 6 sketches will take 2 hours, so you can decide what kind of design you'd like or if you'd like to see more sketches. As soon as you pick a design I will customize it until you're satisfied, how that long will take depends on you (plural). From a sketch to a coloured vector (which can be resized to any size) takes about 4 hours x 12. With the cost are also commercial rights, I only retain the right to include the illustrations in my portfolio. - Kind regards, E. Palli (my real name, I use my real and artist name interchangeably)" Second e-mail, with this sketch attached. I sized it down. I told them I can do 6 sketches in 2 hours, they ask for 10 in 3, I comply. "Hello X, Hey E. I've discussed it with my boss and we'd like to get about 10 sketches (3 hours of work) of different kinds of frogs. One illustration we can picture is a frog in a circle, met a happy smile. He's wearing a sleeveless shirt which reads "FF" across his chest in white letters. The plan was that I was going to do the sketches myself, but I think this will cost me too much time, which is why I went looking for an illustrator. I've included the first sketches, so you know what direction we want to take. Once we've received the 10 sketches, we'll see how it goes. We'll have to think of the poses we want. Kind regards, X" I send them these sketches a week later to help them nail down the design they want. "Without shirt, it will be added later. Small: [link] Large: [link] Did you have an address I can bill? Kind regards, Thaily" Get an e-mail a week later, but there's been no mention of a deadline or anything, so I'm not too bothered. "Hey Thaily, I only work Tuesdays at Tenno Media at the moment (the company you drew for). My boss is going to look at the sketches one of these days and as soon as I hear back about it I'll contact you again. You can send your bill to Tenno Media. [blanked address] I really like your sketches, nice style! Greetings, X" Listen to me smalltalk, yap yap. "Hey X, Thank you, I hope your noss (typo) likes them too :P - Kind regards, Thaily" While I asked for a billing address, I hadn't billed them for the first batch of sketches yet. Keep in mind; 10 sketches, 3 hours of work, €10,- an hour = €30,- so far. "Hey Thaily, We had a little meeting and we'd like to see another ten sketches. Some comments: The head can be fairly human, like the middle frog (touching his upper arm). The body can be broader and more muscular. This will be another 3 hours of work. Furthermore we'd like to see sketches of Ferdie: 1 holding weights. 2 spinning on a bike. 3 running on a treadmill 4 flexing his muscles 5 holding a sign 6 pointing left or right 7 in a round logo, like in my sample sketch. Because of my internship I stop working at Tenno Media after next week. You can mail the sketches to my boss at [email protected] en/or [email protected]. The contact will be via Peter. He is my boss. Ferdie will be the mascot of FitnessFerdie.nl. The web shop for it is being perfected and is temporarily placed at this url: [obsolete link]. Maybe the site's lay-out will help you with your sketches. Have a nice and greetings, X" I take a little over a week to respond this time because I suddenly got slammed with unexpected work; friend told me at the last minute he had gotten me an art panel at a convention, so I suddenly had 3 days to prepare for an art show. Augh. "Hey Thaily, How's the frog coming? :) Greetings, X" I managed my art show, then did the second batch of sketches and sent them to both the intern and Peter, the intern's boss whom was now my contact. I explain, for a second time (first being in my first e-mail to them) that they need to settle on a design before I can start on the final illustrations. I've even made it easier for them by putting all the sketches on the same sheet and lettering and numbering the heads and bodies so they can just tell me which body and head they like best so we can combine them and move things along. "Hey X and Peter, Sorry for the delay, I was told at the very last moment that there was an art panel reserved for me at an art show. Here's the second batch of 10 sketches; I added numbers and letters so you can easily indicate which combination of heads&bodies you like, as soon as we decide on a design I can start on the sketches for the illustrations. Small: [link] Large: [link] - Kind regards, Thaily" At this point I decide I'd like to get paid before we go any further, so I send Peter the bill for 20 sketches; 6 hours of work is €60,-, plus taxes the total came to €70,80. Again I remind people this is essentially minimum wage, this will be hilariously relevant in a moment. "Dear Mr Bierhuizen, Here is my bill for the 20 sketches. - Kind regards, Thaily [I attached the 2 specified bills as PDFs, they are from Gear-IT.nl which is my husband's company, because it was easier at the time]" Here's where it took a sudden and sharp turn downhill; the intern gone I was left to deal with Peter who (perhaps after being faced with a bill and the realization that yes, I expect to be paid for my time) suddenly felt all my work was unsatisfactory and unusable. He says he's looking for a specific type of frog, but despite being prompted to tell me which design comes closest to what he wants, he decides he wants to back out of the deal without paying me for the work he has already commissioned and has already been provided. "Dear Thaily, I have looked at the sketches and I'm missing that which X asked for. X gave a whole list with situations and positions that we wanted to see sketches. However I don't see any of these positions. So I can't do anything with your sketches. To be honest I couldn't do anything with the first batch of sketches because I asked for (at least X) what I wanted. So I'm not very happy because you're sending me 2 bills for things I can essentially do nothing with. I'm looking for a particular type frog (see the list of X further down in the mail (was the same list translated further up)) depicted in a number of fitness related poses but I have received none of this. So I'm going to stop because I'm not sure this collaboration is going to be successful. I hope to have informed you sufficiently. Kind regards, P. Bierhuizen Tenno Media]" Assuming the best, that he is merely confused, I explain for a third time that he has to pick a design before I can do the illustrations from the list. I don't wanna do 12 sketches only to have him change his mind about the design before I can finalize. Plus it would cost more, I'm trying to save him money. "Dear Mr Bierhuizen, The sketches are to determine the design of the character, once the design is to your liking (the customer picks a design they like or a combination of designs they like) I will finish the sketches; the 12 sketches of the character on a bicycle/with weights etc. so all the illustrations will be to your liking and consistent. I have only billed you for the 20 sketches at the price we agreed upon beforehand. - Kind regards, Thaily" TL:DR, Peter still fails to understand simple things. 2 notes about that. 1. I was completely bewildered by his failure to understand this simple procedure. First you decide what the mascot looks like before I draw the mascot doing various things. It's not rocket science. And I know it's not me because I've designed numerous characters for various people, if anything people are excited when given choices and the chance to customize the character to suit their personal tastes. I've never had problems with anyone in this matter. 2. He says that if he makes me do the sketches he'll have a spent a fortune before he has anything that looks anything like something he can use; in addition to the procedure I gave him my time estimates and hourly rates beforehand. This only became a problem the moment he actually had to pay for completed work. Allow me to iterate; a fortune. Literally, he uses those words; "Een vermogen". Minimum wage. Aw yeah, I be ballin' with my €10 an hour! "It clearly describes what X wanted to see. I'm sorry but I think your work method is kind of too vague. If I let you make the sketches I'll lose a fortune before I see anything that looks anything like what I want. I don't think that can be the plan. If you included what I wanted to see a la, but this isn't the intention." As a side note I should indicate that he dropped all civilized pretense, as well as his ability to capitalize, punctuate and spell (I'm fixing this in the translation for legibility's sake), giving the impression he can't be bothered with it anymore. I know how he feels, so I give him an ultimatum, pay or lose any claim to the work. "We can do 2 things: - You pay me and you can use the sketches and designs, if anything to give to another designer to finalize the work. - You don't pay and I will sell the designs to a third part to compensate for my financial damages and you cannot use the sketches; so you can't pass them on to another designer without infringing on my copyright." He takes a few days to respond. "go ahead and sell them. i can't use them and will never use them" So, he had all my info ahead of time, knew what he was getting into and is not backing out of payment for work he commissioned and has already been completed; breach of contract. I inform him I will be letting my colleagues (hi guys!) know about him since you know.. Whether or not I manage to mitigate my financial damage, he's still breaking his contract and likely to do it to the next person as well. "Okay, I'll my colleagues know that you break your contracts. Good luck (with your future endeavors)!" This, perhaps predictably, leads to further deterioration in his ability to communicate like a professional. "My god, you are such a vengeful type. I'll tell your colleagues that you (read Gear IT) simply don't deliver what is asked for and that YOU are really (and easily provable) not delivering on your obligations. THAT my dear is actually the real problem. I ask A but get B. Think about that and stop (zeiken, crude Dutch for taking a piss; bitching, moaning, whining, carrying on etc.) pissing on about it, toddler" I iterate, Gear IT is my husband's IT company, we just sent the bill under that name because it was more convenient at the time; I didn't have a PDF and was too busy to make one, but the bill was specified and obviously from me, this is was not in dispute (just that he had to pay it). I correct him since well, Hiryu doesn't do illustration and design, he does hosting (sites, Minecraft servers etc.), security, domain registration and so forth. So if he wants to complain about the right person (i.e. probably lie his pants off) he should complain about Spirit Link Studio. "- Not Gear IT, Spirit Link Studio. - Be sure to present all your "evidence", k? :D" Further breakdown in communication and him not understanding simple things. "So why do you send bills with Gear IT on it. I added it just in case you forgot. Fucking (fokkin = Dutch white trash way of saying "fucking") vague as far as I'm concerned. Read your mails there's enough evidence that you don't deliver on your promises. I've had enough of this stupid pissing on. I'm going to stop replying." I explain simple things with small words. "Because it was easier at the time. Good luck (with your future endeavors)! :D" True to his word, he has yet to reply. But it's only been a day or two and sometimes he takes a week to respond, so there might be more swindling man-child rage to update with later. So uh, in short; don't work for this guy. He only likes your designs until the first bill shows up, then things quickly deteriorate into ignorance, lies and cussing. In a related note, if anyone wants to buy a frog adoptable, I have some available here ? Edit: Thanks for the input guys! Yeah there might have been a miscommunication, the "customer" was vague and told me to draw another 10 sketches "kinda like X". Had he gone "Oh that's not what I meant, I meant Y." the miscommunication could have been dealt with in a civil and mature manner. It wouldn't have been a problem. Unfortunately he immediately broke the contract by pulling out without paying, not to mention the condescending attitude and crass language. I managed to stay civil even after he said he wasn't going to pay for my time, so I don't understand his outbursts at all. In years of doing commissions, he is only the second unhappy customer I've ever had, and it's due to his own lack of patience, understanding and basic manners. I'll probably stay away from similar contracts for the time being, because they cost more time and aggravation than they're worth (especially when you're not being paid) and if I do take a design contract, I'll make them pay part up front like with normal commissions. Lesson learned, I'm moving on to my paying customers ?
  19. Sep. 7th, 2011 at 12:13 AM tijgerhuis This isn't a Beware as much as it is calling attention to blatant ignoring of a paying customer. Papaya's an amazing artist, don't get me wrong, and a really nice person. I'd just like this situation resolved, after six months of waiting, four months lacking of any communication whatsoever outside of short conversations at conventions, and recently, outright disregarding any messages at all. You guys have probably seen her around. http://furaffinity.net/user/papayafruitsushi I'd hate to give the wrong impression here. Again, all I'm hoping to do with this is bring attention to the situation, get some input, and get it resolved easily. Back in February, Papaya posted an FWA thread for badge commissions, and I jumped onboard right away (I'm Toraie). After the conversation there, I sent a PM through FA detailing the character, commission, etc., which was replied to promptly. I wasn't able to pay until the week after, and I let her know. After she claims here to have sketches, I go ahead and pay right away. FWA comes and goes, and I don't get a chance to talk to her, but having to deal with college and many other things, I don't get in touch again until right before ESG (bottom email), where I only hear from her that she's left all commissions back at home, and that she'd try to find them before too long. At this point, having waited a good three months since I paid, I barely want it anymore. Sometime in June (top email), I remind her through email, because she'd explicitly stated all contact was to be through email and not FA notes. No reply. And then it's time for Megaplex. I caught her for a few moments there, and Papaya told me it was in her room, and that she'd get it to me before I left. I left without hearing anything from her, though. A few days after that (per her journal saying she was busy and needed a few days), I send another email (bottom) giving a day that I'd like a reply by. I've already paid, so I really should be able to do this. No reply. The following week, another one (top email). Nothing. All I'm seeing are journals saying she'll be in touch with commissioners soon. And finally, I leave a shout on her page asking if she still uses that email for business. It's a fair question, but it got shoved off before it got replied to, and then others' commissions start getting posted. I can understand slowly working through commissions, but failing to answer simple questions like in my emails is unprofessional. I'd like to emphasize the absolute lack of communication here - surely, if you've got the time to post a commission, much less be working on it, you have the time to fire off a quick yes/no email. It's not about the money here, though I would like it back rather than having the commission finished. I'm just leaving a public notice here, because private communication sure isn't getting the job done.
  20. thornwolf Sep. 1st, 2011 10:21 am (local) Leopardhound 1. Name of the person you recommend: Leopardhound 2. Link to person's website or art page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/leopardhound/ 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with this person: Beginning of August 4. Details: I had been interested in one of her "chibi" drawings for awhile but she was closed, so she asked me if I wanted to be waitlisted. She contacted me a month later and asked if I was still interested, so she said I only had to pay once a sketch was completed (and by sketch, her sketches look like a finished piece, wow!). My anniversary with my boyfriend was in a week and I asked her if it was at all possible for her to finish it before then, that I'd happily pay extra for the rush. She said it was not necessary (I did anyways, cuz..yeah that's like NO notice) and that she could complete it in time. Not only did she complete it in time but she did an EXCELLENT job and I'm very happy with the outcome: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6335925 celestinaketzia Sep. 1st, 2011 10:23 am (local) Artist - Amalara 1. Amalara 2. http://amalara.deviantart.com/ 3. About... a week ago? 4. I commissioned her for two headshot sketch commissions. I sent payment and the commissions were completed within 48 hours! They are beautiful, and she is a wonderful person to work with. http://amalara.deviantart.com/art/COMM-Aire-255179732?q=gallery%3Aamalara&qo=2 http://amalara.deviantart.com/art/COMM-Rosellia-255179608?q=gallery%3Aamalara&qo=3 mmyesidosay Sep. 1st, 2011 01:45 pm (local) Re: Artist - Amalara Just wanted to say I had the same experience with commissioning Amalara. She was very pleasant, talented, and fast. http://amalara.deviantart.com/gallery/32231284#/d46suav (Sorry if this isn't allowed, figured since it was the same artist, I shouldn't post a separate comment? :X) oceandezignz Sep. 2nd, 2011 02:10 am (local) Re: Artist - Amalara Put this one in as a thirded on Amalara. Wonderful, quick artist to work with who knows their stuff! I purchased from her a gift-sketch for my friend J.L and she was through the moon with it. I was too, she got the character down well, and did I mention quick? I was told the next day, but got it like half a beat later the same day pretty much! The comm: http://amalara.deviantart.com/art/COMM-Laz-255521155 kalika_tybera Sep. 1st, 2011 10:47 am (local) Painted Dog NAME: Painted Dog LINK: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/painteddog TIME: Commissioned in August 2011. WHAT: Commissioned a wedding caketopper sculpture. DETAILS: Painted Dog was excellent to work with. She worked quickly and produced a great quality sculpture even with the tight deadline date. She was very easy to communicate with and professional and I would recommend her anyone looking for a lovely sculpted commission. alex_dachshund Sep. 1st, 2011 02:58 pm (local) Re: Painted Dog Commissioned her as well for a derp sculpture (http://www.furaffinity.net/full/5306000/) and I was very pleased with how mine came out, despite her leaving out my wristband by accident. Will definitely commission again! Love her work! poizenkat Sep. 1st, 2011 11:11 am (local) Corriezodori 1. Corrie 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corriezodori 3. beginning of august 4. I commission Corrie quite often. She is an amazing and talented artist and does not continue without approval. She prefers to do her more complicated commissions live so that she could get fast feedback. It's always a pleasure working with her and i very highly recommend commissioning her for things like references and comics along with the usual stuff. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6351301/ I threw her some concepts and she came up with the outfits AND the character's design as well http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6291937 poizenkat Sep. 1st, 2011 11:18 am (local) Killercupcakes 1. KC 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/killercupcakes 3. Beginning of august 4. I commisioned them for a nice reference of Blue, the pitbull mix. I gave them a detailed description of Blue's bodytype, hairstyle, personality, etc. and they did a wonderful job and portrayed Blue perfectly! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6403258 I was updated constantly with more sketches to approve and KC did a beautiful job on it! I'd also commissioned them earlier for a tag/badge of Li-Li http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6273824/ It was done very fast and i was emailed a sketch to approve, which was very nice since most artists dont do that for something so small teacup_werewolf Sep. 1st, 2011 11:25 am (local) Zooni 1. Zooni 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zooni/ 3. I want to say three days from order to finish 4. My icon is the commission, it was fast, courteous and the icon looks quirky and awesome. She is a great person to commission if you have more human characters since she does those wonderfully. poizenkat Sep. 1st, 2011 11:37 am (local) Stubbz and Ska 1. Brooke and Charley 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/stubbz/ http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ska 3. august 28th done two days later! 4. I commissioned them for couples icons for me and my partner and was contacted right away with a sketch for approval by charley. literally less than an hour after I sent payment! I was constantly updated by Brooke with the lines and colors! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6408758/ 0acorn0 Sep. 1st, 2011 12:11 pm (local) 1. Dipper 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dipper 3. I'm still doing business with her 4. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5526440/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6147018/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6359627/ Great person, amazingly talented, and very affordable latiro Sep. 1st, 2011 02:09 pm (local) seconding Dipper here. She's very awesome to work with celestinaketzia Sep. 1st, 2011 03:25 pm (local) Thirding Dipper. She did two beautiful commissions for my fiance and I. 0acorn0 Sep. 1st, 2011 12:13 pm (local) 1. Soraroni 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/soraroni 3. Still doing business with her. 4. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5978521/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5978527/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5978530/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5978536/ Very quick, very cute art, but she really undercharges herself. 0acorn0 Sep. 1st, 2011 12:15 pm (local) 1. Skulldog 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/skulldog 3. February 2011 4. Icon set (that wasn't posted by the artist). Was affordable and extremely timely and the expected quality. drone_dragon Sep. 1st, 2011 02:25 pm (local) Seconding Skulldog! She's ultimately awesome all around! poizenkat Sep. 2nd, 2011 07:43 am (local) Oh yes! Skulldog is always a pleasure to work with! 0acorn0 Sep. 1st, 2011 12:16 pm (local) 1. Unnie 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/unnie 3. About a month ago. 4. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6226309 Great quality and very timely, undercharges themself alot. celestinaketzia Sep. 1st, 2011 01:17 pm (local) I second Unnie. 0acorn0 Sep. 1st, 2011 12:18 pm (local) 1. Pirate-cashoo 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/pirate-cashoo 3. A few months ago 4. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5861479/ Exceptional quality for the price, I feel that she undercharges herself. Such beautiful work, and very timely. 0acorn0 Sep. 1st, 2011 12:20 pm (local) Now for some who've bought from me: 1. Xetsa 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/xetsa 3. She's a repeat commissioner, so business is ongoing 4. Always great with communication, pays right on time, and is a constant sweetheart. 0acorn0 Sep. 1st, 2011 12:22 pm (local) 1. Chloe.hydraconis 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/chloe.hydraconis 3. Past two weeks 4. Paid on time, has great communication and is easy to work with. Bought an icon and a sketch. latiro Sep. 1st, 2011 02:15 pm (local) Razzek 1. Razzek 2. http://www.furpaws.net/user/razzek/ / http://razzek.deviantart.com/ 3. since 3 months ago (last one I got was done in July 28) 4. she's very easy to communicate, has a very fast commission turnaround, and really easy to work with. Here's the two sketches I've got from her http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6388115/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6388079/ snowhawk Sep. 1st, 2011 02:37 pm (local) Drake/centaurdg 1. Name of the person you recommend (please also put this in the subject of your comment): Drake (centaurdg on FA) 2. Link to person's website or art page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/centaurdg 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with this person: Aug 27-29, 2011, two previous commissions from mid-August 2010 4. Details (Here's where you tell us why they are so awesome! What made the transaction go so well? Perhaps link to the art or suit you bought/sold if you feel like sharing. Please mark NSFW if the subject matter is adult!!): Drake is one of my favorite customers. He's pleasant, has awesome characters that are a joy to draw, is very communicative, and very prompt with payment. I have always enjoyed working with him. (Art done: 1 (side-boob), 2 (boobs), 3 (MLP-themed)) alex_dachshund Sep. 1st, 2011 02:47 pm (local) Champ 1. Champ 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/champ / http://captainted.deviantart.com/ 3. August 21 4. Commissioned Champ for a connecting tailwag icon set for me and my mate. Paid him August 21 and it was finished the next day! LOVE how it came out. He is actually a close buddy of mine and he is a very nice person to do business with! I also commissioned him several times in the past as well! Current icon was recently done by him. Connecting icon set: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6367248 latiro Sep. 1st, 2011 05:47 pm (local) Re: Champ seconded Champ alex_dachshund Sep. 1st, 2011 02:49 pm (local) TaviMunk 1. TaviMunk 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tavimunk 3. Sometime in mid August. 4. I've always wanted one of Tavi's adorable babyfur badges and I decided to commission him for one! Took a while to finish it but I love how it came out in the end! It came out far better than I imagined and Tavi is an awesome guy to do business with and he occassionally streams his commissions! My badge: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/6279730/ alex_dachshund Sep. 1st, 2011 02:52 pm (local) Jinxsis 1. Jinxsis 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jinxsis 3. Sometime in mid August. 4. Commissioned her for a tailwag charm and it was done relatively fast! Very cheap and affordable prices! I'm still waiting on the charm to arrive though, but other than that I am very happy with how it came out! My charm: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/6353098/ alex_dachshund Sep. 1st, 2011 02:55 pm (local) Falvie 1. Falvie 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/falvie 3. Sometime in late August. 4. Commissioned her for a feral simple shading picture of my fursona. It took a while to finish, and she had accidentally left out important details like my famous black necktie and wristband ? but other than that I am very happy with how it came out. The texture is a great touch! Will definitely commission her again! Finished picture: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/6394390/ thistlewolf Sep. 1st, 2011 03:22 pm (local) Wolfyu 1. Name of the person you recommend (please also put this in the subject of your comment): Wolfyu 2. Link to person's website or art page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/wolfyu/ 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with this person: Within the past two weeks. 4. Details: Commissioned one of her headshots ( http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6289692 / http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6382278 ) and it's absolutely lovely. ? High quality, quick turnaround, AND she sent them out, despite an already bargain price. She's quick to respond, friendly, and professional as well. starcharmer Sep. 3rd, 2011 08:20 pm (local) Re: Wolfyu Seconding everything you said about Wolfyu. I commissioned a headshot as well [http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6382278]. It turned out beautifully, she shipped it to me without charging extra for shipping [I sent extra anyway as a thank you]. It was done really fast at a very low price for the high quality. Professional and awesome, she really paid attention to the refs I gave her. cappucola Sep. 1st, 2011 04:10 pm (local) 1. Gibbons 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/gibbons 3. mid august 4. quick to respond and and great quality work. Also very polite! here is what I purchased: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6202244/ (Deleted comment) mazzbest burd Sep. 1st, 2011 07:32 pm (local) Re: Goregoat on fA I'm not a mod but I'd love to see Etsy and other sites recommended! Link | Reply | Parent | Thread | Delete | Spam | Screen | Freeze | Track This Select: sbneko Sep. 2nd, 2011 04:22 pm (local) Re: Skahlly Seconding Skahlly! zackfig Sep. 1st, 2011 08:07 pm (local) Risu-chan 1. Risu-chan 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/risu-chan/ 3. Between 4 and 2 weeks ago. 4. I purchased a commission for 3 bookmarks, and prior to that, 3 sketches. They came out awesome /)^3^(\ cesarin Sep. 1st, 2011 08:21 pm (local) 1.- Aerokat 2.- http://www.furaffinity.net/user/aerokat 3.- 3 times in the past months, will do it this month again 4.- Ongoing silly comic and a cute cesarin hugging a plushie (see icon) Also bought comics from her during Anthrocon and some bookmarks back in June. demonofdreams Sep. 1st, 2011 09:05 pm (local) Kasai/RéJean 1. Name of the person you recommend: RéJean Dubois 2. Link to person's website or art page: http://kasai.deviantart.com / http://www.signalburst.org/rejean/ 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with this person: February 2011, also in October 2010 4. Details: Commissioned full-body sketches and gave him artistic freedom. He translated the characters extremely well through posing and body language. In addition, the February commission was completed one day after paying him. Polite and prompt in his communication, works down his commission list fairly quickly. Would go back to him once I save up again. Received work: http://kasai.deviantart.com/art/Commissh-Sheyani-183488756 (October 2010) http://kasai.deviantart.com/art/Commissh-Karl-Eisenberg-197957032 (February 2011) demonofdreams Sep. 1st, 2011 09:28 pm (local) Budgie/Seranatra 1. Budgie 2. http://budgie.deviantart.com / http://seranatra.deviantart.com (sketches account) 3. June 2011 4. Commissioned a waist-up sketch with soft colour. He makes sure that he has your permission on what he can and can't change. The commission was worth every bit. He's not doing his full illustration commissions, but his sketches are wonderfully simplistic and amazing all the same. I'll let the art speak for itself, the ref sheet I gave him is in the description. http://seranatra.deviantart.com/art/commission-arcturus17-214823960 squirrelly_kaku Sep. 1st, 2011 10:58 pm (local) VeloxFox (Commissioner) 1. Name of the person you recommend: VeloxFox 2. Link to person's website or art page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/veloxfox 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with this person: July 2011 4. Details: VeloxFox commissioned me for two pinups of her characters. She is very polite, a courteous customer, prompt with payment, and a treat to work with. One of my favorite customer's have I had to work with to this day. ? squirrelly_kaku Sep. 1st, 2011 11:10 pm (local) Re: VeloxFox (Commissioner) *One of my favorite customers that I have worked with to this day. ? Wow, I chopped up that sentence really bad. Sorry about that. XD; celestinaketzia Sep. 2nd, 2011 09:03 am (local) Re: VeloxFox (Commissioner) Seconding Veloxfox. ? poizenkat Sep. 2nd, 2011 07:48 am (local) Fexazaur 1. Fex 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fexazaur 3. about a month ago-yesterday 4. My friend recommended i commission Fex and I am sooo glad i did! She finished my hoodie fast and asked for feedback quite a few times! Her hoodies are very well made and feel and seem professionally done! Note that i dont have MINE yet, but I've worn my friends hoodie from her and could NOT tell that it was hand made! Absolutely stunning! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6420386 poizenkat Sep. 2nd, 2011 07:51 am (local) 1. Doirn 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/doirn/ 3. very recently 4. I saw Doirn advertise her $5 icons and me and my partner decided to get a couples set! It was done super quickly and we LOVE the outcome! Id highly recommend her and hope to commission her again some time! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6403228/ poizenkat Sep. 2nd, 2011 07:54 am (local) Brindledcashew 1. Almond 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/brindledcashew/ 3. about a week ago? 4. I really LOVE Almond's style! The faces are adorable and its just pretty unique! My friend had commissioned them before and since i LOVED the outcome of her sketchpage i knew i had to get one! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6388389 poizenkat Sep. 2nd, 2011 07:57 am (local) Tamathavega 1. Tamatha 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/tamathavega/ 3. the day before the badge was finished 4. Tamatha was an amazing artist to work with!! My badge was done the day after i sent payment and i got it in the mail SOOO fast after that! Not only that, but her badges are ADORABLE! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6369158 celestinaketzia Sep. 2nd, 2011 11:51 am (local) Commissioner - Werefox 1. Werefox 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/werefox/ 3. Numerous times through the past few months. 4. Werefox is a fabulous commissioner. He is kind, patient, and very lovely to work with. Keep in mind that he is deaf, but is very patient when it comes to working past the communication mixups that sometimes happens. ? fletchprint Sep. 2nd, 2011 12:46 pm (local) 1. Sevalprincess on furaffinity 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sevalprincess (the art I did: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/sevalprincess) 3. 4 months ago 4. Sevalprincess was polite and patient throughout the process. It was my first ever commission, so she took a chance on me delivering what she asked for. I did the (admittedly) stupid thing by not requesting payment until after I had given her the art, but she paid the money promptly. selunca Sep. 2nd, 2011 07:45 pm (local) 1. Name of Person: Thornwolf 2. Link to person's website or art page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thornwolf/ 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with this person: Begining of august, and late august. 4. Details: I commissioned Thornwolf twice in August, both times she was extremely pleasant and went out of her way to make sure I was satisfied. She even shipped some prints for free because it was my birthday! AWwwwwe!! Shes an amazingly fast worker and the quality you get is just stunning. The arts: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6147092/ (Commissioned begining of august, took like.. less then a week.) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6331275/ (Commissioned end of Aug, took like two days.) Thank you! clockworkshadow Sep. 9th, 2011 02:52 am (local) seconding Thornwolf! I'm intending to reuse my fall icon come october! sovy Sep. 3rd, 2011 01:16 am (local) 1. Name of the person you recommend (please also put this in the subject of your comment): Wyndsong 2. Link to person's website or art page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/wyndsong/ 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with this person: All through August 4. Details: Very quick turn around on all the commissions I got from her. I got three back-to-back-to-back commissions from her in the same amount of time it usually takes for an artist to send me a sketch for approval. rileycostello Sep. 3rd, 2011 11:10 am (local) Commissioner: RainOubliette 1. Name of the person you recommend (please also put this in the subject of your comment): RainOubliette 2. Link to person's website or art page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rainoubliette/ 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with this person: About a month or so ago 4. Details: She commissioned me for a 8.5x11 mixed media piece. (finished product: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6125307 ) She was AMAZING to work with, one of my favorite commissioners EVER. She is super pleasant, prompt with payment, very easy-going and is just all around awesome. rileycostello Sep. 3rd, 2011 11:11 am (local) Commissioner: Anbessa 1. Name of the person you recommend (please also put this in the subject of your comment): Anbessa 2. Link to person's website or art page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/anbessa/ 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with this person: About a month or so ago 4. Details: Anbessa commissioned me for a 5x7 mixed media piece. Very easygoing, awesome commissioner- one of my favorite clients to date! Let me know when the piece ( http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6320001 ) arrived, too, since it was international (very helpful). I definitely recommend this commissioner! tombstonerider Sep. 3rd, 2011 12:45 pm (local) Commissioner : Serling 1. Name of the person you recommend (please also put this in the subject of your comment): Serling 2. Link to person's website or art page: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/serling 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with this person: Various! It's now been several times over the course of a few years. 4. Details : Serling is always very free with ideas, the subjects are fun and highly enjoyable, and never the same thing over and over again. He's very patient and has fun ideas. I couldn't ask for kinder! torikonero Sep. 6th, 2011 09:05 am (local) Aressa 1. Aressa 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/aressa/ 3. About two weeks ago 4. I commissioned Aressa for a series of pictures for a friend of mine. He was great to work with, and sent tons of progress pictures. :3 I was very happy with him, and I would definitely do business with him again! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6321274 (SFW, involves weight gain) latiro Sep. 11th, 2011 10:08 pm (local) Dipper 1. Dipper 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dipper/ 3. latest one I got was done in 9/9 4. she's very professional and a sweet person to talk to. Here's the pic she recently did for me: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6465324/ latiro Sep. 13th, 2011 02:35 pm (local) dossun 1. dossun 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/dossun/ 3. September 13 4. I commissioned him for a themed commission and choose a horror theme since Halloween is getting near. He's quite fast with it and here's the result (warning: contains some gore): http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6491109/ latiro Sep. 14th, 2011 07:52 pm (local) DoDeDo 1. DoDedo 2. http://doe.drangolin.net/ 3. paid her on September 11 and got it 3 days later 4. she was offering some discount wing-it commissions and so I hopped in and emailed her for one. She finished the pic today and I was so happy with the results and the fast commission turnaround http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6498792/ latiro Sep. 28th, 2011 09:12 pm (local) VexinglyYours 1. VexinglyYours 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/vexinglyyours/ 3. paid her on July 14 and got it on September 28 4. she was advertising a summer commission package in June and I've got the bronze pack for $15 (it contained a sketch, a flat colour, and two icons, one of which I got for a friend of mine). She's very reasonable to work with, though it took a while for her to finish them. Highly recommended
  21. Aug. 16th, 2011 at 2:27 PM undertow26 I'm not sure if I want to call this a beware. I feel bad putting her here because the transaction started out really awesome, but it declined from there. WHO: Neemeister neemeister.deviantart.com WHERE: Deviantart WHAT: $85 two character commission. WHEN: Beginning of May/June 2010 until now. PROOF: The exchange. She asked me about some details about the story and my characters, so my replies are omitted for personal reasons. [Censored by mod for lack of censoring. Paypal screencap is valid] EXPLAIN: I paid for a commission in June 2010 of two of my characters. In the beginning, the transaction went smoothly, but she required payment upfront. This was fine with me, I've done it before with good results. Since she was going through a tough situation I made the mistake of sending the full 85 USD to her account instead of half/half, which she said would be alright. Everything was fine, I was really excited about this commission. Almost three months go by and I don't get any progress. I understand that she had other commissions before mine so I wasn't really worried at this point. I sent her a message inquiring the status. Since she wasn't on dA very often. the exchange spanned from Aug 30th to Oct 1st. I omitted some unnecessary stuff, hope that's ok. The changes requested was for one of the characters who I redesigned. She went silent for a while, and closed her commissions in December. I was going to ask her about the commission again, but saw her reply to someone else's inquiry on her commission journal saying she intended to get to them. Reassured, I forgot about the commission. Until April/May of this year. I was a bit frustrated at this point. She stopped uploading to her dA gallery. It wasn't the time that got to me, it was the lack of communication. I sent a reply on her dA journal. And it was hidden. By now I'm getting bad vibes. I can understand hiding the comment but she didn't even reply. Irritated, I sent a note to another of her customers. I took out her screen name for privacy reasons. But it looks like I'm not the only one who hasn't received art from this artist. [Removed by mods for proxy] Doing a search on her screen name, I found some accounts on different websites, one that was last visited in July of this year. So I don't think she's out of internet. I sent her another note asking for the status of the commission and it sits unread in my inbox. I'm rather upset that I had to come here in the first place because this started off so promising. I don't want to assume the worst, but it appears that she's been recently active on other sites which isn't a good sign. I'm thinking of issuing a chargeback since I paid with a credit card, but I think too much time has allotted since the initial transaction. I will happily mark this as resolved if she gets in contact with me again, but right now it seems unlikely that I'll ever get the art. =/
  22. Aug. 14th, 2011 at 8:18 PM thebrokentape WHO: Vaughnblondtail -> www.vaughnblondetail.deviantart.com, www.furaffinity.net/user/vaughnblondetail WHERE: Furaffinity.net/Deviantart.com WHAT: $75 commission from me WHEN: Initiated beginning of June 2011, finished June 24th PROOF: 1: http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae340/ABrokenCassette/Picture32.png 2: http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae340/ABrokenCassette/Picture33.png EXPLAIN: So this guy commissioned me to do a series of seven colored images for $75. As is my usual policy, I asked him to pay me half up front and then the second half when the piece was finished. He sent me the first half of the money without any problems, but then comes the trouble. After finally finishing the piece I told him that I had it ready, and if he was set to send me the second half of the money. He said he was, and so I sent him the image with a watermark. He said that he loved it, but then promptly told me that he didn't have the rest of his payment yet. ? I feel a little cheated and pretty frustrated because this guy also has decided to not respond to any of my attempts at communication (it's been a month and a half now with no word.) I've provided a few screencaps of conversations we had.
  23. Aug. 2nd, 2011 at 8:27 PM korsetkoat WHO: http://kura-ou.deviantart.com/ http://suzaku-ou.livejournal.com/ WHERE: Initiated contact on teenycom post, did business over dA notes. WHAT: I ordered a lineart of a new character that had never been drawn before. We agreed on the price of 15$. WHEN: Ordered the lineart October 24th, 2010. EXPLAIN: Ordered the commission October 24th 2010, paid on the 25th. Checked up on the status of my commission on November 15, 2010. Checked up on the status for the second time on December 2nd, 2010, received a WIP. I asked for changes to be made. Checked up on the status of my commission for a third time on December 29th, 2010, received a second WIP. There were a lot of things that I asked for at the very beginning that were ignored/forgotten, and for some reason the slot for the tail that was in the sketch disappeared in the second WIP, so I asked for that to be put back in. I never got a reply to this note. Checked up on the status of my commission a fourth time on January 29th, 2011. I noticed that they made a teenycom post asking for more commissions after telling me their scanner wasn't working, so I hoped they had it fixed and we could move on with my commission. This is also left unanswered. Finally, the note above is answered on April 15th, 2011. The commission still isn't finished and I felt very snubbed being ignored while they kept trying to sell commissions. I asked for a refund. We had a back and forth about me asking for a refund. Continuation of above. Tired of arguing and tired of them, I conceded and agreed to let them finish my commission. Checked up on the status of my commission a fifth time on August 1st, 2011. Currently unread and unanswered. I'm just irritated that it's taking 9 months to get my commission, especially when it looked almost finished in the second WIP. I'm obviously not going to get my art or my money, but I want to post a beware, and ask for some advice. EDIT 1: Here's the photobucket album that includes to two WIPs. EDIT 2: After posting this entry, the artist has contacted me.
  24. Aug. 2nd, 2011 at 7:55 PM bladebandit This is in regards to the following post: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/488291.html (Thanks again to all those who gave advice!) WHO: Poisonousvixen URLS: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/poisonousvixen/ https://inkbunny.net/PoisonousVixen http://poisonousvixen.sofurry.com/ There's also another account which appears to be an alternate account of hers on FA, but I don't know if I should mention it as I'm not 100% sure! WHAT: This minor beware is with regards to their rude behaviour and disregard to T.O.S. They have been banned on FA for art theft/ban evasion. I don't know any exact details of this, I'm afraid! However, the following comment provided me with further info on her, and perhaps why more details/further bewares on her may be needed: http://artists-beware.livejournal.com/488291.html?thread=17570915 More screenshots of her rude/curious behaviour (Note that NONE of these are related to or directed at me! Just providing more proof to back up my case): http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/DarkCerberus/Screen1.png http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/DarkCerberus/Screen2.png http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/DarkCerberus/Screen4.png http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/DarkCerberus/Screen5.png http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/DarkCerberus/Screen6.png http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/DarkCerberus/Screen7.png Also; these are rather interesting and contradictory: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/DarkCerberus/Screen3.png http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c297/DarkCerberus/Screen8.png Screenshotted from her (Banned) deviantART account. Of course, I can't really speak for any of this, as they're not my personal experiences. However, I felt I should provide more proof of her behaviour as I don't have many screenshots of the rudetowards me! PROOF/EXPLAIN: This first part is about the commissioning process. I don't have much to go on with this, as I (stupidly) deleted the notes in question. In short, I just wanted it over with and to get it off my mind, but in hindsight...do I regret it. So for the first part, I just have a 'my side of the story' as such. Poisonousvixen approached me for a commission, explained what they wanted, payment sent, all without a hitch. They were very kind and polite at this point - lovely person! It wasn't until the commission was completed that I encountered problems. After sending the file, Poisonousvixen was incredibly rude about the corrections that they wanted. They kept talking about how I'd gotten their character's colours wrong (She said something about 'My character is blue, not turquoise'). She then proceeded to send a note entitled 'List of things wrong' and stated how unhappy she was with the commission and the many things she wanted me to correct. I apologised and fixed what she wanted to the best of my ability. After which...she suddenly, and simply, sent a note which said 'PERFECT!'. Confusing. Upon uploading it to her FurAffinity gallery, she didn't link back at all - something which I ask of in my TOS and something which just minutes before, I'd asked her to do in a note, and she'd agreed to. I posted a comment politely asking if she could link back to my original submission and/or my FA page, as I had originally asked her. I remember her asking 'Why?' before deleting the submission (Presumably to get rid of my comment?) and reuploading it correctly...but with a few rude words in the description about being 'spammed' in the comments. Confused, I just left it be. I can never be bothered to deal with rude people, and it was at this point I proceeded to delete the notes...learn from my mistakes, I guess? Ugh. This latter part is with regards to my TOS. In my TOS, I state that I only allow re-uploading to FurAffinity galleries. I also state I'm happy to make exceptions to this of course, but only if people ask for permission first, and give clear links back. It came to my attention however, that Poisonousvixen had uploaded my art to their SoFurry and Inkbunny galleries, without my permission and without asking...and with no credit or link back whatsoever. I know it's only a minor thing, but I thought I'd best let them know that they hadn't asked for permission and hadn't linked back to me. I proceeded to make an account, simply so I could report the images to the admins. I posted a comment on the submission, which read: "Hi there, I didn't give you permission to post this on here...could you please remove it? Thank you." (Screenshot of this comment, with cropped out username and userpic: http://pics.livejournal.com/bladebandit/pic/0007qpaa/g194 ) I don't have a screenshot of their original submission however, as she deleted the image almost immediately. Within minutes...she'd reposted it. Here's the description under the new image: On the plus side, I now have a link back. But...the coldness and the rudeness in the description utterly astounds me. Reported the submission to the admins again, still awaiting a response. A while later, I found this comment thread under the submission: Rude again, and also incorrect. Edited out the top person's username, and will edit the userpic out if requested! In short, Poisonousvixen was incredibly rude and showed a disregard to my TOS, even when I spoke to them politely. Quite a few people have mentioned their problems with her. So hopefully this post will spread the word and warn people to stay away! Let me know if anything's missing and I'll edit to the best of my abilities. Apologies again for the lack of screenshots on the first part! ?
  25. owl_song Aug. 1st, 2011 11:02 pm (local) Brindledcashew 1. Brindledcashew 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/brindledcashew/ 3. Commissioned ~July 15th, received art July 20th 4. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6160286 I commissioned brindledcashew for a long overdue (i've had the character for years!) ref sheet of my personal character Jello. I noted her about a quote, saying I was willing to pay above what her price list said for all the details I wanted. She totally went the extra mile and didn't charge must more than the list price. She worked very quickly and the finished product was absolutely perfect! lilclaudy Aug. 1st, 2011 11:31 pm (local) 1. Veetanitu 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/veetanitu/ 3. Commissioned ~July something, received July 15th. 4. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6127310 I commissioned Veetanitu a bit before she was publicly open for commissions. She showed me the sketch during the process to make sure everything was well done. She was very professional in our conversations, fast but with good quality in the end. I love the finished job, she did it exactly as I wanted it to be done. glacidea Aug. 2nd, 2011 12:05 am (local) 1. Reilaa 2. http://reilaa.livejournal.com/ 3. I've commissioned them four times, but the most recent was in...July? 4. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v161/wtshu/commissions/6_2.jpg I bought a Heather Mason charm from them. I've bought from them before, but I am just so impressed with the quality. I mean the personality shows through! I feel like it could get up and walk. I've commissioned things before, but never felt the personality shine like with this one. Just amazing ❤️ alex_dachshund Aug. 2nd, 2011 12:06 am (local) LusoPakak 1. LusoPakak 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lusopakak/ 3. July 29th, received: July 30th 4. Luso was offering cheap $2.00 commissions one day and I decided to get one! I requested my character be draw sitting in a bowl of mashed potatoes and gravy since it was a cute idea and Luso happily agreed and drew it the next day! He was super fast and nice to talk to! He does super cheap commissions often so his prices are really affordable! Finished commish~ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6217547/ latiro Aug. 2nd, 2011 12:11 am (local) Falvie 1. Falive 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/falvie/ 3. commissioned her on July 23 and got the pic on 4 days later 4. Falvie has some fantastic artwork and some brilliant use of textures and colour choices for her drawings. She's very cool to work with, and I've been very patient with her throughout. Here's this awesome pic I've commissioned: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6201932/ alex_dachshund Aug. 2nd, 2011 12:11 am (local) nagi-wolf 1. nagi-wolf 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nagi-wolf/ 3. July 23rd, finished July 28th 4. This person was offering $10 glowing icon commissions and I really liked how they looked so I decided to get one. They looked so freaking cool! They were nice to talk to and easy to understand since English wasn't their native language, and they showed me WIPs and even did a slight edit when requested. Finished commish~ My icon: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/6223337/ Montage of the entire batch: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/6229406/ alex_dachshund Aug. 2nd, 2011 12:16 am (local) melissar1 1. melissar1 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/melissar1/ 3. The commission journal they had up is now deleted, but as an estimate, probably mid July. Finished July 24th. 4. Very very cute toony style and great art! I commissioned them for a toony picture of my fursona playing video games and the commission came out better than I expected! Very nice and polite and the art is so adorable. ? Finished commish~ http://www.furaffinity.net/full/6181075/ latiro Aug. 2nd, 2011 12:21 am (local) WhiteMantis 1. WhiteMantis 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/whitemantis/ 3. June 15, done on June 16 4. she was offering some sketch commissions, so I decided to buy one. She finished it very fast and it came out absolutely terrific! And to top it off, she has an affinity for jester (like I do) ? http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5947241/ if she's offering commissions again, I'll be more than happy to do business with her again alex_dachshund Aug. 2nd, 2011 12:21 am (local) jerrybluesky 1. jerrybluesky 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/jerrybluesky/ 3. Twice I commissioned this person. Cannot recall the first time but the most recent time is around mid July. First commission was finished back in December 29th, 2010 and the second time was July 20th. 4. Very great style. Communication was a bit delayed at times, but nothing too bad. He managed to deliver the goods both times I commissioned him. The first time I commissioned him was for a "Take On Me" inspired icon and the second time was for a heraldic design watermark thing over on TeenyCom. Icon: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/5011143/ Heraldic Design: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/6153946/ Definitely recommend this guy! ? justblieve ( Aug. 2nd, 2011 03:18 pm (local) Re: jerrybluesky JerryBlueSky/Rockerbot27/Julian_Wilbury is actually a "she", just fyi ? Link | Reply | Parent | Thread | Expand | Delete | Spam | Screen | Freeze | Track This Select: alex_dachshund Aug. 2nd, 2011 12:30 am (local) MaryMouse 1. MaryMouse 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/marymouse 3. July 15th. Commission finished July 18th. Received in the mail sometime later that week. 4. I commissioned Mary for a custom Certified! species tag on July 15th. I was so excited to commission her for this. I was wanting one so badly and I was so happy to be her first Certified dachshund for her custom batches. :3 I told her I wanted one badly and if she would be willing to wait if I saved up the funds for the tag. She was very understanding and even let me buy it for $20 instead of $25 since I had inquired to her about one before she even started selling custom tags publicly so I was super grateful for that. She finished it in no time, sent me the badge file, a high res file of my character only, and an icon file. That was so freaking nice of her to do that! ❤️ Not done. She asked for my mailing address and I gave it to her and she shipped out my tag the next day. Once I got it in the mail, I was surprised to see that not only was there a tag, but ANOTHER COPY as well, and they both were laminated and had clips! AND, and there is another and, she included the original paper sketch as well! I was so speechless and happy that I got so many nice things from her. That was a great deal. She is probably one of the best artists I have ever done business with to be honest. She was kind, polite, professional, and included so many great things for only $20! Finished Commish~ (Reposted on my account) http://www.furaffinity.net/full/6142009/ poizenkat Aug. 2nd, 2011 07:09 am (local) Re: MaryMouse Seconding this! Marymouse was amazing when i commissioned her for a fullbody badge a few months ago! I cant wait to get my 'certified' badge! mssithy Aug. 2nd, 2011 04:13 am (local) CurioDraco 1. CurioDraco 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/curiodraco/ 3. Commissioned end of June I believe, finished in July 4. NSFW http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6152100 We wanted something gentle, nothing violent or hardcore and she captured that mood perfectly. She also took great care in making sure the pose was to our liking. She was great about keeping us updated about her process. Really nice artist and great to work with ? kalika_tybera Aug. 2nd, 2011 05:29 am (local) Sekhmet NAME: Sekhmet / FireLioness WEBSITE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/melo666 TIME: Commissioned in June 2011. WHAT: Commissioned a 3x4 size conbadge in traditional media. IMAGE I RECEIVED: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6188392 DETAILS: Sekhmet was great to work with! She did not take long at all and the art embodied everything I'd asked for and more. Her expressions and use of colours are phenomenal and she is very easy to communicate with. kalika_tybera Aug. 2nd, 2011 05:29 am (local) Arpad NAME: Arpad. WEBSITE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/arpad/ TIME: Commissioned in June 2011. WHAT: Commissioned a painty style conbadge done in traditional media. IMAGE I RECEIVED: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6227146 DETAILS: Very friendly and communicative, and did not take long at all either to complete the artwork. His attention to details and colours is amazing and he was a total pleasure to work with. shout_of_joy Aug. 2nd, 2011 06:48 am (local) Scenceable/Janine Haq/Quequinox Art 1. Scenceable/Janine Haq/Quequinox Art 2. Personal Art page at http://quequinoxart.com/ (My commission is currently displayed at the bottom of this page) Facebook page/commission list at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Quequinox-Art/211337422224954 DeviantArt page at http://scenceable.deviantart.com/ 3. Commissioned her in April 2011, commission completed and shipped in July. 4. Janine was a dream to work with! She e-mailed me with sketches and photos of commission progress every step of the way, was very open to any suggestions I made, and went out of her way to make sure I was informed and pleased with the commission. She likes to work on a bunch of commissions at once, but is steadily finishing some while she starts others, so there is always a sense of process and progress. And I was very delighted with the completed results. Exceptional packaging for the shipping from Cananda to the US, and her pricing in my opinion is more than fair given the amount of materials and time she puts into each piece. Here is another photo she took of my commission http://quequinoxart.com/uploads/2/9/1/5/2915211/5406814_orig.jpg Can't recommend her enough if you love equines, unicorns, or related fantasy creatures! poizenkat Aug. 2nd, 2011 06:54 am (local) Oceantiger11 1. oceantiger11 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/oceantiger11/ 3. about a month ago, perhaps? 4. She made me a Li-Li doll for only $30! It's just about the cutest thing ever and i have a keychain so i can attach it to my pants and take it everywhere i go XD She even started before i sent payment! She was really sweet and made me a free badge for being one of the first people to commission her. I would love to do business with her again. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6183261/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6201737/ poizenkat Aug. 2nd, 2011 06:56 am (local) corriezodori 1. corriezodori 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corriezodori/ 3. less than a month 4. It is always a pleasure commissioning corrie. She works hard and finishes her commissions in a timely manner. She also pays attention to detail and did a wonderful job on my Partner's fursona. I continuously urge her to raise her prices, her art style and shading is outstanding! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6207761/ torikonero Aug. 2nd, 2011 06:57 am (local) Huskie666 1. Huskie666 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/huskie666/ and http://www.furaffinity.net/user/huskie-commissions for commissions. 3. Roughly 2 weeks 4. Huskie666 offered a deal in which one person would buy an item from MissMonster's online store for her in exchange for a breed badge. I had been wanting one of these for a while, so I pounced on it. I bought the item and had it shipped directly to her. Before the item even got to her, she was done with my art. Not only that, but she is by far one of the best artists I have ever had the pleasure of working with. She queried me for details about my character that NO artist had ever asked about. She researched my species and made sure each and every line and marking was accounted for before starting the work. Then, less than a week later, she was done. Everything was perfect. A couple of days later, she mailed the item to me. It came in perfect condition, and I can't stop looking at it. Huskie666 provides top-quality products quickly and with a level of customer service I didn't realize was possible, much less executable by someone who clearly does a LOT of commissions. I honestly can't wait to commission her again! torikonero Aug. 2nd, 2011 06:59 am (local) Re: Huskie666 Oh...it would probably help to show y'all what she did. XD Derp! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6086818/ poizenkat Aug. 2nd, 2011 06:59 am (local) Havoc - 2x2l 1. Havoc/2x2l 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/2x2l/ 3. less than a month 4. Her art is beautiful! I commissioned her for a badge and it was done exactly when she said it would be done! I love how it came out and how cute and happy Li-Li looks! She was also very sweet, willing to wait a bit for me to send payment. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6163825/ poizenkat Aug. 2nd, 2011 07:01 am (local) 1. zipperface 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zipperface/ 3. some time the beginning of last month 4. it is always a pleasure commissioning zipperface! Their style is adorable and they are willing to wait till they are done with the piece for payment, actually it seems that that's what they prefer XD I really love the piece they made for me and my partner and i find it absolutely adorable and to be exactly what i imagined if not better! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6088051/ mazzbest burd Aug. 2nd, 2011 11:39 am (local) ally_kat / laughingsatyr 1. I'd love to give a positive shout to Ally_kat/laughingsatyr 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/laughingsatyr/ 3. Approximate time period of when you did business with them: I just paid the last payment on a needfelt of my fursona. While I have not received it in person yet, I want to point out how amazing she is. 4. Details: I asked her last month about a commission, I paid half up front with a promise of the other half the next month. I did not expect her to begin working until I was paid in full but she told me she would have it done by the time I had the second payment sent. Man was she right. I got to be her first commissioner for her needlefelt work and I hope other people will commission her in the future because she was amazing to work with. She showed me so many progress shots and really kept me informed and updated on the progress of my item. She is very kind and let me know anytime she showed me a photo that I could have her fix/change things. She really turned my idea into something awesome. Of course you can see it here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6135848 Check out her galley, she has a SUPER ADORABLE baby Grpyh for sale that I really would like to see go out. -- She did just this past week give birth to a baby boy so her replies may be a bit slow if you want to contact her about a commission. This is also the reason I am posting a positive review before the item is sent to me. I told her not to send it until she recovers, I trust her 100% to send the item out when she does. I've known her online for years. marus_puppy Aug. 2nd, 2011 11:54 am (local) Unyko 1. Unyko 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/unyko/ 3. Late May/Early June (I forgot to post about her last month, but I will now!!) 4. I took part in her Finish This Sketch! commissions where she had a sketched out pose and you gave your character details to put in it. I thought it was a really neat idea and so I thought "why not?" She finished it within a day, essentially, and she was so sweet even though we both had a goof on clothes colors. XD I would definitely buy another from her! Here's the finished picture: http://www.furaffinity.net/full/5855260/ danjiisthmus Aug. 2nd, 2011 01:57 pm (local) Re: Unyko Have to second unyko ❤️ She's a sweetie and even went crazy on this commission when my boyfriend donated to help her fish ? What she did for us for way too little money ;w; http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5956738/ slyminera Aug. 2nd, 2011 01:58 pm (local) OrangeWolfenNetwork 1. OrangeWolfenNetwork 2. http://orangewolfennetwork.deviantart.com/ 3. June 8, 2011 4. First things first, this was a request/gift as she's a good friend of mine. xD This is the finished piece, my main fursona 'Silverfox': http://orangewolfennetwork.deviantart.com/art/Buri-Cat-212202607 I watched her draw the entire thing over Sketcher on AG, it only took about an hour or two since it was just a lightly shaded color image with no background. If I had money to give her for true commissions I would (I actually got her a gift over the weekend as a thanks, and we doodle each others' fursonas all the time). She's pretty fast with her art and does an excellent job; she's extremely pleasant to work with and tends to be casual with communication but still keeps it professional. She's also recently started taking more furry commissions through FA but I'm not sure if she'd want me to post the account publicly (she wants to keep her DA and FA accounts separate for personal reasons) so I'd be more than happy to link it to anyone who's interested via PM. She'll draw just about anything, I think there's only a couple things that are off limits. lilclaudy Aug. 2nd, 2011 02:29 pm (local) 1. Squidtape/Rewty 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rewty/ / http://squidtape.livejournal.com/ 3. Commissioned ~July 26 and got the icons on the 29th, earlier than the date we aimed for. 4. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6214098 I commissioned her because she was doing a special of $5 icons if one was a gift for someone. So, since my husband's birthday was soon, I went and got it. She was nice and professional, even though I told her that it didn't need to be on my husband's birthday, she wanted to make that mark. Yet, she finished it earlier and still very well done, she did a great job. I seriously recommend her. casteddreams Aug. 2nd, 2011 03:27 pm (local) Grau 1. Grau 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/grau 3. July 29th. Received today, August 2nd. 4. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6238307 I commissioned them for a $5 sketch commission. Grau was very easy to work with and very pleasant. I just got the sketch today and I'm thrilled with the outcome! They included all the details I had asked for, and did so perfectly. Plus, only $5 for a full body sketch! casteddreams Aug. 2nd, 2011 03:32 pm (local) Mab 1. Mab 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mab/ 3. July 29th. Received same day. 4. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6215012/ I commissioned Mab for a $20 inked sketch of my character and the female version of my husband's character. I let her have a fair bit of freedom on this, and she ran with it. The outcome was gorgeous and nicely detailed. She was also very kind and easy to work with. Not to mention I got it the same day! casteddreams Aug. 2nd, 2011 03:38 pm (local) Falvie I'm also posting about Falvie. 1. Falvie 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/falvie/ 3. July 23rd. Received same day. 4. Commissioned a fully colored non-anthro commission for $60 CAD, of my husband's character and my character together. What I got was something gorgeous and very cute at that, I was very very happy with the outcome! Falvie was also very easy to work with, and very sweet as well. I also got the image the same day! alexandrew Aug. 2nd, 2011 03:59 pm (local) theJotaku 1. theJotaku 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thejotaku/ 3. July 31, received on the second 4. Commissioned a two person sketch of me and my boyfriend, received a VERY nice quality picture that was both cute and fitting personality wise, and more unique than most two-person sketch commissions tend to be. The artist was very easy and nice to work with, even with my uhhh complicated (to put it nicely) character, and was very cool about waiting until the next day for my check to come in. Not to mention the incredibly reasonable price! ? Finished picture: http://i.imgur.com/lQHha.png latiro Aug. 2nd, 2011 04:12 pm (local) Patto 1. Patto 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/patto/ 3. since early 2010 (recent one's done on July 23) 4. I've commissioned her for some coloured sketch commissions for $45.50 CAD of my character as a dragon/fox hybrid. She's pretty fast finishing it and it came out terrific http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6173064/ Patto's got some awesome artwork and very cool to work with. Definitely recomended vexinglyyours Aug. 2nd, 2011 04:28 pm (local) Viral_Divinity 1. Viral_Divinity 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/viraldivinity/ 3. July 27 - 28 4. Commissioned her for a speedpaint commission of two characters that was done during a stream. Very nice person, beautiful art and fun to watch. Went back the next day for some more. ? http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6203485 latiro Aug. 2nd, 2011 04:28 pm (local) DaggerLeonelli/Majime 1. DaggerLeonelli/Majime 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/daggerleonelli (FA) / http://majime.deviantart.com/ (DA) 3. recent one's done in July 19 4. when I last commission her, it was for one of the $10 icons she was offering. I emailed her for one, and she finished it on the 19th of July and it was marvelous here's my personal favourite commissions I've got from her http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5653637/ (NSFW) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6238713/ (the icon in question) celestinaketzia Aug. 5th, 2011 09:54 am (local) Re: DaggerLeonelli/Majime Seconded! I love love love the icons she did for me. vexinglyyours Aug. 2nd, 2011 04:31 pm (local) Fetalstar 1. Fetalstar 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fetalstar/ 3. July 1 - 18, have done business with the person before then 4. Commissioned for a simple CG image (NSFW!) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6141681/ Constantly keeps you updated. Very professional! latiro Aug. 2nd, 2011 04:36 pm (local) Re: Fetalstar seconded she's very awesome to work with and as a result, I was one of her long-time repeat customers. Heck, I even commissioned her for one pic as a birthday gift for WhiteMantis (as I'm such a nice gift-giver) I can't wait till I get my latest commission (when she's open again) casteddreams Aug. 3rd, 2011 03:14 pm (local) Re: Fetalstar Seconding as well. I've gotten several pieces from her, and all of them were great! Very nice gal too. ? houndofloki Aug. 3rd, 2011 08:52 pm (local) Re: Fetalstar Thirding Fetalstar! I've bought a few pictures from her and they all came out great. Very good communication and pretty quick turnaround, too! Definitely recommend her ? fetalstar Aug. 5th, 2011 12:59 am (local) Re: Fetalstar /SOBSOB You guys! ❤️ vexinglyyours Aug. 2nd, 2011 04:39 pm (local) fydbac 1. fydbac 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fydbac/ 3. Did business once in June and the first two weekends in July. 4. Artist does sketch streams in the first two weekends of every month and has a very fluid style. Fun to watch her draw. Commissioned her about 5 times, I believe. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5938361/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6056529/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6087504/ (third image; NSFW) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6087562/ http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6119163/ (first image, NSFW) latiro Aug. 2nd, 2011 04:44 pm (local) SavannahHorrocks 1. SavannahHorrocks 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/savannahhorrocks/ 3. commissioned her on June 9, finished on June 17 4. when she was offering sketch commissions, I immediately emailed her for one of my character, Loki, juggling. And since it's a little difficult, she charged me $30 and so I sent the cash to her. June 17, she finished it and it was amazing! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/5950943/ latiro Aug. 3rd, 2011 02:06 pm (local) KUBIKitsune 1. KUBIKitsune 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kubikitsune/ 3. pm'd her for them on July 20, completed them on July 31 4. I commissioned her for two commissions and both of them turned out terrific. She's extremely professional and has a fast turnaround on commissions http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6244760/ (one that she'll post soon) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6244657/ hollso Aug. 3rd, 2011 03:20 pm (local) Abanob 1. Abanob 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/abanob 3. Initiated 20th July, completed 26th! 4. I commissioned them for one of their Iron Artist coloured sketch. They were lovely to work with and were professional. I gave them a theme and my character, and it turned out perfect! Work safe: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6192835 ishaway Aug. 4th, 2011 03:23 am (local) Arpad NAME: Arpad WEBSITE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/arpad/ TIME: At Anthro Con 2011. WHAT: Commissioned a two character ink image. IMAGE I RECEIVED: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6035462/ DETAILS: Very easy to communicate with, since all communication took place at Anthro Con. Before the end of the con he asked if he could take the inks home and throw some digital coloring on them. I said yes. He also mailed the original inks to me! sisterskift Aug. 11th, 2011 04:49 am (local) Zenia 1. Zenia on FA 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zenia 3. July 6th, 2011 (my mate commissioned her a short time after that) 4. Zenia makes $5 doodles that are loose and flat colored that I wanted to get. I was short on cash, but I wanted something as a gift for my mate and I. She was very pleasant to work with, completed the doodle within 24 hours (cheap, fast AND good? what) and it turned out adorably. Here's the art: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6073120/ Here's what my mate commissioned this month from her: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6269967 Her "normal" commissions are also very impressive and I hope to be a commissioner in the future. latiro Aug. 18th, 2011 05:54 pm (local) Caltroplay 1. Caltroplay 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/caltroplay/ 3. commissioned her a week ago (August 11); completed today 4. an extremely professional artist, she's very easy to communicate. I've commissioned her for a full coloured pic right there: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6339968/ straychowchow Aug. 30th, 2011 12:18 am (local) LovelyBee 1. LovelyBee 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lovelybee/ 3. August 27-August 29 4. Amazingly sweet and wonderful to work with, very reasonable prices and one of the fastest turn arounds I have ever had (2 days!) http://www.furaffinity.net/view/6405621 Is the piece I received. Very high quality and stylish. Also received a huge version for printing if I wanted to! teekchan Aug. 31st, 2011 05:21 pm (local) Toastehh 1. Toastehh 2. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/toastehh/ 3. Aug 25th - Aug 26th/27th 4. Very quick to respond, and despite the fact that I asked for something that wasn't on their price list, they still accepted. I got it a day later and was super pleased! Check them out for super cute, and cheap work.
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