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  1. Where is this patch (head, body, hands) and is it like that all the time? Even with high quality fur you can still see the backing if you part the fibers.
  2. No direct links please! If users want to see the journal they can head over there themselves (don't bring up this beware as that is between OP and the artist)
  3. Anjel (anjel_kitty) wrote in artists_beware, @ 2018-11-27 05:13 Teahound/Shroom Yeen When and Where: Furlandia 2018 What: badge for 20 dollars At Furlandia this past year, I commissioned @ShroomYeen for a 20 dollar traditional badge when I met up with them working in the artist alley. I remembered them from the days of 'yore here on LJ, and wanted to support an artist that I knew from before who lived close to where I lived now. ShroomYeen was very affable at first, and I even invited them to some of the events in the local area since we lived in the same town. But after the con, the messages became fewer and further between, until finally they started flat out ignoring me and refusing to respond to me. I have contacted Furlandia to let them know that an artist in the AA still has not come through with their paid commission so they won't be able to steal from anyone else at Furlandia 2019. At this point I am just going to cut my losses and let people know, especially here in the West, not to commission the artist known as ShroomYeen, formerly known as Teahound, and also goes by Travis. I thought that after this many years, this artist would have changed their ways, but apparently I was wrong. I do not have a receipt for the badge (something I will not make a mistake like that about again) but I do have chat logs between myself and the artist, with the artist agreeing to mail me my badge and then subsequently ignoring me from that point on.
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