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Everything posted by MonicaVix

  1. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/989961.html WHO: Hornedfreak @ Furaffinity & Tumblr WHERE: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/hornedfreak/ http://hornedfreak.tumblr.com WHAT: 2 Character sketch commission totaling $40 Note: I have commissioned Hornedfreak many times before, and never had I had such bad service from them before this. (I even have pieces that were paid for after this and completed.) WHEN: About 2 years ago, contacted via Tumblr for opening of their sketch commissions. Unfortunately I cannot find the original tumblr post but I do have a screenshot of the replies sent (Tumblr doesn't have timestamps for them for whatever reason.) PROOF: Number 1 in screencap. EXPLAIN: In 2016 I ordered a 2 character sketch from Hornedfreak totally $40. Payment was sent via Paypal on September 3rd 2015 PROOF: Number 2 in screencap. In March 2016 I asked for the characters to be changed, since they had not even shown me a sketch, as I had changed my idea. (they said they had a sketch of a sketch but what even is that?) PROOF: Number 3 in screencap. Also note in Feb 2016 I did order two sketches, with one of the characters being from the two character sketch ordered in March 2016. I later confused this one being finished as the two character sketch when it was not. PROOF: Number 4 in screencap. Said character from single sketch order: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17978096/ Proof they did finish the single character (from their trello) finished in June: Screencap Number 5 Also on June 30th They ask there was another sketch I ordered that had been changed to something else. PROOF: Screencap 6 This is where I mistake the single sketch linked above for the two character sketch from tumblr. But they say they will work on it after they clear everything. PROOF: Screencap 7. On July 28th 2016 I ordered another sketch, which was finished. PROOF: Screencap 8 On October 17th I ordered and IA from them which was finished. Meanwhile during this they never updated me on the tumblr sketch commission, but continued to take in new commissions. On Sept 2nd 2017 I sent them a note about my sketch, which was read but never replied to. In it I describe that if they didnt want to do the old sketch (I still thought it was one character missing at the time, so my bad!) that they could just sketch a single different character and all would be good. I did say feel free to ignore the request though, not the note! PROOF: Screencap 9 No contact from them after that until I called them out about it taking so long on their front page, to which they sent me a rather rude and unprofessional note accusing me of not reading their journal. (I always make sure to read journals about delayed commissions if I am one of the commissioners. And then accusing me of not sending her a note months before and ignoring it. PROOF: Screencap 10. They then noted me again saying that they did find the note they had ignored months before, which was before their journal they linked me. Here I also call them out for doing tons of personal art and things on Tumblr which they refute saying it's only a few a month, which by looking at their Tumblr is a lie. PROOF: Screencap 11 And that is the last I have heard from them. It is now MARCH 2018 and my sketch commission was ordered back in September of 2015. Since then they have taken on even more art via Tumblr, but their fA hasn't been updated in months. My sketch commission isn't even listed on their trello anymore. I am just frustrated at their lack of communication, being ignored, being lied to, and their lack of professionalism when they did not even complete the commission from 2015. PROOF: ALL IN ONE SCREENSHOT and marked by number (NSFW): https://www.dropbox.com/s/qodtruxgwqcus80/HFproof.png?dl=0
  2. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/988896.html This is a mod repost as the original by bootybich has been deleted. MOD COMMENT: Please keep the comments focused on the beware itself. How/why the post was originally deleted is NOT the topic of this post. WHO: Lost-Paw WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lost-paw WHAT: Two digital art commissions, one an upgrade of a previous sketch, totaling $300 WHEN: Mid-July '17 — Present EXPLAIN: Back in July I commissioned Lost-Paw for $300 worth of art, an entirely new piece as well an upgrade to a previous one I had gotten from them, with the promise from them that it would be completed immediately. I waited a week, and they said it would be done. Then a month later I heard it would be done by the end of August. In late September I asked for a refund and they said they would give me one, as over two months had passed at this point and I was entering school again. Since then I periodically checked in with them to see how it was going and heard things about them working on, but never answers that were too specific. They opened comms multiple times, and made promises that art would be completed but they've barely posted anything on their FA or Twitter since then. Now 8 months after my original comm they haven't read any of my messages in over a month, but are still active on Twitter. Additionally they seem to owe a good number of other people, and have no publicly posted queue anywhere to track just how many it is. As it's been over 180 days I'm no longer protected by PayPal or eligible for a chargeback, so I'm left without options. PROOF: Full conversation history (Some censored NSFW art): https://imgur.com/a/aAaH7 Edit 3/27/2018: Shortly after this post was made the artist contacted this user and sorted the issue out with them, being extremely apologetic about it and quickly issuing a refund for the full $300.
  3. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/987914.html WHO: Lakrust WHERE: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/lakrust/ WHAT: Animated icon WHEN: Early October 2017 EXPLAIN: I commissioned Lakrust for an animated icon, and paid them, in full up front in october 2017, despite wanting to pay half first then half later. Several months later I messaged her and asked about my commission, she said she hadn't forgot me and was still working on it. I mentioned that she was taking commissions and she said its her main job, that she needs the money. Two months later I mentioned that people were saying I should post her to AB, no reply. So here I am posting her to AB. PROOF: https://i.imgur.com/bDtYoEa.png https://i.imgur.com/pGrc6e5.png https://i.imgur.com/gcvegXn.png https://i.imgur.com/pw3XkIf.png Additional details: I accused her of being a con artist, but after cooling down, and some suggestions from others I think I don't have the evidence for such a claim right now, and would like to apologize for getting ahead of myself. I'm communicating with the artist and hoping for a resolution that works for everyone. AD2: Artist disappeared again. No word on a refund or completion dates. I got responses when emailing the artist when she didn't know who I was, but as soon as I mentioned who I was, complete silence. I'm back to thinking my original thought of this being a scam was correct. Disappearing immediately after finding out I can't get a paypal refund seems pretty bad.
  4. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/987076.html Hello, this is for a friend of mine due to them lacking in English / spelling. WHO: Rarensk over on DeviantArt / https://picarto.tv/wolfteeths on picarto / rarensk on Insagram https://www.instagram.com/rarensk/ WHERE: This has happened on Deviant art, in the messaging system. Their Profile link; rarensk.deviantart.com/ (however they deleted / deactivated it). WHAT: It was a video, for a tutorial on how to shade. WHEN: On February 14th 2018 I have messaged Rarensk for a shading tutorial. I paid on the same day we talked about it and them agreeing to it. https://i.imgur.com/cumNNw3.png here's a screen shot saying a sent it. Here's also proof I paid for points for this commission and it going to them. https://i.imgur.com/8EV4kE8.png EXPLAIN: As stated above I talked to Rarensk on the 14th of February about getting a shading tutorial that was a video. They agreed upon it. https://i.imgur.com/cumNNw3.png Also paying for it. A week goes by and nothing yet. So I message them again. I seen a journal that they were leaving DA (It's not up anymore I tried to find it) so I quickly asked about it, and they replied with wanting to give a refund. I was upset about this, and got points for nothing basically. https://i.imgur.com/m2gPC5O.png So I expressed that I was upset about it etc. https://i.imgur.com/KQVchz2.png Which I told them I was willing to wait longer if needed. They haven't replied so I messaged them again. https://i.imgur.com/yG6D6u6.png to which they reply https://i.imgur.com/unIAfc8.png and since they stated they'd message me soon as they were done with whatever they were doing (I knew they were streaming so I waited) after they were done they didn't reply back to me. So I messaged them once AGAIN. https://i.imgur.com/NnmRGjX.png they then tell me that the next time they do art they'll do the tutorial. PROOF: Here is everything in order if you'd like to read without my writing in between them. In order. https://i.imgur.com/8kyas54.png https://i.imgur.com/8EV4kE8.png https://i.imgur.com/XlrzXdr.png https://i.imgur.com/m2gPC5O.png https://i.imgur.com/KQVchz2.png https://i.imgur.com/unIAfc8.png https://i.imgur.com/NnmRGjX.png
  5. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/987533.html WHO: Adiago/Zero/Damien WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/adiago WHAT: Digital art WHEN: Paid for on December 17th, 2017 - current (No work completed on the piece at the time of writing this.) Explain: On December 17th, 2017, I purchased a piece of art from Adiago over voice in her Discord. The piece was supposed to be four other characters and myself. While I don't know how much the other people paid, I paid a lump sum of $195, which I know was the most out of the group. The money was for all of our characters to be in a Chinese New Years themed, cell shaded commission. Between purchasing my slot and writing this post, I have been blocked from all forms of communication by Adiago, and no WIPs or any updates have been given to me by her or any of her trusted contacts. The commission was added to her "To Do List" on February 1st, 2018. This is the only progress that has been made on it thus far. The date of writing this is March 14th, 2018. (Pictures below) A friend of mine went out of his way to contact Adiago directly, and the response I received in her Picarto stream was "tell Kat if he does a chargeback ill post him to artists beware. where thousands of people will see it." When someone in stream asked what this was about, she responded "someones trying to be a D-bag and if they do it ill ruin them and no one will ever draw for them again". These were posted publicly for all in her stream to see. (Pictures below) This is the first time I have ever decided to go through a charge back. I would have liked to work things out with the artist, but at this time the artist is refusing to speak with me. I have no way of contacting them myself, and at this point I just want to post this and be done with it. I am currently in the process of trying to get my money back, and writing this due to it being a bad experience. From my understanding, this is not the first time something like this has been written about the artist. I paid for work, the work was never finished, and now I want my money back. That's the short of it. Please note, all commission details were worked out in voice in Discord. Adiago and I had a good business relationship, and this is how most of our transactions took place. The only details of the commission are shown below in her "To Do List". EDIT: At this point, the chargeback has been completed, and Adiago has pushed this issue from a professional conflict to a personal one. Please see below for all the details. https://imgur.com/a/e5QDD This is to show that this is the only commission still sitting in her to do list. The artist is currently working on personal work in her stream. (Linked above) https://imgur.com/a/UNQeR This picture shows that the commission was put on her "To Do List" on February 1st, 2018. You can see the date in the lower right hand corner says 3/14/2018. This commission is still in her "To Do List" at the time of writing this. (Linked above) https://imgur.com/a/NTIT4 https://imgur.com/a/oVLG5 https://imgur.com/a/zLulv https://imgur.com/a/LkUor These links are to show that I am currently blocked from communicating with Adiago. I am currently blocked on her FurAffinity, both her twitters, and Telegram. While wanting to keep this strictly professional, I decided not to censor the Telegram link (Besides the names of both my boyfriend and another friend of mine for privacy reasons), because I would like people to understand how I was treated as not only a loyal follower, but a returning commissioner as well. (Links above) https://imgur.com/a/mFNYM This is the receipt for the Paypal transaction. This is to confirm that I did purchase this commission on December 17th, 2017. (Linked above) https://imgur.com/a/t3pa1 This is her stating publicly in her stream what she intends to do with me charging back. Please look at the quotes "tell Kat if he does a chargeback ill post him to artists beware. where thousands of people will see it." and "someones trying to be a D-bag and if they do it ill ruin them and no one will ever draw for them again". (Linked above) https://imgur.com/a/VPeJF This is Adiago's Terms of Service. As it states; "If at any point in the commission process I either find you intolerable or the commission is giving me a large amount of trouble, I will either offer or do a force refund. The final refund amount will be (Total amount-Work completed= Refund). Full refunds only given if I have not started and the commissioner is being problematic." In this situation, Adiago had not started my commission at this point, and had me blocked on all her places of contact. I can only assume at this point I am being found intolerable, and am entitled by her ToS to a full refund. (Linked above) https://imgur.com/a/f4tg0 This is confirmation that the issue was resolved. I was originally going to let this conflict end here, since the claim has already been settled, but Adiago has escalated the issue even further past this point, and has taken the issue from a professional conflict to a personal one. (Linked above is the claim outcome) https://imgur.com/a/0l0g9 This is the image a friend of mine sent me. The time this was sent was 12:41AM on 3/18/2018. I didn't cross out my main account to show that it is in fact me she is targeting, and that I am not going on a witch hunt. This was posted after Paypal had come to a decision on the claim, and marked the issue as "resolved". https://imgur.com/a/uJPi0 This is extra proof to show that I am indeed a returning customer to Adiago. I have purchased more in the past, but throughout 2017 alone I had sent Adiago a total of $555, not including the $195 chargeback. This also shows that this is the only refund I have had to request from Paypal against this artist. As stated above, I originally wasn't even going to make this post, even with the way she was treating me. The Paypal claim was resolved, and I would have liked to wash my hands of it. Adiago has taken this issue out of the realm of professionalism and made it into something personal. I would like to make the community aware of this unprofessional behavior, and ask to please take caution when considering purchasing art from Adiago. This is the first issue I have ever had with the artist when it comes to buying art, but the situation has quickly escalated into something I would like to be no part of. Thank you for reading, and please be careful! If she is willing to treat returning commissioners like this, then there is no way to know how she will treat new commissioner too! Beware!
  6. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/987286.html WHO: Athena(TheJackal), ScribblyTees WHERE: Vancoufur 2017 WHAT: Pearl/Bead Badge WHEN: March 10th 2017 in the Dealers Den. EXPLAIN: I spoke to Athena at her booth while she was still setting things up. She had a BUNCH of pearl/bead badges on display including one from a popofur I thought was the most amazing pearl/bead badge I set my eyes on. I told her I simply must have one and she was extremely helpful and happy to help. I gave her all my details and I sent her the appropriate amount she asked for both the badge AND shipping. She told me right then on the spot she would have it done by MAY of the same year guaranteed. So here I am, a FULL YEAR later and haven't got even one image of at least a part of it done. I had her on telegram since the day I walked out of that DDen and I've messaged her many times asking for updates and I was always either told some story (Whether you choose to believe it or not isn't my problem, she had AMPLE time prior to that shit) or I was simply ignored. (The classic two checkmarks but no response) So here I am, finally making this post because any normal individual would. At this point I don't even care if I get it anymore. PROOF: http://furchee.com/files/athena/telegramchatlog.jpg & http://furchee.com/files/athena/paypalpayment.jpg EDIT: 18/07/2018 So after a couple days of backs and forths, we came to an understanding (or at least I thought we did) and things seemed to be coming together until yet another disappointment ocurred. I wrote Athena and actually got some progress. I'll attach an image of the badge she did in fact put together but never actually sent. She claimed she was going to melt it and send it at some point at the end of March and yet nothing seemed to have happened. At this point I do not care if she sends it in the mail or not. I do not understand why even after the conversation we had why this would still be an ongoing issue. It seems I lost nothing but valuable time and more importantly the 160 big ones I gave her. Oh and yes, I did see the twitter post on March 31st showing my badge apparently ready to ship. Sorry babe, it doesn't take almost 4 months to send or receive it. PROOF: Badges: http://furchee.com/files/athena/badge.jpg & http://furchee.com/files/athena/badge2.jpg Chat: http://furchee.com/files/athena/idgaf_edit.jpg
  7. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/985962.html (Update at 7th Jan 2019 for 21st April 2018: See Below) WHO: Faris Batwan / Fuzzy Bat Suits WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/farisbatwan/ / http://www.furaffinity.net/user/fbsuits/ / https://www.facebook.com/pg/fuzzybatsuits/posts/?ref=page_internal WHAT: Partial fursuit / paws (Initial payment $975, been refunded $350, $300, $186 ($139 remaining)) WHEN: Starting March 8th 2017 – Still ongoing as of 28th February 2018 EXPLAIN: Everything was fine to begin with as was usually the case. I ordered a pre-made head that came with a tail and custom paws, the maker was very eager for the sale and replied very quickly on FA notes until I payed via PayPal. [FA Notes screenshot] A couple of days later something happened in my personal life that meant I had a large bill to pay for, as things hadn’t been shipped yet and I hadn’t been told that the paws had started being made or received other notes so I tried to cancel the order. To which I didn’t receive a response for another few days, and was ultimately told that they had spent all of the money on new equipment as soon as they received it and don’t have any money to refund me. [FA Notes screenshots] We went back and forth in notes a few times before I was told that the paws couldn’t be refunded since they were custom and so was the tail, even though the tail was in the listing to begin with and there had been no photos of the paws sent to me to show they have been completed. [Telegram screenshots] I reminded them the tail was from stock and therefore not bespoke to me and then I still had the paws sent out to me since the quality of their work seemed excellent. There were no photos taken of paws that were sent to me at all, additionally I was told that they had been sent by priority mail. [Telegram screenshots] Up to this point I had been told a few times that they were having bad weather pretty much seemed to be on a daily basis that didn’t allow them to check emails/telegram/notes etc. I had also been told to contact them on Telegram as it was their preferred method and then after not replying to me for a long time they said they preferred email and would definitely respond within 48 hours which they didn’t unless it affected them monetarily later on in the year. [Telegram screenshots] I originally bought the partial, and ultimately just the paws, for CFZ17, but they never showed even after the delivery time frame was weeks in the past, remember it was supposed to be priority mail. I asked the maker to contact the delivery company about it and the maker waited weeks until they eventually did and told me that we had to wait until half way through July before a claim could be made for a lost parcel. [Telegram screenshots] July came and went after I sent a number of messages to no response, which is around about the time they changed their mind and said to email them since they no longer like Telegram. Time passes and I still hadn’t received a response from the maker so I filed a PayPal case on them since they wouldn’t refund me or respond to me after numerous attempts to reach out to them. [Telegram screenshots] I had an message effectively calling me a scammer and saying I was damaging the business and he couldn’t pay me anyways even if I won the case [Telegram screenshots] After a few messages they eventually agreed to pay part of the money owed to me, but not the full amount. [Telegram screenshots] I was however promised once more that they were going to sell some pre-made heads to be able to refund me the final amount due to me. [Gmail screenshots] The last communication I had was in November from the maker with no final refund or communication, I contacted them again in the new year at the start of February and also got no response. [ Gmail screenshots] Apologies for the length of this post and any incidental errors, it has been ongoing for a year now. PROOF: FA Notes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kgo77onymfvhmwx/FA Notes Screenshots.png?dl=0 Telegram : https://www.dropbox.com/s/s1rldas9khzz0nx/Telegram Part 1.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/nj8fq4iakomlbdd/Telegram Part 2.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/sa5lvtq0kxud0ev/Telegram Part 3.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/2dozgo95j38b3mx/Telegram Part 4.png?dl=0 Payment Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kwt966haw4l53by/Payment Screenshots.png?dl=0 Gmail: Update 7th Jan 2019, overdue from 21st April 2018 Faris got in touch with me on 21/04/18 via email apologizing and stating he will issue a refund for the remainder when he can. I replied simply that I would like to be able to mark it as resolved and to let me know when he could refund the final amount. As of 7th Jan 2019 I have not heard anything further. Tired of ads? Upgrade to account with Professional
  8. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/986117.html WHO: Ventress at Derpibooru and ych.commishes.com, VentressTheBat at Discord, ffighterbrent at DeviantArt, ventressthebat at FurAffinity. WHERE: the commission was received via ych.commishes.com, with further communications in Discord. WHAT: a digital art piece ($475). Here is the auction page: https://ych.commishes.com/auction/show/1BTR/come-get-some/ (NSFW), here is the finished piece: https://ych.commishes.com/followUp/show/1BTR/come-get-some/ (NSFW). It was a collaborative YCH by me and another artist (Yakovlev-Vad), but I've handled all communications and payments, so there will be no proxy writing — this detail will just make the logs easier to understand. WHEN: December 8, 2017: commission accepted, payment schedule agreed upon (first payment on December 14, Thursday, and then every Thursday after that, 4 parts, 125+125+125+100 USD). December 15, 2017: the final picture delivered to the commissioner, I receive the first part of the payment ($125). December 29, 2017: I receive the second installment ($125). January 13, 2018: I remind the commissioner about the payment due and eventually get banned from their Discord and DA. Also, I send them a Paypal invoice for $225 that isn't paid to this day. EXPLAIN: On December 5, 2017, I've launched a Christmas-themed YCH auction (https://ych.commishes.com/auction/show/1BTR/come-get-some/, NSFW). On December 8 it was won by Ventress. I've done several commissions for Ventress before and knew them as a reliable and responsible customer, so when they asked for paying in several installments, I was happy to oblige. I've delivered the finished piece (https://ych.commishes.com/followUp/show/1BTR/come-get-some/, NSFW) on December 15th with no further requests or complaints from the customer. Also, this day I've received the first part of the payment and we've agreed to shift the payment schedule one day forward (so it would have been Dec 15 - Dec 22 - Dec 29 - Jan 5). I've reminded the commissioner about the payment due on December 23th. They said that they needed more time (https://i.imgur.com/hiwoXpU.png). I've received this second part on December 29th. I didn't want to spoil the holidays for Ventress with monetary issues, so I've sent my second reminder on January 13th (according to our agreement, the commission should have been paid in full by this time). After a short dialogue (https://i.imgur.com/ybbMowr.png, mild language) I got banned from their Discord. I've also sent the commissioner a Paypal invoice for the remaining amount ($225) on January 13th and a Paypal reminder about it on February 2nd, but this invoice isn't paid to this day. PROOF: Here are the Discord logs and a relevant part of my Paypal record: https://imgur.com/a/ihFau (NSFW) UPDATE (Mar 04): I've received the rest of the payment (proof: https://orig00.deviantart.net/d553/f/2018/062/f/0/upd_by_tomatocoup-dc4uxws.jpg).
  9. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/985732.html WHO: Corganda/Cori/Lei WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corganda/ (also has http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lei http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corisketches and http://www.furaffinity.net/user/corcomics ) WHAT: Digital artwork WHEN: Initial date May 9th, 2015 02:11 PM, possibly before that. Is currently close to three years in waiting for longest owed pieces. EXPLAIN: Started with hosting YCH involving own character and drawn by artist. Artist provided initial cover image and sketch of updated cover image. Since then, have commissioned multiple pieces but have had minimal to no work done on them. Has reached over two years and no actual old owed pieces have been worked on. Artist has continued taking commissions for rent/bills/etc. and has made next to no effort in actually finishing owed work to artists. Have several specific regular customers that often pay up and get priority before other work is done. Artist does not allow any customer to view their Trello schedule ever, has not given any proper personal notification about delays (constantly posts “sympathy” journals on Fur Affinity) and has partner/manager respond to enquiries in rude and sometimes disrespectful means. Has REPEATEDLY stated they are not doing any comic-style commissions until queue is caught up to date, but has constantly done comic pages and is currently selling comic-style commissions. Manager/partner Nikki is the worst part of this. Her attitude towards customers has been atrocious. Has accused me of threatening them, not understanding their situation when I have made it abundantly clear that I have been tolerant and understanding. Accused me of doing “things” the past month when all I have done is contacted them about updates, owed work lists and even just any promise on having things sorted. PROOF: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16500320/ - initial YCH comic piece with starting date of concern. NSFW WARNING https://i.imgur.com/B2xNiV5.png - Payment for YCH. (Since my character was the main one my cost was higher than the slots) https://i.imgur.com/IcG8H3l.png - email proof about artist “halting” on comic commissions. https://i.imgur.com/kSMKGwK.png - email sent requesting fix to my owed commissions and their “detailed” response (follow up email I sent given the fact they gave no care to respond properly like an artist or manager should - https://i.imgur.com/LhbxWPD.png ) https://i.imgur.com/V9Oi4hh.png - email received after above. Often has accused me of not “caring” or being “understanding” when I have expressed multiple times in various platforms (Discord/Skype/Telegram) about having concerns for their living conditions. Will also point out they’re assuming I’m threatening them in any sort of way, when all I’ve been asking is updates and actual discussion to rectify the issue. https://i.imgur.com/eHXQi9n.png - email sent asking for list of owed commissions. Apparently it takes time to find information and send it in an email. https://i.imgur.com/UtCKRIl.png - discord request about work on owed YCH comic piece. Was never informed of any part – schedule placement or stream date. Have never been able to determine placement on their work schedule because it is disabled to public viewing. https://i.imgur.com/4UnmBH6.png - Most recent email response. All I have done is try and get any sort of update on the progress which has never even happened, accused of “dumping” them because I have been getting artwork from other artists like a normal customer and not being in streams. Sadly am unable to provide any further evidence. Email logs do not provide as much, unable to gather information from Skype due to the conversation being wiped through updates and Discord information does not go back far enough. SUMMATION: This artist was a very trusted person to me. The fact they have constantly sunk themselves into a continuously expanding hole of financial issues and RL issues has put their work on the biggest of declines – and yet they still keep taking commissions. AVOID THIS ARTIST PLEASE. Spare yourself from what I and so many others are currently dealing with. RECENT UPDATES 1st March 2018 · Feb. 28th, 2018 at 1:16 PM Initial time and date of the Artist Beware post being uploaded. I am making a mention of this because of the following that has transcribed since: https://i.imgur.com/OkOXfNo.png - Corganda’s Manager emailing me with an “apology” half an hour after the Artist Beware went live. https://i.imgur.com/nd5Buwz.png - Roughly eleven hours later a follow-up email was sent to me. Manager has continued “apologizing” and wanting to discuss correcting things. At this point I am fully aware they have seen the Artist Beware, and are now trying to bait me into taking it down. https://i.imgur.com/ofCaQsj.png?1 - Note on FurAffinity from Manager again (using the artist’s account I might add), with a word-for-word copy of the above email with an additional bit of text. Very pathetic they resorted to this. https://i.imgur.com/KisRRfR.png - Roughly three hours later the manager sends ANOTHER email. This was sent while I was sleeping, and conveniently I knew I had to check my emails and I expected another one to be sent by them. At this point I’d like to also share the following: https://i.imgur.com/l0P93bC.png?1 - Journal the artist made after deleting a giant long-winded “apology” about the delays, changes to the account, and that they will be emailing waiting customers to discuss the backlog. And finally, what I also woke up to seeing (time being roughly 8am): https://i.imgur.com/zQbwAcD.png - The artist streaming as of right now. PLEASE NOTE – the pink fursona in the Stream thumbnail is mine. The artwork in question they are drawing is the actual YCH comic. This is entirely a ruse to bait me into interacting with them and taking down this post. https://i.imgur.com/GjVOBsP.png - Proof in-stream that they are deliberately working on my owed items as means of baiting me. NSFW WARNING JUST IN CASE. https://i.imgur.com/M2aRl0Q.png - They have sent me a note on fA with a link to the WIP of the initial comic. (Most recent addition to update, WIP upload has since been deleted.) I am fully aware they have been alerted to this, given the rapid nature of their emails. I have updated this because this sudden burst of communication is leaning heavily towards harassment. Any further updates I receive will be added onto this entry. UPDATE: 2nd March 2018 https://i.imgur.com/Jcdlqv8.png — I have begun to contact and inform the four winners of changes that are upcoming, regarding this issue. From the WIP that was posted and then taken down, only one of the winners seemed to have more visual representation in the comic, whereas the others were drawn as simply floating genitals and a small chibi emotive headshot. Everything about the WIP has shown that the original idea was in fact disregarded, and this was designed as a means to not only "complete" the overdue commission, but to do so in a manner that violated the original agreement set in stone and went against what was the original concept. After conferring with a trusted friend over this matter, I have sent a final email to the artist. https://i.imgur.com/Q9eIcz1.png UPDATE: 4th March 2018 While I stipulated previously I would consider the matter closed, and would post a final update when the full refund was received, unfortunately that has not been the case just yet. https://i.imgur.com/jjhjhcf.png This is the response to my previous email. Immediately, this has thrown red flags in my face, and honestly a slap of disrespect yet again. Going by the format of the email, I can only assume the manager has sent this reply. It happens to be set out in previous email formats by her. Firstly, the fact they had the audacity to create an incorrect WIP in the first place, upload it, and THEN take it down because it was "to be done in the original terms" is pathetic. If they had any intention of actually sticking to the original terms, they wouldn't have MADE an incorrect WIP, let alone publicly upload it. I have replied with the initial payment due, and this will soon be closed on the matter. There will be a final update when the refund has been completed. Tired of ads? Upgrade to account with Professional p
  10. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/985429.html WHO: Koachellla WHERE: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/koachellla/ WHAT: Digital Art WHEN: Dec 17th, 2017, 08:03 PM — First Contact Dec 18th, 2017, 09:49 AM — Paid by my friend and myself Feb 18th, 2018, 03:18 PM — First Signs of Trouble EXPLAIN: In actuality, my friend who I was getting this commission with was the first person to contact this artist, but I filled out the actual details of what we wanted. On December 17th of last year, I wanted to get something with my friend because he wanted to get something with me. We contacted Koachellla about this and we set up a commission with her. We both paid on the 18th of December. It wasn't until February 18th that we received signs of trouble. I hadn't received the commission yet after I told her to send it in, so I contacted her art manager, who happens to also be her mate in this situation. He has a role in this feud as well because he told me he was going to contact her about the situation, and let me know if I was going to get a full on refund or a do-over (which I did not receive any of the sort. A few minutes or so after the message was sent, the hateful journal appeared, which proposed false information about contacting her mate about her own art commissions. Art managers are there for a reason, and if the situation where they need to be contacted is present, then there shouldn't be a problem about contacting the art manager. Following this, I received four malicious notes towards me from Koachellla, and after further reviewing the first note, a threat against me about stealing my money along with my friend. PROOF: https://imgur.com/a/L8Nkc Unprofessional-like behavior, spawning indirect hatred towards me, proposing false information about her TOS, etc. https://imgur.com/a/jcRx7 The threat, malicious notes, the lie from her art manager https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/399772003827187753/414895445442297866/731Jb7F6Ur5oLAz4S_KfQUWjRplaz1XUEJ2icua_-bs.png — The NSFW Image that we received https://imgur.com/a/zxZmh https://imgur.com/a/0ShbJ https://imgur.com/a/U7okJ https://www.dropbox.com/s/otrrqml4p6fnofs/Shadded for Serratia.png?dl=0 — The link where I received the commission NSFW on last image Resolution: I filed a dispute on the artist this beware is about, and after negotiating terms, the artist has decided to re-draw the image entirely, and give me and my friend what we desired in the beginning.
  11. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/984123.html WHO: Athena(TheJackal) WHERE: Dealt with them at MFF 2016 when commissioning it FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/~athena~/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AthenaTheJackal WHAT: 100 dollar Bead badge (headshot) WHEN: Sunday near end of dealers den at MFF 2016 EXPLAIN: I had commissioned her for a bead badge at that point, and tried to keep up on it and she made it sound like she was working on during the talks, come MFF 2017 when i figured i would pick it up, she doesn't have and it and says she would get it done soon, its now February, and has ignored my messages giving her a deadline and hasn't made any attempt to fix it while still posting ones she is making, essentially skipping my commission PROOF: https://imgur.com/gallery/LbIhF list of our talking, she ignored my request to show work.
  12. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/983469.html who: Tobeabird/Cynical Sergal/Wayward Fox/Otter Nonsense Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/tobeabird/ and https://www.furaffinity.net/user/otter.nonsense What: Feline Foam Cut headbase mounted on a balaclava ($120) and One Fullbody commission ($30) When: I commissioned the base on Sept. 12, 2015 and the art on July 25, 2017 Explain: I initially commissioned Tobeabird when they needed help and opened for fursuit foam base commissions. The journal is long since gone, but we agreed to one of their foam feline head bases, cut and mounted on a balaclava. This was $120 and was paid immediately (they were wayward Fox creations/Cynical Sergal at this point) (1). The transaction was completed on Sept. 12, 2015 I was told multiple times (2)(3) that my base was going to be shipped on within the week of the message. The first time (screenshot 2) I was told I’d have a tracking number, and then wasn’t contacted again about it. The second time (that I could find searching through years of FA notes anyway) I was told that they had contracted a fever and wasn’t able to ship it (4). They even forgot what I was owed, this happened multiple times (5). I eventually stopped pressing them, a mistake on my part, but I believed I was helping a friend and this friend constantly posted journals about how they were financially in a bind or losing their home or in need of medication. I didn’t want to add to their troubles with bothering them over my product. I was too nice and it backfired. FWA 2016 (March 31-April 3, 2016) came around and I roomed with them. They had a bunch of foam bases, including the feline ones, casted for their dealers den table for the convention that year. I asked if one of the bases was for my commission, and they told me that they hadn’t cut any of them and that none of them were for me. This irritated me because these people had paid long after I did, but were going to receive their product first. They couldn’t have cut one before casting the rest considering I was a paying commissioner who had yet to receive a product promised to be to him within the week? There was one point where I asked them if they would rather just refund me instead of casting the base since it seemed like they couldn’t get to the post to ship and they had a bunch of other problems they were posting about. They agreed, but then this was later rescinded due to their financial troubles and me asking if it’d be easier for them to just go ahead and cast it. They agreed. There was plans to attend Megaplex 2017 together that ended up falling through. They had planned on getting me the base (as per their claims) but as we both ended up not being able to attend, that didn’t happen. (6) On July 24, Tobeabird was having a bit of financial issues and was hoping to be commissioned so I took them up on that offer. I asked for a fullbody anthro work of my character Riot and gave them a ref sheet (7). I then paid after a day as I was having some issues with my paypal and they received full payment on July 25, 2017 (8)(9). On October 27, 2017 I asked about an update for my art commission and was told there was an update on FA. There was another delay in getting art posted on a journal (10). November 11, 2017 I get a message on Telegram from Tobeabird asking if I’d like a refund for the art and the base. I agreed and was told I would be put on the refund list (11)(12)(13) (the last one is cut that way because the conversation was asking about personal issues) January 15, I wrote a series of tweets on my vent account stating that I felt taken advantage of and felt that I was no longer going to commission friends due to being treated poorly by a couple who didn’t handle the transaction properly. Tobeabird contacted me on Telegram to ask if the messages were about them. I told them that they fit into the messages but I was talking about a couple people. They proceeded to get bent about the fact I said they’d taken advantage of me and then guilt tripped me for even speaking about it. They kept saying that they’d hoped I’d be a patient friend, and at that point, I was pretty much done with the whole thing. I told them I’d be expecting a reasonable amount of time with the refund. Eventually the argument got to a point where I was irritated with them acting like I was the bad guy for being upset and ending the conversations because they couldn’t handle that. I was then told that Telegram was for friendly chat and to stop contacting them there and only through email. I agreed to this and when I posted another tweet, they found it necessary to then contact me arguing more about the fact I believe they took advantage. I told them to leave it to email and they claimed they didn't’ have it. I told them to wait for my message but then ended up getting them emailing me anyway and then attempting to contact me on twitter as well backing up the email. They have sent me $30 ( 2/7/18) and claim it’s for the base (when they could just clear off the art). They are treating this whole thing as two separate occurrences. The base from otter nonsense, and the art from them. But as they are the owner of the otter nonsense account and since their business practices aren’t different between the two entities, I am treating this as ONE refund from ONE person rather than a person and their business. I’m still receiving the money from Tobeabird in both instances so I’m not sure what the deal is with that. (14) Update: 2/8/18 They have sent another couple refunds totalling $60 (15) for a total of $90 refunded (16) meaning the art commission has been taken care of and the base is halfway refunded at this point. Update 2: 2/8/18 Final amount ($60) has been sent. This matter is resolved. (17) Proof: 1. Fursuit Head Base Payment - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PAyeUxV7OKno9lrGn5PsowR3zvSbxT2j 2. First Shipping Schedule missed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1v1rOEfW-f9x8O6-CR5fBo1EIrgOgyjcP 3. Second shipping schedule missed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1g1yy39RIiC3KTmgF7KzWRQi9c2FleU37 4. Why second shipping was missed - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ce5ftTikpFl2HKHOAd4z87-KKnCNublU 5. Forgot what I ordered- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1K27Bb0dpYW5_ejHCgxqfsR7b5DeIPFQr 6. Asking about base, told will give at Megaplex - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1UDt0KXfm4I99nLkIdFOLa1Fv47V_AaHk 7. Art price confirmation- https://drive.google.com/open?id=15p67cZd9rUGdopdiW9iNs4PPtaj3WG8J 8. Art commission confirmation - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xvY1A-yAlifupm0zBJiXHsJxTcY1KcWA 9. Paypal transaction for Art - https://drive.google.com/open?id=106GTmQl201cFcy3qwos9_gAMHSJRXzZa 10. Asking about the status of my art commission - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zq0DSUComUq837BX8YH8UTdg1dHglab6 11. Tobeabird offering refunds - https://drive.google.com/open?id=13gKxL3y00vJhBJkYCzCD27t7B9cW-LlB 12. Tobeabird offering refunds (cont.) - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_BO4O92yiFxm1y-1oAjgL_kWX4X3vCf3 13. Tobeabird offering refunds (cont) - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QddXT8Kj_5D79MH-qjMsCneyxY5ra9jR 14. 1st Refund recieved ($30) - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1HZUFjLXJ8OoDddJ28tfPrxrfwYufUDG7 15. 2nd Refund Recieved ($60) - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1yugLwOi3pXOANflx6nAj7w6msvd20uL2 16. Proof of $90 sent - https://drive.google.com/open?id=19epo7KtVff2L1RYhWHwQqitGETSaQTpO 17. Rest of the refund sent- https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Yyoslh2eR7gRfeqHoMtMCkbtrFS-yooE </lj-cut>
  13. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/983058.html WHO: RossCiaco WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/rossciaco/ WHAT: Digital Art, $50 NSFW Shaded Commission of a single character WHEN: Arranged December 25, 2015, paid on February 2016, no response to this day EXPLAIN: I’ve inquired about the artist’s availability on December 25, 2015 about commission openings in which they responded sometime after. We’ve arranged the details and he established a time frame of when I expect to be added onto his queue of commissions, which was timed for roughly 1-3 months due to school. If I accepted this, all I had to do was send the info and money to his paypal and that would be it. I personally didn’t care about that brief waiting time and agreed. I saw how frequently he posted his commissioned art in the past shortly after posting an opening via journal posts so I assumed his working was swift. So, I sent the commission information and transaction on Feb, 18, 2016 and the transaction is below. Keep this date in mind. Proof of Payment Since that date, I have not received a single word or update from him to this day. I’ve sent several attempts of contact to him through this time frame throughout his various ways of reaching him. He has not responded to any of my future notes, neither did he read them. I thought something bad happened to the artist due to their inactivity on FA, but I have found their Twitter during the time and saw they were doing just fine. In fact, they were showing their current works in progress to their other projects, and socialized quite often on other people’s profiles... So I assumed he left FA and did his activities on the other platforms, being Twitter and I tried contacting him on there and, surprise, no response. These few attempts were spread out over the long time frame as professional as possible. I would’ve assumed he was heavily busy with emergencies, but after being on his other platforms and seeing his activity on there, that was far from the case. They’re all in the unread gold icons on FA. As for the DMs on Twitter, I’m sure they’re unread as well but here are all of the attempts, dates, and screenshots below. Unread Notes 1 Unread Notes 2 Unread Notes 3 The first reach out was on FA was on March 21st, 2016. Attempt #1 · The second reach out was on his Twitter’s DMs on June 16th, 2016. This also includes the final attempt. Attempt #2 · The third reach out was on FA was November 25th, 2016. Attempt #3 · The fourth reach out was via personal email on January 2nd, 2017. Attempt #4 · The final reachout was on November 11th, 2017 and for both his FA and Twitter that mentions a refund if he didn’t get around to the work. Final Attempt It’s almost been two years with NO word from his end while he continued doing his own business and artworks for both himself and other people along with socializing, and by that, I mean commenting on posts, quick scribbles and art trades for others, etc. while not acknowledging my attempts to contact him. I have no idea if my work has been started, forgotten, or if it’s even sitting there completed. The only exception was some minor tweet he posted about trying to get back on work for people in which I made clear for him on that post not to forget and he gave a small apology. That was last year. In the end, I learned he was not only working on other projects, but he was also posting current artwork and opening up for MORE commissions on FA and Twitter at some point. So this was blatantly ignoring my requests upon asking for some kind—ANY kind of update to the work I paid for. RossCiaco’s lack of communication to his clients and poor management of work gave a horrible experience for me and I’ve possibly lost my money with nothing in return. The professionalism is not handled at all with no attempts from him to contact me about why he was taking so long or had no alternative to compensate for such. Had he done so, I may have excused the overdue work, but this is unacceptable. PROOF: Given in the Explain portion, hopefully that’s enough to give. [Editor's note: From the comments] mopeydragon [OP] September 1 2020, 06:02:35 UTC As of today after making a public comment to a recent submission of his, the artist finally contacted me and gave a choice to wait or request a refund and I decided to opt for the refund. The situation has been resolved.
  14. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/982743.html Who: CrystalUniicorn Where: https://crystaluniicorn.deviantart.com/ What: Custom Draft Horse Stallion Lineart/ base When: Commissioned on August 11th 2016 EXPLAIN: I commissioned Crystal on August 11th 2016 for a Draft horse base because she and I had talked about lineart custom previously via comments on one of her submissions, she explained a custom lineart would be 15$ and I agreed, explained what I wanted and left it at that. I didn't note her about it afterward because I trusted her to finish her list of commissions in a timely manner, she was very kind and professional. Around mid September she posted a journal stating she'd be catching up on commissions and posting them soon but after one batch of horse adoptables she disappeared. I posted a Lost contact and never received any info other than a locked instagram which I found out she doesn't use anymore, she hasn't responded to commissioners even when she came back to deviantart for a month. I've sent her a note which has gone unresponded to. Proof: (Tried to make these as big as possible) Original Note; https://imgur.com/IpUTNvJ PoP; https://i.imgur.com/Mx6R9ew.png Journal Mentioned; https://i.imgur.com/l8sa5L5.png Unread note status; https://i.imgur.com/104QthE.png Unread note contents; https://i.imgur.com/vhoV9X6.png Not really sure what to do at this point. EDIT/ 1/29/18; Sent an email to the last known email / email I paid through paypal to see if by chance she'll answer me, highly doubt it due to people saying she's ignored them but I'll cross my fingers. EDIT: 2/18/18; My email and note have still not been answered and from what I can tell she's still avoiding deviantart even though a commission widget is still on her page ( can be seen here; https://i.imgur.com/PghBT4r.png ). I'm sick of this tbh EDIT: 7/9/18; She's made a full return and has been posting, albeit infrequently, but still hasn't posted commissions/ given refunds from what I've seen. She HAS posted p2u (pay to use) bases/ linearts and persona reference sheets though which leads me to wonder... but I digress. I sent her a note 3 days ago as seen here: https://i.imgur.com/wq79Unh.png it's been read but not replied to. (Contents of said note: https://i.imgur.com/TZykIzK.png )
  15. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/982501.html WHO: BigBlueRaptor WHERE: @bigblueraptor on twitter, LeeLee on Furaffinity WHAT: Kaiju LED badge WHEN: May 3rd, 2017- Initial contact May 4th- payment August 19th- First sign of trouble. Asked where my position was in the queue and received no response. EXPLAIN: October 28th- The deadline I had specified on the commission form was the next week so I contacted them asking if they were ready to send the badge. I had seen the completed art (which was a template. They had not specified the art would be on a template either) but they had not contacted me with it. I had to scour their twitter. November 10th- They asked me if I would be at MFF so they could give me the badge. I told them I wasn’t sure so mailing it would be the best. I’d prepaid for shipping anyway. After this they refused to answer twitter DMs. I @ ed them on twitter and they said the didn’t make it to MFF. They did not reach out to tell me this, I had to reach out to them. No mention of shipping the badge. Despite my attempts, no further contact has been received from them. PROOF: Links to our conversations, the unreplied to emails, and proof of purchase Proof of Purchase: https://imgur.com/gallery/kJP05 Conversations: https://imgur.com/gallery/H7iTR
  16. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/982269.html WHO: Naomy/Naomi WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/naomy/ WHAT: 1 Digital drawing, full-body, NSFW WHEN: June 15th, 2016 EXPLAIN: I’ve commissioned Naomy in the past (5 times) and I never had any problems with her before. She has a nice style, has very accessible prices and worked fast. So, when she opened new slots on June 2016, I happily asked her for a commission slot. I contacted her via FA notes, I sent the info for the drawing, made the payment via paypal and after that I just had to wait…and that’s where the problems started. Since that day she has appeared and disappeared in very erratic and long periods of time: could be weeks or even months (as far as I know). When she appears, it has been only to apologize and/or justify her lack of work claiming personal problems (problems which she never has detailed in any level), to take new commissions (even she already has pending commissions to do first) or upload some of the finished drawings (which they could be old or new commissions, she's very random in this). She’s almost impossible to reach (only through FA notes but good luck if she checks them) since she doesn’t provide any contact information like a Twitter, Facebook, Telegram, etc. (She only provides skype info but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work). I’ve waited for more than a year by now, more of what’s reasonable time and I know there’s people who is in the same situation (or worse) with this artist. I’m tired to keep waiting while watching how this artist keeps luring more and people to her “trap”. So, I’m making this AB not just for me but for anyone else who's having the same kind of problems with this artist. Next, I’ll detail her activity in FA (mostly journals) with their corresponding dates. Be sure to check the proof pics for more details: July 27th – 28th 2016. She made 2 journals in which she apologized for the delay with the commissions (it seems she was moving to other place and had trouble with getting access to the internet because of that) and then, she took the chance to take more commissions slots since she said needed money to pay some debts. Although I could understand her situation, the fact that she took extra workload gave me a bad feeling…but I let it pass and keep waiting. That was the last sign of activity in her FA page for the rest of 2016 and part of 2017. Mach 27th 2017 – April 3rd 2017. After 8-9 Months of silence without knowing what happened, a couple of new journals appeared. In the first one someone, identifying himself as “Naomi’s friend” (and acting in representation of her), said in the journal that Naomy couldn’t be online for the time being because of “personal and delicate reasons”. He then proposed, as a way to organize things I think, that everyone who was still waiting for their commissions to send a new note with all the related info about them (refs, idea descriptions, etc.) to see who is still pending, who wants a refund or make any changes to his/her commission idea. That way he could later transmit all that info to Naomy so she could continue working on them. In the second journal, this same person appeared again asking for some patience while he was checking all the notes form the last journal. No sign of my commission so far. April 2nd 2017. I sent a new note to Naomy’s FA account with the all the info regarding my commission (including screenshots of the old note, paypal payment, etc.) as requested by Naomi’s friend in the last journal. Note remains unread until this day. June 9th 2017. Naomy came back in a new journal but without giving any real clue of why her disappearance other than saying she’s “good and better” now, there were things that she couldn’t handle the last couple of months and asking for a little understanding. Then, she opens a few commission slots to help her cover some of the refunds (even when she acknowledges she has pending commissions to do). No sign of my commission so far. July 11th 2017. Once again, she opens a few commission slots to help her cover some of the refunds (even when she acknowledges she has pending commissions to do AGAIN). No sign of my commission so far. October 4th 2017. Naomy says that she’s having problems recently to submit some of the finished commissions but still, she’ll try to upload some. No sign of my commission so far. October 18th 2017. She addresses the situation of the pending commissions with just 4 points in which she basically says she’s working in the commissions and everyone will get theirs eventually and asks for patience (whether is a pending commission or a refund) and respect. After that, she promotes a YCH and opens for MORE COMMISSION SLOTS! SERIOUSLY? Also, no sign of my commission so far. October 31th 2017. Opens for new commissions slots. No sign of my commission so far. November 17th 2017. I sent her a new note (just like the one I sent on April 2017) in which I express my discomfort about the long time I’ve been waiting regarding my commission and detailing some changes about my original idea for the drawing. Note remains unread until this day and no sign of my commission so far. November 26th 2017. I get a shout message in my FA from Naomy (assuming it was related to my last note) were she just sends me a link with a screenshot of the journal in which she wrote regarding the pending commissions as a response (I deleted that message unfortunately). I replied back in her FA expressing my disappointment and frustration about the “robotic answer” she gave me. She replies back trying to justify herself and saying that my commission is almost ready and I should wait some more time. I later thanks the more “proper” answer she gave me now and, taking her word, I decided to keep waiting. Maybe I’ll have it before Christmas? I hope so! December 15th 2017. Last journal of 2017. She informs everyone that 2018 will be her last year on FA because of personal problems. She doesn’t specify how long it will be before she leaves FA, just saying “I will be a few months more here”. She doesn’t clarify what would happen with the pending commissions and refunds left. After this journal to this date, she hasn’t shown any sigh of activity: no new uploads, no journals, no messages, no notes. And guess what? NO SIGN OF MY COMMISSION SO FAR! PROOF: June 15th 2016 — Naomy's journal opening commissions and comunication between her and me: https://imgur.com/Y9RFtdy https://imgur.com/zlaFSnd https://imgur.com/wPGyqub July 27th – 28th 2016 — Journal apologizing for delay and taking more commissions berofe disappearing https://imgur.com/3lo2c3v Mach 27th 2017 – April 3rd 2017 — Journals made by "Naomi's friend" https://imgur.com/eicOM0g April 2nd 2017 — Note sent to "Naomi's friend" as requested in last journal https://imgur.com/d1XmP8l June 9th 2017 - Naomy comes back https://imgur.com/weVIf57 July 11th 2017 & October 4th 2017 — Naomy takes more commissions and argues problems with uploading pics https://imgur.com/x1kfiJz October 18th 2017 — Naomy addresses the situation about pending commissions https://imgur.com/mm6sO8k October 31th 2017 — Journal taking more commissions https://imgur.com/snAAJYD November 17th 2017 — I sent a new note expressing my discomfort for the long wait https://imgur.com/l8N96d3 November 26th 2017 — Some of the replies she gave me after I protested because of a message she gave me before https://imgur.com/x1pBqYK December 15th 2017 — Last journal of Naomy before disappearing again until this date
  17. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/981816.html WHO: Sugar N’ Spice Costumes: Primarily CorpseCat aka Kittencheshire aka Prince Mocha aka Neo via Sugar N’ Spice Costume email contact. Other members of Sugar N’ Spice Costumes should be noted: Cackle aka Bullie and Fortune WHERE: Mainly dealt with them via Email and Telegram; their business is based on FA under Sugarandspice, http://fursuitcontact.wixsite.com/sugarandspicecostume, and http://www.sugarnspicecostumes.com/ however they do deal with business via Telegram WHAT: 2 Partial Fursuits WHEN: 1st payment was on April 24, 2016 with final payment on May 26, 2016. Trouble started around August which was two months before the original deadline. EXPLAIN: At first everything seemed fine and was going as planned; I asked about their turn around for suits and they state it’s about a month or so after 80% paid off (See capture here: https://imgur.com/w21eazp ). I ask if final payment was done in July if it would be done and shipped before October in which I was assured it would. We spoke about the suits periodically and on June 13th they stated they were ordering a base for the head as they work off of bases (See capture here: https://imgur.com/lGaKQkm https://imgur.com/ZbaBTgr ) and on July 14th I inquired if they had gotten the base for the head in which they then told me it takes 3-5 weeks to cast them let alone ship it plus the dealer had to deal with AnthroCon and another con (see capture here: https://imgur.com/r3vj5Lh ); at this stage I started worrying naturally as things sounded a little shady, but gave the benefit of the doubt. As time progressed I contacted back around August 5th to see how things were going on our partials with zero response until the following day on the 6th in which I heard nothing from them about it. On August 8th I asked again and received no message from them until the 12th in which they reassured it will be done by October as planned. (see capture here: https://imgur.com/PMdTcad ) and then proceeded to check in on the 30th of August and finally on September 3rd they show me they have the head; the previous screen cap shows this as well. Back and forth takes place and by October 1st they finally state that they are trying to get our suits done on time while dealing with other things and no word about it again until I contact them on the 11th which proceeded to fall on deaf ears until I got word on the 16th; however nothing was said about the suits. Needless to say the deadline, as it was for us to wear at a specific convention, came and went. On November 29th I asked casually if I could put some design changes in as they hadn’t been working on it just to see if I’d even get a response in which they said sure and would resculpt the head as if they were still working on it; though at this point it really red flagged me as no suit maker in their right mind would agree to something that would be significant in the way of change to simply resculpt it no problem (See capture here: https://imgur.com/f4gqaPr ). We converse from time to time between then and February 27th with no message about my two partials. I ask again on the 27th (See capture here: https://imgur.com/lsq0Btp ) and no message until March 15th of 2017. April 24th comes by and I ask about my partials with putting my foot down; they said progress is slow, but would be before Halloween in which that was the con we needed it for again (See capture here: https://imgur.com/N8xAvmp ). June 8th comes by and I am getting even more concern (See capture here: https://imgur.com/uie6Ep4 ) in which I state if we should even continue with it after all this time; they tell me if everything goes well it should be September 1st when they are done. Next time I talk to them in August I find out they switched to another Telegram handle and on August 25th I am getting really concerned as they’ve shown me no WIP images then they try reassuring me that they’ve made 2 partials in 3 days… Another red flag that I was pretty sure wasn’t possible (See capture here: https://imgur.com/U5zlvBG ). On September 29th I voice my concerns again with a more “putting my foot down” tone. They tell me they are working on it which considering all this time it should have been done three times over (See capture here: https://imgur.com/1niS9Vn ) and we even talk about shoe sizes (which I have captured here to show they then eventually give us the wrong shoe size: https://imgur.com/owCHbbp ). We speak periodically with no updates on the suits until October 11th where they ask me for a reference in regards to BOTH of the suits (See capture here: https://imgur.com/xVLbIRI ). On October 16th, mind you again all this time I have had no WIP shown of the partials, I finally put my foot down as the deadline has passed once more (See capture here: https://imgur.com/XcVI4VC ) and time goes on with no response until I ask how they are on the 18th where they tell me they’ll send screenshots soon. I ask again the following day for those screenshots of the partials with no response. I proceeded to bombard them with messages between the 19th to the 23rd in which they finally say they weren’t ignoring me, but was having issues with Telegram. They provide a picture of the feet (See capture here: https://imgur.com/4e0fgAb ). Another blackout and multiple demands later, between October 24th to October 29th, I finally threaten to get Paypal involved for a dispute (See capture here: https://imgur.com/kVSFHpB ). I then start emailing them over this and they proceed to tell me that it was lost in the mail and that they would remake them (See capture here: https://imgur.com/CxvrpwZ https://imgur.com/Pt6yUoz https://imgur.com/R1jp1Wz ); this would be the final red flag that told me they were scamming us as no artist would just simply say this and then just “oh well we will remake them no problem!” attitude. I give an ultimatum and they accept a November 10th final deadline and even state (in the previous capture) that they’d provide an extra gift for our trouble with all of this. Time progresses and no response nor reply to my email on November 11th. Finally I get pictures coming in here and there; we talk briefly from time to time. Eventually January comes around and they ship it. I receive both partials on January 12th with something interesting; the feet that were supposedly “lost in the mail” that were shown to me before AND the extra gifts mentioned were not even there which was the final straw that lead me to make an artist beware about this business/person. I also would like to add that you can clearly tell the partials were rushed and attention to detail was missing in which ear heights are miss-matched, heads were too small, feet too small, misaligned jaw, and other problems that should have never happened. Main purpose of this is to warn others that this is a common process with them as I was informed by others after my experience that I was not alone in how flip-floppy they are with their business with some not even receiving anything be it a refund or product. PROOF: The proof provided in this section are various screencaps of comparing the original “lost” suit images to that of what came in the mail. I only have the feet to provide, but those are exactly the same. This also contains the Quality Promised image to compare to the Quality Received. Shoe size issue (Told them one size and they send the wrong size): https://imgur.com/vcwBn31 Proof of first payment: https://imgur.com/3Tr0svb Proof of final payment: https://imgur.com/X43Qnxv Quality Promised (Notice uniformity, proper trim of the fur, and attention to detail): https://imgur.com/EmcnLXp Quality Received: >Head/cheek proportions are off - https://imgur.com/C4AoQrF >Misaligned jaw - https://imgur.com/h01lafA >One ear is larger and higher up than the other as well as horn being stuck on the top of the head rather than forehead area - https://imgur.com/cfjjPrg >Hair was too short so they threw on extra hair at the end of the head making it look messy and done in a hurry - https://imgur.com/5tzZg1w >Jackal ears misaligned and misshapen as well as eyebrows being misaligned https://imgur.com/zMSCpWk https://imgur.com/LgvX2Pw >Jackal face being misaligned and skewed - https://imgur.com/M101jk2 Lost feet compared to feet received (notice they are exactly the same; as in they were never “lost”): https://imgur.com/8Uyn1DG Received feet: https://imgur.com/9nHs987
  18. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/981645.html UPDATE: (5/28/18): Oh &#$%ing boy. Hello again my friends on AB. I have an update. Upon really thinking about it, I am so, so tired and annoyed. On the same day that this was resolved Fuu had said they'd send me the completed laminated badge in the mail within the next week (https://imgur.com/a/bQYXUWH). Cool. It's almost June and I have NEVER received it. At this point, I give up. Not active on their art twitter. Highly active on their personal twitter. They uploaded everyone's finished badges on instagram except mine? Like okay, maybe I'm being petty, but maybe someone else gets me. It's not like there was only one of said badge, but the reason this is SO beyond annoying for me is that I'm so tired of asking Fuu to just. Get. It. Done. Get it done and we don't have to speak about it ever again. But now, I'm fed up, and Fuu get's a bad review from me. I was sympathetic, but now, I'm really not. UPDATE (1/18/18): Fuu has contacted me with the finished art and even offered me a full refund. I declined the full refund as I was just happy to have my art. Fuu is by no means a terrible person and has very humbly owned up to their mistakes with absolute grace. Lovely human being, but just a poor example of customer service, which I hope to see them improve on in the future. WHO: Fuudles/ButlerInHeels WHERE: https://twitter.com/Fuudles WHAT: Coloured badge WHEN: Invoice for payment was sent September 5th, 2016. I remember clearly because I was not in the country when I contacted them. First signs of trouble appeared near the end of the year when they were taking on more commissions and not completing ones they had previously taken. EXPLAIN: I was under the impression the artist had an excellent work ethic as people were retweeting their completed commissions in a very timely manner. This set them up as someone who was excellent to commission because they had good prices and high quality work. I was very happy to receive a slot from them. I’m pretty sure that I was the last person they accepted in that batch/run of badges. I received an inked WIP ten days after the invoice was paid. They posted a coloured WIP in October of my badge flat-coloured with something like fifteen-odd other commissions in the same stage of completion. I thought it was excellent that they were getting so many done so fast. I was not at all concerned and was willing to wait 1-2 months because I knew they had lots to do. Come January 2017 they had a computer crash and their hard drive was toast. If anyone is sympathetic, it would be me; I was in a similar situation ages ago. I was under the assumption that my file was not recovered as I waited another 2-3 months for my commission with nothing. I was not informed whether or not my art was recovered (spoiler alert: it actually was recovered, but did I know that? Nope.), and while it may be my responsibility to ask, it’s also the artist’s responsibility as someone who is running a business to be upfront and clear with their customers, no matter how many people they owed art to. Over the course of 2017, I constantly saw Fuu finishing commissions that I was highly certain were taken long after I had paid for my own. They were opening commissions for convention pick-ups, completing them all in easily a week or less. At this point, I’m getting really irritated; they are obviously fully capable of completing commissions quickly, and I couldn’t understand what was taking so long. I was also thinking about other people that might be waiting alongside with me. I could easily go through the WIPs they have posted in the past, and tell you who has and who hasn’t gotten their art. MOST people have gotten their art, but for some odd reason, I feel as if I have been forgotten. I’m sure there are a handful of others who feel the same way, but are too afraid to assert themselves. Come July 2017, I finally messaged Fuu as the one year mark was coming up. I said to them I felt as if I was forgotten and they assured me I wasn’t. They said come mid-August and after Midwest FurFest, would be a good time to expect my commission to be completed. Come September 2017, and I had not heard anything. In all fairness to Fuu, I understand doing owed art and working at a job is very difficult to balance. And I was also very patient because I was sympathetic. But it’s not an excuse when you have already proven yourself to be very quick to finish commissions only to pull the rug under your customers. Come January 2018, I realize I have not seen Fuu on my newsfeed in sometime - turns out they have been inactive on their art account and main account for almost a month with no warning to commissioners. To wrap it all up I feel jerked around, lied to, and my patience has been taken advantage of. Regardless if the art is completed, this kind of customer service is unacceptable and disregards the integrity and loyalty of your commissioners. PROOF: https://imgur.com/a/wHznd I first messaged Fuu on September 3rd, 2016. Invoice was sent and paid on September 6th, 2016. I received a WIP on September 15th, 2016. A coloured WIP was posted on October 15th, 2016. That’s as far as the art has ever gotten Updated: On January 3rd 2018, because it’s now the new year, I decided to send Fuu another message. Obviously this one is not as kindly worded as my other messages. https://imgur.com/a/RVOeA It remains unread since January 3rd, 2018. They also still seem to be inactive on both their art account and main account. I still am completely unaware of what caused their disappearance as there is nothing to tell what caused it. Obviously it can be cause for worry but nothing indicates something very bad has happened, so, at this point, it seems pretty fruitless.
  19. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/981455.html WHO: Cosmiicolor/occasionallylucario/Hot blooded lucario WHERE: http://occasionallylucario.tumblr.com/ and https://twitter.com/cosmiicolor WHAT: Group digital art commission WHEN: Time of payment 9/01/2017, time of suspicion 10/24/2017 EXPLAIN: Me and some friends just wanted a little semi chibi styled group pic, it got a little awkward since we had 2 late joiners but it got settled. We had her in our discord so she could talk to any of us at any time. A few days after commissioning I sent a DM to ask if she could provide a link to her stream so we could watch but before I could start asking she stated she was sick and didnt say anything else after. I sent a few DMs spread out over large wait times to not spam her but was completely ignored each time. Another in our discord sends her a message and gets ignored as well. I wait out the holidays to give her another chance before saying anything and decided to wait till 1/05/2018 to call her out. One of us even pulled money back from paypal before the take back period ended and that still caused no response. Upon calling her out her first and only response was to block me, solidifying that she took our money and ran. PROOF: When the group DM was called together to discuss: https://i.imgur.com/ZfRGEER.png Recapping the commission: https://i.imgur.com/DzaSlkL.png Moment of paying: https://i.imgur.com/RElqa5M.png Confirmation of ignored messages: https://i.imgur.com/gzILj3X.png Confirmation of being ignored and blocked on Twitter: https://i.imgur.com/JadKeE1.png https://i.imgur.com/ejRCYGF.png
  20. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/979990.html *edit*Resolved! Turns out trying to get my money back from paypal reminded them of my commission and they delivered. I'm very thankful. It looks great. I am still actively trying to either get a refund or the finished piece from the artist and am open to a resolution. I've never had to do this before and honestly I feel bad but I have been scammed by too many artists at this point. :C WHO: KARNxJiro WHERE: https://karnxjiro.deviantart.com/ WHAT: Digital Art WHEN: Initial Contact Oct 4, 2017 EXPLAIN: Ignored me for nearly a month. When they finally did get in contact with me they said my commission had been done for weeks and they would upload it promptly. It's been about another month since that. PROOF: October 4, 2017 Initial conversation where we agree on the commission and image. It should also be noted the artist states "the delivery time is within a week after draft approval" https://imgur.com/h2cw5JF October 5, 2017 Continued discussion on specifics of commission. Draft was provided, as well as paypal email. (which has obviously been blocked out) https://imgur.com/vmdhBOa October 5, 2017 WIP I approved. Which I really liked, and it's a super shame I may never see it finished. https://imgur.com/gczxeyO October 5, 2017 Me approving the draft and paying the artist. I even pay them more than they had requested. Which they almost refunded me for. https://imgur.com/BIkH61a October 13, 2017 Over a week later, as you may recall from the October 4th post it should have only taken a week. https://imgur.com/6IyrNYX October 16, 2017 A couple days later I decided to contact them via email since I had not seen or heard from them on dA for a bit. https://imgur.com/ceTNMfD October 17, 2017 I get a response! It seems really positive. Just an issue with ISP. They will get back to me. https://imgur.com/mHnC1Dk October 18, 2017 They tell me that the image will be late (which it already is) but I'm ok with that. For my patience they offer to design some extra things on my character for me. That's awesome! https://imgur.com/iPGA1P3 October 26 — November 3, 2017 I try to contact them again with no response. It shows the unopened dA notes a week later. https://imgur.com/MbhQcvu November 17 - November 19, 2017 I try again to contact them. With success. (though I switched emails). They remember who I am, what my commission is, and that they will get it to me ASAP. They also mention the commission is done. It's finished at this point, I guess they just forgot about me. By November 19 there is still nothing from the artist. https://imgur.com/x7uvkZx November 20, 2017 They contact me saying my image will be up tomorrow! Excitement! https://imgur.com/DXQnmdg By this point I decide it is a good idea to take a screenshot of their dA page/recent arts with timestamp. To show that my image is in fact not there. I also added a comment to their page, which you can see it is something innocent and playful. https://imgur.com/wMwsl7q November 27, 2017 No contact from artist. No change to their dA page. https://sta.sh/0167tuwexrm1 November 29, 2017 They contact me saying they were occupied with another client and will upload on dA today. This is 12 days after they said my commission was done. https://sta.sh/019hqp4hdzj8 December 29, 2017 I think I've tried to contact them here and there at this point with no response. It has been a month now. I took a screenshot of their dA page today, which seems to have changed slightly. My commission however has not been uploaded. Also my comment seems to have been hidden. I'm not sure what was wrong with it. Assuming the worst at this point, though I would love to be pleasantly surprised. https://sta.sh/019g0wgsavqs I've also reported the transaction to paypal at this point in hopes of getting my money back. Sorry this is longwinded. I've never been in this situation before and I wanted to make sure my bases were covered.
  21. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/979641.html WHO: TGBK WHERE (NSFW links warning): https://thegreenbookkeeper.deviantart.com/ https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/thegreenbookkeeper/profile https://www.patreon.com/projecthime WHAT: NSFW art commissions that I bought from this artists that were never received or even started on. WHEN: I paid $200 for these commissions on July 2016 and I received nothing at all. Only excuses and fake stories that they are being worked on and will be delivered soon. EXPLAIN: I am posting this up so that no more innocent people will be scammed and have their money stolen from them by this guy. I paid $200 USD using paypal for some NSFW commissions that I never received since July 2016 from an artist known as TGBK. This person always makes up sad excuses about the art commissions being worked on but as of this day he has never even sent me a sketch. He stopped talking to me on August 2017 after he said that the sketches were done and I politely asked if I could see them. He actually would only reply to me if I supported him on Patreon as most of my later messages were only from Patreon as he would not reply to regular email messages. Obviously he had been lying to me all along especially since many times he said that the commissions were done when they weren't even started on otherwise he would have sent a sketch. It is now way too late for a chargeback on my visa card. Originally I filed a paypal dispute claim and after he begged me to close the case I fell for his lies that I did what he said because he said that the commissions were almost done and he had health problems going on in his life. I had no idea that he was scamming me. He has a Patreon site where he has changed his name from TGBK to KawaiiGirlsCafe/KGC and currently to Project Hime. Now he is trying to pull the vanishing act and ignoring all emails and I only emailed him once a month to ask about commission status. Even when I very politely ask about my commission status or how he is doing (if he is still around) he deletes all the comments from his Patreon page and hides them from his DeviantArt profile. This is an obvious sign that he doesn't want other people to know what he is doing as he is continuing to trick more victims. I have provided screenshots of all the email messages that I've gotten from him. PROOF: These are screenshots of the emails: https://img00.deviantart.net/cde0/i/2017/325/0/6/tgbk1_by_shinigamisenshi-dbuea27.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/7e7d/i/2017/325/2/e/tgbk2_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueail.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/050a/i/2017/325/7/0/tgbk3_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueahh.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/ad0c/i/2017/325/3/9/tgbk4_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueadi.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/b501/i/2017/325/4/8/tgbk6_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueajs.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/67d5/i/2017/325/1/a/tgbk7_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueakx.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/0f71/i/2017/325/d/6/tgbk8_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueamb.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/cbe4/i/2017/325/7/7/tgbk10_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueant.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/c1c8/i/2017/325/9/8/tgbk12_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueatk.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/f440/i/2017/325/3/c/tgbk13_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueauo.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/e0e8/i/2017/325/7/1/tgbk14_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueavr.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/2543/i/2017/325/b/d/tgbk15_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueax6.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/b983/i/2017/325/b/a/tgbk16_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueaya.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/46d5/i/2017/325/9/5/tgbk17_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueaz6.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/f163/i/2017/325/d/b/tgbk18_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueb03.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/3556/i/2017/325/4/7/tgbk19_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueb1m.jpg https://img00.deviantart.net/63d3/i/2017/325/f/d/tgbk20_by_shinigamisenshi-dbueb2x.jpg
  22. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/978874.html Who: Coff Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/coff/ What: 2 sketch commissions, 8 USD each. When: 1 was commissioned 23rd November 2016, the 2nd one on the 7th of December, 2016 Explain: I saw the artist one day while browsing FA, I had never commissioned an artist before, so I wanted to give it a try. They were very polite and nice to chat with, so I didn't think there wold be any issues at all. Then the days went, the weeks went. I wondered why it took so long, as they opened up more complex commissions and YCH, which I thought was to bring in more money, as hey, 16 USD isn't that much really. They then posted journals about their current health and such, which, sure, it sucked, but wasn't really a reason for me to be angry. Now, about two months ago, they contact me and tells me that they can't do the commission as they constantly has to redraw the characters. At least they could've told me sooner ! I told them that I'd like a refund and that I'd return once I had gotten over the canceld commission. Haven't heard from them since then, my notes has been unread, comments ignored. They posted a journal about their current situation, but I've been patient with them and I've had enough! I've sent them a money request on Paypal, with a note telling who I am and why I'm sending it. which has also been ignored. I feel terrible about doing this, but I don't see any other option. Proof: the screenshots of our latest conversation about two months ago as well as the unanswered notes. I also link the paypal recipts as well as the money request to them. I've also linked the notes I've sent to them that has been ignored by them. The request for a refund is on its own image, at the lower end of it. Hope this is more ok ? Link: https://sta.sh/2reczwmgggj Edit 14th of December 2017 Received my refund near midnight on the 13th of December. Glad that the issue has been solved.
  23. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/979396.html WHO: SilverDeni WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/silverdeni/ WHAT: $60 Digital Flat Commission, don't care if completed at this point WHEN: Commissioned Feb 27th, 2013 EXPLAIN: Back in 2013, I replied to a journal post on SilverDeni's page for flat commissions, she mentioned college work but also laid out a plan to get the commissions done so I already had an expectation that it might take a bit to get the art and was perfectly fine with it. [Journal in question is here - http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/4385634/] [Journal with work plan — http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/4403494/] Time passes and she posts an update that things will be slow due to IRL things, and also that she'd be taking on some more commissions in another journal. I also sent a PM to her letting her know to delay mine a bit if she needed some breathing room, her response in is PM1 in the proof below. [Update http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/4445386/] [More commissions — http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/4473308/] I also sent her a couple PMs later that year to check in, PM2 below has those conversations. I did not receive a response from either, and the second one was because she wrote a journal complaining about impatient commissioners, this was recently after I asked for an update so I wanted to apologize. I unfortunately don't have a link to this journal as its been deleted. She then disappears from the web for about 2 years minus various journals about trouble in college and life. Eventually I decide to PM her again, she posted a sketch of my character that I commissioned in her scraps so I was inquiring about this, this conversation is in PM3 below. I didn't receive a response from the last message I sent, I tried contacting her again later on that year, This is in PM4. I also then tried to contact early this year through PM again, PM5 and 6 have these conversations. I realize I may have been a bit nice about it since it was frustrating to see her pumping out personal and friend art constantly with commissions few and far between, especially when at one point I was 'second to last' in her queue. It was a $60 dollar commission and unfortunately I've changed banks so I don't have proof anymore. At this point I really don't care about getting the art or a refund, i'm just really let down that an artist I was really excited to finally commission has so much trouble communicating with her clients, I shouldn't have to be the one to try and force updates on a commission. I can understand life happens, but almost 5 years of waiting for something that I'm led to believe is almost done is just a bit much. PROOF: Imgur album with all screenshots — https://imgur.com/a/4y4yi Tired of ads? Upgrade to account with Professional
  24. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/979026.html WHO: GreyScarborough, Grey-Scarborough, Grey_Scarborough WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/greyscarborough/ https://grey-scarborough.sofurry.com/ https://grey-scarborough.sofurry.com/ https://www.weasyl.com/~greyscarborough WHAT: NSFW Digital Flat Color Commission, for 25$ WHEN: Jul 19th: First contact Jul 20th: Commission details explained and paid Aug 18th: First time asking about the state of the commission (It was said to be completed within 2 weeks, instead 4 weeks have passed) (Artist responded). Sep 15th: Second time asking about the state of the commission (Artist did not respond). Sep 23rd: Asking for their response (Artist responded). Nov 3rd: Third time asking about the state of the commission (Artist did not respond). Nov 16th: Forth time asking about the state of the commission (Artist did respond, saying he "will dig it up today"). Nov 24th: Fifth time asking about the state of the commission and first time seeing a sketch. The sketch was not what I asked for, artist knew about it. Nov 25th: I complain about his inability to work with me properly and demand him to finally start working with me constuctively, or to refund me by the 10th of December. Nov 26th: His reponse: "Ok we'll eat shit and take a refund on the 10th you pompous fuck." He just kept insulting me, while I tried to work constructively with him. Nov 27th: He finally explains himself, yet keeps being insulting and blocks me. No further contact from then on. Dec 11th: Yesterday was the last day I demanded him to refund me. It didn't happen. Money is officially stolen by this date. EXPLAIN: On the 19th of July I decided to commission Grey_Scarborough for an adult piece of art. He was quick to respond, we exchanged details about the commission and I paid him the next day. He claimed it would take him 2 weeks to finish the piece. I am "free to request a WIP whenever" and contact him at any of his messengers. Sounds good to me. I didn't hear anything of him for 4 weeks, so I sent him a note on the 18th of August, asking if he forgot about me. Again, he was quick to respond, told me he was busy moving, admitted he was behind schedule. No problem to me. I responded with some kind of smalltalk, to which I didn't receive a response. Also, not a problem at all. September the 15th, another 4 weeks have passed. I'm asking for updates. Telling him I'm not intending to rush, telling him to take his time. Though I was giving an emphasis on the fact that 9 weeks have already passed. I asked about his queue, where I am placed at. I didn't receive a response. One week later I sent him another note, asking if he is going to answer me eventually. Slowly losing my patience. He responded the day after, saying he thought he responded to me already. He told me he "hit a pretty bad road bump, but we should be pretty square now." I should "keep an eye out", he'll "bump me an update soon". I responded ecstatically, telling him not to rush it. But I wished we would have a more active base of communication. Told him about a story of a previous bad experience with another artist (though resolved). He didn't respond to this. November the 3rd, another 6 weeks later, I ask him if he could start anytime soon. I didn't receive a response. I noticed he uploaded another artworks and YCHs especially. Apparently, he needed to make more money, while he couldn't finish anything else of his queue. November the 16th, another 2 weeks later, I told him he didn't respond to my note, and asked about the status of my commission. He responded the same day, saying he'll "dig it up today" and send me the "current version" of it. November the 24th, another week later, I asked about his progress. He responded the same day, saying he "found the work" (!?) and he "had done the dang pose wrong", telling me he was sorry about that. He included a link to a sketch, which didn't represent what I was asking for at all. I responded the next day, losing my patience, criticizing his work ethic, yet staying constructive and not being insulting (Even though I admitted, that "I am pissed right now"). I was in disbelief that it took him 4 months to work on my commission, while not even doing what I paid for. I told him about the times he didn't care to respond to me, how I expected him to come forward to me, instead of me having to poke and ask every few weeks, how I paid for this commission alredy, how he makes me belief he might have stolen my money. I questioned him about the other artworks and YCHs he kept posting, while he apparently could not bother to work on my commission. I told him his work ethic was insulting to me. I also told him that I'm sad it went this way. I had hoped it would've been better for us. "I sincerly hope you do understand." I made some demands to have him work with me more proactively and constructively. I gave him my contact data for Discord and Steam. I promised him to work professionally as possible with him. I would focus on the progress of the commission and I wouldn't complain to him about his work ethic any further, if he agreed. I told him the picture has to be finished within the next 2 weeks, as he originally promised, or I'll demand a refund. Which was due yesterday, which I didn't receive. His response was, I quote: "Ok we'll eat shit and take a refund on the 10th you pompous fuck." I was shocked at his response, to say the least. Yet I didn't respond back in any insulting manner. Again, I showed him how the situation was and how he tore my patience apart with that last piece. I criticized his work ethic again and told him I was appalled in which insulting manner he responed to me, a customer. His response: "No. Fuck you. I really don't care about you, or your views, or suffering to be polite to you. You do t deserve it. Fuck you." This only became more childish the more we went on. I told him he was taking my critique way too personal. Yet again, I criticized him. Especially pointing out, how he claims to be "overly social" with his customers and how he is "always seeking to improve", as it's stated on his profile page. I reinforced my previous statement, saying I never attacked him in person. I asked him to keep his dignity. I told him he can refund me at anytime, 10th of December being the deadline. He, again, responded with a lot of vulgarity. Later notes went a bit back and forth, so I won't explain the exact details of them here, yet I will post it in the screenshots below. It's interesting nontheless. - I warned him about carrying this issue towards artist beware, to which he said he didn't give a fuck, he would refund me eventually. He was still very abusive in his choice of words. - He claimed what he did could be done in a "quick edit", yet comparing the sketch to my instructions, it's obvious that it needs a complete redo. I wouldn't have complained if it was just a small error. - Admittedly, I lost a bit of my temper in between, though I didn't attack him personally. - He called me a liar and claimed he did respond to every single one of my notes. He prompted me to read his TOS (explained in the paragraph below). - I proofed him wrong and criticized his TOS. To which he "dares" me to make the Artist Beware post. - I asked him what his deal is. - He told me his personal opinion of me. - I responded and criticized him again. I told him that IF I personally insulted him in any way, I am sorry. - He told me I am delusional. Something about "stead pay"!? - After the last note he send me, to which I tried to respond, he blocked me. I wasn't able to contact him any further. It came to my attention that he claims in his TOS that he "will cancel the commission with no refund if you're abusive." And I believe he makes use of his own rule here, despite me not attacking him in person once. Besides, TOS rule or not, stealing money is stealing money. You can't make it legal by writing up a rule of your own, saying it is legal. Well then, the next 2 weeks until yesterday, I waited for my refund. He didn't do it, so now we're here. PROOF: Proof of Payment: https://i.imgur.com/D1oukQ9.png (as much as this proof goes, anyway...) Full conversation from start to finish and pictures (NSFW): https://imgur.com/a/xfXpl
  25. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/978069.html WHO: FruitSuit Creations / ClemFox WHERE: https://twitter.com/FruitSuits (Business account) https://twitter.com/ClemFox_ (Creator account) WHAT: Fullsuit Fursuit commission ($3,605.00) WHEN: March 2017 - Initial communication April 2017 - Contract signed, project paid in full June 2017 - First notice project was running behind June 2017 - Notice commission would not be completed on time July - November 2017 - Further notice of commission delay EXPLAIN: In early 2017, I saw the first piece of this artist's work and was very impressed. After a few short conversations, we agreed on an expedited commission at a greatly increased price. Several close friends had vouched for her work by this point and many conversations and assurances were given that the expected completion time of Anthrocon 2017 would be totally doable. [Contract w/ completion date: https://i.imgur.com/ViRLy6Q.png https://i.imgur.com/jGIIjQW.png For some context, a previous Beware I had written led to the rushed circumstance. This is a suit I've been trying to have made since 2014. The original artist has since completely given up responsibility for the project. Explaining this situation, plus the premium price, is part of why the deal was agreed upon with such a deadline. My first concern came by way of being told she incurs a 5% convenience fee for using PayPal, something I had believed was against ToS. Given the sum of money already being spent here (again, 3600 dollars) I thought charging anything else was a little excessive. Needless to say, I went along with it and completely paid off that balance. After that time, I actually received regular updates, she streamed and showcased the work to me frequently, I actually believed I might really be getting this done! [Convenience fee: https://i.imgur.com/QPyzgyK.png [WIP: https://i.imgur.com/XxVDjoM.jpg [WIP: https://i.imgur.com/KfAhsyZ.jpg In early June I received the first communication that things would be suffering a delay. She complained of issues with drug interactions, stating her mood was too poor to be able to work. From this point onward, I only got one more follow up progress report on the suit. She continued to tell me about her diminished mental state and how she was unable to perform even basic, everyday functions. Come Anthrocon, I'm informed the suit would not be completed on time, but she would work tirelessly to get it done as quickly as can be. After July, she runs into a family health issue that takes several more months away from her projects, leading to the most recent updates in November where she has informed me she's suffered a shoulder injury and is, again, unable to perform even simple, daily tasks. [First issues: https://i.imgur.com/pLMAq9P.jpg [Second issues: https://i.imgur.com/BUgF7I8.jpg [Third issues: https://i.imgur.com/foAO9pU.jpg [Forth issues: https://i.imgur.com/8x7IlQb.jpg PROOF: Payment in full: https://i.imgur.com/rfZG0a1.jpg Contract Agreement: https://i.imgur.com/ViRLy6Q.png This has been a difficult thing to do. Given the issues with health and family she has communicated to me, I gave every bit of leniency I could before writing this and even still feed bad doing so--I even offered to waive the money I was to be refunded for not completing it in a timely manner. But excuse after excuse, something this artist seems to have a history with, has once more led me to believe this is another project I should not expect to see completed and certainly not for the added expense. EDIT: Original post updated to include a screen of the second page of the contract ( https://i.imgur.com/jGIIjQW.png ). The refund outlined here was indirectly referenced in the "First issue" link under explain, leading to its accidental omission.
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